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I felt stupid complaining. I had a great life. Friends and a wife that loved me. A mission from Miss Kitty that gave me great satisfaction, knowing she would have loved to see the people we, she and I, were helping. I had more than I'd ever had, but I felt somehow like it was slipping away from me.

Does love make everyone stupid?

Dot was off to San Francisco for some charity conference. Something about fund raising, I think. As she became more involved, there seemed to be conferences and training seminars that she had to attend. I missed her when she was gone. Probably what caused my unease. But she made sure that the boys kept me busy while she was gone, with activities and get-togethers. But I missed her.

Phil called me. He does that occasionally. We keep in touch sporadically when something happens in our lives. I still think of him as my first and best friend. But he seemed off, somehow hesitant on this call.

"Ryan, we have to talk." A chill went up my spine. I had a premonition that this wasn't good. I've learned it never is.

Seems Ryan was on a temporary assignment in San Francisco, overseeing a drug test on a new product his company was developing. He'd been out for dinner and dancing with a colleague when he saw Dot at a nightclub. As he happily headed over to greet her, a tall man approached her table, leaned over to kiss Dot and then joined her. Phil stopped, nonplussed. Then he headed back to his table. He and his colleague kept an eye on Dot that evening as she danced with and openly kissed her date. Phil had his colleague follow them into their hotel when they left the club, even going up the elevator with them to see them both go into the same room.

Phil didn't have the name of Dot's companion, but he gave me the information about the hotel and the room number. He told me how sorry he was, but he felt I had to know. In shock, I told him he'd done right, thanked him and hung up.

One thing I learned from being on the road with my father. Things don't get better by ignoring them. The people who ignored things were the marks we hit most often. I had to act now, while things were going on.

I regularly used a private investigation firm to ferret out the facts when I was helping Miss Kitty's marks. I called Dan, my contact there, as late as it was, and laid out what I needed to find out. First, I wanted him to have someone in San Francisco identify the man with Dot and find out how long they'd been together, if possible. Was this something that happened that night, something ongoing, something on this California trip, or what. I need to know. Also, everything they can find out about the asshole who was screwing my wife.

Next, I needed someone to find out, without raising suspicions, everything about this conference. What was Dot doing there, and was this man part of it?

Finally, I want surveillance on my wife, if not 24/7 as close as practicable. Was this man her only indiscretion?

Suddenly, I was once again that 10-year-old thug, who trusted no one. I wanted to react like that bear Miss Kitty had seen me as. I wanted to rip off the face of Dot's lover, if indeed that's what he was. It didn't let my mind go to what I wanted to do to Dot. I think I would explode if I went there now.

Dan got back to me the next day. Dot's lover (yes, that's been confirmed by the other people who travel with Dot's charity, when questioned subtly by Dan's men) was Gene Blanchard, a member of a well-known philanthropist family in our town. His family trust funded several of the charities whose boards and councils Dot served on.

Not surprisingly, Gene, or Asshole as I think of him, was a fan of opera, ballet, art galleries and poetry readings. In fact, he fancied himself a poet and took part in quite a few poetry reading events. Turns out, he squired my wife to all these events, in the company of my friends. My friends! I pictured the bear tearing through them.

I decided to take them all down. I ordered Dan to get all the evidence he could obtain of my wife's infidelity. I also asked him to investigate Asshole and my friends, looking for weak points I could exploit to humiliate them or bankrupt them. Anything that I could use to disrupt their lives.

Dan flat out refused to help me, beyond investigating Dot's and Asshole's association. He wouldn't try to ruin people's lives or even be involved in any investigation with that as a goal. "I'm sorry man, and disappointed. I've always admired you and the good things I've seen you do, without any desire for recognition or even thanks. You're a good man. This is beneath you. I'm sorry that your wife has hurt you, but don't let it ruin you, Ryan. Please." In the end, he gave me the name of another PI, while still pleading with me to not let this destroy the person I was.

I was surprised by Dan. Beyond what was necessary to convey my instructions, we'd never talked. Never anything personal. His depth of feeling shocked me.

Max, the new private detective, was from a whole different type of cloth than Dan. He was more like my father than anyone I'd ever met, even as a child. I wanted to shower after our meeting. But he was what I needed at that moment. Unscrupulous was his nature, matching the viciousness that was mine.

Not worried about legalities, Max managed to get phones tapped, bugs planted in homes and offices, and cameras in asshole's apartment. Don't know how he did it, but it was expensive and worth every penny.

I soon had recordings of all Dot's phone conversations and video of her liaisons with Asshole. I was shocked to hear "our" friends encourage Dot to dump me and move on with the asshole. Apparently, I had never really fit in. I was a damper who made everyone uncomfortable. Asshole was much more the elite human that fit into their crowd.

How had I ever thought that these were my friends? How had I ever been deluded by them or by Dot?

Dot claimed in conversations that she had loved me when we met and when we married, but years into our relationship she was just worn down by my stoicism and unwillingness to embrace normal friendships and human interactions. Stoicism? Unwillingness? I thought that I had really tried, had really connected to these people. But no.

"Thank your husband again for spending the weekend sailing with Ryan." Dot said to one of her friends. "I know it's agony for him and the boys."

Her friend just laughed and replied, "Oh, they make it work. Ryan saved Bob a ton of money he would have had to spend digging out our retaining wall when he volunteered to do it. Some of the boys refer to Lumphead (a nickname for me I hadn't known about) as 'Unpaid Labor.' Josh even got him to carry his clubs as well as his own around the course, claiming a bad back."

Dot laughed appreciatively. "Well, thank them for me anyway. It gives Gene and I time to really enjoy each other. I really need it, now that I've been able to convince Lumpy that a hand job is all he can expect. I get so horny that I have to get Gene to sneak away at lunch for a quicky or two!"

"Why don't you just call it quits and marry Gene? Why all the subterfuge?" Her friend asked the question that I was wondering.

"You've been to our house. The fantastic antiques that Miss Kitty and her family accumulated. They're priceless! I can't give that up. Lumphead doesn't appreciate those things; I don't even think he notices. Gene's been having replicates made for me and we've been switching them out and moving the originals to his storage space. When I've gotten all the good pieces, then I can move out. Until then, I'm exercising my arm muscles with the hand jobs I give Ryan. Better than a gym!"

I stopped listening. I probably would never learn when I lost Dot's love or if I had ever really had it. I was surprised at her mercenary nature. Her paramour was wealthier than even my trust fund made me, although not as much as I would have expected. While Dot didn't know about my wealth, I'm betting that she didn't know how bad investments had diminished Asshole's wealth. Yet, knowing she was marrying a wealthy man, she couldn't resist robbing me of Miss Kitty's prize possessions.

That broke me. Knowing I was just a mark for Dot killed any feeling I had for her. Now, all I had left was viciousness.

I told Dot one day that our insurance agent was worried about some of the antiques that were specifically insured by their policies. He was going to have to send out an appraiser soon to reevaluate the pieces. Dot blanched but recovered, saying "Really, we have valuable antiques? I never knew."

I wasn't at all surprised when I was served divorce papers the following week. Dot had decided to get out while the going was good. I didn't fight the divorce at all. Dot wanted things quickly settled and was reasonable in her demands, once she found out that the house, contents and all, were part of a trust and not owned by me. Most of the investment income I had inherited was also protected, so Dot got out with a few hundred thousand. Everything else was mine or protected by the trust.

Once I was free, I could be myself. Vicious.

As soon as the divorce was final, Dot became Mrs. Asshole in a big society wedding, to which all her friends went. It was the event of the year.

While off on their honeymoon, videos of my wife and Asshole, in compromising positions in hotel rooms and his office began showing up on the internet, mysteriously posted. Surprisingly, not a few videos were also posted showing Asshole and other women. He was an equal opportunity type of guy. In one video, he was fucking a 50-year-old woman on his janitorial staff! In others, he was screwing the college interns that work in his office. Interns of both sexes.

He worked for his family's company, but that didn't protect him. It was assumed that one of his enemies had made and posted the videos. I was never even suspected. He was fired from his position and while he still received money from the trust yearly, most of his income that funded his and now Dot's lavish lifestyle, came from the overly generous salary that his family's company paid him. Dot returned from her honeymoon to find that her husband had serious cash flow problems. Her thousands from our divorce were quickly used up just covering the overhead their lifestyle incurred.

My "friends"? No one in the entire group ever tried to contact me once Dot filed for divorce. Of course, having tapped into their phone conversations, I wasn't surprised. I had no friends. Other than Phil, that is. And Dan, who called me at least once a week, was concerned for me. That touched me more than I can say. He reminded me of Miss Kitty, making me think she would maybe not have approved of my actions.

However, my "friends" or rather Dot's friends. I had planned to work at bankrupting them and ruining their lives with any embarrassing thing I could find on them or their families. Turns out there was plenty, but Dan and Miss Kitty had an effect on me, and I couldn't do it.

In the end, I arranged for Max to have some very high class and expensive gigolos seduce the wives while their husbands were off on an adventure. The husbands were also seduced while on that adventure, but Max had to ensure that the prostitutes he hired for them had STDs that they hadn't yet started treatment for. I was surprised Max could supply them, but he said you'd be surprised at how many pimps kept girls working even after finding them infected.

My final act in this tragedy was decided on when I found out that Asshole had mortgaged his family home to cover his continuing lifestyle. Apparently, Dot threated to leave him over the embarrassment of him screwing anything that walked (one joke in town was that his dogs looked nervous!), so he was lavishing gifts on her and making sure that her life was a continuing party.

After finding out that the loan was callable, I arranged to buy it, with the trust. I had all my ducks in a row.

Dot and her friends looked up, shocked as I approached their table. "Hello," I smile at them. I looked at the friends. "I bring greetings from, " and here I listed off all the prostitutes and gigolos Max had provided for them. They all turned whiter than the sheets at a KKK rally. "They've asked me to inform you that you should be tested for STDs, since they all had several. In fact, the Department of Health will be calling to let you know that you've probably been infected."

I turned to Asshole, my grin becoming even bigger. "And this gentleman next to me is from my attorney. He's here to deliver the paperwork to you calling in the loan you took out on your property. I've bought the loan, and I'm calling it."

I gestured towards the police officers who approached. "Dot, these gentlemen are here for you and Asshole, I mean your husband. It seems some property was stolen from me and located in a storage space owned now by you two. Very valuable property. But you'll probably only have to serve 3 years or so in prison. So, the loss of your house shouldn't concern you too much. The state will take good care of you."

I walked away as the officers were putting on the cuffs and reading the newlyweds their rights. I felt pretty good for someone who had lost his wife and friends. I was headed out tomorrow to the West Coast to visit with Phil. He's engaged and wants me to be his best man. And his bride has a sister he wants me to meet.

Dan reminds me of Miss Kitty, and her desire for me to make an effort. I've decided, fuck Dot and her friends. I'm going to let Phil, Dan, and Miss Kitty direct me forward.

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon16 days ago

Ridiculous premise that was executed very poorly.

Calico75Calico75about 1 month ago

Excellent revenge story with an upbeat ending. Thanks!

silverthorne16silverthorne16about 1 month ago

Nice, but ending seemed rushed. Would have enjoyed a bit more showing more humiliation on ex-wife and Asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Dot and friends were very shallow concieted assholes. I was glad to see him get the revenge heneeded and the phony friends deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This story was one of the most entertaining and inspiring of all the revenge stories that didn’t get into murder. This is definitely one of a couple of go to stories when I am depressed and need to laugh or just cheer up a bit. Thank you so much for writing and posting it, I appreciate it greatly.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Interesting. Thank you for referencing this. Reminded me of what is going on.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Dot was one really stupid bitch. His revenge was sweet. Great story., sort of an underdog coming out on top.

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Great story loved it


oldtwitoldtwit4 months ago

Nice little plot, feels as if you rushed the ending but I see there is a part 2.

Sandman87Sandman875 months ago

I love the story. This is the second time that I have read it. This story line could easily lead to a complete novel. I think it would have been nice if he realized that he was the "mark" in this situation.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

loved it, great story and he really turned out OK in the end. They really, really dodged a bullet on this one. Be very careful who you think your better than it might just bite you in the ass.

Better way to be is to treat everyone the same until their actions make it better or worse. No need to judge at first contact. And always trust but verify, unchecked trust is earned not given. Once lost it is gone forever.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Classy, instructive story; very well played.

Thank you 5+

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Glad to see that he got the police on the two connivers who stole his antiques and the bitch who stabbed him in the back and destroyed their marriage. Very good story, chymera, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A little, ok, a lot more BTB would have made the story even better. Would have loved to see the bear totally unleashed, not tamed down by his real friends

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very good story. Miss Kitty was a Saint and the MC savior.

In the end the kid turned into a good man.

Score the TD and field goal for Miss 😺

enderlocke77enderlocke776 months ago

Enjoyed this one but wondering why there two more. it ended well unless the other two are romance or something else

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great it.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

I would have preferred the bear style BTB (I reserve my "good person" side, compassion and empathy only for people who deserve to be treated well; and my wolverine side for people who deserve that). But I guess he did enough damage to leave me happy; at least sufficiently so for 5 stars :P

danoctoberdanoctober7 months ago

Sweet! Got them all. 5 🌟 burn 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

nixroxnixrox7 months ago

4 stars and one of your better stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Beat revenge on these loelife bast

rds I've ever read about.

Norseman123Norseman1239 months ago

Good story 5*****

Schwanze1Schwanze19 months ago

One of the best stories on here

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love ir. When the snobs get fucked over it earms my heart.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196910 months ago

Not going to vote for this as it should be in the non-erotica category.

for BTB... this was touching and the pain deserved. looking forward to the sequels.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

DOT and her asshole friends & new husband are getting theirs...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


oldpantythiefoldpantythief10 months ago

Sharing the STD around among Dot's friends was almost sadistic, but satisfying as it was one burn I hadn't heard before.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A very uneven story. Lots of time spent educating readers on who Ryan is and why he is as he is. Then he gets married….and since this is LW, wife cheats. But you robbed readers of any catharsis by completely avoiding any interaction between him and Dot before, during, or after the divorce. Instead, we get a trite bit of prose where he lines up all his ducks to get revenge. And even then, tne big delivery of it fell real flat.


This could have been so much better.


3 ***

MfkndragonMfkndragon11 months ago

Could have done without the long winded life story now you have me curious on what part 2 is about cause this 1 ended The way it should have the a way man would have ended it though I would have killed them

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I always evaluate these stories, based on one thing. Did the characters act in their best interests?

Wifey- Well... Most women think about trading up, during their life time. But most affluent men who will consider cheating with a married woman, do not want to take in the baggage of marrying her, and co-habitating with her kids. So, the rich boyfriend taking her away, didn’t make sense at first. Then it comes out he is almost broke, and they believe they will be able to steal enough valuable artifacts to fund their lives. So I give both of their reactions a definite “ maybe”.

Husbands reaction. When you get a cancer, you either let it kill you, or you kill it. Contrary to what you read on Lit, RAAC is not a viable action, when your wife has proclaimed she doesn’t love or respect you. I gave this story a 5 so far. Let’s see what chapter 2 brings....

mainer42mainer4212 months ago

well done story

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Super story!

RanDog025RanDog02512 months ago

Great story! Thank you and it right up my alley. Too many shitty, shit stories on this site. Worthy of 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE LAMING NOVA STARS!

Helen1899Helen189912 months ago

Now that's how to burn a birch and associates 5* I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sometimes “getting even” can warm the heart and make one smile. 5*s. Thanks for sharing.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 1 year ago

Cinco estrellas too.

Well done first part.

The highlights for me

were his youth and the wonderful Miss Kitty.

Well done chymera.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The ending is ridiculous, a lender can’t just walk up, and demand payment anytime they feel like it. I realize you want to burn all of them but find something a little more believable. Thanks for the time and effort. KS

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, the "cheating stories industry" on both YouTube and Amazon are freely mining Literotica, especially dormant accounts, for stories to steal and sell/monetize. Several well-known Literotica writers have found or been told that their work appeared on one of these sites. A plagiarist is about the worst kind of thief there is. I'm surprised a recent story was stolen, which tells me the thief is in a country beyond the Pale, or at least out of reach of the long arm of copyright law.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good development of the plot but got more and more unrealistic going to the end. The part about knowingly diffusing STDs was too much extreme and evil, if not illegal and dangerous for other innocent people too. The MC had many other ways to get his revenge. So, since a good BTB once in a while is welcomed, it's 4*.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 1 year ago

I've already gave a 5⭐ review for this effort, and I'm not taking it back here, but there's one thing I don't really understand in it: in what way did Ryan 'pulled back' on his revenge to Dot's friends?

All of them have STDs now; all of them know that their spouses have cheated on them; very unlikely that any of them will remain married, which will end up ruining them all financially... so exactly how would ANY OTHER REVENGE be more brutal than this!?

Making it sound like the MC restrained himself here was very strange, author - sure, as BTB goes, he didn't nuke them, but they're still all got burned to a crisp!

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 1 year ago

This needs a follow up - Ryan is too interesting a character to let this be a one-off, especially since I seriously doubt Phil's sister-in-law will turn out to be his soulmate.

The man needs to be with a specific type of woman... 'wish the author will give him the happy ending he deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 Stars on a good story .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, if unusual (maybe that's what helps make it great). Could perhaps benefit from a few details to provide examples of how his character evolves. Still 5* though. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Heads up, this story got reposted on YouTube


I heard how thats something a lot of authors aren't cool with. As soon as I heard the name "KItty" I knew something was up.

Also I'm glad I found it since some stories being passed as truth are so horrible I don't see how the guy didn't delete himself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Cliche city.

MattKesterMattKesterabout 1 year ago

Just freaking cold and brutal. This was not the story I was expecting, and as it went along, I was prepared not to like the MC at all. In the end, it became a well-crafted and complete story. Good work.

remb95remb95about 1 year ago

Sounds like my kind of guy. 5

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Damned good storie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story. I disagree that MC was a bad guy. There was not one inappropriate thing he did after Kitty died. He was an exemplary citizen. He worked although he did not need to. Helped out numerous people anonymously with his money. Was a loyal husband to his cheating wife and then he learns that his wife and people who he helped and who treated him as their friend to his face were making fun of him, stealing from him and using him and belittling him behind his back. I for one think that his response was measured and not strong enough against his sole called friends. He could have destroyed them instead he merely got them infected with a VD because they cheated on their spouses and was nice enough to tell them about it so they could be treated. I would say he would make any person who was not a cheating backstabbing wife a good husband.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Brutal well deserved punishments. And a return to a life better lived with real friends. People never seem to know the difference between weakness and kindness. Hopefully his ex and his ex's group of weasels now have a better understanding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How sad that in the everyday world the miscreants are so seldom paid back in full. Nonetheless it is a nice fairy tale and well written to boot. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just curious, why not consider directing yourself forward?

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 1 year ago

Too much narration by Hubby. We-The-Readers only hear Sweetie actually say a word was in the sixth year of their marriage (7 -8 years of knowing each other.) And those words were her rationale to not have Hubby interfere with her date time with her lover/Hubby-to-be! After that, Chymera let her talk a little more but Hubby1 was still the main purveyor of Sweetie's actions. Hard for WTR to get excited with someone with whom we have not ‘interacted,’

There sees to be a risky time lapse between when Hubby1 discovers her antique theft and when law-enforcement recovers them. Perhaps a year or so, enough for Sweetie or her newly diminished-solvent Hubby2 to cash them in.

ribnitinribnitinabout 1 year ago

Surprise ending. I expected viciousness and violence. Well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

FD45 wrote:

“This sociopath is not anyone I would want any of my children near, married or not.

Assume that my daughter ‘swore vows’ to a guy who turned out to be a serial killer? Should she wait for ‘til death do us part’ (likely hers)?

So while I am sure you tried a redemption arc and made the actions of the bitch extra egregious, being next to this time bomb of a human being has me wince and nod in understanding at her leaving.“

The MC wasn’t a serial killer. He only responded with violence against those who initiated aggression against him. He wasn’t chaotic, or a ticking time bomb. He protected and provided for those who were good. The only people who are in any danger are those who wrong him. This is EXACTLY who I would want my daughter to marry. After all, I raised her to be both morally and ethically good.


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