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Twin Sister-in-Law Trouble

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Twin Teen Sister-in-laws Tease their Sister's Husband.
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A fictional story and all fictional characters are over the age of 18. Edited and proofed with software so errors are possible. If you are nit-picky and are looking for a literary masterpiece, I recommend you move on to another author's story. Comments on the storyline are always appreciated.


Yes, it was clear it was a competition, my two sisters-in-law wanted to torture me sexually. I am happily married to their sister and try hard to treat them like they are my sisters too. It is just hard to do when they are constantly making me hard.

I guess I have to explain this statement and the situation I was put in. My wife's younger twin sisters were staying with us while attending college. We live in a college town, and both were going to the university. It was not mine or their choice, it was my wife's idea. They are 8 years younger than her, 11 years younger than me, and she had always mothered them like they were her kids. Her mom was just not much of one, and my wife resented it. She did not want her sisters to miss having a mom who at least acted her age. The twins, well they like the freedom that living with their irresponsible mother gave them. Me, I didn't need the constant hard-ons they gave me. I was going through lube and Kleenex like crazy when my wife was away.

Their staying with us was necessary though, it was a financial issue, board, book and food plans, etc, added up. So to get to the story I have to tell is about what happens when a 30-year-old male finds himself living with twin 19-year-old, long-legged blonds. Two identical blonds with identical long-tanned legs, perky breasts, bald pussies, and a desire to get all over tans. They also had a desire to tease males, especially older ones. They tortured this one until his penis became raw from self-abuse.

My wife was not a nun at that age but was nothing like these two, they were barely raised at all by their mom. She divorced just a few years after having them, and their father started a new family and gave them or my wife little attention. Their constantly horny mom lacked modesty around the house and could care less if her daughters had any. She was more interested in snagging a man, any man with a working penis. The ones she found wanted a good-looking slut for sex only.

My wife Cher, yes, her name is Cher like the actress/singer. She is a couple of years younger than me and was named that for the Cher that spent millions dressing slutty. My mother-in-law worshiped Cher and still tries to dress like her. The trouble is, on a working mom's salary the slutty clothes you can afford don't make you sexy, they only confirm you're a slut.

I did not spend much time at my mother-in-law's place while dating Cher, my future wife could not trust her mom. In the little time I spent there I found out why that was. Like the twins do now, she very clearly thought she could seduce me. I admit at my age she came close, I was turned on by her I admit, she was a MILF. But what saved me was that at different times I was both turned on, and off by her shenanigans, and her daughter could see that. I barely knew my future wife, she and I had only got as far as some kissing and making out when her mom first showed me her pussy. She flashed her bald pussy to me while her daughter was just one room away.

I was sitting across from her mom while Cher went to get me a soda. She no sooner left the room when her mom, in a mini-skirt, opened her legs for her future son-in-law. They were spread wide enough to show me what she had to offer a young man sexually and showed it to me pretty much in its entirety.

I was barely past feeling Cher's breasts when I got a total view of her mom's pussy. She was bald down there and had a piercing on her clit hood. Those piercings are small, and not obvious, so that tells you how good of views she was giving me. Her dressing was in a style my wife has since labeled retro-slutty. There was no way a guy my age at the time would not be turned on by that kind of view from a bona fide MILF, but that act of her giving it to me turned me off just enough I guess. I was not raised anything like that. She did not know that, because my hard-on gave her the wrong impression. So she was not going to let that pass, and at a later visit had to press the issue.

She took advantage of a mistake Cher made, That was her leaving me sitting out on the patio while she went to pick up her younger twin sisters at school. As soon as the car left the drive, my future mother-in-law lost her bikini to sun au natural. She took advantage of the nude opportunity to be a good host. She walked over to me stark naked just to ask me if she could get me something. She stood there in front of my chair with her bald pussy in my face asking if I wanted a beer. When I said no thanks, she still did not give up. She tried to get a conversation going with her pussy at my eye level, and it did get me aroused. So I tried focusing higher on her body, but that was where another fine feature of hers was her large breasts.

I could not avoid them, they took up most of my time and caused me to develop quite a bulge in my pants that she could not avoid.

She said, "Oh, I am sorry, you and Cher have gotten so close I guess I am kind of acting like you're family, like a husband or brother."

That kind of gave me a clue of why her brothers don't have much to do with her. If not them personally, their wives probably kept them away.

She does not give up easily, she said. "I am sure a handsome young man, with such a fit build like yourself, has done more than just seen a nude female before. Are you sure I can't get you something?"

"I may be giving you the wrong impression, but I was raised by children of the 80s and nudity was more accepted around our house. But I won't torture you too long. I know and have witnessed what it does to a male. I remember my brother not just telling, but showing me what pain I was putting him in by running around the house nude when our parents were not there."

"He once stripped to show me his boner to get his point across. Let me tell you, I found out then that my brother was hung like you seem to be. He thought showing me the painful boner he claimed I caused would stop me. If he was trying to freak me out, it did not work. He was my brother but I wanted to see it more, and loved being naked around him, I was mesmerized by his hard cock, too much so I guess. I got the point, we were in fact brother and sister, so that was the end of that. Now I am in a place where my oldest daughter does not share the openness I was raised with. But I can see that like with my brother a certain part of you likes it, and we are not related."

I got the impression she had been both testing me and laying the groundwork for an all-out pass in the future. She was a hot enough MILF at that time, that if she did, she might have had her a virgin.

She had nothing else to show me, but she found a way to show me different angles by bending over to pick something up. Nothing like having a MILF put her big ass and pussy in front of you. She might have succeeded if Cher had not busted her that time with my involuntary help. When she got back her mom had a cover-up on, but she saw the look on my face, and the hardon I had, and put two and two together. She knew her mom had done something lewd, and it embarrassed her. Cher had a clue of what her mom's game was, the boyfriends she brought home before me either fucked her mom or rejected her in fear like I did. So after that, she started meeting me for dates.

It is a shame, her mom could, and still can be an even better-looking woman for her age dressed and made up properly, and acted her age of course. But some women don't have good taste or have found it easier to pick up a half-drunk usually already married male by showing it all. They know it can be done by showing a lot of cleavage or flashing their pussy by not wearing panties. This was another reason my wife wanted her sisters to move in with us when they started college. She thought she could undo the damage her mom had done to them.

So far she has had mixed results, and to get that it has cost me in more ways than one. She had them dressing well, in some of the same expensive clothing as she wore herself. My wife knew the styles, and as the knockout she was, she picked up some part-time modeling in high school and college and set out to be a fashion designer. Like most who pursue it, they don't get recognized in the herd of talented women, it sometimes takes more than talent to make it. She did find a job in the field though, she is a buyer for a small chain of women's stores, but even with her discounts she barely makes enough to dress herself and her sisters in the latest styles. That leaves me picking up most of our living expenses from having a nice home with a pool, sauna, and jacuzzi.

I have to say having a knockout for a wife, and having her teen sisters running around the house scantly clad can be torture. My wife tries to set a good example, she does sun nude at times to keep her all-over tan, but only alone or with me. In her case, she does it so she can wear strapless tops, and show a lot of her legs. Not the same reasons her sisters do. They do it to wear skimpy bikinis or go topless without tan lines. Cher only suns au natural when she feels it is safe, and always has a robe nearby in case she hears a car pull in or the doorbell. She had even made me put another doorbell button on the privacy fence gate to the pool. I mostly only see her nude if her sisters are gone, or if she and I are in the privacy of our boudoir.

Cher may have managed to grow up on her own and know how to dress and act properly, but in private, she is a wild one, she knows how to get it on. We usually leave our TV kind of loud when we fuck, not because of her loudness, but mine. It is hard to remain quiet when your head is in the pussy of a wife as hot as her, and she has your cock in her throat and a finger up your ass massaging your prostate at the same time.

Our sex life could not be better, but could be more frequent. If my wife was not under the pressure of her job and trying to be a mom to her sisters. We have much less time for sex, and I think the twin's awareness of it is behind their efforts to tease me.

Growing up my mom was so careful to try to conceal her sex life from us kids, but I figured it out at a young age that behind closed doors sex was being performed. Kids are smart, especially when they reach the twins' age. They know by the looks on your face, and the change in your moods that something went on in your locked bedroom. Although I can be the loudest at times, my wife never tries to control her verbal enthusiasm during sex. Her sisters have to hear us, and maybe wonder if my skills or size have anything to do with it.

Here lies the problem, despite my willpower and resolve not to fuck up my marriage by messing with an in-law. In this case a sexy pair of identical young ones. This guy was having a hard time controlling his temptations with all the teasing he was getting. They say men at 19 are at the height of their sexual prowess. That may be true, but I contest that their sexual desire for strange pussy peaks at a later age. We tend to want what we shouldn't even think about, like my teen twin sisters-in-laws who continue to press my buttons.

What do you say to them when you walk down to your pool in your modest male trunks? Then you encounter topless, or even sometimes nude twin teens with perky tits, and nice round asses. They clearly like showing their bald pussies to me, and following in their slutty mother's footprints so to speak. I have tried everything to warn them I am coming, but that just backfires on me I think. My signal just makes them pull the strings on their bikinis. I guess after living with a slut of a mom, their older sister's efforts are feudal. To mold them into a woman of some class comes off as no more than nagging.

I finally just adopted the policy of trying to ignore their nudity. I talk to them, I just make sure I am focused on their eyes and not their perky teen tits or pussy, not an easy thing to do. I know that telling my wife will only make them try harder, and add more stress to her life. So I try to avoid them, but most of all avoid being alone with only one of them. I must have been doing a good job at it though, as it has seemed to have caused them to turn up the heat.

I do my best not to check them out, but I am not going to lie and say that I don't know every part of their smoking-hot teen bodies. I can even tell them apart by a slight difference in a body part that I should not be familiar with, their labia's. I have more trouble telling them apart when they are dressed, and they have taken advantage of that. Rose and Ruby have somewhat different personalities, but almost identical looks and morals, or maybe better explained as a lack of. Her mom got their names from movies, Rose's came from a movie character whose daughter in the movie called her Ramada Rose. We are not sure about the origin of Ruby's name, but my wife remembers hearing her mom being a big Stones fan. She said she would play the song Ruby Tuesday until she could not stand it anymore.

Let's get back to Rose and Ruby being nude when I am the only one there with them. Especially if I use the pool. It does not matter if I am the first one there, they undo their tiny bikinis. They don't even claim they are sunning anymore if their sister is not there. They dive in, play some pool basketball to make their tits animated. They also sit on the side in sexy positions, all while trying to act like it is normal. It's not, even though they had the bad influence of their mother, they knew better. The truth is they can be mean spoiled girls who like to tease. They are not losers in other ways, they are intelligent. Both had been scholars in High School, and that has helped them get grants and some partial scholarships. That, and their staying with us makes them able to work only enough for spending money. But it also gives them more opportunities to torture me.

I am convinced that they use the money they make on booze, and likely some recreational drugs. I have to keep my liquor cabinet locked. My wife does not like underage drinking and I have to be careful I am not one of their unwilling sources. I have come home to them shit-faced, and sometimes high, it's easy to detect. They have more courage when they are, and probably more horny. I try to avoid them even more then, but they don't give me that courtesy. They like to get in the pool with me nude and try to get me to play full-contact basketball.

I used to play with them when they were underage. Innocent stuff though, but now they use that against me. I have ended up with one on each arm begging me to throw them up in the air for a dive. What is appropriate for a 12-year-old with a modest one-piece suit on, is not for a 19-year-old in a string bikini, or if they can pull it off, while nude.

Well do I need to say more, these girls were now of legal age, fully developed. I think they had a contest to see which one could get me the hardest. I was always the last to get out of the pool after a session, I had to wait to calm down first. I at times have had one on each side of me with their legs wrapped around mine. I am a guy who knows what it feels like to have a labia pressing against both thighs.

To be honest, despite it being torture, I would not have traded them for overly modest teens who made you feel like they would accuse you of things you are not guilty of. My wife's career was going well, and she is gone a lot on buying trips, they take advantage of that.

Now I don't claim to be a Saint, I get horny and want to tease. I confess to wearing a speedo instead of trunks on occasion to show my stuff and feed my ego. I also use these hot teens as jerk-off material. When their big sister was gone, they didn't wear their bikini tops while in the house. As time went by they were walking around nude, and not even in the pool area. Was I going to say anything about it, hell no, it was not in my job description. It would just upset my wife if I told her. Not only that, I will admit that with her gone, having the inspiration to get off is more often. I have walked by one of them that way, and then go straight to my room to jack off. I just know better than to do anything sexual with them. But a guy can only take so much.

They knew what I was doing, I would leave the pool area with a big bulge in my speedo, to go to my room. I had to make sure to lock the door whenever I chose to get off. They knew when I left their company with a hard-on and disappeared into my room what I was doing in there. I could hear the click meaning they were checking the door to the bedroom when they were pretty sure I was jerking off. They are just plain ornery in addition to being over-sexed. Being the first one to catch me jerking off would be something they could brag about to their twin I guess. Their not dumb, they probably knew I was thinking about them most of the many jerk off sessions.

It had to happen, and it did. Rose was the first to bust me when it was just the three of us home. I tried hard to be careful, but with two of them, you're twice as likely to slip up sometimes. Maybe I was careless about locking the door on purpose, the constant masturbation they were causing was getting old. It's the alone part of it that was the worst, when I was not imagining I was fucking my wife Cher or one of the twins, I imagined one of the twins just watching me. I guess that is natural, but normally a younger woman is not that interested in seeing an older guy jerk off. It is something they would only do willfully if they have bad intent.

When I did get busted, I left the pool with one hell of a boner. I was lying on my bed naked, going to town on myself. I got light-headed when I was about ready to shoot my load. I clumsily reached for some tissue as usual. That was when I saw her face and a bare boob as she was peering through the crack in the door.

I was pissed but yet turned on, before I could get a tissue it just happened. Once you start you might as well finish. I can't say it was not a thrill knowing I was being watched by a topless, or maybe a nude teen as pumped my load up in the air. I could not see much below that bare breast she was showing, but what I saw sure added to the thrill. It wouldn't have been any less embarrassing to stop. I am glad I finished like I did not know, and went for the thrill of being watched instead.

I expected her to just close the door and walk away, but the horny little minx didn't. When I took my last stroke and finished coating my upper body in my own cum, she walked in. Why I reacted the way I did, I don't know, but I got up and was standing there boldly holding my dripping cock, as my cum ran down the front of me. She stood there just as boldly in front of me, in only bikini bottoms. I was in a stand-my-ground mode and just held on to my still hard, and dripping meat as she approached me.

"Oh I am so sorry, did I cause that action, or did my slutty sister Ruby? Do you want to go again? I will lose my bottoms for you if you want to see a teen's pussy as you do. Now I know why my older sister makes so much noise while you are fucking her, your huge. I doubt I could get you to fuck me, but I wouldn't mind having a Daddy wank his big hard wiener for me."

I was taken by her description of my package and was not going to be intimidated or pushed into more. I stood there still nude and hard in front of her as she waited for an answer. By the time I had one, she had pulled her bottom strings and joined me naked.

I told her, "Well to answer your question, it is hard for me to tell which one of you caused it this time, you twins have been trying to torture me since you moved in. Put your bottoms back on, as much as I would like to, I have to pass on your offer. Both of us even getting caught naked would get me in trouble. I hope you liked the show, but as you can see, my penis is now shrinking, this show is over. Respect my space so I can clean up, and get some clothes on."

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