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Twin Times - Their Mum's Dilemma

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Were they really fucking by the pool?
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My I/T entry for the 2019 Summer Lovin' competition.

Thanks to Rugersp101 for the idea.

And a big thanks to ChloeTzang for letting Trixie come out to play.


"Kids! I'm home! Can you give me a hand please?"

Carol really didn't expect a response from her twins. It was summer holidays, it was hot, they had a pool, and they were still only just teenagers. A couple of months away from their 20th birthdays, but still teens. She shook her head in disbelief. God, where did the time go? She struggled into the kitchen with the bags of shopping and dropped them on the bench. "Alexa, play some summer music." The Beach Boys started singing about Kokomo. Carol sighed. She could do with a cocktail, maybe with a side serve of a hunk like Jack Reacher. Jack Reacher tall from the novel - not the movie sized Tom Cruise version.

"Adam? Sharon?" No answer. They'd be out the back lazing around the pool like normal kids. She snorted. Probably thinking of a new competition to prove who was the best between them. The competitive streak ran deep in them. Just like their dad.

Carol had a quick look out the kitchen window down to the pool. Yep, the kids were there. Her beautiful, tall, reed-thin, dark-haired mistakes. Right on cue, her smart speaker started playing Smokie's "Oh Carol". She growled and yelled "Alexa! Shut the fuck up!" Alexa shut up. She used to like Smokie nearly twenty years ago, but a couple of lines hit very close to home. "Did it with style" her arse...

She met the kids' father, Wayne, at a soccer competition where they were introduced by mutual friends. She was impressed by his tall rugged good looks, sharp wit, and phenomenal ball skills. Unfortunately, she went pear-shaped from that first meeting. That didn't impress anyone. His family insisted that the good Catholic boy from the bush had to marry his new sweetheart, and that was that. He gave the impression he was a happy family man, but he held a grudge tightly against everyone for being forced to marry someone he really didn't care for. As soon as the kids had turned eighteen, he was off snooping around for fresh young tail. Carol sniffed. Well, the Karma bus literally did a number on the cheating shit.

Three stories down from the kitchen was the pool. The house didn't really look that big, but it was built on a steep block of land that had a fantastic view over the valley. Wayne wanted a house that really made an impression on his clients. You drove into the top area looking at a respectable single-story stone-clad building, but you were quickly whisked out to the rear deck by him. You then noticed the rest of the house cascading down the mountain, finishing with an inground pool and entertainment area set well away from the house. Wayne had loved it. Carol hated it. She was the one that had to lug everything up and down the stairs. Wayne was always going to put in a dumb waiter but, like a lot of his ideas, he got sidetracked onto newer and prettier things.

She stopped packing the groceries away and made a cold drink. She looked out the window again and smiled. Ad had his red budgie smugglers on, and Shaz was wearing a similarly small red bikini. The laughter from both kids as they played rolled through the open window. Ad was lying on a towel and Shaz sitting on his legs tickling him. Ad was squirming around, trying to toss Shaz off by bucking his hips. Shaz was trying to stay on by leaning back out of his reach and holding his legs just above his knees - a known ticklish spot on both kids. Carol finished her drink and went back to her work.


Adam and Sharon always had fun together. The two were inseparable friends and inseparable in looks. Dressed as they were by the pool, it was obvious who was who but when they wore the same clothes it was bloody difficult to pick them apart. They loved that and created havoc by swapping themselves in their soccer matches. Nobody could figure out how one kid could play so hard for one half and then come back in the second like nothing happened...

The interesting thing was that they were identical in more than looks. The same personalities, the same interests, the same intelligence, and one more thing. Someone forgot to flick one of the gene switches when Sharon was created, and both kids loved girls. That was an interesting competition topic, which Sharon rarely won. And she hated that.

Sharon had always liked girls, which had gone down really well with her dad. He had ignored the blatantly obvious signs his daughter was gay and just revelled in the fact she showed no interest in guys. Carol knew and quietly told Shaz not to explicitly tell her dad of her feelings. He was a fairly tolerant man, but there were some things he just couldn't get past.

Their family life changed after the twins turned eighteen. They were now at University, the world saw them as adults, and Wayne felt his moral obligations to his kids was over. He figured that his obligations to Carol were over as well. He was only in his late 30's, and still had the good looks that had initially attracted Carol. He really wanted out of the life forced on to him, even though he knew his parents and God would not approve.

Shaz thought her dad, rest his miserable soul, was an arsehole. She had brought home a teammate from her Uni soccer club one day. Wayne saw her and immediately fell in lust. Maria was a German scholarship exchange student and had joined Sharon's team as a goalkeeper. The two got on really well, with Shaz showing Maria around the campus and the town. They'd talked about all sorts of things and inevitably the issue of sex came up. Maria had a fairly liberal view of sex and drunkenly admitted one night she didn't care who was eating her out, as long as it was good. She wasn't keen on any of the guys that had been drooling over her and confided to Shaz during that drinking session that she wouldn't mind tasting some local pussy. Sharon immediately invited Maria back to her place for a swim. Shaz was a bit worried Ad may try and edge his way in but as it turned out, he wasn't the problem. Wayne saw her and was smitten by the young blond-haired, blue-eyed, big titted Frauline. She was wearing a white bikini that was struggling to hold everything together, and he could not keep his eyes from roving over her taught body. He had previously watched her play and was attracted to her goalkeeping skills but seeing her in his house with minimal clothing was very arousing. Couldn't stand up arousing.

After some very physically close conversations, Wayne offered Maria a paid internship with his accountancy firm which she readily accepted. He even offered her a car to use - Carol's 1978 Volkswagen Golf GTi. Wayne tried to rationalise it to Carol by saying he'd get her a new company car, and he was being considerate to Sharon's friend. He bought Carol a new Passat, but it wasn't her beloved Golf. She hated it.

Carol wasn't an idiot and knew damn well what was going on. She really went to town on her husband, accusing him of breaking every commandment he had been so steadfast in upholding over the years. He tried to deny being unfaithful, but Carol slammed an open condom packet she found in her car - the Golf, which was Her Car! - on the table. He mumbled about being tempted by the devil and scuttled out. That was basically the end of that. Not long after, Wayne was driving the Golf back from the mechanics and missed seeing that he was entering an intersection. Twenty four tons of Karma flattened the poor Volksie. The Police officially determined that the cause of the accident was that Wayne had been distracted and missed seeing the stop sign. Unofficially, he was sexting at the time. His dick was out, his phone was in one hand, and he wound up with a Volvo bus in his lap. Shortly after, a distraught Maria went home to Germany. Both Carol and Sharon were very happy to see her go.

Fortunately for the family, Wayne loved managing minute details and he had structured his business so it could function smoothly in his absence. Carol was pretty happy about that. The dead prick did some things right.


That was a bit over 12 months ago. The grief period came and went quickly, especially when it became known Wayne was working solo while driving. Adam was still a bit sad at times, but Carol and Sharon still held some deep resentment for his betrayal and hypocrisy.

Both kids had some part-time work as well as uni, but now, in the middle of a warm early summers day, they just lazed about by the pool doing not a lot.

"Hey Ad, can you whack some more sunscreen on me, please? I don't want to be cremated like dad." Shaz undid her top and rolled onto her stomach.

Adam looked across at his sister and sniffed. "Yeah, ok. I wish you'd stop bagging dad out. It's been over a year now." He sat up and grabbed the tube of SPF50+, then squeezed a liberal amount onto Sharon's back and legs. "I know, he stole your potential girlfriend, but seriously. That wasn't going to be a long term thing."

Shaz pulled her bikini bottoms into her bum crack and lifted the waistband higher so Ad could cream her arse. They'd seen each other naked often enough over the years, so this was just natural for the twins. "I know, but she was gorgeous. And she wanted me." She rolled over and took her top off completely. "Me. She wanted me. Do you know how rare that is?"

Ad dropped cream onto Shaz's front in a smiley face pattern. Two blobs of cream on her tiny light brown nipples for eyes, a circle for the nose around her belly button, and a big creamy smile below. Shaz opened her eyes and sat up slightly. She looked at Ad's artwork, then at him. She said, annoyed. "Act your age. Just finish the job." and lay back down.

Ad started rubbing the cream in. It really was like working in a mirror image of himself. He actually had a slightly larger chest than Shaz as he spent more time in the gym doing upper bodywork. Shaz focused more on leg work. He thought about Shaz being a lesbian, and how her bringing Maria home had really unravelled the family. He figured something was going to happen sooner or later with dad sniffing around Shaz's teammates like a puppy looking for a treat, but the result must really play on her mind. "Look, I sort of understand how you feel about 'Die Schlampe' and dad. Hooking up with someone is fairly easy. Getting it on long term with someone you like is much harder." Shaz refused to use Maria's name, using the German for slut instead. He finished rubbing the sunblock in and gave Shaz a slap on the thigh. "Done. What about the LGBT etcetera club? Isn't that what they're about?"

Shaz sat up and re-tied her top "Thanks. That lot? They're either all in a relationship or just there to try and change the world. And have you've seen them? Not interested, thanks. I'd like my partners to look like girls." She stood up and dived into the pool. As she surfaced she said thoughtfully "Maybe I'm just picky. I know what I'd like, but I don't know what to do. I'm confused."

Ad sadly watched her go. He sighed. Sharon was in a difficult spot. It was only since their dad's death she could really start to explore her sexuality, whereas he'd never had that problem. They always helped each other, but this was confusing and frustrating for him as well because he didn't have any clue about what he could do. He stood up and followed Shaz into the pool. "Honestly, I'd help you out but if you're confused I can't really help." He swam slowly towards Shaz. "I guess the first thing is to figure out what you want now. Then work from there."

Shaz nodded and started slowly swimming laps of the pool. She knew what she wanted right now, and that was part of the problem. She was horny, and no amount of self-help could rub away the desire to have her vagina filled by someone else. She had a drunken fling with an opponent at an inter-university competition which really set her body on fire. She had hoped Die Schlampe would do the same as Ruby but since that disaster, nothing. Shaz did appreciate Ad offering to help, but if she couldn't figure out things in her head, she couldn't really articulate those thoughts to him. She dove to the bottom of the pool and swam underwater to the side and rested her arms on the edge. "I want intimacy. I want naked cuddles. I want to feel someone inside me. I want to be special to someone. Is that too much to ask?" She hauled herself out of the pool and lay down on her towel.

Ad sighed and followed her out. "Sorry. I really can't help with that. If you liked guys that'd be different. I mean, a dick's a dick if you're desperate. Any guy would love to fuck you, particularly if there was no potential romantic attachment." He sat down on his towel and looked at her thoughtfully. "Just putting it out there - have you considered meaningless sex with a guy? Just to scratch that itch?"

Shaz rolled onto her side and snorted. "Yeah, for a nanosecond. I am getting desperate. The problem is I can't trust anyone I'd even consider fucking me to keep it quiet. If it got around that I'd had it off with a guy, I'd never find someone. Male or female." She rolled back onto her stomach. "I'm screwed. Well, only figuratively." She rolled onto her back and looked at the sky and sighed deeply.

Ad lay down on his back and closed his eyes. He didn't know what to say, so he decided just to say nothing. He slowly started drifting off thinking about the fun times he'd had over the last year. He didn't have or want a girlfriend yet, but he'd had some really great times. The last was a Chinese - American bird at a nightclub in town. She was fucking nuts. Adam had been invited to a Halloween party at a high-end club down the hill with his boss and a few other select employees. It was like nothing he'd ever been to before, and probably would never get invited to again. The women were all drop-dead gorgeous and wore very expensive costumes made of little bits of nothing. The top-level guys were mainly dressed in Savile Row bespoke suits, and the wanna-be's wore Hugo Boss. Ad felt really out of place in his chinos and a casual shirt.

He'd parked himself in a back booth and just watched, wide-eyed, at what was going on. Sex was everywhere. He couldn't believe what was happening just in front of him. One girl was bent over a table naked and just letting anyone come up and fuck her. Hell, the MC was pointing her out to the crowd, urging them to give her a try.

He was nursing a Corona when this half naked woman fell into the booth beside him. She slammed a half empty bottle of really expensive Herradura Suprema tequila on the table and held out her hand and introduced herself as Trixie, then asked why he was hiding his gorgeous body back here. She then grabbed her tits and waved them at him, asking if he wanted to fuck her. He looked at her semi naked body and nodded, a slight trickle of drool rolling down his chin. She poured a large shot of tequila into a pint mug that was on the table and said if he drank that in one hit, then he could fuck her hard. By the look of her, Ad figured she'd been busy already but he was too much of a gentleman to refuse. Besides, she was really cute. Really nice tits.

He clinked the mug against her bottle and downed the drink. Trixie applauded and flicked up the front of her skirt to show him his prize...

Shaz looked across at Adam. He had his eyes closed, and a faint smile had appeared on his face. Whatever he was dreaming about was getting him excited, because she could see his budgie trying to escape its cage. His dick was expanding behind the thin red material, and she watched the tip gently move up and down by itself. She slowly sat up, watching Ad's penis harden more at his memory of the nightclub. She thought about what he'd said - a dick's a dick. Meaningless sex with someone to scratch that itch of hers. With someone who would keep it quiet. Someone she could trust.

Almost involuntarily Shaz moved closer to Adam. She could tell from his breathing he had dropped off to sleep, but he was still rock hard. She looked at her fitness tracker. Their mum had gone shopping, but shouldn't be home for another hour or so. She licked her lips, conflicting thoughts racing through her mind. She reached out with a finger and poked Adam gently in the stomach. "Ad. You awake?" No reply. She didn't really expect one. When he slept, a bomb could go off outside his room and he wouldn't wake up.

She inched a bit closer to Ad. His dick was still twitching, so he must be having a really good dream. Shaz felt a pang of jealousy, which helped harden the taboo thought in her head. She took a deep breath and gently reached under the seam of Adam's swimmers, releasing his penis to the world. Ad snorted and reached down to scratch his balls, then moved his arm over his chest. His dick pointed to the sky, and Shaz leaned down to look at it closer. A finger crept forward and touched his tip, causing it to gently bounce. Sharon looked on in amazement, as it was her digit doing the touching. She just hadn't realised it was hers.

Shaz sat back up and quickly looked around. She didn't expect to see anyone but what she was thinking was not something she was proud of. Her left hand slipped down her front and under her swimmers, finding her sweet spot almost involuntarily. She sighed quietly as her fingers went to work. This routine had become common over the last year, but Shaz was getting very wet looking at Adam. She had no idea whether he was big, small or what and she didn't really care. Sharon shut off the fact she was seriously considering fucking her twin brother and focused on thinking that his cock was just a nice warm dildo that she wanted inside her. Now.

She moaned softly as her fingers pushed up inside herself. She was so wet and so horny it hurt. Shaz had never reacted sexually to a guy before and what she was feeling was totally unexpected. It was a great feeling though. She continued finger fucking herself while looking at Adam's still erect dick. Finally, she made a decision. Shaz swung a leg over her sleeping brother's body and positioned herself over him. One hand gently held him, while the other pushed her swimmers aside and opened herself. "Sorry Ad," she murmured, "I hope you'll understand."

She took a deep breath and slowly lowered herself. Adam grunted and squirmed with the unexpected touch. Shaz froze with Ad's tip just inside her vagina while he settled. She then slowly lowered herself onto him so that her body was just hovering over his pelvis. She exhaled slowly. Sharon had used plenty of large items in her hole previously, so technically she wasn't a virgin. This, however, was completely different from anything she'd experienced. Shaz loved the feeling of being filled and her short, intense session with Ruby and her wonderful fingers had been amazing. Shaz slowly rose up on her knees, enjoying the feeling of Ad's cock sliding past her wet inner walls, then slowly dropping back down. "Thanks Ad. You're great." she said quietly. She kept up the slow, gentle movements, not wanting to wake her brother. This would take some explaining.

Ad mumbled "God Trixie, you're tight." and sleepily opened one eye. He blurrily saw the outline of someone with the sun behind them sitting on his waist, and he smiled and closed his eye again. This was nice. A quiet summers day by the pool, having sex with a beautiful woman...

His brain started to wake up. Having sex? With who? I'm at home. There's no one else...

Both eyes snapped open and saw Sharon impaled on his dick. She had her eyes closed and a huge contented smile on her face. Ad's mouth fell open and he spluttered "Shaz! What the fuck? What the hell are you doing on my dick?" He tried to sit up, but Sharon had dropped herself hard onto his pelvis in shock at his voice, forcing him to only be able to lift his shoulders off the ground. He supported himself on his elbows and looked at his crutch. Shaz's bikini was pulled to one side and he could just see her trimmed landing strip and the top of her crack. He couldn't see, but he could definitely feel her warm vagina wrapped around his cock. It was a really nice feeling, but...


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