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Turnons - A Game of Dares Ch. 05

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Quitting is not an option. Staying is a slippery slope.
5.9k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 04/10/2022
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Alex had a lot to figure out.

Turnons app was still open showing her feed. On top were two notifications she had not addressed yet:

*Congratulations, you have completed SubtleG's dare. Your live streaming video is now available on your profile.*

*Darn! You failed to complete a dare. Failing dares gains you penalties. Click to discover your first penalty.*

Right below Alex could see her live streaming preview. The caption read:

*Nina was streaming live. The recording will expire in 23 hours and 52 minutes.*

Alex clicked on play. The video started with some sudden moves of the camera and then it stabilised as she found the right position. The video showed her lifting up her skirt to expose her wet pussy. Her hand crawling down to her thigh and her trembling fingers parting her lips, finding their way inside. She was moaning ever so slightly as she heard the door opening.

- Can we speak now, professor?

Susie's voice was distant. The sound was disturbed by Alex's sudden attempt to move closer to the desk to reach with her feet for the panties on the floor. After a little while, as Susie pulled the chair making some annoying noise, the image and sound became clear again. Alex saw her hand start moving again, her thighs clinching the phone as she was squirming inside.

Susie talked. A lot. She mentioned professor Hopkins, she mentioned his political science class, and of course she mentioned Alex's name, right before leaving.

Alex went back a bit as silent tears were coming out of her eyes. In the video her fingers were moving faster making a feeble squishy sound. Susie was telling her about how professor Hopkins himself suggested she would go talk to her.

- He told me to go talk to Alex Marshall of the social science department. Honestly I didn't know who you were, professor, so I decided to take your seminar, and believe me it was a mind opening experience. I'm so glad I did.

Hearing that sentence played back on her phone Alex let out a whimper. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was about to burst into a loud cry, goddamnit she was about to shout to the top of her lungs.

Only then she noticed her left hand had returned to her pussy as she watched the video. Not moving, just keeping contact, just enough to feel her fingers getting sticky with humours. She was still wet. Still naked under her skirt. Her panties were still on the ground. She tried her best to push that thought away but she couldn't help but notice she was still turned on. By fucking what? Being on the edge of a cliff, one step away from her life being totally ruined?

Her phone flashed with another notification.

*New message from SubtleG*

Her heart sank just reading the preview: "Hello Alex". Two words were enough to make her feel like her world was crumbling down. Alex's first instinct was to shut it all down. It didn't matter only one guy - well and a couple of his friends, according to him - had seen her pictures and videos; it didn't matter who SubtleG was or where he was: her name been linked to the "porn" - there was no other word for it - she had posted on Turnons was more than enough to let her rational part take over and quit. Not to mention the fact that right now SubtleG could potentially share her stuff with anybody he wanted, provided they were on Turnons. There was no doubt or discussion about it. It was too dangerous.

So Alex looked for a delete account option or something like that. She found it at the bottom of her profile settings: "Quit Turnons". She almost clicked when doubt crawled into her head. She went back on her profile page and looked for a way to delete her posts and any kind of information.

She found out she could only edit her profile data and that was pretty much useless since it was mostly fake or too generic to make a difference. On the other hand the posts had only 4 options: like, comment, privacy settings and share. No delete option whatsoever. All her posts were available for "Turnons users on her friend list". She could choose to change it to users on her friends' friend lists, all Turnons users, or everyone. There was no option to make her posts somehow private, visible only to herself.

Anxiety grew inside her, but she took a breath and went back to the "Quit Turnons" button. She clicked and a message came up.


We are sorry you want to leave us! Please remember to fill in our account deactivation survey to help us improve in the future.

Before you leave make sure you remember Turnons terms and conditions regarding inactive and deleted accounts.


Alex flagged the consent box, then hesitated. For once in her life it was probably best to read the terms. She clicked on the link and started reading, even if her heart was pounding and her head couldn't really focus on anything.

"If you fail to complete your daily tasks your account will be marked as inactive. Inactive users lose..."

That was not it. She was still searching for the details on deleting the account when a new notification popped up.

*SubtleG suggested an edit to your profile. Accept or send verification to refuse.*

What the hell did it mean?

She stopped reading and clicked on it.


SubtleG suggested an edit to your profile name. We always value our users' feedback and use it to improve Turnons experience for everyone. If you do nothing your profile name will be updated to 'Slutty Alex'. If you want to refuse the suggested modification you can verify your account and prevent other users from suggesting edits. To verify your account please upload a copy of your ID.


What? Wait what? This can't be right. This fucking app. Alex went back to her profile setting, to end it as soon as possible. She clicked on the Quit button. She flagged the consent and clicked on confirm. Then another warning showed up. There were 2 options.


Option 1:

By quitting Turnons I therefore give Turnons Ltd. full rights to use my media and data on Turnons app, and as means of promotion of said app. I acknowledge my media and information will still be available for the Turnons users I allowed in my privacy settings after I deleted my account.

Option 2:

Deactivate my account for 30 days, keep all my media and information private. (Only available to Premium users).

Option 3:

Delete all my information and media. (Only available to PRO users).


No matter how many times she tapped the screen, options 2 and 3 couldn't be selected.


No no no no fuck no.

Another chime. Another message from SubtleG. Her head was about to explode. Alex wanted to cry or scream, instead she froze. Unable to think of a way out, unable to do anything else really, she clicked on the notification and SubtleG's messages appeared on the screen.

The last message in the chat was clearly a follow up to the one that had gone unanswered.

SubtleG: Alex, try to be prompt and ready when I write to you. I was offering my congratulations for completing the task. It's always good to get a win after you failed at something, to get back on your feet right? I know, I know probably the live streaming task has brought some unintended consequences upon you. Consider yourself lucky though, I'm not the kind of guy who will exploit your weakness to make you do something you don't want. I'll keep helping you explore your fantasies if you'll have me.

The condescending tone of the message was frustrating, but she also felt kind of disarmed, weak and angry.

Slutty Alex: You won't push me? You just changed my username using my real name! What's that about? And you can share a video that basically fucks over any chance of me having a career.

After a short pause SubtleG resembled typing.

SubtleG: Come on, Alex. Don't make me look like someone I'm not. You did it all on your own accord if I remember it right. You are the one who started it. You are the one who decided to continue. Maybe you've just been a little bit reckless and haven't thought of the consequences of your actions. I warned you.

She wanted this, she accepted the risks, she started it. It was true, all of it. She had no one to blame but herself.

"Please" she typed as her tears were about to start falling again "I made a mistake, if that video comes up somehow" she couldn't finish the sentence but she sent it anyway.

SubtleG: Now now Alex, don't worry, you are still a lucky gal. You could have ended up in a much worse situation than this: I'm a reasonable man and I'm really interested in you and in your well being. I think we are at the beginning of a wonderful journey. Don't tell me you are not even a bit excited about it. Touch yourself again, tell me how your body reacts to all of this.

Once again her mind was brought back to reality. She was sitting in her office, panties on the ground, her skirt folded up, her pussy virtually on show and she was wet. There was no denying it. It was unbelievable. Was she so broken? Was she getting off on her own disgrace? It was hard to admit even to herself.

"Don't lie to me, Alex" added SubtleG, like he could somehow sense her thoughts. And she didn't lie.

Slutty Alex: I'm wet.

SubtleG: See? Look on the bright side. There's something liberating about all this. You can live out your fantasies and I have the means to give you a little push, hoping you won't chicken out. Will you, Alex?

Alex wanted to write that she couldn't, that she was trying to, but she thought it would have been better to keep that to herself. She would have found a way out later. It was better to play along right now, keeping SubtleG "on her side".

Slutty Alex: I won't. But please can you change my screen name back?

SubtleG: I'm afraid I can't do that. As you might have figured out by now most of the changes on this app are permanent. And once I suggest an edit I can't suggest another for 24 hours. Also if a user suggests more than a single change for a specific field he has to post verification that the info he's suggesting are correct. So I guess you are stuck with your new name for now. Anyway don't worry, I don't think anyone could understand your identity by reading that nick. And I won't be showing your video to anyone, so your secret is safe with me.

"Thanks." What else could she answer?

SubtleG: Now I have to go, but I'll be in touch later. I guess that anyway you will be busy on your own since you should have still 2 dares to go for the day and a penalty from failing your first dare. I'll leave you to it.

A second after he sent the message SubtleG logged off.

Every step she took on Turnons, every action, seemed to push her deeper and deeper down. Penalty? What was he talking about? She felt like she had not even begun to understand the kind of trouble she was getting herself into. Then she remembered she still had a notification on her profile, a notification mentioning a penalty.

Stop. Do not try to figure everything out at once or you will fail. First of all, calm down.

That day had already been an emotional roller-coaster and she couldn't take it anymore. Once she had set her mind straight she would have figured out everything about how Turnons worked and would have found a way out.

Alex put her phone away and got up, straightening her skirt down. She reached down for her panties that were still on the floor. She was about to put them back on but getting up she noticed something was missing. She took a look at the desk, then walked around it. Where the hell was her cardigan? Is it even possible that...

Someone opened the door unannounced.

- Oh good, you are here, I was looking for you.

Alex's legs turned to jelly, a feeling she was used to when she was younger and more easily embarrassed than now. Richard had not paid too much attention to her at first, but now seeing how she stood frozen in the middle of the room he gave Alex a questioning look. She held tight on her panties and tried to conceal it inside her fist.

- Are you ok? You look gobsmacked.

- Yes. What? Sorry. It's just - Alex mumbled and tried a fake laugh - I was distracted.

- So, you remember we have to revise your seminar plan over lunch?

- What? Lunch? It was today, wasn't it?

- Hello professor Marshall, you got your matcha tea this morning? Or whatever gets you girls going lately?

- Coffee. But that's not the point. Look Rich, I have a ton of work to do, I have to talk to Grant about the seminar, and this girl Susie from Hopkins' class asked me for a review.

- I got it, sure, don't worry. Just don't let it overwhelm you. I'd say you could use taking your mind off things for a little while. We don't have to talk about work, but I'm going to grab a bite anyway with... oh there she is. Annie!

Richard stepped next to the door calling out to someone passing by. Alex shaked off that numb feeling of impotence and moved quickly to her desk, opened the first drawer and pushed the panties inside, closing it right before Richard turned back to her.

- Alex, you already met Annie right?

- Ehm I don't think we have ever been properly introduced, hi.

- Ok then, so: Alex Marshall, this is Annie Hall.

- Wait, really?

- No, he's joking. The name's Haller.

Annie had the looks of a witty free spirited girl from another age. That brunette, thin, bold Jane Birkin style and character that made Alex think: God that's what they mean when they say 'empowered'. Alex never had that aura, and honestly it didn't suit her.

Annie Haller was a senior lecturer of Behavioural Economics. Alex didn't know anything else about her, except that Richard was definitely into her, even if he thought he wasn't giving it away.

Maybe it was that unprompted feeling of inadequacy, or just a sudden surge of awareness about her state of undress, anyway Alex goofily took a step back and crossed arms on her chest to shield her braless tits.

- So what do you say Alex, coming with us? - said Annie

- Actually I need to work on...

- Nonsense, - intervened Richard - as your boss I demand you come along.

- Technically wouldn't Grant be my boss?

- Well I'm your supervisor and... ok you might be his PhD student, but do you really want to work side by side with Grumpy Grant or would you prefer the herestanding Richard Caulfield, who, by the way, is also in charge of planning your activities for the next two months?

- Your name's not Caulfield. What's with jokes about names? I have a friend...

- Not the point, Marshall. The point is you are coming to lunch.

In the few minutes that it took them to walk out of the building and then to the joint across the road the atmosphere got even more charged, at least for Alex.

Walking among the students made her very aware of the glances she was getting. It felt like everybody knew she was wearing nothing but two pieces of clothing: a skirt that now felt awfully short and a thin white top, stretched over her breasts and nipples blatantly poking through the fabric, maybe even underlining the darker skin of the areolas when hit by the bright sunlight now they had left behind the trees of the campus.

Her mind had already created an image of herself in a see through top, drawing unwanted attention from everyone crossing her path. With every step she took the hem of her skirt felt dangerously close to revealing more than it should have. If she didn't pay attention she would be easily exposed.

Of course her mind was playing tricks on her. Her clothes were not even near indecent, right? Then why she felt so damn aroused, her nipples hard as fuck were pushing the thin white top to the limit, and the damp from her pussy seemed a second away from becoming a stream sliding down her thighs.

Alex had left her panties in the first drawer of her desk. With no chance of getting them back anytime soon. Now she was trapped in a scenario she had dreamed about many times, but never thought she would experience, not like that, not all of a sudden. What happened? One minute before she was in her room browsing the same old erotic blogs and now she was walking around without wearing any panties under her skirt.

She was going to lunch with two senior professors dressed like that. And the only solid thought that came up in her mind was that she was so desperately horny she would have given anything for two minutes inside a stall.

They arrived at the little place Richard had picked for lunch. There was a line but it was not a long one, fifteen minutes or so said the waitress. So they waited. Richard and Annie were chatting about something and that gave Alex time to check her phone again.

Penalties, penalties, there: she opened Turnons notification and a sad face appeared on the screen, with a message below it.


Darn! You failed to complete a dare. Remember: failing dares gains you penalties. As you keep exploring on Turnons you will find out there can be a variety of penalties and perks. Some get automatically assigned by Turnons: we will analyse your profile and choose a penalty that suits you, don't worry it's still a game after all! Other times Dare Givers are allowed to select penalties or perks depending on the outcome of the dare you completed or failed.

But let's get to it, shall we? Your penalty is...

...for the next 24 hours you will have to suggest an improvement for every dare you receive. Careful: if the Dare Giver doesn't accept your suggestion you will automatically fail the dare!

Important note: users cannot see the details of your active penalties before they send you a dare. This is a safety measure that assure us Dare Givers won't exploit active penalties and set you up to fail. Always keeping an eye out for you, aren't we?


Fuck it. She simply would not take any more dares right? That stuff got her in enough trouble already.

Yet, when her eyes fell on the permanent notification on her profile saying 'Daily Dares: 1 completed out of 3' Alex felt something like a spasm down inside her, and it was like she could feel a big drop of fluid coming down from her pussy.

- You spend too much time on that phone. Come on, that's us.

Richard pointed to a table in the middle of the room. It was a tiny place with tiny tables, so there was not much privacy and they actually had to squeeze in their seats without much room to move. The guy behind Alex was sitting so close that his chair pushed hers forward, so close to the table her breasts were basically pushed towards Richard.

A waiter took their order as Annie started a conversation.

- So Alex, what's your seminar about?

That was the worst possible question and the worst possible time.

- Alex's seminar is about sexuality. Or well perception of sexuality and erotism in modern society. - Richard had the bad habit of answering any question he heard.

- Well I guess the girl can speak for herself, Richard.

- Yes, - Alex tried to focus on what she did best, know her shit, and keep everything else in a corner of her brain - it's about transgressions really, as the only means to achieve freedom.

- Well, an interesting topic. But are there any real transgressions left after several sexual revolutions, so to speak? - asked Annie.

- Depends on how close you look and how deep you are willing to go.

- Oh the girl's wicked! - She said looking at Richard who just smiled, inattentive.

His eyes were roaming somewhere else. The light coming from the windows was making Alex's lack of bra even more obvious: her nipples and areolas were more evident than ever under the top. Richard's knee inadvertently touched Alex's under the table. The girl's instinct was closing her legs even tighter, and it all came back to her. The hem of the skirt had raised sitting down, it came up to about mid-thigh. Her pussy was inches from showing, even if she knew that could never actually happen. The length of her skirt would have been perfectly acceptable, if only she had panties on. The sharp certainty of her answers to Annie's questions was already gone. And as a dog who could sense fear, Turnons app chimed with a new notification.


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