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Virgin Fix Pt. 05


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"Just to let you know it isn't the size that matters. If the woman isn't ready for you, not turned on that is, then I doubt you would get a tooth pick in easily. She will open enough to accommodate whatever you have. Besides the emotional side of love is more effective than any physical act to a woman. Although if you find her good spots it does help."

With that she laughed making Chris laugh as well, even though his face was as red as a beetroot.

He whispered, "Thank you June."

"Now let's get you dry and dressed. I have something you can wear for now. I hope you'll take a rest and I can shoot out to the shops and grab a few things for you. I have your sizes, so just a couple of clothes and stuff to last a few days until I can get you there," seeing him almost groan, "It won't be too bad. You will need clothes for school and going out."

"But I do have clothes at home, my past home, I can just go get them."

"Chris, with all due respect, those were not decent clothing. They looked like they came from the rubbish bin outside the Good Sammy. No, you will have new gear, my treat."

Chris nodded, and by this time they were done and he had an old pair of Peter's shorts and T-shirt which made him look feel a little kid in grownup's clothes. Peter was about 194cm. He actually liked feeling tiny in the clothing as it was given to him with love and concern for him, not begrudgingly because it had to be done.


Tuesday afternoon Sally raced home as soon as school finished. She was accompanied by her three friends, Angela now being a part of the small group. Chris was resting on his bed when he was unceremoniously, but carefully, jumped on by his girlfriend to be given lip wash all over his face. Normally called kissing. He tried laughing but each noise was squished by her lips on his. He then heard giggles coming from the end his bed, and when he got the chance to check there were three girls standing with arms over each others' shoulders. If he had been an older man the view would have satisfied all of his 'schoolgirl in uniform' fetishes he could ever dream up.

"Damn," he thought to himself, "I'm in bed with four of the most beautiful, sexiest women in the world."

The next sentence got him worried, "You sure are buster, just don't forget one of them is your girlfriend."

"Umm, did I say that out loud?"

Sally responded in between light kisses, "Aha."

"Oops, sorry."

Darlene spoke up with a perky voice, "Don't be sorry, every girl likes to hear how beautiful and sexy she is, even if it is in a dowdy uniform," getting everyone to laugh.

Sally then detached herself from Chris to order that it was time to get up and join them in the family room. The girls filed out leaving Chris to get himself up and out. He managed to shuffle to the couch in the family room to be handed a cold drink and be surrounded by his uniformed friends. June was in the kitchen working on some preparation work for tonight's meal.

Sally got all serious and grabbed two large envelopes that she had placed on the coffee table earlier, "Here is something from all the kids at school, and the other is from the club," then responded to a look of query from Chris, "You have to open them."

He did this with a little effort due to his swollen hands, to find a Get Well card in each. Written inside the cards were many names, some with added lines of writing or a simple 'get well soon'.

Chris could only look in wonder and eventually just mumbled with awe, "Wow, so many signed them."

Sally spoke up, "It's from all the kids and teachers in our year at school, and everyone at the club. You may have been an outsider before, but it seems they all like you. Many have asked me in person to give you a special message to get better, and they look forward to you coming back to school again."

"Gee, I never thought anyone liked me much at all, although it had gotten better recently."

June came over to look at the cards herself, and noticed Chris was still in the shorts and T-shirt she had handed him after his shower, "Chris, you really do look a dag in those clothes. I got you some better stuff this afternoon. It's all in a bag on the chair in your room. Why don't you hobble on back there and make yourself a bit more presentable."

The girls also noticed the baggy outfit he was wearing, not having seen it before he settled in the chair.

He answered, "Thanks June, I'll do that."

Chris did hobble off and was having difficulty because of his limited bending and reaching ability when Sally entered, "Need some help there?"

She did help him, mostly. As he was getting his legs into the new shorts Sally took the opportunity to nuzzle his groin, noticing as she did how nice he smelled.

"Ooh you smell good, Did you manage to have a wash?"

He attempted to answer with difficulty, "Yea, June helped me in the shower."

"Wow, that must have been fun. I hope you didn't do anything to be embarrassed about or get up to any monkey business."

He then realised what he had said and immediately regretted it as he remembered them talking as he had the shower, seeing June in wet see through clothing and him being naked and getting a boner. He went bright red which was immediately noticed by Sally, who laughed at his obvious embarrassment. She might not know why he went red, as she knew nothing would have happened, but the opportunity for some ribbing was too good to pass up.

"Does that mean the two of you got naked and wet together. Ooh that sounds so sexy. Did mum rub her soapy hands all over your body. Oh I'm getting so turned on just thinking about it."

Chris' face couldn't get any redder and his only sounds were splutters as he tried to deny anything untoward occurred. He was by now dressed and they made their way out to the others. He might have paled a bit by the time he made it to the family room, but was soon back to fully blushed condition when Sally called out to June.

"Mum, did you really have a shower with Chris today and get him clean all over. I didn't think that shower was very large so you must have gotten 'up close and personal' with him. I understand you didn't even wear your bathers either."

June could see what her willful daughter was doing and the effect it had on her boyfriend, but being like her she just had to join in, "Yes I did wash him in the shower, and it's true I wasn't wearing bathers. We actually had a lot of fun if you must know, didn't we Chris."

He was making beetroot look pale by now and wanted to be swallowed up and disappear. He definitely was not used to people with a devilish sense of humour. The other three in the room had initially gaped at Sally with mouths open, but soon saw the joke when June responded. They were all laughing now, and soon joined by Sally and June. Chris sat and hid his face behind his hands as he came to grips with the humour. He was starting to relax when June got the devil back.

"I wasn't wearing bathers and I was fully dressed if you mind. But I did get totally drenched and they became totally see through. I was glad I had shaved and neatened up down earlier there this week, so I wasn't all beaver-like."

The laughter picked up again to Chris' chagrin. They eventually simmered down and returned to a more normal conversation. Chris having to explain what he could remember of the attack to the three friends. Then he had to promise he would recover and be fully well again soon. He was forced to lift his shirt to show where he had been stabbed. He did enjoy the attention from the girls, and their gentle touches to his body as they investigated the myriad of cuts, bruises and bandages. Corinne even ran a hand on his face gently touching him with her palm. They eventually left before teatime, but he got a special hug and kiss from each. They made certain he knew they were his special friends and they really cared for him.


If Chris thought his embarrassment was all over, the women went through the whole kidding around scenario for Peter's sake that evening. He did get really worried that June's husband might get angry and kick him out as an undesirable person. It is, after all, what his father did, and for less than this. To his astonishment Peter got a sore belly from laughing so hard at the women's telling of the story about her beaver showing. They laid the whole humorous tale as if they were on the stage at a stand up comic night. Chris did a final sigh of relief when Peter asked of his wife.

"So you were really showing yourself in all your glory through the wet clothing," paused for laughter, "I bet that got his attention. So I assume then that a certain part of his anatomy is fully functional after all his injuries?" He laughed again when June just smiled and nodded back.

Sally had been laughing at her mother's story and dad's response, then she just could not leave things unsaid, "Damn, I miss all the fun. He has seem me all wet at the pool almost every day and I never got anything that exciting in response," then looking squarely at Chris with a large smile plastered on her face she continued, "I guess it's not me he wants anymore. Boohoo. I'm so upset. I knew he would dump me the moment a better option came along. Boohoo."

Chris stared at her wide eyed for a moment before smiling back, seeing that she was only kidding, "Yep, gone and forgotten sweetie. Can't keep a good man like me hidden away forever. The women are bound to come out of the woodwork once they know I exist." Of course his words didn't sound like this as his swollen face garbled a lot of it.

They did all laugh, even at the corny attempts at humour, however Chris had no idea at just how close he was to what Sally dreaded. She could only hope he did stick around when he became surrounded by women clambering for who might be the best available guy in town.


At bed time it was Sally helping Chris get ready for bed, making sure she got plenty of time for kisses and cuddles. He apologised that he might not be able to do much for a few days as he didn't want to pull open any wounds. Sally still wanted to be with him, but was called away by her mother as they were heading to bed. June even went as far as to warn Sally not to be too pushy with Chris as he needed a lot of time to heal. Any strenuous activity or lack of sleep could set him backwards.

Sally stomped off to bed like a six year old, responding with a pouty, "Yes mother. I'll be a good girl, mother. G'night mother."

Thirty minutes later she had snuck back to his room, and was snuggling into bed beside Chris promising not to hurt him too much. She then slid down, removing his pants as she went until his cock was available to her. He was limp, but this didn't deter her as she opened her mouth to bring it into the warmth of her body. It only took a few sucks and he was in full erection mode and Sally spent a few minutes entertaining him with her slutty side. He gave her a big load of cum that she gobbled down as fast as he supplied it. Sally had hoped for sex tonight but realised he was in too much pain and had trouble moving. Being satisfied with what she could get, she snuggled in as best she could so they could try to sleep together. It took a few tries but they did find a comfortable way to snuggle and go to sleep without hurting him.


On Thursday at his office Peter received the preliminary information that had been compiled by Sophie. She went through some pertinent details of what she and a private investigator found about the persons of interest.

"Mr Harry Carpenter, 60 years old, is a senior partner in an engineering consultancy for the petroleum and mining industries. They do consulting work for some of the businesses in which we have an interest. He is very well thought of technically, but it seems nobody wants to work directly with him.

"Mrs Bronwyn Carpenter, 58, works for BigBank Corporation as assistant to the general manager in the local state branch. Not much to report on her except she likes to attend the top of town functions, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous.

"Miss Tania Carpenter, 30, is the estranged daughter of Harry and Bronwyn Carpenter. Left home at seventeen and has had an assortment of jobs. There were a number of addresses for her before she turned 25, and I suspect she spent some time roughing it on the streets, but that is difficult to confirm. There are just some unexplained gaps in her history. Currently she rents a unit at the rear of a private home in which the owner's mother had lived before going into full care. Tania went to night school and got a teacher aide certificate and is currently employed as such. She is currently attending Open University to gain a teaching degree, but could be up to five years before completion.

"Trent Smith, 18, attends the same school as your daughter and the same swimming club. He had some problems with the law as a minor and has a sealed file. The current assault charge he is facing is the worst offence on his record. He is a top level swimmer in the state and an average student.

"Gavin Smith, Trent's father, 52, is estranged from his wife, Trent's mother. Currently in Queensland selling non existent apartments to interstate mugs, er buyers.

"Anne Smith, 49, Trent's mother is working at the reception counter at the Hilton in the city.

"Joseph Spaniel, 17, attends same high school. One of the accused for the attack. Some minor scrapes with the law when younger. A below average student. From our sources he follows Trent's lead in most things.

"Let me add here that our PI managed to talk with some kids and teachers at the school without letting on exactly why.

"We are having trouble locating Joseph Spaniel's parents. He lives with his maternal grandmother, Bertha Johnson, who is on the old age pension.

"Ben Evans, 17, is one of the accused for Chris's attack. He has attended two private colleges and had to leave under a cloud before landing at our school. We can check further but not sure if needed. Nothing on the legal system but a number of police charges that were dropped. We understand he tends to follow wherever Dale Bindhurst leads.

"Patrick Evans, 45, is CFO of Palmer Industries. This is one of the companies within your portfolio. He likes to be seen at important functions.

"Felicity Evans, 25, is the third wife of Patrick Evans and step mother of Ben. Stay at home wife. Quite often seen at the functions and in the society pages, always in company of her husband.

"Ben's real mother passed away eleven years ago.

"Dale Bindhurst, 18, is also one of the accused of Chris's attack. He like Ben has been through private colleges until landing at our school. The same schools as Ben had attended, and both left each college at the same time. Also has several police charges against him that were all dropped like his friend Ben.

"Hogan Bindhurst, 48, is CEO of Palmer Industries. He too, is considered a big man around town and enjoys being in the limelight. His style of management is dictatorial from what we hear.

"Brenda Bindhurst, 23, is wife of Hogan Bindhurst and step mother of Dale. Stay at home wife. Quite often seen at top end functions and in the society pages, always hanging onto her husbands arm.

"Cecilia Bindhurst, 45, Dale's mother. Currently residing in Melbourne, Victoria. She has no contact with her son since the divorce."

She closed the screen, looked up at her boss and completed her report, "The full report will be ready for you by Tuesday next week. Of course, Peter, I don't need to tell you about Palmer Industries as your firm has a very large holding in it. Your brother, Ian, is on the board of directors."

Peter had been thinking about the name Palmer, "Ah yes, I recall it. Hasn't responded well to the change in world finance and is vastly under performing. That's why Ian made the effort to get on the board to see if he could pull its socks up, or whether we should dump it or whatever," to which his assistant nodded, "Is Ian around today, do you know?"

Sophie did some screen touching and replied that Ian was having a week off with his family at his place down south. Peter chastised himself for forgetting this.

"Thank you Sophie, I'll look forward to the full details."

"If I may ask Peter, how is it going with the young man, Chris? I heard about his attack over the weekend. Is Sally alright?"

"Certainly you can Sophie. He is out of hospital and we have taken him to our house for as long as he needs. Sally is fine, lucky she wasn't with him at the time. He had taken quite a beating and I think he will require a lot of time to get over it, physically and mentally. We asked him to stay with us after his parents basically disowned him thinking he was involved in his own attack. We actually found out he has an older sister who went through her own trauma when younger, and they essentially did the same to her. Just between us I know business shouldn't get muddied with personal stuff but I'd hate to think we did much work with a character like his father. He might be the guru of gurus, but treating your own family like he did leaves me feeling sick that I ever shook his hand."

"Yes well boss, sometimes we are forced to parlay with the devil if he is the only one standing," but she made a mental note to look into alternatives for when they do require the man's services. Peter is very giving and forgiving, so when he says something negative about another person she takes notice of it.


to be continued

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for all constructive comments. I have no intention to have any more here. Just got carried away and wrote 6 chapters too many.

These are effectively unedited and unchecked, written purely to give everyone a chance to trash my writing. Fair is fair as I am liberal with my thoughts on stories, good and bad. On average I erite many more positive comments and constructive comments than the one liners everyone picks up on. Not sure how or why as I only ever read a few recent comments in LW section if aren't clear, or am extremely bored. Never remember who makes them, or even the writers' names of stories unless for a series I am reading.

My beef is that I hate anonymous comments, but if I stopped them there would be few comments made.

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 4 years ago
Constructive Comment

UHB, please take the following as identifying opportunities to make your writing more enjoyable for the reader. I detect an improvement as I progress through your chapters. My compliments on both above average writing skills and grammar et al. However, I will note an apparent rush to publish on this Pt. 05 due to an observed increase in frequency of errors. You are garnering strong positive scores and comments - hope you can continue to "move the needle forward."

1. Question marks are meant to clarify the difference between statements and questions. They are not optional, even for rhetorical questions, okay?

2. Pronoun choice is typically the kind of thing corrected during a delayed re-read by the author or an outside editor. While author's intent is usually not a challenge to decipher, correct usage makes the reading flow more smoothly.

3. Confusion over the correct use of "their/there/they're" is common here at the Lit. I am burdened by knowing the proper use of each option and incorrect usage causes my reading progress to stop and determine whether the author had an alternate meaning or simply goofed. Same re-read/editor thoughts as above.

4. Verb tense is an easy mistake on a first draft. Same thoughts as above.

Keep up the good work! You are demonstrating writing skills beyond my abilities.

dude4542dude4542over 4 years ago

I absolutely love this series, and am anxiously awaiting the next installments! As for grammar issues, the ones I’ve seen are minor and the reader is able to easily figure out what was meant. In regards to where you’re from and the English style spoken (and written), don’t change a thing, it’s just part of the charm.

This series really is among my favorites, if not my very favorite. Keep up the amazing work!

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks for all comments received,

here and in previous parts. Really appreciated.

Thanks Cumister. It is hard to keep track of timeline, but that is the problem writing a multi part story, or any story for that matter.

Not sure which wrong words I used, perhaps you could help by letting me know by message. I did re-check the spelling and found two words wrong over the 5 parts. 'Illl' should have been I'll and another word had 'nnn' in it instead of 'nn'. Lots of words that are supposed to be sounds don't spellcheck well like 'hmm', but then not meant to be words, just sounds. Plus there are a few made up words used, like Cliss. But it is explained when first written. Anything else, be glad to get your finds as well.

Please remember I am not from USA so my spelling, and often the way I write or in speech, is from my own country, Australia. eg Mom is wrong here and is spelt Mum. Little things like that.

CumisterCumisterover 4 years ago
Decent story

Decent story worth continuing.

Though found it a bit "stiff" at times.

See you are also having issues with spelling and incorrect wording at times.

It's tough to write a good story and keep track of the timelines and such.

As with my writing, an editor might be worth pursuing.

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