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Vampires Don't Sparkle Ch. 06

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Ben gets his first meal.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/26/2016
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Days went by and Ben stayed in his apartment while Emily took care of him. She did her best to try and cover up all the windows as he wasn't ready to deal with sunlight yet. She was also trying to figure out how he was going to feed when the time came because he would need to drink from a human his first time to complete his transformation. He had drank her blood which helped his transformation but he would have to feed off a human soon and she had an idea but wasn't sure if he would go along with it.

Ben seemed to be doing ok but he still needed some work regarding getting his senses trained and focused. Her apartment had a lot of sound proofing in place which gave her a place to relax in quiet but his apartment blocked almost nothing. She thought about bringing him to her place but she didn't want to risk letting him out in public until he was ready.

"Well I guess it's safe to say I've Iost my job." He said after getting off the phone with his boss when he was trying to explain why he couldn't come to work.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, didn't you say something about traveling the world and starting a business?"

"Well yes but I was hoping the circumstances would be a little... different. How do you feel?"

"Hard to say, I have moments where I feel amazing, stronger even, but then there are moments I feel horrible."

"I'm so..."

"STOP! stop saying you're sorry because I'm not. Yeah this sucks right now but it will get better, besides thinking of spending an unlimited life with you is what's keeping me going."

"We can still die, if we aren't careful."

"Then we need to be careful. Any thoughts about my first meal?"

"I have been thinking about that, and I may have an idea but you may or may not like it."

"That's a bit vague?"

"Yeah well..."

"Just tell me."

"I have a friend."

"A friend?"

"Yeah she... I've fed on her before."



"Wait so you... oh."

"Yeah she was kind of a friend with benefits

Sort of situation."

"That's... I mean, what exactly are you saying?"

"I'm saying I'll talk to her and maybe the 3 of us can... hang out?"

"Hang out?"

"Do I really need me to say it Ben?"

"I kinda think you do because I've gotten in trouble in the past assuming things."

"I'm saying the three of us soend the night together, it's called a 3 way dude!"

"Oh, well then... um?"

"Not the reaction you'd expect from a guy when his Fiance says lets have a 3 way."

"Well its just... wow that's awesome but I don't..."

"Holy shit, you're such a nice guy that you feel guilty don't you?"

"Well, yeah I do actually."

"Wow, this is why I love you so much!" She said walking over and giving him a kiss. "Don't worry you'll be with me the whole time and believe me when I tell you it's ok."

"Do we have to have sex?"

"We did whenever I fed off of you, it helps the process, you get a sort of sexual satisfaction when you feed so yeah better to do it during sex, and don't worry she's gorgeous."

"I'm sure she's nothing compared to you."

"You're sweet, nice guys should get rewarded for things like that."

"Yeah they should, but on the other side of the coin..."


"I'm nervous."

"Why? You know what you're doing down there."

"Yeah but trying to please 2 woman? And I feel like I need to be on my A game if I'm going to be taking her blood."

"Don't worry if you work it like you did the other night she will be begging for more."

"Yeah maybe."

"Just relax, and trust me I'll make everyone leaves there happy."

"Also make sure I don't kill her? I'm a little nervous about that as well."

She put her arm around his neck and kissed him again before saying "Don't worry, I won't let anything go wrong, besides she's used to it."

"So you literally just exchanged sex for blood?"

"Yup, we became friends too."

"Was she the person you didn't want to talk about?"

"No, that was... someone else."

"Ok then, moving on." He said as she smiled at him glad he wasn't pushing the issue. "So where did you guys meet?"

"She's a goth and she wandered in to our club one night, I protected her kind of like how I did with you."

"Cool, what's her name?"

"Tiffany, but you can call her Tiff.

"Tiff, ok then."

"Don't worry, It'll be great, if you fuck her like you usually do me she will beg for you to take her blood."

"Ok, but I don't want to make this a habbit."

"Hey, I'm yours, and I'm never going anywhere. You need a fresh human for your first and that's all this is."

"I love you."

"Of course you do, I just suggested having a 3 way with a hot goth chick, who wouldn't love me?"

Ben chuckled at her odvious humor but still felt extremely nervous. He really didn't want to have sex with anyone other than Emily but if that is what he had to do to get his first meal than ot was worth it.


A few days later Emily felt confident enough to bring him back to her place. They did it at night and tried to avoid people if possible. Luckily she had a limo service bring them over so he had as little human contact as possible.

"Really? A limo?"

"What? You don't like riding in style?"

"No its just funny how spoiled you are." He said in a mocking way.

"Hey I'm allowed to spoil you aren't I, does it bother that I make so much more money then you?"

"Considering at the moment I make no money at all."

"Don't worry about it, in fact I was going to say given your current condition why don't you just move in with me?"


"Well I figured we'd move in together after the wedding anyway right?"

"Yeah, I mean... I'd love to live with you."

"Then it's settled, we'll start moving you in as soon as we get you fed."


As they pulled up to her place they rushed in and headed up the elavator. She asked Charlie not to ride with them just in case. She didn't want him locked in a metal box with Ben in case he lost control. As they walked in to Emily's apartment Ben had an amazed look on his face. Suddenly there was silence, there were no heartbeats or voices or scents, it was just quiet except for her and him and he loved it.

"Oh wow, I love this." He said enjoying the silence.

"It definately helps having a quiet space to go to."

"This is awesome, just so quiet and peaceful."

She walked over to him with a big smile and threw her arms around him. "Then welcome home."

"Home is wherever you are Em."

"That's sweet, now knock that shit off so I can call my friend and set this up."

Emily called Tiff and explain the situation to her and to see if she was interested which she was. She was also excited to see Emily again as she hadn't seen her in a while. She knew the drill when it came to Vampire booty calls and was interested in meeting Ben because she wanted to meet the man who won Emily's heart. She never believed Emily would ever actually settle down for a lack of a better word.

As Tiff arrived at Emily's building she hopped in the elevator and headed up. It wasn't until she got to the top floor and the doors opened that Ben suddenly caught her scent. He could hear her walking towards the door. She smelled different than Emily did but she also smelled really good. Emily went to the door letting her in and giving her a hug. Ben stood there looking at this tall thin woman with black and red hair. She had a peircing on her eyebrow and one on her lip but all in all she was a very attractive girl.

Ben was nervous as he watched Emily and Tiff chatting like girlfriends. He thought it was a little funny seeing Emily this way as well as she never seemed the chatty type but they both looked like old college friends who hadn't seen eachother in years. Emily pointed over at him and they started walking over.

"Ben, this is my friend Tiff I told you about!" Emily said as Tiff put her hand out to greet him.

"Nice to meet you Ben!" She said with a smile as Ben took her hand trying to hide the fact that he was almost aching to drink her already. "You were right Emily he is cute, so how did you get Emily here to agree to marry you? Never thought it would happen."

"Just lucky I guess." He said trying to control himself.

"I dunno, I think Emily might be the lucky one. But anyway, I know why I'm here and I don't want to keep Ben here waiting too long so shall we get this started?" Tiff said looking at both of them.

"I'm ready when you are." Emily said looking over at Ben who knodded his approval.

"Ok then, bedroom still over there right?" Tiff said walking away.

"I don't know if I can do this." He said feeling very nervous all of a sudden looking at Emily.

"Ben just relax, I'm here and I promiss I won't let you kill her." She said taking his hand to comfort him. "Try to enjoy yourself, It's okay to have some fun tonight, alright?"

"Alright." He said squeezing her hand.

She leaned in and kissed him for a moment before she said "ready?"

"Let's do this." He said she took him by the hand and led him in to the bedroom.

They walked in and and Tiff was already undressed and laying on the bed. He noticed the 2 piercing she had in her nipples and thought to himself about how this girl seemed more goth than his Fiance who was actually a Vampire. Emily turned to him and began to undress him trying to make this as easy for him as possible. He began kissing her and helping her get undressed as well while Tiff laid and watched at first.

"Save some of that for me." Tiff said reminding them she was there.

Emily turned towards her and crawled on to the bed starting to kiss her. She looked over at Ben and smiled before planting her lips back on Tiffs. She knew it was getting Ben turned on so she started rubbing her hands all over Tiffs body before moving down and kissing her neck.

Bens blood was starting to boil a little as he knew he was about to feed on this girl who he barely knew. He took it all in for a moment looking at Emily making out with Tiff inviting him to join in. He knew so many guys who would kill to be in this very position right now with these 2 beautiful women and he tried to remember how lucky he was as he tried to calm his nerves.

Emily positioned herself behind Tiff reaching around her and rubbing her breast's and kissing the side of her neck. Tiff seemed to be enjoying Emily's touch as she moved her hands down and spread Tiffs legs apart before motioning for Ben to join the fun. Ben crawled on to the bed putting Tiff between him and Emily as he kissed her first before moving on to Tiff stafting with her neck and working his way down her chest and stomache. He got down between her legs and noticed 2 little faded scars on her thigh that looked like bite marks. He smiled to himself thinking about his Fiance drinker her blood before he began teasing Tiffs pussy lips with his tongue. He sucked on the skin around her entrance focusing on her clit as she moaned out now at the mercy of the 2 Vampires she was sandwiched between.

Ben's bloodlust was strong but he was enjoying himself enough that he could suppress it for the time being as he focused on pleasuring their guest. Tiff was loving it as both Ben and Emily caressed her skin and all her sweet spots making her moan and whine at every touch. Ben gave her a few more licks and sucks begore letting go of her pussy and climbing back up towards her face. Emily could see the blood filling his eyes and smiled at him knowing he could strike at any time. His cock was rock hard as he positioned himself to enter her.

Tiff was almost in a trance like state as she was overwhelmed with all the pleasure she was feeling. Ben shoved his cock inside her making her yell out in pleasure as he opened his mouth letting his fangs extend before planting them right in to her should. Just like when Emily bit him before it Made Tiff scream out her lust as her body spazmed and her pussy clamped down around his cock. She orgasmed so hard the moment his teeth peirced her skin.

He drank a little but he didn't finish as he pulled away and continued to thrust himself inside her. She was struggling to catch her breath as Ben continued to fuck her. It didn't take long for it to start to feel good for her again as he rhythmically continued his assualt on her pussy. He moans grew loader as she came close to another orgasm. Blood trickled down her chest as he would lick it off her skin which felt amazing to her.

"Holy shit, OH FUCK!" she yelled out.

Emily had her hand between her own legs while the other caressed Tiffs skin. She was waiting patiently for Ben to finish with her before she could have her fun but she had to let go and back away as it was getting intense. Ben's eyes were still blood shot as he unleashed his fangs piercing Tiff's skin again. She yelled out louder than before a her whole body shook at the sensation as her pussy quivered around his cock and his bite made her cum again. He drank more of her blood savoring every drop, he pulled away trying to make surr he didn't drain her completely before she went quiet and limp falling to the bed.

Emily checked on her to make sure she was still breathing. Luckily she was and had a steady heartbeat.

"Wow that was... a little intense there." Emily said a little surprised at what she had just seen. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Ben looked at Emily as his eyes were still blood red. "Not yet." He said as he grabbed her by the leg dragging her across the blood soaked sheets in to his arms. She was surprised at how much stronger he had become. "I only get my pleasure from you." He said pulling her close and kissing her letting her taste the blood on his lips as it dripped down both of their chins.

Emily was so turned on that it didn't take long to force her down to the bed and spread her legs before he slid inside her. Tiff was the meal he needed making him feel 100 times better now but despite how attractive she was his lust was still only for Emily.

He took his Fiance and just wanted to please her as much as possible before getting his own release. Emily had never felt this sort of strength and passion from him before. Ben seemed like a new man as he thrust himself upon her making her moan beneath him. He sucked on the skin of her neck as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. He scrapped his fangs across her skin scratching it but not peircing it yet making her squirm as she begged for penetration. She felt euphoric as his cock filled her and she felt his hands all over her body. Ben's lust for Emily had never been stronger.

Now that they were both Vampires he found the sex even better and much more personal. The idea of drinking eachothers blood sounded odd when he was human but in his current state it tasted and felt amazing.

Emily was moaning louder and louder as he fucked her making the bed shake so hard that Tiff's sleeping body fell off the bed hitting the floor with a thud but not waking her. Emily yelled out her passion as she had never felt pleasure like this before. She had always enjoyed the sex her and Ben had but now it was so much better.

"OH FUCK YEAH! HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!" she yelled out at the top of her lungs before he finally bit in to her. Her orgasmic scream would have woken everyone in Bens building had they still been there. She held on to him so hard he lifted her off the bed helding her tight as her body shuttered in orgasmic delight. Her grip finally loosened as she became limp resting her head on his shoulder as he still held her up in his arms.

"Oh god, that was so amazing, don't ever stop doing that to me." She said in a breathy voice still resting in his arms.

"Never!" He said before kissing her and lowering her back down on the bed as he pulled himself out of her.

They both laid there still reeling from the sex as blood dripped down both of them and the sheets were soaked with blood and other juices. Ben laid next to Emily holding his head up with his arm just watching her breath as she was exhausted from what he had just done to her. He thought about everything that had happened and what he had become but none of it mattered to him. He saw his bride to be laying there and he could only think about how great it was that he would spend the rest of his life with her.

"We should probably check on Tiff, she hit the floor kinda hard." Ben said looking over where Tiff was laying before she fell.

"Huh?... oh shit Tiff." Emily said before rolling over to check on her.

They went to the edge of the bed and saw her laying on the floor still unconscious but definately breathing because they could hear a quiet snoring. Ben and Emily looked st eachother and laughed a little before he jumped out of bed grabbing a blanket and wrapping Tiff in it before he picked her up and carried her to the couch where he could clean her wounds.

Emily watched him as he carfully carried her in his arms placing her down gently. He grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned her bite marks and bandaged them better than she expected. For the first time she was starting to feel better about turning him. He was still the same guy she fell in love with, the same nice guy who cared so much about people and her. For the first time in a long time Emily finally felt happy, she didn't feel alone anymore and looked forward to the future with him by her side.

Ben finished with Tiff before walking back over to Emily who was standing in the doorway watching him. He felt amazing, he felt stronger and could control his senses better. He know longer felt any hunger or pain anymore. He took her in his arms holding her close and staring in to her eyes.

"So you put the baby to bed." She said joking about Tiff.

"Yeah but I'm thinking we should just get a dog instead, kids are too much work."

Emily chuckled a little before she looked back in to his eyes."How do you feel?"

"I feel great, sorry if I was too rough or anything."

"Are you kidding? you were amazing. You don't seem as fragile anymore."


"Yeah I always held back in the past afraid of hurting you."

"Oh? I never realized that."

"Yeah but now that you're a Vampire and you've drank my blood you should be pretty powerful."

"As strong as you?"

"Close, you will never be pure blood but you're definitely stronger than the others,... my King."

"I'll settle for just being your husband."

"That works for me."

He kissed her for a moment before he looked in to her eyes and said "Marry me."

"You asked me that already remember, and I'm pretty sure I already said yes."

"No I mean now, tonight even, I don't want to wait, I want you to be my wife."

"Really? Like right now?"

"As soon as possible."

"Wow um. I mean it's the middle of the night."

"Then first thing tomorrow, I just want you, now and forever."

Emily smiled again still surprised by him. He didn't care about her title or money, he didn't care what she was or what she had done, to him or to anyone else. When she looked in to his eyes all she saw was the man she loved looking at her with the same look he had when they first met, like she was the only woman in the world that mattered.

"Lets do it!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I love when people complain about spelling and mess up themselves 👇lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

tons o spelling errors and misuse of words.. lease fix that for upcoming chapters or other stories in the future, it is totally annoying and really wrecks the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Nice....I just love dis story

Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 8 years ago
This story is fantastic!

For the first time in a long time, I've found a new obsession. Please hurry with the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I just wanted to point out something.

When you are posting the next chapter make sure you do a better spelling job. You had a lot of errors in your spelling in this one. But other than that you did a good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I dearly hope their story continues.

There seems to be an awful lot of knuckle heads in her Vamp community what could use some guidance. and of course they need to form a company for him to run. Just a couple of ideas.

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