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Walking my Dog Ch. 01


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I teased. "Well maybe I look hot because this bitch is in heat big boy. You better get yours before some other big dog comes along."

That line seemed to work. Bob Laughingly said. "This Bitch is always in heat. That's one of the thing I have always loved about you. You are ready for sex anytime."

"That is very true." I admitted. "I'm ready right now."

Bob said. "Yes, no doubt here, and I may need to get one of those big dogs to help me out."

That was in no way the response I was expecting. As bizarre as it was, I had to play along. It was me who started this in the first place.

I asked. "For what breed of big dog should we be looking?"

Bob said. "Probably one with a hard body, young and lots of energy."

Oh, was that a shocker. The young hard body made me uneasy. Did he know or at the least suspect something? Did my obvious unrest confirm his suspicions? I had no idea what this meant or where it was going. Had no choice but to play along and try to put some light on the conversation.

I asked. "Are we having a serious conversation here? You can't really be suggesting you need help in taking care of your wife sexually?"

Bob answered. "Sweetheart we both know you have a supercharged libido. I also know that my lack of fulfilling your sexual appetite has only increased your hunger. I've failed you in this area and I accept full responsibility. It's common knowledge, if a human is continuously starved. They will eventually eat anything they can get in their hands. That is a point I will not chance reaching. If I must call in reinforcement, then so be it. Let me also add this tidbit, something is happening with Greg and/or Phil. It may be a harmless flirtation. Something sexual might have happened or maybe a simple sexual fantasy, but whatever. I have been very honest and it is time for you to return the favor."

My concern for Bob finding out was never a fear of divorce or being kicked out. I simply was afraid of hurting him. The truth is, he could not get by without me. That may sound very conceited, but it's true. Bob would be the first to agree. I do everything for him. The only thing he must do at home, other than feed himself, is personal hygiene and dressing. He can't even fry an egg. I had to be gone for three days on a family matter a few years earlier. He must have called me 6 or 7 times each day. With questions, such as, how to use the microwave, how to make coffee and which tie to wear. Divorce just was not on the radar. I thought this all out as I cleared the table and did the dishes. When I finished, I went in to sit on the sofa to wait for Bob. He had gone in to take a shower. Bob soon entered the room and joined me on the couch.

Facing him, I knew I had to confessed before I lost my nerve. Confess I did, from walking the dog in my underwear. The massage and blowjob, right up to the episode in the garage that afternoon.

I ended with, "Bob can you please forgive me?"

His facial expression changed very little throughout my confession. When I asked forgiveness, he smiled.

Bob said. "Of course, I forgive you. I've admitted I'm partly to blame."

Bob asked. "How old is that Kid?"

I replied. "Phil, he's Twenty."

Bob laughed and said. "If that was his first blowjob. He is spoiled for life. Now most woman he's with will never measure up."

I thought, well at least Bob isn't mad. So, I said. "Glad you are taking this so well and I think Phil may have more experience than the average 20-year-old."

As surprised as I was at Bob's acceptance. His next statement hit me like a lightning bolt.

As if he had just closed of a big deal at work, Bob announced. "This is perfect, you have your own toy boy. Maybe that can put out that sexual fire you have burning within. At the very least, cool it down some."

He looked at me for reaction but the shock left me literally speechless.

Bob went on as though he was highlighting a new guy he wanted to hire. "He's a young hard body and well equipped, per what you have told me. He's over 18, so there's no legal problem. A struggling student, so he has nothing to offer you, but sex. That removes any need for concern that he would take you away from me.

Bob again looked at me with a questioning expression that said, Well.

I had to take a deep breath. I was in a state of disbelief.

I asked very sternly. "Bob, are you serious? You cannot be giving me the go ahead to have sex with this kid. MAKE HIM MY "TOY BOY'?"

Bob said. "Yes, I'm serious and you need to get serious. Don't act as if you are offended by my willingness for you to have illicit sex. You can't fool me. Back up to this afternoon. If you were not so concerned about the other two guys finding out. He would have banged you on top of the washing machine or over the hood of your car."

He went on to say. "Your sex drive is a lot like a pile of dry brush. A spark in the right spot and you have a major blaze." He Laughed and said. "Then a 'big hose' is needed to put out the fire."

Still trying to wrap my head around this, I said. "I don't know if I can go through with this, it's a lot to handle.

Bob, sounding a little perturbed, said. "Will you stop with that shit. He has already had his hands all over you. Had his penis in your mouth and blew a big load down your throat. Wake up and smell the coffee, Sweetie. The two of you have already had sex. So, let us quit playing games and start setting the parameters."

"Ok" I said. "I'm listening"

"Well first," Bob answered. "I don't want him to know that I know. Second, no more secrets, I want to be told about every encounter. I think you should continue demanding his silence. If the other guys find out, they will want some of that pussy too. Now, do you have anything to add?"

Still with much uncertainty, I was surprisingly getting turned on. The line about the other guys wanting some pussy too, didn't hurt. I looked at Bob and said sarcastically. "Can I call him to ask if he can come over tonight."

Bob looked at me and gave a very pronounced "No" and went on to say. "Let's make that another rule. Never when I'm in the house, while at work, on the links or whatever. We'll have to come up with a code to let me know the coast is clear. Oh, and one more thing, you seem to be able to control him. The way you coaxed him out and back to work. You should try to maintain that control."

It was like one of his business deals. He was laying it all out on the table, every detail. My slutty side was taking over. If I can have some naughty sex on the side with no consequences, let's do it. We will just have to see if he is serious.

"Okay" I said. "I'm ready to bump uglies with him right now. How soon can I get in his pants? Maybe I should say. When can I invite him into mine?"

Bob surprised me again. "Well, Sunday I'll be driving myself to the Airport, parking in long term. Should leave here about 3 PM. Won't be back till this merger is in the books or Friday, whichever comes first. You will have that time frame to put out your brush fire as you see fit."

The thoughts going through my head were really getting my motor running. The only cock I could have at the moment, was Bobs.

Looking him in the eye, I asked. "Could I get something to hold me till Sunday?"

Putting my hand on his cock, I was delighted to find it hard. What is going on here, I asked myself. Maybe the thought of me getting it on with this kid is getting him excited.

I moved over to kiss him and at the same time fished out his cock. Having a nice long passionate kiss then dropped off the sofa to my knees. Right away engulfing his entire cock. Bob had experienced this hundreds of times.

Bob in a breathy voice said. "Baby, I know I say it every time, but you are so damn good. I want to cum in your mouth just like your toy boy."

Bob had cum in my mouth dozens of times. This couldn't be about getting even or setting things right. I didn't mind, except that it meant I wasn't going to get fucked.

Pulling off for a sec, I said. "You are going to finish in my mouth and leave me wanting."

"Sweetheart," said Bob. "I could screw you five times if I were able. You would still be wanting, at least by morning."

We both had to laugh, knowing it was true.

Bob said. "Well you better stop what you are doing or I will cum any minute."

He then pushed me back on the floor. Pulling my skirt up around my waist and mounted me. Bob was rock hard and I very wet. He slipped right in and gave me the best fuck in years. Also, this was the first time, on the floor, since early in our marriage.

Saturday Morning Bob played golf as always. As for me, still having a level of uncertainty. All these years of marriage and he suddenly gives me the green light to have illicit sex. I decided, why question, just go for it.

The guys had arrived and were hard at work. Walking out to the patio. I asked the group. "Will you guys be working all day?"

Phil spoke up for all, "yes we're staying till 4. Will it be okay to cool off in the pool again today?"

"Anytime, as long as you shower off first." I answered, then asked. "Did anyone bring any lunch?"

They all expressed a no. So, I said. "Okay I'll put something together. We'll eat here on the patio again."

By 11:30 I had a lunch spread on the table. It was vital I felt, to get to know as much as possible about the three of them. Now that Bob had given his blessing. I wasn't going to worry so much about the other two getting wise. Didn't want Phil to know that, would still keep the pressure on him not to talk.

We all had a nice lunch and I got to know Jay. He was a handsome young black guy. Although muscular, he still had a medium build. You would never guess he had such heavy equipment in his pants.

The guys thanked me for the lunch and rose to go back to work. I asked Phil to help me clear and return things to the kitchen.

Once inside I said. "Just set it on the table and come in the other room."

My plan was to talk but Phil had other ideas. He grabbed me and started kissing me. The kiss was nice and I enjoyed the strong embrace. He smelled of sweat and dirt. Fortunately, that kept thing from going any further.

I said. "We don't have time for this now plus you need a shower. Do you have plans for tomorrow afternoon and evening?"

Phil spoke up in delight. "Nothing I won't drop for you."

"Good," I said. "Bob is going out of town. He'll be leaving about 3 tomorrow afternoon. What time could you be here?"

"3:05, Oh God, I can't wait." Said Phil.

He may well have meant that literally because he didn't relax his hold on me.

I gave him a quick kiss on the mouth and pushed him off, saying. "Make it 4, give a girl time to get ready. I'll make it worth the wait. You better get back out there. Tell them you helped me do the dishes."

To be continued...

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26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago

You are a good writer, but your cheating wife blather is old and very tired.

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 7 years ago
Good start

You have done a Great job of describing the characters and Lynn’s thoughts and feelings. I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter.

pooky12349pooky12349over 7 years ago
Yard work

Great story, pretty hot and well written. I liked her good me, bad me, that cut out the moralizing thing that most writers do and which drived me up the wall, more specifically, on to the next story.

I hope you keep writing because you're good at it.



PS: Your picture, hot, that's the body of a person I could play with for hours on end.

Danno_61455Danno_61455over 7 years ago

Enjoyed your work. Thanks for allowing us to read something that excited you as you wrote it. There are few readers who would fail to agree that you look very good for your current age.

nadinephillipsnadinephillipsover 7 years ago
Loved it, great initial effort

I liked the story and how you tried to be a good girl.....and were by must masturbating him....oh yes just a little sucking and well, yes some swallowing too....and you licked his balls too....fingered his ass....but you were a good girl. Oh yes, I almost forgot to ask, when is he coming/cumming back next? tomorrow? I am not sure about you, but I am ready for chapter two where you are an even better "good girl"

Hugs, more please


JoeehartleyJoeehartleyover 7 years ago

Really enjoyed this. Are you still writing?

gordo12gordo12almost 8 years ago
Gave it a 3*

And yes you do look great for 51. I'll put those babies on my fantasy list.

ChalkyCanberra1970ACTChalkyCanberra1970ACTabout 8 years ago
Proud of you

Yes, I came, but.....very much enjoyed your honesty. Thankyou. Also, lol, you DO look good for 51.... an Aussie fan here now xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Give us more.

It's okay to go further with the young stud. You know you want him, just as much as he wants you. Go for it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I enjoyed the sexy housewife gradually losing her inhibitions. Your photo shows a gorgeous body.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Enjoyed your pic immensely. The story was good and well written. Will look for more from you. Good luck on your future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Bravo !!!!

For your first story, it kept my attention.

May I assume your bathing attire was French? You loved to call it a suite, and I'm sure you do look sweet in your bathing suit.

Thanks Don

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You are a wonderful writer. Please give us more! more! more!

Orion2012Orion2012over 11 years ago
Keep writing Slut

You have a nice writing style, you do a good job setting up the story and describing the events taking place. You should keep writing. I like the internal conflict plus the teasing and exhibition. Please share more of your stories.

josephstevensjosephstevensover 11 years ago
Very nice...

Good story...bit of's a fantasy, lady...just enjoy it.

You are a good and very 'personal' writer...feels like I know you...clever!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Sure they can divorce without him learning of his shortcomings, he moves on. Falls in love with another woman and eventually disappoints her in bed, leading her to eventually cheat on him and the whole cycle starts again.

At the end of the day, if husbands did better in bed, their wives wouldn't be vulnerable to seduction by people out there who prey on married women, who look for that particular conquest. A sexually satisfied woman is a happy woman who won't fall under the spell of a seducer.

If the first wife makes his shortcomings known, he's always going to try harder to "prove her wrong" Put more effort in with the second wife every time he makes love to her so that the first wife "doesn't know what she missed out on"

DunaDunaover 11 years ago

Anon There is divorce in Ireland too (may be in Malta too....).

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Mutuality not= morality

Firefox59 The revenge story does not generally found on morality. If you read longhorn_07's story "Fool Me Once", which was the first here now it is the third. The cheaters are sent to prison inocently. According to the morality this is sin to send inocent to prison. However the mutuality means if you gave it up the morality (cheated), I gave the morality up SAME TO YOU and I send you to prison inocently.

mitchfren's story is excelent example too "Bailing Out", inocently life long prison...........

The cheaters supporters and the revenge story fans are different in the mutuality!!!!!!!!!

The cheater wants a faithful spouse and a lover same time. According to the mutuality the betrayed spouse is FREE from the spouse and (very important) FROM THE MORALITY TO HIS/HER SPOUSE TOO!!!!!!

FrancisMacomber's story shows it well "Divide et Conquer". The betrayed husband played he wanted reconcilation, the cheater wife gave her lover up. When the cheater wife was lover free the husband started the divorce! According to the morality this actor play is immorality, but according to MUTUALITY????!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Poor husbands exist

: It's a dark part of reality but weak husbands exist, husbands who don't satisfy their wives exist, dense husbands exist. I don't read stories like this looking for revenge, if a husband is doing poorly by his wife I want to see the husband pay the price for his many shortcomings.

Sure there are willing cuckold husbands out there who get off on this sort of thing, that's another part of reality, as much as certain people (not saying you) but certain people out there do enjoy it.

Kate12345675Kate12345675over 11 years ago

I agree 100 % Do what ever you want as long as you are unattached

Short story my X sister-in-law cheated on my brother she destroyed there family for her own selfish reasons that is why I hate cheaters I saw first hand the pain she caused today her children ( my Nephews) do not speak to her. and to top it off her health has gone to hell. What is it they say what goes around goes around !

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
What is the extramarital fun for a sexual majority betrayed husband?

Anon We are here, because we like cheating wives stories. However look at the Loving Wives definition: Extramarital fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For A SEXUAL MAJORITY BETRAYED HUSBAND the extramarital fun is TO GET RID OF THE CHEATING WIFE, TO CHANGE HER TO A BETTER WOMAN AND IF IT MAY BE EXCELLENT REVENGE AGAINST THE CHEATING WIFE and THE LOVER BOY(s).

Look at my story here LW hub and my other stories on SOL (

My every story contain cheating wife, but (extramarital fun for sexual majority betrayed husband) they will be changed at the end of my stories.

Kate12345675Kate12345675over 11 years ago
At work today, I thoughy about this story

before I go any further I wrote a story and I had a on line friend review it, she said she liked the plot, but I know the writing was poor. Why I say this is I wish I could write, I have a lot of ideas just do not have the gift unlike many of you including this author. That does not mean I like the content. What I did not like about this story. to start is how dumb the female lead was portrayed, now if a man wrote this story I would not care, but a woman wrote it !. OK lets start what woman would walk her dog in her underwear ? Why not put a sign on your back " Rape Me " Next if there where 2 guys in my neighborhood looking for work I would call the police and there is no way I would open the door for them. Do you see why I think the wife looked like a moron ? Please take this as constructive cretinism.


Adam RightmannAdam Rightmannover 11 years ago
Great buildup

I loved the tension between the good Lynn and the bad Lynn. She didn't get as much as Phil did though, maybe that will be in the sequel.

John_Whittaker0826John_Whittaker0826over 11 years ago
I totally enjoyed this

And hope another is coming shortly!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 11 years ago
It's a shame that Phil didn't get his cock in her pussy, and fuck her into submission.

I was so wanting her to get fucked by Phil's big cock and have him blow a big load of cum deep inside of her pussy, where it would leak out all afternoon and she would be worried if her husband could smell Phil's cum on her when he got home.

I was wanting Phil to totally wear her out with a hour long fuck and have her exhausted from cumming so much.

A good read and I hope that there will be more soon.

Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
If you don't like cheating wife stories

Stop going in the LOVING WIVES section of literotica and stop wasting our fucking time with constant and pointless negativity.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Used the occasion

Not crying about clueless husband stories. Used the occasion to think of the plot, if you could write such direction which is a revenge story. If more readers use the clueless husband stories for idea promotion, I think we readers WILL GET MORE REVENGE STORY WRITERS.

I am the living example. I forgot my 6th story "The Two Wimps" is after a clueless husband story. I read it on Lit the idea story and you can read it on SOL (

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I liked the good voice / bad voice inside your head trying to resolve the conflict. Deep down I love a good girl turns bad story. Would have liked for the big brute to have fucked you, but sometimes less is more. It got me HARD !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I think I love you.

Not enough like you in the world.

aniceguy67aniceguy67over 11 years ago
I second the motion

Rokitman096 has it right. A good first story and if the anon's want to bad mouth you - tell them to read your profile and think about the story category. DUH!

I'll read the next one, too.

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