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She was beginning to despair of ever getting into his pants. This particular morning she was holed up in her room looking at the latest entries on the society's website to cheer herself up.

So many of her sisters were out there right now seducing and fucking married men.

She clicked on a link and brought up a video that showed a Latina maid being screwed on a dining room table. This slut had only had to wait three days, get naked one day and the man of the house had dropped to his knees to eat out her pussy.

Elena wished Rob were that easy.

She closed her laptop, pulled herself up and went to have a shower.


As she was coming back down the stairs she could hear loud music coming from the den. It sounded like Aretha Franklin though the squeals of the girls made it difficult to be sure.

She entered the room, curious to see what was going on.

Mattie was running around like a wild thing. Rob had Monica (the main source of the screaming) on his shoulders, ducking and bending, threatening to unbalance his eldest daughter.

"Elena! Elena! We're dancing!" Mattie cried.

"I can see." Elena grinned.

Rob looked up sheepishly as she walked in.

"Come and dance too!" Monica ordered, clambering down her daddy's back and running over to her.

Elena took her hand and spun her, crouching low as they both mouthed the words to the song.

Of course then Mattie wanted to join in and the three girls danced, hand in hand, a ring around Rob, who had his work cut out avoiding legs flung out out of time with the music.

"Why don't we let daddy in too?" Elena suggested.

When the idea met approval the ring opened up, Elena tingling as her employer took her hand.


The next track was Chubby Checker's Let's Do The Twist and as the two kids competed with one another to see who could get down the lowest Elena saw on opportunity.

She moved in front of Rob and began to twist.

Every time she moved a little closer, innocently putting a hand on his waist as if to steady herself.

Rob had pretty much stopped moving, except for his shoulders in time to the music.

Once he glanced over at his daughters but mostly he was watching Elena's lithe body, the way that her big tits jiggled, and her nipples pert through her tight t-shirt.

Elena, low, at crotch height, looked up at him through the wet hair that had fallen over her face.

There was the look in Rob's eyes. The realization that a nubile, ripe young woman was so deliciously close to him. Elena knew that he wouldn't be able to help picturing her down there, not dancing but taking his cock into her pretty mouth.

Elena came up in time to see the look turn to confusion and guilt, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard.

Elena turned away, pretending she hadn't noticed, though really she wanted to let out a huge cry of jubilation. Rob was a man and, though he didn't know it, the first small blow to his fidelity had been struck.

Elena would seduce him gradually but it was only a matter of time before he was thinking with his dick and forgetting all about Andy and his family.

She moved over to the girls and pulled them down on top of her, tickling them and making them howl and squeal.

Elena looked up to see Rob walk out of the room, a stiffness about his shoulders. Elena nearly felt sorry for him. He would fight to stay faithful but she would see to it that he would fail.


Over the next few days Elena's jubilation was wearing off.

Rob's attitude around her had changed. It was subtle and none of the other Bishops seemed to have noticed but Rob was less at ease with her.

He found reasons to avoid being in the same room with her, their conversations as brief as possible, polite but restrained.

Elena, who was very sensitive to the moods of the family, having watched them so closely, could see that Rob was paying extra attention to Andy, increasing the affection ever so slightly.

Could that brief moment of lust for Elena have strengthened his commitment to his wife?

Some of her sisters in the society had posted entries about men who had gotten away. Having been tempted and on the verge of giving in some had requested postings away from their secretary or stopped attending the gym where the would-be Jezebel was making her advances.

Elena hoped that would not happen. She had eight more months in the States, more than enough time to chip away at his resolve...

As luck would have it, fate was about to give her a hand.


Rob's best friend from college, Frank, decided to pay a visit, staying a few days to catch up with his buddy. Though Andy didn't say anything Elena got the impression that she didn't like him.

Frank arrived in time for Friday dinner and, when introduced to Elena, had actually given her a little wolf whistle. His eyes drinking in her body, obviously mentally undressing her right in the hallway.

Over the meal Frank's conversation kept having to be censored by either Rob or Andy for sailing a bit close to the wind for the delicate ears of Mattie and Monica and Elena realized that Rob didn't actually like Frank all that much either.

Frank, she decided, had never grown up. He'd never settled down, held a steady job or relationship and still dressed like he was 10 years younger. She wondered what he'd be like to fuck.

The girls thought he was a riot, delighting in the way he made their parents blush or hurry to contradict something he said.


The next day Andy asked Elena to accompany her and the girls to the park. Elena, who'd been listening to Rob and Andy's conversation in bed the previous evening, knew that the time away was so Rob could have a chat to Frank and convince him not to stay much longer.

Frank stood in the doorway blatantly admiring Elena's arse as she helped Andy pack up the car.


Frank was having a cigarette in the back garden when Rob joined him with a couple of beers.

"Man, have to say I'm jealous."

Rob frowned, unable to work out what Frank was talking about.

"Elena." Frank explained when he saw his friend's confusion. "Wouldn't mind a hot piece of ass like that in my house every day."

"Come on...really? She's my kids' nanny!" Rob protested.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed, man?!"

Rob thought about Elena doing the Twist a few weeks ago, their bodies too close for comfort. Hadn't he been uncomfortable because he'd suddenly seen her as a young desirable woman?

"I'm married." Rob stated.

"Oh. Right. Of course you love Andy so it's strictly hands off." He knew that. Though Frank was as promiscuous as the supply of easy women enabled he knew that Rob was happily monogamous.

"There's no harm in just looking is there? Especially when the babe parades around in clothes like that." His buddy said, pointing to Elena's clothes hanging on the washing line.

"Huh." Frank frowned.


"No bras. I suppose 'cause there's no need when she's got a rack that firm, eh?"

Rob shrugged. He really didn't feel comfortable talking about this and wanted the conversation to end. The topic matter was inappropriate. Not only was he married but also he was Elena's boss. She was still practically a kid, one that he'd a duty to protect.

It didn't help that he was remembering the way she'd looked as they'd danced, the way her breasts had swayed, the shape of her nipples visible through her top...that little frisson of electricity when he'd noticed her charms. It had felt good.

"Know what else? No panties, or knickers, or whatever, isn't that what the Brits call them,"

Rob swallowed; he couldn't help looking at the clothes' line to see if his friend's observation were true. Only Andy's sensible panties were there. He felt embarrassed, for the first time, about his wife. Frank had to be thinking that Andy was sexually unexciting...

No underwear belonging to Elena was visible at all.

"Too bad...I mighta 'nicked' a pair!" Frank chuckled at his own stupid joke.

Rob wasn't really listening. He was thinking about Elena. Had she really never worn panties the whole time she'd been in the house? Every time she'd sat at their table for dinner her teen pussy had been bare under her skirt?

Had there been times when all it would have taken was for him to be looking in the right direction?

It was unbelievable. Elena seemed such a good girl. He disapproved and might have said something to Elena but the idea of confronting her made his head swim with feelings he wasn't able to identify. He sensed they were dangerous and he couldn't admit them to himself so he decided it had nothing to do with him what she wore and ultimately had no bearing on him.

He shook his head and pulled himself together. He resolved to put such thoughts out of his mind.


It turned out Frank got a better offer somewhere else and left that night.

Elena and the Bishops settled down to watch a family film, eat chocolate and drink milk, a little ritual that everyone made time for.

Andy and the kids sat on the couch, with Rob on a cushion on the floor by his wife's feet.

Elena sat on an armchair, her feet curled beneath her.

Unable to help himself Rob glanced up at Elena. From his position he could see where her milky soft thighs ended and became the swell of her behind.

The way she sat prevented him from determining if she was wearing panties.

A little startled by the rush of blood to his cock, he realized that he'd been hoping for a glimpse of her teenage pussy. He blushed, at the same time knowing that the dimmed lights would hide it.

In the midst of his unsuspecting family he glanced in her direction every time she moved, he felt ashamed, of course but the prevailing emotion was one of disappointment.

Elena, unaware of Frank's observation earlier, missed out on an opportunity to flash him what he wanted.


Elena was unaware of the change that had been affected in Rob but enjoyed its benefits.

His attitude towards her had reverted back to being friendly.

It wasn't that he was deliberately watching her. If he caught himself checking out Elena's breasts, ass or the position of her hemline he would avert his gaze guiltily but a little voice (a bit like Frank's) would tell himself that there was no harm in just looking.


A few weeks later


Rob and Andy had gone out to celebrate their anniversary. Rob had booked a real nice restaurant for the occasion and planned to go dancing afterwards. They told her that they'd be back late.

Elena figured that when they got back they'd make love (with Elena listening). The prospect had made her horny already.

Elena had seen to kids to bed then pushed the Bishop's wedding video into the VCR.

She fast-forwarded through all the footage of Andy getting ready, the guests arriving at the church and so on.

Then there was a great shot of Rob, smiling and looking happy. Years younger, of course, and dressed immaculately, he was hot. Elena paused the tape and slipped a hand down the waistband of her skirt. She was already wet enough to push a couple of fingers in to her pussy.

She resumed watching.

The cameraman had caught the look of the groom's face as the bride entered. Love, true and simple. Elena wriggled her skirt down her thighs and started to play with her clit.

She fast-forwarded passed all the boring ceremony, to the good stuff.

Andy and Rob had each written their own vows.

Elena shut her eyes, listening to Rob recite a verse of beautiful love poetry and promise himself to Andy forever, she came hard.


Elena heard the front door open around one.

She pretended to be watching some dumb horror movie marathon in case they came into the room.

She could hear them murmuring in the hallway then there was banging sound and Andy laughed.

More murmuring then what sounded like two people trying to climb the stairs.

Elena wondered if the difficulty they were having was due to passion or alcohol.


About 10 minutes later


Rob came into the room.

"Oh hey, Elena." He said.

"Did you have a good night?" She replied, noticing that he was ever so slightly unsteady on his feet.

"Very good...Gonna regret all the dancing tomorrow..." He answered, moving towards the kitchen carefully. "not used to that much wine any more, I guess." He laughed. "Think Andy's out for the night. Just gonna get a glass of water in case she wakes up."

Elena could tell that he was a bit disappointed that the fun didn't look likely to continue in bed. As he went into the kitchen, nearly tripping over Scruffs who'd gotten up to see why his master was coming in so late, Elena wondered how drunk and horny Rob was.

"The kid's okay?" Rob asked when he returned, his shirt damp from having trouble with the tap.

"They're fine. Monica just needs to finish her math homework tomorrow."

Rob nodded and sat down next to Elena.

"What movie is this?" He inquired, gesturing to the TV.

"Dunno, some vampire thing...lots of blood...and sex." Her emphasis on the sex part made him turn and look at her. Elena wondered if he could smell the scent of what she'd been doing earlier.

"Yeah?" Rob groaned. His eyes slowly covered Elena's body, the alcohol lowering his inhibitions. Any thoughts of returning to his sleeping wife had gone.

She turned her body so that she was facing him.

Somehow his hand ended up on Elena's thigh and, watching her eyes for protest, he slid it up under her skirt.

When Elena felt his tentative fingers brush up against her bare pussy lips she put an arm around his neck and pulled him in to kiss her. He tasted of wine and smelled vaguely of smoke. Their lips locked, Rob shut his eyes and let Elena do most of the work but every now and then his tongue would enter her mouth.

The stroking of her pussy intensified, sometimes cupping her shaved mound with his hand or using his fingers to part her folds. She began to buck against his fingers.

Elena moved a hand down to Rob's lap, where his hard-on was making a visible bulge through the cloth.

She broke off their kiss to undo his belt, pull down his zip and then her hand was in his boxers. His cock was long and fat in her palm and she began to jerk it up and down.

"Elena..." Rob moaned.

"Yeah?" She whispered in his ear as she pulled off his tie and untucked his shirt.

She was very aroused. Nine years ago Rob and Andy had been enjoying their wedding night and in all the years since Rob had been faithful to his wife. Now his hand was up her skirt, his cock just waiting to be pulled out and sucked.

"This is wrong...Andy and the girls are right up stairs...." Rob protested.

"We'll be quiet..." She replied as she moved to straddle him. "Andy will never know..."

"No..." He groaned, using both hands to hold her away. There was a look of deep uncertainty and regret as he pushed her back onto the seat.

Rob stood up and fastened his pants. He blinked his eyes a few times as if trying to make himself more alert. "I'm sorry..." He added before leaving.



The next day


Rob did not look as if he had had a good night's sleep when he came down stairs.

"Morning." Elena greeted him.

Rob paled visibly and rubbed his stubbled chin.

"Elena." He groaned and then yawned. When it was over he sat down at the table opposite her. " About last night..." He started but trailed off as his courage failed him.

"It was just a kiss, nothing really. You were drunk." Elena reassured him. "We should forget about it."

Rob swallowed hard, put his head in his hands and looked as if he were about to cry.

"I don't know if I can. God, if Andy ever found out....." He shot her an abject look. The possibility was too awful to contemplate. " Yes I was drunk but my actions were inexcusable. If you wanted to leave I'd understand...."

"Do you want me to go back home?" Elena growled.

Rob averted his eyes and his silence spoke volumes. He wanted her gone, to put temptation out of reach. Elena could practically see what he was thinking; Elena hadn't been drunk last night, she'd been willing to go all the way...maybe she'd taken advantage of him...

Elena stared at him, growing angry.

"I'd have to tell Andy why I was going."

"But..." He snarled.

Right then Mattie padded into the room. Rob couldn't look at her. He'd come so close to jeopardizing his family last night that to see one of his precious children caused his heart to wrench.

He shot an impotent look at Elena, grabbed Scruff's lead and slammed the back-door behind him.

"Is daddy mad at you? Does he not like you anymore?"

"Don't tell Mommy," Elena smiled wickedly and pulled the little girl on to her lap.

"but your daddy likes me a lot more than he ought to."

Mattie just looked puzzled as Elena poured her a bowl of cereal.


Over the next few weeks Rob threw himself into his family. He found so much that he cherished. His family was too precious to him to risk throwing it all away for some stupid, meaningless passion.

He tried to confess to Andy one night. Their marriage was strong enough to survive this. Andy would see his remorse and how the guilt was killing him and she would forgive him.

They would remove Elena from their home; Rob would put his brief infidelity down to a momentary insanity and go on being the same dependable man he'd always been.

He'd gotten as far as telling Andy that they needed to talk when Abby had woken up crying. Rob had offered to go and calm her down.

When Rob had got back from seeing to his youngest, his will failed him. He didn't want to see a second of pain on his wife's face to have let down the trust she had placed in him. His children would be able to sense that something had gone wrong.

Would they associate it with Elena's sudden dismissal and grow up knowing he'd been lusting after their nanny?


Elena kept giving him smug or goading looks whenever no one was around. Rob had begun to suspect that the character she'd presented herself to be hid a darker side. What kind of girl never wore panties?

A tease, a slut.

Looking back at her time in the house he could identify incidents and events, innocent at the time that taken as a whole seemed orchestrated to flaunt herself in front of him.

Was he really to blame for his momentary unfaithfulness in the light of Elena's twisted campaign to lead him astray?

He hated her and hated her presence in his home. Hated the way that his family adored her and couldn't see her for who she was. He prayed to God everyday for the strength to resist.

Yes, he was physically attracted to Elena but he had resisted her once. It was still in his power to decide whether to act upon it and he never would. That she was such a wanton seductress made her repugnant to him.


A month later


Andy had taken her daughters to her mother's for the day. Elena had been looking forward to the day all week. Rob was a difficult man to get completely alone. Even if it wasn't because he was avoiding her, usually Andy or one of the girls was distracting him and Elena was prevented from getting too close.

Elena's pussy dampened as she watched the man from the first floor window. Her prey was sitting in the courtyard by the pool, reading a newspaper. She could see that he was shirtless.

Today Rob was vulnerable, without his family around Elena could finally put on a show that Rob couldn't help but enjoy.

Elena walked through the house, thrilled at her half-nakedness. Rob had resisted her before but then he hadn't been faced with her uncovered flesh. The bikini she wore really covered very little. It really was a sinful thing to wear around a married man...even the most reluctant imagination wouldn't be able to help picturing the delights it barely concealed.

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