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Two Many Temptations Ch. 05

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Skinny dipping and steamy showers.
4.4k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 11/06/2023
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Holy crap, it's been a while guys. I am so sorry for the delay. I won't give you a bunch of excuses, just that life is complex and there aren't ever enough hours in the day. So, with that being said, here is the next installment of "Two Many Temptations". As always, this story won't make a lot of sense if you haven't read the previous entries. I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Fixed reverted to Lacy's original name. Sorry about that.

Chapter 5

"Jake. Jake!" I heard my name as someone was rocking my shoulders. I opened my eyes and looked around.

It took a few moments for me to realize what was going on. Lacey had turned the lights on when she came downstairs to wake me. She was leaning over the back of the couch, trying to rouse me from my sleep.

"What's up?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes, allowing more of my surroundings to come into focus in the brightly lit area.

"I didn't realize we were staying the night," Lacey started explaining, "so I didn't bring my work out clothes. I really try to get a run in every morning. Do you mind if I take your truck? Sara said she'd give you a ride home later."

"Courtney can't give you a lift?"

"No, Courtney left for work an hour or so ago. Please, I'll be careful. I promise."

"Sure," I agreed, allowing my mind to wander back to the ride Sara gave me last night. I flipped the blanket off me and went to stand up to get my keys. That's when I felt the rush of wind. On my naked dick.

"Oh shit!", I cursed as I dropped back to the couch, fumbling to cover myself.

"Come on Jake, it isn't like I haven't seen it before." Lacey chided as she watched me throw the blanket over my lap.

"That's not the point." I countered. "If you give me a few, I'll get dressed and bring the keys up to you."

"Jake, it really isn't a big deal." Lacey said. "I had several minutes to ogle you while you slept, now c'mon, I'd like to get my run in before the heat becomes unbearable."

I couldn't tell if she was joking about the peeping me while I was asleep. I felt like I was traveling a very dangerous road, crossing all these lines with Courtney's sister, and being close enough to banging her best friend I had to scrub her pussy juices from my dick in the shower. I couldn't bring myself to stand naked and hang dong in front of her.

My gaze went to the shelf next to the TV where I had put my phone, wallet, and keys before bed. Lacey followed my gaze, gave a huff, and marched over to get the keys. As she reached for the keys, the shirt she was wearing rode up, showing off her gorgeous ass' tan-lines.

"Wait, are you not wearing panties?" I asked Lacey.

"Well no." She answered as she turned to me. "I only have the clothes I wore over here after dinner. None of Sara's things fit me, so all I have on is one of Charlie's T-shirts."

"Are you planning on Donald Ducking it on the way home?"

"No, I'll just put my shorts on since my bikini isn't dried yet. It'll hardly be the first time I've gone commando." Lacey replied. A smile played at her lips before she continued. "Actually, I do it a lot. Anyway, I really do need to get this run knocked out, so thanks again for letting me take your truck. I'll see you in a bit."

With that, Lacey marched quickly from the basement. I got up and threw my borrowed trunks back on as I heard my truck start up and leave. I tidied up the basement and went upstairs. The kitchen was deserted but looked like a storm had blown through. Recalling my promise to Sara, I began cleaning up.

After removing enough plastic waste in the form of cups that environmental activists would be highly disappointed, I also rounded up the spent tequila bottle, and various wrappers from snacks for the previous night. By the time I was done, the trash bag was mostly full, so I pulled the liner and took the trash out to the bins.

I couldn't find where Sara kept her trash bags, so I began looking for her. I figured she might be in the room Courtney and Lacey stayed in, but that room was empty. I walked by the master bedroom, the door was open, but I didn't see anyone inside. The door to the bathroom was open, and it was empty as well.

I was starting to wonder if she had left too when I heard water splashing. I went to investigate and found Sara swimming around the pool. In her birthday suit.

When she saw me standing there staring at her nude form, she called out to me. "Have you ever been skinny dipping?"

"No, I can't say that I have." I replied with a cautious smile on my face. "Isn't some of the fun of skinny dipping supposed to be the thrill of possibly getting caught? Not much of a risk swimming naked in a private pool with a privacy fence.

"That's true. It's a bit hard to find a secluded area out in the wild to strip down and take a dip though. There's a fine line between the thrill of breaking the law and displaying some voyeuristic tendencies and ending up in a pair of shiny bracelets."

"Do you do this a lot?" I asked, trying to stare a hole in the water so I could see her naked body better.

"I used to do this in school all the time." Sara told me she swam closer to the edge of the pool. "There was little lake about 10 miles from my house. My friends and I used to go when the weather got super-hot in the summer... Actually, that's where I lost my virginity. How about you?"

"Church camp." I replied. "This girl, Heather Perkins, and I were cleaning up after lunch. When we were done, we were supposed to meet the rest of the campers out in the woods. She started flirting with me as we made our way to them, and next thing I knew, we're off the trail, my cargo shorts are bunched up on the ground at my feet, and she's giving me a very enthusiastic blowjob. A few minutes later, she pushed me to the ground, climbed on top of me, and we proceeded to have what was at that point, the best 45 seconds of my life. I pulled out when I got close, and I nutted all over my t-shirt. I sent her on ahead and asked her to tell them I wasn't feeling good after lunch, went back to my bunk and changed. Hid out for the rest of the day acting like it was the runs. I tried to hook up with her again while I was there, but I guess three quarters of a minute didn't rock her world quite the same way it did mine, and she declined."

"Her loss." Sara giggled. "I'm sure that you could have added ten, maybe fifteen seconds to that next go."

"I wouldn't go that far." I said as I sat with my legs in the water. "A whole minute is an awful long time."

Sara splashed me with water. "Courtney tells me you're up to almost 3 whole minutes."

I clutched my hand to my chest in mock indignation. "I can't believe my wife would divulge the private happenings of our bedroom life. What else has Courtney told you?"

"Oh," Sara smiled. "Just that you're the best she's had. Although I think she's only been with like 3 guys, so I'm not sure how much that tidbit of information is worth. Are you getting in, or are you just going to keep trying to catch a glimpse through the water?"

I guess I wasn't being very subtle.

"Yeah, let me go grab by trunks and I'll come float around a bit."

"...why do you need your trunks? We're skinny dipping."

"Oh. Um. Is that a good idea? Things kind of got out of hand last night, I don't want to do something we'll both regret."

"Well," Sara said, "as I recall, things were very much in hand last night. And I'm asking you to swim naked, not fuck.

"What if Lacey or Courtney comes back? Or Charlie? This wouldn't look good to anyone who saw it." I feebly protested.

"Courtney is at work, and not likely to be getting home anytime soon, seeing as her shift just started about an hour ago. Lacey just left, she told me she plans on getting a 5-mile run in, so that's at least an hour before she's back, if she even comes back. She did ask if I'd give you a ride home, so I don't think she has plans to come back. Plus, from what Courtney says, Lacey has already seen you naked. Courtney didn't sound upset about it. Lastly, Charlie probably wouldn't be too happy to see you naked in my pool, but he's in New York. I got a messaage from him this morning, it'll be a week or so before he's back."

I knew it wasn't a good idea, but I also remembered how much fun I'd had the last time I was naked around her. I shoved the guilt that bubbled up to the side and dropped my shorts, a few seconds later, I unleashed a torrent of water as I cannonballed into the pool.

"That's two firsts for you." Sara said I surfaced next to her. "Professional lap dance, skinny dipping. You're having quite the weekend."

"I meant to ask about the professional part. Shouldn't I have had to pay? I'm pretty sure the difference between amateur and professional is an exchanging of currency for services rendered."

"Hmmm, maybe. Or maybe you're just trying to wrangle another lap dance out of me while we have the house to ourselves." Sara said as she splashed me.

"Shit, if I thought there was a chance, I'd have already ran and got my wallet."

"Shut up." Sara said as she splashed me again. "Maybe later. For now, I'm just going to float around the pool and relax. Try not to stare at me too much, wouldn't want someone to get hard and throw out any pretense of innocence if someone were to happen upon us."

"Are you okay?" I asked as Sara started to float away on her back, her beautiful boobs bobbing above the surface. "Last night wasn't like you. I've known you for a while."

Sara was quiet for a moment, silently floating around the pool, tits up, with her eyes closed. I was beginning to think she wasn't going to answer when she let out a deflated sigh, and started speaking.

"I'm just upset that every time I think Charlie and I are finally going to get to spend time together, work pops up and he rushes away. This is probably more than you need to know, but we've only had sex like 3 times in the last 3 months, and the orgasms I had giving you a lap dance were the first ones I haven't had to give myself in a lot longer."

I wasn't expecting Sara to break down. I swam over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She melted into my arms and buried her face into my shoulder.

"I know that he has an important job. I just wish he could carve out time for me. I want to feel important too."

We stayed that way for a while. Sara shared her troubled thoughts. We talked through them for a while. It seemed to help cheer her up for the moment.

"I've been snuggled into your body for at least 15 minutes, and you didn't try to grope me even once?" Sara laughed. "Am I that hideous?"

"Ha!" I exclaimed. "I think you're well aware that's not true. I just happened to be well behaved, thank you.

"Oh yeah? What was last night for you then? I've known you for a long time too. I know we've flirted with each other a lot through the years, but you never would have let things get this far before."

It was my turn to let out a huff. I knew Sara pretty well. We'd never actually confided in one another before, but I did trust her.

"I'm kind of in the same boat as you are. Courtney is working constantly. I know nurses are in high demand and short supply, but we rarely ever have time off together anymore. Every weekend we're supposed to be together, something comes up and she's called into work. Our sex life has dwindled considerably, this weekend notwithstanding. Most of my orgasms come at my own hand as well."

"Has this weekend been different? I thought she got called into work again both days, what do you mean not withstanding?"

"We had sex Friday night. I'm thinking it was thank you sex for agreeing to let Lacey stay with us. I still have no idea what she and her parents are fighting about, or how long she'll be with us. Then we had sex twice yesterday after she got off work early. Well, we fucked once, and I got a blow job the other. That's how Lacey saw my dick, she walked in right after Courtney and I were done.....fucking in your kitchen."

"Plus," I continued, "I'm flustered about Lacey. Hand to God you can't repeat any of this to Court, she has enough going on."

Sara raised her right hand as if taking an oath. I don't know why, but I trusted her.

"Yesterday I forgot she was there, so I left my room in just my boxers. While I'm in the middle of making breakfast, she gets back from a run, only the girl who walked into my house looked vastly different from the girl that went off to college last year. Her shorts left little to nothing to the imagination. Then, after she showered after dinner before coming back over to hang with you, she left the bathroom wearing nothing but a thong. Which she apparently lost while she was in her room because when I walked by, she was butt ass naked with the door only closed halfway. Not to mention the dildo she left in the bathroom."

Sara listened to me rambling about my ridiculously attractive sister-in-law without judgment. She asked some follow up questions about how I could be sure it was her dildo, and if I was sure it hadn't been there longer. Do I think she used it? Did I think she intended for me to see it or if it was an accident. Stuff like that. As we wrapped up our conversation, Sara looked at her watch.

"Come on, if we stay in the water much longer we're going to burn, and I'm not going to help you explain to Courtney how you got sun burn on your pecker."

I started to swim towards the stairs at the far end of the pool when Sara cleared her throat to get my attention.

"If you promise to be good, I'll let you follow me up the ladder." She flashed me her toothy grin that just oozed mischief.

My brain was on autopilot, and I corrected course without even thinking about it, reaching the ladder as Sara's arms reached up for the rails. I followed right behind her, my face only a few inches from her ass. As she moved her legs to reach the next rung, I stared, transfixed, at her smooth slit from below. By the time I'd emerged from the pool a second behind Sara, I was hard as a rock.

Sara looked behind her and flashed me another smile. "I'm not sure that constitutes as behaving."

"Hey, none of my parts touched any of your parts, I'd say under the circumstances, that's quite admirable." My eyes continued to rake across her nude body, at the same time, her gaze never left my staff. We stood a few feet from each other, drip drying, eye fucking the shit out of one another.

"I don't remember if I turned off the security cameras back here." Sara mused, breaking the tension that was growing in the small space between us.

"That's not funny. It isn't. It isn't funny." I said as Sara giggled and ran to the house, large breasts bounding with her every stride. Her run was graceful, and she managed to still look. I took off after her, without the foggiest notion of what I was going to do if I caught her.

I was going to find out though, as I was right on her ass as she sprinted through the kitchen, up the stairs to the second story, down the hallway and into the master bedroom, she made a sharp turn and bolted into the master bathroom, with me not even a second behind her.

I caught her by the waist and started tickling her. She squirmed against me as she giggled. My dick, still hard as iron, was trapped between her ass and my own body, and I'm guessing that's what caused her to get serious. She slowly untangled herself from my arms. She turned her shower on, then flipped a few knobs until the water fell like rain from the ceiling.

"Same deal." Sara said in a serious tone. "If you think you can behave, I'll let you follow me.

She turned and walked into the shower, watching to see if I'd follow. I hesitated; conflict erupted inside of me. Did I really trust the two of us to keep things PG? Or at the most, PG-13? I don't know, but I'd gone this far, what's a few more feet?

Slowly I entered the water behind her. She shoved a luffa in my hands, followed by a bottle of body wash a second later.

"Make yourself useful then."

I squeezed the soap onto her luffa and worked it into a lather. Then I started washing the back of her shoulders, down the length of her back. Instead of going down her ass cheeks, I skirted them, down her hips to her legs, the back of her thighs, then calves. The only thing I didn't soap up was the part I so desperately wanted to.

"Have you never seen a porno?" Sara asked suddenly, "You're only supposed to wash the titties ass and coochie. You've washed everything but!"

"I believe a condition of me showering with you was that I had to behave. So, I'm behaving."

"I see, so you're showering with me, but I have to wash my own parts?"

I nodded dimly. Sara turned around and took the luffa from me. She started scrubbing her shoulders and working down to her beautiful breasts, and then soft stomach. I noticed that there were no tan lines on Sara's body. As she lowered the luffa past her navel, she stretched it out in front of her.

"Last chance." she offered.

I grabbed the luffa from her and started sudsing up her hips. Sara watched me with bated breath as I slowly dipped the luffa downwards, across her smooth mound. I stopped before I reached her pussy, but Sara wasn't having that. She grabbed my wrist and pushed it down. So, I started soaping up her lips. Gently at first. Then I noticed Sara pinching one of her nipples, and it woke something in me. I began cleaning her pussy with purpose. As I moved the luffa around her nether bits, my thumb brushed against her clit. I couldn't tell you if it was by chance or designed accident, but I dropped the pretenses, as well as the luffa, and began rubbing Sara's pussy. Her smooth pubic area felt good against the palm of my hand. I fiddled with her clit as I parted her lips, and gently dipped my middle finger into her folds. She moaned next to my ear but made no move to stop me. I probed into her pussy.

"I don't think that's behaving". Sara whispered.

I didn't answer, instead I focused on finger fucking my wife's best friend.

Sara slowly reached out and wrapped her fingers around my pole. I took that as an invitation to plunge my finger deeper inside of her, working it in and out, having my ring finger join in. I turned her to where I was standing behind her and pushed her back forward, bending her at the waist.

"You're pussy feels so good." I whispered in her ear. This elicited a nice moan. I curled my fingers, brushing them against the rough patch of flesh inside her. I continued fucking her tight pussy with my fingers, while I took pinching her nipples into my own hand, quite literally.

"You have no idea how good this feels" Sara moaned, tugging on my shaft, trying to bring me as much pleasure as I brought her. After a few seconds, Sara's legs clamped down hard on my hand, trapping my fingers in her pussy. I continued to move them around inside of her as she moaned out my name.

As Sara's orgasm waned, I pulled my fingers from inside her. Sara still held on to my dick, and pulled me forward by it, aiming my stiff prick at the wet opening between her legs. As she rubbed the head of my dick against her entrance, I fought every instinct I had not to push my hips forward and impale her. I stayed still, being nothing but putty in Sara's hands. She pulled gently, pushing the head of my cock into her. Right before her pussy would have engulfed the head, she pulled me back out. She was flirting the line of outercourse versus intercourse, and I was just along for the ride. Motion from her other arm caught my attention, and I realized she was rubbing fast circles on her clit as she teased the two of us with the head of my dick.

"I just want to cum with you inside me" Sara moaned.

Still, I didn't move. I didn't push myself into her, but I also made no move to free my dick from her pussy.

She pulled forward gently and I felt her pussy envelop the spongy head of my dick. As soon as it did Sara let out a yell. I felt as she tried to shove herself back, all the way down my dick. I wanted to let her. Instead I pulled my dick back, replacing it with my fingers and rubbed furiously until her legs gave away beneath her.


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