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What Cums Around Goes Around

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You learn something new every day.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/15/2015
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Melanie was pleasantly perky and plucky. She was one of the nicest, most straight-laced, students Andrea had—most definitely a girl who had her act together and would do great things with her life. It was her senior year, so she was all wrapped up in picking a college, a major, and securing the money to pay for it all. That is why her parents hired Andrea (under the table of course) to assist Melanie in filling out applications, writing letters of interest, and navigating the whole paperwork rigmarole.

It's not that they didn't care for their daughter's future, quite the opposite in fact, it's just their jobs were too hectic and time consuming, and they knew Andrea was better equipped to give Melanie the advice and assistance she needed. Plus, they hoped Melanie would begin to see Andrea as a role model which she'd actually begun to do.

The two ladies had just put the final touches on a volleyball sports scholarship form when the clock struck five and it was time for Melanie to be getting home. Andrea's husband James' ingrained propensity for chivalry compelled him to walk her home after each study session; Melanie only lived down the street and up the hill, but James insisted on fulfilling this manly duty. Andrea found it a little ridiculous, but endearing all the same. What could happen in such a short distance anyways?

Being an author kept him in front of the laptop for hours on end, so he enjoyed the reprieve, fresh air, exercise, and opportunity to talk to someone other than Andrea or himself. Plus, James and Melanie shared a mutual interest in indie bands. They'd spend the short walk talking about obscure music, eclectic movies, and life's mysteries. After getting to know James, Melanie also came to enjoy their little chats. She hoped to one day find a man as sweet, funny, loyal, and cute as James to call her own.

They were both too consumed in their discussion to notice the van slowly creeping up behind them. It was a residential area, filled with soccer moms, so everyone drove by slowly. It wasn't until the van pulled up beside, swung open its door, and they were literally yanked inside that they knew something was amiss.

They were greeted by an unexpectedly smiling 30 something white male and his two similarly aged but much more fit buddies. "Relax! Believe it or not, I honestly don't want to hurt you and neither do my two compatriots." The two others gave sheepish half waves to their new guests. "We, in fact, just want to make some money, and we need your help."

Neither knew what to say at that point, so they stared blankly and waited for an explanation since his disarming demeanor had actually put both, momentarily, at ease.

"My name is Mike and I'll be your director, cinematographer, and cameraman today. Todd will be our chauffeur, and Alex," indicating the man who helped pull them inside, "will make sure everything goes smoothly."

Keeping his cool, but getting concerned, James asked the obvious, "What do you want from us?"

"We're proprietors of semi-reluctant amateur porn." Noticing his passengers' eyes widen, Mike defended, "You wouldn't believe the market for it."

Waiting a beat for it to soak in, Mike opened his hands and continued, "You're going to be the stars of our next little feature, and if you play along, no one will get hurt, and you'll be back on your way in a little while. I feel compelled to warn you though, if you don't play along, things will go downhill quickly." His straightforward summary of the situation left no doubt in their minds of his sincerity.

Wanting to save both of them, James surveyed their predicament but quickly realized there was little a slightly out of shape English major could do to save them from three better fit men, so he chose to bide his time and see if he could find a safe opportunity down the road. Agitating their captors, getting beat down, or becoming restrained would help neither of them, he determined. Though, both he and Melanie had a strong inkling of where this was heading.

Looking around, James and Melanie were impressed by how well equipped the van was to act as a mobile film studio. It was surprisingly roomy for a panel van, the lighting was natural and effective, there were plenty of handles and ropes to hold and keep your balance as it gently ambled down the road. And, there was a clean bed with fresh sheets laid out for them on the floor.

"Well, no time like the present to get this show on the road," offered Mike. "Slowly take off her clothes please."

Yep, it was as they both feared. "I'm not going to fucking let you have your way with her!" exclaimed James with the utmost conviction prepared to give it his all to protect her.

"Woe, hold your horses Turbo, we have no intention of violating this fine young girl's virtue. God, we're entrepreneurs, not sadistic perverted rapists. We nab couples, 'persuade' them to have sex on camera, and then we send them on their way.

"Doesn't she seem a little young to be my girlfriend?" queried James.

"You two know one another and seem to like each other well enough. What am I supposed to think? Plus, what are you...barely mid 20s?" retorted Mike,

"I'm 25," admitted James.

"So...she's at least 18; that's only seven years apart—doesn't seem that wild to me. Maybe we thought you just liked 'em young," proposed Mike. "Anyways, enough jibber jabber, if you don't do it, one of us will, so consider who she'd rather have."

It went without question, if this was going to happen, which it appeared like it was, Melanie would prefer James to be the one who did it. So, with all other alternatives exhausted, James and Melanie silently acquiesced.

Sheepish and guilty, James offered a "Sorry," but he'd be a liar if he didn't admit there was a part of him that lusted after her, especially those days when she'd race to their place after volleyball practice still sporting those tight short shorts and slightly sweaty hair—her body darn near begging to be pealed out of those clothes and tossed into the shower.

Filled with insecurity, she told herself James didn't want to be forced to do this, but she also wondered if he felt any of the forbidden curiosity underlying her fear. Uncertainty pervaded Melanie not only about James' uncontrollable physical reactions but also about her own forbidden and unmentionable desires.

Captivated by their awkward glances, Mike barely snapped out of his intrigue, "Oh, I almost forgot; here, take these," indicating the pink and blue pills held in his outstretched hands.

It was clear by his hand placement and the traditional color coding of the pills which was for who. "What are these?" asked James hesitantly eyeing them.

"Good golly, I don't want to be driving around town all afternoon answering all of your silly question, plus it's not like you have choice, just take 'em, they won't hurt you; in fact, they'll make things go smoother."

It wasn't so much that either James or Melanie totally trusted Mike's answer, but they did understand their choices were limited. So they each grabbed their pill and swallowed it down with the passing water bottle.

"Great, now let me explain what you just took," facing James "You just took a little secret something from the porn industry. It'll make you longer, thicker, and harder with the stamina, endurance, and control of a pro—not to mention it'll make you as horny as a pimply faced schoolboy."

"Sweetie," turning his attention to Melanie "you'll soon becoming as gushing wet as a nymph in a football fraternity and equally ravenous as you're companion here. I've found these help with 'stars' who might be a little camera shy."

With a flick of his wrist, Mike indicated James should start. How he should proceed wasn't spelled out, so it became his responsibility to decide.

Kneeling in front of her, James gazed up into the poor teen's fear stricken eyes. Slowly, James began unbuttoning her blouse, undoing the last few exposed to James (and all three abductors) her simple white bra. Then, removing the sleeves from her arms, James allowed her cotton shirt to slide down her back to the floor of the van. Carefully she draped one hand across her chest, trying to maintain some pride/confidence.

Though undeniably attractive and eligible, Melanie never really had a boyfriend; she'd always been too focused on school, sports, and her future. Plus, she'd seen too many of her classmates find only heartbreak or pregnancy with their love interests. So, she never saw the point in sexy undies which was now quite apparent. Plus, boys in high school only want one thing and lots of her friends fell for their fancy words only to be dropped like yesterday's news once the boy got what he wanted.

In an attempt to maintain Melanie's modesty for as long as he could, James started on her jeans next. From just unhooking her belt and unbuttoning her jeans, her discomfort was apparent as she involuntarily withdrew her crotch accidentally slipping the half undone button from James' fumbling fingers.

Continuing as slowly as possible, James hoped to of give her a little more time to come to terms. Mike didn't seem bothered by this in the least, probably chalking it up to extending the time of his video by stretching out the ultimate reveal.

"Damn, either nature was taking over or these pills work quickly," thought James as he felt his cock engorging and rising. James could feel the blood drain from his brain's higher reasoning center and begin flooding his other head. Sure, he was undressing a fine you woman with a fantastic nubile body, but he felt wrong being aroused, assuming this was against her will.

It was painful as his member strained against the fabric of his pants. And Mike wasn't joking about it making you horny; it took every fiber of James' self-control to not just tear off her clothes and with abandonment, fuck the shit out of her. But, he was determined to be as noble as he could in the face of these insurmountable odds.

Slowly he lowered her zipper revealing equally plan and generic white cotton panties. Her jeans fell from her waist to the ground with an unceremonious plunk creating quite a collection of clothes around her ankles.

On his knees, James was semi-standing and Melanie was using his shoulders to balance herself, so James had a point blank show of just how much her pill must be working too. He was amazed how accurately Mike described the effects of these pills as he noticed Melanie's predicament.

It was as though she'd piddled herself; however, from the sweet aroma, James knew it wasn't fear induced piss, but rather girl lubricant inundating her simple cotton undies creating the damp patch rapidly spreading from her raging pussy.

Melanie, self-conscious of her plain white panties clinging to her sopping pussy, outlining her camel toe with a damp spot dispersing outwards, questioned, "How can this be happening to me? They're going to think I am some raging slut who wants to be taken in front of strangers." How could she know what to chalk this up to? Was it the pill or her childish crush on Mr. Jensen?

As those thoughts finished forming, she recognized the familiar pangs of horniness increasing her heart rate, making her breaths haggard, and causing her to bit her lower lip to suppress the moans of frustration. "Damn pill..."

Her panties, now translucent and plastered to her puffy and pouting privates, were damn near soaking up the crotch of her innocent white 6-packs, trying to fill the parting and wanting hungry void. So she stood, blushing from head to toe, in nothing but her innocent underclothes.

James thought back to the first time he saw Andrea in only her skivvies. It was just before their first time. They were about to take a shower together in the dark. They were curious what it would be like to be naked in front of each other for the first time, but without actually being able to see one another.

Once she started the water, but before they'd removed their underwear, she killed the lights. It was exhilarating bumping into each other, blindly exploring their bodies. Unfortunately, "exhilarating" is not the word Melanie would use to describe being stripped down to her underwear in front of three strangers and her teacher's husband.

Reaching behind, James unclasped her bra then brushed the straps off her shoulders letting it join the pile of clothes at her feet. Her face turned red and her arms flew up to shield her formally concealed breast from four onlookers. Mike provided her a considerate moment, before asking, "Could you please lower your hands to your sides." She reluctantly complied, using them folded now to conceal her panties' wet spot.

Andrea's tits had aged well, no doubt having to do with their petite demeanor; Melanie's were a whole 'nother experience: a strong C to Andrea's barely B. So as her bra slipped past her nipples, those love mounds bounced back up in response, leaving nobody in the van able to deny their perky resilience.

After volleyball practice, Melanie'd put her brunet hair into two sweaty haphazard braids which now rested over the front of her shoulders and reached down to the beginning of her breasts framing her blushing face, confirming her demure personality. James knew his self-control just jumped out the window.

Mike must've noticed James' lustful longing stare because his next directorial direction, given with a smile, was to "Fondle them," causing Melanie to blush even further and give James quite the quandary which he'd face for the rest of the afternoon. Should he feign reluctance in everything he was "forced" to do or should he put his heart into it and try to give her some pleasure? Whether for his own benefit or hers was unclear, but he decided on the later.

Resting his hands on her hips, he could feel her shaking slightly. Steadying her comfortingly, he slowly ran his hands up her sides reveling in her goose bumps and soft warm skin. As he reached her chest, he brought them around and covered her breasts. Gently squeezing them, he was amazed by their firm yet supple nature. He then circled his thumbs around her areolas, before impulsively giving her nipples the slightest tweak. This was all that was needed for them to firm up and extend out.

He then brought his mouth up and suckled, running his tongue across its exterior before flicking it on those erect centers and finalizing with the gentlest nibble from his teeth. He repeated this process with the other. This was the first time someone, other than herself, had touched her body in a sexual way, and she couldn't help but enjoy it. She still didn't know if it was that darned pill or, perhaps more likely, his sensual manipulations were to blame, but she found herself becoming even more gushy "down there."

The incessant urge of the pill caused James to no longer be able to consider Melanie's position, so he hooked his thumbs into the sides of her sopping panties and slid them down to join the rest of her clothes. The fabric momentarily clung to her dripping vagina and the sensation of their separation sent a shiver down her spine and elicited an uncontrollable moan and caused a flood of pussy juice to run down her leg.

With lust filing and clouding his head, James extended his tongue and caught the runner, lapping it up as he licked her thigh, and then along her slit, finishing with a tongue flick across her clit. James didn't know what came over him as he then stuck his mouth between her legs and lapped like he was catching sticky dew droplets dripping off a fresh green leaf in the morning. These sensations were all new to Melanie as they caused her legs to buckle, further exacerbating her aroused situation. For someone as apparently innocent as Melanie, James was surprised to find her completely shaved.

After their explorative shower, James remembered how Andrea insisted on turning the lights off before dropping the damp towel that would reveal her all and everything to the man she adored. At the time, James couldn't understand her shyness—she was, and still is, beautiful from head to toe; why was she ashamed to show her perfect body to the man she loved? He insisted she had nothing to hide, so she agreed to keep the lamp on if he'd let her throw a sarong over it to dim its output. Fair enough...

Without even the security of subdued lighting, Melanie stood before all four men, bare as could be and plan to see, about to have who knows what happen to her next. Sure, she'd showered with her teammates before, but this was quite different.

During their after game showers, all the girls made furtive sidelongs to see how they stacked up and to make sure they were developing fine. However, nobody wanted to be caught looking; then you'd be weird, kind of like Beth the outside hitter who glanced a little too much and a little too long and made all the other girls feel uncomfortable.

In the showers Melanie noticed most girls where shaved and she didn't want to stick out like a sore (hairy) thumb, so she went home and followed suit. I guess you could say she was peer pressured into going bald down there, but she'd actually come to enjoy feeling clean and smooth.

Taking in the full grandeur of her nubile body for the first time, James admired her as one would a work of art. Andrea was long and lean, perfect for her years of track; however, Melanie was tone, with budding curves accentuating her bust and hips. Her glowing tan was only interrupted by the outlines of what must be her reserved swimsuit. Whatever modesty her choice in swimwear might have suggested was soon belied by her bodily longing for release. By this point the pill was in full effect, and she was dripping like an errant faucet.

James expected their kidnappers to be in the throes of lewd self-gratification, but their professionalism was admirable; Mike was manning the camera, Alex held the microphone pole, and Todd had both eyes on the road. He concluded they could whack off to their hearts' content later.

Ready to continue his munching of Melanie, James began to lean forward. "Hold your horses," exclaimed Mike, "I'd hate for the pressure down there," indicating the bulge straining in James' jeans, "to break something."

Without having to have anything said, Melanie knew what was now expected of her. James instinctively rose to his feet as Melanie squatted in front of him; this new position spread her soaking wet pussy enough to cause a volley of droplets of her lubricant to leak out and hit the floor.

Without considering the implication of apparent eagerness, James removed his shirt as Melanie began to work on his belt and jeans. With one fell swoop, Melanie pulled down both his boxers and pants. Her face was accidentally so close to his crutch that, with its new found freedom, his cock sprang up and unceremoniously slapped her across the face. James felt a wave of release as his penis finally received the level of freedom its current size and state demanded.

Here she was, faced with the first cock she'd ever seen. Stunned, staring at this phallus, not really knowing what to do, Melanie looked lost.

Impatiently, Mike exclaimed "Well, get to it girl, haven't you ever sucked a cock before?!"

"Well, no...actually," Melanie had to explain, wondering by the tone of Mike's question if it was truly odd for a high school senior to have never put a cock in her mouth.

Frustrated by the pause in action, Mike took a deep breath and then explained "Put it in your mouth and suck it like a popsicle, run your tongue along the bottom of his shaft, and when he moans, you're on the right track—oh, and watch out for those teeth."

Tentatively, Melanie grabbed hold, wondering what a man's meat was going to taste like, and guided his rod into her mouth eliciting a satisfied moan from James. It felt like all she could possibly fit, and she'd only consumed half of it, so she wrapped her lips around what she could and sucked, using her hand to jerk the rest.

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