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Webslut Madison Ch. 29

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Madison interviews for a teacher job.
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Part 29 of the 32 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/04/2016
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Slowly, Madison pulled into the parking lot at the school and searched for a parking space. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Maybe they didn't bother to google me," she thought. "Maybe I'm nervous about nothing." It did seem odd to her that she was going to an interview for her first "real" job, and the thing she was most nervous about was whether anyone would find out about the erotic content she posted online.

"It's not just porn," she thought. "It's me, begging to be exposed as a slut to the whole world. And begging for my life to be wrecked, and utterly humiliating myself in every way." So maybe it wasn't that odd, given the magnitude of her offense - but still, it was certainly something that most young women would not have to be concerned about.

Madison had bought a new outfit for the occasion. She had to, really, since she had exorcised any decent, conservative attire from her wardrobe. Quite literally, she didn't own anything appropriate for an interview. All she owned were short shorts, mini skirts, and short, belly-baring tops, and certainly no business attire. It was by design, after all, to force herself to dress like a slut every single day.

But for this occasion, she allowed herself one decent interview outfit, one that she obviously planned to sell or donate as soon as the interview was over, so she couldn't use it to cover herself up if she had a change of heart one morning. "I don't know what I'm going to do if I actually get hired for a job," she thought. Then she laughed. She knew the chances of that happening were as close to zero as they could be. "But, still. I'd have to actually not look like a whore at work. And then I'd go out to the grocery store or something, dressed like a slut, and run into parents I just met at a PTA meeting." She laughed.

What would she do? She certainly didn't feel like changing her whole wardrobe just to avoid offending parents. No, she'd rather just keep looking slutty and raising eyebrows. Maybe she'd even be able to fuck some of the hot dads - or even moms. But she'd definitely need a new wardrobe for work, and then would she be able to go anywhere without covering everything up? Oh, well, she thought. It was a problem for down the road. Actually, it was probably not a problem at all, seeing as she'd never get a job teaching with her online presence being in the state it was in.

For the occasion, she may have dressed more conservatively than usual - but certainly she didn't look like a prude, and she did her best to look attractive. She had chosen a gray skirt that fell a few inches above the knee and had a slit in the back, showing enough leg that it certainly wouldn't be considered conservative, but probably not showing enough to seriously raise any eyebrows. She wore a light blue, button-up collared shirt, with the top couple buttons undone. Under that, she wore a cup-less bra, propping up her breasts but not covering her nipples, which she could get away with due to the gray blazer she wore over the shirt, matching her skirt. She chose a pair of four-inch black heels with straps around the ankles. Under the skirt, she did not wear panties, but was completely bare. Professional, yet slutty, she thought. It was the best she could do under the circumstances - she just had to be careful not to let her blazer open too much or the outline of her nipples would be visible through the shirt.

She did place some items in her bag - a butt plug, a pair of nipple clamps, a marker, and some clothespins. She wasn't necessarily sure why, it wasn't like she was going to actually use any of them during the interview. But she was used to bringing the plug, clamps, and marker pretty much anywhere she went these days, and she just wanted to be prepared in case a situation arose where she felt the need to use them.

Madison steadied her nerves and closed the car door after she stepped out. She carried a tote with the usual items, in addition to the plug, clamps, marker and clothespins. She also had a portfolio with her resume and references, and as she walked in, she wondered if any of her references would actually be favorable anymore. Maybe the ones from the schools where she had completed her student teaching would be good, but her professors, if they were being honest, would probably only be able to talk about how skimpy her clothing had gotten lately, or the rumors floating around school that she had posted a smorgasbord of erotic videos and photos online and flashed an entire college class.

As she entered the building, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, and exhaled. "I guess I'm about to find out if I'm really ruined," she thought to herself. She signed in at the front desk and told the receptionist why she was there, and she was told to have a seat and that she

would be called in a moment.

As she waited, Madison thought about the events of the past couple weeks, starting with the most recent crazy video she had posted where she had talked in depth about how ruined she had become. True to her word, she had left the video up for two days. And then she went about trying to be a good girl again.

During those two days, she had gone to class as usual in her skimpy outfits - but the first day, she wrote "Webslut Madison" on her fully exposed stomach, with "google me" underneath in smaller letters. Anyone who saw her could see the writing. The idea was that she would be completely ruined before she could clean up her image. And even sitting there, waiting to be called in for her interview, she started to get slightly aroused thinking about it. If there had been any classmates who somehow remained unaware of her online existence, that was no longer possible after that little stunt.

Madison was quickly becoming a pariah at school. The only people who seemed to still talk to her were Dan and Alyssa. Except, of course, a couple guys who messaged her online wanting to hook up but keep it on the down low. Of course, she had obliged. She was toxic, nobody wanted to touch her - at least not when other people could see. "I'm ruining the reputation of anyone who is seen with me now," she remembered thinking to herself. That was the true rock bottom of a ruined reputation, she thought.

The second day, she had written a narrative on her stomach. "Madison Holt aka Webslut Madison. Online exposure slut. Look me up. I want to be exposed, humiliated and ruined forever." And she wore that around school all day where everyone could see!

Two days passed, and she decided to actually clean up. It was time to put her immature games aside and be a functioning adult. She took down all of her videos and pictures, and even started dressing more modestly - slightly. Madison stopped following her clothing rules and would actually select items from her closet that looked mostly normal - yes, the tops were still cropped, but she would wear the less revealing ones, and pair them with a jacket to keep the exposure to a minimum. She stopped writing on herself, completely.

Madison even announced to anyone who would listen that she was making a life change for the better, that she was cleaning up her act. She told her classmates, when they asked her what was going on, that she no longer wanted to be humiliated or called a slut. A few of her classmates even welcomed the news and told her that everyone makes mistakes, and everyone goes to dark places sometimes, but they were proud of her for pulling through and turning her life around. Madison stopped masturbating, and she didn't even hook up with anyone. Granted, it was a short period of time, but it was definitely a positive change.

There was one problem - the memory of what she had been doing was still firmly etched in the minds of her classmates and professors. When they went their separate ways after graduation, and ten years later her classmates recalled a memory of her, Madison knew it would only be one thing - "Oh, that's the girl that flashed her tits to our whole class!" Or "That was the girl who wrote 'slut' on herself and showed everyone!" Or "Yeah, the Webslut. The one who went out of her way to wreck her reputation." And, of course, the internet - the disgusting, degrading videos were still online. The ones that she had begged to be reposted? Still up, still getting reposted, still accumulating views.

It was a tough time for Madison. She would check on how she was doing online, exposure-wise, and it was all she could do to keep herself from getting aroused and saying to hell with it and participating in her own ruination again. Not only that, but she wasn't having much success in cleaning up her presence. She was basically just as exposed as she had ever been, she just had lost control of the content and it was posted on sites under accounts she could not control. "Fuck, why did I use my real name!" She thought. "I should have been smarter about it. I could have just created an alter ego, you know? Pretended to be Mackenzie Burns or some other fake name and pretended to be her when I masturbated. I mean it would have been almost as good, right?" But that was the problem. Almost. And Madison didn't have a lot of respect for almosts, she wanted it to be full-throttle to get the best experience - best orgasm - she could have.

After she realized her exposure was not going anywhere, she had decided to take action. She tried finding a couple of accounts and messaging the owners and explaining who she was and asking to have the items removed, but she didn't have any luck. Maybe they didn't believe it was her, or maybe they didn't care, or worse - maybe they listened to her in her last video when she told them to leave it up forever!

So Madison decided to make another video. This was about four days after her last masturbation video was posted, two days after she had taken her content down, and ten days before her interview. Unlike her other videos, she was fully clothed - yes, in a crop top, but only because that was really all she owned. It only showed a little bit of her stomach, and she wore a jacket over it like she had been for the past couple days.

"Hi, it's me - Madison. So, um - this is going to, like - be a little different from what you've seen from me for the past couple years. I've had so much fun posting naughty videos and pictures for you. And I've - like - I've cum so hard from doing it. But - like - this has to come to a stop."

"Im about to graduate from college. If you've watched my videos enough, you know I've been planning to be a teacher. And that's - well - my future is really in doubt right now. And I guess - for so long - I didn't really get exposed, didn't get - I didn't really get that spread around. But recently it's gotten really out of hand."

"I've made a decision to - I guess to clean up my act and act like a professional young woman and stop being a slut. It kills me a little bit to say that, like - I fantasized for so long about my life being ruined and about being fully exposed forever."

Madison started to cry a little as she spoke. "I've been such a bad girl. My whole school thinks I'm a stupid worthless slut. My parents - if my parents knew - they'd be so disappointed in me! And all for what, to get myself off!" She sniffled. "So I really need to - to turn my life around, I guess. It's a hot fantasy, to like - be a complete slut, fuck strangers, get exposed, throw my life away on purpose, but - but when it really happens, it's (sobbing) it's brutal!"

"All my friends - most of them won't talk to me. I'm untouchable. I'm a pariah. I have nobody and nothing left. It's such an empty, shallow existence. And I really - I really don't think I ever wanted it to be that way forever - it was such a hot fantasy - and like, I - for so long everything was okay. And then one day, boom, I'm an exposed, outed - ruined slut!" She sobbed for a moment before continuing.

"So I'm asking you - anyone who posted my videos or pictures - I mean - the videos are the worst - like, if you could - please take them down, and stop sharing them. I'm begging you, please, take it down and let me get on with my life." She sobbed and sniffled again. "I can't do this anymore, I just can't!"

She started crying harder. "And I know it goes against everything I've ever said and I've begged you all to expose me, ruin me, spread me around..." she trailed off. "But you have to realize what this is going to do to me, what this has already done to me, and - and like - I have no life left!"

"Like - if you want to keep a copy for personal use, jack off to me or whatever on your own - that's fine. I don't care. But I need everything taken down from online. And like - I know a couple days ago I said don't listen, that I'd beg for this and that you shouldn't ever remove anything - but, like - that was just a horny sl- like, I was horny and it was turning me on and I lost it there for a minute. I didn't mean it. I really mean this." She sobbed, thinking for a moment about how she had almost called herself a slut, like it was so instinctive and reflexive that she almost did it without thinking.

"Is that how I think of myself?" She wondered in between sobs. "I've been calling myself a slut for so long that I just - that it's - like when I think about myself, that's what automatically comes to mind?" It was really sinking in how fucked up her self-presentation and self-esteem was. "If I'm ever going to return to normal life, I'm going to have to completely re-train myself to not constantly degrade myself!"

"So please," she continued in the video. "Like I said, keep a copy on your hard drives or whatever, just - I need the videos down, like - yesterday. I have an interview coming up to be a teacher, I - I'm realizing how ruined I'll be, I - I need to straighten myself up. And who knows, maybe one day, I'll - not really do it again - but I thought about - maybe having an alter ego who is a Webslut under a different name or something. And like - I probably can't, because it would put my career in jeopardy, but - I don't know. Maybe it just needs to stay a fantasy, as much as it sucks. So I'm going to post this video and send the links to anywhere I can find my videos, and hopefully I can get my life back."

"This has been a lot of fun and I'm glad you played along, so - thanks, I guess." She laughed. "But please. Let's get real here, okay? And thanks in advance to anyone who takes them down."

Madison posted the video and waited. She knew the people watching her page would see it. Over the next day or so, she would go back and google herself to see if there was any progress. There was, but it was a small percentage and didn't really change how things were going to turn out.

Then there were the comments. "She posted asking this to be taken down," was in the comments to one of her videos someone else had posted, one of the most popular ones. "She said she was going to beg for this but she wanted to leave it up."

"Yeah, she consented to all of this, it's not our fault if it trashes her career. The stupid whore begged for this!!!"

Then the newest video - the one of her begging for the videos to be taken down - circulated on all the porn sites, some with the title "Webslut Madison realizes she's fucked but she's helpless!" The comments to that one were brutal. "She'll come back and fuck herself to her own ruin, just wait." "That's what you get when you post your REAL NAME and beg to have your life ruined." "Stupid cunt got what she deserved." "Whore must be loving this." "Oohhhh let's get her. She's getting deep now, she's getting trashed but she CONSENTED and BEGGED for it." "Yeah, and she never explicitly revoked her consent. See video posted right before this one, where she said no matter how much I beg don't take it down." "Starting to regret it. Let's fucking make her suffer, it's what she wants!" "Ha! I'm sure this is just all an act that way when she gets even more ruined it feels real."

"I give her six months before she's a five dollar street whore." Another said. "Should just admit what she is to her parents and go rent a hotel and get tied up and blindfolded and livestream herself getting used by strangers for a week until she has literally NOTHING LEFT to offer."

"Wow," Madison said, sobbing. "These fucking douche bags!" She thought for a minute, planning her next move. It didn't take long for her to decide to post one more video.

"So clearly some of you have just been cruel. And most of you are getting off to me - like, being completely ruined - just as much as I have. And I mean - some of the comments I read were actually kinda hot. But like, the thing is, like - I know you guys get off to me. Degrading myself, ruining my life and reputation, being exposed, and even me getting off to it - and I do too, so I get it. But like - the thing is, it's easy to - to want it to go on when you're not the one living with the consequences. Like you guys jacking off to me - you're not having your lives ruined for this. But I am."

"So in case it wasn't clear - I'm officially revoking my consent for any of my nude photos or videos to be posted, regardless of what I said before. It's my content, I created it, I own it, I'm aware that I consented to having it shared and reposted but that consent doesn't exist any more. I'm being nice about it for now but I need my life back. I hope you can be nice in return and please do what I ask."

"And like - you know - you guys got a lot of enjoyment out of this - out of me. But please don't actually ruin my life! I'm so - like, I'm shaking, look! I don't know what to do. Please just - just -" she took a deep breath and continued. "Just be happy you guys got to use my content for a couple years - for free - and - and now take it down. It's been fun, but I'm sure there'll be a copy cat or something pretty soon."

Again, she watched and waited a day or so. A few more of the videos got taken down, maybe a quarter total were removed, but still nowhere near enough. And to make it worse, her newest video again began to circulate. "Madison Holt aka Webslut Madison realizing she's COMPLETELY FUCKED" was just one title. "Madison knows she's never going to live this down." "Madison EXPOSED FOREVER and regrets it but she's HELPLESS!" There was even a new montage up where her videos begging to have her content removed were spliced together with the videos begging to be exposed.

And then there were the comments. "Too late, cunt!" "You got what you asked for/wanted!" "Dear Madison - Remember when you accepted the consequences? Now LIVE WITH THEM and with YOUR DECISION!!!" "We own the dumb slut! The internet owns her ass!"

Then there were a couple especially perverted posters who contacted her and blackmailed her into making custom content in exchange for removal of her materials. One guy had her slap herself in the face fifty times, hoping she'd sink back into her old ways and get too turned on to stop herself. It didn't work, surprising even Madison. Another guy made her piss in a cup and drink it, which Madison found to be especially humiliating, and she struggled to keep it down, but she did. And one guy flew to Chicago and got a hotel room and made her put a mask on and lick his ass and balls and slapped her around before he came down her throat, and put the video on his onlyfans. At least having masked content behind a paywall is better than having unmasked content out there everywhere, she reasoned.

Another day passed. Her interview was drawing closer, she had barely a week now. And of course - the folks from the school could be collecting information about her at any time! Madison was getting desperate. She started reaching out to the websites directly, at least the bigger, well-known ones, asking that they take down the videos that violated her consent and explaining the situation and that she was no longer consenting to being posted online. She went on to say that she wasn't trying to get the posters into any sort of trouble, but she was just looking to have the content removed,.

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