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Tuscan Trip of a Lifetime

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One woman's unexpected journey
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Part I

Anna had anticipated her trip to Tuscany with something akin to giddiness. She could hardly believe the time had come. She'd been dreaming of a trip to Italy for years and her dreams were now being realized. When she arrived, it was hard to believe it was real. Somehow, it was even more beautiful that she'd imagined.

It is hard not to notice that, on the streets of Florence, young foreign women far outnumber any other category of people. Women feel remarkably welcome in Tuscany and Umbria, and the stereotype of the young Italian male -- out to prove himself the most irresistible lover on the planet -- applies more to Rome and the South. Having said that, the more exotic you look to an Italian -- voluptuous redheads, statuesque blondes, ebony-skinned beauties, or simply an American accent -- the more attention you can expect to get, especially at night.

Little did Anna know how true that was. She didn't understand the feminine reaction young Italian men were used to. Italian women usually ignore the men around them entirely unless it's someone they're already walking with. Many foreign women feel far safer wandering the deserted streets of an Italian city at 2am than they do in their own neighborhoods back home.

Such was the case with Sonya, so smitten was she by the beauty around her and the welcoming charm of the locals. If forced into honesty, she would have hesitantly acknowledged, too, that the amorous attention of the young Italian males made it all the more delicious.

It was in that comfortable, pleasant mood that she entered the tavern, looking to unwind a little bit after a truly wonderful, but quite exhausting day. She had no idea that the decision to do so would change her life forever.

He was a stunning looking man and their eyes met almost immediately. She could feel his eyes following her every move and it was intoxicating. She felt like the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world. She found herself taking her time to savor the moment.

She need not have done so, as it turned out. His smoldering gaze lingered on her the rest of the night. She would shyly turn and see him turn away. She could feel his eyes burning into her skin, and feel her clothes being stripped away by his gaze. It was exciting, but also a little unnerving. Excitement won out, though, and she basked in the experience, even ensuring she leaned just a little too far forward a few times, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage.

As the night wore on, she found herself flirting back, though with a little hesitation and doing so very subtly. Experiencing all of this after such an amazing day was a little overwhelming. While she felt like she was on top of the world, she decided to call it a night. She stepped outside into the warm air of a summer evening and, without warning, her world went black.

As she began to awaken, fighting through the fog in her mind, she started to become aware of her surroundings. Not sure what to expect (in the moments before she blacked out, her imagination ran wild, everything from showing up on an auction block to waking in a dungeon had flashed through her mind), she felt a little confused as well as surprised.

She could tell she was sitting in some type of chair but it was neither hard, nor uncomfortable. In fact, in other circumstances she might quite have enjoyed sitting there. As it was, it just added to her confusion.

The other thing that she realized was that her hair was being brushed. That is not a picture that ran through her mind in those brief moments before she lost consciousness. Long, gentle strokes. She began to hear words, in a soft voice, telling her just how stunning she looked, how truly radiant. She was told how he (and it was definitely he. A deep voice, with a soft Italian accent, though his English was flawless). He described how overwhelmed he was by the stunning beauty of her long auburn hair. Her full and sensual lips. The curve of her hips. The deeply arousing way she filled out her dress. The soft fullness of her swelling breasts.

Despite the uncertainty of her surroundings, the fear she felt, she began to relax a little and (if she was being honest with herself very much enjoying the attention) enjoyed the long, soft strokes of the brush through her hair. What the hell is wrong with you, Sonya? Don't act like you like it. You'll only encourage whatever plans he has for you, plans you have no say in.

This continued for some time, those gentle, slow strokes. The soft words of admiration, of the irresistible charm he felt and the overwhelmingly powerful desire he felt for her. Despite her situation, it was something she wanted, needed, to hear after the loneliness she'd long felt.

Suddenly, she felt the chair shift a little and felt his warm, soft lips on her neck, electricity flowing from the touch of his tongue throughout her body. Unable to help herself she felt a shiver, though she quickly tried to hide it. Don't give in, Sonya. This is insane. You need to figure out how to get out of this situation, not enjoy it.

She felt a little more in control herself after that, then she felt his hands move down over her shoulders to her breasts, hands sliding expertly under her dress, underneath her bra. By the time his fingers reached her nipples they were already hard. "Something tells me you don't mind this too much, signorina." she heard him say in a throaty voice.

She could hear the hunger as he spoke those words but found the inner strength to respond "No, I don't. Take your hands off me. I didn't ask you to do this. I don't want you to do this."

She knew the words were false even as he spoke them but she hoped he couldn't tell, hoping he'd take her words at face value. Part of her didn't want him to stop. To ever stop, but things were spinning more out of her control and beneath the pleasure, beneath the shivering arousal he brought out in her, she was just scared enough to mean what she said.

In the end, whether he believed her words will never be known because he did not stop. He expertly alternated between caressing and gently twisting and tugging her nipples until they were rock hard and throbbing. Despite her best efforts, she moaned softly and she hoped he didn't hear her.

She couldn't tell whether he did hear because he didn't respond but the ache in her nipples grew as he continued tugging them and they grew so hard that she felt them brush firmly against the soft material of the bra she was wearing when he drew his hands away. By then, the ache in her nipples was sending shivers throughout her body, causing the first faint tingles in her womanhood.

This man in such a short period of time turned her on more than she'd ever been in her life. How was she ever to convince him she felt nothing, that she wanted to escape when she couldn't even convince herself.

As if sensing her weakening resolve, she felt his hands move just a little lower and then felt the front of her dress ripped open with a quick powerful movement and her breasts were available to him, whether she wanted it or not.

He pulled the straps of her bra down her shoulders a little and, with that electric touch freed her breasts from the bra. Her breasts were now completely exposed, her throbbing swollen nipples putting the lie to any claims that she didn't want this.

Still, she found the strength to resist again, whispering in a much huskier voice than she would have hoped "Stop this. Just let me go. I haven't seen anything. I don't know where I am and I don't know what you look like. Let me go and it will be like this never happened." She knew, of course, that was a lie.

It would appear that he did, too, because she heard him move around the chair, lowering himself in front of her and took her nipples in his mouth, one at a time. She thought his touch was electric! His lips, his tongue, gave her such pleasure that she nearly came then and there.

She felt his hand gently slide up her thigh and part her legs. She wanted to resist, needed to, but could not. She felt her legs part for him, betraying her completely. If he had any remaining doubts, they were removed when he gently pulled her panties to the side and brushed his fingers over her soaking wet pussy.

He withdrew his hand and she could hear him breath deeply as he raised his finger to his nose and smelled her scent. Anna felt a deep-seated, primal reaction to that simple gesture, finding herself, however irrational it might have been, wanting him to take her, make her his. She wanted him to take the choice away from her. To make her his, regardless of how she felt. She wanted that badly.

She was not disappointed. He continued licking and sucking her throbbing nipples while sliding her dress up to her hips. Reaching down, taking her ass in his hand, kneading her ass all the while, he lifted her dress up over her hips, leaving just her panties between them. She knew the panties would not be enough to stop him.

Taking her breasts in his hands, expertly twisting her nipples, more gently now that they were fully erect, she felt the warmth of his face as he moved between her legs, guiding her legs wide apart and, pulling her panties to the side, began gently licking and sucking her pussy. He did not tease, did not hesitate, he simply began to devour her and it was the single most erotic experience she'd ever had, that she'd ever dreamed of.

Devour was the only word she could find for it, not only in the heat of the moment, but later looking back. It was if her pussy, sopping wet now, was the only sustenance he wanted, that he needed. Her nipples were on fire, her pussy was throbbing and all she wanted this man to do was make her his own. She wanted him to make her pussy his, to make all of her his. She wanted him to take her choices away from her and do with her what he would.

He did just that. How long it went on she was never sure but, finally, she came over and over and somehow over again. She dropped all pretense of resistance, opening her legs as far as she could to invite his tongue in deeper. When the last waves of orgasm had subsided, when the last shivers were fading, she was his. When he stood and moved closer to her, she gladly took the cock he presented in her mouth, her only feeling hunger, her only desire to please him the way he pleased her.

Without knowing it, she had taken the first step down a road that would change her forever......

Part II

Anna slept peacefully that night, blissfully even. She woke up the most rested and refreshed she'd been in a very long time. As she began to awaken, she realized she was in a luxurious bed, with the softest sheets she'd ever felt.

As she became more aware of her surroundings, memories of the night before flooded over her, sending a delicious shiver through her body, but she also felt a little embarrassed at the complete abandon she felt the night before. She also continued to feel a little uncertainty about her situation.

Sure, it was easily the hottest, most erotic night she'd ever had but she never saw his face. She did not know where she was or what would happen next. Then she realized she was neither blindfolded nor tied. She was able to move about in what was the most elegant bedroom she'd ever seen.

The bed she'd slept in was a four poster, with smooth silk draped over the top and down each or the four posts tied just above the footboard and headboard. The walls were painted the golden color of the sunrise. She felt a breeze and realized the room was open, French doors pulled aside to reveal a large balcony, with marble columns supporting a Roman arch. The view was breathtaking. As she stood beneath the Tuscan sun, she could gentle hills rolling away from the villa, trees lining what could have easily been an ancient Roman path with gentle curves that faded in the distance, an ancient town just visible in the distance

She was not only free from her restraints, but she was also able to leave her room, albeit to a balcony instead of freedom. Looking directly down, she could see what clearly must have been security below her balcony and at various locations both around the building and in a plaza she just noticed, with a fountain that looked like it was created by one of the Renaissance masters themselves.

Now that she had absorbed her surroundings, she could hear the water flowing through and over the fountain. The security team she saw looked very serious although not necessarily dangerous. Nevertheless, she clearly wasn't going to get past them, even if she could somehow climb down the 20 feet from the balcony.

Breathing a deep sigh, partially because of her situation but mostly (if she was being honest) at the stunning views and elegant surroundings she found herself in. There was no sign of the stranger, my captor? My lover? What, exactly? she thought to herself. The silky robe she wore, that she slept in, was not exactly modest, barely covering the curves of her hips and certainly not hiding the swells of her breasts.

Still, at the moment she had no complaints which seemed odd considering the circumstances she found herself in. She heard a gentle knock at the door, then the most breathtaking, exotic woman she'd ever seen entered, dressed in an emerald robe very similar to her own. The woman looked shyly at her and asked if there was anything Anna needed. A way out of here? she almost said out loud but didn't.

Instead, she said she wasn't sure where to begin. She'd like to know more about her situation. "Where am I? What am I doing here? What's going to happen to me?" she found herself saying rapidly. The woman again glanced away shyly but then turned back and said, in heavily accented English "You're in the Master's villa, of course. I cannot say for certain why you're here though the Master seemed very pleased when I saw him this morning." At that, she smiled shyly with what might have been a hint of a twinkle in her eye.

"I do not know what's going to happen to you, either." she finally said, averting her eyes as she spoke the words. Anna instinctively knew that last was a lie but decided not to press quite yet. Just as well, because she would answer no more questions about the situation. She did, however, talk happily about her life growing up in Sicily. Her name was Mirabella and she was 26 years old. She would not answer when asked how she herself had come to be here in this villa, instead asking about Sonya's life with what seemed to be genuine interest.

She saw to it that Anna was given breakfast, that her hair was brushed (she insisted on brushing it herself), complimenting her all the while. Mirabella was incredibly attractive, with long black hair down her back to her waist with an exotic beauty to her and Anna felt a little self-conscious being around her, but it was clear Anna seemed just as exotic to her as she was to Sonya. She said she was jealous of Sonya's creamy skin, her beautiful auburn hair and her feminine curves.

She chatted lightly with Anna for a while longer, then excusing herself without explanation, left and closed the door behind her. Anna went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked and the door was far too heavy for her to try and force open.

Sighing again, she sat on the bed trying to think about what to do next. She did not see the stranger that day and was mostly left to her own devices, other than at mealtime when Mirabella would reappear and chat with her some more.

Finally, Anna laid on her bed and found herself drifting off to sleep. When she awoke her body was on fire, strong hands holding her in place easily just above her hips as she felt a tongue exploring her pussy, probing deep at times, gently licking circles around her clitoris or sucking it into her mouth at other times. Her hips ached that deep, powerful ache that only comes with intense hunger for sexual release.

This felt different somehow than the night before. While the pleasure was just as intense, the hands were not so gentle although they were not quite rough, either. Instead, they were firm and held her in place with ease. She was blindfolded and unable to see the man between her legs, but she surely felt him. He spoke no words, just pleasured her, taking her body to heights beyond even those of the night prior.

At first, she resisted, attempted to pull away, to rise up, to somehow move him away from her aching pussy. But it was no use. She was completely at his mercy and he clearly intended to bring her to orgasm. This man, though, was slower, more in control. Just as she began to reach the point where she could feel the orgasm coming, he'd alternate, gently and slowly lick her pussy or probe his tongue deep again.

Once the throbs of pending orgasm subsided, he'd resume licking her as before, taking her to the edge over and over, until she found herself not only dropping any pretense of resistance but actually begging him to let her cum. She didn't mean to say it, but found herself unable to resist. The pressure was so intense that she felt she'd go crazy otherwise. Without a word, he licked a little more firmly and before long she was cumming, moaning loudly without even attempting to cover it up, hips bucking in time to the strokes from his incredible tongue.

Finally, Sonya's body began to relax, the intense orgasms fading, leaving behind a tingly warm feeling. Just as she started to say something, she felt his hands firmly take her by the shoulders and pull her to the edge of the bed. He took her by the arm with his other hand, guiding her to the floor, then gently but firmly pushed her to her knees. She found the inner strength and resolve to resist but it was no use. He was far stronger than she was and easily guided her to his knees in front of him.

Still saying nothing, he gently opened her mouth with his hand and placed his warm cock against her lips. She started to say something, to protest this treatment but as she opened her mouth to do so, she felt the head of his cock enter her mouth. The experience was overwhelming. Though she could not see, this had to have been by far the biggest cock she'd ever seen. She could barely get her mouth open wide enough and felt her lips pulled tight as he slid his cock forward.

She was uncertain how to proceed, unsure that she could even handle his massive manhood but she need not have concerned herself with that detail because, at that moment, he placed one hand behind her head and the other rather gently against her cheek. He firmly, though not roughly, took control of her, guiding her forward onto him. Her jaws almost ached because of his incredible thickness and she felt that there was not a single part of her mouth that was not touching his cock.

Taking complete control, he gently guided her head onto him and back, very slowly, until her mouth started to relax a little. Each time she adjusted to his girth, he pushed a little farther until his head touched the back of her throat. Once he was able to guide his cock that deep, he got into a rhythm, guiding her up and down, saying nothing all the while. She had never been so completely dominated, so totally under a man's control but there was no doubt she was his for the taking.

As he continued his rhythmic thrusting, she found herself more and more used to it. Then, just as she felt she could handle it, he moved his hand from the back of her head and, using both now, took hold of her hair on either side, and pulled her deeper, his cock literally popping into her throat. She could not believe this was happening, that this man was easily controlling her, fucking her face she realized, with minimal effort as she now realized she could not have stopped him if she wanted to and she was not sure she wanted to.

This continued for a brief time then, with a final thrust, massive cockhead again entering her throat, he moaned loudly (the first sound she'd heard him make the whole time) and she felt his hot seed pouring into and down her throat. She swallowed reflexively, without even thinking about it. She had given the occasional blowjob before but had never felt this much hot cum before and it all went down her throat. He held her head firmly in place, moaning as he did, then released her and stepped away. She heard some rustling as if he was getting dressed, he guided her gently back onto the bed and helped her lie back then unexpectedly gave her forehead a sweet, lingering kiss before leaving as quietly as everything else he did.


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