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What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?


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"That's because we are reaching one another on a deeper emotional level," Cammie responded. "Sex is just sex when it's just sex, but once we allow our emotions to dictate our actions, sex becomes so much more."

"That is both thought-provoking and insightful, Cammie."

"I double-majored in college, Psychology and Philosophy."

"So, I learn a little more about my g—" Jillian stopped herself.

"What?" Cammie asked.

"I was about to call you my girlfriend," Jillian admitted. "Should I, after only two days?"

"Call me what you will," Cammie said with a smile and a kiss. "I will be whatever you want me to be."

"I want you to be my equal, in everything," Jillian confessed.

"Then so I am," Cammie said, then kissed Jillian again.

"Is this too fast?" Jillian asked her.

"Only you can answer that, Jillian. I ask myself the same question, yet, as I lie here, I know deep in my heart that the only thing keeping me from falling in love with you is admitting as much and getting hurt for it."

"No," Jillian said as she took Cammie's face in her hands. "I will never intentionally hurt you, Cammie. I promise you that." Cammie kissed her. Jillian looked into her eyes and whispered, "Make love to me, Cammie." Cammie moved to go down on her, but Jillian stopped her. "No, no. Not like that. I want you to make love to me."

Cammie got onto her knees, then moved forward. She slightly turned Jillian onto her side, then placed her vagina against Jillian's and began to slowly rub them together.

"OH!" Jillian lightly cried out when their pussies met. Cammie's soft pubic hair felt nice against Jillian's shaved pussy. She allowed Cammie complete control. Somewhere in the midst of this, their clits met and danced around each other's as Cammie continued to slowly gyrate. "You're going to make me cum," Jillian told her. Cammie closed her eyes and concentrated on an orgasm of her own. Right now, she felt there would be nothing more special in this world than if they came together, and they did. She continued to move back and forth against Jillian's pussy, allowing their juices to intermingle.

Cammie fell onto Jillian and said, "I love you. Thank you for coming into my life."

Jillian kissed Cammie, their tongues sliding in and out of each other's mouths. "I love you, Cammie. I'm just as afraid of getting hurt as you are, but right now there isn't another living soul with whom I'd like to share my life."

Jillian's phone buzzed. She looked at the text message. "My car is here."

"You could tell them to come back in the morning," Cammie propositioned.

"Next time, I promise," Jillian said, then got dressed and left.

They talked on the phone the next couple of days, and really missed being with one another. Saturday night, Jillian shocked Cammie by showing up with a suitcase and announcing she was not planning on leaving until Monday morning, which suited Cammie just fine. They made love all weekend long.

Monday at 1:45, Cammie was surprised to see Jillian walk through the doors of The Waffle House. She immediately rushed to greet her, and gave her a nice, warm kiss. "What are you doing here?" she asked with an expectant smile.

"I just wanted to see my girlfriend at work," Jillian said.

Cammie looked at her, eyes slitted. "No, there's something else. What gives?"

"You clock out at two, yes?"


"Then I shall wait at this booth until you do," Jillian said. "Go on, now. Make sure everything is in order. I'd hate to be kept waiting."

Although there was no one in the restaurant save Jillian, Cammie, and the manager, Cammie busied herself with wiping down tables and making fresh pots of coffee and tea. At 1:55, Cammie's replacement, an Italian woman who looked like her best years had left her a long time ago, walked in, went to the back, came back out, clocked in, washed her hands, and began talking to the manager as Cammie clocked out. The manager asked Cammie something, and Jillian heard her answer, "... going to be here a few more minutes with my girlfriend, if that's okay." The manager nodded, then resumed his conversation with the other woman.

"Okay," Cammie said as she sat across from Jillian. "I'm all yours."

"I don't need to be here to know that," Jillian said. "I do like that uniform, though."

"Please, don't patronize me," Cammie said with a roll of her eyes.

"And here I was thinking we could role play, and you could serve me up a nice, hot helping of Cammie," Jillian said with a wicked grin.

"Now that, I like the sound of," Cammie responded with a light laugh. Then, "Okay, so tell me. Why are you here?"

"Because this is a familiar place for you, Cammie, a place of comfort, and I want you to be comfortable when telling me about the woman who broke your heart the night we met."

"I'd be just as comfortable at home," Cammie said. "In fact, more so. I'm liable to break down crying here, and I don't want to do that."

Jillian reached out and took Cammie's hands into her own. "I don't want that either, Cammie, but we both know that if we go back to your apartment, we'll do very little talking and just end up having sex." Cammie smiled, admitting this was true. "I would just really like to know more about you, and about your former girlfriend."

Cammie took a deep breath. "Okay. Her name was Indigo Wilde, with an 'e.' It sounds fictitious, doesn't it? And you know what? I always believed it was. Anyway, Indie—that's what I called her—was, like, a free spirit. She never had a worry in the world, except for times when she would just brood and become reclusive. She never would tell me what was going on when she was like that, though. It's like, when she was depressed, I didn't exist, to the point that she didn't even want me to touch her. Be that as it may, these were rare occurrences. Most of the time, she was fun-loving and went wherever the wind blew her, and she always brought me along on the ride.

"She always had money, however. I never actually saw her go to work or could get more than one or two words out of her when I asked what she did for a living. She finally assured me that she wasn't involved in anything illegal, and she asked why it mattered where her money came from as long as she was paying the bills. I suppose she was right. I mean, she paid for just about everything.

"The last couple of months we were together, I felt her pulling away. When she was there, she wasn't there. When she wasn't, she wouldn't answer my calls, and when I'd confront her about that, she'd just excuse it as work-related and nothing more. I began to think she was prostituting herself out. You'd be surprised at the number of wealthy women in this town who would—" She stopped as realization over what she just said settled on her. "I'm so sorry, Jillian. I didn't mean anything by that. I wasn't implying—"

"It's okay, Cammie. I understand."

"No," Cammie said as tears formed in her eyes. "You must think me horrid and ghastly and beastly for insinuating—"

"Shhhh. It's okay," Jillian said soothingly. "I didn't take it personally. I know the kind of women you speak of."

"There a problem over here?"

"No, Starla, everything's fine," Cammie answered as she gained control of her emotions.

"Listen up, toots," Starla said as she addressed Jillian. "You ever hurt her in any way ... Well, let's just say you don't want me finding out you hurt her, capisci?"

"I love her too much to do that," Jillian answered softly.

"She's comforting me, Starla. Thanks."

Starla said nothing more. She returned to do whatever it was she was doing.

"Sorry about that," Cammie said. "She's our resident mother hen."

"I'm glad someone is looking out for you, Cammie. Now please, continue."

"There's not much more, really," Cammie said. "I knew the end was near, but I denied it just the same. It culminated in what I told you the night we met: She had erased all evidence of our relationship and walked out on me like I was nothing more than some whore she had spent two hours with to fill in time on a layover."

"It pains me to know someone would treat you so," Jillian told Cammie, "yet, if Indie hadn't, then you and I never would have met, and despite my own heartache at the time, that night is the most glorious of my life. Two hearts skewered by love's poison dart, yet they shed the skin of anguish to find love anew."

"That was beautiful, Jillian."

"Yet, it's beauty pales in comparison to yours," Jillian responded.

"If the day ever comes that I ask why I love you so much, remind me of this exact moment in time," Cammie said, "although I doubt very seriously that day will come."

Tuesday, Cammie received a call while at work. When she went on break, she listened to the message, then returned the call. When she hung up, she was smiling ear-to-ear. Once she had gotten home, she called Jillian and told her the good news. "I got a call from the community college today. They have reviewed my resume as a position in the psychology department has come available, and they want to interview me tomorrow."

"You should wear that peach dress," Jillian suggested.

"You don't think it too dressy for an interview?"

"Of course not, Cammie. It will be fine, and I'm sure you will impress them greatly."

"Want to come by tonight?"

"Why don't I wait till tomorrow, that way we can celebrate your new job?"

"I wish I were as confident as you," Cammie said.

"Just be your usual strong, adorable self and everything will be fine, I am sure."

The next day, Cammie called Jillian and excitedly announced, "I got the job! How great is that?"

"Very," Jillian said. "Dinner at Seymour's to celebrate?"

"You're spoiling me," Cammie began as an answer, "but sure. What time?"

"Seven," Jillian said, then, "I love you, Cammie. Congratulations."

"I love you too, Jillian." She paused. "I mean that. I truly love you. Thank you for being my someone special. It's been just a week, but it feels like a lifetime. You make me so happy."

"I'll see you tonight, love. Bye for now."

Cammie used her tips from the past two weeks to buy a new dress, and not just any new dress, but a new baby blue Donna Karan Twist Front Silk dress with matching shoes. In all, the ensemble set her back almost four hundred dollars, but she really wanted to look beautiful for Jillian tonight, not to mention treating herself to something nice for landing the job.

She arrived at the restaurant at seven and made her way in. She asked for the reserved seating for Jillian Winterbourne and was escorted to the table. The waiter held her chair, and she sat and waited. At 7:05, Jillian still had not shown up. At 7:15, the same. She called Jillian's number, but was sent immediately to voicemail.

By 7:30, she was equal parts embarrassed and worried. She tried Jillian's number again. Voicemail. She sat another five minutes, then had decided to leave. She pushed her chair out, then looked up and saw Jillian enter. She smiled. She was relieved to see her lover after not knowing what could have possibly happened, but soon had adopted a trepid air as she noticed the not-too-cheerful look on Jillian's face. "Baby, what's wrong?" Cammie asked when Jillian reached the table.

"Just kiss me and tell me you love me," Jillian said, and Cammie did.

As they sat, "I was worried sick about you. What happened?"

"It's my daughter," Jillian answered.

"You have a daughter?" Cammie asked.

"And a son," Jillian added. "I haven't spoken of them. Not for any specific reason, mind you." She seemed to consider this. "Well, maybe so with my daughter."

"Take your time," Cammie said soothingly.

"Are you ready to order drinks?" the waitress asked as she approached.

"Double Stormy Weather for her, and I'll take a Tequila Sunrise," Cammie answered.

"Eighties convention in town or something?" the waitress asked with a snort.

Cammie stood and looked her in the eye. "Maybe my foot up your ass convention is in town. You want to find out, or do you want to get those drinks?"

"Right away, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am," and she was gone.

"I'm sorry about that, Jillian. Please. Continue."

"I like the way you handled that," Jillian said with a smile. "My hero." Cammie smiled back. Jillian continued her story. "My son Cecil (she pronounced it "Seh-sul" instead of its regular "Cee-sull) and I talk every week. He calls me every Thursday, and we talk for about two hours. He's a game programmer in Silicon Valley. He's pretty successful, and I'm proud of what he's done with his life. My daughter Vanessa, on the other hand ... To say we are estranged would be an understatement. It's my fault, Cammie. It's all my fault, and she never lets me forget that."

"It's okay, Jillian. Breathe. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"I ... I need to, Cammie. You need to know." Jillian took a couple of deep breaths, then continued. "After my divorce, I was an emotional wreck. Even more, I felt so alone and lonely, and I just wanted to feel loved, like any attention shown to me at all, anything to make me feel better, regardless from where it came.

"One day, when my daughter was out, her boyfriend came by. I made a small pass at him, and he acted upon it. Next thing I knew, we were making love and my daughter walked in on us. As devastated as she was, I was even more so. I betrayed her trust in me, Cammie. We have spoken just a handful of times in the past two years, but it's always so impersonal. I try to tell her how sorry I am, but she says, 'Yeah, whatever,' then hangs up on me."

"I'm so sorry," Cammie said as she reached out and took one of Jillian's hands into her own. "I understand how difficult it must have been for her, but I can see you are truly repentant of what you did. Give it some time. I'm sure she'll come around."

"That's the problem," Jillian said.

"Here you go," the maître d' said as he placed Cammie and Jillian's drinks before them. "I apologize for the young lady. She apprised me of the confrontation. You can rest assured she will never disrespect anyone in this establishment ever again."

"Don't fire her," Cammie pled. "I'm sure she was just making a joke, and any other time it would have been funny. It's just, we're dealing with a personal issue at the moment. She just caught us off guard, is all."

"You would have me retain her after such a blatant show of disrespect?"

"I think she has learned her lesson, and if you disagree, then have her scrub the toilets or something," Cammie bartered for the girl. "I noticed the wedding ring on her finger. To be that young and married, she and her husband need all the money they can get. Please, show mercy, if not for her, then for me."

"Madam, if only everyone who frequented us were as good-natured and benevolent as you. Very well, she shall remain."

"Thank you," Cammie said.

As he walked off, Jillian said, "That was very noble of you. It's no wonder I love you as much as I do." Silence. "Speaking of which, I need something from you."

"Anything," Cammie said. "You know that. Just name it."

"My daughter wants me to come by her house on Friday," Jillian reported. "She wants to introduce me to her fiancé. Even though she still sounded a little tense, I think she may be on her way to forgiving me, but I'm so nervous. I asked if I could bring a date, and she said yes. I want you to be there with me, Cammie. Just as she introduces me to her fiancé, I want them to meet the one person in my life who fills my heart with happiness. Will you? Please say yes, Cammie. I can't do this on my own."

"Of course," Cammie said with no thought given whatsoever.

"Thank you," Jillian said, then took a sip of her drink. "Double, huh? Trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?"

"You figured me out," Cammie said with a smile.

Then, "Oh, Cammie. I'm so sorry."


"Your dress. It's obviously new. I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner."

"You had too much on your mind," Cammie said in way of dismissing it.

"No, it's beautiful, and I should have said something."

"Well, the truth is, I bought it for you."


"I wanted to look beautiful for you tonight."

"Baby, you always look beautiful to me," Jillian said. She leaned across the table and kissed Cammie just as the waitress arrived.

"Ready to order?"

"We've changed our minds," Jillian said as she lay a fifty on the table. "We're headed home. Keep the change," and they left.

"You called my apartment 'Home,'" Cammie said once they got outside.

"And one day you will call my house the same," Jillian said. They seated themselves in Jillian's Rolls Royce and went back to Cammie's; Jillian assured Cammie that someone would drive her car back to her apartment.

Once inside, they stripped and began to kiss as they comforted themselves in each other's arms. "I want to do something for you," Cammie said. "Something I have never done for any other lover I've ever had."

"What?" Jillian asked curiously.

"In my opinion, it is the most intimate one person can become with another," Cammie said.

"What is it?" Jillian asked.

"Get on your hands and knees," Cammie directed Jillian.


"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Cammie. I do," Jillian said, and placed herself in that position. Once she had, Cammie said, "Now lay your head down." Jillian did. Cammie then slightly parted Jillian's ass cheeks and slowly placed her mouth on Jillian's anus.

"Oh, Cammie," Jillian sighed as a shudder ran the length of her body. Cammie slowly and lovingly kissed, licked, and sucked at Jillian's beautiful, sweet rectum, making love to it with her lips and tongue. Jillian had never felt anything like it before. It was the most beautiful experience she'd ever had. Cammie stayed there for the better part of thirty minutes. By the time she pulled away, thick syrupy strands of cum were dripping from Jillian's pussy. Cammie licked at this, too, and brought Jillian to orgasm.

"May I return the favor?" Jillian asked. Cammie quickly assuming the posture gave every indication she could. Jillian mimicked Cammie's actions, running her tongue along Cammie's slick, brown butthole, sucking it, kissing it, wiggling her tongue all around it. She really enjoyed doing this for Cammie. Jillian thought that she might even enjoy doing it more than Cammie enjoyed receiving it.

She moved down and wrapped her lips around Cammie's slit, and her mouth filled with sweet, creamery cum. She swallowed this plentiful nectar and silently petitioned for more as she continued to French kiss Cammie's sweet pussy, then she moved back to Cammie's butthole and started the process anew before being called off by Cammie.

"Don't go back to your place tonight," Cammie asked of her.

Jillian grabbed her phone and texted Sonia to pick her up tomorrow morning at eight.

The following morning: "I'll call you later," Jillian said as she kissed Cammie good-bye.

"After two," Cammie reminded her. "Today is my last day at Waffle House."

"How do you feel about that?" Jillian asked.

"Excited!" Cammie answered.

It was not Jillian who called Cammie, but the opposite. When Jillian answered her phone, Cammie said, "I need to speak with you."

"You have my undivided attention, Cammie. Go ahead."

"No, not here, over the phone" Cammie said. "Meet me at four at Leather and Lipstick." She immediately killed the connection, making Jillian wonder what this could be about.

Jillian was five minutes early and saw that Cammie was already present. There were a few patrons in the bar, all of whom gave notice to the striking red head as she made her way to the young, mixed-race woman sitting at the end of the bar. This was where Cammie and Jillian first met. It warmed Jillian's heart to find Cammie there.

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