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Two Friends

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Two girls get naked and explore their bodies.
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Note: All characters are over the age of 18


We got out of the pool and toweled off. "The hot tub is running again, do you want to check it out?" I offered.

"Sure." She said.

The tub was already at temperature when I opened the lid. We slid in slowly, letting out sighs of relief.

"Ah, this is nice." She said. We relaxed for a few minutes and let the jets massage our bodies. "Though. . ." She added, "It's a little weird to be in a hot tub with a bathing suit on."


"Well, I don't know, all the hot tubs I've been in, they've been in hotels -- hotel rooms -- or, like, we have one in our house, but it's in the bathroom, you know? So it's, like, for one or two people. You don't wear a swim suit. I guess those aren't really hot tubs?"

"Yeah, you're thinking of a Whirlpool, or Jacuzzi I think. Hot tubs are usually outdoors, and for multiple people." I said, as if i had any special knowledge on the subject.

"Well, okay, I guess I'm just not used to hot tubs then."

"Why not?"

"I'm not used to ones in public where you have to wear a bathing suit. It feels weird, like taking a bath with your clothes on."

"Well, we're not exactly in public. . ." I said looking around. Our backyard was quite secluded, with trees on all sides. None of the neighbors windows were visible from the hot tub or the pool. "None of my family are home today. You don't have to wear one if you don't want to. . ."

She giggled. "Maybe I won't. . . You're okay with it too?"

"Sure, whatever. . ."

She reached down and wriggled out of her bikini bottom. She pulled it out of the water and dangled it by two fingers while looking me straight in the eye. Then dropped it over the edge of the tub and broke into a giggle. She couldn't hold a straight face any longer. I laughed too. She untied her top and dropped it over in the same way. Her shoulders were still in the water and the tub was still bubbling, so I couldn't see any private parts yet, so everything was still cool.

She relaxed further into the water. "Ahh. . .that's the way."

I giggled a little more. "Is it really better that way?" I asked.

"Much better." She purred. "You always wear a suit?"

"Um. . . yeah I guess so,"

"Even in your own backyard? By yourself?"

"Well, yeah. I guess I never thought of it. . ." There was a pause.

"You should try it."

I wasn't so sure, but I didn't want to seem like a prude, or no fun.

"Come on -- you'll love it. I won't stare. . ."

"Okay." I giggled nervously. If my face weren't already red from the hot water, it would have turned red then. I looked around at the trees. I have no idea what I expected to see, who would be watching us? I slipped the straps of my one piece suit over my shoulders and around my arms one at a time. I slunk down in the water and peeled my suit off. I dangled it off the edge of the tub and dropped it like she had done. I giggled nervously again. I was very embarrassed at first, but it did feel good to be naked in the hot tub. My large and normally very heavy boobs were allowed to float freely in the water, bobbing back and forth in the bubbling currents. My embarrassment faded pretty quickly and as soon as we got to talking about other stuff I totally forgot that we were both naked under the water.

We were talking about how great it was to relax at home alone like this and she said, "All we need is a nice stiff drink!" We both glanced in the direction or the bar by the pool. "It's probably locked isn't it?"

"It is. . . but I know where the key is. . ." We both got a mischievous look on our faces. I turned and lifted myself out of the hot tub, then I froze. I hadn't put my suit back on. I was still bare-ass naked and now not even concealed by the bubbling water. I tried my hardest to play it cool, like I wasn't hugely embarrassed or anything. I turned back to her. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Don't look at my bum!" I said, in as jokingly a way as I could. She covered her eyes, also in a joking manner.

I tiptoed over to the place in the grill where I knew the key was hidden, resisting the urge to cover myself like a third-grader using the locker room for the first time. I got the key and opened the cabinet. I chose a bottle of coconut rum, both because I thought it would taste better and because I knew my dad would be less likely to notice someone had drunk some. I slipped back into the hot tub.

"Ahhhh, I got chilly out there" I said, sliding into the water. She snatched the bottle from my hand.

"Ooh, coconut! Dipping into the fancy stuff!" I honestly couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. She took a swig and handed it to me. "Not bad," she said.

I took a sip and tried to hide my grimace. I didn't really ever drink straight liquor, but I wanted to be cool I guess. We sat in the hot tub and talked and drank for a while. I began to feel relaxed and more comfortable with being naked.

Eventually we started to get tipsy off the rum.

"I feel a little woozy," she said clutching her forehead.

"Me too. Is it the hot tub or the rum?"

"I think it's both. How long have we been in here?"

"No idea, long enough for my fingers to turn into pink raisins." I said, holding up my fingers.

"Do you ever like, jump out of the hot tub right into the pool?"

"Oh, yeah. It's pretty great. It's a big shock to the system." I was about to put my own swimsuit back on, but this time it was her turn to forget she was naked. Or maybe she didn't forget. . .

She hoisted herself out of the tub then paused, but not out of embarrassment, but because she was dizzy.

"Whoa, strong stuff." She said. I couldn't help noticing that her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into a vertical strip. She caught her balance back and dove, rather ungracefully, into the pool. She came up screaming.

"Ah shit, that's cold! Ahhh, but it feels good!"

I'm not sure if I didn't want to be the only one dressed, or I didn't want her to be the only one nude, but I decided I should take the plunge without my suit as well. She had already seen my naked body right? I jumped in.

After splashing around in the pool for a bit, we got out and toweled off. We wrapped the towels around us and considered that modest enough I guess. Who wants to put on a wet bathing suit when you're already dry? We went inside and brought the bottle of rum with us.

We made some popcorn and sat around chatting and sipping coconut rum in our towels for quite a while. I guess neither of us wanted to be the one to say "Hey, maybe we should put our clothes back on!" Eventually, we found a stack of magazines that my Mom was trying to organize. There were all these mags like Cosmo and other "women's magazines" with quizzes and makeup tips, sex advice columns and lists like "10 hot tricks to spice up the bedroom" We were reading them mostly to laugh at them, and the laughs flowed easily because we had a significant amount of rum in us.

By this point, I felt comfortable in my skin (and towel) but I still sat with my legs crossed. She was a little more open (literally.) She was sitting next to me, so I couldn't see anything past the towel, but her knees were wide apart. I couldn't help thinking about how her pussy was open to the air, and to the view of anyone sitting across from us (not that there was anyone there) I admired her confidence. I took another swig of rum to try to boost my own.

"Oooh, listen to some of these 'secret places to please your man!'" She said. She started to read some off.

"Really? I'm pretty sure there's only one place you need to know about to please a man. . ."

She doubled over in laughter. "I know, right? Here's my article: 'The One Thing You Need To Know To Please Your Man: It's called a penis ladies! Do stuff to it. He'll love you forever.'"

Now we were both in hysterics. Coconut rum makes everything hilarious I guess. We kept flipping through.

"Ooh here's a good one for us: How to Look Great Naked." I said

"Pff! Girl, you already look great naked!"

I blushed, and made a mocking-shocked face. "You peeked!?"

She looked at me through the tops of her eyes. "Oh, it was more than a peek. . ."

There was a pause, then we both broke out laughing. "Seriously though," she said, "If you're already naked, any guy thinks you look awesome."


"Oh yeah, they may talk up their high standards and call girls ugly and shit, but deep down. . .If you've got two nipples and a pussy to show them. . . forget it, they're already in love."

I giggled, and I did feel a little sexy. I uncrossed my legs.

A little while later, she turned on the sofa, put her feet up and laid her head in my lap. I don't think she meant to, but it hiked up my towel a little bit.

"Watch out," I said, "your head is dangerously close to my vagina!"

"Oh, is your vagina dangerous?"

I giggled, "Uh. . ."

"Like is it really a mouth with big sharp teeth?" She held up her fingers in front of her mouth to indicate fangs. I giggled some more. "That's a thing I think."


"It's like a fear, or a phobia. Where men are afraid that vagina's will bite them, or eat them or something. I think it's a Freudian thing."

"I thought Freud was all about dicks."

She laughed again. "Ha, maybe it was someone else. It's one of those psychoanalyst things." She tossed her magazine down and picked up a new one. She flipped through. "Ooh, finally something useful!" She said, "'Give Yourself a Hand: 15 Tricks to Juice Up Your Self Love'!"

"Ooohh!" I said, a little embarrassed.

She leaned toward me and stage whispered: "That means to masturbate!" We both broke down giggling. She read on: "'Start slow, like you want Your Man to do. Run your fingers up and down your body. Softly trace the contours of your breasts. Stroke your inner thighs.'"

"Oh-em-gee, are you actually doing it?" I asked looking over. She was. She had her legs wide open, tracing her fingernails up and down her inner thighs. The part of my brain that had been telling me to be embarrassed was pretty much done for the night, I guess, because at that point, I sort of let go.

"Hells yeah, I am." She replied. Her fingers were moving closer to her pussy lips. I looked away before they went in.

The next few tips were about moods and settings, and some about fantasies, and some that seemed a little weird. "Huh, 'use a rubber glove, or a condom.'"

"What? Why?"

"Oh, that's actually pretty clever," She said, reading on, "Apparently, it helps maintain your moisture."

I giggled a little at "moisture"

"Yeah, it says your hand absorbs and dries out your juices. The rubber glove 'keeps your natural lubricant where it's needed.'"

I looked down at her again. She had two fingers between her lips and was starting to rub a little faster. "Holy shit. You're actually doing it. You're actually going rub one out right here next to me!"

She leaned back and looked up into my eyes. Her fingering got a little faster. "Mwahaha! Just try and stop me!" She said, laughing a drunken laugh. I laughed too. My embarrassment reserves had definitely been used up by that point. Somehow I was totally ok with her doing that. "Anyway, I've got the juices flowing, I can't just waste it, right?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Okay, fine, just put a towel under you. I don't want you creaming all over our fancy new sofa!"

"Oh, right on. Good idea." She said, and whipped off her towel and sat on it. I didn't admit it yet, but I was getting pretty turned on too. Her head was still in my lap and she was still reading the magazine. "Oooohh! Yo check this one out! Under 'If you're adventurous:' look:"

I read what she was pointing to, "'Try it with a friend'"

"Woohoo! Can do! Care to join me?"

"I'd love to, but you're lying right in my lap, I don't want to cream on your head."

"Ahh!" She cried, covering her head and sitting up. She put her hand back between her legs and said, "Well, dive right in! I've got a head start!"

Maybe I wasn't embarrassed, but I was still skeptical about joining in. I wasn't sure if I could successfully masturbate right in front of her. I hesitated. I shifted my towel, and I started stroking myself. On the outside at first, then I did start to feel turned on. So I gave my middle finger a lick and ran it inside my pussy lips. I was already wet inside. I slowly got into it.

Okay, I could get in the mood, but, for me at least, there was a long way to go between being wet and turned on, and actually coming, but, on the other hand, it would have been an awful waste to get all drippy for no reason. . .

I looked over to see how my friend was doing. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing hard, the tops of her cheeks and her upper chest were red. She was more than halfway there already. She opened her eyes a little. There was a pause, then I realized I must be staring and I looked away.

She giggled breathily, "You can look, don't be shy. . ." I looked back "Lord knows I'm going to be staring at you. . . Don't worry, the magazine says it doesn't make you a lesbian to be turned on by it!"

We both kept wanking, staring at each other's naked bodies. Then her breathing got deeper, her hand rubbed harder, her hips writhed and thrusted, her eyes rolled back in her head, and shudders of pleasure rolled up and down her body. Then she relaxed and slumped back on the sofa, out of breath.

She looked up at me, smiling. "No Fair!" I said, still fingering myself, "You're too much faster than me!"

"Hmm, that's what she said!" We started laughing, but I tried to hold my focus. "You don't have to finish if you don't want to."

"No! I have to now. . . It just takes me a while to get there." I closed my eyes and got back to work on myself. I kept at it for a few minutes, I changed hands, rubbed some different areas, and I thought about different things. I was surprised at how sexy it felt to know that she was watching me. I looked at her, she was still naked, still glowing red, still sitting with her legs apart. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on coming.

I worked away on myself for a little bit, slowly getting closer. Then I felt a fingernail stroking my side. I opened my eyes and looked. She was still naked, with a big grin on her face, and she was dragging her fingernails up and down my side. I smiled wordlessly.

She giggled, "I'm just trying to help you out a little bit. . . I'll stop if you want me to."

"No, it's good. . ." I mumbled. I closed my eyes again.

She moved her fingers up and down the length of my body. At first, I tried to imagine it was a guy doing it, but then I found it in some way more sexy that it was her doing it. Not that I was becoming a lesbian right there, but there was something really hot about doing things with someone who's just a friend.

Her fingernails stroked down my leg, then back up again. They came up my belly and my chest, circling my breast. I twitched a little bit as she moved around it, spiraling in towards my nipple. I felt it get hard. I felt all the tiny hairs stand on end.

I felt her hand shake a bit. I glanced over. Her other hand was back between her legs.

"Are you gonna come again?" I asked

"Mmmm. . . maybe. . ." She said.

As she focused on herself again, the hand that was on me gave me less attention. It came to rest on my thigh just above my knee. We were both working away furiously on ourselves trying to get across that finish line.

I opened my legs a little more as I started to get sweaty. Her hand move up my leg and was stroking my inner thigh. It moved a little closer. Now I was a little curious. How close would she get? I never felt like I wanted lesbian sex right there, but I did think it would be really hot if she touched me just a little.

On the other hand, I didn't want it to get too weird. I just kept going and left it to her to see what she would do. I looked over at her. Her eyes were closed and she was sweating. I watched a bead of sweat run down her neck, between her breasts, and down her tummy. She moaned a little and moved her hand up and down my thigh. Every time it moved down I wanted it to move farther, closer, keep going, keep going. . . It came to rest an inch or less from my crotch.

I wanted it so badly. Just touch it!

I shifted my position just slightly and her hand dropped down. It was still on my inner thigh, but the pinky finger rested gently in the crease where the elastic of my bathing suit was just an hour or so ago. It was so hot.

That was it. I could feel the feeling welling up inside me. That pinky finger at the edge of my pussy was going to push me over the top. That and the thought of where else it could go. As I passed the "Point Of No Return" I realized I didn't want to finish without knowing what that hand felt like. As the first shudders came over me, I threw all caution away and grabbed her hand and pressed it hard right into the warm wet center of my pussy.

It was one of the most powerful orgasms I've ever had. My whole body shook as waves of pleasure crashed over me. Her hand was deep in my slit, slowly rubbing up and down. A flood of juices dripped out of me, all over our hands, down my ass and onto the towel.

Touching me must have pushed her over the edge too. Her fingers twitched and clenched inside me. She let out a deep moan and lifted her hips high in the air, then flopped back down onto the sofa.

We sat there for a while, breathing hard, radiating heat, sweating, and feeling the afterglow of a huge orgasm. After a minute or so, she turned her head towards me. I looked at her and smiled. Instinctively, we both drew in for a kiss. It was a soft and affectionate kiss, but a friendly one. We drew apart, she pulled her hand up out of my crotch, I let it go. We looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, as if suddenly realizing the ridiculousness of the situation.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "Well. . . that was. . . that was a thing."

"Yeah. . ." I said.

"So. . . should we get dressed then?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

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joeunningjoeunning4 months ago

I really enjoyed your story. It was fresh and your characters were totally believable. There’s no outright lust, neither girl is planning seduction of the other, yet both are game to push their comfort zones. The outcome is a fun story. Even though you may no longer be writing new material, Id welcome another story.

TransguycharlieTransguycharlieover 1 year ago

Oh god I’m so turned on by this

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Eventually we started to get tipsy off the rum"

Yup. All the time. Wonder why all those laws to avoid sex under the influence exists. Probably just a bunch of prudes.


Nice...short & sweet...yet erotic

Also, realistic...this happens quite often, I think!! God's On Them!!

Five Stars...🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠

andy505050andy505050over 6 years ago

Very real and natural. Loved it. Hope you'll write some more, soon.

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