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The teen slut went to the chest of drawers next. She ignored the drawers that contained various t-shirts and sweatpants and focused on the one, which held Rob's boxer shorts. They were mostly cotton in black or blue. None of them were designer.

She traced a hand over the cloth and imagined feeling them with Rob in them, the soft material the only thing between her and his hard cock.

God, her pussy was getting wet. She slipped her hand down the waistline of her skirt and put her hand down her panties to give herself a quick stroke.

Andy's drawers confirmed Elena's expectations. Sensible underwear, not too big and frumpy, but not sexy either.

Elena glanced at her watch. How long had she been up here? She wanted to look at the closet but should really go and fix some lunch. The girls might come looking for her.

The draw of the closet was too strong. She wanted to find some porn. Knowing that Rob looked at the stuff would keep her fingering herself for days.

She pulled the door open and began to rummage through their stuff.


Elena said hi to Rob as he walked through the door. She had decided she was going to make sure she was the first thing he laid eyes on when he came home. She hoped that subliminally he'd look forward to coming home, not for his family, but for her.

He gave her a friendly greeting. He didn't seem to notice that her blouse was undone several more buttons than usual. It didn't matter; Elena's tits would be on show whenever his wife was not home.

Elena smiled ruefully. She hadn't found any porn either.

"What's with the groceries?" She asked.

Rob told her that he planned to cook something special that night to celebrated Andy's first day back at work as the girls ran in from the garden to hug their dad.

"Did you get the cake?" Monica asked.

Rob nodded, as they all trailed into the kitchen to unload the bags, Mattie asking lots of questions about the Robson's cat and the kittens that had just been born.


The dinner was complete success. Rob could tell that Andy had been touched by the trouble he'd gone to and the cake the girls had helped pick out.

Once his daughters had been put to bed he opened another bottle wine and joined Andy and Elena in the living room.

His wife was telling her some funny anecdotes from her career caring for old people. He'd heard many of them before but the wine and the relaxed atmosphere meant that he was soon laughing along.

He sat on the couch and Andy pulled her feet onto his lap.

Elena watched as he rubbed his wife's tired feet, their bodies close together. Their intimacy so natural to them that Elena's presence didn't disturb them.

"Ahh, that feels good." She sighed. "I've forgotten what work is like."

"Why don't we turn in for the night?" Rob asked.

"It's still early. And we should finish clearing up dinner." Andy groaned.

"I'll do that. You two look beat."

"If you don't mind...?" Andy inquired. Having help around the house was going to take a bit of getting used to.

"Not at all."

That decided, Andy got up to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Thanks Elena. You're a star." Rob added.

"It's no problem." She replied with a smile, reaching out and gently touching his arm.

He smiled back. She wished that it were her that he was taking to his bed or that she could see some sign in his face that that was what he wanted too.

Andy came back and Elena watched as the pair headed up the stairs, his hand resting on her behind.

She shook her head. There was no need to be disheartened. Her search of their room had produced one lucky find. A third baby monitor.

The baby monitors in the house were an expensive brand and capable of transmitting and receiving. Elena had pushed the tiny switch on the one in the Bishop's bedroom.

From now on she'd be listening.


Rob turned on the CD player, low so not to wake the kids.

He kicked off his sneakers and pulled off his shirt. Rob was a naturally modest guy but always felt comfortable undressed around his wife.

Andy plonked herself on the bed, exhausted.

"Why did I agree to go back?"

"Because you love it."

"Yeah...Mr Mercier's still there..."

"Yeah? Still hitting on the nurses?" Rob inquired as he picked up a box of matches and struck one.

Andy opened her eyes at the sound and saw her husband light some scented candles.

"Yep, he's still the ladies' man."

"Should I be worried?" Rob asked as he dropped to his knees and pulled off her shoes.

"Not if you keep being this good to me....." She moaned as he picked up where he left off downstairs.

"Always." He promised as he massaged her aching ankles.

"Mmmmmmmmmm" Was all Andy could manage as Rob's big hands pressed and soothed the day's stresses away.

His knuckles gently kneaded the soles of her feet then his hands rose up to her toes. Each one was individually stroked and caressed.

A little later he pulled her to her feet and without a word removed her blouse and let her skirt drop to the floor.

They kissed, slowly and intimate, her hand against the day's growth of stubble on his cheek, his arm slipped round her waist. Her breasts pressed close to his manly torso.

Andy reached down and undid Rob's belt, undid his fly and pushed his pants down over his thighs.

When the kiss broke Rob whispered that Andy should lie down on the bed. Andy, who'd been enjoying the feel of their two bodies pressed together, nearly protested but something in her husband's grin made her comply.

Behind her Rob opened a jar of something. The scent of mint joined the fragrance of the candles. He climbed on to the bed and straddled her ass.

Quickly Rob unhooked her bra. His spouse rewarded him by wriggling her butt against the erection felt on her lower back.

"Ah!" She exclaimed as something cold was drizzled over her bare skin.

Rob chuckled lightly as he began to massage her neck and shoulders, working the lotion into her tired muscles.

"Oh...that tingles...." She moaned.

He smiled. He knew what his wife liked and he always aimed to please her. In particular he knew that Andy found massage very arousing, her back a favourite erogenous zone.

Rob's fingers walked up and down her spine then gently scratched down her back to her rump.

His thumbs pushed and danced over her flesh, performing tight firm circles that made her head arch back.

Rob gripped her waist then glided his palms up her sides, stopped to briefly feel the sides of her breasts then ran them down her underarms.

He took one of her hands in his, working his fingers over her palm then devoting a minute to each of his wife's digits before repeating his actions on the other hand.

Andy felt completely relaxed yet the strange lotion made her tingle all over.

Suddenly Rob shifted off of her to turn himself round. Now she could feel his cock, through his boxers, resting between the checks of her ass. She clenched them a little and shifted her hips as much as she was able with his weight on top of her.

"Don't misbehave...." He warned, reaching down to lift her legs up, her calves the next part her to feel his strong hands for a few sublime minutes.

Next Andy felt the tips of his fingers slowly begin to trace a zigzag path up her inner thighs. She spread her legs apart. Already aroused she felt her panties dampen even more before the fabric was reverently pulled aside.

Rob began to blow lightly, a warm breeze that made her gasp.

"You like that?"


Andy moved her legs so that she could lift her rump a little into the air so Rob could better direct his breath better over her quivering pussy.

The effect of his breath proved so tortuously sensual that she was considering pleading for mercy or begging that he make her cum. Instead she bit her lip and groaned. Rob knew what his wife wanted anyway.

Getting off her, standing at the foot of the bed, he rolled Andy over. He looked down at her body, motherhood had softened her curves, added a little extra to the thighs and hips but none of that mattered. Andy was the only woman that he ever wanted.

She was flushed and sleepy-looking, her hair a wild strawberry corona on the pillow.

Rob pulled his boxers down over his erection, let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them.

"You're so beautiful..." He sighed.

"Oh shush...." Andy protested lightly. Her husband's compliments always embarrassed her a little as well as making her feel happy because they were always sincere.

Rob grinned at his wife's shyness before his sweet kisses slowly ascended up her leg, stopping only briefly to avoid her panties as they made their way down.

"Hhhh..." She whimpered as his tongue flicked over her sensitive clit then softly lapped at her pussy lips. Rob looked up in time to see Andy begin to run her hands over her breasts, cupping them together, pinching her nipples with a thumb and forefinger.

Rob loved his wife's breasts so he crawled up to nuzzle between them.

"A.." Andy moaned.

If Andy was disappointed that her pussy had been abandoned, then it did not last long as it was soon full of Rob's hard inches.

Andy reached down, her hands running over her husband's broad back and came to rest on his meaty buttocks, squeezing them, quietly insisting that they begin to move.

Their bodies moved in unison, like two halves of the same person.

Rob was a considerate lover and he had barely started to gently thrust when her orgasm came. As usual, careful not to wake the children, she suppressed the urge to vocalize her ecstasy, instead inhaling deeply, internalizing the waves of pleasure, the only outward sign the stiffening of her shoulders and her clenched fists. The muscles, just worked over by Rob contracted and pulsed blissfully.

When, eventually it passed and Andy began to exhale Rob seemed determined to smother her with kisses. They softly rained down on her cheeks, her nose, earlobes and neck. His hands, cupping her breasts. Her soft moans like music to him.

Before he had met Andy Rob always been slightly embarrassed by sex. The love and closeness he shared with his wife had seen that unease ebb away.

Then forehead to forehead, his urgent breath on her face, Rob came too, it was the most natural thing in the world.

Elena, listening in downstairs had started frigging herself to climax as soon as she'd heard the unfastening of Rob's belt. Her mind supplying the pictures to the sounds she heard.

The Bishops didn't fall asleep straight away. They talked to each other about their days as they enjoyed a cuddle and a few more kisses.

Only an hour later did they fall asleep, their bodies spooning close and comfortable.


A month later


The whole family was in the kitchen as Andy was preparing dinner.

Rob was looking at several pictures that Mattie had painted earlier.

Elena, who'd already seen them, was amazed at how enthused Rob was. To her they'd been unrecognizable splashes of colour and crude pencil lines. She'd faked her admiration but Rob seemed sincerely interested as Mattie babbled on about what each one depicted.

Elena was feeding Abby but her mind was on other things, namely she was daydreaming about what Rob's cock looked like and how it would taste.

"I saw the Petersons at the store today." Andy said. "I didn't want to ask them but how is Thumper doing?" She continued, mentioning their neighbours' pet rabbit. It had long been a favourite of the girls'.

"Not so good. The kindest thing might be to put her down." Rob answered.

The atmosphere went a bit solemn. The Bishops' daughters both knew what that meant, their daddy having it explained it to them when Boots, their cat had been clipped by a passing car last year.

"Daddy, Kirsty said that animals don't have souls." Monica stated.

Mattie looked troubled and tears welled up in her eyes. Mummy and Daddy had said that Boots was in Heaven with Nanna Jean, keeping her company....

"Of course they do." Rob said to reassure his daughters.

"You know what your Granda used to say to me. A soul is a little bit of love. If you love something, like the Peterson's loved Thumper and you loved Boots then they have a soul." Andy said softly, crouching down to put her arms around her daughters.

"What about bugs and spiders? I don't even like them!" Mattie inquired, her eyes wide.

"Sweetheart, God loves them for us." Rob reminded his middle child.

Elena barely stopped herself rolling her eyes.

The Bishop's had asked for a Christian nanny so she'd lied on the form and, when accompanying them to Church every Sunday, she'd played along. She would imagine fucking the priest when things got too boring.

The only thing she liked about the Bishops' quiet beliefs is the extra frisson it would provide, and the extra betrayal Rob would commit, when he fucked her. His silver cross swinging from his neck as his hard cock pounded into her.


Later that evening


"It's time for your bedtime, kiddo." Rob told Mattie.

"Daddy I'm not tired."

"Sweetie, you're falling asleep right there." Andy pointed out.

"Monica doesn't have to go to bed." The girl huffed petulantly.

"Your sister's older." Andy told her.

"Listen. Why don't I take you up and read you a story? I'll do all the funny voices and the faces as well...?" Elena suggested.

Mattie appeared to be considering it, her eyelids drooping the whole time.

" 'kay." She murmured and then let Elena scoop her up into her arms.

"Kiss Daddy goodnight." Elena instructed as she carried the child over to Rob.

"G'night daddy." Mattie whispered then giggled as her father lifted up her t-shirt to blow a raspberry on her little tummy.

"Goodnight angel." He said, ruffling her hair.

"And Mummy."

"Night mommy."

"Sweet dreams, baby." Andy said as she planted a kiss on the child's forehead.

After saying goodnight to Monica and Scruffs, picking up Mattie's cuddly panda and blanky the nanny carried to girl to her bedroom.


"Your daddy is very handsome, isn't he?"

Mattie nodded sleepily. Daddy was the most handsomest man in the world. Her smile replaced suddenly by a yawn.

"And he really is nice, too. He loves your mummy very much. They're very happily married. Any one can see how much."

This was old news to the little girl but she found the words comforting anyway. She closed her eyes, and snuggled down into the warm bed.

Mattie stayed awake just long enough to hear Elena say,

"And he's a good daddy too. He loves you so much. Daddy would do anything for you. He's so hard working so that he can provide you with everything you need and make you happy."

Elena waited to see if Mattie would sink deeper into her dreams or if her eyes would open again. After a few minutes of watching over her Elena could tell by her breathing that the girl was fast asleep.

"But that's going to change, little baby." She said, not caring that there was no one to hear her. Speaking the words aloud caused her pussy to flood with juices.

"I'm going to slowly corrupt your daddy. I'm going to make it so that he can't stop thinking about my tits and pussy. He'll resist at first but eventually he'll give into temptation and he won't feel guilty for long. His lust for me will override any sense of decency he has left."

The nanny licked her lips at her wickedness. She gazed up at a photo of Rob and Andy that was on the wall. Neither of them was looking at the camera because Andy was holding a newborn Mattie in her arms. Rob's arms were around his wife. There was a similar photo in each of the girls' rooms.

"I'm going to fuck him so good again and again that when I'm done with him he's not going to give a shit about your mummy or their marriage. He'll betray his wife and his precious family because I'll be all that he can think about."

The slumbering child shifted under the cartoon decorated quilt and Elena wondered if her words were seeping into her unconscious.

"Your stupid 'mommy' won't have clue as I steal her husband. She'll keep thinking that Rob is faithful, with no idea that he's fucking me behind her back every chance he gets."

Elena kissed the innocent girl's forehead, turned on the Bee Movie night light and left the room.


A week later


Elena, Andy and little Abby were strolling around the mall.

When Elena had spotted a cute tank top that she liked, Andy had bought it for her, as well as some cool new sneakers. Of course Elena had protested but had been touched at the older woman's generous insistence.

As midday approached the small troupe ventured to the food hall to meet Tessa, a friend of Andy's from college.

Tessa proved to be a tall striking woman. A sharp intelligent face framed by an expensive haircut. Her skinny body, enclosed in a charcoal power suit.

When introduced to Elena she'd kissed her on both cheeks before stepping back to give her the once over. There was nothing surreptitious about her assessment.

Elena was glad that she'd dressed demurely that morning but even so Tess' expression seemed a tad suspicious of her.

The Jezebelists had a saying- 'beware the friends of the wives'- one that Elena fully intended to adhere to.


The afternoon actually passed by fairly quickly and Elena's decision to play things especially carefully was paying dividends.

Tessa had warmed towards her and by the time that they stopped for coffees a little female camaraderie had developed.

"How long have you been friends with Andy?" Elena asked her.

"Since our wild days at college. I could really tell you some stories! Some even Rob doesn't know about..." Tessa whispered conspiratorially.

"Oh shush." Andy laughed and swatted her girlfriend on the arm.

Tessa tore open a sachet of sugar and tipped it into her latte. a wicked smile on her face.

"Did Andy tell you that Rob and I were going out before he met her?"

Andy huffed with mock annoyance. Elena could tell that this was old comfortable history between the two women but definitely wanted further gossip.

"Andy stole him away from you?" Elena probed. If Rob had been stolen once...

"I suppose she did." Tessa growled, eyes narrowing before her face lightened up and both older women laughed. "Actually I was looking to dump him anyway. We just weren't very well suited."

"But still...?"

"No, no I was relieved when they hit it off. I was just looking a good time and Rob was looking for love."

"Tess was my maid of honour when we got married." Andy informed her. "My bachelorette party was the most regimented event in history. And there were spreadsheets for the wedding!"

Elena chuckled along with them.

"Must be difficult for Rob though...wife, ex- girlfriend...the two of you able to compare notes." She fished. She was imagining Rob fucking Jessica, the old chemistry resurfacing so that they were unable to resist cheating on Andy behind her back.

"Rob's a sweetheart. He and Andy are so good together, and I for one, are happy for them." Tessa beamed. "With two husbands of my own, been and gone, thank god, I know the marital bliss thing when I see it even if I'll never have it."

"Oh what about....oh whatshisname...?" Andy cried.

"Paul? Mmmmm..... could be number three...."


A fortnight later


Elena got two mornings and two evenings off a week, scheduled whenever Rob or Andy had a day off.

If Andy was there to watch the kids Elena took herself off to the mall or the movies but when Rob was home Elena stayed there too, constantly nearby and frequently bending over or leaning forward for no discernible reason.

Rob never gave a hint that he was aware of any of this, blind to the temptation that Elena was offering every chance she got.

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