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Uncle Jay's Beach Ch. 01

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About a beach.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/06/2023
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I placed my small travel bag on the end of the queen bed. The room was fairly large, I was surprised. I had a view onto the back garden with a small green gate leading to a beaten path. I had asked dad why we couldn't stay in a hotel, but he insisted that Uncle Jay wanted us to stay with him. I hadn't seen Uncle Jay in years, I had almost forgotten about him. Dad and he were roommates in college and had stayed in touch ever since. I knew they also often met up on fishing trips with other alumni.

"How do you like the room?" I jumped not having noticed Jay enter. "Sorry boy, didn't mean to startle you there."

"It's nice." I looked over Uncle Jay. I couldn't believe how they had maintained their friendship all these years. Where dad was always immaculately dressed Jay wore a thin T-shirt that barely covered his protruding belly, a pair of cargo shorts and flip flops. I had always thought Jay was goofy looking, his body was disproportionately built, apart from his belly he was actually pretty lanky with large hands and feet. His face might have been handsome if not for a big nose obstructing it. No wonder the poor man was still a bachelor.

"Danny-boy is sleeping in my pink room. I thought a young man like you would want something a bit manlier." A funny comment considering even though this room was blue the powdery shade made it lose all masculinity.

"Where does that gate lead to?" I pointed to the green gate in the back garden trying to change the subject.

"It goes to a small beach only a few locals know about. Hopefully we can visit it during your stay. Your dad says you're a swimmer."

"Merry University is offering me a swim scholarship." I said with pride. I had gotten into every college I applied for. Now it was time to choose which one to say yes to. Dad and I had been on this road trip for the past week looking at my options. "We're meeting the coach today."

"Well good luck." One of Jay's large hands patted my shoulder. As he left the room, he winked at me.

I met my father in his guest room. It surely was pink. White lace curtains draped the window. Dad didn't seem to mind as he finished unpacking. The one benefit to dad's room was a large private bathroom. I had to use the common one all the way down on the first floor. Jay must have a private restroom of his own.

"I didn't realize Jay had such a nice house." I sat on my father's bed. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's a very successful lawyer."

"In shorts and a T-shirt?"

"He can be very charming when he wants to be." I furrowed my brow at the comment. I would have to see that to believe it. "Anyway, we can't take long, the college will be waiting for us."

Dad changed his shirt he had been driving in all day. He never looked unprofessional, even on days off and he had been making sure to exude professionalism when accompanying me on my endeavors. He chose not to wear a blazer in the hot weather and instead rolled up his sleeves to expose his toned arms. We were built very similarly, though I was happy to have outgrown his height by half an inch, something I could tease him about. He placed a pink tie around his neck, it matched the room's walls. I was surprised I had not seen this tie before. I thought he had only brought a couple for the trip and that I had seen them all. I didn't want to comment on it.

As we made our way to the car, we came across Uncle Jay sitting on the front porch legs up with a book in hand. It was almost noon on a weekday, shouldn't he be at work?

"I see you're wearing my present." He smiled at dad who touched the necktie. That's why he was wearing it.

"Thank you, Uncle Jay." Replied my dad in an amused tone.

"Oh, get outa here before you distract me any more Danny-boy" Distract him from what exactly? Uncle Jay slapped dad's ass from his seated position. I would have found this normal if it weren't for the embarrassed face dad made afterwards. All the guys I knew did this.

We finally got in the car to the university.

"You didn't seem to like when Jay slapped you back there."

"Oh, I don't mind, he's just got big hands that one." After that I let the subject go even if I noticed dad's face redden ever so slightly.

The head swim coach met us for lunch at one of the school's dining spots. We talked about the opportunities that the school offered both in terms of sports advancement and what kind of career I was looking for. We then toured their facilities; the college was well equipped with a state-of-the-art training center and multiple pools. I was impressed but not convinced. When the coach left us we got the opportunity to get a tour of the rest of the college from a member of the administrative office. By the time we had dinner and drove the forty minutes back to Uncle Jay's house we were tapped out. We found Jay on the porch as if he hadn't left it all day.

"The boys are back!" He said a beer in hand. We went to sit on the porch with him. "Danny-boy grab us all some beers from the fridge, I'm empty." Dad, without question, headed into the house.

"I'm not old enough for a beer Uncle Jay."

"You're old enough to vote, you're old enough to drink in my books. But if you're looking to keep up that physique I understand." He pat his belly. Dad returned with three beers. Offering me one, I refused.

"I think I'm going to bed. It's been a long day." Dad nodded and after giving Uncle Jay the now surplus beer gave me a kiss on the cheek. I swore I saw a glint in Jay's eyes as he did so.

"Goodnight boy. See you tomorrow morning." He waved at me from his chair.

I collapsed on the bed. There had been no way to work out today, I would have to make sure and do so tomorrow. I set my alarm for 7am and spent an hour browsing on my computer before falling asleep. As my mind wandered off, I heard the footsteps of Uncle Jay and dad walking up the stairs.

I woke up before the alarm. The sun was about to rise on the horizon beyond the green garden door. I made my way downstair in my underwear to use the restroom. I was going to have to find a way to workout. It didn't seem like Uncle Jay had any equipment, if he did, he didn't use it. Finishing in the bathroom I was surprised to hear noise coming from the kitchen. As I entered, I found Uncle Jay preparing a pot of coffee in what I could only call a floor-length smoking jacket, the belt tied around his belly making him look more cartoonish than usual.

"I thought I heard you mucking about." He offered me a coffee mug; I grabbed it followed by the cream and sugar he placed in front of me.

"Is there any way to work out around here?" Jay mixed his coffee with a spoon thinking of an answer.

"Well boy, you're a swimmer, there is the sea right behind the garden."

"That's perfect!" I jumped up. I had forgotten he had told me of the beach.

"Well if you're that excited let's go, give me a moment to get some swimwear."

"You're coming?"

"Of course I am boy, you cannot swim by yourself in the ocean, your dad would kill me." I was a top tier swimmer, nothing would happen to me, yet I gave in.

"You going to swim too?"

"Eh probably not, just in case go get your swim trunks and I will do the same. I like watching the sun rise from that beach."

I was surprised how excited I was to go swimming. In our travels to find the perfect swim program there had been surprisingly little swimming. I ran up to the room and took out my lycra swim trunks. I thought about wearing anything else but what was the use, they would just get wet and salty. Uncle Jay had the same idea, he only seemed to have a towel around his waist and his flip flops. When I met him in the back garden he brought an extra towel and flip flops for me.

"Thanks Uncle Jay." I said slipping on the shoes. "Why do I call you that by the way?"

"Your father calls me that and you picked it up." He smirked.

"Why does he call you that?" I had never thought of it.

"Just an inside joke from college...too long a story for this morning." He seemed to anticipate my further questioning. "Why don't we make our way."

The walk to the beach took a few minutes. The path was well worn and halfway through it merged with a second path. Uncle Jay, with whom I had never had a full conversation, started talking to me about which colleges I had seen thus far and which ones I was most excited about. I found it surprisingly easy to talk to him. I led the way, which I was worried about at first before I realized how straightforward it led. As I finally saw the beach we had started talking about high school, a girl named Jessie I was seeing and how we both knew we would split for college. The sun was barely cresting over the waves. The beach was full of pebbles instead of sand, being quite small it was protected on two sides by rock formations. Within fifty yards was a black rock jutting out of the sea where someone had attached a small dock with a ladder. Though I wanted to jump into the sea I was enjoying my conversation with Uncle Jay and asked if we could finish it before I started my workout.

"Yes boy, the sea ain't going nowhere."

I placed my towel down on the pebbled beach. Jay following my lead unwrapped the towel around his waist and did the same. To my surprise under the towel Jay was wearing a blue thong. More terrifying than that was the massive schlong barely constrained by the thin piece of cloth. Acting as if he wasn't effectively naked, Uncle Jay lay down on his towel and started to ask me questions about my future. I tried answering without distraction, the nearly naked body in front of me wasn't making it easy. How could I complain, my swimwear was almost as revealing, the difference was that I had never seen someone so completely fill in their swimwear. It was also apparent he had a significant bush poking up above the thong.

I grew self-conscious; I didn't fill my bathing suit half as much as whatever monster Uncle Jay hid behind his. I had never been self-conscious like this, in the shower with other boys I was squarely average, at least that's what I had thought. Now the mound below my lycra felt like it was miniscule. As he kept talking Jay would occasionally move his hand down to his thong and move it slightly as if having it on at all was an inconvenience, this had the effect of making his significant package wiggle. I tried looking down closer to his feet, noticing his legs were surprisingly well toned.

While talking about how he had chosen which college to attend, his hand once more went to adjust the thong. Instinctually I did the same, going to adjust my trunks I realized I had become erect. My face immediately turned red. Uncle Jay looked down at my now tented lycra then back at my face with a wry smile.

"I would love to see you swim boy." I realized these were the first words that had been spoken in minutes.

I was happy to move to a separate activity. I jumped up. My lycra stretched as it moved over my hard penis, I could feel the heat in my face. I ran into the ocean, the water cooled off my manhood, my body and my mind. I swam without thinking to the small dock attached to the rock, there I looked back at Uncle Jay. Only his disproportionate outline was visible on the shore. He was standing up and looking my way, as he saw me look back, he waved a hand. My dick was still hard under the water, why was it hard? Jay motioned for me to swim back.

"I want to race you boy." This statement surprised me.

"There's no way you beat me!" I stated as I started to make my way back to the beach.

"First one to the dock?" He said pointing to where I just was, as I got out of the water.

"I'm going to smoke you." I'm glad we had changed focus.

"Ready, Set, Go!" I jumped back into the ocean with him as we barreled to the dock. The old man was surprisingly fast, but I was in peak physical condition and won no contest.

"You are quite fast boy!" Jay said holding onto the side of the dock. I grinned; this was my element. As we were catching our breath Uncle Jay slowly moved closer to me in the water. His hand reached for mine and moved it towards his crotch, his eyes were staring into mine. I finished the movement; my hand grabbing onto the pouch. Exploring further, I bypassed the tong's fabric to palpate the monster lurking underneath. As my hand continued the exploration of Uncle Jay's package his large hand pulled me in closer to him. He embraced me, his large tongue assaulting my mouth. We both let go of the ledge. As we sank under the surface our kiss endured. Uncle Jay's large hands explored my smaller frame. Finally resting on my ass cheeks his hands pulled them apart letting the cool water of the ocean invade the space between. I had continued to fondle his massive member that had only started to firm up but did not yet seem as if it was fully erect. Coming back to the surface for air we both took a deep breath.

"You're a perfect little specimen." I blushed at the compliment. Our underwater embrace had made me feel feminine and delicate, next to a hefty brute. Jay climbed the ladder onto the dock and sat on the top of it. The thong was now nearly transparent from the water. Jay followed my eyes which were transfixed by it. The thong was now looking like it might snap from the added volume of Uncle Jay's semi erect cock.

"Impressive ain't it." Jay looked down at me, my head bobbing in the sea. "I don't think this is necessary anymore." With that he removed the thong letting out the elephant trunk. "You can touch it again boy." My curiosity got the best of me, or that's what I told myself. I could have left, there was no reason I had to stay, I could simply swim away. I placed my feet on the lowest rung of the ladder which situated my head in licking distance to the massive schlong bobbing before me. As one hand propped me up the other reached out to touch Uncle Jay's massive cock.

"There you go boy. Now give Uncle Jay your best blowjob."

I looked at him dazed. "I've never given a blowjob before."

"That's a shame boy, you have the right lips for it." One of his hands reached for the back of my head, bringing me to the flesh beast before me. As I opened my mouth and started to take it in, Uncle Jay started to instruct me on techniques that any good boy should know. Under his watchful eye and instruction I started to enjoy the feeling of learning a new skill. I had felt this when I had started to swim, with every new attempt I made it further, my muscles got more used to the movement, my body gave into the feeling.

"A quick learner, I'm pleased." I moaned on his cock from the complement. "Get out of the water boy."

As I raised myself up from the water my cock was still straining to get out.

"Why are you still wearing those boy?" Uncle Jay's hands grabbed at my trunks and ripped them clean at the seams, exposing my cock which now on level with Uncle Jay's looked miniscule. Heat came back to my face.

"I'm naked." I stupidly stated the obvious.

"As my boys should be." He reached out for my cock which was hard as steel, it did not look any bigger in his hand. "As big as your dad I see." I was shocked at the statement. Uncle Jay did not mind me as he explored my body in the daylight.

Turning me around I was now laying on his belly his cock once again in my face. I wondered for a moment if he would suck mine. Instead, I felt his rough tong lick my asshole.

I let out a moan of surprise. "Jay!"

"Occupy yourself with my cock boy." I tried to and there was plenty there to be occupied with. I tried to start licking his hairy balls until his tongue assaulted my ass once more. I was moaning with pleasure, no one had ever touched me down there. The sound of my voice rang in the enclosed beach. He must be a few inches deep I thought as I decided to let the experience envelope me. Now fully sitting on Uncle Jay's face he reached around to rub my pecker between his fingers.

"Uncle- I- Unh-" My voice was higher than I had ever heard it. Shots of cum sprayed onto Uncle Jay's belly. When I was done Uncle Jay lifted himself up, leaving me a puddle on the small swaying dock.

"Over here on your knees boy." I found the energy to do as instructed. Uncle Jay had propped himself on the rock and was using my cum to stroke himself. "Open your mouth boy." Multiple shots painted my face as a few went directly into my mouth. It tasted of the sea below us. "An admirable first showing, I haven't seen such promise in years." I smiled up at him, to seal the compliment I took in his slowly softening cock one last time. "We must get back to the house before your father gets worried." My father? What time was it? The sun had been beating down on us for a while now. I looked at the strips of fabric that used to be my swimsuit. As if to read my mind Uncle Jay picked it up with his own thong, preventing me from getting either.

"To shore boy." The sea felt welcoming on my naked body. As I reached my towel I started to make out some figures in the tree line, I quickly wrapped the towel around me. The figures grew closer, I realized they were also naked, with towels on their shoulders. They approached as Uncle Jay caught up with me on the shore.

"Jay! I thought it might be you!" The first of the two men exclaimed as they drew near. "We heard the noises from the trail, I guess we missed the show." The man talking was short middle-aged man, the dick between his legs seemed to be mostly erect, though it was clearly bigger than mine it did not hold a candle to Uncle Jay whose now soft member was of equivalent size. Behind him was a tall man that looked like he could have been in a surf catalogue, his shoulder length blond hair was complemented by a blond beard. His cock was fully erect and to my surprise smaller than my own.

"Sorry Lou. You'll have to catch it next time." Uncle Jay said to the middle-aged man, looking over Lou's younger companion gave him a wink. The surf model blushed looking down at Uncle Jay's package. What was that feeling in the pit of my stomach, jealousy?

"You player, you already had your fun, let me have mine." Lou said grabbing his companion's ass. "No need to hide here young man." Lou was now talking to me, looking at the towel making me the only semi clothed individual in the bunch.

"Don't tell my boy what to do or I will ask a few things of yours." Lou put his hands up in retreat. The comment from Uncle Jay made me feel protected. "We need to join his father now. You two enjoy the beach." As Uncle Jay said it he pushed me toward the trail. The last thing I saw in the two men's eyes was a glint of envy.

Once we were no longer in sight of the beach Uncle Jay stopped me in my tracks. "I hope you didn't feel embarrassed back there."

I paused and thought about it for a moment. "How could I be embarrassed. I was with you."

Uncle Jay liked that answer. He pulled me into a kiss. I reciprocated by taking off the towel, letting our naked bodies press against each other once more.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before boy?" I shook my head. Jessie and I had only ever made out, maybe now I knew why. I could feel his member stir once more between our bodies.

"Better get going before you excite me again with that little ass of yours."

I bit my lower lip. "Would that be so bad?"

"Horny boy." He smiled, turned me around and slapped my ass. "I don't want a lecture from your father."

We mostly walked back in silence, though occasionally I would feel Uncle Jay's hand pinch my behind, he couldn't help himself. As we approached the house, I was handed my towel.

"Now boy, we are not to speak of any of this to your dad." I nodded.

I didn't want to go back to the house. Uncle Jay started to put his towel around his waist, I stopped him. In view of the house I got on my knees and started once again sucking on his dick. Using all the techniques he had taught me earlier. His cock was once more jutting out like a torpedo, both my hands couldn't contain it. As we started to get into rhythm I jumped up and ran for the house, leaving Uncle Jay hard and horny.


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