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Two's Company

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But is four a crowd?
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Chapter One

(Thursday 17th October 2002)

Heather had spent most of the morning secretly planning ahead. She should have been listening to her lecturers and tutors but, although she attended classes in body, her mind was elsewhere.

Memories of last night with Viola featured prominently. Looks-wise the girl was somewhere between Whitney Houston and Naomi Campbell. She was easily the most beautiful person Heather had ever met and her supermodel figure was, to say the least, addictive.

Viola featured prominently in the forward planning too. She had taken to same-sex bedroom activities like a duck to water. In fact her eagerness to explore new horizons was worrying. In her role as Vi's first female lover Heather felt a certain responsibility. No way could she let her go blundering out of her depth.

Not without her there as a lifeguard, anyway.

Now, lunchtime at last, Heather entered the Union Bar and was immediately hit by a wave of noises and smells.

Clacking pool balls, cackling gossips, clouds of cigarette smoke and the comforting aroma of recently spilt beer . . . it was all there, all-pervading.

And Heather loved it. Going into the Union always lifted her heart.

Less encouragingly, her targets were nowhere to be seen. Leanne and Debbie were not in their usual prominent position on Lesbians' Corner, cackling and gossiping.

That was an unexpected blow. Those two little beauties were there this time of day, every day. Being somewhere else wasn't supposed to happen.

Not ever.

Heather sighed as she acknowledged planning ahead had its pros and cons. But one tiny con wasn't going to stop her. She'd simply have to wait. This was too important to ditch at the first hurdle.

And it really was important. For some reason Vi had got it onto her head that she owed the Gruesome Twosome a night of sex. Such a notion was ridiculous but she was sticking to it. Expanding her circle of girlfriends was an admirable thing to do, of course, but that particular pairing would . . .

Well, given half a chance, that particular pairing would eat Viola for breakfast, tea, dinner and supper.

Not on Heather's watch, though. Not while she could exert a measure of control.

Approaching the bar Heather couldn't fail to notice the barmaid. Gloria was the wrong side of forty but still glorious. She was also a classic barmaid of long standing. She'd been fielding all the over-the-top suggestions for over twenty years and knew every reply in the book.

She also had the most amazing cleavage ever seen, anywhere, ever.

'Hello sweetie,' she said in greeting, pulling a pint of Marston's without needing to be asked.

'Hello light of my life,' Heather replied on autopilot, 'how's your bum for spots?'

'It's blemish-free at the moment,' said Gloria. 'Play your cards right and I might prove it.'

That wasn't in the script. She was supposed to say: "Wouldn't you like to know."

Heather's ears pricked up. All straight men and lesbians of every description lusted after Gloria. It was a human nature sort of a thing, unavoidable and only in part inspired by her chest. Absolutely straight girls had been known to flirt with her.

Okay, maybe she struggled to attract gay guys, but even they seemed to like passing time of day with her.

By now Heather had been flirting with Gloria ever since fresher's week, ten million years or more ago.

Never mind her predicament with Viola, Leanne and Debbie; this was an opening she couldn't resist.

'I'd love to inspect your delightful bum,' she said, lowering her voice somewhat. 'But you're working in here all the time. Don't you ever get time off?'

Gloria laughed. 'Next you'll be asking if I come here often.'

'Rumour has it you and Joe change barrels together more regularly than you ought to. Out of sight in the back and taking forever about it.'

Joe was the bar manager and one of Gloria's more ardent admirers. Heather's implication did have a germ of possibility in it but was still mostly conjecture. Gloria, as anticipated, admitted nothing.

'That's slanderous,' she said lightly, laughing again.

'I'd like to see you cum here often,' Heather countered. 'But answer my question.'

Gloria's eyes left Heather and swept vigilantly around the bar. As well as looking good she was ace in her chosen profession. Nobody waited more than a minute when she was on duty. And everyone paid up with a smile.

Just then the room was crowded but mainly with drinkers already provided with drinks.

She was also far too astute to pretend she'd really been asked about Joe.

'I have Wednesday off,' she said, almost whispering. 'If you're asking me out, that would be good.'

Heather battled to keep her emotions in check.

Result, yelled her brain, louder than loud.

Technically, due to her new, ever-changing relationship with Vi she probably should have hedged and made a bit of a joke of it. But this woman was twice her age and sexy as heck.

And she was deadly serious. Heather could see it in her eyes.

'Okay,' she said,' 'Wednesday night it is. Does Ye Olde John of Gaunt sound like a suitable venue?'

'Afraid to be seen with me in here, are you?'

'No, quite the contrary; I'm thinking of your reputation, not mine. I'd be proud to be seen with you just anywhere. We can meet up in the town square if you want. I'll even do a Lady Godiva if you insist.'

Gloria laughed yet again. 'Fully clad and in Ye Olde sounds good to me. You can save the Godiva bit for later on.'


Before moving off to serve other customers Gloria pointed out Leanne and Debbie, who were there in the Union after all. They were huddled miles away from the Corner, rapt on one of the video games.

Heather took time to appraise them before venturing across.

The duo weren't really gruesome at all. Debbie was five feet eight, blonde and full-chested with looks to die for. Even the I-want line on her forehead was sexy.

Leanne was an inch or so shorter and plump. Not fat, Heather hastily corrected herself, but plump in a very acceptable way. Didn't old writers use "plump as a partridge" as an expression of admiration for a certain type of young lady? Well, if they'd used it for Leanne they'd have been bang-on. Unlike a lot of girls she looked better for carrying a few excess pounds. A slimmer version wouldn't have worked.

Leanne also had Hispanic blood in her. While Debbie was icy-fair she was black-haired and dusky-skinned. As a girl who tanned well herself, Heather liked the look.

Indeed she liked the look of both of them, even if appearances could be deceptive. Those two had got it together in halls and lived as woman and wife from the start of their second year. As far as the local lesbian pairings went theirs was as solid as any . . . except they liked to experiment, in a sharing sort of a way.

In their particular relationship infidelity wasn't allowed unless it was done as a team. In other words individual flings were verboten yet taking a girl in tandem was perfectly acceptable and highly desirable.

Having been taken in tandem more than once, Heather was cool with that. It was the prospect of Viola being taken in tandem which concerned her.

And yes, Viola did know what she was getting herself into. She actually seemed to relish the prospect.

But not on Heather's watch.

Not as easily as that.

Chapter Two

Turned out Leanne was watching Debbie play on an original Space Invaders game. Everything about it had to be antique but it was still compulsive viewing. Leastways it was for Leanne. And Debbie was good at it too. Heather stood back and observed a moment, wondering if her high score was at risk while Debs laid waste to line after line of advancing aliens.

'The spaceship will be crossing soon,' she said helpfully.

'Eff off Hunter,' Debbie replied, still all concentration and determination.

Leanne's reaction was rather warmer. Maybe it was the way Heather put her arm around her, maybe it was something else but she pushed into her embrace and offered up her lips.

As if by magic the jukebox switched from Kung Fu Fighting to It Started With A Kiss.

Utterly, absolutely no way could Heather miss a prompt like that. She kissed Leanne and couldn't help being impressed by her reaction. As far as she could remember kissing hadn't played so big a part in their previous, three-way lovemaking. And what a loss that had been! Leanne's kiss was magic!!

So too was the way Leanne turned her body, still accepting Heather's friendly arm while pressing their boobs and groins tighter than tight.

Heather responded by pushing her tongue against Leanne's.

Leanne responded by gripping Heather's ass and pressing even tighter.

'Get a room,' someone called from the direction of Lesbians' Corner.

'Yeah,' another voice agreed, 'and make sure you give her one for me.'

'Only one,' someone else echoed, 'give her dozens. Go on girl, you know it makes sense.'

Nothing coming from the Corner could possibly faze Heather. No, it was the electronic death sound of Debbie losing her last life that made her break contact.

'That's your fault,' Debbie grumbled, entering her initials in the list of highest scores.

Heather sniggered. Debs was fourth and had three other entries in the top ten. But the top three still all read HEV.

'I'd have beaten you if you hadn't put me off,' Debbie complained.

'What do you mean?'

'You making yourself at home with my girlfriend, trying to snog her face off. What else?'

Heather laughed. 'If you'd had another life I'd be whisking her away by now. By one o'clock we'd be locked in a hotel room where you'd never find us, ready for a full afternoon of shagging.'

'Sounds good to me,' said Leanne. 'Let's go for it.'

Debbie rolled her eyes. 'Mouth on you,' she said. Then, focusing her attention back on Heather: 'What is it you're really after?'

'An afternoon in bed with Leanne,' Heather replied, grinning inwardly.

'Sounds good to me,' Leanne reiterated.

'Ain't going to happen,' said Debbie. 'Give me a better answer.'

Now Heather's grin was on the surface and broad as that of any Cheshire Cat.

'I have a proposal,' she said. 'In fact I have an offer you can't possibly refuse.'

Leanne's body was still clamped tight to Heather's. And it still felt good to be clamped tight.

'I'm up for any proposals,' Leanne said shamelessly. 'Here's twenty pence, Debs. You have another game.'

'Ain't gonna happen,' Debbie said again. 'You, madam, are on a three-line whip for your next tutorial. I am not about to let you get sent down because you're off chasing tail.'

'Hev has a very nice tail,' Leanne protested.

'Fuck off Lee, it isn't going to happen.'

Heather never really had expected it to happen. She knew the dynamics between these two. In a way that was why she had an offer to make.

'I have a tutorial I can't miss too,' she said, diplomatically. 'So I'm sorry, Lee, we'll have to find another opportunity to sneak off together at a later date. Meanwhile, however . . .'

'Come on Hunter,' snapped Debbie, 'out with it.'

'You two have been after my girlfriend,' Heather said, almost but not quite accusingly.

'She's fitter than fuck,' Debbie countered, 'who isn't after her?'

'She's curious too,' Leanne added. Then, giggling, 'As if you'll have left her with any curiosity!'

'I thought you didn't do girlfriends,' Debbie challenged.

'Viola is special,' Heather admitted. 'And you're right, Lee, she is curious. That's why I've a proposal to put to you.'

Leanne and Debbie exchanged glances. And, although an outsider might have assumed Debbie was the girl in charge, Heather knew better. For all their bluster Leanne called at least half the shots.

Deceptive appearances or what!

'Listen,' said Heather, 'we have us a situation. For some crazy reason Viola wants to shag with you.'

'Does she really, with both of us?' Debbie queried, dropping some of her habitual aggression.

'Yippee,' cried Leanne.

'Yes she does.' Heather drained her glass and wished she had another pint. 'Look,' she went on, 'let's go to the bar and continue this conversation. I'll buy the next round.'

'Sounds good to me,' Leanne said predictably.

'Sounds rather public,' said Debbie. 'So what's the situation?'

Heather had assessed her targets individually in advance. She had Leanne down as an easy sell and Debbie as dubious but persuadable.

'You suggested a double date,' she said, staring into Debbie's pale green eyes. 'I think that's a great idea, except with a couple of refinements.'

'Sounds good to me,' Leanne said for the zillionth time.

'What refinements?' Debs growled.

Heather wasn't fooled. She'd seen the flash of excitement cross Debs' face. She knew she had her on the hook.

'Let's go get more beer,' she said, putting her free arm around the blonde.

Debs snorted but didn't shrug her off.

'This had better be good, Hunter,' she warned.

Heather laughed out loud. 'Trust me,' she said, 'this will blow your tiny mind . . .'

Chapter Three

(Friday 18th October 2002)

Heather had no ambition to ever be a salesperson but was proud of her persuasive qualities. She had always had a fast mouth and an even faster brain. And she had her good looks to use too, of course. Not to mention an athletic body, a mane of lovely jet-black hair and a sexual appetite that was beyond compare.

Or so she'd been told.

Persuading the Gruesome Twosome hadn't taken a mighty effort. Leanne had gasped and rolled her eyes at first but otherwise the sales pitch couldn't have gone better.

And "Hard Sell Debbie" had ended up purring like a kitty.

Well, relatively speaking she had. By her usual growly standards she'd ended up eating bits of candy from Heather's hand.

And she was meant to be so butch!

Heather didn't do butch and femme. Strict butch and femme confused her. She liked sex, full stop. As an open-minded girl she never could decide whether it was better to give or take. Usually she avoided the decision. If tortured on a rack (or maybe roasted over red-hot coals), she might have plumped for a bit of giving rather than taking.

There again, she might just as well have not.

Oh sex, sex, sex!

The physical act to her had always been refreshing and invigorating. It seemed to sap everyone else's batteries but it always recharged hers.

Like always and every time without fail.

Sex was brilliant.

And sex with Viola was better than best.

If only she could put her feelings into words . . .

If only she could explain her feelings to herself . . .

Even now, not quite a week into their unexpected "affair", Heather found herself brooding over Viola, hour after hour. Instinctively concerned, she had challenged herself to love her with less than half of her heart.

But it was a challenge she was steadily losing.

Tonight was an opportunity, though. Tonight was chance to put some order back into the world. She'd briefed Viola as thoroughly as possible and she was as up for it as could be. And if anything Debbie and Leanne were even more up for it.

As was Heather; in her opinion the four of them, being wild and uninhibited for a night was very much a real deal. What could possibly go wrong?


Being a Friday karate practice took precedence. Consequently Heather let her coach's "friend" Jenny fight, kick and punch seven bells out of her. Yet, as per always, the conflict was highly enjoyable, and not only because the older woman was sharing invaluable experience.

'Look at you,' Jenny said as Heather dressed after showering, swapping her everyday student togs in favour of something infinitely more feminine.

Heather shrugged. Just lately she'd been wearing skirts and blouses a lot more often than usual.

'Look at you,' she replied, brazenly, 'dressed in no more than a towel. Are you sexy or what?'

Jenny's eyes narrowed. They had history between them, and recent history at that.

'Shame it's so busy in the showers,' she said. 'Shame I'm not tonight's lucky lady.'

Heather at least partially made up outside the gym, tugging Jenny into a secluded campus pathway and kissing her as thoroughly as any woman ever had been kissed. Then, before she knew it, she was arranging a second date for straight after their next training session, on Tuesday.

Doing so was off-the-cuff, unplanned but totally irresistible.

'My social diary's all over the place,' she confessed, 'but I owe you, big-time, so Tuesday's no miss. A lot of beer, at least one vindaloo and we'll take it from there. Okay?'

Jenny scrunched her snub of an adorable nose. 'I thought you were shunning me,' she said. 'I thought you had better things to be doing.'

'I have a prior arrangement tonight,' Heather replied, wincing at the unintended primness in her voice ("a prior arrangement" sounded so awfully private school). Somehow she shrugged it off. 'Nothing on earth is better than beer and vindaloo; beer, vindaloo and you,' she said. 'And whatever you do, make sure you bring your toothbrush. Know what I mean?'


Agreeing a date with Jenny hadn't exactly been on the agenda, but then neither had agreeing a date with Gloria. And that social diary of Heather's was only really full until Sunday night, Monday morning. After that she was free as a bird, theoretically at least.

And she was doing her best to stay commitment-free, wasn't she?

Well, wasn't she?

Refusing to answer her self-imposed question, Heather kissed Jenny a temporary farewell, giving her a few more hot promises for Tuesday before hastening off to meet tonight's ensemble.

For once the Union Bar was not the opening venue. Embarrassment didn't come into it, of course. Vi aside, the other three were hardened veterans of Lesbians' Corner. Seasoned soldiers in trenches, all of the flak flew straight over their heads.

Leastways that had been Heather's angle . . . one among lots of conflicting angles. "Vi's an innocent," she'd said, pleadingly, "please don't make her lose face."

As if she'd genuinely expected Lee and Debs to keep quiet after the fact! They never gossiped about each other but were positively garrulous about everyone else.

Yes, they were garrulous to the nth degree.

Anyhow, accord had been arrived at. The four of them were to meet up in the Golden Lion. Running a little behind, Heather got there last, maybe ten minutes overdue.

'Ah,' Debbie said in greeting, 'the late Heather Hunter.'

Grinning at the old joke, Heather volunteered to get in a round. Unsurprisingly, her offer was accepted unanimously.

And, returning from the bar, her spirits soared. Seated at a table for four Viola was close up to Leanne and there was a vacant place beside Debbie.

No, on second thoughts Viola was very, very close up to Leanne. Any closer and her tongue would've been brushing her tonsils.

Heather sniggered. Viola had a wonderfully long tongue, capable of reaching parts a girl could only be grateful for. Were tonsils out of its range?

Hmmm . . . possibly they were, yet possibly not. She could reach G-spots well enough; Heather could vouch for that.

Well, she could reach Heather's all right. Maybe hers was more accessible than most other girls'.

Stuff the fine print, though. Her big fear had been of Viola getting cold feet. And fear along those lines had just been extinguished.

As if!

The girl was hotter than hot for it. She even eclipsed Leanne in eagerness . . . and Leanne was visibly salivating.

'Sorry I'm tardy,' said Heather, pressing up to Debbie, her hand (innocently) brushing her bare thigh.

'Drink your drink,' Debbie replied. 'We've places to go, things to do.'

Heather stared at her. Debbie used her pale green eyes to indicate Viola and Leanne.

And what a sight that was. Brushing Lee's tonsils was an understatement; give it another few minutes and Vi would be licking her clit.

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