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Unlikely Love Pt. 06


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I slipped up next to her quivering body, pulling her into me and letting her panting face settle into my neck in a distinct cuddling posture. Clearly the experience had been even more intense and powerful than I had anticipated, because Tamara remained in that position for a full three or four minutes without saying a word.

"Elena... I... wow..." she gasped.

"I hope that was ok for you," I said, poking fun.

Tamara giggled as she playfully pushed me away and sat up. "Um, ok doesn't even come close to describing it. That was... the most amazing thing I have ever felt... ever... with any... one." she said, rubbing her forehand for a moment.

I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. "Well, that was what I was going for. I mean what do you expect after almost a year of foreplay hmmmm?"

The look on her face was one of absolute adoration, as if I was some sort of angel that had appeared to her in a vision. "Thank you doesn't do it justice," she said with a smile.

I patted her on the cheek. "Oh it was my pleasure," I giggled.

Tamara gave me a crooked grin, and looked at my disheveled clothing. "Well, not really, I am here naked and glowing and you are still fully dressed." she chided.

I put my fingers on her lips. "Shhhh, no need for that, this was about you, not me." I said softly.

Tamara gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm in love with you too, you know. I really struggled with that, because I couldn't get my head around it, me being straight and all. But in the end what matters is you!" she sighed.

"And?" I asked, unsure of where she was going with the conversation.

Tamara leaned close and kissed my neck, slipping her hand over my breast. "And I want you too," she purred.

I had hoped that she had entertained the notion of returning pleasure at some point, but worried that doing it too soon could backfire. "All in good time, there's no rush," I gasped, realizing that she was doing to my neck what I had done to hers.

"Please," Tamara whispered, "truly make me yours."

Shit, she had played a card I never expected her to play. "Ok baby, then it's time to introduce you to my body, let me guide you," I sighed, finding myself with butterflies at the thought of her between my legs doing things I thought she never, ever would. I slowly removed my top, leaving my satin bra in place, watching her gaze on my cleavage.

I took her hand and slipped it over my bra, watching her eyes widen, and she discovered what touching another woman truly felt like. "How does that feel, baby?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

Tamara looked mesmerized, her lips parted slightly, staring at the movement of my breast as I moved her hand in a circular motion, letting her fully caress me. I felt my nipple harden under her touch, making her gasp, fueling a look of desire in her eyes. Without saying a word, I pushed her face into the rich valley between them, letting my breasts press against her cheeks in a subtle erotic kiss. I moaned as I felt her kiss there and run her tongue up and down. For someone who had never done that before she was doing an incredible job.

I unhooked my bra and dropped it on the bed, slipping my finger under her chin, guiding her face upwards until her lips were level with my nipple, wondering if she would act on my hint or pretend she was oblivious. I watched my straight friend, who was progressively less so with every passing minute, lick her full lips and lean in to kiss the nipple aching for her mouth. Tamara kissed it twice, and then, looking up at me, wrapped her lips around it, making me moan. "Ohhhhh that's it baby, take your very first taste of my breasts," I breathed out, thinking after the words had left my lips that it was either corny or ridiculous.

Tamara apparently interpreted it in the sexy way I intended as she began gently sucking, lost in the moment, squirming and shivering. She was sucking gently, both hands around the breast, as if savoring how it felt and tasted. I have never gotten a lot out of breast play before but something about her eagerness and tenderness were incredibly erotic to me. It felt as if she was connecting with me, and drawing some part of me into her very self through her actions. I found myself getting increasingly wetter as she continued. I had so much to teach her but she already was well on her way to being an amazing lover. She switched to the other breast and I was surprised when I experienced a small orgasm, my first with her, but certainly not the last. Tamara watched me as I rode out the mild climax, in awe that she had managed to do anything that created pleasure for me.

After coming back down from the minor high, I shed my pants and then my panties as she watched, her eyes widening as she gazed on my pussy for the very first time. "Wow so... smooth... and wet..." she gasped.

I took her hand, kissed it, and placed it on my aching wetness, trying not to react too strongly to her touching me like that. Gawd I had ached for that moment so many times it was maddening. Smiling, I pushed two of her fingers into me and then pulled it back out, waiting to see how she felt about it all.

Tamara looked at the glistening juices on her hand, the wetness and arousal, as if fascinated by it. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent, making her shiver, as if letting it possess her somehow. Licking her lips, eyes still closed, Tamara slid them into her mouth, moaning as she took in my taste. My taste!

As she opened her eyes I knew what she wanted, and I ached for it too, fantasizing so many times of having her face between my legs, going down on me. I lowered myself on the bed, facing up, legs parted, inviting my formerly straight love to complete her journey to my world. Eyes locked on the prize, she inched her way forward, breathing in my scent, aware that she was about to truly become mine.

I moaned and leaned my head back as I felt her lips on me, and her tongue dip in and taste. "Oh gawd baby you are mine forever. Yesssss, that's it, taste me, lick, there just like that. Gawd you are doing an amazing job," I said, knowing what I was saying was totally true. My hands were in Tamara's hair, caressing it, cooing as I spoke to her, coaching her through eating her first pussy, truly making her mine. She got frustrated a few times, but was determined and before too long I was having a pretty decent orgasm from her efforts.

I pulled her up and wrapped my legs around her, kissing her and tasting myself on her hips, her face coated from her time eating me out. "So, how was it?" I asked, winking at her and giggling a little bit.

Tamara reached up and touched my face gently, stroking up and down my cheek just the way a lover would do. "There are just... no... words," she said, planting a kiss on my lips and then my neck. She settled into me even more, and I pulled her bare skin against mine, savoring the sensations of our breasts pressed together.

I sighed contentedly, knowing she had crossed over so many sexual lines that I knew had been artificially drawn for her. We were in love, and lovers, and the first time together was incredibly sexy and memorable. "You know," I began, "when I said you belong to me now... it wasn't just playful talk during lovemaking, I meant every word of it. I want you at my side, in my bed, everything."

She snuggled in even more and nuzzled my neck, almost like she wanted to crawl up inside me somehow. "Yes, I do know that, and you need to know I have never ever felt anything like this before, the connection, the love, the passion, it's... like for the first time it's real for me," she whispered.

As she said that, I heard Tamara'a voice fade and knew she had fallen asleep, and her breathing slowed to a quiet rhythm. I had never once felt as content as I did in that moment, so vulnerable and surrendered to someone else, and I soon fell asleep myself.


My dreams that night were sensual but not necessarily erotic, hearkening back to the dance on halloween, pressed against Elena, feeling sensations that were scary and exciting all at the same time. Her eyes were staring into mine, and I could feel her whispering into my mind somehow coaxing me just to give in, to the desires, to the feelings, to her.

I woke up understandably horny, but resisted the urge to finger myself, concerned that I might really get lost to the feelings and later do something I might regret. Regret? What I regretted most was hurting the one person in my life that actually cared about me as a person, not as someone to get something from. Knowing that we had reconnected lifted a huge burden from my shoulders, washed away the guilt and filled that aching void I had felt since we had last seen each other.

Looking at my potential wardrobe I was very conflicted. The last thing I wanted to do was dress a little sexy and bring back to mind the fiasco of our last time face to face, nor did I want to appear to be teasing her or something. I also didn't want to appear careless about how I looked either. Damn it, why did it have to be so unclear? I grabbed a pair of jeans that hugged my curves nicely, and a nice black top that had a neck that was low enough to extend a bit below my collarbone but not enough to tease any of my breasts. I turned to one side to look at my reflection, and then the other. Okay, that looked decent enough while being low-key, so I grabbed my keys and started on the short drive to Elena's house.

As I got out of my car and made my way up the concrete steps to the front door, I felt a pang of anxiety, well more than a pang but not like a full-blown panic attack. What if she was really upset and just not telling me? What if all I got today was a stern talking to or a yelling session that made me cry? I debated whether to turn and just leave, but that seemed just cruel on my part. I had grown to trust her, so I reminded myself of that and rang the bell.

Elena looked cute and relaxed when she opened the door, smiling at me in a way that told me that everything was all right between us now. I felt butterflies and my insides melt, I realized the second I saw her face just how much I had missed her. Without thinking, I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around her in a huge hug that seemed to catch her off guard.

"I am so sorry, Elena, Fuck, you have no clue how much I missed you!" I said, choking up for a moment. I kissed her softly on the cheek, ensuring that I didn't linger too long.

"Shhh, it's ok Tamara, nothing to be sorry for, everything is ok," she said in a half-whispered tone.

I released my hold, feeling like there was nothing negative between us now, relieved and excited just to hang around her again. I glanced around at the piles of boxes and containers littered about the room and laughed. "Well I see you go as all-out for Christmas as you do Halloween, Wonder Woman!"

We moved around inside the house hanging decorations of every kind, making smartass comments and jokes as we went along. Elena and I burned through two pots of coffee and the caffeine made us act absolutely silly. I thought we were almost finished at one point and made the wisecrack, "Well that's a good day's work out of the way!" I quipped.

"No, trust me, you will be very busy for a while!" Elena said, gesturing to an enormous box of old-fashioned lights, each strand wrapped up with zip ties.

"Do I need a ladder?" I asked, not mentioning how skittish being off the ground could make me feel.

Elena laughed. "No, babe, just work on the hedges for now, that'll take you at least an hour," she said, grinning.

I carried the box outside and sat it in the grass, buttoning my coat up to keep the chill off of my skin. Snapping off the tie, I plugged in the first strand to the outlet next to the hedge and began weaving them in and out of the leaves of the shrubs right next to the front of the house. Fortunately, I finished the task well ahead of Elena's estimate, though she did tease me a little about the pattern I had used. I was having such a great time, I gladly dished back anything she playfully threw at me.

"I need a refill," I said to her, waving the coffee mug around casually.

"In the kitchen," Elena said, pointing the way, as if somehow I had forgotten where it was.

I shuffled over to the archway leading to the kitchen and coffee pot, not needing more but wanting more. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, I caught sight of something in my peripheral vision, forcing me to look up to see what it was. Mistletoe? Well, it technically was the Christmas season now, so it's not like it was outlandishly out of place or something. I did hear warning bells go off in my head, since that was the crux of what had happened between us when we saw each other last. I decided to play it lighthearted, because I could always pass it all off as just joking around.

"Hmm, is that what I think it is? Mistletoe?" I said, chuckling.

Elena's face went white, which made me regret even asking anything, clearly she was caught off guard and apparently worrying about my reaction to it. "Oh no, no, no, not what you think, girl, I've had that up for a while now," she said, a slight trembling sound in her voice.

I could tell from Elena's reaction that it was coincidental, or something so inconsequential that she had forgotten it was even there, which made me feel it was all right to have some fun with it. "Hmm, you sure? Could be a perfect excuse to give some unsuspecting straight girl a nice lesbian kiss?" I said, not able to keep a straight face and just howling with laughter.

I watched a smile break over her face, as she leaned her head slightly to the side. "No, no, that's Lena's style of dirty trick, I hate that kind of thing," she said with a musical tone in her voice.

I giggled and almost snorted listening to her respond, aware that I had broached a topic we really had never discussed between ourselves. Since it was probably smart to just leave well enough alone, I tried to steer the conversation away from the subject. I waved my hand dismissively at Elena. "Oh girl, I know that, just had to give you crap about it, that's all," I answered.

"Smartass," she muttered.

"And proud of it," I said with a smile and wink.

Elena let out a sigh, and the look on her face seemed to indicate she wasn't quite done talking about it. "I am sure you have had your share of idiotic stunts to trick you into stuff. That's not me, everything had to be clear and above board, consent included."

I was having too much fun seeing her get rattled, and against my better judgment, piled it on some more. Looking up at the mistletoe, I made a clicking sound with my mouth. "Yeah that seems pretty nonthreatening, even for a little old straight girl," I said, looking at her, smiling, showing her I was still joking.

"Yeah, right."

In that moment I almost felt like the joke was on me, because the image of Elena kissing me felt intriguing, making me wonder how that would feel and what her lips would taste like. Somehow the relatively innocent teasing had opened up a Pandora's box of curiosity in me that had never happened before. Speaking before I thought it through, I said, "Ok then, you can have one, and I mean only one kiss. Nothing else."

I wanted to giggle as I watched Elena's face turn bright red, like I had unearthed some dirty secret she didn't want to admit to. She shook her head almost violently. "No way, this is how we got things so screwed up last time. I don't want to..." she began.

"Kiss me?" I asked, having no idea why I was suddenly so caught up in the notion.

Elena's mouth fell open in shock, as if I had just bested her in some board game and she was in disbelief. "Stop, I never said that," she said, stammering now.

I stepped under the archway and stuck my tongue out at her, now clearly daring her, but also aware that I could end up alienating her completely. "Consider it an early Christmas present, El. Maybe something for me to cross off my bucket list. Just a short and sweet simple kiss, that's all," I added. I had never called her El, or anything besides her actual name, and kissing another woman was never even on any bucket list for me. What had gotten into me?

Elena seemed intrigued and confused in the same space of time, but to my surprise she started moving close to me. "Just one, right?" she asked cautiously.

I nodded. Shit, was I really doing this? It felt like something or someone else was in control of me at that moment, and that someone answered, "Just one. Nothing else."

Elena stepped to me slowly, one step at a time, presumably to give me space to call the whole thing off, but for some reason the spell that I found myself under ruled that out entirely. I felt powerful butterflies in my tummy as she got close to me, anticipating what would come next. "Okay, love, just... one... kiss..." she whispered, her lips touching mine.

A shiver shot up my spine that radiated out to the furthest point of my extremities, inflaming my senses and tearing Pandora's box wide open. Elena fitted her lips perfectly to mine, gently caressing mine like a deeply sensual massage, as if for that one moment we were merged into a single body and connected down to our very souls. My entire body ached for nothing else but to stay feeling that way forever.

All of the feelings and desires I had fought so hard to suppress erupted into my conscious mind, preventing me from ever denying them again. I knew I loved Elena, but once I felt that kiss I knew I was in love with her, and i wanted her, and it no longer mattered if she was gay and I was straight. I wanted her and I wanted to be hers!

Suddenly the spell was broken, and I realized that she had finished the one kiss we had agreed to, though her hips stayed just inches from mine, reminding me how they felt. Every inch of me was on fire, I knew my nipples were hard and moisture had oozed out between my legs, all from one simple kiss. Never once in my life had anything felt so incredible, so sexy, and oh so right.

"You ok? Just one, like... we said," she whispered, arousal saturating her voice.

Just one? I don't think so, how about another and another and anything that comes after. Elena's warm breath caressed my lips, clearly ready to offer me more. "Just... one..." I said, drawing a breath, and then adding, "...more."

Elena's lips sought mine out again, this time communicating a deep hunger, but still gentle enough to feel loving. These kisses were sweet, sensual, erotic, and hungry, and I wanted more; more of them, and more of her! My head was awash with desire, knowing full well that I was fully making out with another woman and absolutely loving it. She managed to gasp the words, "Our... lips... making... love," as she kissed me deeply and repeatedly.

Damn right they are, and I want more. Wanting to signal to her that I was ready for more, I parted my lips slightly, wanting to taste her mouth and tongue along with it. Instantly, I felt the tip of her tongue touch mine, marveling at its gentle power, and at the skill she wielded it with. Having endured years of rough tongue kissing from male lovers, it felt so much richer and sexier. Instead of feeling like my mouth was being violated, this was the sensation of teasing, of playful ardor, of gentle strength used with my sensations in mind.

After what seemed like an eternity of sheer delight in making out with Elena, I felt her lift her lips from mine and kiss my chin. "Just enjoy it angel," she said in a hushed whisper, kissing towards my neck.

Damn, my neck was my weak spot, the one place that could instantly turn me on, how the hell did she know that without me saying anything? Holding my hips in her hands, I felt Elena's talented lips reach their destination, on my neck, softly, with her tongue tickling the skin ever so slightly. My body didn't just tremble, it quaked, all on its own, giving me shivers of pleasure that cascaded throughout every inch of me, "Oh... my... GAWD... Elena," I moaned, loudly enough that anyone in the house would have heard it.

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