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Volleyball Player Discipline

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Young tutor gives a spoiled volleyball star a lesson.
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(Hey folks. I've been a long time reader on this site and this is my first story. All characters are above the age of 18 in this story and this depicts spanking with elements of non-consent)

In a small library study room sat a 20 year old young man, Carter Banks. He couldn't help but yawn after a long day of classes and tutoring sessions stemming from his teaching assistant role at Jamison Tech in Virginia. Waiting on his professor, Blair Foster, seemed par for the course on his schedule as she was late for their meeting yet again. It's not like he minded though. As smart as he is, he too can be a slacker at times. Carter mindlessly scrolled through his phone until the professor came in.

"My apologies for the delay" said the 43 year old professor quite dryly. "You know how busy this part of the semester gets with finals coming up in about two weeks. Let's just do a quick run through of everyone's progress. I know your time is important too."

This was just a weekly progress meeting Carter has with Professor Foster every week. The professor had always appreciated Carter's assistance, even if he did seem a little unenthusiastic at times to be there. In his point of view, who could blame him? Jamison Tech wasn't exactly Carter's first choice for college. Hell, most haven't heard of it. Nevertheless, he's seen as one of the "legacy" students as most family members have graduated from this school and are huge donors. So it goes without saying that there's always been this expectation for Carter to graduate here like the rest of his family and be a successful accountant. Being a teacher's assistant for Calculus was an easy job for him with him just naturally being good with numbers. Professor Foster went down the line of students with Carter and saved one special one for last.

"You know I have to bring her up, right?" Professor Foster had this worried look on her face, knowing Carter hates even bothering with this one. "I know Sarah isn't the most motivated student, but I really need her to get back on track. If she doesn't meet the standard come playoff time, our hands could be tied here."

She was talking about none other than Sarah Parkinson, the young 19 year old star setter of Jamison Tech's volleyball team. The 5'7 curvaceous blonde was the new talk of the school. Other than being a school known for their excellent academics, JT was also known for its strong volleyball program. Missing the tournament in recent years put the athletic director on thin ice. Landing Sarah in the student transfer portal was a huge hit for more reasons than one. She's one of the country's top ranked setters; a dynamic passer with a fit body. She's the new face of the school. On the court, she's the smartest there is. In the classroom on the other hand...

"You know how she is, Professor," Carter had sighed in defeat. "I can't help it if she doesn't pay attention. She's at least on track to potentially avoid failing".

"I know Carter but she's really towing the line here. We can't have her failing a class this semester," Professor Foster replied.

"Fuck, what a pain in the ass," Carter had thought to himself.

At this point he really didn't know why he even bothered. Well, he did know why. He couldn't care less about how well she did in volleyball, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't appreciate the eye candy that sat across from him every few days. Tutoring female student athletes as a whole was something that made his job worth it. Most girls in sports will just wear their tight leggings, shorts, or whatever they are comfortable with to class and they'll flaunt their assets keeping every guy's eyeballs glued to them. For Carter, it was those tight volleyball shorts that hugged the curves of Sarah's tight ass that caught his eye. Her size C breast hugged her athletic shirt too and he'd have to remind himself to keep his eyes up when talking with her.

"Just pay her a visit today if you don't mind", said the professor. "She needs a solid reminder of where she's at".

Honestly, Carter didn't know what else he could do to convince Sarah. It's not like she respected him all that much. Despite being 5'10 with a pretty decent physique, Carter was pretty reserved and did not inspire much authority. But he sure did have thoughts of just bending her over the desk and just taking her.

It just so happened that there was a home game today. Carter figured he might as well go to the gymnasium and check it out, or in this case check the players out. He and his friend Jack would often kill time at the volleyball games to shoot the shit and just relax as they checked out all the girls in short shorts together. They both arrived and popped a squat mid game as Jamison Tech had just won a set. The team had excitedly huddled together following their small victory and the right spiker gave Sarah a solid pop on the ass as a sign of gratitude for the spot-on assist. Carter had to cross his legs to hide the boner that was inching its way forward from watching her ass bounce in those shorts from that love tap. The game had gone on for about 40 more minutes until it came to a close.

"Damn, that Parkenson chick really is pretty good!" Jack exclaimed, being quite impressed.

"Who, Sarah?" Carter had questioned cooly. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Seems like she still has a bit left to learn."

"Righhhht," Jack had playfully said with a smile and squint in his eyes. "You don't gotta be all cool, man. I know you know what I'm seeing when you look at her. I swear man, you're lucky you see her as much as you do. If it were me, I'd be deep in those shorts in a heartbeat."

"Yeah, well instead of being deep in those shorts I'm going to be in deep shit if I don't get her grades up," said Carter with a tired expression.

The Jamison Tech volleyball team all ran to the sideline celebrating. This win sealed the deal for them to get a high seed in the tournament. As the rest of the team celebrated Carter saw the coach talking to Sarah sternly. It likely has something to do with the missed pass that could have sealed the game earlier.

"Damn, what a hard-ass" said Jack to Carter who was glued to the happenings on the court.

Once the coach's spiel was finished she gave a sharp smack of her own square on Sarah's ass. Not everyone caught the exchange as most vacated the building after the win or just flat out wasn't paying attention but Carter definitely saw it. Sarah however, didn't seem too fazed. If anything she perked right up with a determined look and excitedly headed to the locker room.

"You ready to head back man?" Jack hurriedly asked. "The Virginia game should be on soon!"

"Don't worry about me," Carter replied. "I've got a date with our star player".

Carter just parked himself right outside of the gymnasium to wait for Sarah. He hated the idea of being in some kind of creepy stake out but he wanted to get this confrontation over with. He underestimated how long this wait would be. It seemed like it had been an hour at least. There must have been a lot of media questions to answer and some other things he didn't care to know about.

"Jesus, is there some kind of orgy in there or something?", Carter joked to himself.

Honestly just the thought of that sounded hot. Thoughts of all of the players just making out with each other while groping each other's breasts started to invade his mind. He envisioned the coach walking into it, joining in and yanking Sarah by the hair backwards forcefully and smacking her bare ass leaving a red handprint on her as she whispers harsh and hot words to her. Suddenly time was passing by easily for him as he spaced out in his own perverted world.

"Uh hello? Carter?" A sharp irritated female voice had asked.

"Huh, what?! Oh, Sarah you're finally out" stated Carter snapping back to reality.

"What are you doing just parking yourself here?" demanded Sarah. "Don't you have someone to tutor or something?"

Sarah had her hands expectantly resting on her shapely hips. She was wearing leggings hugging her lower half just right. She tossed her hair that was still wet presumably from the locker room showers. From looking at her more he was starting to wonder if she even bothered putting a bra on. This girl really didn't give a shit, huh? Carter had to keep his composure as she faced her.

"Yeah, I don't know if you remember but that's you," Carter had snapped back.

"What are you talking about? Our session isn't even until tomorrow. Or are you just that desperate to see me?" Teased Sarah.

"You're hilarious" stated Carter with a deadpan look. "You should think about majoring in comedy too. No, if anything you need to be desperate to see me."

"Ha! I need to be desperate to see you? Oh sweetheart, you need to know how leagues work," said Sarah with a shit eating grin.

"This fucking brat," thought Carter. "Look, I'm serious. Professor Foster is really worried about you not getting through Calculus. I know it's not your thing, but I need you to give a shit for at least a little while."

"Or what?" Sarah snapped back. "You'll be the one to set me straight?"

The idea of that put a stir Carter. Damn right he'd set her straight. He'd like to yank those tight pants off of her and ram his dick in her to show her who's boss.

"I don't care what I have to do. If you need a smack on your ass like your coach gives you to pay attention, then maybe I'll do that!" Carter had retorted.

A redness had quickly washed over Sarah's face. She was shocked to hear something like that from this nerdy guy she spent two months getting tutored from. She has hardly ever paid attention to him during sessions and hardly even looked his way, but he definitely got her attention now. She suddenly started studying his frame. He was actually pretty well built and she never noticed how broad his shoulders were. Seeing that stern expression on Carter's face as he flexed folding his arms actually had her flustered.

"Whatever..." scoffed Sarah softly. "I want to keep playing so I'll play your little game."

"Yeah, whatever," Carter spouted back plainly.

Carter was the first to walk away towards his dorm. He kept his frame but deep down he was freaking out. Did he really just say that out loud? To her face? Carter was cringing at how his boldness may have crossed a major line as a teachers assistant. Still, he had a sense of pride as he was thinking about that exchange throughout the night. The shorts he was wearing for bed started to have a tent emerging as he sat in his desk chair thinking about the idea of really putting Sarah in her place, smacking her curvy ass around while grabbing her tits and pressing her face into a desk. His urge to take his semi-hard dick out and start jerking was building but he knew he had to focus putting an actual plan together to help tutor her. That last ditch effort to focus went straight out the window once he received an unexpected text at midnight...

Jack: "Yo... you NEED to see this!"

Carter: "What?"

What followed was a video sent directly to Carter's phone. His eye practically popped out of his sockets. Was this a video of the girls volleyball locker room? It was just clip after clip of the team just dancing away naked after the game. He saw the same ace spiker who had smacked Sarah's ass during the game just squeezing her breast in front of the camera while laughing. Two players were just playfully bouncing a volleyball back and forth while squatting naked. But what really caught Carter's eye was a clip of Sarah just twerking fully nude. He saw her full bare ass quaking and clapping in the shower as girls just laughed around her. Drops of water were flying off her tush as it bounced. At this point Carter's 7 inch dick was at full attention and had no intention of going back down anytime soon.

Carter: "The fuck? How the...where did you even get this?"

Jack: "It pays to be friends with the team manager who's in the closet ;)... Enjoy in secret, man."

Carter didn't even bother continuing the conversation. He just shoved his shorts down and kept his eyes glued to the screen and he watched the clip of Sarah over and over. His dick was straining as his hands glided up and down thinking about pounding Sarah from behind in that shower. He thought about making her so wet she wouldn't know whether it was the water or her being that wet down there. He was so mesmerized he didn't even think to grab a towel. His cum just shot out with part of his warm white stream hitting his desk and some hitting his phone. As far as he was concerned he was still in that shower with her; lines of his mess were splashing over all the curves of her body, and the water was washing his cum away down the drain with her own juices. It took a few seconds for Carter to come back to earth.

"Ah...fuck," sighed Carter to himself as he slowly looked at the mess he made.


The next day had eventually arrived and Sarah met up with Carter in the library. The room they had wasn't exactly a normal study room. Professor Foster had been lazy and forgot to book a proper room, and her classroom wasn't available during their meeting hours. So the next best thing was a specialized recording studio the library had that was suitable enough for their purposes. It was just awkward being in a closed off room with sound proofing everywhere.

"Wow Carter, I didn't think you were a podcast bro," joked Sarah. "What are we talking about today? You gonna talk about getting bitches?"

Normally Carter would just be so over her shit already but he couldn't help but daydream about what he jerked to last night. It wasn't helping that she was wearing tight spandex shorts accenting her butt with a Jamison Tech hoodie covering her athletic shirt. Her hair was in a long ponytail, a style Carter had felt like was unappreciated these days, especially if you're looking for some action. Talk? He could barely even think right, nevertheless talk.

"Earth to Carter!" Sarah interjected while snapping her fingers.

"Ah, right. Well today we have our hottest topic yet. We're going over all of the integrals that you know and love!" exclaimed Carter sarcastically.

"God, you're such a bore," complained Sarah with a disappointed look. "You should really learn to let loose and have some fun every once in a while".

"Oh you know how to have fun alright," Carter retorted.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Sarah had laughed nervously.

Carter had to reel himself in as he caught himself getting way too comfortable.

"Just that you're the type that obviously knows how to let loose," said Carter hoping for a quick save. "Obviously way too much."

"Yeah yeah whatever" said Sarah as she buried her head straight into her phone.

This was already going to feel like a long session for Carter. For the next few minutes he went over materials from the last class period with Sarah, with him needing to repeat himself several times as she scrolled through her phone during discussion. Carter's irritation was really starting to fester.

"You know, if you want to lose your time off the court, just say so," said Carter harshly. "No skin off my bones. I could care less what happens to this team."

Sarah couldn't help but sneer, "Oh yeah? Is that why you've shown up to nearly every game?"

Carter had to inwardly hand it to her there. That was a good one. It didn't take long to take a shot of his own.

"Are you saying you've been looking at me in the stands every game when you should be playing?" jabbed Carter. "Sounds to me like someone needs a little more focus."

Sarah couldn't help but smirk at his cockiness. If it was a game he wanted, then game on.

"Focus, huh?" said Sarah. "Yeah I could probably work on that. Actually, it's pretty hot in this studio, and it's hard for me to focus here. Let me take this off."

With that last statement, Sarah quickly threw her hoodie over her head as Carter got a glimpse of her boobs hardly contained by her athletic tank top. Her breast bounced as the hoodie left her head. She then deliberately turned around and took as much time as possible bending over and neatly folding the hoodie over the table. She swayed her hips ever so slightly as she folded each arm of the hoodie. Carter immediately perked up and his mind was sent back to her twerking in the shower with her holes flashing with every shake. He closed his legs together quickly as he felt the blood starting to rush from his brain to his manhood. His lust wasn't that well hidden though. Sarah knew she had him by the balls. She had to play with her food just a little longer. Just give him a reminder of who she is and what he can't have. Sarah leaned over the recording desk with her back still turned to Carter as she swayed back and forth.

"You know, I know who you are," started Sarah. "I know the kind of family you come from. You're from the Banks family, people who are just rolling in cash from all the accounting jobs they secured from this place. And here you are right in line. You may think I'm spoiled as a player but I know you're spoiled too. This place is practically a playground for you. The difference between me and you is that I'm competitive enough to take what I want. What about you, rich boy?"

"Enough!" Carter interjected impatiently. He knew he had to get this under control. He needed to get this girl under control. "It's time for you to learn-"

"And you're going to make me?" Sarah asked expectedly.

Suddenly Carter jumped to his feet and quickly closed the distance between the two of them. He stood to her side as he used his surprisingly dominant force to pin the small of her back to the desk.


Carter's open hand sent a ripple through Sarah's ass as it connected. It was much harder than even he expected to hit and it caused Sarah to gasp in surprise. It took her breath away feeling the force of his big hand suddenly leaving a stinging sensation on her butt.

"I told you I'd do anything to teach you a lesson, and now you're going to get it!" screamed Carter.

This was not a direction Sarah thought this would actually turn to, but that shock had her hooked whether she like it or not. She started to feel warm in her lower half, partially from the spanking and partially from her building arousal.


Two more hits pounded each cheek as Carter alternated. More and more loud pops echoed throughout the room as Carter wound up his hand back and forth onto her abused behind. He couldn't have been more lucky that this was a soundproof studio with no windows. Sarah started to grunt with each hit on her ass.

"Just you wait," said Sarah in between breaths. "When the school hears about this-"

"When the school hears about this?" Carter interrupted. "How about when the school hears about this!"

And with that Carter pulled out his phone and slammed it on the table right next to Sarah's face as he still had her pinned with one hand. He hit play as he showed her twerking in the shower right to her face. Her mouth was wide open in disbelief.

Sarah immediately whipped her head around exclaiming "What the- how did you-"


Another spank cut her right off as Cater kept delivering blows.

"You don't need to know, " said Carter. "Let's just keep you focused".

Another slap hit her behind and suddenly Carter's hand rested on her spandex covered ass. He slowly rubbed his hand around her ass. Sarah started to feel a little calmer feeling the rub as she thought the chaos was finally subdued. That was before a quick yank of her shorts went down her leg and her underwear went down with them. Another sharp smack immediately sent ripple through her ass as it quaked in pain. He watched it jiggle more and more as he quickened his tempo, spanking her bottom. His dick was straining against his jeans as he stood closer and closer to her. Sarah felt his erection brush up against her ass as he drew closer.

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