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Until Then Ch. 04

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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 04/23/2014
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"I knew. I knew all along."

"You did? Well why didn't you say anything?" I asked confused.

I was having that conversation with Nick that I promised to give him one month ago.

We were inside our, well my, house in the living room on our, I mean my, comfy couch.

"I still loved you." He responded with a shrug.

"When did you find out?"

"The same day you spread your legs for my brother." He stated with a bitter smile.

Ouch, did he have to be so blunt? I didn't respond.

I mean, what am I supposed to say?

"I risked it all for you. My family found out about you and Aaron so fast, to say they were pissed is an understatement."

More silence. I really don't know what to say to him.

"Well..." I tried to respond before he cut me off.

"I married you knowing my family would eventually stop all contact with me in the process!" he yelled before I shushed him.

"You can't blame me for the status of your relationship with your family. Real families don't disown their children and relatives." I told him.

"Yeah and real wives don't sleep around with their husband's brother."

I had to laugh at that one. He gave me a perplexed look as I giggled.

"You're the last person who should be talking about infidelity."

"I should have dumped you. I should have left you the minute I fell in love with Nora. When I fell for her at some point I realized that the love I had with her was way more than I will ever have with you."

That through me off guard. That actually hurt! Does he really mean that?

"I can't believe you're saying this."

"Maybe you should've married Aaron. He'd always been overly friendly towards you."

"Aaron was a sex partner."

"Out of what, 20 guys?" He quipped.

"Feeling rude?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, feeling honest."

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes as I folded my arms.

"Yeah, whatever." he responded.

"I just don't understand it."

"Understand what?" he asked.

"You should feel bad...about your infidelity."

"I tried to feel bad. I really did Lily. Then I just imagined you beneath my brother begging him to pleasure you."

Oh my goodness! Will he just let it go!?

"It was five years ago!" I blurted out in frustration.

"Please, there were times before then."


"SO!" he repeated, as if surprised by response.

"So those times don't matter because it was back in college before I even met you."

"Look Lily, we both know that this just isn't going to work."

"I know, I filed for divorce last week."

"Good, that's a step in the right direction I guess." he stated with a sigh, standing up.

"I guess this is it huh?" I asked, rising from the couch with him.

"I guess so. I really hope you can find someone to make you happy." he stated with a genuine smile as he pulled me in for an embrace.

"I wish the same for you too." I responded, returning his hug.

****Two months later****

It's been a mere week since the divorce of Nick and Lilith had been settled. It was a peaceful, drama free process. Therefore it was a quickie settlement. Lilith didn't want any money, she just wanted to be done with him for good. Nick was quite pleased with that.

During their divorce process though, unbeknownst to Nick, Nora & Lilith have become close friends.

They're both moving to Florida, for different reasons though.

Nora wants to start fresh, plus her younger sister resides there. Lilith has been offered a better job.


"Why am I here?" Nick asked rudely.

"Because I invited you out for lunch."

"I am not giving you a dime of my money." he stated firmly with cold eyes.

"I think I'm going to start prenatal yoga next week. I am eight months along now and before you know it I'll be having my little girl."

"That's right, your daughter, not mine." he responded approvingly as I shot him a glare while sipping from my ice tea.

I stared at him as I thought of all the things I could say in reply that would piss him off.

"You know, there are so many nasty things I could say but, I don't have any desire to do so."

He raised an eyebrow at that. "Anyway, about this whole baby situation..." He started before I interrupted him.

"I don't want any of your money." I told him.

"What?!" he responded in relieved shock.

"It is obvious that you don't want to be in this child's life, financially or emotionally. I am not going to force you by suing you or anything like that."

He smiled happily. I am oddly not surprised.

"I hoped for a long time that you would change your mind about the baby. I want her to be raised by BOTH of the people who conceived her."

His smile faltered a bit when I put emphasis on that specific word.

"So what made you change your mind about hounding me to provide for you financially and all that?" he asked out of the blue.

"I don't know, I just did. I've been going to therapy and spending more time with my parents too. It's been...tough, but I'm learning how to forgive and move past my triumphs." I told him honestly.

He laughed sarcastically causing me to shake my head with a bitter smile.

"You being an asshole isn't going to knock my happiness. I won't let it."

He grew silent when I said that as a thought crossed my mind. Why the hell would I hope he'd come around for my child when he didn't for the others!?

"Stupid." I stated in a murmur, not knowing I had said that out loud.

"What?" he asked.

"Me. I actually thought you'd come around for my baby when you didn't come around for your other kids."

He shot me a cold glare.

Nick has fraternal twin girls with his high school girlfriend. Her name was Sophia. They had been friends for years but didn't start dating until the beginning of their senior year of high school at age 18.

They fell in love quick and she ended up losing her virginity to him just a month after they began dating. Nick being a whore since forever, was of course, already well experienced in the sex department.

She soon became pregnant and at age 18, they found out they would become parents. Nick panicked and broke up with her. Just a month after giving birth to Sarah & Nicky, Sophia's parents decided it was best to move and never look back.

In a matter of weeks they relocated all the way to Florida, where I plan to move after the birth of my little girl. Nick told Lilith about his kids. She wasn't bothered by the fact that he was absent from their lives. I was and still am.

I tried to convince him back when we were "dating" all those years ago, to find his daughters and try to build a relationship with them. He'd always say it was too late or something of that nature.

I wish he had listened back then. They are adults now and probably want nothing to do with the father they never met. I mean they are about 19 now since Nick is 37 and was 18 when they were born.

What a little fuck up he is.

"It's none of your business what I do or don't do."

"You can continue to ignore your daughters but I won't."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"I plan on moving to Florida."

"You can't go to Florida."

"Oh I can, and I will."

"With what money?" he asked, folding his arms while waiting on me to respond.

"I sold that $400,000 house you bought me. It was in my name after all."

He looked at me in silence before deciding to speak.

"You don't know anyone in Florida."

"My younger sister lives there actually. She went to college out there to become an accountant, liked it so much that she decided to stay. I plan to buy a house that's not a far distance from where she lives."

"And you're informing me of all this because?"

I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones or what but suddenly hot tears began to stream down my face as I spoke calmly.

"If you ever change..." I started, choking on my words as more tears fell for reasons I didn't know.

"If you ever become descent, don't hesitate to contact me." I told him, handing him a piece of paper with my email address and phone number on it.

"For what?"

"If you ever want to be a real man and take responsibility for this baby. It's never to late to be a father."

"It's not happening."

"Okay." I whispered while shrugging.

"You're not mad?" he asked in surprise.

"I have no reason to be. I have said all that I wish to say. You've told me how you feel and I did the same. You don't want to step up and be a real man then that's your choice."

"Well that settles it." he said, yawning as he stood up from the table we were sitting at when I suddenly called out to him.


"What!?" he asked in annoyance.

Even though I found that rude I remained polite.

"You better hope and pray that neither one of your daughters run into a man like you." I told him before he walked away and out of the restaurant angrily at my statement.

A month later I gave birth to an adorable little girl named Aurora, who is two weeks old now. I thought the name I picked was cute and adorable. Lilith is her godmother. We've only been friends for three months now but I feel like it's been years.

I am super psyched about my pending move to Florida. I am starting to wonder if moving to Florida is a good idea for Lily though. She's told me about her history with Nick's brother Aaron and how him, his mom, and his dad have been living there for years now.

I don't think it's a good idea for her to go there. Yes, she'll have a better job with more money but, seems to me like she's setting herself up for something bad. As her friend I don't like it but hey, her life and her choice.

By the time Aurora made five months old we, along with Lilith, were settled in Florida. I live only 30 minutes away from my sister and Lilith's home is just fifteen minutes away from mine. I spent a week settling in before going to see my sister for the first time in ages. She has a boyfriend named Jake. He's an accountant like her.

Apparently they met as freshmen in college and have been together ever since. I've been out to dinner a few times with them since arriving here a few weeks ago and there's something about him that makes me uncomfortable. He's very affectionate with my sister.

Normally when you see young love you think it's adorable. Well, not in this case. The way he looks at her is more possessive than endearing. I don't know what's going on but I will definitely make it my business to find out.

Granted, my sister is a 25 year old adult who has been with this guy for a long while but still, I need to be rid of my worry.

"Hello?" asked Lilith, snapping me out of my wandering thoughts.

I forgot I was currently on the phone with her.

"Oh sorry, I blacked out for a minute."

"I see." She responded, amusement evident in her voice.

"I don't like this Jake guy."

"Oh here we go." she sighed with a laugh.

"No seriously, there's something about him." I told her.

"Okay first, your sister is a grown woman who can handle herself. Secondly, they've been together a good seven years now if they've been going out since freshmen year of college. Lastly, if there was something wrong with their relationship, they probably wouldn't still be together."

"Maybe you're right." I responded hopeful.

She laughed once again before growing serious and saying "Hey, guess who I ran into at Starbucks a couple days ago."

"Who?" I asked.

"Aaron." she replied as my mouth hung open.

"He was there having coffee with his mom Amber and his dad, whose name is Travis."

"Oh wow, what happened?"

"We sat down and talked. I told them about the divorce and everything else. I apologized to each of them for everything that's happened over the years, even the stuff that wasn't my fault. They accepted and we shared a few laughs."

"Wow that's a positive result."

"Oh but it gets more interesting." she told me.

"Details." I responded simply.

"Aaron wants me to give him a chance."

"By that you mean...?" I asked.

"Yes, he wants us to become an actual couple."

"Even after...?"

"Yes, even after my trainwreck with Nick."

"What did his parents say? I mean, I know Travis had to disapprove being the father of your ex."

"They said they'd approve of us if it made Aaron happy."

"That is so...strange."

"I know, maybe all these years apart have softened their hearts a little.

"Maybe. So are you?" I asked.


"Are you going to give it a try?"

"I don't know. I mean what kind of woman dates her ex-husband's brother?" she asked.

I laughed as I said "That's beside the point. From what you've told me he thought way more of you."

"What do mean?" she asked.

"He likely considered you more than a quick fuck but before he got the chance to prove it you were walking down the aisle with his older brother."

I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Should I give it a try?" she asked me.

"That's a decision only you can make." I told her causing her to sigh again.

"Gee thanks for your guidance."

"You're welcome." I responded cheerily on purpose to her sarcastic gratitude.

"Anyway, it's getting late." I concluded.

"I agree, talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." she responded before abruptly hanging up.


"You know what you need?"

"No, what?"

"A boyfriend."

"Sarah honey, we've had this convo a thousand times."

"Mom, that lame excuse has expired."

"Excuse me?" she responded, causing me to giggle lightly.

"No excuses about focusing on being a mom and all that, we have our own apartment that we share and are 19 years old now." I explained, looking at my fraternal twin sister Nicky, and then back to my mom.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, running a hand through her ginger hair as her deep blue eyes stared into my green ones.

I sighed as I mimicked her, running my hand through my brown locks before Nicky intervened.

"What she means is we're grown. You have no reason to be alone any longer. You're a sweet, beautiful woman mom." she said sweetly, causing our mom to smile.

Even though Nicky's eyes are green like mine, she does have our mom's ginger hair, and she looks exactly like her minus the blue eyes. I, on the other hand, have brown hair and resemble the man who impregnated my mom. I refuse to refer to him as my father when the guy didn't raise me.

I do often wonder if i'll meet him someday. Part of me would rather not. Then there's that other part of me who wants to know where she comes from, at least for closure. Not knowing who my dad is bothers me. There's nothing I can do though.

My mom has been so tight lipped on the daddy situation since we began asking about him as little kids. It's something she has never allowed to be thoroughly discussed. One day we'll convince us to shed light on what exactly happened who exactly is he. Who is he? Why didn't he help raise us? Does he have other kids out there that we aren't aware of?

"Oh sweetie, that's such a wonderful thing of you to say but, I'm just not interested right now."

"But mom..." We began in joint protest before she cut us off.

"When I am meant to have a boyfriend I will."

"Okay." we responded unsure.

"Eyes are so expressive, just like Nick." she murmured, suddenly in a daze.

"What?" we asked in unison, confused.

"Nothing." she quickly responded, realizing she was talking out loud I guess.

Who's Nick? That's a name I never heard her say before.


"Come on Jake, knock it off." I pleaded with my drunk boyfriend.

"Why are you cheating on me with bitch!?" he asked in anger as he grabbed me by the collar.

He's definitely out of there. He was referring to texts he saw that were between me and a male friend. A friend who isn't even in to females if you know what I mean. Jake knows this so I don't know why he's picking a fight, especially at a time like this.

Man I hate it when he drinks. He always seems to take it out on me unfortunately. He moved his hands to my throat and began choking me when I failed to reply to his question. We were upstairs in our bedroom.

"Answer me, whore!" he screamed.

How the fuck am I going to answer you when I can't breathe!? What a thoughtless statement that was. I struggled with him as he tightened his grip around my neck. He let me go just when I was about to lose consciousness. Moments later he was back to questioning me as I held my neck, still catching my breath.

"Why are you cheating on me!?" he asked loudly in an agitated tone.

"I'm not, I would never." I told him honestly in a soft voice.

"You're a liar!" he screamed as he drew his hand back and slapped me.

I winced in pain as I rubbed the side of my face that had just been greeted by Jake's large hand.

Seconds later I sensed it. Oh no! Jake's making a transition into rampage mode. I really don't have time for this. I've been kind of tired and nauseous lately. Despite that I was able to get my oddly tired, 5'2 form to run as I bolted out of our bedroom with Jake's 6'2 stature hot on my tail.

When I got to the stairs I began to run down them in a hurry but only made it down two before Jake pushed me, causing me to fall down them quickly before hitting the ground after falling down the last step. I winced as I held my aching side and looked up.

Jake was slowly walking down the stairs with a sadistic smile on my face. I could taste blood in my mouth. He's giving me that look. That could only mean that he's about to pound on me. No Jake please don't!

"Come on Jake, Nora's on her way over." I reminded him but to no avail. I had more that I wanted to say but was cut short when Jake punched me in the face. I didn't have time to wince as he hit me a few more times in the face.

After he stopped I winced in pain for what felt like the thousandth time as I slowly rose to my feet. Jake kicked me in my stomach, causing me to fall back down as he kicked me in a my spine a couple of times. There go the tears!

"Jake, please stop." I cried out as the tears began to flow.

"Stop crying, whore."

"It hurts Jake, please stop."

"Not until you learn your lesson!" he yelled as he continued to assault me.

I heard our doorbell ring before everything went blank.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

What the fuck was that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Ummm. I'm confused as to who is whom in this story.

But considering your accurate description of spousal abuse, I gave you full marks. You need to streamline it somehow, too many people with too many issues to keep seperate.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 10 years ago
Let me see ...

Nora was knocked up by Nick. Nora is neither employed, nor interested in gainful employment. Nick is VERY well-employed ... more than a half-megabuck per annum! Nora decides to NOT seek child-support for Aurora, their daughter. Problematic future for Aurora for food, housing, clothing, good schools or university! WTFlyingF???

Disjointed? To the third degree. Within a conversation, within a week, and for a life-plan for herself and their daughter!

2* Only saving grace is that it seems not to be deliberately irritating!

impo_58impo_58about 10 years ago
Too many stories..

Too many strories interlaced...and what happens is there aren't many details in them...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
All types of

Loving wives . The is a very good story about being a loving wife and what she goes through. I know you miss all the so called great sex which is far from real ...

Keep writing ... Maybe you can post a blog ... Get more objective input ...

Waiting for ch 5

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