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Warm Welcome Ch. 04

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The sorority witches try to lure him back to bed.
9.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/09/2019
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Nicole's Note: In the real world, playing with fantasies of hypnotic nonconsent requires a foundation of deep trust, as well as things like safewords and aftercare. This is a fantasy—and one in which a lot has been established offscreen.

Also, if you're in the US (or anywhere, really), please keep wearing masks and social distancing. Cases are actually beginning to rise again nationwide and I know too many people who are in direct danger right now. I know we're all tired, but lives continue to be on the line—mainly the lives of people who don't have the luxury of working from home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Gretel hated goodbyes. Especially goodbyes that lasted two solid weeks.

"Bye-bye, sugar!" cooed Abril, planting a big, sloppy kiss right on Gretel's neck as she snuck up from behind. Gretel whimpered and cried out, the abjuration mage's mind filling with static as his sensitive, silvery magical mark was subjected to yet another merciless, indulgent makeout from the blonde sorority witch. "Mm... come back soon!"

He nodded and staggered away, trying to suppress a dumb, brainless smile. "Y-Yes. Thank you, Abril. I-I... I will." His cheeks immediately went red. Oh, gods, did I really say that? Again?

"Such a shame you've gotta leave us," murmured Maye beside him. The copper-haired witch smirked. "You know you're always welcome to stay a li'l longer, sweetie. That lamia really did a number on you." She tickled a finger around Gretel's mark.

Gretel squirmed and avoided eye contact. He knew Abril had that wicked, predatory gleam in her eye again. He'd tried to get up early this morning so he could leave without too many of the witches at this little commune trying to 'persuade' him to stay, but... well, Abril always got up early to bake.

And Maye never left his side, of course. He'd known he would face at least two temptresses—fit, lithe Maye and curvy, generous Abril were nigh-irresistible, but it could be worse. And it could still get worse, if Abril got too loud.

He'd already done this once before, he told himself. He could do it again.

Then again, last time he'd escaped he'd gotten the times mixed up, and stumbled out lost in the dark, and Maye had left him a sensitized, weak-willed mess for Dani's coils to massage into her mushy, lovey-dovey plaything, and Maye had been forced to come after to 'save' him—and lead him right back, a finger under his chin as he'd stumbled dreamily after her gorgeous, sparkling hazel eyes with a big, dumb, obedient smile on his face, right back home to the sorority's loving embrace... and oh, how they'd teased him, how they'd showered him in affection to 'reward' their good boy's return, how they'd made him beg to admit how wrong he'd been to leave, how silly and adorable and sweet and helpless he was, how much smarter pretty girls always were than dumb boys...

He gave himself a mental shake, jolting himself from some embarrassing memories. But this time would be different. This time he knew the perils.

And once again, the door was at his back. All he had to do was open it and walk out.

All he had to do.

So easy.

His hand fumbled for the doorknob, heart racing. He knew Maye wouldn't force him to stay, though she'd play within the rules to tempt him unbearably, but Abril was a little more... mischievous. Abril didn't play fair. However, her only really dangerous magic was in her baking, and since whatever was in the oven still had at least ten minutes to go, that at least neutralizedher as a threat. Enchantment-wise.

But the witches had only used a little magic on him, truth be told. The real danger was the more... tangible temptations.

Gretel, a handsome fellow with light olive skin, pale green eyes, and fluffy pink hair, had learned quickly since his departure from the cloistered Mage Tower that it often seemed nearly impossible to keep his wits when a pretty girl was flirting with him. It didn't help when he was living under the thumb of five pretty girls, all constantly barely-dressed in lacy lingerie designed to drive him crazy, clinging to him, cooing in his ears, dragging him back into one of their many big, comfy beds to pamper and praise him into obedient goo, to melt his brains into lovey-dovey mush...

"Well, um," he said weakly, realizing he was drifting into those embarrassing memories again, "I should really go. Th-This time for..." He swallowed as Abril gave her wooden spoon, dripping with batter, a long, implicative lick. This was exactly why it had taken him a week to even get himself this close to the door since he'd been brought back. This was exactly why he'd been drowning in the witches' sensual delights for the last two weeks straight. "I should really move on," he squeaked.

The doorknob finally turned. He opened the door and backed out onto the porch. Outside, the western horizon burned with the dusk, flooding the orchards and fields and forests with color tinged golden. Gretel winced slightly. It had been a long time since they'd let him outside unsupervised.

And he wasn't exactly unsupervised now.

"Well, here we are again," Maye purred, taking his hand and closing the door behind them. He flushed at even that little contact, her warm, soft, delicate hand holding his tightly, a reminder of how weak he was to the smaller witch's charms. "Heading west this time, sugar?"

"I... yes. No more lamias."

She rested her chin on his shoulder and blinked big puppydog eyes up at him. "Well, you might wanna be careful. That stretch of wood's got a bit of a reputation."

"R-Right." Gretel nodded, shifting away from her far-too-welcome touch. "I-It seems a lot of the forest does."

"Especially after dark," she purred, running a finger over his shirt buttons. "And it's already so close to nightfall."

"R-Right." Gretel laughed nervously. Dusk was an unpleasant compromise—witches slept through the day, which meant he did, too—to the extent that these incorrigible girls allowed him any rest at all. He knew better than to try to steal away during the day, when he'd be far too tired to brave the woods alone. "Well, again, um, I'm sure I'll be fine. Abjurer, you know." He pulled away from her hand with a nervous smile. "Thank you very much for the warning."

"Of course!" Maye cooed. "But are you sure you wouldn't be safer..." Her voice dropped to a husky purr as she leaned in. "... waiting 'til morning, sugar?"

Gretel stiffened, and his breath caught in his throat and retreated back into his chest as Maye's fingers danced across his shoulders. He stared into her shimmering hazel eyes, biting his lower lip to keep it from quivering with sounds he knew from experience he could not let Maye hear. "I... um..."

He reached up to try to bat her hand away. She pivoted to taking that hand and squeezing it, the tenderness of the handholding almost mind-numbing in itself. "Yes, sugar?" Her lashes fluttered. "What is it?

"I should... should really be going." Gretel laughed nervously, taking a step back—but parallel to the porch, not towards the steps off of it. "I-I mean, I don't, um, want to impose."

"Impose!" Maye's eyes shone, so pretty and vibrant in the evening light, with those little flecks of gold like sparks from a bonfire. "Oh, you ain't imposin', sugar! You know we'd... love to have you."

Gretel felt his cheeks burning.l He tried to look away from Maye's eyes, but something about them swirled with such a friendly, comforting, soothing light. His lips half-parted. It was so easy to... to just stare into them...

Weakly, he pulled away from her handholding. She reached up and caressed his cheek, and he shivered, feeling the sensitive mark on his neck tingling, reminding him just how good her touches could feel...

"B-But I..." He coughed. "No, no, I really, um..."

"Just spend one more night with us," the sorority sorceress cooed, fingers dancing delicately across his face, her eyes shimmering like dying stars. "What could be the harm? And you'd be doing us such a favor..."

Her eyes glimmered. Sparkled. Gretel's mind seemed to fizz and bubble and melt like candy, Maye's eyes the embers keeping the pot boiling. "I... don't know..." he heard himself mumble.

He tried to force himself to lean away from those touches.

Maye just leaned in and kept up her caressing, now stroking his arm fondly, familiarly. Possessively. "You must spend the night," she purred, eyes gleaming—as if she smelled blood in the water. "There's danger out in the woods! Such terrible danger."

"D-Danger..." he mumbled, shyness overcoming him. She was so forward. So affectionate. And he was... was so unused to dealing with girls. His own embarrassed introversion was more dizzying and debilitating than any fog. "What, um... what do you mean?"

She grinned. He realized numbly he'd stopped trying to pull away as her fingers caressed his cheek again, as she took his hand and held it tightly. Captive. "Oh, well, gosh sugar! Where to even start! The forests are just full of trouble after dark, you know." Her lashes fluttered. "Ask me what kind."

"What kind?" he said unthinkingly, leaning into the touch as the witch reached up to pet his head.

She smirked, and he flushed, realizing he'd done exactly what she told him to. Dainty fingers entwined themselves into his curls as her voice flowed on, as sweet and sparkling as strong liqueur. "Well, sugar, the forests are positively full of monsters, you know. Especially in that direction."


"Mmmm." The hazel eyes narrowed smugly. Maye's voice smoldered in a smoky purr. "Of course, sugar. Lamias and catgirls and fauns and wicked, wicked nymphs. Lots and lots of pretty bimbos looking for a cute... submissive... brainless playmate." She leaned in closer, tickling under his chin. "Pretty girls who'd just love to play with a silly boy and fuck. His. Brains out." His cock twitched with every syllable. "Especially a silly boy..." He whimpered and leaned in as she stroked his hair, finding himself rubbing his head unconsciously against her hand. "... who just can't say no to a pretty girl~"

"I... I..."

Her eyes swirled with colors. She leaned in closer, filling his world with that easy spiralling glow. "Oh, sugar," she said softly, "I'd worry if you really were trying to go out alone."

"B-But I am really..." Gretel licked his lips and swallowed as Maye took a step closer, bountiful chest bouncing in her lacy pink lingerie with the little bobbing step.

"Especially since it's getting soooo cold." Her eyes seemed so massive. Like endless whirlpools. And Gretel felt so... small... "It gets so awfully dark and cold around here, doesn't it?"

The wind rustled Gretel's clothes. He couldn't help but shiver a little. It... it was a little cold, he supposed.

"Doesn't it?"

Gretel bit his lip.

Maye's head tilted. The eyes spiraled with stars. "The wind eats warmth like a snake eats mice," she purred. "Like a boy eats sweets. And the night fog is like ice spilling down your back."

Gretel clutched his arms to his chest, shivering.

Her voice was like silk. So easy to listen to. Her eyes held him, and suddenly it felt to Gretel as if there were only three senses available to him: the sweet drowning eternity of her eyes, the addictive lullaby of her voice, and the biting chill. "Brr! Gosh, sugar, I think I feel a breeze moving in. Can you feel it?" She took a step closer. "The way the cold creeps in, washes over you, like shadows drownin' the settin' sun?"

Gretel gave a reluctant nod, teeth chattering a little. Gods, how had the warmth fled the day so fast?...

Maye cuddled up to him, and every ounce of Gretel's body cried out in startled delight at the heat as she pressed her body against his, her breasts so soft as they smooshed against his chest, her hands darting down to seize his, warm his up. "Aw, you're like an icicle!" she cooed. She leaned in close, her hot breath like soothing steam against his cheek. "Want me to warm you up a little, sugar?"

"I-I..." Gretel wanted to refuse, but Maye would leave if he did, and the thought of losing ths nice warmth now... He gulped. "Um..."

He knew he should say no. This was a bad idea. The longer he stayed, the more opportunity she had to... to tempt him. To seduce him. To hypnotize him, even. Mustn't get hypnotized. Mustn't get tempted.

She smiled slyly, eyes half-closing in smug certainty. "Well? Speak up, sweetie." One of her hands squeezed his as her other fell away, and Gretel's heart raced as he felt that hand tracing along his side, thudded in his chest as he remembered just how good at... touching... Maye could be...

How delicate her fingers were, caressing his hip teasingly...

"W-Wait," he squeaked, trembling as she began wrapping herself around him, captivating him in soft, pleasant, soothing warmth. "I-I... I, um..."

"Hm?" Her shimmering pools of starlight danced with many golden fires. She smiled slightly as she leaned in closer, her soft red lips barely grazing his. "What was that, dear thing?"

As her hand slipped under his robe, Gretel couldn't hold in a cry of ill-restrained delight.

He instantly felt his cheeks burning. She hadn't even...

"Ooh!" Maye made a little face of mock-surprise, and grinned. "I haven't eventouched you yet, sugar!" She gave him a little peck on the lips, never breaking contact with his fluttering eyes. "But I can."

Gretel whimpered. Those fingers. Those perfect, expert, inescapable fingers...

"I-I can't," he said desperately, desperately trying to remind himself of how this could escalate if he wasn't careful, if he didn't put his foot down. Desperately trying to remind himself of how she would toy with his body, play with his cock, turn his mind into her whimpering kitten and have it rolling over and doing tricks within minutes. How she would bring him back inside, to be played with, toyed with, indulged... "I really should be—"

"Softly, pet," she cooed, as the fingers tickled faintly along his inner thigh, eliciting a helpless squirm from him—helpless for how easily she held him now, how weak and kittenish were his protests, his wriggles of embarrassment. "You don't wanna be too loud, do you?" Her eyes briefly darted upwards, glinting with mischief. "You know how the girls like to sleep with the window open."

Gretel went still. His whimpers died into tiny trembling squeaks.

Jane and Juuni. The girlfriends. The pair who always... always loved stealing into the bedroom after Maye had gone to sleep, who so adored kissing and licking and tormenting him like wicked kittens, forcing him to try and fail to stay quiet while they played with their helpless, thrashing boytoy, mercilessly exploiting every weak point until he was beggging for release of any kind...

"Now, what were you sayin'?" she asked sweetly, and Gretel bit back a sharp cry as her fingers touched his cock. He was never allowed underwear, except, of course, when they wanted to torment him by stroking him through it, by forcing him to mess it... "Tell me, Gretel. Tell me, sugar."

Gretel whined softly. It was hard enough to contain his cries now, as her fingers deftly stroked along his little sensitive cock, playing it like her favorite instrument. Playing him like her favorite instrument. It seemed impossible to keep from making too much noise... and also to find a way to beg her to stop, plead with her to stop...

... and to keep it in his head that he really couldn't 'just stay another night'...

... even though the forest is a little dangerous after dark, and really, am I in any state now to face those dangers?

Even though Maye was the reason he was in this state at all.

And she could do this every night. Easily. He quivered under her sly, triumphant stare. She so loved reducing his will to ooey-gooey putty in her grasp. She could bring him back inside every night he tried to leave. Draw him into those eyes. Lure him into her comforting warm embrace. Turn him into a limp, subservient toy with her fingertips.

She could make him beg to be allowed back inside, and they both knew it.

"What was that?" She batted her eyelashes innocently at his whine. "Aw, I'm sorry, Gretel, sweetie, I didn't understand none of that. Can you repeat it?"

I need to go. I need to go. Just tell her, 'I need to go.' Gretel squirmed and whimpered under her touch.

Maye giggled. She batted her eyelashes, and those lashes tickled Gretel's face like butterflies' wingbeats. He might have escaped her eyes with them fluttering like that were she not so close now. There was nowhere else to look.

Nowhere but her cute cupid's bow as she planted another kiss on his cheek. "What was that? Aw, sugar, it just sounded like a li'l whine when you say it like that. Try again!"

Gretel whined plaintively, lips quivering with words he dared not permit to escape. He had to stay quiet. If he spoke too loudly, gods, Juuni and Jane might hear. Oh, how he knew they'd adore the chance to bring him back inside and under their thumb. He couldn't resist three witches at once.

He couldn't even resist one, he thought weakly, and his cock twitched needily under Maye's touch.

Maye's smile widened knowingly. Her fingers stroked so slowly, so easily, as if they were meant for him alone. Her other hand began to creep spiderlike up his arm, and Gretel's heart slammed in his chest as he realized where she was headed. No, please, not there! he wanted to wail, but barely stopped himself.

So he just whimpered. And blushed at the meek, pathetic sound as it left his quivering lips.

"Speak up, sugar," she purred. "But not too loudly, now. Imagine if Abril thought our darling boy was in trouble and came out to check!"

Gretel was desperate not to imagine. It didn't help. Not with Maye's fingers drawing the images in his mind. Curvy shortstack Abril, blonde curls bouncing as she came out to find Gretel, supposedly on his way out, left quivering under the oh-so-delicate touches of Maye.

Abril, with the sloppy, indulgent kisses, the endless array of tempting sweets—he salivated at the thought of whatever delicacy she had in the oven right now, no doubt so creamy and delectable and easy to allow himself to be handfed, her cooing for him to open wide while he was left squirming beneath her...

Maye's pulled back slightly, smirking up at him. He wouldn't even he able to claim she was holding him captive now. She was just standing close, one arm outstretched with a hand under his robe, one arm raised, fingers dancing up his side toward his shoulder. Gretel was captivated by mere fingertips.

"I—I..." Gretel whined as the fingers stroked in delicate, loving circles around the tip of his cock. He stared at her with wide, needy eyes, and received only a knowing smirk and another kiss on the lips in return.

His head spun. Gods, he was getting dizzy.

Maybe... maybe skipping breakfast hadn't been such a good idea, after all...

... especially a breakfast with Abril, the curvy blonde so gorgeous and indulgent, wriggling and bouncing in his lap, popping morsel after morsel past his lips as she cooed for him to open wide, good boy, such a good boy, good boy deserves a treat, good boy deserves another treat, ooh, such a good boy deserves a kiss~

"Do you need something?" Maye asked innocently, lashes fluttering. Her fingers danced along his shoulder, and Gretel cried out weakly, knowing for certain now where those wicked fingers were headed... "Is that it? It's so hard to make out what you're sayin', sugar..."

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