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Unicorn Mom and her Golden Boy

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Mom makes sissy son try modeling for a gay magazine.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2017
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Author's note: I have had several requests for straight up Mom / Son incest stories. This isn't easy for me to truly imagine as a Trans woman but that also made it a bit of a challenge. Still my experience centers on the feminine, so the main character is too. I hope the boys and their Mom's out there enjoy this attempt.



Mom and I didn't really have it easy, but Mom made my childhood wonderful by pampering me. Some might think she goes too far, but what makes a good life? What makes life worth living? For me that is making my Mom happy and for her that is making me happy. Could anyone really argue with that?

Dad was never in the picture. Mom told me later in my life that who my biological father was wasn't entirely clear until I was about five years old and my emerging feminine mannerisms became apparent, and then she knew. You see when I was conceived could have only been one weekend, the weekend of Mom's first threesome. The two guys she was with that weekend were both big jocks, dumb but attractive.

Mom said they were fun but not all that interesting. What was interesting to her at the time was the younger brother of one of the jocks who was shy and sensitive, kind of a Goth kid, dark long hair, pale skin and feminine. She met him as she was sneaking out of the house from the bed of the exhausted jocks. Fatefully, she ended up sleeping with him too that weekend. Dear old dad. She never even got any of their names.

Now some of you may be feeling the need to pass judgement on my Mom for this kind of behavior, but you shouldn't. My Mom is a free spirit and she never felt the need to repress her sexuality. Her pregnancy with me ended up getting her disowned from her own family, and she has had enough judgement in her life.

Mom's beauty has also helped her realize her sexual desires. She's a gorgeous woman with deep curves, large breasts and full hips. Her general style is bit bohemian, though she keeps her body smooth and wears minimal but elegantly applied makeup. Her sensuous face is graced with big olive green eyes, full succulent lips, and all framed by long dark wavy hair. To me she is the feminine ideal of beauty.

So it was just me and her, and I was at 18 years old, her baby boy or her golden boy, though my real name is Treavor. In some ways we were opposite, I was taller than her, thin, pale and some would say under developed. I had long blonde hair and blue eyes, but I did inherit her lips and eyelashes though. I also inherited her sex drive.

Mom would occasionally spend a night out or bring a man and sometimes a woman home for a night. They were always gone by morning, though sometimes I was awake and would hear them, the sounds would get me excited and I would masturbate without really ever understanding why. I didn't have a lot of interaction with other people so my masturbation habits were always a bit of a mystery to me. I couldn't have told you at the time if I was gay or straight, turned out I was a bit of both.

She also spent some time with an older couple, Nancy and Bob. I asked her about this once and she told me that she was their Unicorn. I didn't really understand what this meant, but I knew she had a tattoo of a unicorn on her shoulder so I didn't think too much of it. The truth is neither of us had much of a life outside of each other and our little home. I felt fulfilled though and I hope she does too.

In our cheap little apartment, all Mom could afford on her receptionist salary, we were very open with each other, hugging and snuggling often. We would almost always touch when we spoke to each other to the point where talking at any distance seemed rude. Nudity was also something that wasn't given a second thought in our little home.

"Can't be shy in cramped quarters." She would always say if I walked in on her, or she walked in on me in the nude.

We would often talk to each other while one or the other showered. I always thought my Mom was beautiful and admired her body, but there was never anything sexual about it before the series of events I am about to relate. We were just always very affectionate with each other. As a result of all this, I generally chose to wear as little clothing as possible like ridiculously short shorts and half shirts. My style along with my long hair tends to come off as very feminine or be interpreted as gay. This caused me no end of trouble in school before Mom finally pulled me out.

The Offer

One Sunday morning we went out to a late breakfast at a local diner that we both loved. As we waited for our breakfast we were talking about the people at her work and politics in her office. As always when we had conversations we were both leaning forward, very engaged, our fingers absent-mindedly intermingling across the table. The touching was part of our shared language and we'd often squeeze, press, or caress the other's hand to express thoughts and concepts.

A man came up to our table looking at me in strange way and started talking to my Mom. He was older, probably his late fifties, balding with grey hair and a bit of a belly. He was well dressed in slacks and a shirt and tie like a business man.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help but notice your boy here. Has he done any modeling?" he asked my Mom. He was very tall and had an odd accent, vaguely European.

"Well no, he hasn't."

"Well Ma'am, he has a certain look that sells, so if you have an interest give me a call. Could be very lucrative" He said as he handed my Mom his card and gave me a lingering look that was hard to read.

After he left, Mom and I had an exciting conversation, there was lots of hand squeezing as we discussed the offer.

"So, do you want to do it?" Mom asked.

"I don't know Mommy, it sounds kind of fun. Would we make a lot of money?"

"Well Models sometimes make lots and lots, it could change our lives a lot." She replied.

"Well then let's give it a try."

After breakfast Mom and I went home and called the man, it turns out his name was Stanly. Stanly invited us to come down to his office that very afternoon. When we met him for our "consultation" he asked if I had a portfolio.

"We don't" Mom said, "We just have family pictures, nothing done professionally."

"Well you are going to need a portfolio of professionally done head and body shots to get your look out there." Stanly began, "I can set you up with a professional photographer to get you started."

"How much will that cost?" Mom asked.

"About $500 for a good range of shots" Stanly replied.

"Oh" Mom said, her tone said everything for both of us. Five hundred was way beyond our means, we'd have to scrimp and save for months to come up with that much extra money. Mom then explained it to Stanly.

"I see" Stanly said, his expression kindly. Then he looked me up and down in a considering way.

"Look," he began "I don't usually do this, but I think your boy is exceptionally attractive."

I totally blushed at this compliment. I had never really thought of myself that way. I certainly wasn't the manly sort of attractive. I had a sort of feminine beauty, but I wasn't a girl so I didn't see how that did me much good.

"If you are interested in doing some more risqué kind of work, well I could set you up a shoot on spec and have the photographer build you a portfolio as well."

"How risqué are we talking?" Mom asked.

Now Stanly blushed a bit looking me over. Looking at me but answering my Mom he said "It's what I call a 'lollipop' shoot and would involve some nudity, tasteful of course, along with some suggestive poses."

"If you decide to do the shoot," he continued, "I could even cut you a check for a thousand, minus the portfolio costs."

Turning to me and placing a hand on my bare leg my Mom asked "What do you think sweetie, do you think you can handle that?"

Both Stanly and my Mom's eyes were on me now.

"Sure," I replied calmly though my heart was pounding with nervousness "I could do that."

After that Stanly had us sign some paperwork and gave us an address to be at the following evening.

The Shoot

Mom went to work that day. I stayed home and did my online classes for school, which only took me a few hours. I was starting to get nervous, wondering how many people would be there looking at me and taking pictures of me. I wondered what they would have me doing.

I did know I would be taking my clothes off at the very least. I wasn't sure what they wanted in me, I was not exactly a stud. I took a long bath and shaved. I shaved everywhere and have been doing that since puberty, for some reason hair on my body really bothered me. I like to be smooth, so I hoped they didn't mind too much.

Mom got home and she was wearing her sexiest business clothes I noticed because her dark gray suit showed her curves off very well. I made us a light dinner salad because I didn't want to have a full bulging tummy for my pictures. Besides my appetite was gone because I was so nervous. Mom could tell and kept stroking my hair and telling me how great I was going to be. Ugh, that just seemed to put more pressure on.

When the time came I we drove to a suburban neighborhood in the wealthier part of town. The houses were really big and our old Honda Civic seemed really out of place. Eventually we found the place and parked on the street, it didn't feel right to pull right in to the drive way.

Stanley met us at the door and introduced "his crew", which consisted of Matt a kind of angry looking guy with a beard who was the photographer and his wife Marla. Marla had lots of tattoos and crazy make up. She was going to handle my wardrobe and makeup (I had no idea I would be wearing makeup!).

Stanly offered my Mom a drink and a place to sit while Marla took me to the guest bathroom. She told me to strip, which I did, slowly because I was kind of embarrassed. She pretty much ignored me though so I got on with it.

She had me sit in front of a mirror and put some makups on my face. Not like girls make up, just like some powder and stuff. Then she had me put on an outfit like a preppy school boy thing. It was scratchy and uncomfortable, but Marla had a great sense of humor, which put me at ease. I liked her tattoos a lot, they were mostly tribal. She reminded me of the wife on "Married with Children" but nicer.

Then I was posing for pictures, changing outfits and posing some more.

Head shots, look this way, smile, frown, pout...good.

Then the whole body shots, stand this way, look that way, this arm up, this arm down...there...good.

"Ok that should be good for the portfolio stuff." Matt said in a professional tone "you want to start on the money shots?"

"Yes, let's get started." Stanly replied.

Marla took me back into the bathroom and made me jump in the shower. After a quick rinse she dried me off. Then she started rubbing me down with this oil that made my skin very shiny and slippery. This excited me a bit.

"Aww sweetie, I guess you're not all fag." She commented as she rubbed the oil into my skin. I guess because I got a boner from all that rubbing plus I could see down her blouse sometimes.

"No, I guess not." I replied shyly.

"Don't worry hun, I'm not making fun," she said with a wink as she chewed her gum, "I'm a bit of a fag hag myself." I thought her crude language was funny and wasn't offended.

I managed to calm my boner down because I was really nervous. This was going to be the part where they take pictures of me naked. I really hoped that I didn't mess it up.

After the oil, Marla sprayed cold water on me with a water bottle, kind of like my mom does to houseplants. This made me giggle.

"What's so funny hun?"

"It's just silly that I dried off just to make me wet again."

"Hehe, yeah," she replied "but the oil makes the water bead on your skin, looks nice n sexy for em boys gona jerk it lookin at you."

Now I was triple nervous. Guys were gonna look at me and masturbate? Why?

When we were done Marla wrapped a towel around my waist and was oddly particular about it. It had to look just right. Then she smacked my butt and said "go get em cowboy"

When I walked out of the bathroom, the house was mostly dark and chairs were lined up along a wall where Stanly, my Mom and eventually Marla went and sat down. It was a little cold and I felt my nipples harden in response. In the center of the room was a big, round, white cushion thing surrounded by big silver umbrellas and photography lights. It was like big pool of light and for some reason it scared me.

On the big white cushion were a magazine and a big rubber penis. What the heck was I supposed to do with that? My heart was pounding.

I walked into the circle of light and stood next to the big cushion. Matt stood next to me, camera in hand. I also noticed two big video cameras pointed down at the cushion.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Lie down and get comfortable." Matt responded.

I worked my way on to the cushion next to the magazine and the big rubber penis. I turned on my side, with one knee up. The towel was still around my waist.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's good; now don't look at the cameras at all." Matt said as I heard the shutter clicking.

I picked up the big fake penis and wiggled it a bit, this made everyone on the wall laugh and I wanted to do it again, but figured this really wasn't a comedy routine.

"What should I look at?"

"Take a look at the magazine." He said, shutter clicking as he took more photos. He also made some adjustments to the video cameras.

I looked down at the magazine. It was titled "Bear" and had a half-naked hairy guy on the cover. I found this kind of interesting.

"Go ahead, flip through it and find something you like."

I flipped through the pages, it was feature after feature each showing a big hairy guy who would get undressed and as I flipped further he would oil up his cock and start rubbing it. This was making my mouth start to water and my little cock got hard under the towel. It was going to be a struggle if they wanted me to do this without a boner. Instinctively I looked toward my Mom in the darkness, I could just make out her face, she was looking on very intently.

"OK now lift the magazine up, we need to show the cover." I did this as I looked through.

I turned on my stomach, part to show the magazine better, which I guessed we were selling, and in part to hide that this was getting me excited.

"That's good, now cross your ankles... good now like your lips... Can you move your hair back over your ear... great, very sexy." Matt was saying. The people along the wall, including my Mom were completely silent as far as I could tell.

Matt made me roll onto my back and there was just no hiding my hard little cock at that point, it made a ridiculous tent under the towel until I pushed it flat against my belly, again looking at my Mom, wondering if she saw me do it. The way she was looking at me was kind of strange and very intent, she couldn't have missed it which made me a little embarrassed.

"There, yes that's good. Go ahead and touch it just a little more."

"Touch what?"

"Your cock"

"Oh..." I did, I rubbed it through the towel and it felt good. I looked at the pictures some more of the man rubbing his cock. It was getting very hot and excited and I couldn't stop moving around, but every time I did Matt told me I was doing great and just go with it.

Every now and then he'd have Marla come over and squirt more water, which beaded up on my skin and felt nice in the heat of the lights. The more I looked at the man in the magazine the hornier I got, I just couldn't help it. He was older, big and sexy. I wondered what it would be like to touch his cock instead of my much smaller one.

Ahh.. the big fake one. Now it dawned on me. I picked it up and felt its veins and head. My mouth was really watering and I felt I wanted to do something. Looking at the magazine I picked up the cock and brought it to my lips.

"Perfect!" Matt said shutter clicking away.

I don't know why it felt so good to do that. I liked kissing and licking it despite the plastic taste. I thought it would be nice to do that for the big man. I wondered if he would let me.

"OK now push the towel down and look directly at the camera, not all the way though, we need a teaser shot."

I pushed the towel down between my legs and gave the camera a look. I was afraid my expression would be too silly because I was just over excited. I licked my lips.

"Perfect." Shutter clicking away, "Now all the way..."

I pushed the towel forward and lifted my hips. My hard little cock flipped forward and smacked against my firm belly. My cock is about 5 ½ inches long and thin, not at all like the big dildo or the man in the magazine.

"Ohh good, yes that is very good, lift your hips, up and down some more" Matt was saying "Now you take more of that dildo in your mouth, yes deeper, like that in and out, now start rubbing it."

I grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down slowly, lost in the sensations. I moaned and rubbed it harder, my hips gyrating...

All these things I was doing were making me lose track of myself. I found myself moaning and making little noises like I do when I masturbate at home. I was getting really worked up. Then I remembered my Mom was watching me. I turned my head and looked at her and her mouth was hanging open, maybe in disbelief of what her little boy was doing. It scared me a little to think this might change our relationship.

"Matt!" I called out.

"Yes, you're doing great Treavor."

"No Matt I need to talk to you."

"Ok" he said, setting the camera down for a second.

"Can you come closer" then in a whisper, "I don't want my Mom to hear me.'

He moved in close, leaning over the cushion, his hand was on my chest to support him as he leaned in. His touch was like fire on my skin, making me even more excited. I was really losing control here.

"If I keep doing this, it's going to happen..." I whispered to him.

"What's going to happen?"

"You know, I'm going to... you know, shoot my stuff." I whispered urgently.

"Oh..." he responded with a little chuckle, "That is what everyone wants to see."

"Oh" I said, feeling silly, "...but my Mom?"

"Yes her too from the look of things." He whispered back. I looked over at my Mom, her eyes almost seemed glazed over, the top several buttons on her blouse were undone and she seemed really flushed, her legs were crossed and her top leg was bouncing up and down. She gave me thumbs up and an encouraging smile.

"Ok" I said and Matt went back to his camera, giving my nipple a little squeeze as he stood up, which made me gasp.

"OK, starting back up." Matt said out loud, "Now see if you can take that dildo a bit deeper.

I resumed rubbing myself, slow and unsure at first. I pushed the cock deeper, which made it hard to breathe. My excitement was building again and I started moving my hips and rubbing my cock faster.

Then I was lost again in the sensations. I didn't stop myself this time. My excitement was building and building, making my body move and writhe on the cushion. I felt like moaning and I just did, I didn't hold back at all, I let the feelings flow.

Always before, at home, I would feel some shame and try to be quite so my Mom wouldn't hear me as I would furtively beat off. Now it was like I had permission, I reveled in it. My hand moved faster. It was building but I didn't want it to happen yet... it just felt so good I wanted to live in this moment, my Mom looking on as I touched myself in complete pleasure.

When I say I was lost, that is exactly what I mean. I lost complete control of how loud I was, my moans echoed in the room. I lost complete control of my body. I was shoving the dildo deep down my throat then back out and my hand was moving fast on my little cock. My back arched and I writhed all over the cushion. In my mind I was sucking on that big sex man's cock. I wanted him bad, but I didn't really understand what that meant. I just wanted him in my mouth badly.

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