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Washing Up? Ch. 03

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The siblings finally share explosive, erotic sex.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/29/2022
Created 06/01/2007
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Josh drove very slowly on the drive back home, which seemed completely out of character for him. Not that I minded particularly, as he kept one hand held around mine for the duration of the journey - albeit not the safest driving method, but easily the nicest journey I'd ever had with him.

The explosive atmosphere in the car was incredibly intimate, and I was so acutely conscious of his body just a few centimeters away from mine that when he shifted position to draw into the driveway, my breath caught in my chest and his eyes caught mine as he turned off the ignition.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, his hand disentangling from mine and cradling my cheek.

I closed my eyes and rested my hand over his, loving the feel of his soft fingertips caressing my skin. "I'm better than okay, to be honest," I answered, and slid an arm around him, gently pulling him closer to me. He made a low-pitched sound, and his eyes half closed as he moved against me, his free arm hooking around my waist and running his fingers up and down my side. His other hand, still cupping my face, seemed linked inextricably to my stomach, and as his lips brushed mine again, a deep ache inside me burned into life. I moved over, struggling around the gearstick to sit on his lap as his tongue gently began to flick across my lower lip and I sighed against his mouth.

Suddenly the kiss intensified, and if it was him or me who instigated it I can't be sure, but I found myself pressing myself hard against his body and his arms wrapped so tight around me I couldn't be quite sure where I ended and he started. Time blurred into minutes before I finally remembered the completely inappropriateness of our location.

"Oh, oops," I breathed against his mouth. I felt him laughing against my skin as he began to kiss me softly on my neck.

"Remembered where we are, huh?" he murmured softly as his breath blew against me. I made a rather unintelligible noise and inclined my head in a vaguely positive way.

"Might be better if we got inside, you know," I answered, smiling slightly and making no effort to act up to my words whatsoever. He laughed and stretched out, keeping one arm hooked around me.

"Oh, but I don't want to take my hands off you!" he joked, his eyes hooded and dark as they stared deep into mine. I almost gave into the intoxicating urge to forget all about the neighbours and start kissing him again, but luckily he pushed open the door before I could relent. "You first, honey," he said, placing his warm hand on my back and helping me out. This didn't stop me from tripping over my own feet, and swinging around the nearest lampost to regain my balance, a feat that Josh found rather amusing.

I felt his arms snake around my waist, and he bent his head forward to kiss my neck. "You fall over a lot, don't you?" he said quietly, a throaty tone betraying his amusement. I knew my brother, and it was obvious he was planning something.

"Uh huh..." I replied nervously, trying to sneak a glance around my shoulder at him, and as I managed to catch a glimpse of his face, I felt myself being tossed up into the air and landing over his shoulder. "Shit!" I gasped, bouncing up and down as he jogged to the door.

"You see what you drive me to with your falling over?" he teased as we reached the door and he carefully maneuvered his way inside. All that I could do was make a halfhearted noise in protest, but understandably he laughed and made his way to his bedroom. As he dumped me on the bed, I caught my breath and flopped back on the pillow

"Well, that was... interesting..." I said to him and he smiled and sat down next to my legs. The silence ran on for a few minutes and I eventually reached out and took his hand. He looked up at me, and the split second warning in his eyes made me take a sharp breath in, before suddenly he was next to me and his hands were caressing my face as his lips brushed tenderly against mine. I let out a soft sigh and his weight shifted over my body, pinning me to the bed; he was so heavy on top of me but I still wanted more, and as I broke away from his lips and began kissing his neck, his fingers began to undo my shirt. My skin burned where he touched it, and the softest stroke from him was enough to turn me to molten rock. My brother, my lover, the only man who had ever aroused these feelings inside me; and now that he was touching me in this way, I never wanted him to stop. I hooked a leg around his waist, pressing against him as my shirt fell open before him, and he leant back a little, his eyes flickering over me and his breathing fast and ragged. His hard, big hands stroked over my ribs and my waist; and my eyes closed as I let out a soft sigh that somehow morphed into his name. He had zeroed in on my stomach, knowing full well that that was my main weakness, and his butterfly touches were making my head spin; as his mouth began to softly kiss my pale skin. My hands threaded through his thick hair and he breathed out slowly over me, the hot rush of air felt so good as he bit my waist softly. The sweet contrast of slight pain and dizzying sensations was driving me crazy, and I could feel my underwear clinging to me, sodden and teasing.

"Please," I managed to get out of my mouth, unwilling to co-operate as it was, I'd been thrown to incoherency by the magical touch of my brother.

"Please? Please what, honey?" he growled against my ribs and his fleeting stroke of them made it so much harder to concentrate on what I was trying to say.

"Kiss me," I asked him, my short request interspersed with moans and sighs; and as I got the last word out, his hard mouth came down on mine; and he rolled me over to lie on top of him. I rearranged myself, straddling him and feeling his hard bulge pressing into me as I leant down to kiss him, my hands holding his head. His skin was so soft, but his slight stubble teasing my fingers and my chin made me even more hypersensitive to his every movement. As I rubbed myself slightly on him, a broken moan came from him and his head fell back; as his fingers tightened on my shoulders. I hadn't realised that I had this power over him, and I quickly took advantage of it, running my fingers down the side of his neck and into his shirt collar as I quickly undid it, unveiling the full awe of his torso to my eager gaze. I placed my hands on his sides, and thought back to where this all began; a accidental sighting of him topless. Now, I could touch him as I wanted and I could kiss him and hold him and do pretty much anything, it seemed. I lowered my head and kissed the hollow between his neck and shoulder. His hands slipped around me and he began to play with my hair, straightening the curls and letting them bounce back into shape, as his other hand began to fiddle with the zip on my skirt.

"Jesus," he muttered, "how hard is this to open?" I giggled a little against his skin, and helped him open it. He slithered my skirt down my legs, and the sudden touch of cool air on my hot skin was a shock, and penetrated my foggy mind. I gasped slightly and he stilled underneath me, looking up into my eyes. "Are you okay, honey?" he whispered, his hand creeping up to caress my cheek.

I took a moment to answer, hopelessly distracted by the clear lust in his eyes and the electrifying sensation of his fingers on my skin. "Yes," I told him then, and the momentary doubt in his gaze was washed away by a tide of desire, and the cool air on my clammy thighs was chased away by his greedy, desperate hands. Somehow, without me noticing, his shirt and my skirt had ended up on the floor and my bra was hanging open, chafing against my puffy nipples and arousing me still further. I arched my shoulders forward and it slid off, leaving my breasts open to my brothers heavy lidded gaze. He touched his mouth on my neck gently, kissing me with butterfly strokes as he worked his way tenderly down my chest. I pushed myself forward, wriggling in his strong arms as he flicked his tongue over my skin, desperate for him to taste my nipple but too shy to ask him outright for it. Broken pleas for him were falling out of my mouth as my eyes closed and my heart-rate shot through the roof.

"Tell me what you want," he murmured against my skin, his unshaven chin rubbing deliciously against my soft skin and doing wicked things to my nervous system. I laced my fingers through my hair and tried to pull his head where I wanted - no, needed it, but I felt him smile against me and nuzzle into my skin. "No, baby, tell me," he told me again, and as he raised his rumpled head to grin lopsidedly at me, I felt my skin alight and my inhibitions fell to dust.

"I want your mouth on my nipple," I whispered, making no movement. "I want you inside me and I want to taste you and feel you and, oh," I ended, as he did exactly what I'd asked him to, and the sensations rocking my body as his teeth grazed my sensitive areola were incomprehensible. My panties were sodden wet and I rocked back and forth on his hard bulge, still constrained in his jeans, and as I felt him exhale over my skin, now wet from his enthusiastic attention, he pulled away and I gasped out in protest, going limp in his arms as he cradled me and lay me on my back. I watched him as he lay next to me and undid his jeans, pulling them down in a swift, fluid motion.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I saw the huge bulge in his pale grey boxers, with the dark patch of precum staining the soft fabric. I rolled over on to my side and ran my hand down his stomach, stroking the dark hair leading from his belly button to below the waistline of his underwear. The dark scattering looked beautiful against his pale skin, and as I tentatively ran my finger underneath it, and was rewarded by a tensing in his stomach muscles and a slight intake of breath from the gorgeous man next to me, my big brother. I wrapped my hand around his cock, and laid my head on his chest as I was taken aback by the size of it; not the length so much but the width... how could I ever accommodate it inside me? As soon as the doubt was seeded in my mind, Josh shifted a little bit and his cock twitched a little, and the worry was forgotten as I suddenly forgot everything except my desperate lust to take him inside my mouth and feel him pulsing inside me. I reluctantly let go and quickly slid his boxers down, hooking them over his erection and tossing them to the foot of the bed.

As I moved down to sit between his legs, I pulled off my panties, and threw them to nestle along with his boxers. I took his cock in my hands for a moment, weighing his balls in my hand, before gently kissing the head. The slightly salty taste clung to my lips and his thighs tensed for a moment, before his entire body relaxed and I opened my mouth wider to let him slide in between my lips. I swirled my tongue around the head and began to rub him slightly where my mouth couldn't reach as his breathing began to roughen... I took this as confirmation that I was doing something right; despite my inexperience in this area. As I continued to lower my head down over him, my hair brushing and falling against his skin as I tasted him, his hands intertwined around my head. I let out a soft moan around his cock and his thighs tensed again as the vibrations of my sigh caused my mouth to caress his skin a little more and he grew inside my mouth, stiffening still further until he pulled away, his eyes tightly closed and his skin flushed. As I looked at him, his eyes flickered open, and he smiled slightly, his eyes dark and hooded before; in a movement so fast I barely saw him lean forward, he pulled me up the bed and flipped me onto my back.

I gasped for a moment as he swooped in for a swift kiss and began to kiss down my neck, biting my skin softly and probably marking it. As that occurred to me, a deep ache in my stomach that had manifested a long while ago began to intensify as I considered the idea of being marked by my brother; being his for ever. This thought train lasted about as long as it took Josh to kiss down to my nipples and suck my sensitive areola into his mouth.

I cried out and my back arched upwards, his teeth biting down slightly on my skin and his throaty laugh sending shivers through me as he took his mouth away and I tried to pull his head back to me. Of course, I was no match for Josh and he escaped my attempts easily to kiss down over my stomach, giving me butterflies and making my head spin as he ran his calloused fingers over the soft skin of my thigh. I suddenly felt his tongue flicking against my clit, and I spread my legs wider and gasped, my eyes tightly closed as he sucked it into his mouth and his fingers began to rub my wet hole. He slowly inserted a finger, and my pussy clenched tight around him, I was so close to coming for him that another moment would have brought an end to this exquisite build up. As I felt myself on the edge of letting go, he withdrew his mouth and his finger and the cool air on my burning wet pussy was sweet torture as I tried to push my hips towards his mouth, and his heavy weight came down on top of me. His mouth met mine quickly, and this kiss had an edge of desperate need that aroused me insanely. I had my legs wide open and his hot cock was pressed against me, the head resting on my clit. As I realised this, Josh pulled away slightly, and looked down at me. The clear question in his eyes was plain for me to see, and as I nodded, he slowly pushed his cock inside me in one go, breaking through the thin barrier and stretching me so wide I could barely think straight except to yearn and beg him to fuck me. The pain of my virginity was minimal compared to the frenzy of want and need I had for him, and as he began to thrust in and out, the pain was quickly replaced by a building pleasure that I could not hold on for long.

As something rose inside me, higher and faster with the rhythm of his thrusts, his sweaty body was rubbing against me, so hot and so quintessentially male that I could not help but be amazed over and over again that it was mine. He buried his head against my neck and bit me, and this was what finally sent me over the edge - my pussy clenched tight around his cock and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist as I cried out his name, shaking and holding him tight to me. He groaned softly, and the raw, masculine sound sent me into another long explosion of ecstasy as I felt his cum spurting inside me, marking my body with its potency as it seemed to go on for ever.

We lay there for so long that as I fell asleep with his body pressed tight against me, I slept soundly in the knowledge that my brother was lying with me, and I could not; despite the trouble that was inevitable for the future, bring myself to regret the incredible events that started with a simple case of washing up.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Sexy, smart, hot, erotic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
wow great story

This was a great story where is ch 4

ChrissrChrissrabout 14 years ago

Great read, thanks

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
I enjoyed it thoroughly, and admire your grit!

Some people can complain about the pettiest crap! Please don't get too upset about negative comments from someone who doesn't have the courage to even show who they are. Hiding behind the cover of anonymity does not take a lot of courage, so just discount such remarks. Although, I admire the fact that you are willing to take up for yourself, please realize that there are a whole lot of readers who enjoy and appreciate your work. Personally, I enjoyed it so much that I hope you will do a sequel to it. Keep your chin up and keep writing!

romanticredheadromanticredheadalmost 15 years agoAuthor

I would appreciate it if you could refrain from comments not related to the story, and if you had bothered to look, you would have seen that my profile has not been updated for two years. Please get your facts straight before you try and complain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

it was ok but you killed the story with the two year wait between chapters also if you think there are a lot of good writers on this site then you are mental 90%suck big time most are not even good enough to be arousing if you continue writing never keep the readers waiting more than a month or two between chapters and if your bio is up to date you started posting while under age which is illegal

MrBeagleMrBeaglealmost 15 years ago
Keep it up (literally and figuratively)

You are developing the story and your writing abilities well...each chapter got better and better, both in style and content...can't wait to see what you do next with Josh and Fran...or a new venture.

sweetallissweetallisalmost 15 years ago

wonderfully written, hope you continue there saga!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
grey boxers?

Passion killer!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Sooooo goooood

Finally you've posted another chapter... can't wait for the next. Keep on going, maybe with another installment in which the sister wants another time her brother's cum inside her womb.

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Washing Up Series Info

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