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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night

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Leo could never find the right moment to propose.
28.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/04/2011
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Chapter 1 ==== Preparing for the Evening

It is another brisk morning walk around the manor. All the leaves have fallen from every tree covering the ground in the colors of Autumn with gold, red and orange with thin, brown veins that showed life in every leaf cut off. The crackling sound is heard clearly from stepping on small piles of the colored, thin layers every where I walk. It reminds me of the flakey, buttery pastries that I had last week for dinner. But tonight it will be about softness and the right amount of sweetness to fill the cool, hollow air.

Tonight will be a special night for I have a beautiful guest to accompany me. I could not wait, but I need to prepare my courses hours in advance. As I walk to the green house looking for the herbs that will be used for a variety of dishes, my butler came to me asking when he should pick up Miss Highbrighton.

"I do not want her out too late. Pick her up at about half past six, Humbly."

"Yes, Sir. I will inform her maid of the matter. Is there anything you would like me to prepare for tonight's meal, Sir?"

"Yes, Humbly. I need you to make some dough to give it time to rise. Maybe a basic foccacia, baguette or buttermilk rolls. If you could make a pie crust, then that will be fabulous."

"Yes, Sir. I will make them right away, Sir. If you need me, I will be in the kitchen and storage area."

Off he went without any hesitation as usual. He had been living on the estate for the past 30 years and usually quite predictable. I know that he fancies the maid of Miss Highbrighton, but he prefers to melt her heart at a distance. They had both been bitten once by the love bug and they are not too quick to jump into any serious relationship after that.

The mint is a lovely, deep green. Some a little lighter in shade, but none the less as refreshing to the nose as the parsley. They will add a nice accent to every dish that I make for this evening. I want to make a six course meal for my lovely Gracie who lives a few streets away from me in this small town of Avon-Levingtonshire.

We had been introduced by a friend and the time spent with her for the past 22 months have been wonderful. There was something about her that first time we have met. Maybe it was the twinkle in her eyes that compliments her soft smile that I find most enchanting. It is difficult to take my eyes off of those bright, brown beauties. I can gaze into them all night basking in her warmth.

She may not be the beauty queen of the world to many, but she sure is one to this old-fashioned soul. The world does not know what she is like inside as I do and it is her beauty inside that has won my heart. All that is seen outside is only temporary. Nature and gravity can be unkind to the body after a while, but what is inside is timeless. It feels as if the world has stopped when we are together. How time has passed and yet it still feels as if everything happened yesterday.

I gave the crisp land one last look before heading to the kitchen. Everything always look more charming when cupid has struck one's heart. My only hope is this feeling never ends.

As Humbly was kneeding the dough on the grey and white counter made of thick marble, I was preparing the beef bourguignon. The vegetables and beef had already been cleaned and cut the night before. The cubes of beef were sizzling in the pot with the sliced onion. The garlic will not be added till the end to keep it from burning. The aroma of the seared beef filled the kitchen and I knew that Humbly was looking forward to his dinner tonight.

On occasion, I help Humbly out with the cooking. Unless there is a dish that is too complicated for me to make, I usually make them on the nights that Gracie joins me for dinner. If a way to a man's heart is through his stomach then that too can be for a woman. Even if the food is not made perfectly, I know that Gracie appreciates the time I spend making the meal for her. The food is made with love and that always make any food taste better.

After browning the beef and onions, I had them set aside in a dish and poured two bottles of Beaujolais into the pot to let it come to a boil. My eyes were hypnotized by the rhythmic kneeding and my mind wandered off thinking of how nice it would be if it her kneeding the dough. I would be right behind her kneeding slowly and whispering in her ear, "If this is how food of love is made then I will always look forward to making every meal with you."

I could smell the floral sweetness of her skin already. Her lovely smile always has my heart racing and makes me want to smile too. It would be wonderful to do anything with her. Although we have walked around the garden, sat in front of a fire to talk, dined together numerous times, we have never made anything in the kitchen together. It would almost seem too forward to ask her to do that. I do not want her to think that is where I see her fit for me.

Someone who has the key to my heart should be fitting every where. The picture is complete as long as that special one is along side hand in hand. I can imagine my world with her at every place. It would not be the same without her in all the great moments of my life. I want to be there by her side for years to come. Even though I think about this, I had never uttered those words to her. I do not want to put any pressure on her to think the same way, but it would be flattering to know if she shares the same thoughts that I have running through my mind constantly.

"Sir. Sir. Sir, the wine is boiling."

I was too deep in thought to hear Humbly until the last word. Indeed the wine is boiling. Now is the time to put in the vegetables, beef and the rest of the spices. It will slowly simmer for a few hours and be tender and delicious by dinner time.

"You are drooling over this rich and hearty dish, Humbly?"

"Yes, indeed I am, Sir. Nothing finer than a beef stew on a cold day with fresh, thick bread to soak up all the flavor of the spices and fresh ingredients."

"Do not worry, Humbly. There is plenty of stew for everyone. It will be as comforting as the four cheese soufflé. Did you bring the Parmigiano-Reggiano from storage, Humbly?"

"I was planning to get that after I make the dough, Sir. If you like, I can go look for that now."

"No no. It can wait. I want to make the batter well in advance before the stew is ready. Shall I make the Chardonnay Gruyère sauce to compliment the soufflé or mix the Gruyère into the batter with the Fontina and Havarti?"

"If you were to leave the sauce out then you would sprinkle the delectable, nutty, sharp Parmigiano-Reggiano over the soufflé. But if you mix that into the batter then you can pour the cheese sauce over and into the soufflé. They are both tempting, Sir. One is a more subtle approach and the other adds a little bit of intense sensation to the taste buds from the beginning before letting the soufflé melt smoothly together. Why not make the cheese sauce and top the soufflé with thin, small, shaved slices of the nutty cheese?"

"Splendid idea, Humbly. Your taste buds will be dancing tonight."

"Indeed it will be, Sir. Will you be making a fruit pie, Sir?"

"Yes. I need you to cut up a variety of apples and pears. If we have any almonds, I would like slivers of them please. It will be an orchard surprise pie."

"What is the surprise, Sir?"

"The cardamom cream sauce made with vanilla bean and a hint of aged brandy."

"That sounds more fitting to be an after dinner drink, Sir."

"Yes, it would be if the amount of cream and brandy switched places. Do I detect someone to experiment with that idea?"

"I might entertain that indulgent idea, Sir."

Before we knew it, the hours had passed by quickly. Humbly made a salad and toasted sandwich for lunch. It was an hour to sit down and smell the kitchen with all the wonderful spices in the air. Every minute was worth savoring. The nostalgic feel is as comforting as the melted Provolone and artisan salami in my mouth. Mr. Rotolini makes a variety of cured meats and sells them in his deli shop.

After lunch, I had a nap before making the rest of the courses. I was contemplating on the type of salad, dressing and the availability of ingredients to make some side dishes. Something refreshing and light to balance the heartiness of the stew and soufflé.

Time was ticking away faster towards the later part of the day. Humbly had to get ready to pick up Miss Highbrighton while I was putting the finishing touches on the vegetable medley that will be roasting in the oven. I too need to freshen up to look my best for tonight.

Chapter 2 ========= First Half of the Meal

Minutes after putting on my dinner jacket, Humbly came to inform me that Miss Highbrighton was in the guest room. I quickly made my way through the corridor passing by the large, impressionist paintings on the walls. It had been there for decades and I had never bothered to replace them with something more suitable for my taste.

"Gracie! How nice it is to see you again."

She gave a light smile and said, "It is always nice to see you, Leonard."

I do not know if it was her heart that dropped or mine. She could not take her eyes off of me and I would not care what happens beyond the spot she was standing at. Her sparkling, brown eyes has me in a trance every time. The double layer, gold necklace with a princess cut, Swiss blue topaz in the center draped upon her smooth chest beautifully. It complimented her simple, midnight blue, evening dress with a white, satin shawl. She wore a matching pair of round, topaz earrings that accented her ear lobes perfectly.

"You are breath taking as usual, Gracie."

Her face began to blush and said, "You think I am breath taking even in this simple outfit?"

"Yes, I do. Nothing too fancy. The right amount to accent your natural beauty."

"You always know how to make me feel special, Leo."

"I always will, my sweet Gracie. Please join me in the dining room. I hope you enjoy the six course meal that I have made tonight."

As we were walking side by side, my hand wanted to hold her hand, but I held back. My palms were sweating with excitement and I could only think of dessert. I do not mean the one that is in the oven baking to a golden brown.

"Oh Leo, you did not have to go through all that trouble for me."

"No no. It was my pleasure. I want you to have a wonderful meal. Could I interest you in some sherry, Merlot, Chardonnay or a martini?"

"Some sherry would be nice. I always have a wonderful meal when ever I am with you. A simple cheese plate with some crackers, fruit and some wine in front of a fireplace would be as lovely as fish and chips as long as you are with me."

"Please have a seat. Let me take your shawl. Here is your sherry."

As I sit across from this beauty in front of me sipping sherry, I was tempted to hold her hand across the table. But that was not the only thing I had in mind. How sweet it would be if I can kiss those full, rosy, soft lips for a moment.

Half way through our glass of sherry, Humbly brought out an assortment of olives marinated in a lemon peel herb olive oil and a basket of fresh, toasted focaccia. After letting the two inch thick bread sit for a bit, he slices them in half and then toast the top. The result is a thin layer of crispiness on top and a soft, chewy texture underneath that is perfect for dipping into the stew.

"The first course will be out shortly, Sir."

"Thank you, Humbly. Will you please open a bottle of the 1915 Bordeaux to let it breathe a bit?"

"Most certainly, Sir. Any particular one you had in mind, Sir?"

"No. Surprise me."

"Very well, Sir."

She looked at me with a sly smile and asked, "What are we having tonight, Chef Leo?"

"We are having beef bourguignon as the main course and a lovely dessert to finish it off at the end. I hope you will like it."

"I am sure that I will. Stew is fitting for a night such as this. You are sweet to cook for me, Leo."

"I want you to enjoy the finer things in life, my sweet sweet Gracie."

She was reaching for the bread basket and I was ready to touch her silky hand, but then Humbly came out with a cart.

"The first course is a beggar's purse filled with spinach, Camembert and spices on a bed of caramelized onion."

He set the dish down for her first and then me. Then he set the bottle of Bourdeaux and two wine glasses at the end of the bread basket before going back to the kitchen.

"This looks lovely, Leo. It is a work of art. The Chive bow wrapped around the purse and Parsley confetti sprinkled all over the dish looks vibrant. "

"Enjoy the edible art. Go ahead, tell me what you think."

"Mmm... Oooohh... This is delightful. I love the light, crispy texture on the outside and the smoothness of the cheese and spinach. The sweetness of the onions blends well with the subtle spices. I would not be able to stop myself if there was a whole tray of these warm delights."

"I am glad you like this dish, but I would not want you to fill up on these since there are more courses to come. You think these will be good for a dinner party?"

"Yes. It would be a crowd pleaser."

"I will consider that the next time I hold a party. Wait till you try the... Well I will leave it a surprise."

"You are full of surprises, Leo. I like every one of your surprises."

"Thank you. I am glad you like them."

About a minute after we had finished our first course, Humbly came out with a cart to pick up our plates and served our second course.

"The second course is a field of mixed greens with an olive and caper vinaigrette."

He held out the pepper mill and asked if she would like any black pepper on her salad and mine. After grinding the peppercorn over our salads, he then poured the Bordeaux into the wine glasses before going back to the kitchen again.

I was having trouble keeping my mind off of her soft hands and lips. Each course was more and more difficult to get through. As much as I want to reach across the table and hold her face to kiss those precious lips, I had to refrain myself and be a gentleman. My mind was whimpering for some affection similar to a puppy with a sad look in its eyes longing to be held and get a tummy rub. I wonder what she is thinking of me at this moment.

"The salad is refreshing, Leo. I love the dressing. It is simple, but unique in taste."

"I am glad that you like it. Are you ready for the main course before Humbly eats all of it?"

She then covered her mouth with a napkin giggling. Her cheeks became rosy and her face lit up with joy.

"Is that what he is doing back there the whole time?"

I gave a smile and told her that it is one of his favorite dishes and was drooling all day for it. If Humbly does not make too much of a dent in the pot, we may have some left over for tomorrow's lunch. I made enough tonight for all three of us to get our fill of the hearty stew. But I doubt that we will have seconds unlike Humbly. It would be hard to imagine him having only one serving of the tender chunks of beef, sweet Pearl onions, rustic cut carrots and the rich flavor of the stew.

Humbly came out with the cart and removed our plates. Then he had a smile on his face while serving us the bowl of stew.

"I am sure you will enjoy this as much as I do, Miss Highbrighton. Mr. Devoncaster made this with much love."

"Do not embarrass me in front of a lady, Humbly. I only hope she can handle my rustic cooking."

"Give yourself some credit, Leo. I am sure that I will enjoy this as much as I did the the other courses and previous meals made by you. This smells wonderful. Sometimes I think you should turn this manor into a restaurant. It will be fine dining at its best in this small town."

"Oh no no. I could not do that. You are too kind, Gracie. I only make a few dishes for you to enjoy."

"Mmm... This is delicious. Mmm... Oooohh... Mmm..."

How I want to stare at her eating, but I did not. I had my head down looking at the stew as I hear her make sounds of enjoyment with every bite. Part of me was delighted to hear her enjoy the food and another part of me was thinking she could make the same sounds with my arms around her as we kiss the night away. It was too much to handle. I really wanted to tell her to hold back on the sounds, but it was also music to my ears. How I envy the food being French kissed by her.

===== Chapter 3 Second Half of the Meal

Humbly brought out the roasted vegetables in the middle of eating our stew and telling us there is enough for seconds.

"Oh how lovely they look. It is Autumn on a platter with a nice selection of squash. Zucchini, pumpkin, yellow squash, red onions, yellow and red bell peppers. The fresh herbs bring it to life. I am swept off my feet. Can it get any better than this?"

"Yes, it can. I still have a few more delights to keep your feet in the air."

My mind was ready to clear the table, reach over to remove the clip from her hair and let it all hang loose. I had to keep stuffing my mouth with the vegetables to keep from having a hungry look in which food will do little justice to appease my appetite.

What has come over me tonight?

Am I that nervous to ask her a question that can change both our lives that I have to think of having my hands all over her soft body?

The question has been in my mind for some time, but I had never had the courage to ask her. It never felt as if the moment was good enough. Then there is the fear of rejection. How awkward it would be if she says the two letter word.

It did not take long for us to clear the vegetables. Light, tasty, simple, healthy and colorful all in one. Makes for a nice palate cleanser to some. Humbly came out moments after we had finished the dish.

"I present to you the quattro formaggio soufflé."

Humbly set the ramekin down in front of her and cut open to let the smoke come out. Then he did the same for me before shaving the Parmigiano-Reggiano over the soufflé and drizzled a bit of the cheese sauce over the soufflé. He did not pour too much so that the sauce would not over power the soufflé. The sterling silver, gravy boat was set in between us before he went back to the kitchen.

"How lovely this is, Leo. This is the first time I ever had a four cheese soufflé. The cheese sauce is divine. Mmm... I taste white wine in this. The texture is light and fluffy."

"Yes, there is some Chardonnay in the sauce. I am glad that you like it."

"Oh I love it. This would be a good way to end any meal."

"We are almost to the end of our meal. Maybe I will make a dark chocolate soufflé next time."

"Tonight's meal has been memorable. Is there a reason for all this?"

"No reason. I only want to make every meal with you as memorable as can be. Good food makes good memories."

I hate to lie to her, but I was too nervous to say anything else. Part of me wanted to be spontaneous and then there is a part of me that wanted everything to be in the right place and time to ask her the big question. This was not the night my heart and mind are on the same page.

Aside from the stew and roasted vegetables, every course was served on a small dish. It was the right amount for a multi-course meal. There was still a pie, but that will be eaten in the guest room over a glass of Riesling.

"Are you ready to join me in the guest room? We can have dessert there."

She then answered yes and got up to walk with me. I could feel her wanting to hold my arm, but she held back and was glad for that. If she had touched me, I would not know what would happen between the dining room and guest room. The thought of kissing her in every inch of this place cease to leave my mind. How it would speak of our passion too if not for my will to keep my composure in front of a lady. The walls would show our hand prints every where.

"Would you care for some coffee, tea, wine or liquor?"


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