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Veronica in the Bar

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Slowly, Veronica realises her dream is coming true.
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Veronica is a very sexy woman, the kind of woman you would happily travel at least a hundred miles from home to a bar/restaurant to ensure she was comfortable enough to 'relax'. This was just such an occasion, and, as she sat before me for the entire meal wearing an almost totally see through blouse, I knew the drive had been worth it. To the waiters and any other casual observer she managed to make herself look perfectly respectable by keeping her pretty pink wrap discretely covering a superb pair of recently tanned breasts that were barely contained within the tiniest bra imaginable.

Although the blouse was patterned in several shades of brown, every curve of her of her body was clearly visible, even the lace trim of the bra could be seen by anybody lucky enough to be granted a glimpse - I'm sure she let the waiter have a good look as she took a menu from him. Each time we were left alone she continued to allow the wrap to fall open to reveal herself to me, looking closer it was even possible to make out the slightest hint of dark brown nipple above the pretty lace.

As is usual when she's had a few glasses of wine, our conversation became typically risqué; we discussed how great it was to have a little innocent fun and Veronica admitted she was enjoying exposing herself to me because there were two businessmen at a table behind me watching her every movement! She was also enjoying the attention of the waiter who was trying to get a glimpse each time he returned to our table -- no wonder the service had been so good.

By the time our coffee arrived Veronica had completely let her inhibitions drop. She began to tell me of her naughtiest fantasies, most of which involved several cocks entering her body at the same time. I'd heard all her fantasies many times before but have never tired of watching as she slowly turns herself on as she goes into full detail of exactly how she would deal with the stiff flesh and hard bodies in her dream scenario. Although they were only fantasies, her breathing became heavier and I could feel myself stiffening as I listened to her lurid descriptions.

She subconsciously licked her lips as she went on to describe how she thought it would feel to take a strangers cock into her mouth, I noticed her breasts begin to rise and fall in time with her breathing -- I had plied her with several glasses of wine in the knowledge that Veronica + wine = one horny woman. I was beginning to think my months of boosting her confidence and persuading her to show of her body in public places may have just gone a bit too far; it was clear she was on the edge of losing control. When she shifted in her seat and moaned quietly to herself I knew she was on the brink of coming at the table, all she needed was the slightest touch on her clit and I'm sure she would have had an orgasm right there in the middle of the restaurant!

The wrap was now barely covering her shoulders and I noticed she kept checking over my shoulder to see if her two admirers were paying attention. Pretending to be looking for the waiter I turned in my seat to check and sure enough both certainly were. As I turned back to Veronica, she leant forward to whisper to me; 'I think I'll have a little fun if you don't mind darling.' With that she leant back in her chair and stretched her arms behind her head in a mock yawn, the view was incredible -- both nipples had risen clear of their tiny bra cups and were clearly erect as they pressed against the thin material of her blouse. She simply smiled innocently at the businessmen and continued her lurid description of her fantasy -- I felt sure they could hear most of what she was saying!

The meal had been everything I had hoped for and more; I had never seen her looking so sexy and couldn't wait to get her into the car -- the drive home was going to be fun! In readiness for the drive, Veronica decided to visit the ladies room while I paid for the meal. She had calmed herself down and must have decided she'd given the businessmen enough of a show and carefully covered herself with the wrap as she stood to leave the table, all three of us stared after her as she left the restaurant -- they even rose to follow to the bar where they both stood watching her sexy ass as she made her way through to the main bar area and the restrooms. After paying the smiling waiter (no wonder he was smiling), I also made my way to the bar to meet Veronica on her way back to me, the place was virtually empty by now with dimmed lights in readiness for locking up as soon as the last customers had left. From where I stood I had a view through to the main bar area which was a continuation of the restaurant bar, I nodded pleasantries to one of the businessmen who was drinking a brandy on his own and looked through to see if I could catch sight of my sexy wife. Being an L shaped bar, I could see the barman's back as he served a small group at the far side, one of whom was the waiter who had been serving us all evening, another was one of the two businessman, between them, hidden by the barman, was a woman.

At first I didn't take much notice of the group until I heard a familiar giggle, I looked up as the barman turned toward me and realised it was actually Veronica standing between the two men. She was smiling and happy just as she had been when she went to the ladies room, only now she was chatting to two guys and obviously enjoying their attention. What the hell was she doing? As I waited, she laughed and chatted until she became aware that I was watching, as soon as she saw me she gave me a sly smile that neither of the others noticed and slowly licked her lips very sexily.

As if in slow motion, she allowed her pink wrap to slip from her shoulders to hang on her arms. The mood of her companions changed immediately and I'm sure my mouth fell open as I realised at the same time as them that she now stood with her breasts totally exposed through the thin blouse. During her visit to the ladies room she had removed her bra and had been waiting for me to appear before carrying out her most brazen stunt yet of revealing herself in public.

I was transfixed, every fibre in my body screamed at me to step between the two men to claim my wife and escort her out of the bar. Without really knowing why, I remained still and I watched each of the men move closer to her. Veronica glared at me, willing me to do something -- she had been as daring as she had intended, now she needed rescuing from the situation she had put herself into. I knew it and so did she. Unfortunately for her, but luckily for her companions, I remained rooted to the spot, I knew I should move but deep inside something was holding me back.

I found my way onto a bar stool without removing my eyes from Veronica, ordered myself a double whiskey and even had the nerve to send a glass of brandy to the 'sexy lady over there'. She downed the drink in one and her glare changed to a look of defiance, she continued glaring as she slid the wrap from her arm and instead of placing it to re-cover herself, placed it on the bar. At the same time she made a very obvious move to thrust her breasts forward forcing her nipples against the thin material as she did so.

I continued to watch as the barman eagerly rejoined the conversation with the trio and although I couldn't really make out what was being said amongst the laughter and banter, it was obvious that Veronica was doing her best to appear relaxed whilst shooting angry glances in my direction every few moments. Here I was, her loving husband, leaving her to fend for herself, she looked hurt but at the same time radiant. Her breasts rose with each breath and her nipples were clearly erect as she countered whatever the men were saying with her own sharp retorts.

The two men were becoming bolder and I realised the second businessman had taken a stool next to my own to watch events unfold. We watched as the waiter stepped closer and placed his arm around Veronicas waist, far from objecting she placed her own arm around his and gave me a lingering stare, she then put her other arm around the businessman. In this position she was utterly exposed, her blouse was pulled tightly across her breasts making her nipples even more prominent.

I was enjoying watching my gorgeous wife get the attention she had so often fantasised about and she was obviously beginning to enjoy it herself. I knew she would excuse herself from the group as soon as she had had enough, and so decided to relax and enjoy the show - she wouldn't let matters get too far out of hand and her nipples clearly betrayed how turned on she was so she couldn't claim I'd entirely abandoned her!

I still couldn't move but the sight of her obvious arousal reassured me that I had made the right decision to let her continue with her game.

The friendly chatter continued until the waiter placed his hand on the flat of her belly, Veronica pretended not to notice, but I caught a look from her that made it clear that she had. The hand began to fondle the buttons of her blouse and two fingers even began to caress the bare skin beneath. Veronica's breasts rose sharply as she visibly gasped at the intrusion, they rose so sharply that both men were clearly stunned at her reaction. The fingers immediately became bolder as, through the thin material, I could clearly see the waiter stroking the bare skin of her belly. Why couldn't I move and why wasn't Veronica stopping him? She just stared at me and tried to control her breathing. The conversation continued and I watched as Veronicas allowed the waiter to explore more and more of her beautiful body, eventually the hand moved upwards and he began to brush the underside of her breast with his fingers. Veronica continued chatting as if allowing a complete stranger to fondle you and stroke the edge of your nipple was the most natural thing in the world!

Realising his companion was way ahead of him, the businessman decided to go one step further and also placed his hand on her stomach, only this time he didn't move his hand upwards! Veronica had a detached expression on her face as if she wasn't really aware of what was happening. I watched the hand slowly disappear inside the blouse below the level of the bar -- how far was she going to let this go? I felt as though I was in a dream and watched the waiter begin to cup a breast in his hand and gently squeeze her nipple between his finger and thumb. My head swam and I felt slightly nauseas as the buttons of her blouse were slowly undone by the waiter with his free hand. Veronica didn't move to stop him. Had she even noticed? She closed her eyes and her mouth opened as an inaudible sigh escaped from between her lips - she'd noticed!

Time seemed to stand still as the last button was undone and her breasts were finally released to the willing caress of both men, their hands exploring her as she remained in her dreamlike state. I had never been so turned on in my life as I watched them openly fondle my wife's breasts -- and more, the hand that had tentatively travelled downwards was now much lower than ever. The barman and waiter were deep in conversation as I watched the businessman obviously going to work between Veronicas legs -- by now she was beyond caring and, tipping her head back with her eyes closed, she totally relaxed to enjoy the sensation of the four hands exploring her body.

As her breasts were being stroked and fondled she straightened and leant toward the barman to whisper into his ear. Obviously carrying our whatever instructions she had given, he disappeared through to another area of the restaurant. Veronicas breathing became heavier as the hands on her body became more daring, I watched as her breasts were cupped by both men and felt my heart jump when the waiter lowered his mouth to encompass a nipple between his lips. Without hesitation, Veronica placed her hand behind his head and held him tightly to her, I licked my own lips as I imagined the texture and taste of her erect nipple as the stranger sucked on her like a newborn baby.

The barman soon returned with something in his hand that he placed on the bar, even in the dim light I could immediately make out the familiar package - she had sent him to the men's room for a pack of condoms! Suddenly, at the sight of them, Veronica seemed to snap back to reality and detached herself from the two guys who were continuing to grope her body. That's it, I thought, she's gone as far as she wants to go and it's time to get out of here. I had to admit I was almost sorry it was over, my cock was rock hard and Veronica was going to get the fuck of her life in car park before we drive home! It was then that I noticed the businessman who had been enjoying the show with me was now stood directly behind me;

'Jesus, she is one fit looking woman.' he said, 'What a great pair of tits, I can't wait to see how far she's going to go with these guys'.

'Sorry,' I said ' but the show's over, I think the lady's ready to go.' That was when I felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me back onto the barstool;

'Why don't you let the lady be the judge of that? My friend and I both saw her flashing her tits at you all evening and now she'll get what she wants without you interrupting.' He added calmly.

As I tried to move, my legs refused to obey my brain and I found myself rooted to the spot, perhaps he was right, perhaps I really should let her handle the situation. Veronica tried to walk toward me but was grabbed by each of the two men. They were still laughing and joking with her not realising the game was meant to stop, they pulled her back to the bar.

Veronica stared at me in disbelief, she couldn't understand why I wasn't coming to her aid. As far as she was concerned I was calmly watching as two guys were about to rape her. At first she fought to free herself, this merely made her even sexier as her tits swayed from side to side the more she struggled, she looked stunning. It soon became obvious to her that she was trapped, she stopped struggling and I noticed a sudden change in her attitude; she was scared but at the same time gave me a look that clearly said; 'You could've stopped it and you didn't. This is your fault, not mine so don't even think about blaming me for what I'm about to do'. Deep down, I didn't want to rescue her at all, I was going to sit back and watch my gorgeous wife getting fucked by two complete strangers and I was going to enjoy the show.

Veronica had always had a kinky streak but even when she was in one of her most turned on moods, I'd never had the nerve to confess to her about the time I arranged for a friend, Paul, to visit unexpectedly one evening. I had met Paul a week earlier for one of our regular guys nights out in a local bar, and, as always, our conversation soon centred around how hot my gorgeous wife is. Paul never missed an opportunity to comment on her tits and enjoyed hearing snippets of just how dirty Veronica could get (he only ever got snippets!). He had known for some time about her fantasy of taking two cocks into her mouth at the same time and he always managed to bring the subject up as he gulped on his beer to cool down! Paul knew I was never offended by some of his more crude comments about what he would like to do to Veronica, it was always said in a jokey manner and never really intended. Also, I think he realised that I quite liked to hear what he thought of her body in as much detail as he cared to give. Even so, as we left the bar some hours later I was shocked at what I had agreed to do.

On the evening of his 'surprise' visit, we intended to get Veronica slightly tipsy before persuading her to join us both in the hot tub, once there we would dare her to remove her bikini top if we agreed to remove our shorts -- just the kind of challenge Veronica wouldn't be able to resist, especially in such a sexually charged situation! In no time at all, her top would be off and we would both make it obvious we were enjoying the view of her tits bouncing on the waters surface.

Being so exposed, but with the comfort of me being there to look after her, Veronica would relax and let her imagination run wild at the thought of two naked bodies just inches away. With her hanging on every word, we would go into great detail about how our balls were being massaged by the underwater bubbles and jets, describe how hard we were getting at the sight of her tits and make it obvious how much we were enjoying the view of her body. By now she would be in heaven and, after going into graphic detail about how it felt with our foreskins pulled tightly back and the warm water against our exposed heads we would move either side of her. How long would it be before she let her hands explore the hard cocks just inches away? Game over! There was no way on earth Veronica would be able to resist; two shining fresh cocks would then receive the expert attention of her hands before we stood to face her offering our erect cocks to her welcoming tongue and lips -- if things went as we intended it would be only a matter of time before we were lifting her to remove her bikini bottoms and opening her legs to allow the first of our cocks to enter her........

I have always regretted my last minute panic, but after just two glasses of wine Veronica had suggested we all get into the hot tub to relax. Paul was sent home in a very pissed off mood and a pair of aching balls. I had the distinct impression that Veronica had guessed what was going on and was keen to get started!

This time I would not panic, and this would be a night we would both remember.

I remained motionless still gripping my whisky and watched as Veronica stood defiantly between the two men as her blouse was removed, her belt went next and her tight Levi's slid from her hips. She now stood before her attackers with nothing but a tiny thong to cover her, her eyes remained locked on my own. She may as well have been naked, and soon was when the waiter rolled her panties down over her hips. She was lifted onto the bar and forced to lie down on the shiny surface to allow the barman a chance to touch her breasts and run his hands all over her body for the first time. Now all three of them had had a good grope and Veronica had become their toy to enjoy in any way they wanted.

We stared into each others eyes as three pairs of hands began to explore every inch of her body simultaneously. As if to make up for lost time, the barmen immediately began to caress her inner thighs and rub his fingers against her neatly trimmed cunt. Unfortunately for Veronica, she had been so turned on when she had been in control of the situation that her wet opening offered no resistance at all when he pulled forced her legs apart to begin sliding his fingers deep into her. Although she struggled to free herself from their clutches it was too late, she had pushed them too far and there was no way they were going to stop now. The condoms had been a BIG mistake; they had been a signal to each one of them that this horny bitch wanted to be fucked. No court in the land would convict them for what they were about to do, she had led them on, she had flashed her tits at them and she had even ordered the condoms.

Their animal lust began to take over and they began to worry less about her feelings to concentrate on getting just what they wanted. I continued to stare in disbelief at what was happening.

As the barman continued to finger her deeply he forced her to keep her legs apart, the businessman roughly played with her tits and the waiter spread the lips of her cunt with his own fingers to allow the barman even easier access into her. By now Veronica had almost stopped struggling and seemed to have accepted her fate, I felt powerless as I sat watching my lovely, helpless wife being molested - the hand remained on my shoulder as the businessman and myself continued to watch the show. Tears began to form in my own eyes as Veronica surrendered to her fate.


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