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Ugly Redhead Complete

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An immature ginger causes trouble.
12.8k words

Part 8 of the 1 part series

Updated 07/01/2015
Created 03/19/2015
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Dear reader, just as with my other story, "The Time Spine," this story was originally released in serial form. I have decided to release it as a single volume for convenience sake. I hope you enjoy. All characters are 18 or older.



Mike sighed as he shuffled through 6th period's papers. He only had a few more minutes until 7th period started, and he still needed to turn on the projector and laptop for the video he was showing on factoring.

He liked teaching quite a bit, but it was challenging and energy consuming. By the time 7th period rolled around, he was often nearly out of energy. This was unfortunate, because 7th period was his most challenging class of the day. Perhaps because the students were tired as well. The name of the class was "Geometry connections," and it was for juniors and seniors who, for whatever reason, had not passed Geometry in the 10th grade.

Not exactly 'academic' students, in other words.

As he flipped open the laptop and booted it up, he reflected on the difference between high school and junior high teaching. He had enjoyed junior high as well, but found that the upper grades were better. In his opinion, these kids had just the right combination of maturity and playfulness. Yes, they were hard to manage sometimes, but over all, they could be reasoned with.

Two minutes before the bell rang, Victor strode in. Under five foot tall, he was a humorous and devilish young Mexican kid who talked fast and always had a quick comeback to anything. He was a big part of why 7th period was so difficult. Although a good kid, he seemed unable to stop his verbal outbursts. Unfortunately they were often hilarious and set the class to laughing. If left to his own devices, he would be doing stand-up all period long every day. Keeping Victor on task was Mike's major task every day.

More and more kids straggled in as the tardy bell approached, and finally everyone was in the room.

Mike looked up as the bell rang and noticed not everyone was present. Lexis Miller was late again. Lexis was the other problem with 7th period. The manic senior was extremely difficult to manage, fluctuating between surly defiance and annoying chattering when it was time to work.

She arrived ten minutes into class, and Mike could tell right away she was in one of her "up" moods. She stalked in on her long, gangly legs and practically shouted, "I was with the counselor!"

Mike wasn't so sure about that, but he just said, "I'll email her for confirmation. You missed the video, so you're going to have to copy someone's notes. Will someone let Lexis share your notes?"

He looked around the classroom and no one raised a hand. Lexis was fairly unpopular. Not only did she tend to be socially awkward and annoying, she was tall for a girl and had carrot-top red hair. She never brushed her hair, so it was always unkempt. She also had the pale skin typical of her coloring, which would turn blotchy red when she was upset. A rash of pimples completed the picture, and as a whole, she was shunned by the other students.

Mike pitied her, as he did all his "outcast" students, and he always tried to treat her with extra patience. "Come on... anyone? As a favor to me?" Finally Gracie raised her hand. Gracie was a quiet, shy girl with a heart of gold. Even a terror class has its good kids.

"Thank you Gracie," Mike nodded her way. "Let's get to work on the assignment. Remember, first check your notes, then ask me if you don't understand something."

He went back to his seat and contemplated the difficult redhead, who was sitting at her desk, pretending to work while sneaking cheese-its from her jacket pocket. She was a strange one, Lexis. Although she had recently turned eighteen, her mental and emotional maturity level seemed much lower. In some ways, she reminded him of his days teaching junior high. Those kids had also been full of manic energy. Mike shrugged and went back to taking attendance. Every kid matured at their own rate.


The next day, when 7th period rolled around, Lexis was in one of her surly moods, but Victor was more crazy than ever. Mike had to spend most of his attention and energy on Victor.

Finally, twenty minutes into class, he lost patience. "That's it, Victor. Out. In the hallway." He pointed at the door. "Take your work. I'm through with your disruption."

Victor strutted and joked all the way to the door, but once he was gone, the whole room was quieter. That's when he noticed Lexis. She was positively radiating angst. "Lexis, would you come to my desk, please?"

She flashed him a dirty look but got up and moved slowly to his desk. "What?" she said in an irritated voice.

Mike swallowed the disrespect and asked patiently, "What's wrong? You seem down today."

Lexis looked at Mr. Bell and after a moment appeared to decide to open up. Mike Bell had a reputation for truly caring about his students. They knew they could trust him.

"It's just... Victor keeps calling me 'orangutang' every day. It's getting on my nerves."

Mike looked at her compassionately. "But you know that's just how Victor is. He's mean to everyone."

Lexis nodded and her fire-red hair bobbed. "I know. But he's right. I'm ugly. I know it. Everyone says so."

Mike felt terrible for the young teen. "Lexis, you are NOT ugly. You're very pretty." He smiled and said, "You have beautiful blue eyes. You just have unusual hair color, and high school kids always act mean when someone stands out."

Her face relaxed into a fond smile and Mike realized that she really was pretty, in an odd way. She had acne, very crooked teeth, and the kind of glasses that magnify the eyes, yet... he realized with a start... he was attracted to her.

Now everyone knows that most high school girls these days are fully developed. Some of them are strikingly beautiful. But as a professional, you just turn it off. It's like a wall of brick. You simply do not let your mind go there.

Mike was shaken by the realization that he was somehow on the wrong side of the wall. Lexis was tall and gawky, but shapely. She had medium-sized breasts that suited her frame perfectly and...

STOP! He immediately shut that thought process down and forced it out of his mind. This child needed him to care, not to be a perv!

This had all happened in a flash, and he quickly said, "Just remember, YOU are the only one that matters when it comes to liking yourself. If you like yourself, others will automatically. It's called self-confidence."

She looked at him, but there was something different in her eyes. Had she picked up on something? Mike shivered a little. She said, "Do you like me, Mr. Bell?"

Now fully in control, he said, "Of course I do, Lexis. You can be annoying sometimes, but you are a smart and pretty, and when you try, you're a good student." He always tried to bring it back to his main goal, which was getting the kids confident about their ability to learn.


Over the next few weeks, it was clear something big had changed with Lexis. She never had down days anymore, but Mike found himself longing for them. Now it was non-stop annoyance. She would take things off his desk and refuse to return them. She would steal the rulers from the supply drawer and try to smack him with them. He now had two maniacs to deal with, Victor and Lexis, and it was taking a lot of energy out of him. Every day at the end of class, Lexis would steal Mike's timer from his desk and try to escape with it.

As the days went by, the game slowly got more physical. At first, he just threatened to give her lunch detention. Soon, however, as his patience grew thin, he would just grab her arm and take the timer by sheer strength.

This was highly unusual for Mike, as he had a general "hands-off" policy with respect to the students. It was a good idea for lots of reasons. But for some reason, he was breaking his own policy and not thinking about it. All he knew was the immature eighteen year-old was extremely vexing!

Several times, as she was hovering about him trying to get his goat, he would reach out to grab at her and 'accidentally' brush against one of her breasts. It was not until much later that he would admit that he had been looking for opportunities for the play to allow such accidents.

One time, she was behind him with a yard stick, poking him with it as he was trying to enter grades in the computer. He found that ignoring her sometimes worked, so he just held a hand out behind him to keep her away and went on entering grades with the other. He was shocked when he felt the soft firmness of her full breast filling his hand! His hand spasmed in a quick squeeze around the firm young tit.

He jerked it back immediately and spun around. She just had that crooked, goofy look on her face. But she looked flushed, and her skin was blotchy. He looked around, but everyone else in the class was engaged in the day's project, which involved using geometry to build a strong bridge. He shook his head and tried to put the incident out of his mind. But a firm young breast, cupped firmly in the hand, is not a thing to be forgotten.

This play continued, with Mike feeling a confusing mix of annoyance and anticipation, for a couple weeks.

There finally came a day when, after the last bell had rung, she took the timer yet again. No threat would coerce her to return it, so he went after it. All of the students from 7th period were gone.

As he stalked her around the room, she giggled insanely. "Lexis, you're going to miss your bus!" he said.

"Nope, I walk home. Sorry, ugly face!" she said as she darted around a table.

Mike was getting pretty annoyed. "Lexis, school is over. I have papers to grade. Stop wasting my time."

"You stop wasting my time," she giggled, dodging out of his reach once again.

"Your parents are going to worry," he said lamely, growing desperate to end this game of chase and get to work grading.

"Nope, my mom works until six and I don't know my dad. So... wrong again, loser." More giggles followed.

Mike was out of patience. He pushed the table she was standing behind and closed off her retreat. Still holding the table against the wall, he circled around the other side of her. He grabbed her wrist, but she nimbly shifted the timer to her other hand.

Still holding her left wrist, Mike reached out for her other, but she rotated away from him. Rather than let go his hold, his arm was pulled around her. Suddenly, he found himself pressed against her back side with his arm around her! He froze. His right hand was clasped to her full bosom and he was suddenly in full-body contact with her warm young body.

At this point, the table suddenly shifted away from the wall and they both surged forward, instantly off balance. Only Mike's quick thinking saved them from falling to the floor in a heap. He jerked his weight to the left and managed to direct their fall towards the table.

Now he found himself bent over the table on top of Lexis. She was giggling insanely, but he was not amused. He straightened up and looked down. Their lower bodies were wedged together between the table and the wall. Lexis was still leaned over on the table, incapacitated by her giggle fit.

Mike was frozen in time. Another thing he had not noticed was her perfect ass. The perfect ass that was pushing warmly against his crotch at that very moment. The movement of her giggling, and the sight of her shirt riding up to expose her pale lower back caused an instant and almost painful erection.

He was paralyzed. She was vibrating her tight little ass against his raging hard on, and he didn't know what to do. It was like some kind of sensory overload. Too many things were crashing in at once.

As he looked down at her nicely rounded ass and milky lower back, he had a moment of truth. She had not been annoying him for the last two weeks. She had been flirting with him, in her immature way! And worse yet, he had liked it. He had responded to it!

Although he had stuffed his unusual attraction to her, late at night, just before sleep, it often tugged at the edges of his mind. That moment of squeezing her taut young breast was burned into his memory forever. In a way, he had lost the battle the day she had pushed her ripe young tit against his unsuspecting hand. He could never forget it. Hell, he didn't want to.

Somehow, he snapped out of it and walked quickly away. He sat down at his desk to hide his huge erection and spoke is as level a voice as possible. "Fine. Don't give me the timer. But if you take it out of this room, that is theft, and I will report you to the office. Then it will be Principal Smith's problem."

She stood up and he saw the old surly look return. "Fine. You're no fun." She put the timer on the table, gathered her books, and stalked out.

Mike took a deep breath and felt his erection slowly subside. Had she felt it? Had she seen it? It seemed impossible for her not to have. He was very large in that department, a little over eight inches, and thick. He had been with some women that couldn't take it all. How could Lexis not have felt or seen it? He ran his hand through his hair. A girl like Lexis, who never had a boyfriend and was unpopular, might not know anything about sex at all. He could hope, anyway.

As his erection finally faded away, leaving a damp spot of pre cum in his boxers, He thought, What the hell was that? I haven't been that sexually excited in years, maybe ever. Mike was a good looking man, and after his divorce had several casual "fuck buddy" relationships that kept him sated, but they were more for letting off steam than real animal passion. This was something new and frightening.

Well, no matter what, it has to end, he thought firmly. All of it. No more play, no more flirting, no more anything. What if someone had walked in while he was on top of her? Unacceptable!


Over the next few weeks, he was true to his word. Lexis tried to initiate the play, but he did not respond and twice had to give her lunch detention to impress upon her his resolve. Finally she got the picture.

Naturally, she shifted tactics. Now, when she came to his desk to ask a question, she would walk around and stand so near to him that her breast would occasionally brush against the back of his shoulder. He remained professional and did not react in any outward way, but each time, his traitor of a penis would fill with blood and tent his pants. Fortunately, his seated position allowed him to disguise this fact.

Although her breasts were medium sized for her frame, because she was so tall they were objectively quite large. Being only eighteen, and having had breasts for only a few years, they had not succumbed to the pull of gravity. Mike hated himself for it, but he could not help notice how firm and shapely they were. When she rubbed one against him, it sent him into internal alarm mode.

But he remained cool outwardly, hoping that once again she would understand his firm position and eventually back off.


Mike stayed after for tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday nights. He had never seen Lexis in one of the sessions, as she was not particularly studious and seemed content with her regular "C to D" grades.

However, as the weeks passed, she began poking her head in before walking home. She would just say, "Hi Mr. Bell," look around at the other students, then "Bye, Mr. Bell," and off she went.

After two weeks of this, Mike found out what she was doing. It was Tuesday After-school tutoring, and there was no one there. They had taken a test that day and he had assigned no homework, and there was really no reason to go to tutoring.

Lexis poked her head in, said, "Hi Mr. Bell," saw there was no one present, and walked into the room.

Mike raised his eyebrows, suddenly realizing what she'd been up to. He was suddenly on the alert. She was up to something. So why was he suddenly at half-mast?

"Hi Lexis, what can I help you with?"

"Well, I don't think I did good on that test, and I wanted you to go over the stuff with me," she said with a goofy grin.

What in the hell do I find so attractive about this girl? he asked himself as he stared at her acne ridden face, goofy, crooked-toothed grin, and her giant magnified eyes. Yet, as his traitorous eye glanced down, her body was unquestionably perfect. She was wearing a sundress of all things, and it clung to her body tightly. Nice large breasts, perky as hell. Tight little waist that swelled out to curvy hips then tapered back to long, slender pale legs.

STOP IT! he scolded himself. I have got to get back on the right side of the wall!

He gave her a study guide and over the next twenty or so minutes she commenced to torturing him. Every time she came up to his desk, she would rub her breast against him. It only took once for him to realize she wasn't wearing a bra! He could actually feel the erect nipple prodding his shoulder. But he kept his cool, hid his non-stop boner, and stayed professional.

Over that first twenty minutes, something was tugging at the edges of his awareness. Something his conscious mind did not know, but a more primal part of him was aware of.

She came up to ask about the last question, once again blatantly rubbing her engorged nipple against his shoulder, when it came to Mike in a flash. He could smell her! He could smell her little adolescent pussy gushing! It was a realization that nearly caused him to turn and grab her that very instant. He had flashes in his mind of doing exactly that. Just turning around, grabbing her, and pushing her against the wall. Hiking up her skirt and...

Mike shook his head and tried to breathe deeply and calm his racing heart. He could feel a slimy wet patch against his belly where pre-cum had been leaking out for the last twenty minutes. His balls were taut with the need to release. He slowly counted to ten, and seemed to have control back when she asked him, in a little-girl voice, "Mr. Bell, are you okay?"

She was leaning down next to him, her face very close to his, and they were both surrounded by the aroma of young, aroused pussy and pre-cum.

There was no choice made. Their brains had no part in what happened next. They simply kissed. With a violent and red-hot passion. Mouth to mouth with tongues probing, they tried to devour each other. Arms wrapped around each other, grasping at the backs of each other's heads, they tasted each other deep.

Lexus let her body go lax, and she swung around naturally into Mike's lap, side saddle. As they kissed, she began wiggling her perfect ass against his cock. It was too much. The young girl's tight squirming body pressed against his, her hot little tongue darting in and out of his mouth, the lush, heady aroma of her saturated little pussy filling the air.

With a moan, he came with incredible intensity. He felt his boxers fill with cum as he spasmed again and again. They continued kissing and he held her lithe body tight as his orgasm seemed to go on forever and ever.

When it was over he disengaged the kiss. He was in a state of shock. That had been the best orgasm of his 40 years of life. By far. Lexis was flushed blotchy red and breathing heavily. The air was positively damp with the aroma of her young cunny and his spilled seed.

But soon enough, of course, came the shame. As the ecstasy faded, what he had done came back to his mind. He had just broken the law! He could lose his job... hell, he could go to jail! And what about his own prided professionalism? What had he just done to this poor young girl? He had just done her great harm, and for what? A little sexual pleasure.

A wave of self-hatred washed over Mike. I am a terrible person, he thought miserably. I am a molester!

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