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Unlikely Love Pt. 06


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Elena responded to me in the sexiest voice I had ever heard. "Oooooo are you ok, love? That feel good?" she said, lips hovering just above my neck.

I could barely think, let alone speak, but I did groan out one word to her, "Yes," over and over again.

"Mmmmm good, so good," she said, her lips touching my neck in earnest now.

Neck kisses and whispers together were a guaranteed turn on, I could feel my pussy dripping now, so turned on I thought I might shatter at any second. Her breasts were pressed into mine, nipples hard and rubbing when our bodily motion aligned just right, sending more shockwaves through me almost violently. I squirmed and moaned incessantly, which just served to urge her on.

"Don't stop. Oh my gawd that feels... fucking... amazing," I gasped.

"Ohhhh never," Elena answered, gently gnawing at my neck in earnest now. Maybe it would leave a mark but I didn't fucking care. I loved how this felt.

She moved her body on mine gently, kissing my neck, absolutely worshiping every inch of it, leaving me tingling all over. As she nipped the skin strategically, my back arched, forcing my breasts against hers and making our nipples grind against one another. "Feeling good, love?" she asked, licking my neck and kissing it once more. All I could do was moan.

Elena growled playfully, kissing my neck as she spoke again. "This is how women make love, sweet Tamara. Loooong, slooow, sensualllll, all about bringing you the most pleasure," she said sexily, moving her lips to that sensitive spot right under my ear, biting gently.

"Unghhhhhhhhh oh fuck..."

"I'm deeply in love with you, Tamara. Been in love for a while, and so wanted... this... us... to happen," Elena moaned, grinding into me earnestly.

My body shook hearing that, and I responded so she would know how I felt too. She needed to know. I wanted her to know. "I... unghh... love you too... so much... been yours... longer than... I know... Losing you... showed me... how much," I gasped.

My confession emboldened Elena, and I felt her hand slip over my left breast, cupping it softly, making my body shake powerfully. "Mmmmm yes, Tamara, you belong to me now, every inch of you, mind, soul, body, everything," she said, staking her claim to my heart and body and I was all too happy to surrender it all to her. The words 'you are mine now' echoed in my head as her caresses to my breast drove my arousal still higher.

"Yessssss... yours... all yours," I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

All at once, I felt a hand to my face, making me focus on my lover's soft beautiful face as she kissed me a few times. "We... can... stay here or..." she began to say.

I knew what she was about to say, she was inviting me to her bed, to consummate our love, and to show me pleasure I had never felt before. I interrupted her, touching her face and saying, "...go to your bed. To our bed. To where you have wanted me and where I need to be."

Elena's expression was one of desire, love, and gratitude. Guiding me next to her, she touched my face and almost silently whispered the word, "Please?" which made me melt inside. This woman was inviting me, asking me, not demanding or implying somehow I owed it to her, which is what I was used to at this stage. It was beyond sexy, and I nodded, and we made our way up to her palatial bedroom. I leaned into her, just relishing the closeness I already felt, and looking forward to more.

Once inside, Elena kissed me on the forehead and sat me down on the edge of her bed, then turning and closing the doors to ensure I knew what happened here was just between us. She slid up and sat next to me, stroking my face for a few moments, and then leaned in to kiss me. As before, her lips caressed mine, this time just a touch more insistently, prompting me to part my lips and slip my tongue in.

Before I could even catch a breath, she startled me by wrapping her lips around my tongue, sending shockwaves through me, somehow she knew every secret of my body and exactly how to pleasure it. I squirmed as she kept up the motions of her lips, feeling her hands on my bare skin on my lower back, feeling her slowly lifting my black top upwards. I lifted my arms so that Elena could pull it up and away, separating our kiss and starting the process of revealing my body for her to enjoy.

A smile spread over Elena's lips as she let her eyes caress my body, giving me another kiss and placing her hand on my bra strap. As she slowly slid it aside, she kissed and nibbled on my skin, making me tremble. Gawd it felt so fucking amazing! I moaned as she continued, eventually feeling so overcome from the sensations that I cried out, "Oh Elena, please fuck me... please!"

I felt her push the strap off my shoulder and down my arms, continuing to tease my skin with kisses and love bites. "Ohhhh are you sure?" she asked, moaning into my skin.

My body shook as I heard her asking me, and I was so worked up all I could manage to say was "Yes, yes, yes, Elena!"

Elena kissed the opposite side of my neck and began sliding that strap away too. Giggling, she asked, "Oh does the straight girl want the lesbian to eat her out? Fuck her?"

I couldn't stand much more of her teasing, answering her with a throaty, "Oh my fucking gawd, yes!"

I felt Elena finish the process of peeling away my bra, and she backed up far enough to look at my breasts, heaving a bit from my rapid breathing. "Your breasts are absolutely gorgeous, baby," she said, cupping one in her hand, making me shudder, leaning in to whisper to me, "I wanted to do that from the first moment we met." As both her hands began caressing my breasts, I felt her push me back so I was lying face up on her bed.

Her lips and hands descended on my breasts, cupping caressing, licking and kissing them, while one hand unzipped my faded blue jeans. I didn't even need the hint, I knew exactly what she wanted, my pussy, going down on me, and I ached for her to do it. I got out of my jeans as fast as I could without pushing her away, and then moved my legs apart, inviting her to have her way with me.

I felt Elena smile, feeling her smooth fingers tickle my tummy, inching lower until I felt her cross the boundary of my thong. Within moments, I felt her beginning to suck on my left breast, as her fingers invaded my pussy. "Ohhhhhhhh yessssss," I groaned out as I felt her lips and fingers inflict intense pleasure on my body.

My back arched as she continued her gentle fingering, sliding two fingers in and out, sucking on my breasts rhythmically, making my body spasm with every movement. I was moaning deeply, writhing, feeling the tension building up so much that it almost became painful. I threw my head back and forth, rocking my hips and moaning loudly, and at that point I felt Elena touch my clit, massaging slowly, I could feel the orgasm bubbling up from deep inside me, like pure lava, electric and all-encompassing.

Elena's lips were suddenly on my neck again, whispering to me, saying, "That's it, sweet thing, cum for me, cum for your Elena." At that exact moment, the climax took me over, forcing my body upwards, deep sounds pushing out through my lips, yanking her against me with all my might, and shaking violently. My mind shattered as I felt it pour over me, but once it had run its course, I collapsed, breathing heavily.

Never before in my life had I ever cum that hard, and if I even dared to compare it to what i had considered the best one, it would have eclipsed beyond the point of no comparison. 'Wow' didn't even seem to do it justice, even as I was recovering from the incredible feelings of moments before. As I felt Elena pull away, I took in a deep breath, eyes still closed, recovering, ready to express my deep gratitude once I felt I could think rationally again.

Not even a moment later I felt her warm breaths caressing my inner thighs, as she uttered the word, "Mine." Oh shit, she was about to go down on me, the thrill of anticipation made me shiver. Here I was, not long ago a straight married woman, practically begging another woman to bury her head between my legs. A woman that I adored and had fallen in love with. A woman I wanted more than anything.

"Oh Tamara, you taste... amazing!" Elena gasped as the tip of her tongue tasted my labia, seemingly careful not to stimulate me too much. After dipping it in to taste me once more, she fastened her lips to mine and plunged her tongue deep inside my already quivering pussy. I had gotten oral plenty of times from former lovers, but this was at a depth of pleasure and intimacy that I had never experienced.

"Oh my... fucking... gawddddd," I gasped as I felt Elen'a delicious tongue penetrating me and devouring me, somehow reaching a spot in my soul and touching it. Gawd she was good, there was no fucking way I would ever give this up, I was hooked now. My well-practiced mask had melted, I embraced this, her passionate licking of my pussy, and her caresses. I grabbed her head, intertwining my fingers in her hair, pushing her against me as she ate my pussy with a delicate but aggressive skill that felt beyond amazing.

Another, more intense climax crashed over me, my back arching, making me release a loud scream of pleasure, her name interspersed among the squeals and noises that were entirely new to me. Before I could even recover from the second orgasm, a third slammed into me, stronger than the other two combined, my body thrashing violently, involuntarily yanking Elena's hair hard over and over again. I lost all control over my movements, and even blacked out for a moment, eventually coming back down to earth an inch at a time. Now that was great sex!

Several minutes must have passed, because Elena was next to me on the bed, her arms gently encircling me in a snuggle of sorts, my head tucked into her shoulder. I struggled to speak, but managed to find a few words eventually. "Damn... Elena...I had no idea... gawd... wow." I managed to croak out, looking up at her finally.

Elena had that tooth smile on her face that I loved, licking her lips before she responded to me. "Well I hope that was an ok experience for you," she said, giggling as she spoke.

I found myself laughing, to the point of having difficulty catching my breath. Breathing in deeply to calm my fit of giggles, I sat up in Elena's bed and looked down at her lovingly. "Ha! Ok doesn't even cover it... that was... amazing... never felt that before, well... with anyone," I said, my voice trailing off.

Elena smiled and gave me a gentle kiss. "Well... that is exactly what I intended, my sweet Tamara. And what did you expect after a solid year of foreplay hmmmmm?"

I smiled and let out a breath, touching her cheek softly. "Well I am not sure thank you even comes close to giving it justice," I said quietly.

Elena smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my nose. "No need, the pleasure was all mine," she said with a wink and a soft pat on my bare ass.

I giggled a bit. "Not really, I'm completely naked you are still dressed!" I said, tugging at the edge of her top playfully.

Elena silenced me, placing two fingers across my lips. "Shhhh now, this was all about you and your pleasure hun," she said, wagging her other finger in a playfully scolding gesture.

I slipped my hand over her wrist and pulled it away from my mouth, and touched my lips to hers for a moment. "It's more than that. I am in love with you too," I whispered.

"Oh I know that, don't worry."

I sighed, knowing she wasn't getting what I was trying to say. "No, it's more than that, I... just had a hell of a time really wrapping my mind around that, I mean I am straight, so kinda doesn't align with that. But what I figured out was it wasn't about if you were another woman or gay or whatever, was about the fact that it was you. Just you. Nothing else," I said, slowly.

"Ok? And?" Elena said, not defensive but wondering what I was trying to say.

I felt anxious. These were uncharted waters for me and it wasn't clear what I should say or do to communicate the fact that I wanted to give back to her, if she would even allow that at this point. Actions speak louder than words, so perhaps that was a good place to start. I had found myself drawn to her breasts often, and I wanted to touch them, so I placed a trembling hand on one, making her intake a breath sharply. "And I... want you... too," I breathed out, kissing her softly.

Elena was unexpectedly shaken by my admission, and was silent for a few moments, I could tell she was worried the idea might be too much for me to take so soon. "It's all good, there is no rush, in time, we can... you can... if you want to."

I leaned in and planted a few kisses on her neck. "Oh yes, gawd yes I want to, make me yours, help me love you," I said, gasping.

Elena let out an incredibly sexy moan, the first indication that I had managed to arouse her, which gave me a strange thrill. "Mmmmmm in that case, let me guide you, let you meet another woman's body for the first time." I watched her pull back and slowly, teasingly inched up her shirt, exposing her olive skin to me, drawing my eyes to her breasts once the clothing had been discarded.

She took my hand slowly and placed it on her breast, gently tucking it inside her bra, and then slipping her hand over mine. Her breast felt incredibly warm, inviting and perfect, as if it was molding to my touch, as her hand began to move in a circular motion. I gasped, feeling her nipple harden, our eyes locked, lips parted, feeling my own body responding to the sensations. I watched her body move with my guided caresses, suddenly feeling the urge to touch both her breasts.

"How does that all feel to you, love?" Elena said, a sexy purr filling her voice.

Before I could really answer, Elena removed her hand from mine, and slipped it around the back of my neck, much as she had during our first kiss which seemed like a lifetime ago. I felt her pushing me just in front of her breasts, the line of her cleavage just inches from my nose, holding me there for a second, as if getting me comfortable being that close. Before I realized it, my face was deep in between her breasts, nose right at her sternum, her warm skin enveloping my cheeks. I felt a shiver run through me, and one urge took me over that blocked out everything else: I had to taste them!

I pushed my tongue out and felt her cleavage welcome it openly, caressing it, her skin tasted so sexy, and I was lost in the feeling of her breasts. Moments later, I began licking up and down the valley between them with a slow methodical pattern. Fuck, I could do this forever! I felt Elena shaking as I continued my oral lovemaking of her skin, and was perplexed when I felt her pull me back and tilt my head up to look at her.

In that brief moment, she had managed to unhook her bra with her free hand and let it fall away, and when I glanced back down, her bare breast and nipple were almost at my lips. I couldn't keep from licking my lips, feeling a powerful urge to taste the hard nipple, like it was calling to me. I gave it a brief kiss, which made me want to do it more, so I did, but then gave in to the desire to suck on it. As my lips closed around it, I heard Elena sigh. I had never done this before but it felt so hot, so sexy and so right.

I heard Elena moan and say something but I was so lost in what I was doing and how it made me feel that I couldn't quite make out the words. My eyes were closed, my lips pulling the nipple in and out in a sucking motion, swirling my tongue around it, slipping a hand around each side of her breasts to steady it as I devoured it. I was enjoying it, enjoying her, and enjoying myself, feeling my pussy essence dripping down my inner thighs as I did.

I released the nipple and moved on to the other, feeling Elena squirm and moan as I continued my sexy work on her body. All I wanted was her, in that moment, showing her how much I wanted her and how much I craved her. I got lost in it, hearing some hints from her as to what felt best, and then felt her breast quiver as her breathing began to get deep and rapid. Her soft moans broke my concentration enough to help me realize that she was about to cum, for me, because of what I was doing, even if my technique was poor. The realization was incredible to me, that I was making another woman climax, this woman, whom I adored.

Once she caught her breath, Elena slipped off her pants, and then her rather sexy black panties, parting her legs somewhat, revealing to me her pussy for the very first time. Overall it was like mine, but the lips thicker and more pronounced, shaved bare like mine but her scent filled the room like an erotic perfume. To my amazement, her lips were wet, almost dripping, looking like an erotic flower with petals covered with the morning dew. I found my eyes transfixed, fascinated with how it moved as she shifted her position a bit, and wanting to look closer. "Wow... you are... so... Smooth... and gawd, so... wet..." I gasped.

Smiling, and without saying a word, Elena took my hand in hers, isolating my index and middle fingers and folding back the rest lovingly. She guided my fingers between her legs, and we both gasped as they slid inside her, eventually holding me still, and then slowly drawing them back out.

I drew my hand back, lifted it up and studied the slick juices coating my fingers, fascinated by it, knowing they came from a woman other than myself. I had tasted myself many times, accustomed to it, even enjoying it, but this was a different thing altogether, almost surreal. Elena's scent emanated from it, tickling my sense of smell and made it feel like she was invading me, permeating every cell in my body and creating a whole new me. I felt a strong desire to taste it. Wasn't that the point of having her on my fingers like this, becoming hers in yet another way?

My eyes closed slowly as my lips parted and welcomed the new visitor inside, feeling the taste hit my tongue, tasting another woman, tasting her essence. It had a tangy taste to it, which made me think of her as spicy, but beyond pleasurable to taste, realizing that as I did I was truly taking her inside me.

Once I opened my eyes, I saw that Elena had repositioned face up on the bed, knees bent slightly, clearly inviting me between her legs to taste from the source. In that moment I knew two things, one, that this crossed a final line essentially deflowering me as a straight woman, and two, that I was ready to do it without hesitation.

I knelt down between her parted legs, seeing the desire in her eyes which just made me want it even more. I positioned myself so my lips were mere inches from her wetness, the scent wildly intoxicating, heightening my desire, making my head move right to where she wanted me. I touched her outer lips with my tongue, making her lift her back off of the bed and moan, fingers on the back of my head, caressing my hair. "Ohhhhh Tamara, you are finally mine. That's it baby, taste me, lick me," she gasped.

I pushed my tongue deep into her, feeling the walls of her pussy contract around it as I moved it in and out for a bit, switching to licks up and down the length of her womanhood next. Once that was done, I opened my mouth and aligned my lips with her labia, pressing my face to them and tongue kissing her pussy like it was her mouth, which made her writhe. I continued licking and kissing her, desperate to bring her to a climax, and wondering why it was taking so long.

Elena slipped her hands around my head and wordlessly guided my lips to her clit, making me perturbed that I had forgotten something so basic. My tongue began working her sexual center, and her body began moving in a far more powerful way. "Oh mmmmm yes yes right there. Jusssst like that, baby," she moaned.

I began gently sucking on her clit, much like I had on her nipple earlier, which apparently was the magic combination, because moments later she was thrashing and moaning in a way that a porn star might even, though in this case I knew it was real. I felt a thrill of accomplishment ripple through me as I hear her impassioned cries, felt her body writhe, and utter my name a few times.

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