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Turning Miss Lin

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A black student turns his Chinese teacher into a slut.
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Marcus didn't care much for college, and certainly not for learning Chinese, but he showed up at Miss Lin's Chinese for Beginners' class every Wednesday afternoon at his community college anyway.

Why? Cause he could just smell - and the four other brothers in the class could too - that she was horny as fuck and was just on the edge of turning - turning into a gangbang-loving black cock whore, that is.

She was a guidance counselor at the community college and taught a couple of Chinese classes as well. Middle aged, probably 40s, he guessed, married, slim and pretty, she had a mane of long black hair, a saucy smile, and legs to die for.

And the way she dressed! Coming to class wearing shorts and tank tops and platform sandals, her legs, her unbelievable pale smooth curvy legs, on full display. She was small and Marcus guessed her breasts were mostly stuffed bra the way those Chinese girls did. He fantasized about her coming to class wearing only a tank top and no bra, her nipples showing through hard and aroused as she stood in front of a class of young black thugs, mouthing strange and sexy Chinese sounds through her sensuous lips, her eyes bright and open and naughty.

Besides, rumors swirled that maybe she had already turned, and her counseling room in the basement, at the far end of the hallway, near the fire stairs, was the perfect little fuck nest where naughty Miss Lin entertained her young lovers.

That day he came into class a few minutes late, straight from the gym, the muscles on his strapping 6'1" frame pumped, sweat trickling down his pecs. He opened the door at the back of the classroom and strolled to his seat in the last row. She stood at the front of the room looking happy and excited, nervous, and tired. As he sat down, she looked at him, like, really looked at him, her eyes lingering over his muscular body, gazing down at his crotch, and for just an instant, he saw the hunger in her, and his nine-inch cock started swelling in his jeans. She looked at it and her eyes widened, and she blushed as she turned back to her lesson book.

Marcus could see her nervous swallow, and he thought of what his Uncle Mike had always told him, about Asian chicks. Uncle Mike was in the army and had been stationed in Korea for years, where he said he got more Asian pussy than even he could deal with. "They always want cock, even when they're shy and all. But they always want it; you just got to help them figure it out."

As Marcus sank into his seat, he considered those wise words, "Just got to help them figure it out..."

At the white board, Miss Lin started her lesson. "Class, today we're going to start using verbs. Ok, can anybody give me a verb? In English, I mean, and I'll give you the Chinese. OK?"

The five young men lounged disinterestedly in their seats, and nobody raised a hand.

"Anybody? Well, ok, maybe not a verb. How about any word?"

Marcus looked around and saw nobody help, so he raised his hand.

"Marcus?" She asked, her voice tremulous.

"How about black?"

"Well, that's not a verb of course."

"I know, I just want to know how I say, "I am black," in Chinese. Know what I mean?"

"Oh, ok. Sure. Well..."

And she gave them a sentence. And they discussed the various ways you can use the word black. After some discussion, she asked them to practice writing sentences in the Chinese language but using English letters - pinyin - that included the word black.

Reluctantly, but then with more animation, one by one the young men opened their notebooks and took pens out and began writing. Marcus watched as she meandered through the room, checking their writing but getting in close, too close, leaning over the young men as she corrected their work, curvy hips near muscular shoulders, bare knees lightly grazing denim thighs.

She came to Marcus and leaned in close, and he drank in her smell.

"Hi Miss Lin, want to see my work?"

She smiled demurely and whispered, "Yes, show me."

He leaned back to reveal the bulge in his pants. She swallowed nervously, bit her lower lip and flashed her lashes at him. As she leaned over him, quietly staring at the nonsense written in his book, Marcus reached out to caress the back of her leg. Her breathing quickened and he thought she might even moan, but she broke it off and walked briskly towards her desk.

Face flushed, she stood at the front of the room and smoothed out her tiny black denim miniskirt. "Ok please hand up your writing and let me read some of them."

The young men passed their notebooks up to the front, each affecting a deliberate lethargy to demonstrate their manly disinterest. She collected the notebooks and piled them on her desk. She picked one at random. "OK, how about this one? It says, "Lǎoshī lín ài hēi yīn.""

She turned bright red. "Who wrote this?" Nobody volunteered. "This isn't very nice you know. It's racist too."

Marcus chuckled and smiled. "What's racist?"

"What it says. Its racist."

"What does it say? I don't understand. Can you translate it for us?"

Clearly uncomfortable, she turned back to the white board, took a deep breath and faced them. "It says that Teacher Lin loves..."

"Loves what, Miss Lin?"

Eyes downcast. "Never mind. It's disgusting, and it implies that the only reason why I would love black men is for, you know."

Terry, Marcus's buddy sitting in the front of the room by Miss Lin's desk, laughed. "Why wouldn't you like black guys? We're nice!"

"Well, right, of course, that's what I mean. And when you write that I love black cock—" she stopped, eyes wide, mortified, her hand covering her mouth.

Another guy, Eric, called out, "What did you say, Miss Lin?"

She swallowed nervously and her hands went to her skirt to try and pull it lower... [Too late for modesty, slut, Marcus chuckled to himself.]

"It's just, it's rude to say something that is so stereotypical. You know?"

Marcus sat up, grinning. "We don't know, Miss Lin, could you tell us?"

She wrung her hands, flummoxed. "Yes, you do. The rumors that black men have, well, unusually large penises, that's all. It's an ugly stereotype, and not worth discussing."

All of the men were sitting up in their seats now. "Have you ever been with a black man, Miss Lin?" called out Marcus.

"Well, that's not really any of your business." She folded her arms defiantly. "As a matter of fact, I have."

"And, was it big?"

She licked her lips and swallowed. "Yes," she whispered. She leaned against her desk for support and looked helplessly at the young men sitting before her.

"How did it make you feel?" asked Marcus.

She looked shamefully on the floor and whispered something.

"We can't hear you."

"It felt good."

"You like it?"


"Say it."

Her eyes pleading, she whispered, "This isn't appropriate!"

"Say it!"

She licked her lips. "Yes, I like it."

"Do you love black cock?"

She nodded, her eyes tragic, tears forming.

"Say it."

"No... please, stop. I'm your teacher!"

Power filled Marcus as he rose from his seat and sauntered up the row of desks towards her, relishing the look of terror in her eyes, and the leers of his classmates. "Say it, you slut."

She backed against the desk, her eyes wide with fear, and whispered, "I love black cock."

"Do you want more?" He stood before her, hands on the bulge in his crotch.

She stared. "We can't!" her voice was strained with tension.

Marcus slowly unzipped his fly. "Yo, Eric, watch the door."

"Man, fuck that! I want some of this slut too!"

"Watch the fucking door or nobody's gonna get shit!" he barked, then focused again on Miss Lin, staring into her terrified eyes. "You want to see this cock?"

Her mouth opened but no sounds emerged, and she nodded, just a little.

Marcus grinned. "That's a good little slut..." as he unzipped his jeans and unbuckled his belt. She stared, transfixed, licking her lips. He pulled his shorts open, and pulled out his massive cock, already thick and turgid. Behind him, the other boys grinned and cackled as Miss Lin gasped.

"Settle down!" Marcus grunted. The boys quieted behind him. Miss Lin stood before him, quivering in anticipation. "Pull up your skirt and show me your pussy."

Her hands went to the hem of her skirt as her eyes pleaded with helpless desperation and she obediently pulled the denim upwards. The room went silent as she slowly raised her skirt higher and higher and there it was, her shaven pussy, the skin smooth and clean, naked flesh, her pussy lips swollen and glistening.

"Man, she aint got no panties on!" someone yelled.

Marcus grinned. Just like old Uncle Mike had told him! "Now, little slut, how about you get on that desk and show us that beautiful wet slit of yours?"

As if in a trance, she pulled the skirt all the way over her hips and eased her bare ass onto the desk, and with a deep breath, opened her legs to them. Her thighs were creamy white, smooth, firm and well-rounded, her pussy lips swollen purple, her rectum wet and glistening. The boys were beyond excited.

"Good girl, now get on your knees and suck my cock."

"Ok," she breathed and eagerly slid off the desk and onto the floor as if praying before his impossibly long, thick, black shaft bobbing outside of his jeans. "Oh my god it's so big! So... so beautiful..."

"That's right, slut," Marcus said, grabbing her long thick black hair in his hands and forcing his cock into her mouth. "Now shut up and suck it!"

She gasped as he forced his cock into her mouth and gagged, pushing him off her. "It's too big!"

From behind him Marcus heard someone say, "I got one bigger than that!" And then the clatter of chairs falling over as the boys rushed to surround him and their middle aged Asian black whore of a teacher, the sound of zippers unzipping and belt buckles unbuckling.

But Marcus didn't look around but stared intently at her eyes as she looked up submissively at him, obediently taking his cock once more into her mouth, this time sucking it deeper and deeper, slowly swallowing it down.

"Come on, you can do better than that."

She nodded and took him deeper still. His cock slid slowly and inexorably into her mouth and down her throat. She struggled as he slid deeper and deeper until she finally withdrew panting and gagging.

"Yo, Marcus, what the hell? We all want a turn with this chick!"

"Fuck you!" But Marcus let go of her hair anyway and soon she had another cock in her mouth, and then another as she was surrounded by long thick black cocks.

"You love it, don't you, you freak?" he demanded.

"I do," she gasped. "I love it so much!"

They pulled off her blouse and yanked off her bra. Indeed, her tits were as Marcus suspected tiny little things but with large nipples that were hard with arousal, glistening with sweat. Marcus got behind her and grabbed her ass, larger than the usual Asian ass, and spread her cheeks, gazing on her wet pussy and swollen wet asshole and knew right away that she had already been fucked at least once today right up that poo hole, god what a slut this woman was! He spat on his hands and lubed his massive cock up and then with a powerful thrust plunged inside of her, her pussy tighter than expected, so wet and so wonderful and if she hadn't had ten inches of black cock in her mouth she would have screamed. He pounded her until yet another guy wanted a go, and then another. By the fourth guy inside her pussy, she looked up at them and begged, "my ass... please fuck my ass..."

Marcus shoved Terry off of her and scooped her off the floor, laying her down on her side on the desk.

Please? She whispered, looking at him with desperate, yearning eyes. "Please, Marcus, fuck my ass..."

He stood beside her and lined his wet cock up to her asshole and pressed until her hole suddenly dilated and he penetrated that wet tight hole. She screamed as he steadily pushed himself deeper and deeper until, penetrating all the way up that smooth sticky anus, pounding her again and again... "dirty slut... dirty slut!" His whole body quivered as he cummed inside, pumping cum deep into her asshole. He grinned at her as she trembled and quaked beneath him and a gush of girl cum squirted from her pussy as wave after orgasmic wave surged through her.

He leaned over to kiss her when a clanging filled the room.

The bell!

"Oh shit!"

Cum still pumping, Marcus withdrew his long cock from her asshole with an audible pop. Wet and sticky, he pushed his cock back into his jeans as she staggered to her feet and grabbed her top and slid into it, first backwards, then correctly, then stuffed her bra into her bag and gathered herself.

The guys hustled out of the classroom, ramming their boners back into their jeans, laughing and cursing as they gathered books and ran out of the door.

Marcus followed the laughing pack out the door but paused to watch Miss Lin, her hair in crazy disarray, her clothes rumpled, as she gathered her books and papers and stuffed them haphazardly into her bag.

"Miss Lin!" he called out.

She looked at him, shock and despair in her eyes. "What?"

He grinned. "You did good."

Her shoulders slumped, her eyes downcast, and he wondered if she might cry. "I guess you'll tell everyone?"

"Ahh..." he shrugged. "I won't, but somebody will."

She nodded as several students burst through the door and streamed past Marcus, looking warily on this scene, their eyes going from Marcus to Miss Lin and back again, clearly confused.

Miss Lin took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "Oh, sorry, guys, I'll get out of here - just finishing some last minute work here. I'll be out of your way shortly."

The young white students, skinny and preppy, glanced at Marcus as they made their way to their seats.

Marcus watched her some more. "You alright, Miss Lin?"

Her face hardened. "I'm fine, Marcus, thank you for your concern. I'll see you next week."

He grinned again. "Yes, you will," enjoying the little flush that spread across her neck.

He walked out the door, his grin plastered to his face. He loved college!

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BrestainBrestainover 3 years ago
Right from a porn video

As a female, I prefer stories to be somewhat realistic in basis. This had no reality and no imagination. It was written as probably seen on the porn video. A little imagination could've gone a long way to help this story. You could've slipped her a note to meet after class for example. Or met in some other way. This story could only happen in a mass produced porn studio. Don't give up, keep writing, and keep improving!

Radical11Radical11over 3 years ago
Very good

Need mor adventures from Ms Lin.

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