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Turning Straight

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Straight girl unexpectedly gets drawn into an encounter.
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Hello, this is my first ever erotic story, I hope you like it. Many thanks to AnnaG98 for editing and encouraging me with this!


It was finally the weekend and I was so looking forward to relaxing and winding down after several days of stress at work. Carly, one of my oldest friends, was throwing a huge party at her house and practically demanded I make an appearance, threatening to fix me up with one of her coworkers if I didn't show up. Since my bad break up a few weeks before, I wasn't exactly motivated to date at the moment, so avoiding that was a priority for me. I took a look in the mirror before heading out the front door to make sure I looked my best. I had picked one of my hottest outfits, a red lace, open shouldered, mid-thigh dress. My red heels rounded off the ensemble, along with my gold hoop earrings and, of course, my gorgeous smile. I winked at myself as I headed out the door and drove over to Carly's place.`

I could hear the loud music pounding with excessive bass, even a mile out from her place, and parking was an absolute nightmare. It felt like I walked a mile to get to her house after finally finding a space.

Weaving through the crowd of people out front, I slipped through the front door to see a dance floor already jammed with guys and girls alike. A couple of guys close to the bar started with their irritating 'hey babe' comments, so i just shook my head and hoped they would take the hint. No such luck. Two of them moved towards me, as if getting ready to team up, which scared me shitless.

I was about to start getting aggressive when I felt a soft touch at the small of my back, and heard a melodic voice say, "Sorry boys, this one's taken," then, winking at me, she added, "Not that you had a shot anyway since we are both gay." I felt my face go bright red as she kissed me on the cheek and led me away from the pair of idiots who almost ruined my night.

I took a moment to look at her and was already envious. She was obviously a full blooded Latina, complete with the dark hair and eyes, full lips, olive skin and breasts that were clearly bigger than mine. Being half mexican I have most of the skin tone and hair but not the fuller curves she probably took for granted. She motioned to one of the serving staff hired for the event and turned her head and asked me, "What's your poison?"

"Rum and coke," I chirped.

"Make that two, and mix them strong enough to make it worthwhile," she said in a sultry voice. Turning to face me, I noticed her low cut blue shimmering dress before she said over the noise, "I'm Roselyn, call me Rosa."

"Christa," I replied, smiling and shaking her hand. "And thanks for the rescue, but just to be clear, I am straight."

Rosa bit her lip and giggled out loud, as if I had told some hilarious joke. "Well I am a lesbian, but I can respect that. Just wanna say you have no idea what you are missing."

The way her voice inflected at that part made it clear that she was just teasing. Or was she? Her body language and the vibe I was getting from her contradicted her words, but she seemed sincere enough.

"No worries," I replied as the server returned with our drinks.

"You can hang with me though, I am a pretty effective man repellent," Rosa giggled.

I acknowledged her point. What was the harm in just talking to her at the party? It's not like an attraction to women was something I could catch like a cold, so I could set myself at ease. In fact, I was surprised at how quickly I was relaxing and, in fact, how rapidly I downed a very strong drink. I started giggling a little bit as the alcohol started to take effect, remembering too late that I hadn't eaten anything since lunch. Sensing my buzzed state, I felt her hand on my hip and her breath as she leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Your giggle is pretty damned cute, but it might attract the wrong attention."

I was suddenly aware of how close she was, her breasts brushing mine and pressing into me more as she leaned into me. Rosa's lips brushed my ear as she continued whispering to me, her breath caressing my skin and her voice almost caressing my mind.

"I just want to say that you are absolutely stunning, I'm not trying to get in your panties, I just think you deserve to be told that you are beautiful and appreciated as a woman."

I felt my mouth go dry and a rush go through my body involuntarily, feeling the warmth of her breasts touching mine, the intimacy of her hand on my hip and her whispers flashing images of her kissing my lips and caressing my body. I gritted my teeth, pushing the images from my head and trying to break whatever spell had fallen on me. The problem was, however, that it felt good... too good in fact. I hadn't had anything even resembling intimate contact for weeks, making me vulnerable. Rosa then pulled back to a 'respectable' distance, clearly amused that she had managed to affect a straight girl that way.

"Um... tha... thank you" I stammered, my mind spinning. What the hell was the matter with me? I appreciated her rescuing me from my would-be predators, but I had no intention of letting anything happen with her. Sure she was charming, but I wasn't interested in her sexually.

"So, you are at a wild party alone, I assume there isn't a man in your life?" Rosa asked, her eyes flashing with a teasing look. Seeing my drink was gone, she flagged down the server for another.

"Correct," I said, sipping the drink and trying not to show how tipsy I was. "Got tired of being treated like shit and used like a plaything." I paused. "Well maybe that was a bit much, but still..."

"Oh don't be, feel free to share anything you feel... or want to talk about," Rosa said, smiling coyly. "Now... let's dance."

"Thanks for the offer, but..." I started to answer, but Rosa cut me off.

"Oh sweet thing, it wasn't a request." she said, gripping my hand firmly and pulling me to the dance floor. Rosa started swaying her hips, hands up in the air, body moving exactly with the rhythm. I couldn't help but watch her slowly gyrating, breasts quivering, eyes closed, so lovely. I felt the strange urge to dance with her, like she was pulling me to her. It was a strange feeling and I felt myself giving into it.

I stepped closer to Rosa, starting to mimic her motions, feeling the music take over my body and, in a few moments, my dancing moves were in response to hers, like we were experienced dancing partners. Rosa slipped her hands on my hips, holding them, guiding my motions, her eyes locked with mine, smiling at me.

"Ooooooo there you go, sexy. Let me guide you a bit. Mmmmm, you look amazing. Don't stop," she cooed, pulling me close enough for our bodies to touch. We stayed like that for a few moments and then I felt her leg between mine, as she started to grind on my hip gently. I started to object, until she put her fingers on my lips. I could feel the heat between Rosa's legs and her breasts pushing against mine as her hips moved. My face was flushed, heart racing and I realized I was grinding against her too. I felt a slight panic.

As I was about to pull away the music changed to something slow. Romantic slow. Rosa slipped her arms around me and pulled me against her. The frantic feeling I got from her was gone, so my fears subsided, replaced by a warm tactile sensation from her body against mine.

Rosa's lips were right at my ear as we danced cheek to cheek, breasts on breasts and hips on hips. I let out a sigh, the drinks having taken their toll and stripped down my inhibitions. Yes, I was slow dancing with another woman, a lesbian. Yes, our bodies were pressed together in a very intimate way, the skin from her cleavage touching mine. Yes, yes but so what? Who the hell cares? It's not like I am sleeping with her.

"Damn you feel good, it's all good right? Nothing wrong with it, just a dance," she cooed, feeling her lips brush my ear. Rosa was right, but it was also true that I was enjoying it, the whispers, her lips brushing my skin, her body against mine. I just nodded, unable to speak. Without warning, I felt her lips lower and brush my neck, which was just unfair because that is one of the most secret arousal spots on my body.

"Oh gawwwd." I gasped, almost moaning, afraid I had tipped my hand, so to speak.

Rosa just giggled as she pressed her lips to my neck, giving me a wet and sensual kiss that made me shiver. Not missing a beat she began kissing my neck in earnest, deliberately, as if making love to it. I was unable to stifle a moan as she did that and, after a few seconds, she whispered, "Let's get out of the limelight."

Within seconds, she led me away down a corridor where chairs were stacked, turning the corner to a more secluded spot. The light was dim, but as my eyes adjusted I could clearly see her full lips curved upward in a wicked smile. Oh, I was in such trouble. I could feel it.

Gently, Rosa slipped her hands on my shoulders, still smiling, inching me backwards, until I felt my back touch the wall, resuming a position just like our slow dance. Everything about her motion was slow, deliberate, and methodical but also exceedingly gentle. I felt her leg slip between mine again, her body pressing firmly against me, pinning me, as if preventing me from escaping. Her face moved slowly towards mine, building up the anticipation for what I was certain would be my very first kiss with another woman. Then, at the last second, Rosa diverted and resumed her position at my neck. I was more than a little rattled that she could read me that well. The guys I had been with never seemed to have that much skill in the matter.

Rosa's full lips landed on my neck just below my ear, causing my body to shudder and the breath to escape my lips in a deep sigh that I couldn't prevent. With each kiss, she seemed to be laying my soul bare, reading every signal from me, adjusting her technique, tempo, and spot on my skin accordingly. She wasn't rushing anything, all she did was kiss my neck. The rest of her body remained perfectly still. The scent of her hair was sexy and I found myself breathing it in on purpose, surprising me. My head was spinning, I knew it was happening, I wasn't stopping her. Instead, I was loving it.

"That's it, just enjoy it... the pleasure... let go." she whispered, starting to gently gnaw at my neck, making me arch my back a bit. "Ohhhh yes that's it, sweet thing. You're giving in... getting turned on... and I can feel... how wet you are. Just let your body do what it... wants."

I felt Rosa shift her body slightly, her hips moving slowly, grinding on my hip like she had done briefly earlier, but more deliberate and insistent. The heat from her pussy was intense, I could feel her wetness too, it was dizzying to realize it was because of me. "Oh my gawd... yes... yes..."

My gasps were only silenced because her lips covered mine in the most sensuous kiss I had ever felt in my entire life. Opening my mouth to her, Rosa's tongue found mine, sliding up alongside, dancing, swirling, and tasting as it went. I found my lips and tongue had a mind of their own, making love to hers as if born to it. My hips were moving back in rhythm to hers, grinding into her hip, pleasuring myself with her. Yes. I admit it. Fucking it. The word danced around in my mind, making me give in to the desires even more.

Rosa invited my tongue into her mouth in a teasing way, luring it inside and, once there, her sexy lips closed around it and began gently sucking on it. While I had experienced that with male partners before, this was deliciously different, not rough or overly aggressive, but felt like velvet caressing my tongue. To my surprise, the sensations triggered an orgasm for me, making me arch my back, causing Rosa to fight a bit to keep our kiss intact, still sucking on my tongue, keeping my body firmly pressed against the wall.

Our kiss broke from the gyration of my body, so Rosa put her face against mine, and in that moment her body began shaking as well, maybe in response to mine. Hearing her moans overwhelmed me, forcing the same from mine, as we rode out the waves together, locked in a sensual embrace, not strangers, but lovers. Panting heavily my body sagged a bit against the wall, still held up by Rosa's, though I was impressed that she had the strength to stand. She nuzzled into my neck, kissing it and cuddling.

Rosa kissed my neck, slowly, deliberately higher, leading eventually to my lips. She looked into my eyes, as if trying to read my feelings, nuzzling my nose a moment, and then pressed her lips to mine. My lips responded to hers in kind, in somewhat circular motions, savoring every sensation and taste of her lips. One kiss led to another, then another, and soon we were making out in earnest, with one of her hands on my hip and the other rubbing my back. After what seemed like forever, Rosa broke the kiss, holding my face in her hands.

"Will you... leave with me?" she asked, her eyes expressing a vulnerability I had never seen in an intimate partner before. I had been almost overwhelmed with her abundant confidence and assertive manner, so seeing this side of her was beyond endearing. I loved what I felt, regardless of what I called myself, I wanted more, even if I wasn't completely sure what that was.

"Yes... yes... please." I managed to stammer, worried that it sounded like begging.

Rosa slipped her hand into mine, pulling me behind her gently, which felt the opposite of the sensation when she pulled me into the corridor. Everyone and everything else was a blur, I thought I heard Carly say something but I couldn't be sure. She opened the passenger side door once we reached her car and, taking my hand, helped me into the seat. Since I felt a bit wobbly it was a smart move, but it had a sweet romantic feel to it, like I mattered, like I was important, which made my eyes water a bit.

The drive to her house - I had been expecting an apartment - was quiet, I felt her slip her hand into mine, so we held hands for the duration of the twenty minute or so drive. Rosa locked the door behind us as we walked inside, and immediately dropped everything in her hands, and pushed me back against the wall, kissing my neck.

"You seemed to love being pressed into the wall like this," Rosa whispered, kissing my neck and making me moan, which was probably a good enough answer for her in that moment. Biting my neck playfully, she added, "you are so fucking gorgeous, baby... I want you... want to... taste you."

I felt her hands slip up to cup my breasts as she kissed down my neck an inch at a time. The buildup was excruciating, but so very welcome. When I felt her nuzzle between my breasts and kiss my valley, I uttered a long and deep moan. Her caresses were soft and slow, perfect and delicious. Rosa showered deeply sensual wet kisses all over the parts of my body revealed by my dress and after a few minutes I felt her peel back the dress and my bra. The cool air made my exposed nipples harden and my body shivered in response to it.

Rosa wrapped her soft, full lips around my nipple and began sucking gently. All I could do in response was lean my head back and gasp.

"Oh fuck yes... yes... just like that, love!" I said in a shouted whisper, a little taken aback at how easily I called her something affectionate.

Her technique was mind blowing, soft but firm, her tongue swirling around the nipple and areola in a way that sent shivers from one end of me to the other. Within a few minutes I had my second orgasm of the night. Not as intense as the first but equally satisfying. She straightened up slowly, her fingers gently caressing my nipple as she gave me another kiss.

"Come with me," she whispered with a smile, as she led me up the stairs to what I was certain was her bedroom. If I was going to back out, this was the point of no return, although in reality I passed that point back in the hallway.

Once inside, Rosa started kissing my neck again, my hands slipping around her waist. "Oh gawd you know exactly how to kiss a neck," I moaned, unable to keep from speaking.

"No one knows a woman's body like another woman, baby. We know every secret spot and how to love it properly. Just... enjoy," she said. I felt her unzipping my dress, letting it fall away, her hands moving over every inch of exposed skin on my back. My skin was on fire from her caresses and I moaned as I felt the sensations.

Without letting her lips leave my neck, Rosa wriggled out of her dress, her breasts visible in the dim light, so full and lovely in a tight black lace bra, her pussy covered by a matching thong that looked equally sexy. "Gawd your body looks amazing," I gasped.

Grinning, she backed up, sliding her bra straps down an inch at a time, slowly, teasingly, deliberately. Peeling the lace downwards, Rosa gave me an unobstructed view of her breasts for the first time, making me unconsciously lick my lips. They were magnificent , supple, olive toned, and capped with dark thick nipples that made them look all the more gorgeous. In one quick motion, she unhooked her bra and let it fall away, pressing her lips to mine again as she removed my bra as well.

Rosa moaned deeply into my mouth as our breasts pressed together, the feeling overwhelming my senses and almost making me cum on the spot. Her larger breasts possessed mine, every inch where they touched tingled, our hardened nipples rubbing and driving us both wild. I had never experienced a more powerful ache for a lover before, and certainly never imagined it ever happening with a woman either. I felt her gently lay me back on the bed, scooting me up until my head rested on a down pillow that smelled like jasmine.

Smiling almost wickedly at me, Rosa began kissing down my body, starting at my neck, moving slowly downwards, past my breasts, to my tummy, and paused as she reached the spot between my legs, staring at my most intimate place. I felt my legs parting with a mind all their own, an unmistakable invitation to her to taste me, almost begging her to. She slowly peeled my lace panties off and gasped as she gazed on my very wet, shaved pussy.

"Oh baby, you are so beautiful, so wet, so very sexy. I want to taste you, show you how a woman makes love to that part of you," she groaned, her eyes meeting mine, as if asking me if I was sure about it. Once I nodded, Rosa gently nuzzled between my legs, making me jump at the sensation, right before I felt her full lips press against my labia, giving me the most sensual kiss I had ever felt.

Rosa's hands slipped to my hips as she slowly pushed her tongue inside me, making me moan and arch my back. "Oh... oh... my gawd... that feels.... so fucking... good," I moaned, feeling her chuckle as her tongue began moving in and out of me. My hands caressed her hair as she increased the tempo, my hips moving and gyrating in response to her actions. I lost myself in the feelings, in the arousal, in the moment. I was completely hers and loving every second of the pleasure she was giving me. Nothing compared to how great it felt and I knew then that I would want this feeling again and again in the future. I was letting a woman eat my pussy and I was enjoying it without any hesitation.

My mind was spinning out of control and my body was equally unfettered from any shred of inhibition. I was surrendered to the moment with every fiber of my being, all desire, all fire, all sweet lust. "Oh yes, yes, yes eat my pussy, Rosa, make me cum for you, make me yours," I said through gritted teeth, my hands forcing her face against me as much as I could, making her redouble her efforts.

Rosa moved her lips up to my clit, kissing it and gently massaging it with her tongue, sliding two fingers inside me, making me arch my back and scream with pleasure. My hips began gyrating wildly, wanting more of her talented tongue, fingers, and everything I was feeling. Within a few seconds, I felt the next orgasm slam into me, claiming every bit of my body, mind, heart and soul, having its way with me, taking me, devouring me, as I screamed her name. Some part of my rational mind knew it was the first time I had ever uttered another woman's name during a climax, a lesbian, and that I could never be the same after that, but all that mattered was my pleasure in that moment. I saw stars, losing consciousness for a moment, then slumping back onto the bed panting wildly, my mind blown at the way I felt.


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