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Under Her Wing Ch. 01: Prom Night

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Prom night is no time for abstinence.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/29/2019
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When it comes down to it, Priya reflected, it's a damn good thing I love him so much.

She sat on a lawn chair in the front yard of one of her high school's clique of popular rich kids, her boyfriend Brad passed out drunk on the ground beside her. The house was the chosen venue for the prom after-party - at least, it was if you were also one of the rich kids, or attached to one as it was in Priya's case. Priya's family was not rich by anyone's stretch of the imagination - how they managed to pay tuition fees for the private school she attended was something she didn't even want to imagine. The only child of a French father and an Indian mother, Priya Martin shared her mother's lightish brown skin, her large breasts and narrow waist, and her delicate, cute features. Her eyes were large and slightly tilted up at the outer corners, a deep chocolate brown framed with heavy lashes. She played field hockey which kept her in good shape, and participated in the glee club, ignoring the yawning divide between the music geeks and the sports jocks.

Even so, the massive tuition that was charged for the Hardwicke Academy left the family with relatively little. It was her parents' hope that attending the best school in the country would set Priya up on a lucrative career trajectory, paying back their investment in her future. It also meant there wasn't really money in the budget for shoes and expensive dresses for prom, or for hair and make up to go with such things. So how did she find herself here, wearing a dress that cost more than $2000, shoes that cost $400, and the product of several hours of attention from makeup artists and hair stylists that left her looking like a princess, and with her thigh-length lustrous black hair curled and pinned up? Well, that was all thanks to one person...


Mary Caldwell, single mother of Bradley Caldwell, was a force to be reckoned with. She came from money, that was true, but had worked hard all her adult life to nurture that money and help it to grow, while also being the best parent to her only son as she could. When Brad met Priya on her first day at Hardwicke Academy he came home and enthused to his mother about the beautiful girl he'd met that day. Mary knew at that point, with a mother's instinct, that the relationship between them would be something special. It took a month or so before Brad brought the then-16-year-old Priya around, and Mary found out that her son's description of the girl's looks had been something of an understatement.

More than that, though, was her personality - sweet, and eager to please without being in your face about it, Priya just quietly helped where she could, and did what needed doing without complaining. Mary adored that kind of personality, in both her private and professional lives. It made things so much easier when everyone did as they were told without complaining.

When, shortly after Priya's 18th birthday it came time for senior prom and her hopelessly awkward romantic of a son actually asked his girlfriend if she would accompany him, Priya had come to Mary with a dilemma. She wanted to go, but there was no way her family could afford everything necessary for attending prom at a place like Hardwicke. Mary, of course, didn't hesitate, and offered to pay for anything Priya might need - dress, shoes, hair and makeup, the whole nine yards. She loved her son, and loved - more than loved, if she was honest with herself - his girlfriend, and just wanted them to have a good time.

Shopping for the necessary items was something of an ordeal for Mary. Not because she hated shopping - in fact she loved it - but because it meant she was seeing... more of Priya than she had expected. Being with her in changing rooms as she stripped out of one dress after another meant that Mary was forced to confront something she had been trying desperately to ignore: she was attracted to Priya. Deeply, fiercely attracted. And this was a problem because of the secret she carried from all but a select few.

Mary was a futa - tall, statuesque, Amazonian, even. Curvaceous in an almost exaggeratedly feminine manner, long red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a cock hanging between her thighs that outshone any man's when she was flaccid, and utterly dwarfed them when she was erect. And erect was the problem right now. With gaffe and tape and careful tucking she kept herself hidden away when in public, but spending time around this nubile young teenager was making things terribly difficult for her. She tried to distract herself with conversation.

"So, Priya, darling? How are things with you and Bradley?"

"Oh, fine, thank you, Mrs Caldwell."

"Please, I told you: call me Mary."

"Sorry, Mary... yes, things are... are just fine." Priya swallowed a sigh before it could emerge, but Mary was far too astute to miss that.

"Come now, darling," she said soothingly, standing behind Priya and helping adjust the fall of the cowl neck of the gown she was trying on. "You can tell me anything. It's just us girls here."

"It's nothing, really. Certainly nothing his Mom would want to hear about."

Mary gave a decidedly unladylike snort. "Try me."

"It's... just that... we've never, umm..."

"Never... what? Gone all the way? Is that it? I mean, do you want to?"

"I do! He's very handsome and so sweet, and I've tried to, but he always pushes me away. He says he wants to save himself for marriage."

"He... wait, what? He wants to save himself for marriage. Wherever did he get a notion like that? Certainly not from me..."

"The school hired a new company to do sex-ed stuff a year or so back now. There was a note sent home about it, I think? They were teaching abstinence as the only true path to contraception... I don't really know. I stopped listening after a while. We already did sex-ed at my last school, and that was a proper education - about condoms and dams and consent. But I guess Brad took it to heart. He's determined to wait, and wants me to wait with him."

The blood drained out of Mary's head to... somewhere else, and she stopped listening for a moment. All sorts of dark fantasies started to pour through her head, mostly of Priya pinned beneath her as their bodies joined in the sweet agony of intercourse. But... that was would be poaching, and Bradley was a sensible boy. He'd surely see reason if presented with the right argument. And Mary knew just how to make that argument. She had to give him the chance before she made any kind of move. It was only fair - she loved her son, but there was no way he could compete with her if she didn't give him a chance.

"That is just terrible," she said to Priya, her voice ringing with sympathy. "But I think I have an idea how we can break my erstwhile son of this notion of abstinence and chastity. We'll come back for the dress later, my dear. Right now, it's time we went to La Belle Femme. It's a boutique lingerie store run by a good friend of mine. She'll help us."


And that was how Priya ended up sitting next to her blackout-drunk boyfriend who, even drunk as a lord before he had passed out, had tearfully thanked her for testing his resolve so he could prove to her his fidelity and loyalty - or something like that. By the end of the babbling speech he was slurring and so close to passing out that he was both crying and swaying. She was only glad he didn't also vomit on her. The lingerie she was wearing, combined with the dress and the very expensive ministrations of hair and makeup stylists hadn't helped. He'd doubled down, and now she was left wondering if they really had a future together.

She sighed and retrieved her cell phone from inside her bra, and punched up Mary's contact, hesitating a moment before she hit dial.

It rang for a moment before a voice thick with sleep said, "mmh, hello? Priya?"

"Uh... hi, Mary. Look, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late--"

"It's no trouble, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"I-- Could you maybe come and pick us up? Brad's a little - okay a lot drunk, and I don't exactly have the money for a cab..."

Mary rubbed her eyes, yawned and said, "yes. Yes of course. What's the address?"


It was less than forty minutes later. Mary had arrived, and she and Priya had poured Brad into the back seat, buckling him up. Priya rode up front with her boyfriend's mother, feeling guilty about calling her out so late. Mary did her best to disabuse the young girl of the notion, and decided instead to see how her plan had unfolded.

"So... did you get anywhere with him. With... you know..."

Priya dropped her head into her hands and groaned. "No... Mrs Cardwell - Mary. I swear, I tried. I let him see the stockings, and the garter belt. I even got him alone and pulled his hands onto my... my... y'know, breasts and everything. And nothing! He just started in on this speech thanking me for testing him and letting him prove himself to me. I don't get it. Am I just that ugly or something? That completely unattractive? I mean, I hoped that with these pretty clothes you bought me and the makeup and the hair and everything that he might show a little bit of interest... but I guess I'm just that unattractive."

Priya's voice broke on the last word. She sniffled, a tear dropping from one of her eyes. Mary wrenched the wheel over and pulled over on the side of the secluded road they were driving down. She undid her seatbelt and turned to look at Priya.

"Listen to me, sweetheart. You are far, far from ugly. If my idiot son has some twisted notion of the purity of chastity or some religious crap in his head that is no reflection of you. If he can't see the gorgeous treasure he has in front of him and grab it with both hands, then... then..."

Fuck it, she thought to herself as she reached out and pulled Priya into a kiss.

There was nothing chaste about this. The older woman's grip was strong, her breath sweet and warm as it spilled across the surprised girl's face. Priya's eyes opened wide as Mary's lips pressed to hers, and her tongue pressed into Priya's mouth. Priya stiffened, then melted against the older woman's body, one of Mary's hands cupping the back of her neck. She felt like her world hung from that contact, everything shrinking to it. She only registered that her seatbelt had been undone as it related to the fact that nothing was restraining her from leaning fully against her boyfriend's mother. She was almost dragged out of her seat, the sounds of their breathing and the soft whimpers Priya made as Mary's possessive kiss deepened even further a strange counterpoint to the gentle snoring of the drunk boy in the back seat.

Priya didn't know what to do with her hands, so they simply flailed about helplessly as the kiss went on and on with a kind of primal hunger that the younger girl had only ever dreamed of. Mary felt the blood within her surge, and having left the house with such haste, remembered she hadn't exactly had time to secure herself properly. She was wearing a nightgown and a dressing gown, with the latter having now fallen open and the former tenting obscenely as her erection swiftly rose.

In for a penny, in for a pound...

She took Priya's hand and pressed it to her erection. Priya froze as she felt the vital warmth pulsing through the silk under her hand, pulling back slightly from the kiss to look up into Mary's eyes. With deliberate slowness the older woman kept one hand on the back of Priya's neck, and with the other pulled her nightgown up to reveal the towering cock standing up between her thighs.

"You aren't ugly. And if my son can't see that you are a beautiful young woman with needs, just know that I can."

Priya's eyes moved to the cock and locked there as if mesmerised. Her mouth hung open in shock, and Mary could resist no longer. She pressed on Priya's neck, guiding the girl's head down to the tip of her cock. It truly was like Priya was mesmerised, because she didn't resist, just letting her mouth be pressed against the swollen crown of Mary's cock. Her lips spread over the tip, and the older woman gave a heartfelt groan of pleasure as she pushed and pushed until she felt the young woman's lips press in behind her glans.

"Yes, that's it babygirl. Suck it... mmh yes suck it. I love that. God it feels so much better than I'd imagined, all those times I jacked off thinking about that tight little body of yours, your hot little mouth. I want you. If you want me you'll suck my fucking cock now..."

And suck Priya did. Helplessly drooling over the member that was stretching her jaw open almost painfully, pulling her lips taut. Both of her small hands wrapped as far around the silky-skinned shaft as they could, and even then, there was so much of it she couldn't get a hold of. Mary's hand shifted up into her hair, gripping the coiled locks as she worked Priya's head up and down her shaft, showing her how to move, and all the while telling her to keep sucking, complementing her on being such a good little slut.

Priya was somewhat surprised when Mary put the car into gear and took off down the road again. She tried to raise her head, but the older woman's surprising strength forced her even further down. She gave a muffled choking sound as the head of her boyfriend's mother's cock was pressed to the back of her inexperienced throat. Mary chuckled and groaned. "I love the sound of you choking on my cock, baby. Don't worry, we'll teach you to take it all. But later, for now... fuck, where is it... where is it. I used to come here all the t-- ah! There is it."

The car lurched as Mary suddenly took a turning at speed, and then bounced around as she drove down a gravel path. When the car came to a stop she pulled Priya unceremoniously off her cock, and pulled her back up for another kiss. She did physically drag the young woman across to her seat this time, and out of the car with her. Priya looked around at the secluded, heavily wooded spot they had stopped in, at a little cul-de-sac at the end of a gravel road. She didn't get much time to admire the view, however, as Mary pulled her around to the front of the car, pushing her down onto the hood.

Pressed face down onto the warm hood of the car, her legs pushed open by the clearly dominant older woman behind her, Priya whimpered as her dress was flipped up onto her back and her thong was pulled down. Mary took a moment to admire the round, smooth cheeks once more before she landed a heavy swat on one of them, enjoying the sight of how they jiggled. Priya tried to lift herself up, to express her hesitancy over what was going on and how fast it was going there, but Mary's hand pressed down between her shoulder blades. The heavy, now slick head of her cock pressed between Priya's legs, rubbing up and down against her slit.

"Mmmh yes, I can feel how wet you are, babygirl. You want this, don't you? Yeah, don't lie. I can feel it."

Priya was still too shocked by what was happening, how perverse it was, to voice a single word before Mary started to feed her massive, thick cock into her pussy. Priya made a strangled sound of pain and pleasure as she was unceremoniously stretched open, her feet lifting off the ground as her legs curled in. Mary rocked her hips slowly, each thrust of her cock carrying more of herself into the young girl, deeper into her gripping, pulsing cunt. She bottomed out not even halfway in and held herself there. Leaning down to press her heavy breasts to Priya's back, she bit down on her earlobe, chuckling in her ear.

Releasing the soft little lobe, she murmured. "I'm not quite halfway inside you, baby. Mm I love to hear those whimpers, those moans. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to learn how to take all of me. I will get every inch inside this cunt, your ass, your mouth. You're going to be my little fuck toy."

She gripped Priya's hair and lifted her head, making her look into the back seat of the car. "Look at him. He doesn't appreciate you. He doesn't know what he's missing. Ooh your cunt is so hot and fucking tight. I just want to pound you all night long. And I will, too. But right now, look at him. You don't belong with him. You belong with me. But we can't let him know that. This is going to be our secret. I'd tell you to nod if you agree, but, well, you are a little stuck right now. So just let these woods know how good you feel."

With that she drew her hips back and slammed forward. The car rocked on its suspension as she fucked the helpless young girl under her, driving every inch that she could into the teenager's tight, virgin cunt. Priya's arousal dripped down her thighs and into her stockings, coating the car's radiator grill as she was fucked, and fucked well. Mary straightened up, grunting like an animal as she drilled her son's girlfriend in thrust after thrust. Priya's cries of pleasure and pain, one now far outweighing the other, echoed through the woods as she gave herself over to the Amazonian woman who had her firmly in her grasp.

When her orgasm hit, she nearly passed out. Her body tensed, shivering, almost convulsing. Her veins felt like they were on fire, and Mary gave an almost feline roar of pleasure as the already crushingly tight hole squeezed her even more. She thrust in all the way and unleashed a titanic load inside Priya. They bucked and shuddered together, souls mingled, until Priya went limp in Mary's grip. There was no longer any hesitation in the older woman's movements, no reluctance, and no thought of her son's finer feelings.

She pulled herself from inside Priya, helping the small girl to pull up her panties in the vain hope of containing the seed dripping from within her, and saw her seated and buckled up again. With her nightgown once more concealing her cock, Mary put the car back into gear, reversed to the road and drove to her suburban home like a bat out of hell. She pulled up in the driveway and into the garage, then went around to the rear passenger door. With a strength that no longer surprised Priya she lifted her son out and carried him into the house. It was the work of a few minutes to put him on the couch with a bucket, a large glass of water and two aspirin. Priya covered him with a blanket and was just tucking it in when Mary grabbed her and dragged her upstairs.

Downstairs the unconscious teenager slumbered, his dreams of seeking Priya in a white dress, walking down the aisle, and the beautiful life they would have together.

Upstairs the subject of his dreams was stripped naked except for the sheer black stockings and garter belt, on her back on his mother's bed. Mary stood above her, and Priya looked up at the gigantic shaft of her cock, still glistening with Priya's own juices and the traces of Mary's cum. Now she had the opportunity to see the two balls in their sack just below Mary's shaft, the way they filled the sack completely, nestled up close to the shaft and as big as softballs, at least. She had an opportunity to see them much, much closer soon as Mary guided her cock back into Priya's mouth. On her back, with her head hanging over the edge of Mary's bed, she soon felt the head of Mary's cock press to the entrance of her throat.

Mary massaged her neck, speaking softly and soothingly as she gently worked her hips forward. Priya's mouth filled with saliva, and soon she was forced to swallow it. This was just what Mary had been waiting for. She thrust almost violently forward and watched from above as an obscene bulge appeared in the teenager's throat. A tightness like nothing else surrounded her member as she pressed into Priya's throat, working quickly to get every inch of herself inside. Priya, for her part, bucked hard when Mary forced her way down her throat. She'd known the older woman was going to do something like it, but it was still a shock. All her air was cut off, there was no room to breathe and cock filled her throat from side to side, much more than she would have thought she could take. She was completely helpless, able only to suck and watch as Mary's heavy balls first approached here, then started to buffet against her face as every rigid inch of Mary's swollen cock was lodged in her gullet.


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