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Try Me Too Pt. 02


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"Mmmmmm, yes I do. I worked hard to get this load all over my tits, you can believe that."

He blushed as she got up from her knees, still holding her tits. They wobbled in her grasp as Kate stomped her way out of the living room and went to retrieve her phone. All Anthony could do was sit there, fatigued after that intense session of titty-fucking. Taking deep breaths, he stretched his legs out and then he heard Kate's voice in the distance.

"Hey Steve, sorry about that. I was just in the shower... Yeah, I'm ready for today's shoot. Are you sending a cab to come pick me up?"

Hearing her voice, Anthony got up from the couch, wandering in the kitchen to see Kate standing there. The cum was still streaming down her boobs as she held the phone up to her right ear. She caught sight of him and grinned while nodding.

"Oh yeah, that sounds good. So I should be on the look out for a black car huh? Alright... The driver has me reserved for a nice spot in the back seat, I do like that."

She giggled, pushing her left hand index finger to her lips to tease Anthony. Kate glanced down at his cock then back at him.

"Alright, give me a few minutes to get dressed and I'll be outside waiting in ten minutes."

Pulling the phone from her ear, Kate swiped her finger across the screen to hang up. Anthony crossed his arms, grinning back at her.

"You forgot to tell him about the mess you need to clean up off your tits."

Kate laughed, swiping her left hand down to scoop some of the cum from her left breast.

"Yeah I did."

Pushing her fingers to her lips, she licked them clean one after the other, but saved her middle finger for last. Eyes glaring back at him, she shoved that specific finger between her lips, sucking his cum right off. Anthony smirked back at her.

"Want me to help you get cleaned up, baby?"

She shook her head.

"No, that will just distract me and next thing you know, we'll be fucking again and I'll end up late."

Turning her back to him, she walked out of the kitchen, heading to the bedroom. For a moment, Anthony got to see her booty cheeks shoving together with each step Kate made. She wandered to the bathroom and grabbed a towel to wipe the cum from her breasts, neck and what bit streamed down her stomach. Anthony followed her to the bathroom, watching her until Kate noticed his presence.

"Don't you have somewhere to be right now? I haven't forgotten that you work here."

"Yeah I do, but I'm skipping work."

She gazed up at him and shook her head.

"That's not smart. You'll be losing a pay check or something from what I guess."

"Yeah, but what can I say? The trouble is worth it to spend my time with Kate Upton of all women in the world."

"Oh come on."

"That's just the way I see it, babe."

After wiping her tits, Kate stepped closer to Anthony as he began to speak once more.

"I was gonna make up some bullshit story. Tell them I got sick or something like that."

Kate laughed as she stepped past him and moved to the bed. She had already taken clothes out before he arrived. A bra, panties and a simple black shirt and matching pants were spread across the bed. She grabbed the black pair of panties first, beginning to slip them on as she replied.

"Why don't you tell them the truth? It's not like they would believe you anyway."

"Tell them what? That I left my post yesterday to fuck Kate Upton and have been doing it with you all morning?"

With a wide grin across her lips, she slowly nodded.

"Why not? It's not like they'd believe you anyway."

Anthony sighed and shook his head.

"That would just get me in more trouble."

After putting her panties on, Kate grabbed the bra and began to adjust it over her breasts.

"Where's your phone? I'll give you my number and I can text you when I get back to the hotel."

"I left it back in my room."

She gave him a puzzled expression after that response, not bothering to respond at first after grabbing her pants and putting them on. Anthony stood there and watched Kate get dressed up, right to the part where she slipped that black shirt over her head. Once she was done, she looked back at him and pointed to a box down on the floor that her high heels in it. He grabbed it for her, bringing the shoes over. Kate took the shoes and began to put them on as she spoke again.

"Go get me a napkin from the kitchen and a spare pen. I'll write my number down."

Anthony did as she said, rushing out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. He grabbed a napkin but couldn't find a spare pen sitting around. As he looked in the living room, the sound of Kate's high heels clicking and clacking could be heard. She left the bedroom with her purse and then stopped to have a giggle at watching him running around naked searching for a pen. Anthony didn't catch sight of her anywhere, so Kate cleared her throat to get his attention. When Anthony turned around, Kate presented to him a black ball point pen from her purse. She flashed her teeth in a grin as he stepped up to her with the napkin. She grabbed it and leaned down to hold it against the coffee table and then jotted down her cellphone number. Leaning back up, she handed the napkin to Anthony.

"Go get your phone and send me a text. When I'm done with my work of the day, I'll text you back."

"Alright Kate, that sounds good."

"One more thing, be ready later... cause we're going to have some hard fucking this evening."

Winking at him, she grinned and then turned her back to walk towards the front door. Her high heels stomped loudly into the floor. Kate didn't turn around a final time to wave goodbye or anything. She simply shut the door, leaving Anthony there naked to collect his clothes and get out. He folded the napkin with her phone number and then exhaled a deep breath. Once he got dressed, Anthony knew he had to leave and face the music with his supervisor. There was little doubt in his mind that they had blew up his phone with texts and missed phone calls. Kate had teased him about telling the truth, but he knew better than to mess with a supervisor like that. Reaching down and grabbed his tight white pair of underwear, he began to think of how he could make up an excuse for missing work.



Lunch hours had come and past, but it was never too late for Anthony to grab a real meal. That was only after he had went back to his room, retrieved his cellphone and changed clothes to go meet with his supervisors. Coming up with an excuse for walking off the job yesterday was no easy task, but he went with an old cliché claiming he got sick. On the way down to the lobby to enter offices, he changed his mind at the last minute on what that sickness could be. At first, he was going to claim to have stomach sickness, but he got a better idea in mind. It was more believable to make a false claim that he had an allergic reaction to perfume and hair spray from a guest checking in. Anthony went on to spin his tale how his throat had swollen up and he needed to take off and get a nap.

His supervisor fell for the tale, but wanted to know why he didn't report it or show up for work today. Anthony took the pain of sitting down and filing the proper paperwork for his incident, granted today off but was informed he would have to check in tomorrow. This threw a roadblock in his path for the week long plan with Kate. At least for her sake, he believed that she would be understanding. After all, she would probably want a break for herself to go explore the island, if she had not done so in a past trip to the Bahamas. It took Anthony an hour to file his reports and write down a new shift schedule. He was already thinking about how he could skip hours Thursday and Friday to spend time with Kate. Oh how funny it was that she told him to tell the truth about why he was missing work.

There was one person Anthony did consider giving the truth to. He thought about his friend Scott after seeing him in the lobby behind the check in desk. Scott noticed Anthony in the distance, offer a smile and waving. That man was the only coworker he had whom Anthony had a bond of friendship with. There was no reason for him to doubt Scott, who shared the secret of Kelly Brook with him. The only problem Anthony considered was having to share Kate with Scott. Right now, he wasn't in the mood to ask a married woman about a threesome. Perhaps Kate had indulged herself in a fantasy with multiple men in the past. Not today, Anthony thought to himself. He was going to continue avoiding Scott for now. Wandering around the hotel in his flip flops, white shorts and a pink T-shirt, Anthony didn't have a care in the world until he felt his phone vibrating in his phone. He quickly pulled it out to see Kate's text message reply on the front screen.

"Cum now. I'm waiting for you."

Reading that text had made his heart beat elevate and stunned Anthony to the core. Losing track of time, he didn't know that the afternoon hours were gone and the evening would be pushing on soon. Walking down a hallway and spotting an elevator close by, Anthony just couldn't fight off the urge he had to call Kate and hear her voice through his smartphone. He pushed the dial button, walking as he raised the phone up to his right ear. Anthony spoke once she answered.

"You waiting on me, baby?"

"Mmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmmm. I've been back at the hotel for an hour now getting myself all warmed up and ready."

"You got back without telling me?"

Anthony continued to walk as he spoke into the phone. He could hear Kate's laughter before she replied back.

"Yeah, I figured you would be a little busy."

"I was earlier, but not now. So how did the photoshoot go?"

"It went great, except for one thing."

"What's that?"

Kate giggled again into the phone as Anthony stepped into the elevator with an old man across his left side. It took her a moment to reply back.

"I could still smell your cum on my tits from earlier. I smelled it all... day... long."

Her voice was low and seductive, right down to finishing her words slowly. Anthony couldn't resist the feeling of a bulge stiffening up in the front of his shorts. The old man next to him in the elevator was wearing a brown tweed style suit and pants with a blue tie over his white collared shirt. The appearance gave Anthony the impression that he was sharing this ride with a business man of sorts. He quickly pushed the button for the seventh floor and replied to Kate.

"Oh yeah? I take it that's a good thing, right?"

"Yeah. You came so hard all over my tits, I was thinking about your cock being between them the whole time I was getting all fixed up in the makeup room."

She giggled again, causing him to blush as the erection continued to grow in his pants.

"Been thinking about you all day. How bad I want your cock in my holes. You've had your fun with my tits but I'm thinking of something else right now."

Anthony had not expected Kate to talk so dirty to him over the phone like this, let alone with a stranger now looking at him from the elevator. He blushed, slightly embarrassed to see the man's eyes wandering his way.

"What you thinking about right now, babe?"

"Oh, you know..."

From dirty words to now a soft spoken reply. Anthony couldn't deny how well of a tease Kate played. The elevator came to a halt. Ding! As the doors slid open, Anthony had to painfully walk with a bulging erection poking directly up in the front of his shorts. The old man stood in the back corner of the elevator, so Anthony didn't have to worry about what his wandering eyes may have witnessed. Unfortunately, the hallway had a man and woman walking forward. They looked to be around the same age as Anthony, holding hands and dressed in swimwear. A blue pair of trunks for the guy and a red two piece bikini for the girl. Her eyes noticed the bulge in Anthony's pants. She pointed at it to get the attention of her man and they both laughed as Anthony walked past, still holding the phone up to his ear as Kate spoke again.

"So wet, so horny. Mmmmmmmm, I know what you want Anthony."

"I'm almost to your room, Kate."

"Come and get it then."

The phone clicked, hanging up. Anthony leaned over, trying his hardest to hide the bulge in his shorts from anymore unexpecting strangers passing by. Shoving the phone into his pocket, he stomped his way towards the doors, looking for the right room number to where Kate was. Once he got to that door, he raised his right hand and began to beat on it hard. Three knocks and then Kate yelled out.

"Come on in, lover man!"

Hearing her voice yell for him, Anthony could've kicked that door in. The excitement was overwhelming that he had for Kate after hearing her dirty talk through the phone. Clutching the knob, he opened the door, pulling it behind him to slam shut as he came rushing through the door. The living room was empty without a soul in place. He kicked off his flip flops and then stepped around the corner of the kitchen and caught sight of her face poking from the bedroom doorway. She flashed her teeth in a playful smile, reaching out with her right hand to twist her index finger, calling him closer. Anthony came running to her as Kate stepped back, revealing her body in a white robe, unbuttoned to give him full view of her wet pussy down below and those famous breasts. He took a moment to stand there and admire her beauty as Kate shoved the robe off and stood naked.

That one sudden halt gave an opening for Kate to throw her arms around his neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss. Anthony moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing them hard and causing Kate to moan into his mouth. Their tongues danced together, followed by several back and forth kisses as he felt her erect nipples poking into his palms. When they finally stopped kissing, Anthony shoved his face between those breasts. Kate moaned again and then moved her hands to her tits, pulling them apart to smother his face with them. He began to suck and shaking his head to start motorboating her epic boobs. She moaned for him, rubbing her breasts up and down his face. Anthony's hands trailed down her hips and then moved to her thighs, feeling the wetness of her pussy. He shoved two fingers into her cunt and wiggled them.

"Ohhhhhh my god, Anthony!"

Kate gasped after uttering those words. Still smothering his face with her tits, she then gasped again when Anthony wiggled his fingers deeper. He began to pull them back and forth, properly fingering her cunt with his left hand. He brought his hand behind, roaming it across the skin of her buttocks and giving her a playful slap. Kate cried out, as he caught her completely by surprise with that spank. She pulled her tits apart and Anthony then stood up straight so he could kiss her again. As they traded short and tender kisses, his hands found their way back on her tits. Kate grabbed the ends of his shirt and began to pull it upward. Anthony stopped kissing her and helped pull his shirt over his head. When he glanced back, Kate had fell down to her knees and grabbed the front of his shorts.

Taking a deep breath, Anthony couldn't think of any words to say as he heard the button pop to his shorts and then the zipper sliding down. Kate's big blue eyes glared up at him as she softly smiled, flashing the front row of her pearly white teeth. Her hands moved to his sides, slowly tugging his underwear down to reveal the stiff bulge poking forward in his white underwear. This wasn't the first time Kate had seen that pair of underwear, let alone the prize that awaited her inside. She licked her lips, grabbing at the elastic band to his underwear and tugging at it. Not hard enough for his cock to flop freely, but with a second tug, she reached in and grabbed it with her right hand. Anthony took a deep breath at the warm feeling of her fingers wrapping around his cock. The underwear fell to his ankles along with his shorts. He carefully stepped his feet out of them as Kate began to slowly stroke his cock.

"Mmmmmmm, ready for round two?"

She grinned while speaking in that seductive tone of voice. Kate began by rubbing the head of his cock across her lips, back and forth as if it were a tube of lipstick. Taking in another deep breath, Anthony exhaled when Kate parted her lips and breathed across his shaft. Her right hand slid down to the base and then she enveloped her lips around the head. Her eyes remained locked on him as she began to slowly bob her head up and down, sucking his cock sensually.

"You wanted it Kate, now you got it."

A muffled moan was audible from her mouth but Kate ignored his words. She broke eye contact, bobbing her head up and down as she sucked him by the inch. Anthony moaned, feeling her left hand squeeze his hanging nut sack. Kate's mouth began to make slobbering and sucking noises as she worked her lips up and down. Pulling back to the head, she released it with a popping noise and then began to stroke him as she spoke.

"Mmmmm, you like that?"

Opening her mouth again, Kate slid her tongue out and teased Anthony by smacking his cock against it. Smack. Smack. Smack. All he could do was moan, ignoring her question. Squeezing her lips back around his cock, her big blue eyes gazed up at him and then Kate moved both hands to push over his legs. She broke eye contact as she began to push his cock deeper down her throat. Anthony clenched his teeth together, grunting at the feeling of Kate deep-throating his shaft. Her lips met at the base, forcing the head to the back of her throat. Her gag reflexes showed amazing experience. From there, she began to bob her head up and down once again at a slow pace.


The slobbering and gagging noises were incoherent but sounded so sexy to Anthony's ears. Drool began to leak from the corners of her mouth. Kate moved her hands off his legs and instead, moved them down to her tits below. Anthony could see her pinching her own nipple with her left hand. As she sucked his dick, Kate played with her breasts, eventually shoving them up as a subtle hint for what was about to come. Pulling her lips back to the head of his shaft, Anthony could see the bubbles of saliva sliding down both sides of his thick rod. Kate kept her position, gazing up into his eyes but the man had become impatient. Lowering his right hand down behind her head, Anthony gently pulled her hair. His cock came out of her mouth with a pop noise and three strings of saliva dangling back to her open lips.

"I think I'm ready to have it between your tits again, Kate."

She smirked up at him, breaking the saliva strings. Kate pulled her breasts apart and watched as he gripped his shaft and guided it between them.

"You don't have much patience."

As she squeezed her breasts around his shaft, Kate spoke again.

"I would think after how well you fucked my tits this morning, you would want something else by now."

"Are you complaining?"

Kate laughed and gave him a dirty look.

"Hell no! I love getting my tits fucked! But I'm not gonna be the one doing all the work this time. You want these titties, Anthony? Then you better fuck 'em! Let me feel that cock between 'em! Come on and fuck my titties!!"

Moving his right hand to her back, Anthony gazed down to see the head of his cock poking up between her wonderful breasts. He only witnessed it for a moment, as the entire length of his shaft disappeared between her tits when he began to thrust. Kate moaned, glancing to spit on the head as it poked up. She exhaled deeply, embracing this feeling of his shaft pumping back and forth between her tits.

"Ohhhhh yeah, that's it, that's it! Mmmmmmmm, fuck these tits!"

Those big blue eyes gazed back up at him but Anthony wasn't glancing back at her face. He watched as the head of his dick poked up and back between her tits. Over and over, he continued to thrust as Kate screamed to him. couplinga/ i moan oh yes your cock is so hard ummm fuck me oh yes"literotica mother"a mother's dilemma taboo sexstories/s/helping-out-a-sweet-boymy son quenched my hunger and thirst. indian Literoticamy mother Bangles and anklets sound . LiteroticaThe beach house (erotic coupling)literotica "over a beam" lesbian"audio sex stories"Daddy And Uncle Gay Dirtytalk Literotica"Liteerotica" red_gonzo/s/just-once-if-you-dont-mind-pt-02/comment/10904732literotoca endlessroads" i knew what she " taboo "i.literotica"prostate milking electro shave literotica"mature sex stories""free adult stories"sekreto ng mag ina incest/s/the-photo-shoot-ch-02-3literotica "lila" sci-fiimpregnating the galaxy aya"incest sex stories"Mother&son's long bbc sex storiesfuta lady sif fucks black widow sex storiesliterotica newlywed daughter made to drop her panties by dirty father in lawgiantess college dorm storyliterotica stories trapped"literotica audio""xxx adult stories""literotica cuckold"Son body modification mother bondage litertica/s/every-mans-fantasy-ch-27?page=2cocksucker no reciprication site;"creampie eating"Story: we lay naked, his lovely homosexual cock up my arse hole penetron sex storiesroommate feels his balls as he fucks meliterotica audioIncest story. My sexy llttle sister. Ch 02sex story tight Virgin "slowly working" stretchedcatwoman gangbang storyliteorica new wardenxnxxlitterotica nudist nipplesTight laced and pierced literoticaLierotica silver tree cronical bk 8bend over slut spread your legs yes harderReinventing emma,a short lesbian sex story,stories wife nude on husband bussines tripkristen incest sex stories by fleurliterpticanon consent/ reluctance truth or dare sex storyservicing my mom taboo sexstoriesneighbour affair literticapleasuring my son taboo sexstories"literotica dog""she loves him now" cuckold literoticascarred by my mother taboo sexstories/s/fays-bus-rideFucked mom after a party storyHalbblutGR"aunt literotica"Dad massage duaghter and fuck duaghter literoticak"lesbian milf"literotica veil niqap woman"mom son literotica"damsel in distress pounding her faster literotica"nude sister"X-rated romp through life"huge cocks"home for horn* monsters literot*dass4450my wife's slave lost bet story femdomxleglover"mom and son incest stories""taboo incest stories""a messy girl" literotica mommy/s/the-plane-crash/feedback"nude beach sex"light cmnf storyDruid oviposition stories/s/musical-chairs/s/barefoot-girls-love-playing-games-ch-03/comment/4643899literotica she teases his nippleseverybody loves raymond - robert the hero debra barone sex erotic storyinterracialliterocticafirst date literoticlyricsmaster sister mom rapesofis vergara getting fucked liroticaDaughter in hot pants incest storiesasian innocence manipulated SEX mother son "my concubine"litterotica little hunglitrotica hidden camera mother favorites