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What a Guy Won't Do Ch. 09

Story Info
Mark is interviewed for a female magazine.
4.3k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/05/2022
Created 01/05/2010
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This is a rough draft. This is not the article as submitted to VFM magazine—however it is my original draft with all the extraneous details I normally wouldn't include in a magazine article. However, I felt that I am on to an amazing story here and I want a record of every thought and note taken down during this interview, as I believe it will be worthwhile in the future.

Kelly Sanford


As I approached the home of "The Naked Swimmer" I began to see the heart of my story before ever meeting my subject. A small suburban home in small suburbia. This place conjures images of Norman Rockwell, Beaver Cleaver, and what I have always referred to as the American Daydream i.e., a nice place, but not too nice.

Granted I am a big city-girl and I have always been surrounded by people who look down on the suburban lifestyle, but it has always held a warm place in my heart as the kind of area I wish I had growing up and could retreat to now.

These are nice people living nice lives.

All the better for my story, for behind the doors of one of these many similarly styled homes lives a young man who has been exposed to the world—and I mean that literally—he has appeared completely nude in public many times!

Now what's so interesting about a naked man in public you ask? Well, the fact that he is probably the most shy male I have ever met and that he has laid bare his entire body for the simple-yet-complicated love of a girl—that's what makes this story so interesting. I am not talking about a perverted frat boy that likes pulling it out for shock value, but a nice, bashful, good-natured young man, who, in an effort to understand what female objectification is all about, bared his nude body to the world.

Just search "The Naked Swimmer" online and you will find several videos that will explain the whole thing. The swim-meet, the Autism Charity fund raising, helping a local photographer start up her website (by the way, her site has had to undergo several new servers in order to keep up with the internet traffic coming her way once word got out about this man's appearance.)

This is where my story lies. It's not a big deal that a guy has exposed himself in public—as many women know, all too often any guy will be glad to show his manhood and it is usually more of a problem getting guys to keep it in their pants. Where this man is different is in his humility, I believe, and in the chivalrous reasons that he decided to drop trough.

I knocked on his door and his mother answered, yes, ladies, he still lives at home with mom. I should mention that he is only 18 years old and recently graduated high school, he plans to go to college soon—when he can earn enough money, that is, and in this economy it may be awhile before that happens.

As soon as the door opened I met his lovely mother, a woman of grace, courtesy and with a kindness in her eyes. This wonderful woman raised Mark a.k.a. The Naked Swimmer and his older sister (whom I have not met), but I understand she too, has been a strong influence on his life.

Influential women raise strong men. I very much believe that.

Then I met him.

Of course I had watched all the Internet videos of this young man, and looked over all of his nude photos online (for research, of course!) but I was not prepared for what I saw. He is very attractive in the most ordinary way. He is not the cover of a romance novel, but by every means he is the epitome of the kind of boy a bored housewife lusts after while he mows her lawn or cleans her pool.

He is strong and tall, with the same kindness in his eyes as his mother and with the personality of a boy caught in the very middle of becoming a man. He was dressed casually, but nicer than most boys in his age group—I feel like he was dressed for the interview (a custom I wish more of my interviewees would endure).

He asked where I would like to do the interview and I suggested near the pool—it seemed appropriate.

We sat by the pool and made some small talk while I set up. He is a very polite and considerate young man, but I could see the rosy spots on his cheeks and realized he may be doing this interview with great trepidation. I tried to get him to relax as best I could, but soon saw that this was useless so I began:

KELLY: That first time . . . you jump off the diving board and hit the water. Next thing you come out of the water nude pretending, as we later learn, not to realize you're naked. I want to know what happened while you were underwater. What did you feel? What were you thinking?

NS: I felt nervous. I felt like my own skin was going to rip off and run away from me. But it wasn't in that exact moment that I knew what I was going to do. I think I made my decision the night before—without realizing it, of course—but as I was in bed I just kept seeing Jill's face over and over telling me that I didn't understand what it was like to be exposed like she had been and to be seen as an object. And, I guess I just figured, I'd do it too and then we'd both know. It would be something we would both understand and share . . . together.

KELLY: I noticed during that video, which I watched several times from quite a few different angles (he blushes—a lot!) that you became quite excited, was the experience sexual for you?

NS: No, it was humiliating. I don't know how to explain it because whenever someone feels vulnerable they always say they felt exposed or naked, so then how do you describe feeling vulnerable BECAUSE you are exposed and naked!

KELLY: Understood, but the erection?

His eyes dart around for anything to focus on.

NS: I'm a guy. It doesn't take much.

KELLY: But I watched the video extensively and I must say you didn't become hard until about halfway through. It seemed like you, or should I say—IT, reacted to the crowd reacting to your nudity. Is that fair?

NS: I don't . . .

(His face lights up like a Christmas tree.)

KELLY: I suppose one would argue that with the forethought that you were going to stand naked in front of this crowd that there were, at least on some level, a touch of eroticism to this act. Do you enjoy showing your penis?

NS: No. Not at all! I'm not an exhibitionist at all.

KELLY: And yet you're smiling!

(We both laugh.)

KELLY: Okay, I'll let you off the hook, for now. Tell me about your girlfriend.

(His eyes light up brighter than his face this time.)

NS: She is the most fantastic girl I have ever known. I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember. She is smart, funny, nice, interesting . . .

KELLY: Beautiful?

NS: Gorgeous!

KELLY: I notice you didn't say beautiful or sexy first. Most guys begin with how a woman looks not how she is.

(He looks like he got the wrong answer on a game show.)

KELLY: I'm not saying that as criticism, I think that's lovely. I think it speaks to your character that you did that. I get the sense that you respect women.

NS: Sure. More than anything.

KELLY: Why? What do you like about women?

NS: Everything. Women are . . . they are the most spectacular things on the planet. To have the softness and gentleness they have as well as the pure strength—strength of character, I mean . . . there's just nothing better than a woman. Not all of them, of course, some are horrible. But a REAL woman, you know . . . kind, gentle, sweet, innocent, strong, smart, caring, tough, the will they have. I think their soft cuddliness is equaled by their pure strength of will.

KELLY: You like strong women?

NS: Well, I don't want some weight-lifting chick to beat me up or anything, when I say 'strong' I'm talking about character not physical strength and certainly not the "I am woman" crap, but the REAL thing, you know, REAL women.

KELLY: I suppose you have your mom to thank for that?

NS: My mom is the best!

KELLY: How did you feel knowing that she would see you naked? Are you an open family? When was the last time your mom saw your nude body?

NS: I think I was more embarrassed by her and my sister seeing me than anyone else. No, we are not an open family, at least not that way anyway. Before the swim meet I don't think she had seen me naked since I was really young. As you probably figured out, I am kind of shy. I used to leave my shirt on when we went swimming at the beach or pool. I always got dressed in the bathroom after my shower because I was afraid of being seen with only a towel on!

KELLY: But you were on the swim team! How did that come up?

NS: I like swimming, I love water. I hesitated to join the team for years because I didn't have the courage to wear a speedo in front of people. It took every ounce of willpower I had that first day I had to get up on the board in only a speedo in front of everyone. I actually asked my mom not to attend the meets because I was shy being seen with that little amount of clothing on. But, of course, she said I was being stupid and she never missed a meet.

KELLY: Are you ashamed of your body?

NS: No. I'm just really uncomfortable with baring it for some reason.

KELLY: Do you masturbate a lot?

(He sat there stunned like a deer in headlights, his face on fire yet again.)

KELLY: The reason I ask is because I believe that often when a man masturbates extensively, he tends to sexualize everything and perhaps you view taking your shirt off as a sexual act, rather than just taking your shirt off. You have been raised in a household of women, after all, where taking ones shirt off is verboten, and so perhaps you internalized that?

NS: Maybe. But I don't think I . . . you know . . . take care of things, more than anyone else. I am 18, I mean . . . you know . . . I'm 18!

KELLY: So you do it A LOT!

(We both laugh.)

NS: I think I do it the normal amount of time.

(I couldn't help but notice; as he tried to evade the word masturbation, he allowed his eyes to look right at my breasts.)

KELLY: So what did your mom say to you after the meet?

NS: I avoided her as long as I could. But she was cool with it; she said it happened and we should try to forget it. And that I shouldn't let it bother me. She was very Mom-like.

KELLY: She didn't know you did it on purpose?

NS: Not then no. I was hoping to just keep that a secret for the rest of my life.

KELLY: Well it seems in your life there are very few secrets!

NS: It would seem that way, yes.

KELLY: Now the second time you to came to bare yourself in front of a crowd was at a fair? How did that come about?

NS: Jill was trying to raise money for Autism and we weren't doing well enough. Some women that were there seemed to know I was the so-called 'Naked Swimmer' and I figured it was a good way to raise money. So I did it.

KELLY: I have seen several photos taken that night too, many people have posted the shots online (I produced several copies I had made and laid them out before him—pictures of him standing among the crowd with his penis at full attention) and I see you have quite a hard-on in all of them.

(His face blushed again, but this time I saw defiance in him. His eyes stayed on mine and his smile broadened.)

NS: Yes, I do.

KELLY: It's quite lovely.

(I looked down as his nude photos and examined them there while he watched me. I must confess I found this boy to be very attractive and I couldn't help but play with him a little!)

(When I looked back up at him his was looking into my eyes with a devilish grin.)

NS: Thank you. I have come to realize that women like looking at naked men as much as men like looking at women.

KELLY: That is true.

NS: I also believe that women are much more aggressive with a naked guy than a man would ever be with a naked woman—at least in a similar situation.

KELLY: Why do you think that is?

NS: I don't know—safety in numbers? Maybe because women have the upper hand, or because they are more in control of their bodies. You can sit there and be aroused by looking at a naked penis . . .

(He makes strong eye contact at the word penis, although his blushing face betrays him, I see the person who gets nude in public underneath.)

NS: . . . but there are no obvious signs . . .

KELLY: On the other hand, you can't hide your arousal!

(I say as my eyes look down at his crotch. He adjusts in his seat realizing he just gave himself away and the man returns to a boy.)

KELLY: You said women have the upper hand, what did you mean?

NS: Women control us with their every move. Everything a guy does he does to please women, to be accepted by them.

KELLY: You don't think women do the same for men?

NS: To an extent, sure. But in the old days a caveman saw a girl he liked bending over at the waterhole and he took what he wanted. Now, a guy has to jump through hoops just to get a girl to look at him. I just think there has been a shift in how men and women act.

KELLY: You are wise beyond your years.

NS: If it were my sister that was exposed at a swim meet it would have been like a funeral around here, but because it was me it was a comedy act. I'm not complaining about that, but it's just how it is. A woman's body is beautiful a man's body is—funny apparently!

KELLY: It can be beautiful too. Just look at these pictures of you. (I lay the posed photographs from Amy's Photography out in front of him.) There is real beauty there. The penis is an amazing thing. It's strong, mighty. Look at your penis! Just look at it. It's beautiful!

NS: I like it don't get me wrong. It's one of my favorite things!

KELLY: And you like showing it to women. Admit it.

NS: I can't.


NS: Because it's not really true. It's embarrassing. You have nude photos of me sitting on the table in front of us. You keep looking at pictures of my penis, my balls, and my butt-—every part of naked body, and it's humiliating.

KELLY: From the bulge in your pants it doesn't look like you are humiliated. You look very aroused. That throbbing cock of yours is screaming to come out right now isn't it?

(He backed down and I knew I had gone too far.)

KELLY: Okay, let's stop for a minute. I'm sorry, that wasn't very professional of me.

(We tried to compose ourselves. I think, it was my turn to blush)

KELLY: I'm sorry. I have to admit I have been baiting you a little trying to see if that shyness thing was an angle or not. And, since you have been very straightforward with me I will be honest with you; I find you to be quite adorable. Looking at photos of your bare body is very arousing and looking at them in front of you is even more stimulating than I would have thought.

(To my surprise he didn't ask me to leave, but instead he became the interviewer.)

NS: You are aroused at looking at me naked in the pictures?


NS: But how would you feel if it were I looking at naked pictures of you?

KELLY: I would be very uncomfortable. Feeling very exposed. But be honest, haven't you been picturing me naked since we sat down?

He hesitates then humbly replies.

NS: Yes.

KELLY: When you look at women you look at their bodies. You wonder what they look like naked. This has been the case since people started wearing clothes. I've always believed that men invented clothing so they could try to get women to take them off! Now it's our turn. Things have shifted as you said there has been a revolution and it's time men started accepting that we wonder what they look like naked as well.

NS: But from what I understand women don't think about sex all the time like we do. I look at a woman and I picture her naked, yes, but do you really look at all guys and wonder what they have going on underneath?

KELLY: Not all guys, no. But some. (I pick up a fan favorite from Amy's Photography and study it. It shows him standing before a faceless girl in a lake completely naked with his erect penis standing tall and proud, he is wet, his skin is shining in the bright sunlight. His testicles hang low—full of masculine lust brimming to burst forth.) I think this picture expresses men in their most naked form—if you will pardon the pun. It shows a man as he truly is, proud, strong, vibrant, sexual, predatory, and yet there is also humanity, humility, a youthful shyness and I think that's the key. You, unlike many other men, have humility about your body, about your masculinity. You don't realize what you have there and that is very attractive to a woman.

(He considers this and we look into one another for a long moment.)

KELLY: I would love to have sex with a guy like you.

(Completely unprofessional! But I must confess I was overcome with a desire to throw him on the ground strip him nude and take him into me! I am not sure if I will included this part in the published article, but it's the absolute truth!)

KELLY: That is to say WOMEN would love to have sex with a guy like you. The penis can be a beautiful thing, but it is more beautiful depending on whom it is attached to. When an exquisite penis is on an exquisite man it is a very lustful, visceral thing.

(There is another long pause between us.)

NS: I'm not sure what to say about all that!

(He laughs nervously. I try to get this interview back on track—I have been very naughty and I know it, there is just something about this boy!)

KELLY: Before you told me your Mom is a huge influence on you, do you mind if we bring her in here to talk?

(He is hesitant, but agrees. His Mother sits with us by the pool and we chat to warm up a little. Once we feel a little comfortable I begin.)

KELLY: So tell me about the swim meet. You are watching your son compete in a dive contest and next thing you know he pulls himself out of the water and there he is in all his glory! What went through your mind?

MOM: I was devastated for him. It took a minute for me to realize what I was looking at! You know—you kind of go into shock. He didn't seem to notice he was naked and I was overcome with the need to run down there and cover him and take him home—but I fought it. I think that would have been even more humiliating for him! That's all he needed was Mommy running down there to save him!

KELLY: Later he confessed that he exposed himself on purpose—then what did you think?

MOM: Shock. Again I was shocked, but when he explained why he did it I understood and I think I felt more proud of him than I had ever been before. It was quite a moment!

KELLY: Then he stripped buck naked in front of a crowd to raise money. Again you were present. I wonder what goes through a Mother's mind when she watches her only son strip nude before a crowd?

MOM: Well, I . . . uh . . . again, he did it for a good cause, it's not like it was a perverted act, or anything. He was just going to be naked; it wasn't sexual. I trust him. When he announced he would take his clothes off I was terrified FOR him, but he seemed confident and he believed in what he was doing, so I supported him.

NS: Let's face it, Mom, you did more than support it!

MOM: What do you mean?

NS: You could have stopped it. You could have told everyone that you wouldn't let me do it and sent everyone home but instead, you said . . . what was it?

(She smiles and blushes just like her son.)

MOM: I said you should do it.

NS: No, you said 'Let's raise some cash and strip this boy naked'!

(We all laugh.)

MOM: Well I was caught up in the moment. But I had faith in you . . .

NS: 'Let's raise some cash . . . and . . . STRIP THIS BOY NAKED!'

MOM: Well, I just . . .

NS: Your only son . . .

MOM: It's not like . . .


MOM: It was your idea, Pal!

NS: I'm just saying, you could have bailed me out, but instead you made me take all my clothes off in front of one hundred screaming women.

MOM: It was for charity! At some point the Mama bird has to let her babies fly out of the nest and that was our moment. You flew and became a man in that moment and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.


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