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Virgin Fix Pt. 05


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Tania sidled a little closer to Chris and reached out a hand to hold his as if she needed some strength herself and knew he would be feeling bad at her story.

"I won't go into the next few years except that I did what I had to in order to survive with no skills and no school graduation. Oh, I didn't do anything illegal, I just washed dishes, swept floors and eventually waited tables and served in cafes. I slept wherever I could. I managed to get my high school certificate at night school, and then went to TAFE for my teacher's aide certificate. I am now working at a school in the southern suburbs, and studying part time to get my teaching degree through the open university. Eventually I'll become a qualified primary school teacher. It'll take me a few years yet to finish."

Chris was part angry and part sad as he said, "Oh Tania, I wish I'd known all that before. The story I was told was totally different. I should have known they would never tell the full story."

Tania leaned to give him a hug and asked, "What about you Chris?"

He held her hand as tightly as possible and told her, "Seems I am in the same boat as you. They blame me for being attacked at the shopping centre and that the police are involved. I don't understand any of it, but hearing about you I can only say they are true to form."

"Sorry Chris, I wish they acted differently. What happens now, what're you going to do. You can come live with me, I only have a single room that I'm renting, which was a backyard grandma annex. We could make do. I don't earn much and most of my spare money goes to tuition fees. I couldn't afford for you to stay at school though, so you would need a full time job to help with expenses. I only just get by on my own."

June interrupted, "We were just talking about that Tania. We asked Chris if he wanted to come live with us. We consider him a part of our family anyway, and we can afford for him stay in school. He and Sally go to the same high school. We could also help him to keep studying if he was going to attend university next year. We had no idea he had anyone else. If he wants to live with you, you are family after all, then we would like to help keep him at school if that is acceptable. We'd hate for him to lose any opportunities."

"Wow, that would be fantastic if he could be with you. My place is tiny, but all I can afford for now. I'd take him in but it might be too much of a squeeze and I live too far from here for him to stay in his school. You must be exceptional people," then she seemed to have a worrying thought, "But are you sure. Sally is his girlfriend now, but what if they stopped going out? I'd hate for him to get almost at the end of the year with finals and find himself kicked out like I was. Don't misunderstand me, but I thought everything was going well for me too."

June reached out to hold Tania's hand, "You have every right to be worried, he is your brother, and family should look out for each other. We don't want to step in between you two. We had considered them parting as a possibility, even though Sally almost bit our heads off for even thinking such a thing. We're serious about helping him," and she looked at Chris and reach a hand to hold his, "about helping you Chris, and about you being a member of our family. We have only known you for a relatively short time, but that has been enough for us to get to know you. If we had a son, we would hope he was just like you." she then smiled and added, "Except for dating our daughter that is, that would be just be so wrong."

They all laughed at her last bit, and June found herself being drawn in and hugged by Tania who had tears flowing freely. Sally leaned over her boyfriend and placed a hand on her mother's arm, that being as far as she could reach.

Peter spoke up at this time, "Please Chris, say yes. We've been looking forward to you being with us ever since we first thought of it. It'd really help me by evening up the numbers. It's always been two against one, so two on two would be a big help. Especially when I want to watch a footie game," getting some more laughs and lessening the emotional tension in the room.

Chris was confused and an emotional wreck as he sat there looking at the others in the room. Having been a social outcast for long enough he had trouble recalling a time before he was continually picked on and put down. Then he finds a girlfriend who is the ultimate woman he could ever hope for. This is then added to by actually getting some friends. He had one of the worst weekends in his life followed by the worst time today after talking to his father. Now he had one of the moments after re-finding a sister he never thought could be in his life, and a family that actually liked him enough to want to become his family.

Sally looked at her boyfriend and recognised he was going into emotional overload, so she turned to hug him closer, ignoring if she hurt him. She considered he needed something to hold onto, and fortunately the shot of pain he felt brought him back from where he was falling.

She spoke softly whilst holding him, "Slow and easy Chris. I'm. No. We're all here for you. You don't have to face anything by yourself, okay."

"Thanks Sal. I was getting a bit overwhelmed. Tania, I don't want to lose touch with you ever again. Having just found you I want us to get to know each other. If I'm with the Masons would you still see and talk with me?"

Tania moved closer to him and faced him, almost shoving Sally aside she hugged him, "Yes we won't ever lose touch with each other again regardless of where we are. Go to the Masons, they can offer so much more than I can."

"Okay sis, thanks for being here. Mr and Mrs Mason,"

Peter interrupted, "Call us Peter and June please."

"Okay, Peter, June, thank you, I would love to live with you. Thanks for being so great towards me."

Now it was June who broke out into more tears, and her turn to shove the others aside as she dived in to hug Chris, "Welcome to the family Chris," and this was echoed by Peter and Sally. Even Peter now had moist eyes as he tried to stop the tears falling.

June then half turned, keeping an arm around Chris, and pulled in Tania saying, "Welcome to the family Tania."

This proved too much as they all let their tears fall.

A nurse came into the room at this time to advise them, "Sorry to bust in on you folks as you seem to be having a loving moment, but visiting hours are over. I trust you have worked out tomorrow with our guy here able to go home. I don't think he would be too willing to go to a care home while he recuperates. I guess we don't have to worry too much as his fiancee will probably see to his needs. I'll be back in a moment after you have said your goodbyes, so I can fill in his chart for the night."

Tania was all eyes at hearing about the news her little brother was engaged, "Why didn't you tell me you were engaged. Wow, that's great news."

The others laughed and Chris let her know the truth, "Sorry Tania, we're not engaged. This group of misfits weren't allowed to see me yesterday unless they were family. So they concocted the story so they could check how I was going."

Tania laughed and was joined by the others which intensified when Sally added, "But I had to give mum the ring back, damn it."

As they were leaving, June held onto Tania's arm and let her know, "Tania, it was wonderful meeting you tonight. We're so pleased Chris still has some family in his life. I hope the pair of you catch up often and get to know each other, and we'd like the chance to get to know you as well. He's a great guy and we are happy Sally got together with him. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask, okay. I mean it."

"Thank you so much June. It was a pleasure for me as well to meet you and your family as well. I'm so glad Chris has someone to care for him. I'll certainly stay in contact with him, and with your family as well as he will be living with you. We'll talk again soon, I'd like him soon after he gets home. Would this weekend be too soon?"

At June's agreement they had a quick hug, then Sally wanted a hug too and Peter gave her a quick one as well. June grabbed a pad from her handbag and wrote out their phone numbers and address, passing this to Tania. Tania asked for the pad and pen to give them her details.

Sally said to her, "Please keep in touch. I could see how much meeting you meant to Chris."

"I sure will Sally. It makes me happy to see he has someone who cares for him. I'll see you this weekend when I come over to visit with Chris."

They all said there goodbyes at the main door to the hospital to find their cars in the carpark. Peter was flanked by the two women in his life linked by their arms as they returned to the car. Tania had a big smile as she thought about seeing her little brother again after all this time, and how they had clicked. She was ecstatic at having some family again, having felt so alone for so long.


Peter had to work the next day and Sally had school, but June was able to take time to pick Chris up from the hospital. He was happy that he would have someone to do the things he would be unable to for a while, and not be in a repatriation hospice. He shivered at the prospect of having to stay in what was essentially another hospital ward for so long. He knew the care was required, but home care would be so much nicer, and then he considered what would have happened if he had not been dumped by his own parents. He could not see his mother doing any nursing, she was not that type of person. He would have had to look after himself in the home with little assistance, if any.

At work Peter asked his personal assistant, Sophie, to carry out some research for him. If necessary she was authorised to hire outside help. He needed information on Tania Carpenter, and the four boys who attacked Chris. He needed to know exactly who they were and about their parents. He also wanted to contact the police detective in charge of the case. She didn't show any surprise at this request having worked for Mr Mason for a number of years, and being asked to do an amazing array of tasks. She set to this as she did everything else, with professionalism and speed. It was the last request that she raised an eyebrow at, Peter asked that she see into adding Chris as an official member of his family, or at least make him legally part of the family. As usual she put this into motion and added a background check on him and any family, aside from her looking into Tania.

June made the necessary follow up appointments for Chris' medical care, deciding to get him into their own family doctor as well for a general health checkup as soon as he had the all clear from his current injuries. She also decided to go shopping for him, initially just for around the house clothing and necessities. There was no way she could allow the shoddy style of clothes his own mother had allowed him to wear continue. He was a great kid, but they had presented their own son as though they spent very little money on him. As this thought occurred to her she realised they probably didn't spend anything but the bare minimum on him. He was always clean and presentable, but not showing his best. Guessing he might baulk at an extensive shopping trip she kept this to herself, except to ask him for a list of necessities he would need. Once home she asked for a quick list of things and while he rested she could grab some items at the shops, like underwear, sleepwear, house clothes, plus odds and ends like toiletries. They had a guest room he could use where she had already made the bed and prepared the attached bathroom. Their parents stayed here when visiting, so it had most of what was needed already.


He tried taking a shower to remove the hospital gunk from his body and found it too much for his injuries. He had also wet the bandages covering the sutures, so he was forced to call out for assistance from June. Without thinking June rushed to his aid and entered the bathroom in full mother mode to be pulled up short to see a naked adult male waiting. Suddenly two very embarrassed people were facing each other. Chris had forgotten about where he was in his need of help, and June had not considered the implications of dashing in. They stood still facing one another for almost a minute until June broke out in laughter. She knew he had been in the shower and had not thought of him needing any help, forgetting about keeping stitched wounds dry for the first few days. Chris tried hiding his dick behind a hand, but realised that he could not get any help like this.

"I'm sorry Mrs Mason, err June, I forgot the instructions on keeping things dry when I got in the shower. Then I had a problem not being able to move my arms much to clean my body. It was hard enough undressing. I'm stuck, having gotten wet but can't clean anything. I wanted to get rid of all this yellow brown sticky stuff they splashed all over me. This is really embarrassing, but if I don't this off I will get everything I touch dirty."

"Sorry I laughed, it just struck me as funny that, here I am in a bathroom with a naked man. It's a case of 'What would the neighbours think.' Let me help you, and please don't be embarrassed. I have seen a man's body before, and this is a medical issue."

"Umm, look this might sound weird. I have been ridiculed by almost everyone because I didn't grow big and strong like all the other guys. I sort of have issues with my body. Sally was the first person not to laugh at me and make fun."

June could see he was struggling to say what was on his mind, and she could only guess at what he had gone through. Neither her nor Peter had ever had any hassle over physical issues as they had always been taller than average with athletic builds. Her heart went out to this young man who had been tormented and decided she would talk about this more with Sally to get more information.

"Look, I promise not to make any comments at all. You are who you are, and cannot help with what you were born with. Yes you didn't grown tall, but you have a very athletic build. Swimming gave you great muscle tone and body shape, with no excess weight. So being short is no problem to me, and obviously doesn't matter to Sally. If you make her happy, which I know you do, then I am happy with you just the way you are. Okay?"

Yes, thank you June. It's just that, well, it's not just my height that is the problem. It's something else that got the guys making fun of me to start with."

"What could that be Chris? You look fine to me. Talk to me please, I want to help with whatever is troubling you."

"Again thanks, it's just," and he gave a heavy sigh and closed his eyes for a moment, "It's my thingie, down there, it's a bit less than normal," another sigh as he looked down, feeling embarrassed, "Here, let me show you."

June was trying to understand what his problem was, until he moved his hand aside to bare his dick. She looked at it for a moment with curiosity, until realising what he was worried about.

"Oh, sorry Chris. Umm, I don't quite know what to say. It's a bit shrivelled up at the moment as would be expected. I guess it works alright doesn't it?" getting a nod from Chris, "Okay then are you afraid it's too small or something?" getting a nod even though his head was hung down in what she guessed was shame.

Now she had to think of how to alleviate his worries without sounding patronising, or worse making him feel worse, "Look, just for the moment why don't you get back into the shower and we can get you cleaned up," to which he nodded and carefully turned the water on again, then entered the stream when it was warm enough. June approached and, with flannel and soap in hand began to carefully clean the gunk off him.

"We'll deal with the bandages in a moment after we get you dry. They will need some iodine and dry covers to make sure the cuts don't get infected. Bit late now to worry over it after they are already wet."

"Sorry about that June, I wasn't thinking too well."

"Don't worry Chris, you only just got out of hospital after being attacked and injured, and had to have an operation on top of everything else. General anaesthetics can affect you in many ways and I know from my own that they take a while to properly get out of your system, regardless of what the experts tell you. I'll be extra careful near the wounds, and also not be too aggressive on your bruises. I'm really sorry you had to go through this, you really don't deserve the treatment you have gone through. Believe me Chris, you really are a wonderful person. Sally is really lucky to have found you."

"Thanks June. You know how to make me feel better," he finally looked at her for the first time since getting in the shower to see that she was soaked from the spray of water in the shower and off him, "Ahh, June, perhaps you should be careful. you are getting a bit wet and you are showing through your shirt and pants."

June stopped to look down at herself seeing that her clothing had become wet and see through. Her bras and panties clearly visible. She could even see her areola with nipple poke, and the tuft of pubic hair as she remembered putting on her lacy underclothing this morning. Turning to see her back in the mirror it was obvious to Chris that the lacy panties was a thong. He noted her daughter's butt was very similar to the one he was trying not to look at now.

"Oh dear, sorry about that Chris. You must be feeling a bit queasy seeing an old duck like this. I guess it's too late to worry about it too much now."

As she continued gently scrubbing his body she noticed how his cock was hardening, making her feel a little flutter inside herself at the effect she was having on a young guy. She tried to ignore it, but when Chris put a hand down there to try hiding it, she recalled the discussion they had started earlier.

"Ah Chris, we were just talking about that a minute ago weren't we," seeing his eyes go wide open as though he was a rabbit caught in a spotlight, "Don't be embarrassed, I am quite chuffed at being able to have an affect on a young guy. Us old ducks lost having that type of effect years ago with our youth."

"June, it's embarrassing. I don't have much control of it and does this regardless. But how can you say you are old and past it, don't take me wrong but you are a fantastic looking woman. I can see where Sally gets all her looks from. You really are beautiful, and forgive me being bold, but from what I can see you are very sexy. Oh sorry, that came out wrong, I meant that you are good looking."

"I hope you meant the first part, I take being called sexy as a compliment, thank you Chris. Peter will get a thrill to know you like me."

Chris almost screamed in panic, "What, you would tell Peter about what I said. He'll kick me out of the house for saying such things about you."

"Simmer down Chris, no he won't. He will likely laugh and agree with you. At least I hope he'll agree with what you said. He might be sleeping on the couch if not," and they laughed together as she then continued, "Now you were saying you thought you were too small. That's not true, and I can say that quite safely, after all I am looking at it. Yes you are not a giant in that department, but it is in good proportion to the rest of you. If I can make an educated guess it is barely below average anyway, just like your height. No woman worth her salt would find you any less of a man just because it isn't porn quality. I can only guess that the morons who badgered you were insecure little twerps, needing a scapegoat to make them feel manly."

Chris still had his eyes down until she finished and then looked up and tentatively smiled at her, "Thanks June. You really do know how to make me feel better. I would still like it to be a bit bigger, but thanks for not laughing at me."

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