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Washing the Goddesses Hair


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Our new life together seemed pitted with obstacles however. Walking on the beach together that afternoon, we both enjoyed the walk and the view of nude (or nearly so) men and women, but Beth could not relax enough to remove her top (let alone her bikini bottoms) and go bare breasted around me - despite admitting she had done so every day here earlier when with Meg. She could hold my hand ok, but sudden male movements seemed to make her nervous and I had to exercise considerable restrain as to where and how I touched her. I began to suspect a very bad abusive male relationship somewhere back in her past, or that even she had been a rape victim. The answer, as I found out later that night in bed (both of us clothed) was "Yes, both". She had married at 19 to an angry and abusive young man that squandered her model earnings on drugs and hurt her physically and emotionally everywhere it was possible to do so. She stayed with him until his arrest for assault and drug possession, and with some effective victim counseling was able to bring hersekf to divorce him. She changed her name and moved and worked primarily in Europe afterwards. She discovered her bisexuality there and primarily had lesbian relationships from that time onwards. Women had never hurt her as much, and she felt she could share trust with her female partners. No relationship ever seemed to work out in the long term, and she had been determined that she would give every last bit of effort to her relationship with Meg before admitting failure yet again.

With me, she was in a whole new undiscovered country, and our trust began slowly to build. The next day for our afternoon walk, I deliberately dropped my shorts onto a beach chair and said, "Ok, love. There you go! There it is... weak and pitifully small isn't it (it wasn't by any means, but I was being self-depreciating), a menace to no one and severely lacking in some sunlight. Let's have our walk then... or have you decided that you can do with some sun yourself?" She paused for what was a very long moment and took and held a deep breath and then unfastened her top. I had always known that she was hiding a spectacular pair of tits, and now I could see them. They had gotten a little bit of sun recently it seemed as there were some cute freckles all around her areolas and magnificently long nipples. She smiled and took my hand and we had a fun long walk, by the end of it she allowed and was comfortable with my arm around either her shoulder or her slim waist. We picked up our clothes but before she could start to dress, I got each of her hands in mine, and gently pressed her against my chest giving at first a comforting hung and then a gentle kiss on the mouth. I wished that this moment of her bare breasts pressed against my chest would last forever. Her closed mouth kissing mine began to open and our tongues now met for the first time, and I held her tight with my arms around her and she kissed me hungrily, almost like she were drowning, but when my hand pressed against her ass she broke the kiss and slightly withdrew. We dressed and went back into the hotel again hand in hand and changed for dinner.

We did not sleep together that night, but we did sleep (that is all) together the next night. That day we had seemed to make a little progress, and for our afternoon beach walk together she again went topless and after a bit of considerable internal debate dropped her bottoms as well. This region of Beth was just as beautiful and perfect as the rest of her had been. She was smooth shaven with a very distinct clitoris and full featured vaginal lips. I yearned to give this new part of Beth a proper greeting but I somehow controlled myself and remained (mostly) a gentleman for our walk. Before dressing for dinner we shared our first fully nude body kiss, as I held her closely against me she allowed my hands to briefly caress the sides of her breasts and her ass cheeks. Our passionate embrace ended all to soon as he became startled at the rapid growth and erection of my cock brushing against her bare pubic mound. That seemed to dampen her fun, and we quickly then dressed and went inside.

That night she slept for a few restless hours in my arms in my room dressed in only a t-shirt and panties. I slept fitfully also, and by about 3AM, after holding each other in bed and talking, we put on at least some minimal clothing and moved down to the little bar with its old piano. I played my three new 98% completed songs for her and she listened avidly, even offering advice on a tempo change that I was still undecided over (she liked it, but thought it need a slightly better transition). I also got the impression that words for these new songs were appearing in her head, and when I caught her scribbling madly a few hours after breakfast she knew her secret was out... but still wouldn't let me see anything until they were "Done".

The days passed quickly, and soon our first week together was nearly done, but our relationship seemed hopelessly stalled, we were still not yet lovers in body as well as soul. In three days (Wednesday) I would have to leave for Athens, and our future together began to seem uncertain. Beth knew that the blame was within herself, that there was some emotional blockage they she could not seem to break past that was preventing her from offering me her unconditional love and utter trust. We gave it our best shot on Sunday night. Aunt and Uncle fixed us a special romantic candlelit dinner for two and let his best wine flow freely. We even danced together (without music) on the outside patio walkway before I led her to our bedroom (she had given up hers back for Uncle to rent back out after the first night she had slept beside me). I lit several candles for her and opened the balcony doors to admit the strong sea breezes and an reveal an almost full moon.

Slowly I undressed her, kissing softly every inch of her body, giving extra long attention to her neck, breasts and stomach and soon she reclined nude on our bed for the first time. I continued to kiss her and speak loving endearments of encouragement to her and she permitted me to lick, kiss and finally suckle her breasts. She seemed completely aroused and gave no discouragement to my kisses as they drifted further southwards, down to her flat belly and finally to her soft bare pubic mound, which soon glistened in the moonlight from my kisses. Her legs began to slowly part and I discovered the joy of her sensitive clit and wet slit, which parted readily under my gentle fingers into an extremely lubricated and seeming eager cunt. I caressed her clit slowly and first and then a bit faster. Sensing no "Stop" orders, I embolden myself and replaced my now dripping fingers with my tongue and eating my lover's cunt for the first time. I felt in heaven. Her legs parted even wider for me, allowing my mouth and tongue full access to anywhere I desired, and I took full advantage of it, letting my tongue taste her everywhere. Her first orgasm was now imminent, and I licked and sucked her engorged clit with all the fury I could muster. I was sure her cries were heard by everyone in the hotel, and just as she started to relax I climbed up next to her to enter her, but just as my cockhead pressed slowly against the sides of her cunt lips, she cried out in emotional pain and despair and withdrew from me, curling up into a tight ball beside me, but facing away from.

She would not speak a single word to me and just sobbed there next as I tried in vain to comfort her, and at length she put on one of my t-shirts that mostly covered her ass and a robe and left the room in full tears without having said a word. I sensed that she need the time alone and I respected her wish, and spent a sleepless night in our room. In the morning I went down early to find Beth helping "Auntie" make breakfast. They had a fulltime cook, but Auntie definitely ruled the kitchen. They appeared to be deeply in conversation having "women's talk" and my arrival was warmly greeted, but I was firmly encouraged (ordered) to leave the kitchen at once. I passed the next hour until breakfast banging notes on the piano pretty much at random, but I accidentally that way found parts of a coda that I thought might be of use later, so the time wasn't a total loss.

After breakfast, Aunt and Beth walked down to the beach and sat in chairs next to each until nearly noon, deep in female discussion. At length, when the luncheon bell rang, they arose and embraced, hugging and kissing each others cheek. As they started to walk back to the hotel, I saw Aunt put something small and silvery into Beth's hand and press it closed tight. Lunch was a very quiet one, with only 3 other guests present and they provided the vast majority of the table conversation at the meal.

A little after lunch, Uncle sidled up to me and in a faintly conspiratorial tone of voice suggested that I might like to take Beth on a drive around the island, and maybe stop for a picnic later somewhere along the way... hint... hint. He then pressed a set of car keys into my hand that fit his old, but serviceable Land Rover. Obviously, Uncle had received his orders from his wife, who came immediately prepared with a large wool blanket for us and a basket lunch that could have fed half of the island, and half pushed us both out the door and to the car. Something was definitely up, but Beth still wasn't talking. I got a few terse directions, and we were off on our little adventure, and soon we were both as totally lost as two folks on a island with only one main road around it could get.

We made the circuit in about an hour and passed though both villages, returning to where we had started from without ever finding our intended destination, whatever the heck it was. Beth still wasn't being very helpful, and the instructions she had given me were rather vague. I checked our gas (still mostly full) and we did the circuit again, and yet AGAIN. It was now getting close to evening, the sun at most at hour from setting when I stopped the car right in the middle of the dirt road, seeming in the middle of nowhere with nothing but olive groves and vineyards as far as the eye could see to the right and

nothing but beach and Aegean Sea to our left, and waited either Beth to spill the beans or wait for divine inspiration (or directions). I got both.

In a few minutes, an old farmer and his wife who looked to be at least in their 70's came toddling up and began kindly babbling at us. I caught about one word in every 7 or so, but I still had no idea where I was going and just shrugged at the couple saying "I don't know". Beth did, and finally broke down and said in English, slowly "We're looking for the Temple of Aphrodite". "Aphrodite!" the woman exclaimed, that was a name she knew, and she and her husband began a rapid fire exchange that I couldn't understand in the slightest. After a minute or two, she shooed her husband back to his work (threatening him with her rake if he didn't hurry along). She then gave Beth and I a good look-over, grunted something, and then handed Beth a key from her pocket, and gave me some slow instructions that mostly made sense. She pointed at a large gentle sloping tree covered hill about 2 kilometers down the road to the right and made the indication for a bridge, and then a gate there, and pointed at the key in Beth's hand. She then seemed to touch Beth's head lightly and uttered some sort of an old Greek blessing and left to join her husband and resume their chores.

Strange, but it all seemed to make some sort of sense. I restarted the car and drove slow, and sure enough we soon crossed a tiny old wooden bridge over a small stream that flowed from somewhere near the hill. Near the bridge was a locked gate in the fence just off of the road that led into a little meadow at the base of the hill. Beth got out of the car and tried the key in the old lock. To no surprise, it fit and the chain was removed, opening the gate so that we could drive onto the meadow for a short ways. Once out of the car, we both got a better look at the large hill. We could see some traces of some stonework at the very summit. There were quite a few trees that blocked most of the view of the hillside view, and the little stream that crossed over the bridge did seem to originate much of the way up the hill, before flowing on its short journey to the ocean. We grabbed the blanket and our picnic luncheon (now to be our dinner) and decided the best course was to follow the banks of the small stream up the hill to the Temple, and this we did.

In about ten minutes, just as the setting sun cast its last reddish orange glow over the hillside, we came to our obvious destination, a flat grassy clearing about 3/4th of the way up the hillside, featuring a decent sized pond, that overflowed from its bank gently on its western end creating the small stream. The pond waters were continually renewed by a small waterfall about 10 feet above the lake that originated from a small and probably volcanic opening in the upper hillside. The water was gently warm to the touch of our touch, and the smells of the air surrounding us were delightful. Above in the gloom, I could see the pitiful remains of an extremely old, apparently circular temple at the very crest of the hill.

This was probably a very old temple site then, predating the "Classical" Greek rectangular architecture of the "Golden Ratio", perhaps harkening to the far older Stone and Bronze Age female-centric "Goddess" worship cults of the far pre-literate past (I may not have had a proper college education, but I had read a good many history books). I saw more recent, probably "Classical era" remains of smaller structures nearby and two particular areas immediately came to our notice in the quickly fading light. To the right of the lake, there was a small gazebo sort of structure, facing a stone statue. Next to the statue, a small paved stone walkway lead to a little carved ledge that would allow a person to walk up under the waterfall, just a foot or two above the level of the pond. This was definitely the Temple of Aphrodite; the carved statue was roughly carved and quite crude, and showed intentional damage inflicted upon it at point in its past (her head and one breast had been knocked off and lay in the grass nearby. I lifted up the damaged head and set it back upon the Goddesses stone shoulders and it looked like it might stay there for at least a minute or two, but was none too steady. I set her lost breast in her lap, next to a large stone circular offering bowl. Without fixing cement there was only so much I could do and her other minor losses could wait. Clearing fallen tree branches from inside the gazebo area, we found that under the grass and leaves was fine white marble, and we spread out our blanket there and ate a little of our food without much appetite as the last daylight disappeared and it soon became quite dark.

Beth had apparently been given some sort of very specific instructions by Auntie, and seemed extremely nervous but ready to implement some sort of plan of action. When it was quite dark, and the stars started to appear over the meadow pool, Beth held me as tight as she could and kissed me as deeply as she ever had before, and then entreated me to remain still and to be as quiet as possible. She then stood up on the blanket, and began to strip. When she was completely nude, she picked up one of our unused picnic drinking glasses and carefully scooped some water from the pond and poured it into the circular offering bowl. This took a great many trips, as the basin could probably hold several gallons of water. When this was done, she held aloft the ancient silver coin she had received that Noon from Auntie, that bore the image and an inscription to Aphrodite, and she placed it into the water filled offering bowl. She then knelt down onto both knees on the hard stone before the statue and began to pray, clearly invoking the Goddess to purify her and to "Wash her hair". Periodically Beth would stop to momentarily dip her hands into the water basin and then touch her head, breasts, stomach and then her bare sex. This pattern was repeated for what must have been several hours; it was too dark to read my watch, but the moon was starting to rise, and just at the time that it cleared the trees and its reflection could be seen clearly illuminating the pool, something happened.

A woman of indeterminate age, but certainly not the elderly lady whose land the temple belonged to, appeared out of the trees off the mostly hidden pathway to the right of the Gazebo area by the Goddess statue, and stood next to the kneeling Beth, and bid her to stand. No words were exchanged and even the night noises of the tree covered hillside seemed stone quiet, I could now even hear the not too distant sound of the surf on the beach.

This mysterious stranger's face was unknown to me, she was not any of the women that I had met in either village that I could recall, and I assumed then that she was the daughter or even the grand-daughter of the elderly couple we had met earlier. She was beauty herself, and even on a island full of beautiful women she would have stood out as being special. She was tall and had a soft womanly figure that seemingly had just the perfect amount of body fat, and in all the right places. She wore a thin white gossamer linen or cotton ankle length shift that seemed nearly transparent and clung to her in a flowing diaphanous way. There is no man alive that would have kicked her out of his bed, and I began to have trouble concentrating and keeping still.

The Priestess touched her hand to Beth's forehead and gave her a short blessing, and in turn touched her hands to Beth's cheeks, lips, each breast and nipple in turn, her stomach and naval, and lastly placed her hand over Beth's sex and entered a long middle finger into her vagina for a moment before withdrawing it. Beth fell to her knees again and began tearfully kissing the Priestesses feet, and the Priestess offered her hand, the one that had caressed Beth's cunt, to her and Bess kissed and licked it gratefully.

The Priestess stepped away for a moment and returned with two pitchers, one of silver which she filled with water from the pond, and the other of decorated stoneware or pottery. As Beth continued to kneel at her feet, the Priestess slowly poured out the silver pitcher of water over Beth's head and hair, kissing it softly as the last few drops of water fell. She then took the other earthenware one, and removed a stopper releasing a delicious floral scented fragrance into the air and poured a small amount of its contents upon Beth's head, which she then slowly and delicately in a highly erotic way massaged all over into Beth's long wet hair. The scent became nearly overpowering, and bidding Beth to rise, the two walked ogether hand in hand across the short pathway and onto the ponds ledge and they stood together under the waterfall and kissed each other deeply.

With a seemingly effortless motion the Priestesses shift was removed and the two resumed their soul kiss utterly naked together, both sets of hands caressing every part of the other's body. Within moments it seemed, the expert clit rubbing hands of our mysterious Priestess had brought Beth off to a loud orgasm. The two continued to kiss passionately, but this was seemingly not enough and after Beth was skillfully brought to orgasm again and again and her cries of pleasure must have been able to he heard for miles in all directions. With Beth now nearly limp in her arms, the Priestess again gave her a blessing and gently caressing her now washed and clean hair, she kissed every part of Beth's body before let her slip into the warm pool waters to drift alone in her orgasmic afterglow.

The water didn't seem too deep, and Beth was floating as if in a trance, and I knew she was in no danger, and I felt completely at ease. As the Priestess turned and started to leave the way she came from, I jumped up and grabbing the two pitchers and I offered them to her, my head bowed in silent thanks. She smiled at me, and just as she was about to reach for them I spoke the only words that anyone spoke there that night, without knowing if she could even understand me. To this day, I don't know what possessed me, or if they were spoken in English or my horrid Greek. But they seemed at that moment the 'right words to say'.

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