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Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 05

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Given another chance.
6.2k words

Part 5 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/03/2010
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Author's Note: Again, I want to thank you all for commenting on the previous chapter(s). Every comment helps either make me a better writer and also pushes me to write the next chapter as soon as possible. So thank you again! :)

I saw on some of the comments in the previous chapter that there may have been some confusion. So this is to clear it up! Cullen's father has been dead for quite some time (you can read about it back in chapter 2 if you don't remember). Cullen IS the Alpha. Cullen and his pack originated from Scotland, but due to business expanding and the pack just growing big, Cullen has to go back and forth from the States to Scotland. While he is in the States, Duncan (a beta) is helping watch over matters in Scotland. And when Cullen is at Scotland, he has another beta that watches over things in the States.

I hope this clears a few things up for everyone. Enjoy!


It has been about a week! Cullen couldn't help but pace around his office. He honestly thought that he would have heard something from Angel after this time. Damn it! Cullen couldn't understand why there hasn't been any communication between them since their last encounter.

Gavin sitting in one of the leather seats near the fireplace, just kept on watching Cullen go back and forth, while he was holding a drink in one of his hands. Gavin couldn't help but shake his head, "Did it ever occur to you, to just pick up the phone and call?" Gavin just began wondering who would give in first.

"I should call? You would think when a person just learned all the sudden that werewolves were actually real that they would be dying to learn more. Now add the point that she KNOWS that she is also my mate!" Cullen couldn't stop the growl that slightly escaped from his lips.

"And you think she is going to just stop her life because all the sudden you came into the picture?" Gavin wanted to add more and remind him how he acted towards Angel the last time. "Cullen, you need to try and look from her point of view. Every single thing she knew completely changed within a day. She found out from you, and not too gently either, that you both are bound to one another after you deliberately told her how you never intended to mate. Gee, Cullen, after all that, I have no idea why she wouldn't be calling you right away," Gavin stated sarcastically, while trying not to smirk, so that Cullen knew how serious this situation really was.

"And my life wasn't turned upside down?" Cullen asked forcefully.

"My god! Cullen, if you haven't forgotten, you're a werewolf! You knew that someday you were going to find a mate. You know about all this protocol. Now, my Alpha, as respectively as I can tell you this, stop acting like a big spoiled brat and call her!"

Cullen swiftly turned on his heel toward Gavin, narrowing his eyes. "Brat?" Cullen couldn't believe that he was actually called that. No one dared to ever call him a name—well I suppose not anyone besides Angel. Angel. Cullen turned toward the floor to ceiling window that was right behind his desk to stare at the scenery. It was really beautiful and peaceful. No one would be able to believe that such a place existed just outside of Chicago. If only Angel could see this... Shaking his head, Cullen made the decision to call her right away. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, and looked over his shoulder at Gavin—giving him that he wanted to talk in private. Gavin got the hint right away. So he stood up and left, closing the door softly behind him while all the time smiling at the small victory of Angel scoring one point.

Once Cullen knew that he was alone, he went through his contacts till he found Angel's phone number. He took a deep breath and...


Angel was trying hard to concentrate on adding the correct amount of phosphoric acid to the 3,3-Dimethyl-2-butanol solution. Perfect! Angel was able to take a deep breath—but suddenly really regretted that action. Angel began to cough just slightly. GOD! This really stinks!

"Watch out Stacey, don't take a good whiff of that," said Angel, while looking toward her lab partner.

Laughing, Stacey responded with, "I could have told you how bad it would stink. What did you really expect?"

Shaking her head, Angel looked back at her lab book, to double check the next step in the procedure. How she couldn't wait till this lab was done. She really needed to rest a bit before her evening class—there was no way she would keep her eyes open if she didn't.

Before Angel even realized how fast time was flying, she and Stacey both were already distilling the solution. Once pouring the solution into the separatory funnel, Angel was able to drain the lower aqueous layer into a beaker, and then wash the organic layer with about 20-mL of saturated sodium chloride. Angel began to get really excited here—she was just about done with the lab. Angel added the anhydrous magnesium sulfate and then gravity filter the clear solution after assembling the apparatus for distillation.

A good ten minutes later, both Angel and Stacey began to clean up their lab table, and putting away all their supplies.

"So, how did our infrared spectrum turn out with our lab sample?" Stacey asked, while trying to figure out all the data in front of her.

"As expected Stacey. Methyl rearrangements are known to occur when there is a shift from a secondary carbocation to a tertiary carbocation. As we can easily see from the literature IR spectra and the one from our own sample, we managed to get rid of the OH group," said Angel. When she looked over at Stacey and seeing her confused, Angel couldn't help but smile. "In other words, our goal that we set out in the beginning of the lab was a success. What was supposed to happen after distillation happened."

"You know, you could have just saved your time by saying that before instead of getting all technical here on me," Stacey commented, while turning the paper that had the IR spectra, side to side, trying to figure out how the hell it was suppose to be read.

Laughing, Angel grabbed the piece of paper from Stacey and put it on the table. "Look here," Angel pointed to the point where the graph dipped low, "this part right here is the OH group. As you look now at the IR spectra from our sample," Angel continued while pointing to the other piece of paper that had their sample results on, "you can see that there isn't an OH group there anymore. Do you see this now?"

"OOHHH, I get it now!" Laughing at herself, Stacey continued, "All you had to do was show me, but I get it now. Thanks Angel. You're truly a life saver. If you weren't my lab partner, I have no idea how I would have been passing this class."

Smiling, "That's not a problem Stacey." Angel began to gather her books up—she double checked that she didn't leave anything behind—turned toward Stacey and said, "I will catch you next week. Please try to stay out of trouble!"

"You too girl," Stacey responded, while heading in the complete opposite direction heading toward her next class.

As Angel began to walk outside, all the sudden her phone began to ring. Without even checking the caller I.D. she answered, "Hello?"

"Good afternoon Angel. How are you," asked Cullen.

Angel stopped dead in her tracks. Cullen. Angel didn't want to admit it, but she was a bit saddened when Cullen didn't call right away after their last encounter. Angel remembered her sister telling her to just stop being so stubborn and call him herself. But of course Angel still had her pride and dignity.

"I'm doing fine, thanks. And...and you? How are you doing," Angel asked quietly. She never really expected Cullen to call.

"I have been good as well, thank you," Cullen replied.

There was a slight pause—neither one of them knew what to say next—but both were happy to just hear the other's voice, even though they would never divulge that certain information.

Angel not being able to take the silence much longer decided to try and open the conversation. "You actually just called at the right time. My one class just finished a couple minutes ago, and now I get to go home and rest a bit—lucky me!"

"And I hope class went well enough for you," questioned Cullen.

"As good as it can go I guess," Angel responded.

Again that pause. After about a minute, Angel heard Cullen sigh deeply.

"Angel I want to know why you didn't call back sooner? I was actually expecting for you too," asked Cullen. He just couldn't fathom why she wouldn't be interested. He knew, from the side glances that Angel gave him, that she found him good looking enough.

Now it was Angel's turn to sigh in response. "You know Cullen, the phone works both ways." Angel took a moment to take a deep breath once again. She was not in the mood to fight with anyone, let alone fight with him.

"So again, why didn't you call?" Cullen couldn't get that question out of his mind.

"Damn, you are a persistent jerk when you want to be." Angel didn't want to deal with this crap right now. "Listen Cullen, we both know, there is no possible way for us to be," Angel looked around to see if anyone would be able to hear, "mates. From our last encounter you made it perfectly clear how you feel about this mate business stuff."

Cullen just finally got his suspicion confirmed. He did hurt Angel that last time with what he said. In some ways, he wanted to make a retort similar to what Angel just said, but he didn't want to fight with Angel again. He actually really wanted to see her again. "Angel, please can we meet up again? How about dinner, but just the two of us this time, so that we can really get to know one another better?"

"Cullen, I really don't know about that. We both can't have a decent convers...", Angel was cut off.

"But that's because we haven't given each other really a chance to get to know one another. All this was just thrust upon us so suddenly, and it clearly seems that we both were caught off guard and didn't know how to respond to any of it. Please Angel, have dinner with me."

How the hell was Angel to say no to that? God, she did want to see him again—even though it probably bound to end in another fight. "Alright, I will have dinner with you."

"I'm glad that you agree. So can I pick you up this time perhaps at your home? Or," Cullen smirked, knowing this would irk Angel, "are you still too afraid of the big bad wolf?"

Angel easily detected the teasing in his voice. "No I'm not afraid. You can pick me up from my home." Angel then began to tell Cullen the address and the best way to get to her home. Both of them were ending the call when suddenly Angel had to have the end of it. "Before I go," Angel smirked herself, "I'm not afraid of the supposed big bad wolf, because I've seen you in both forms. This big bad attitude of yours must be compensating for something else...Oh well, I will see you at 7 o'clock," Angel finished, hanging up the phone.

Cullen couldn't believe what he just heard. Compensating?! Under normal circumstances he would have been angered by anyone sizing him up—specifically his manhood—but this coming from Angel, Cullen couldn't help but laugh out loudly. Not only did he know Angel was just teasing him, he also knew that his size would definitely make anyone else cower—in both senses. Smiling to himself, Cullen decided to try and think of the perfect place for them to have dinner. Something nice, but where they would be able to have plenty of privacy.

Reclining back in his oversized but very comfortable seat, he couldn't help himself for getting a bit excited that she actually agreed to have dinner with him.


When Angel finally arrived home, she brought in the mail so that she would be able to sort it out. She then came across a letter that stood out from all the rest. What really shocked her was that her name was written in beautiful penmanship, so perfectly. I wouldn't say it was feminine or masculine, but just the perfect combination.

Angel put down her books and took off her coat. She sat down, and decided that she had to read the letter. There was no return address on it, but she just shrugged it off. When she opened it and read the contents, she couldn't help but pale.

It read: To the bitch that better get out of the picture soon.

As you can see, I have found out exactly where you live. Wouldn't it be a shame if something should happen to either of your family members? Your poor mother would be completely heart broken if something should happen to Donny or Isobel...or perhaps it wouldn't be broken, once it is ripped out of her. Do take this warning seriously. If I were you, I would stay away from Cullen and the pack. Or something may happen to more people that you care and love.

Yours truly,


Angel just stared at the letter. Who could have written something this awful? She has only seen Cullen just a couple times, and already she is getting death threats? Not only that but they are threatening her family!! That is something she would never take. But who could have written this? Who in Cullen's pack knew where she lived? Could it have been one of Cullen's ex's? Or was it completely someone entirely new?

Angel, still so shaken by the letter, decided to just put it away in her armoire, under her one stack of shirts. She didn't know why she was keeping the letter. Her gut was telling her to sprinkle the letter in holy water and burn the damn thing—but she went against her gut feelings.

After hiding the letter, she went back downstairs and decided she should at least do the dishes, to try and keep her mind busy on other things now. But before she even decided to start, she actually poured herself a drink. She needed to calm down a bit. She was feeling mixed emotions right now—anger and fear. It was one thing to threaten her, but to threaten her family was a complete different story.

Angel downed her glass right away. "Yup, that hit the right spot," Angel said out loud to no one. While still scrubbing the dishes, Angel was so much in thought, that she didn't even hear her sister coming home.

"Hey butt-much!" Isobel shouted, knowing she would scare the living day lights out of Angel.

Angel jumped right out of her skin, screaming slightly. "What the hell dipshit! Don't you ever do that again, or I will rip your eyes out and shove them down your pants, so that you can see me kicking your ass!!" Angel tried to get her breathing back under control.

Isobel couldn't help but bust out laughing so hard. She was laughing so hard that she started to tear up slightly. After a good couple minutes, she finally quieted down. "What has gotten into you? Normally you would have heard me right away—especially since I think everyone on this block heard my music," asked Isobel.

"I was just thinking about something, that's all," replied Angel. Normally she would tell Isobel anything, but is this one of those exceptions? Would knowing about the threat make it any less dangerous for Isobel and the rest of the family? Angel sighed loudly, feeling very exasperated just about now.

Isobel now on the other hand, could tell right away something was wrong. She just stood there, waiting for Angel to finally come to the decision of telling her what's troubling Angel at this moment. After a few minutes of silence, Isobel couldn't take it any longer. This must be really serious if it is taking Angel this long to make up her mind.

"Out with it already," Isobel finally said, while continuing, "I know something is troubling you, and before you even try to feed me that damn garbage by saying nothing is wrong, you better remember who you are talking too. I know every single thing about you and after all these years, I pretty much know you better than you do yourself." Isobel stood there with her arms crossed in front of herself, while trying to stay patient.

"I don't know really too much yet...I mean, I'm still so confused... and when the letter came, I had no idea what to do. Damn thing should have been ashes by now...I guess I should never see Cullen ever again," Angel kept rambling on, not making any sense whatsoever. So many things were running through her mind that she didn't even realize how incoherent she really sounded.

"WHOA! How about you stop right now, and take a deep breath. Normally, I take pride in understanding your crazy ass when no one else does, but now, you're not even making any sense to me. Now...try again," said Isobel.

Taking once again, another deep breath, Angel slowly told Isobel everything from Cullen finally calling and inviting her out to dinner, and then to the letter she received when she got home.

Isobel stood there, letting all of what Angel was telling her, process through her mind before she said anything. After carefully thinking, Isobel's only response was, "So, you got a letter. And you plan on giving up any chance you could have with Cullen, completely up...before it even started? Come on Angel, don't be such a damn idiot. For all we know, this could have been from a damn jealous ex that still wants Cullen for herself. Don't let some stupid bitch ruin something that has the possibility of bringing you so much happiness—if you both stop being so damn stubborn," Isobel added with a smirk. "But in all seriousness, go to dinner. Get to know him and try to have fun. Whoever wrote that letter was probably bluffing anyways."

Isobel walked away, heading towards her bedroom.

Angel turned off the sink, and stood there, thinking over what Isobel just told her. Perhaps she is right? Could it be just someone jealous? You know what...she probably is right. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? My family is rarely ever alone and they are always with lots of people through their days. Everything will be fine...I hope...


Later that night...

Angel was looking in the mirror, checking herself over. She has been honestly in her room trying on so many different things to wear for tonight. Angel didn't want it to seem like she put a lot of thought into it, but she did want to look really good. Finally, with the help of Isobel, Angel decided to wear this black pencil skirt with a blue top. Nothing too fancy, but now add strappy heals to it, and now the outfit would make her look hot.

Next thing Angel knew was that the door bell rang. She of course just glanced over at Isobel and gave her that look to go and answer the door. With a sigh, Isobel got off the bed, and started to walk downstairs, where she opened the door.

Cullen was beyond nervous. It seemed as if he was a young pup again with all the fretting he has been doing deciding what to wear. Cullen really did want to make a good impression on Angel. While standing there on the door step, Cullen did a fast glance at himself through the reflection of the screen door. When he heard someone coming to the door, Cullen, stood up straight, but was completely floored as soon as that person answered the door. He completely expected Angel to answer it or perhaps a parent or brother, but never in his wild imagination did he expect to see a double. I didn't know Angel was a twin...the resemblance is remarkable. Cullen was able to see quickly how very similar Angel and her sister were, but he was easily able to see a few differences. While Angel had a shorter hair cut where it barely came to her shoulders, her sister had it longer closer to her shoulder blades. Also, Angel's had a softer, rounder face, while her sister's had more of an oval shape. But both had those piercing hazel colored eyes.

"So, you must be Cullen," said Isobel, as she continued, "I have heard a great deal about you," she couldn't help but smirk. "Please do come in, Angel is just about ready." Isobel stepped aside to let Cullen into the house. While he walked in, Isobel couldn't help but check him out completely. She was clearly able to see why Angel was so affected by him. Who the hell wouldn't? "Please, take a seat," Isobel added. Once she sat down herself, she completely forgot to introduce herself. "I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Isobel, and as you can probably figure it out, I am Angel's sister," replied Isobel.


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