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Visit to the Nude Beach Pays Off

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Maggie is charmed by a Frenchman and his wife.
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My wife and I took a Caribbean vacation recently and we chose St. Marteen in part because it has a Dutch and a French side. More importantly, there is a well known nude beach on the French side called Orient Beach. It is not a swinger's paradise like some Caribbean locations but a true clothing optional environment.

We flew in to Princess Juliana International Airport on the Dutch side where the planes literally land just over the heads of sunbathers and beach goers who play in the sand right at the end of the airport runway. Although Indians inhabited St. Marteen from about 800 AD, Columbus actually discovered St. Marteen in 1493 making it an historic place to visit. It is one of the smallest islands in the Caribbean with less than 80,000 permanent inhabitants. This makes it a wonderful place to visit although it does get crowded when the cruise ships pull in to port and disgorge thousands of passengers.

We stayed on the Dutch side in a wonderful seaside villa near Phillipsburg and promptly fell into the relaxed island environment where the average temperature is 85 degrees. Gentle breezes cool the air and create a perfect environment for hedonism. Maggie looks great in her tiny, two piece bikini. She is 5'4" tall and weighs about 120 pounds. Her magnificent 39DD breasts look enormous on her petite frame. She has slender but shapely legs accented by muscular calves and smooth, tan skin. After a couple of days of easy living, excellent meals and some seriously intense sex, we decided to rent a car and drive to the French side for a visit to Orient Beach. We packed our cooler, clothes (although none are needed at Orient Beach), some towels and some wine for the day trip to Orient Beach.

The short drive to the French side is interesting and you quickly realize how small the island really is. It took almost no time to reach Orient Beach and we quickly parked and found the dressing rooms. After changing into our nominal island attire we went to the gift shop and store to pick up some tanning lotion. It was around 10:00 AM and things were already quite active in and around the beach and store.

We went inside and found the tanning lotion along with a couple of other incidentals we thought we might need during the day. As we went to the counter to pay we spotted an attractive couple. The male was about 50 or so with thick, wavy, salt and pepper hair. He was about 5"10" tall, slightly built at about 160 pounds or so but he seemed very fit. He had a patrician air about him as if he had a lot of class and perhaps money. He exuded confidence and had a million watt smile that featured a handsome face and pearly white, perfect teeth. He was very tan and it appeared he had been in St. Marteen for quite a while as his tan was very even and deep.

But the thing that made Maggie do a double take and stare at him intently was the very skimpy Speedo bathing suit he had on. It was navy blue in color and was tiny even on his small frame. When he turned to look at us as we approached you could see his package and it looked like he had stuffed a pair of socks into the front of his suit. You could clearly see the outline of his enormous cock as it stretched from the center of his body all the way to his hip and it was extremely thick. Maggie stared at his cock and then looked up at his handsome face. He smiled broadly and said, "Bonjour." He was obviously French.

His wife (we assumed) appeared to be about 15 years younger. She was nude except for a see through wrap which she had pulled up above her ample breasts. The wrap left little to the imagination and her lovely breasts were large and appeared to be at least a D cup. You could see her large, dark brown areolas with nipples that poked through the fabric like pencil erasers. She too was tan and fit with short cropped but nicely coiffed dark hair. At about 5'2" tall, she was petite and appeared to be very fit. Her legs were almost as impressive as her breasts and she looked very athletic with firmly toned legs and a beautiful, nicely rounded ass.

We smiled at them and said hello as they turned to pay for their purchase. They walked out smiling at us and his wife smiled and winked at me as she turned to leave. What a nice way to start the visit to Orient Beach.

We paid for our items and moved to the beach area. After a few minutes of total silence, Maggie looked at me and said, "Uh, did you see what I think I just saw?"

I smiled and said, "Do you mean the package inside his Speedo?"

She grinned and asked me if I thought he had stuffed a sock in his suit and I responded by saying, "No, I think that was the real deal. Pretty impressive wasn't it?"

Maggie always has her inner slut with her and the islands seem to encourage her to let the inner slut come out to play. She grinned mischievously and said, "I hope we see them on the beach. I would like to see if that package was real." I had to admit that I was curious too.

We moved down the beach to an area that was sparsely inhabited and away from the main congregation area. It is always interesting visiting a nude beach. They should have laws that prevent certain people from being allowed on a nude beach but I guess that wouldn't really be fair. However, seeing fat, out of shape 70 year old men was not all that appealing.

There were men and women of all ages and many different body types. We checked them all out as we moved to the far end of the nude beach area. Some couples were playing in the water. Others were sleeping on their beach towels. A few women were topless but kept the bottom part of the suit covering their most private parts. We saw no sign of the French couple as we found a place to put down our towels and cooler.

It was time to get out of our clothes. We both disrobed and sat on the towels to apply the sun tan lotion. We both felt a bit uncomfortable not because we were naked amongst all these strange people but because we looked so pale after being inside all winter long. Clearly some of the beach goers had spent a lot of time in the sun as they were deeply tanned, some with absolutely no tan lines.

Maggie is a voracious reader and it did not take long for her to pull out her Kindle and start reading while I laid back and gazed up at the crystal blue skies above and continued trying to unwind from my busy business life back in the States. Not a cloud in the sky and the breeze was slightly cool. It felt so good to be totally nude in the sun on the beach. Ah, freedom. That's what nude beaches are all about. Maggie looked so hot with the tanning lotion and her lovely body shining in the sun on the crisp white sand. After a while we opened a bottle of white French wine, a lovely Sauvignon Blanc, along with some fresh fruit, French bread and cheese. As we ate the light but refreshing lunch we heard voices approaching from behind us and turned to see the French couple we had spotted in the store earlier. Once I realized who it was I told Maggie that I thought she was about to get her wish as she recognized the couple as well. She smiled lasciviously as she poured another glass of wine. They parked their towels about 30 feet away from ours which was far enough to give them their own space but close enough that we could see and hear them quite clearly. They spoke in French and then in English and went fluidly back and forth between the languages. We assumed they would speak English when they wanted us to hear or understand what they were saying.

Soon the lovely couple settled in to their beach environs and stripped off their clothes. The female dropped her wrap to reveal a large and lovely set of breasts that looked large and tanned with no tan lines visible. She had a small, trimmed landing strip of dark hair above her vagina and her legs were as impressive as her breasts..............all in all a very impressive body. Her husband waited until she had settled in to remove his Speedo. He remained standing knowing that Maggie and I were watching intently. He pulled the suit down his legs and we could not see his package until he stood back up and stretched languidly.

When he did he turned slightly towards us revealing a long but limp prick that literally hung half way down his thighs. It was easily 7 or 8 inches long and as thick as a baseball bat. He had thick patch of dark pubic hair and a flat, chiseled abdomen. His body was indeed as impressive as his wife. They made a stunningly beautiful couple on the nude beach. They laid on their blanket talking softly to each other as we returned to our own private dialog. "Well, I guess we have answered your question about his package."

Maggie looked at me still in awe of the sight she had just seen. "Wow, that is unbelievable. I don't think I have ever seen a cock like that." She turned again for another look but his wife had blocked the view with her lovely body.......bad for Maggie, good for me.

We tried to be coy but I could tell Maggie's curiosity was killing her. She told me she wanted to cool off in the water and headed to the surf. I was quite comfortable and wanted to watch her choose her route to the water. As I expected, she walked towards the lovely French couple trying to act like she was not looking at them...............but she was.

She slithered her way to the water looking sexier than ever. She went into the surf about waist deep and splashed some water on her face and breasts. Standing in the water with her breasts exposed made her look sexier than ever as the sun shone brightly in the early afternoon sun.

After a few minutes, the French wife got up from her spot and walked towards Maggie. She looked stunning with her impressive body tanned all over and obviously very fit. In fact, her body was almost perfect in every way, ideally proportioned from head to toe.

Maggie smiled at her as she made her way into the water. They were engaged in a conversation as only two women can do. They were soon smiling, laughing and talking like they were old friends. They talked for over 20 minutes before Maggie returned to her towel.

I was immensely curious and asked her what they had talked about. The bottom line is that indeed they are French and live in Paris. He is a successful and very wealthy industrialist and they have a country house in Provence. They vacation every year in St. Marteen and love visiting Orient Beach. They are both avid nudists and very comfortable in their own skin. His name is Phillipe and hers is Michelle.

Maggie leaned over to me in a whisper and told me that Phillipe was very intrigued with her and wanted to meet her. Michelle told Maggie that she was not jealous at all and would love to introduce her to her husband. I was not sure where this was going but I could tell Maggie was definitely interested in meeting Phillipe.

We sat in the sun for another hour or so and finished the bottle of wine. I went to the bar to get some bottled water and when I returned I saw Maggie in the water talking to Phillipe. They were talking animatedly facing each other in about 4 feet of water.....enough to cover their crotches while leaving Maggie's impressive breasts exposed above the water line.

Soon they were talking like old friends and Michelle moved from her towel to take a seat on Maggie's towel. She introduced herself and told me that her husband found my wife extremely attractive and sexy. I agreed with her and asked her what she thought about that. She smiled and told me that her husband has a fondness for beautiful women and she did too. She also told me that I should be flattered that the French couple found us to be an attractive couple. I asked her if that extended to me as well and she told me that she and her husband had agreed that we were a most attractive couple in every way.

As we talked I noticed that Maggie and Phillipe were soon touching each other on the arm or shoulder and they had moved closer to each other. As Maggie and Phillipe continued their increasingly familiar chat, Maggie appeared to lose her balance and fell into Phillipe. This placed her breasts up against his naked torso and he held on to her for a few moments. For all the world it appeared that she had simply lost her balance and he was being a complete gentleman by keeping her from falling into the sea. I knew better. Maggie knew exactly what she was doing. As Michelle and I continued to get to know each other Maggie and Phillipe talked in the water. After a few minutes they walked towards Michelle and I still engaged in conversation. As Phillipe walked towards me with Maggie at his side I must say that I was impressed. His massive cock swung between his legs and it appeared to me that it had grown in length and girth beyond what we had seen when he first stepped out of his Speedo. Could it be that his brush with Maggie had aroused him or did Maggie perhaps make a few moves of her own under the water?

Watching my naked wife walk towards me while I was sitting there with Phillipe's naked wife clearly had me thinking of the possibilities of what might be in the offing. They sat down and we opened another bottle of white wine.

Phillipe introduced himself and was a perfect gentleman. He and his wife were obviously well-traveled, highly educated and very self confident. He had an air of elegance without being arrogant. I could tell that Maggie was enthralled with him and seemed to hang on his every word. Soon the four of us were talking like old friends. As the afternoon faded, Phillipe looked at me and said he wanted to ask me a very personal question. I told him to please feel free to proceed. Phillipe said, "Monsieur, I am very charmed by your lovely wife and I would consider it a great honor if you would allow me the pleasure of a few moments alone with her in our villa."

I looked at Maggie and she smiled sheepishly. "Is this something you would like to do, Darling?" She nodded her head and put her hand on Phillipe's arm. "I find Phillipe very charming as well and I would like to spend some time with him.........if you and Michelle don't mind."

Michelle smiled and put her hand on top of Maggie's hand which was still resting on Phillipe's forearm. "As I told you, I am only too happy to share Phillipe with you. He is very talented and as you can see, he brings some impressive credentials with him. You should allow yourself this pleasure since we are here together in this moment."

Phillipe's cock seemed to respond by pulsing and gaining length as we talked. Phillipe looked at me and said, "Please allow us some time alone and then I hope that you and Michelle will join us in our villa."

With that Phillipe rose and took Maggie's hand. She stood and wrapped her sarong around her body as Phillipe moved back to his towel to retrieve his Speedo and towel. They walked hand in hand towards their villa as Michelle and I sat on the beach and spoke not a word. Maggie soon disappeared into the copse of palm trees now walking arm in arm with the charming Phillipe. I looked at Michelle and said, "What happens now?"

She smiled at me and said, "Well, sex on the beach is not allowed. Would you like to go to our villa and watch Phillipe with your wife through the window? He is very talented and it will be very sexy to watch."

I readily agreed and we packed up our beach paraphernalia and headed towards the villa only moments behind Maggie and Phillipe. I wanted to watch the entire event unfold inside the villa. Michelle and I put down the coolers and towels and moved quietly to the side of the expansive villa. We slowly moved around to the back where there was a large master bedroom with floor to ceiling sliding glass doors opening on to a tree lined terrace. It offered a perfect place to watch every movement inside while remaining invisible to Maggie and Phillipe. I was beginning to wonder if Michelle was a voyeur like me.

When Michelle and I took up our position amongst the palms, we could see clearly into the bedroom. Maggie was sitting on the love seat and there was no sign of Phillipe.

After a few moments, Phillipe appeared with two glasses and a brightly colored drink in both glasses. He handed one to Maggie and toasted her as they lifted their glasses and drank generously quenching their thirst after a day in the sun. Michelle looked at me and smiled. "You are in for a big surprise."

I looked at her quizzically and asked why. She told me that when Phillipe knows he is about to have an extended session in the bedroom he always takes a little supplement for himself, dissolved in his drink. And he has a special pink pill that he crushes into his sexual partner's drink. She said she had done it many times. The male supplement allows him to stay hard literally for hours and cum over and over. The female supplement makes even normal women turn into raving nymphomaniacs. Now my wife has an enormous sexual appetite and can climax literally dozens of times in a session. I could not begin to imagine what a supplement like that might do to her and I was immediately concerned for her health and safety.

Michelle told me not to worry that it would only enhance her libido and there would be no lasting effect or negative impact. She told me she had taken it many times.

Once they finished their beverages, made mostly of fruit juice and rum, they talked and laughed enjoying each other's company. Soon Phillipe moved from his seat on the bed to the love seat beside Maggie.

He told her how charming and beautiful he thought she was and that he was most honored to have some time with her. He assured her that I would be well taken care of by Michelle and that his wife had no problem with them being together alone. He kissed her gently on the lips and soon they were in a deep French kiss. How ironic. They stood together and as he stood up I could see the mushroom shaped head of his massive cock already sticking up and out of the waist band of his Speedo. It was almost obscene.

After several moments of passionate kisses Phillipe untied the knot holding up Maggie's floral print sarong. It fell to the floor leaving her naked as she faced him. She wasted no time in grabbing the sides of his Speedo and pulling gently down. His massive cock, already getting long and hard, popped out of the bathing suit and stood straight out. I have to admit, it was impressive.

Maggie reached for his cock almost reverently and tried to wrap her hand around it but it was impossible. Her fingers did not meet and there was at least a one inch gap between the tips. She started stroking it gently with her hand as he reached up to her breasts, one in each hand. It was a lovely sight.

He slowly tweaked each nipple causing them to stick straight out. He rolled them between his fingers seemingly in no hurry as she stroked his cock which continued to grow in length and thickness. I was having a hard time imagining how he was going to get that thing inside my petite little Maggie but I was sure she would find a way. My cock was about to explode as I watched the two of them.

Soon they toppled on to the bed embraced in a deep kiss. Their hands continued their exploration with sensitivity and passion. I had to admit, Phillipe was an excellent lover. In fact, I also thought he really had it made. He was rich, handsome, fit, had a beautiful wife and he was about to fuck my wife.

After another ten minutes or so of foreplay they were both getting hot and horny. Michelle explained to me that it took about 15 minutes for the drugs to take effect and that explained why Phillipe was in no hurry. However, his lips soon found Maggie's lovely breasts and she began to breathe heavily as he lightly bit her nipples. His hand found her hot, wet pussy and he inserted a finger into her sex. Maggie started pulling him towards her and urging him on as he continued his slow and methodical pace. He was like a violinist playing a Stradivarius getting the maximum effect from his efforts. "Cum pour moi." (Cum for me.) He soon moved his head to Maggie's vagina and began licking, nibbling, kissing, biting and making love to her vagina with his lips, teeth and tongue. Maggie started climaxing every 30 to 40 seconds. Some were almost violent as she moaned and made animal-like sounds. Others were softer and carried soft purrs or sighs but it was clear that she was having almost one continuous climax as a result of her lover's oral ministrations. Maggie grabbed his head and started pulling him towards her. She was ready for cock. However, Phillipe, still in control, moved his body up to Maggie's head and took the base of his massive cock in his hand. He slowly moved it to Maggie's face and rubbed it all over her cheeks and lips and nose. He wanted her to savor the moment and get a complete perspective on the size of his cock. She kept her eyes wide open and licked him, kissed his cock and soon placed her hand over his as together they rubbed his cock on her face. His cock extended from her chin to her forehead so she quickly understood the massiveness of his cock. He finally moved the mushroom shaped head to her lips and she opened her mouth to accept it. She swirled her tongue on the crown and raised her head to take it deep into her throat. Maggie has an enormous capacity to deep throat although I had no idea how she was going to take this one.


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