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Weekend at the Lake

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Mishap leads to nude weekend with my sister and her friend.
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/23/2021
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This story, like all my stories, is a work of fiction. All characters are age 18 or older. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are unintentional and coincidental. As always, your comments are welcome.

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"Can't you at least come for the long weekend?" Christi asked. "I know you're working during the week, but it'll be a nice little break. It'll be a good way to take your mind off of Molly, too."

Christi was my older sister. She had just completed her undergraduate degree, and I had just finished my sophomore year of college. Every summer, we'd take a trip up to our parents' lake house to hang out for a week or two and catch up. We'd always been really close, but we had grown apart a little bit when she went off to college.

I had just broken up with my girlfriend Molly a few days earlier. It was a friendly breakup — as friendly as a breakup can be, anyway — and we agreed we'd try to stay friends going forward. I wasn't optimistic. And to be honest, I was more than a little disappointed that my long-term relationship had ended. I decided to take on extra hours at my summer job in an attempt to keep my mind off things.

"I don't know if I'll be able to," I said. "I might have to work the weekend."

"Oh come on, Jack," she replied. "You haven't worked a single weekend all summer, and you'll have Monday off. Give yourself a break and just let loose for a change. Allie will be spending the weekend, too. She'll actually be spending the whole week with me since you won't be around."

Allie was one of Christi's closest friends from college. They had met freshman year and were inseparable from then on. Christi and Allie were roommates for the last few years of college and seemed to get along well.

I had met Allie briefly at the lake house last summer. She was arriving as I was leaving. She was a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I found her attractive but quickly suppressed any further wayward thoughts since I was with my ex at the time. I couldn't help but wonder what she'd look like in a bikini out on the lake.

"I'll think about it, okay?" I answered.

"Okay," Christi said. "But I really hope you'll come. Allie does, too."

"Really?" I said. "She barely knows me."

"Yeah, but I've told her so much about you. She knows how close you and I are, and she's dying to get to know you better. Besides, she knows how to have a good time. It'll make for a fun weekend."

"I'll see what I can do. That's the most I can promise."

"That's all I ask. While you're here, can you help me with something?"

"Sure," I said. "What's up?"

"Well, I think Joey's going to be up there for the weekend with some of his friends. I heard his parents are somewhere in Europe for the summer, so he'll have their place to himself. Maybe this'll finally be the year that something happens between us."

"Mhmm," I said. "Go on."

"You're a guy. Which of these bikinis do you think he'd like best?"

She showed me a couple of options, one of which was a skimpy black swimsuit that couldn't possibly conceal all that much. The bikini bottoms were particularly tiny, probably covering only the essentials and leaving little to the imagination.

"I think the black one would drive him wild," I said. "But if you're going to wear something like that, why bother with a bikini at all?" I winked at her as I tried to conceal a smirk.

"Ew," Christi said casually. "Besides, even if I wouldn't mind him seeing me naked, I don't think I want all his frat buddies to see me like that, too."

Christi and I had always been very frank with each other about sex. Maybe it was because I was her younger brother, but I never really took on the paternalistic role that some brothers do. She's a grown woman. If she wants to enjoy herself, who am I to judge?

"Good point," I answered. "Then I think the black one is a good option. I also like the white one. It has a little more coverage but still shows off your boobs. And it'll give his friends less to ogle."

"I'll bring both," Christi said. "Thanks, Jack." Her face lit up with her usual radiant smile.

"No problem," I said.

Christi was tall for a girl, though that was fairly typical for our family. She was about five-foot-seven and had shoulder-length brown hair. Christi had a firm round ass and perky boobs that must've been popular with the college guys — not that I was looking or anything. I was sure that Joey would enjoy himself if things went how Christi wanted. Even if not, she would look great in either of the two bikinis she had picked out.

"Listen," I continued. "I have to head to work, so I'll talk to you later. I'll let you know what I decide about this weekend."

"Okay, Jack," Christi replied. "But we both know you're going to come on Friday, so I'll see you then." She smiled that same warm smile.

She was right. After some thought, I decided to go. It was tradition, after all, and I wasn't about to let my post-breakup blues get in the way of that. It would at least be a chance to get some fresh air and maybe even a tan.

Friday came soon enough. I had arranged to finish work around noon so I would have time to go home, pack, and make it to the lake by mid-afternoon. I texted Christi to let her know I'd be there later that afternoon. She responded almost immediately with a simple "see you then" followed by a smiley face.

I got home and threw some shorts, shirts, and boxers into a duffel bag. I grabbed a few other essentials — flip flops, a toothbrush, and the like — and tossed those into the bag, too. Thinking back to Christi's bikini dilemma, I realized I hadn't packed any swim trunks. I grabbed a couple old pairs and threw them into the bag along with my other items.

I zipped up the duffel bag, headed out to the car, and drove off. It was a pretty uneventful drive, though the Friday afternoon traffic prolonged the journey a bit. I was still able to make it to the lake house by 3:30 in the afternoon. Plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the day, I thought.

Christi must have heard me park my car and close the door. She burst out onto the front porch, a lemonade in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Jack!" she said exuberantly. "You made it!"

"I did," I replied as I headed up the steps to the porch.

Christi gave me a hug as I got to the top of the steps.

"Come on in," she said. "We were just getting ready to go out on the boat if you want to join."

"Sounds great," I answered. "Are you just going out for a spin around the lake, or were you thinking of going tubing?"

"Up to you," Christi said. "Actually, why don't you get the tubes out? We can make sure everything's working so that we're set for the rest of the weekend."

"Will do," I replied. Tubing was a favorite pastime of ours. I vividly remembered the years where our parents would pull Christi and me behind the boat, sending us flying one way or another as our tubes passed over the boat's wake.

I was actually kind of glad that she said that. Aside from tubing being fun, it was also an extraordinarily hot afternoon. With temperatures in the mid-nineties, any way to cool off sounded great to me. Embracing a little nostalgia at the same time was an added bonus.

Christi led me into the house. I smiled as I looked around the house where I had spent so many summers.

"You remember Allie, right?" Christi asked as we headed into the kitchen.

"Of course," I said. "Hey, Allie. It's good to see you again."

"Good to see you, too," she answered. She got up from the table to give me a quick hug. She smelled nice, but I couldn't quite place the scent. It was something floral, or so I thought. Whatever it was, I happily breathed it in.

Allie looked a little bit different from how I had remembered her. Her blonde hair was shorter now. It used to reach the middle of her back, but she evidently had cut it to shoulder length like Christi did. Her eyes were still that same unbelievable blue.

"We're going to go get changed," Christi said. "Can you make sure the boat has enough fuel and the tubes are inflated?"

"No problem," I said. "I'll go do that now. Would you mind bringing my bag upstairs and dropping it in my room?"

"Of course not," Christi answered. She picked up my duffel and headed upstairs with Allie.

I went down to the garage and pulled out the tubes. With a little bit of compressed air, the two tubes were reinvigorated. I walked down to the dock and made sure the boat had enough gas to make it through the rest of the afternoon. I tossed the tubes into the boat while I was there.

I trotted back into the house and went upstairs to get changed. My room was at one end of the hall, and Christi's was at the other end. The guest room was in the middle, right at the top of the stairs.

I looked up as I took the last step. Allie was looking out the window with her back facing toward me. She was naked from the waist down. I took in the sight of her ass and her toned, thin legs. I couldn't remember if she played a sport, but she definitely had the physique of an athlete.

Maybe she hadn't heard me climbing the stairs. I wasn't trying to be quiet, but perhaps she was lost in thought or something. Either way, she neither turned around nor made any effort to cover up. I let my eyes linger for a moment longer and then headed down the hall toward my room. I felt my sex hardening from the view I had just taken in.

Reaching my room, I shut the door and shed my clothes. I grabbed a plain white t-shirt and some navy blue swim trunks. When I pulled them on, they were looser than I remembered, as I had lost some weight over the last six months. Apparently I had lost more weight than I thought. My bathing suit easily had an extra inch or two around the waist, but without an alternative, I just pulled the strings as tight as they would go and tied a double knot. They were still loose, but they would have to do.

I grabbed my sunglasses and emerged from my room into the hallway.

"Ready to go?" I called out.

"Yup," Christi replied, stepping into the hallway from her bedroom. She was wearing the less-revealing white bikini that she had shown me.

"Me too," Allie said. Not to be outdone by Christi, Allie opted for a bright pink bikini and a trendy pair of sunglasses. My mind wandered back to what I had seen a few minutes earlier.

The three of us went downstairs and grabbed a few final things. I got some towels from the linen closet while Christi and Allie packed some drinks in a cooler.

"Want anything other than beer?" Christi called out.

"Nah," I said. "Beer is fine with me."

"Okay cool," Christi answered. "Want to carry the cooler to the boat?"

"Sure, sis," I said, feigning an exasperated tone.

"Thanks, little brother," Christi answered. She smiled as I picked up the cooler and headed out to the dock.

Allie and Christi followed close behind me. I boarded the boat first and secured the cooler up against the side of the boat. The girls followed, and Christi apparently decided to be the captain for the afternoon. She started the engine and navigated out into the open lake while Allie and I cracked open a couple of beers.

Reaching an unobtrusive spot toward the middle of the lake, Christi let the boat glide along gently. The three of us sat and talked for a while, sipping our cold drinks and soaking up the afternoon sun.

"Why don't you two get onto the tubes?" Christi asked after we finished a round of drinks. "I want to see which of you can hang on longer."

"Sure," I said, shrugging. Allie agreed.

After making sure the ropes were firmly attached to both the boat and the tubes, I dropped the two tubes into the water. I removed my shirt and jumped onto one as Allie eased herself onto the other. After receiving the "all clear" from us, the boat jolted into motion and sped across the lake.

The boat swerved and glided across the water with ease. Christi took it easy on us to start, but she kicked up the intensity as we went. Instead of the more gentle circular pattern she followed before, Christi navigated the boat across its own wake in a tight pattern. Allie seemed to be hanging on for dear life as we continued on our journey.

There was more slack for my tube than there was for hers, so I was a foot or two behind Allie's tube. This offered me a view of Allie's butt, which I happily took in. Sure, it was covered by bright pink bikini bottoms this time, but my mind couldn't help but drift back to the view I had gotten earlier that afternoon.

Briefly lost in my reverie, I must not have been paying close attention to my surroundings. My tube bounced against the water, and I lost my grip at the top of the tube. Fortunately, I was able to grab onto the back of the tube, with my head still above the water and my lower half submerged. Less fortunately, Christi showed no signs of slowing down, and one more trip through the wake of the boat caused my already loose swim trunks to fall off. Christi zoomed ahead, foreclosing any opportunity for me to regain my bathing suit. I desperately tried to keep the lower half of my body underwater.

All it took was a few more turns. I couldn't maintain my grip from this precarious position, and I fell backward into the lake. An able captain, Christi saw that I had fallen off my tube and circled back so I could climb onto the boat. Treading water, I remained almost frozen, too afraid to climb out of the water. Meanwhile, Allie climbed up onto the boat from her tube after having held on successfully.

"Come on up, Jack," Christi said. "Unless you want to swim for a bit?"

"I, uh..." my voice trailed off. "I can't."

"Why not?" Christi asked. "Can't face the shame of letting go first?"

"Something like that," I answered as my face reddened. Looking up and catching another glimpse of Allie's rear did nothing to help matters. Her bikini bottoms were wedged in pretty good, so I had a nearly unobstructed view of her round cheeks. My dick hardened in response, becoming semi-erect beneath the water.

"Will you just get out of the water?" Christi prompted. "I want to have a go at it and see if Allie can last longer than I can."

"Can you toss me that towel first?"

"The towel? Why? It's going to get soaked."

"I, uh, lost my swim trunks."

The girls looked at each other for a second or two then laughed.

"Oh, there's no way you're getting that towel now," Christi said. "Come on out of the water or we're leaving without you."

Realizing I had no choice, I swam toward the boat and took hold of the ladder. I climbed up as quickly as I could, my semi-hard sex dripping along with the rest of me. I stumbled and fumbled my way across the boat to grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist as fast as possible.

"That's quite a show you put on there, little brother," Christi said. "Or maybe I shouldn't say 'little' anymore." Christi laughed, and Allie joined her.

"Oh shut it," I said. "I'm not going to apologize for being well endowed, shall we say." I winked, knowing the only way to outdo Christi in a situation like this was to exude confidence.

"Ew," Christi said somewhat playfully. "I don't ever want to hear you say the word 'endowed' again when you're talking about your junk."

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "Move over so I can take the wheel. I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine."

As I switched places with Christi, I couldn't help but notice that Allie was glancing at my towel-covered crotch. Maybe it was just curiosity, but she definitely stole a glance or two. If she was trying to be discreet, she was unsuccessful, though I wasn't going to call her out on it.

"You ready to go again, Allie?" I asked, looking right into her blue eyes which had an almost electric quality to them.

"You bet," she said, meeting my gaze. Whether she knew she had been caught or not, she had an attractive confidence about her. I liked that.

The two girls jumped onto their respective tubes and gave me a thumbs up. I revved the engine and motored across the lake a few times. With a few figure eights and sharp turns, the tubes were bouncing up and down as the boat sped through the water. The girls fell off at nearly the same time, so I slowed down and circled back to retrieve them.

Soaking wet, they each climbed back onboard and grabbed a towel to wrap around their bodies. We decided to pull the tubes back onboard and drift across the water for a bit, letting our skin soak up the late afternoon sun. Christi passed us another round of beers, which we each cracked open in succession.

"To a great weekend," Christi said.

We clinked our glass bottles together in unison and resumed our chatter from before. I had nearly forgotten my lack of swim trunks until I had started to move. I quickly decided against any further motion.

We chatted about the girls finishing college and their plans for the upcoming year. I couldn't help but notice a certain sadness in their voices. The fun and carefree days of undergrad were over, and the real world would confront them soon enough. Even so, the summer was one last refuge from their fate, and they seemed determined to enjoy both the coming weeks and the current weekend.

Afternoon turned to evening, and we agreed to head back to the lake house. After we arrived at the dock, the girls headed inside to shower while I tied up the boat and took the tubes inside. Having confirmed that the boat was properly secured for the evening, I went inside and up to my room.

I didn't hear the water running, so I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom for a shower of my own. After showering, I went downstairs, now fully clothed.

I was looking at my phone as I walked into the kitchen, so I wasn't paying especially close attention. I looked up and saw Christi standing behind the counter topless. I did a double take.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

"What the hell is what?" Christi answered.

"I mean, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I countered, completely bewildered.

"Well, I figured that since you so boldly embraced a clothes-free approach out on the lake, I could do the same here in the house. Besides, bras are uncomfortable and I got a bit of a sunburn this afternoon, so it's just easier not to wear a shirt."

Christi and I had always been relaxed around each other, but this was new. Her pert breasts stood out from her chest. She had thick brown nipples and wide light brown areolas, clearly displaying her progression into womanhood. She had never gone topless around me before, and I wasn't sure how to react.

"They're just boobs, Jack," Christi continued. "I know Molly was a bit of a prude and all, but I figured you'd at least have seen a pair of tits before."

"I have seen boobs before, thank you very much," I said. "But you're my sister."

"So?" she responded. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"It's frickin' weird," I replied. "Besides, what's Allie going to think?"

"I don't think anything," Allie jumped in. She must have just come downstairs. She also didn't seem to have a shirt on, though a towel around her neck draped down to cover her boobs.

"See?" Christi interjected. "No big deal."

I was gobsmacked. My sister and her best friend were standing in front of me topless. This was not what I was expecting for this weekend.

"Allie and I lived together at school for years. We've both seen each other naked. And we're not shy. So, unless you have a problem with it, we thought we'd have a clothing optional weekend. After all, we already saw your little exhibition earlier, so there's not much left to hide. If you want to keep your clothes on all weekend that's your call, but if you'd rather try something a little different, be our guest."

I blinked. I had no idea what to say. It felt weird to be around Christi naked, but then again, we were both adults. And I definitely wouldn't mind seeing Allie naked all weekend, especially after the sneak preview I got earlier.

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