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What Did I Do that was Wrong? 01


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"And then I went into the living room, flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I have no idea what was on, but it didn't much matter. Leanne brought us coffee, and she tentatively sat down next to me, probably afraid I'd push her away.

"But I didn't, I just put my arm around her, and she sighed and put her head on my shoulder, and we sat there for a couple of hours watching inane TV, not talking at all.

"When we went up to bed it was the same. We snuggled up together the way we always do. Leanne started to kiss me, and slide her hand down my front towards my cock, as she sometimes does when she wants sex--but I just held her arm and shook my head. She looked into my eyes anxiously, but I managed to smile at her.

"So she turned over and spooned back into me, and amazingly enough we fell asleep. I was afraid I'd never sleep again, but I was out within minutes."

As Mark continued his story, I became more and more amazed at how strong his instinct for denial was. It seemed obvious to me, and presumably would have been obvious to anyone listening, that the next step would have been a long talk between him and Leanne--addressing both their feelings about what had happened, and trying to work out how to move forward.

But he resisted all of Leanne's attempts to start such a conversation, and behaved as though all he wanted was to "get back to normal". Starting the day after his return, Mark did everything he could to act as though nothing had happened. He was cheerful and affectionate, which must have been an enormous relief to Leanne, but he deflected every reference she made to the events of the previous day.

After a couple of days, it seems, she understood that "pretend it never happened" was what he wanted to do, and she went along with him. The trouble, of course, is that it didn't work. And the place that it most obviously didn't work was the bedroom.

Mark and Leanne had previously made reservations for the following weekend at a little inn in a lakeside town about an hour north of Chicago. They'd gone there several times before for romantic getaways, and always had a terrific time. They took walks along the lake, sunned themselves by the pool, and made love--a lot. Mark told me that their previous weekends there had been wall-to-wall sex, maybe six times or more in a 48-hour period.

But this time things didn't go according to plan. When Leanne approached Mark in bed the first night, he was initially reluctant, but then began to respond to her loving foreplay. But they hadn't been having intercourse for more than a few seconds before he lost his erection.

"I could feel it starting to happen, but there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. We were in the missionary position, and my mind was filled with images of Leanne and that guy in our back yard--how loving and affectionate it was. All I could think was, 'is she that loving with all her other men? How many guys does she make love with? Do I even make the Top Ten?'

"I knew it was ridiculous--I knew that Leanne loved and cherished me--but it didn't make any difference. My cock took a nose-dive. I could see Leanne was worried, because this had literally never happened to me before, but I didn't want to talk about it. Without a word, I slid down and started eating her out.

"It wasn't much fun for me, because of the pictures running through my head. And it maybe wasn't much fun for her, either, but she came after a few minutes--or pretended she did. And then we just cuddled, and went to sleep. She kept stroking my cheek with her hand, and kissing me, and saying 'I love you, baby'.

"And I knew she was really saying, 'don't worry, it's all right'. But it wasn't all right with me, needless to say."

They tried three more times during the weekend. Mark made sure they avoided the missionary position, and he did manage once to keep it up long enough, with Leanne on top in the cowgirl position, for them to reach orgasm, though it was a struggle for both of them. As the weekend went on Mark became more and more unhappy and withdrawn, and Leanne more and more alarmed. But he still wouldn't talk to her about what he was feeling.

Mark stopped speaking, and I waited, but it seemed as though he didn't want to say any more.

Finally I asked, "and what has been going on since then?"

He sighed. "More of the same. We pretend during the day that everything's normal--I know Leanne wants to talk to me about...that day, but I just can't face it.

"So we smile and give each other a good-bye kiss in the morning, and then at dinner we chat about this and that, summer plans, or how work is going.

"In bed is the worst. I keep having, you know, the same problem. Leanne is always really patient, loving--she'll use her mouth, which sometimes works for a while, but when we get actually screwing, I almost always lose my erection. More and more often she doesn't even approach me--we just snuggle, and go to sleep.

"One night two weeks ago I had drifted off to sleep, and then in the middle of the night I woke up because I could hear Leanne sobbing. She'd turned away and buried her face in the pillow, but I could still hear her. I felt awful!

"Since then I've been sleeping in the guest room a lot. I'll stay up late, watching TV or something until she's gone to bed, and then just go into the guest room rather than our room. I hate doing it, but it''s too humiliating to be with Leanne and feel like such a complete failure."

"Do you think," I asked carefully, "that it might make sense to go ahead and have the conversation that Leanne wants? To talk about...that day?"

"And say what?" Mark's eyes were haunted. "That I saw her making love so tenderly, so affectionately with another man? That I couldn't believe she could be so loving with him? That it wasn't fucking at all--it was giving to him what she should only be giving to me?

"That I'm totally destroyed by it? That I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust her again, to believe her when she tells me our love is special, that I'm the only man she really loves?

"That I can't imagine ever having my self-confidence back--that I wonder if I'll EVER be able to make love to her the way I used to?

"Jesus, Tom, what's the point of getting into all that? How could saying those things possibly make anything better?" By now Mark was nearly shouting, and his hands tightly clenched the arms of his chair.

"At least she would know what you were feeling. And she would have the chance to respond to those feelings--to reassure you."

He snorted. "Right! 'Oh honey, it wasn't love-making, it just LOOKED that way! Never mind that I gave him deep, loving kisses and smiled at him and murmured in his ear just like I do with you--I didn't really mean it with him!' Do you think that would do any good?

"All it would do is confirm to her what a fucking wimp I am--that I'm not the man she thought she married."

"No," I said, "I think it would force her to understand that the arrangement she insisted on before you got married, which you told her you could accept, is no longer an arrangement you can live with."

He stared at me, his angry expression slowly turning to a more thoughtful one.

I continued, "have you thought about what you want for the future, Mark? For yourself, for your relationship with Leanne? Do you know what you want me to help you and Leanne work towards?"

"No, I don't know," he said, shaking his head slowly. "I've tried to think about it--God, I've spent hours trying to think about it, but my thoughts just go around and around without getting anywhere. I can't get past the pictures in my head....

"I know I love Leanne. That hasn't changed. I've never been as happy in my life as I've been with her. I don't want to give that up.

"But I also know I can't stand the situation we're in. I simply can't handle being one of her stable of fuck-buddies. Even if I'm the #1 fuck-buddy, whatever that means.

"And I don't know if I can.... For Christ's sakes, I don't know if I'll ever be able to be the man I used to be with her! How can I, with that image in my mind of her and that asshole in my back yard?

"And if I can't...."

He was silent for a full minute. Then he looked up at me. "If I can't, you know, be a man with her again--have a real sex life--then I just can't see us staying together. It would be a lifetime of hell, for both of us."


The next time Mark came into my office there was a striking difference in his attitude. He walked in loose-jointedly, looking relaxed and at ease. Sitting in the chair, he let a kind of sheepish grin appear on his face. When I asked about it, he chuckled.

"Sorry, Tom, I was thinking about what happened to me at lunch today. I was in a diner on the South Side, just having a burger and a cup of coffee, on the way here from a job site, and the waitress tried to pick me up."

I looked interested and he continued.

"She couldn't have been more than 22 or so! A cute blonde, kind of slim but with a nice figure. She was very attentive, you know? 'How's that hamburger? Can I get you anything else? More coffee? The cherry pie is great today, would you like a piece?'

"And she had a way of bending over just a little further than necessary, letting me see down the top of her blouse.

"I just kept smiling, enjoying the treatment. Then when she brought the check, she gave me an extra-big smile and a wink. When I picked it up there was a business card from the restaurant underneath--on the back she had written, 'I get off at 6 pm and I'm free most nights--Love, Liz,' and left a phone number."

"Are you tempted to do something about it?"

He shook his head. "Not seriously. I mean, she was cute and I'm sure it would be fun to hop in bed with her, but...certainly not while I'm still married to Leanne." He looked sober and thoughtful.

"Okay, but can you imagine doing it? What do you think would happen?"

His response, interestingly, was a very confident one. He described calling Liz, taking her to dinner, then to bed. "From the way she acted in the restaurant she'd be really eager, very into the sex. I imagine we'd do it 3-4 times, spending most of the night at it. I can just see her, squealing and grabbing onto me as she comes. Jesus, thinking about it is getting me going a little!"

"Does this happen to you a lot?" I asked. "I mean, women trying to pick you up like that."

"Actually, it does," he said, looking a little embarrassed. "Not when I'm with Leanne, of course, but quite a bit when I'm by myself, or even occasionally with some of the guys from work."

With a mixture of pride and embarrassment, Mark went on to tell me a number of similar stories. From the sound of it, he was the recipient of female attention nearly every place he went--grocery stores, bars, restaurants, occasionally in the subway.

"Back in my single days, I was more than ready to take some of these women up on it. I remember a time when two girls from Northwestern started chatting me up on the "L". We ended up going back to their apartment and fucking pretty much nonstop from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.

"Turned out they did this from time to time--they were bi, and they really enjoyed sharing a guy. When they'd worn me out temporarily, they'd do a 69 on each other for a while, and that got me hard again in a hurry."

As Mark shared a number of his adventures with me, his tone of voice and his body language conveyed a relaxed, confident side of him that I hadn't seen much of before. Toward the end of the session he started to slow down and I said, "what comes to mind, Mark, when you think about the stories you've been telling me today?"

After a moment he said, "I guess I feel embarrassed now--like I was being some big show-off, trying to impress you with all the babes I've fucked. Trying to convince you I was some kind of stud."

"Convince me, or remind yourself?" I asked.

"I don't...well, maybe some of both."

"The thing that strikes me, Mark, is that you told those stories without bragging, in a rather matter-of-fact way. I think you were remembering that for an awful lot of your adult life, you've not only been attractive to women but a good lover of women, someone who satisfied them and gave them a lot of pleasure.

"Now--why might you be feeling the need to remind yourself of that right now?"

"Pretty obvious question, doc!" he replied sarcastically. "Because since I saw Leanne with...that guy, I've been feeling like a sexual failure."

"But your stories paint quite a convincing picture that you're not a failure at all, don't they?"

He nodded, slowly. "Yes, I guess they do. I a way I was kind of giving myself a pep talk, wasn't I?"

I nodded. "And it's quite understandable that you would be feeling the need for one, in light of what you're struggling with.

"But the facts are clear, Mark. You are a very attractive guy--one who has no trouble getting together with women, and one who makes them happy in bed. Including Leanne, from everything you've told me.

"Now we have to stop in a minute. But I want you to think about the point we've just arrived at. What you saw that day in your back yard was a blow to your sense of manhood--it would be hard for virtually any husband to take.

"But it wasn't a fatal blow. The story you told me earlier, imagining a night with Liz from the restaurant, was one in which you were a confident, successful lover, one who excited and pleased your partner.

"That is who you still are, Mark, who you still know yourself to be."

He looked at me intently, nodding his head slightly. "I believe that, actually--to my surprise I believe it.

"The only question is, can I still be that guy with Leanne? Or am I going to have to find someone else to rediscover that confidence with?"

And before I could respond he had risen and headed for the door, saying only, "thanks, Tom," as he left.

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JRandyJJRandyJabout 1 month ago

Well, so far your character Mark is the dumbest Shithead I have ever heard of. I have never in my 70 years met a man who would marry a bitch with these rules. Totally stupid. Is your wimp mark going to start cleaning her with his tongue Each time she cuchs him?

Rocky62Rocky622 months ago

Why was she fucking loverboy at their house? Not in the ground rules as presented and he hasn’t asked her yet, maybe in later chapters. Think he’d ask about condoms before proposing again and be insistent on knowing frequency and numbers. I agree with the husbands rejection of her being overly intimate as opposed to just monkey sex, not okay. She has fucked up and may e he should have never agreed to her request for one sided open marriage. Maybe should have only entered this union if he could visit other pussys too.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

I have read many of the comments and a lot of them put their personal spin on how they would react if this was presented to them. I agree with a lot of them, but it hasn't happened to them or me so all I can do is read the story and comment on it. As usual, your story is well written and thought provoking. It's interesting and the characters are well developed.

Buster2UBuster2U5 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars to Ohio for an amazingly difficult story that is very interesting. LOL This woman almost reminds me of my 4th wife, a true nympho. I didn't realize it for a while but suddenly things started getting suspicious. Things that didn't make sense. LOL DD was so much like this woman here it is so similar. Once I realized that she was taking on Steady lovers and one-night stands I tried to understand. She wouldn't admit it, but with a little spying stuff it became obvious. She would have a steady BF on the side for several weeks. Black men usually plus frequent quickies. I tried to understand, I tried to be patient. I even went for Hypnosis so I wouldn't get jealous. LOL Still didn't work, I started hating myself for NOT being good enough to keep her from screwing around all the time like the woman in this story. LOL, I am lucky I survived that experience. Poor Mark will be lucky if he does as well. Good Effort Ohio. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

1-star. Nope. Plenty of fish in the sea to be yolked to a crazy woman. When a woman you are dating tells you she’s been having sex with other people the entire time and that she can’t commit to fidelity, you simply thank her for her honesty and walk away. You absolutely don’t agree to be a cuckold. Not gonna read any further. I’m sure Ohio will concoct some extraordinary circumstance to get readers to accept the cuckoldry, or open marriage, or whatever. The fact is that both of these characters are idiots and I am unable to root for either one. I’m done.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Mark is right;of course. Actually seeing her was awful, but it was not just that she was having sex, but that she was making love, and in HIS space to boot.

I'm surprised he never took the "what's good for the goose" approach, or at least brought it up with her.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Having sex with your AP in your own home is so incredibly disrespectful that I don't think there can ever be a reconciliation from that.

There's a psychology behind it that either says I don't care about the consequence because it's more important and/or I want to be caught because (a) the idea of it is such a turn on and/or (b) I don't have the courage to tell you straight so I'm playing this game of fate.

She wanted to be caught, she was sending the MC a message that he's replaceable and soon.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Who cares about a man that has already allowed his wife to look for someone better, someone more suitable and more compatible. What the heck was he expecting?

TexMan1970TexMan19708 months ago

I don't like this story at all. The MC is a weak man and should never have spent another moment with her after she turned down his proposal! He knew he would never be able to handle the situation but was too weak to walk away. I will not read any further. I am not an author so I can't say it is a 'bad' story, but I can say I don't enjoy it at all.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well the MC is a class A moron who appears to have willingly married a selfish, delusional and fundamentally dishonest slut. Deserves all the pain he gets. Arsehole!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I'm not reading & don't care what happens in the 2nd part. Actually, I skimmed through this part. You've got a man ready to get married but his fiance wants to have, & continue to have, sex with others. He agrees & all is fine UNTIL the day he returns early from work & sees her with another man. Then his performance starts dying.

>> He's got nothing to say. Not her fault he returned early, but HIS fault for agreeing to this stupid-assed scheme. When she states that she wants to still see other men, the answer's a quick "then you don't want to marry me. In fact, our relationship is ended. It's one thing before we got exclusive, much less engaged, another thing after. Worse, during an early discussion, she admitted to being with a few men. Like I wrote, he agreed to it & now has nothing to say,

>> Again, this author seems to like writing about weak men. So we part. 2 stars, & I'm feeling generous. Bob

deependerdeepender8 months ago

Taking this author to task for deliberately misleading his readers with false is almost absurd. Many LW authors claim to eschew cuck stories. This author has written one. Tagging this story with "adultery" and "extra-marital sex" is basically deceitful. The only tag that describes this story is "voluntary cuckoldry". Failing to accurate describe a story with the "cuck" tag deserves no higher score than a 1.

NitpicNitpic9 months ago

What did he expect,he deserves all he gets for marrying her.

backgar12backgar1210 months ago

Excellent! Love your stories - always very creative and you’re great at capturing the emotional dynamics.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Most of the "men" writing these stories are either really females or are docile, passive-aggressive sennnn-sitive types who are like 70/30 on the female/male characteristics spectrum. I mean look at MC. He whines, freezes up, vacillates, and goes all incommunicado. Shit, even people who compartmentalize or self-delude are pushed out of their comfort zones by events like this. If this doctor was real, he'd know that the toll this guy's behavior takes is a lot worse than confrontation. Sheesh... Give me MEN who act, talk, swear, screw and fight like MEN and not hyperbolic cartoon characters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

WTF did the worthless shrink really do for this world class cuckold, nothing. And this husband just needs to move on. He fucked up the moment he did walk when she told him that she was big time cheating slut that would never stop cheating on him..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


You want us to believe that this dude would stay with and marry a whore under these conditions?

No woman has the only magic pussy on earth.

You describe this guy as an extremely attractive man in his 30s. Engineering and architectural degree. Has to pulling down $200k per year give or take. Living in the Chicagoland area. Ex collegiate athlete. 6'2". Built like a Greek God. Blonde hair. Dreamy blue eyes.

Do you know how many eligible "magic pussies" there are within driving distance of Chicago?

Pussies attached to actually good and faithful women instead of this whore.

No fucking way he goes back to this cunt after finding out she's been dicking numerous other men during their courtship. way. It's ridiculous. Don't care that his mom died and he learned to compartmentalize.

It's so nonsensical that its actually funny.

No woman is worth this.

Nor would a man like this be worth it to any woman either.

It's a ridiculous premise. It seems like this author sits back and tries to come up with elaborate stories where a horrible woman has sex outside of marriage and the husband accepts it some how?

Nobody would marry or let alone date someone like this barring a serious mental issue. Like all of the damaged cucks on here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pure load of shit! Any man that agrees to let his wife fuck other men is a laughable pathetic cuckold wimp and deserves all the shit he gets. Does anyone feel sorry for this asshole. I wonder how many times he went down on his wife and sucked another man's cum out of her pussy. I actually thought Ohio was a decent writer, but with this story, not so much. 1/5

LegacybadLegacybadabout 1 year ago

Interesting story. I want to read more and see where it goes. Whatever he does, he definetly needs to talk to his wife, about what he saw snd what hes thinking/feeling about it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

my 1st thought upon reading this was that if leanne like veriety and wldnt commit unless she cld continue was that mark/i shld slow the relationship down and try out her system. She can fuck around as she pleases and he shld too. If the cunts inLWs stay true, she wld blow up at finding that hes getting some on the side just like her. Then after cucking up and giving in and getting e,masculated, he shld take tghe waitress up on her offer asap, spend the nite, let leeanne do some wondering and worrying. rk

Madeira1076Madeira1076about 1 year ago

This is an interesting story.

I hate cuck stories, but this guy, in the end is a wanted and good looking guy. It just seems different then the defeated looser that puts up with a cheating slut. Besides, he got into this with open eyes so maybe she is just a slut and not a cheating slut.

(He is monogamous so therefore not a male slut)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's Almost as if some readers think this is a real story and not a construct of the authors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just try to look past the fact that a monogamous guy agreed to marry a woman that flat out told him that she has to be able to be a promiscuous slut but will only love him so it won't be cheating. Just look past how ridiculous that is...she still fucked it up. How is fucking a guy at the marital home not letting it interfere the marriage? She also wasn't having ongoing affairs with any of them and it was just physical...just sex and nothing else, yet she is making sweet love to a guy she has clearly been with multiple times. Based off of your history, I know there's probably a RAAC coming, but I really hope that is not the case here. Although, Mark kinda deserves to be unhappy for being such an idiot in the 1st place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why even bother marrying someone that isn't going to have children nor be monogamous. Makes no sense. But then super stud banged all those women, made no babies and none of them wanted to, or matched up to marriage standards ... the one woman that does and would, will only do it if allowed to bang other males. Something stinks in Denmark, and it's not the fish.

Studly Dudley is a washout.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why 5he fuck would this IDIOT ever agree to letting wifey fuck around?

ironman1017ironman1017over 1 year ago

I’m sorry I just don’t believe she really loves Mark. If she did she would find ways to spice up her sex life with him and do new things or in different places, etc not have random flings with total strangers. I mean honestly come on, she can’t love him and be totally satisfied with him and then turn around and say she NEEDS to screw other men. She’s either lying about loving Mark and being satisfied with him or she lying about needing the one night stands with strangers. Although Mark should have NEVER agreed to marrying her if she couldn’t stop sleeping with men other than him. They should’ve also set better rules, like no sex at their house, etc. I just don’t understand how people can get married and then be like “oh I’m going to keep screwing men other than you, okay?”. If that’s the case why are they even getting married/married. The whole point of marriage is a loyal monogamous committed relationship between two people. So it makes no sense for them to get married when she’s basically still acting like she’s sexually single. I mean what would they do if she got an STD or pregnant by one of her stranger flings? Would she expect him to raise someone else’s child? Bleh. Mark may truly love her but I don’t think she truly loves Mark. To me, it says a lot about her and her level of feelings towards Mark that she didn’t even attempt to stop her promiscuous behavior to see if they could make it work, between different locations, role playing, toys, etc there are tons of ways to keep their sex life spontaneous and exciting. Mark’s better off finding someone who wants the same things he does and loves him the way he loves them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

REALLY, REALLY stupid guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why would he marry her in the first place? Has he never heard of STD's? Clearly she's slept with dozens if not hundreds of men in her life so she's a walking Petri dish of sexual germs. Why contaminate yourself with this delusional skank slut? I'd like to feel sorry for him and hope he burns this piece of trash bitch, but he's brought in on himself. Guessing there is a 90% chance you'll turn this into a pile of cuck shit, but hoping for a better outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Can’t see why he married the slut, I would have outta there like shot. Also why are these guys such wimps. 1 in the garden arsehole would have a swift shot to the balls after which I would him and then her out of the house. 2. Why is he letting this affect his self confidence?

Opinionated1Opinionated1almost 2 years ago

just like building a house on may hold for a while with you in complete denial

about the reality. There's ZERO chance their marriage will last more than it takes for him to

realize what a fool he is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

why would anyone marry this whore? If she is fucking around the whole time she was dating you she is going to after the marriage too. Dump her ass

EXursusRhereEXursusRherealmost 2 years ago

Racketball? or racquetball?? What's your choice Ohio?

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60about 2 years ago

Mark should have never married her, she is a walking Red Flag.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What do you think Ohio likes more than anything? To sink his Dick in his woman and have it buried in her lover’s cum…..he is a cuck and thinks all guys should be that way. R. H.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So far, quite strange. BUT - most of the "other stories" have been written. 🤔 Carry on!!! ☺️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry couldn't finish it. Understand it's a story but male readers when a women is like this and tells you she needs other men, dump the whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You'd have to be a tremendous fuckwit to accept such an arrangement in the first place.

I wonder how real marriage counselors restrain themselves from slapping a dude like this in real life.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 2 years ago

Mark has built his problem in the arrangement with Leanne. Now he needs to find a solution. Thanks for your writing.

Pjam1968Pjam1968over 2 years ago

Jesus, this seems a great start

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There should be only 2 options for Leanne:

1.) stop fucking around


2.) get usd to being divorced.

He never should have married her in the first place. He’s not a husband, he’s a backup plan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not a story about a loving wife, rather a story about abuse and co-dependency!

AbctoyAbctoyalmost 3 years ago

The guy was and idiot for ever accepting such a fate but I will read on to see where this is going.

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 3 years ago

want to see where this goes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

When you start with a grossly unrealistic premise, the story fails. If Ohio wants to write a cuck, write a realistic cuck. There is no selling a husband character as an "I'm a normal man, not a cuck/swinger, but I'm going to let my wife fuck around because I "Loooove" her and she can't help being a slut."

Here is where the story could have credibly ended: "And after you know it, I don't know if you'll ever want to see me again." As it was, Mark is converted in to a despicable, weak, cunt of man. The premise that someone not a cuck/swinger would put himself in the position of marrying a confessed slut is ludicrous, especially given his attractiveness to women. Only children and immature adults think there is only one person out there you can live with happily ever after.

"I knew that Leanne loved and cherished me." Wrong, sluts love and cherish only themselves. That was a stupid line to write. Anyone smarter than a cabbage knows that IRL.

There is something seriously wrong with even th e"good" author here.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 3 years ago

He claimed he wasn't angry with her but he should have been. She not only totally disrepected him by bringing her lover to their house, but she broke the deal they had where she was supposed to ensure that he was never exposed to her cuckolding of him. She should have never had a lover at the house. That is a huge betrayal in an already extremely tenuous situation. Anger and self-doubt should both be part of the equation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can not conceive why any man would marry into a situation like this, just keep her as a friend with benefits.

But, if you did, wouldn't it be a strict rule THAT NOTHING with another lover takes place in their home.

She is portrayed as a loving wife, who just needs "extra's", but it seems obvious that she has little or no respect for her husband by the fact she brought her lover into their home.

The only way I can imagine this "marriage" lasting is if they both have an open marriage or become swingers.

Be interesting to see her reaction if he starts getting "a bit on the side" as well.

Interested in seeing how this proceeds

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Dude got a case of Oneitis and married a slut, after she told him she was as slut even!

Well, if you're gonna play stupid games, be prepared to win stupid prizes.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Ummm dear anon that wrote this "what you crying about wimp . you brought this on your self .wimp ,divorce and move on wimp."

You do realize this is just a fucking story, right?

One thing about a sizable chunk of the readership here is you never fail to meet my low expectatons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I was in an open marriage . But My Ex didn't tell Me about it . I did not get turned on when I caught her like some guys . Instead I got Mad and Divorced . What Man makes that kind of deal with his wife

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

what you crying about wimp . you brought this on your self .wimp ,divorce and move on wimp.

lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

Another cuck story with no cuck tag

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

He made a colossal mistake in marrying her. She was never the wife for him or for most men. After all he invested in her and the relationship, there was pain no matter what he decided. That was well written, but painful to read.

Cracker270Cracker270over 3 years ago

Glad I started this. Hope the author ends it and doesn’t leave me hsnging

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

The idiots are not dying out, either in fantasy or in reality. This author proves it to us with this story!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 3 years ago

Weird life story, wonder where it goes.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

OHIO king of the dumb fuck writers, HERE is the problem with this story...

"I was staring at her in complete shock," Mark continued. "I was thinking, has she been sleeping with other guys while we've been going out? And I started to get furious--but I realized we'd never discussed it. I had never asked her to be exclusive with me or told her I was being exclusive with her, though I was. "



SO how is THIS the boyfriend/ husband's fault? Lets assume that he is correct they never actually discussed being exclusive .


How does THAT fact translate into Leaane fucking SCORES of other men .. WHLE SHE IS IN A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP WITH MARK .... and LYING about it ??? Maybe seeing 1 or 2 other guys on the side is understandable .


the point here is that WHY WHY WHY does mark think well since we never discussed being exclusive

its Ok for her to LIE by omission and fuck SCORES of other men??


the WHOLE premise is moronic But what REALLY kills the story is that the so called therapist EVER raises this CRITICAL ISSUE

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I'm 61, been married for 40 years, and I have never met a man that would accept this situation. Quit being a pussy, and toss the skank to the curb. He was right when he said he was just her #1 fuck buddy.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 4 years ago

Ohio continues to craft these wonderful stories. It's a shame he often works his protagonist into weak ineffective men.

Still five star writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I gave it one star ⭐️ because it sucked so bad, but when I saw it was part one I gave it 3 stars.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Tom is a browbeaten cuckold .


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

to sympathize with Mark! It rarely happens that I imagine beating some sense into the any character if a story. But this Mark character is really asking for the worst kind of beating. I hardly know any guy who would willingly throw himself into that kind of relationship. In all of those stories I never read anyone saying "Ok, Mylady, if you want this, I assume you'd be ok with me doing the same?". Where's common sense gone?

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 4 years ago

Great writing and a good story. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. I hope he decides his is a man and gets a backbone. I would see 2 choices: divorce (most likely) or a post-nuptial agreement that not only heavily penalizes infidelity, but also requires regular polygraph testing (like 1/year or 1/6 months). For myself I would divorce her and then any future relationships would discuss fidelity BEFORE having sex. If the purpose is to find a long term (hopefully lifetime) partner and fidelity is important, then that needs to be discussed before sex. His best option now is to get rid of her because she wants and insists on variety and probably won't stop until menopause hits (maybe not even then) so he's looking at her being a cheating slut for approx. 30 years. I'd bet that he could divorce her and find a replacement within 5 years - that means 25 years of happiness vs. 30 years of being an unhappy cuckold - easy choice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I really don’t know how to rate this story. It’s well written, very few errors, the characters are alive & breathing.

The storyline however is definitely not for me. For Mark to have actually continued dating this women, then actually asking her (twice) to marry him is just so alien to me especially as he is quite clear in his mind, that he hates her behaviour.

Frankly, I can not understand men like this. Why, why, why, would he ever even consider this for a second ? Unbelievable !

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 4 years ago
Good story, but the comments are from weak and spineless men

Good story, there will be a reconciliation, but first both parties are going to have to change. Better communications, for starters. This couple is potential swingers, but I'm not sure they have the maturity. If they're both so attractive, it might work.

I'm not sure what her major malfunction is, but we all want more. I'll have to read on.

Notice, however, how the boldest, bravest, and more extreme comments hide behind anonymity?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I do realize authors like to experiment,

but this is a failure, completely and utterly. Mark is supposed to be normal; he meets Leanne and :falls in love"; he proposes and she tells him she's a slut and would continue be a slut after marriage. Mark says O'Tay! What planet are you on Ohio that you think you can write a normal man and he's soooo "in love' that he accept a wife that sluts about? A slut as the mother of his children? You were out of you fucking mind on this one. I'm sure it'll RAAC, but the premise of the story is ludicrous.

Rob5373Rob5373over 4 years ago

He’s a total wimp. I’m all for reconciliation but this one is over the top. She’s a whore. Does not need to be married and needs to drop her like a bad habit. Is she getting tested regularly. Who are the assholes fucking her? Bar pickups, homeless guys, what? How many times as he had sex with her right after she’s had some other turds dick in her. Oh that’s right, like the nutcase he is, he doesn’t want to know. So far really bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
So He Married a Slut

She made him her little Cluck ... Have a Nice marriage Cluck .. Maybe next time you can put the Condom on for her Lovers .. I would have kicked her to the Curb ..

SystemShockSystemShockalmost 5 years ago
Tsk, tsk

He tried to turn a ho into a housewife, should've known better. Can't even claim ignorance since she told him upfront she was a Grade A ho, so he gets no sympathy.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 5 years ago
Cuckold boy...

He went wrong marrying a known slut!!! Leanne told him she would who're around and he accepted it. No reason to be pissed because you caught her!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
If this guy was... good with the women, what possible reason could justify marrying such a confessed promiscuous woman??? I just dont get that. But here is what I DO get. He took the step. Made his bed, so to speak, now he has to lie in it or die in it. Tough bananas! One star. (So far!)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

Been a long time since I read, so I don't know how this ends, though if it's like most of ohio's stories it will end in a reconciliation.

Based on what's here, though, I can't see anything but divorce, He can no longer accept her fucking other men. She still needs/wants to. Oh, to save her marriage she'll try to give it up, maybe even succeed, for at least a while. But, she'll still want to, and either end up cheating, or she'll simply replace his misery with hers.

It's better if they just cut their losses and split up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago


robroy93robroy93about 5 years ago

Why would you want to be married to a whore like this. It just doesn't make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

The real problem is that he was never ok with the arrangement, and should have made some ground rules.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 5 years ago
“You’ll never know about it. I’ll be discrete and won’t embarrass you”...

But I’ll bring my boyfriends to our house and fuck them where you can catch us? How dumb is that? Marc doesn’t think he can be one of many, or even first among many. Well, dude, that’s what you signed up for.

By not being able to mentally deal with the problem hasn’t he created his own hell? It’s not even the sex that has messed up Marc. It is the intimacy. Didn’t Leanne tell him that he didn’t have to know anything unless he wanted to? Was that an invitation for him to participate in her flings? Some men might get into that.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Strange one

You marry a woman like Leanne, then you have a lifetime of trouble. Get rid of the bitch and find a good woman.

andyinozandyinozover 5 years ago
Doesn't the bitch have to

go to work at all?

Where does she get the time to screw all of these guys?

Is Mark actually paying her/supporting her to screw around?

I want to see Mark get his mojo back and start taking advantage of some of his 'opportunities' and see how wifey feels about that !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Who's Fault Is It

That you married a slut? At least she was up front about it and you're surprised that's she's doing at home? If you were stupid enough to agree and marry her, live with it or get your balls back and dump her. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why would he marry her in the first place?

She's a slut. She has no self control, no self respect and certainly no real love or respect for Mark. Impossible to believe he married her.

1 star

desertdog43desertdog43over 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What an absolute sick man.

What sort of a man would willingly subject himself to such a stupid situation? Is it likely that a sensible, thinking man would want to be in a relationship with any woman as twisted as the woman Leanne portrays. As the old saying goes, if she had as many sticking out of her as have been stuck into her she would look like a Porcupine. Although this story is an imaginary situation, I for one cannot conceive of such total stupidity.

KRD19254KRD19254almost 6 years ago

It is one thing for her to have her extra sex needs and for Mark to accept it BUT she is one arrogant beeeoch to bring it HOME. By her doing it at HOME she was setting up a fail fail when she got caught. Mark may have accepted her promiscuity to a point, but she promised never to throw it in his face. Now Mark got to see her perform and wonder how many times his bed was compromised too. Her arrogance has killed her golden goose.

Trust is shattered - time to toss out the trash and move on. She broke her own rule. But then again I'd never have accept this nor married her! 4*

rfnks2002rfnks2002almost 6 years ago

Well dont think shes trying very hard to keep the fuck buddy's secret. Looks to me like shes bring them home to shove in his face what a bitch. But he did Merry the slut so quit crying in your beer you fucking cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What He Said

I gotta agree with ‘jrphdo’s comments. There should have been ground rules laid out and agreed upon before any marriage. And “never in our house” and “I can play too” should have been first and foremost in those rules. Then if he wants to marry an unrepentant slut, he knows going in what’s happening. But if he changes his mind later, hey, walk away. It’s not the end of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
1* Wimpy Cuck Crap

Please stop being crying wimpy cuck writer. Man up.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 6 years ago
Quite an enjoyable tale.

Ohio classic. LW's drama of a nice young married couple who torch their marriage, 'eyes wide open'. Nice build up for Chapter 2. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Mark needs to pull his head out of his ass

He went into marriage with Leanne with his eyes wide open. Now he can't handle it. He's behaving like a child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
BS Story stretched out of proportion like a tasteless chewing gum

What a crap, three internet pages of BS that could have been put into one paragraph. What a lousy writer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You married a whore, slut, skank. You need to hire some rough ladies to totally Fuck up your whore wife physically.

jrphdojrphdoover 6 years ago
Bad Decision

It was a mistake to accept her baggage in the first place and second, if he really was going to accept it, have some ground rules(not in our house, limit frequency, if you do this, I can screw who I want etc.) At this point, cut his losses, he has no problem finding women. This is just the first chapter so will be interesting to see where the author goes.

PowersworderPowersworderover 6 years ago

Tom grabbed Mark by the shirt and shook him violently. "You married a fucking slut you idiot! What's wrong with you?! Why the fuck would you agree to be a cuckold if you hated the idea?!"

Mark blinked at him in shock as if waking from a nightmare. "Damn, Doc, you're good!" He relaxed and gave Tom a grateful smile. "She obviously never loved me, I was just cock#457. I'll go see a lawyer about the divorce."

"Good plan, I'm glad you're seeing sense at last. Make sure you bone that 22 year-old waitress to remind yourself you've got some balls... Doctor's orders!"

patilliepatillieover 6 years ago
To enter into such a marriage on the condition of being a cuck

is unacceptable to alpha men. Really most men in general. Something was wrong with him to agree to that premise in the first place. It kinda colors the whole story, if you dont like it now, why did you agree to it intially? Putting one's head in the sand like an ostrich is never the way to get things accomplished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The guy should just walk away from the marriage. Cut his losses, so to speak. She’s already indicated she has no intention of stopping her dalliances with other men so why beat his head against the wall hoping for something that ain’t going to happen. Just walk away.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago

For obvious reasons he's dissatisfied with their 'open relationship', but it seems silly for him to cling to being monogamous while married when the wife has no such problem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Started out not liking this -- especially the one-sided "open relationship. " (But I guess he would not want to open his side even if it was an option?)

But now you have me on the edge of my seat waiting ...

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Technically wimpy cuck is right

This should've been more an open marriage instead of a cuckold relationship. He can obviously get women, but is not allowed too... only his wife can?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Vote 1* for 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐄™ (that's what her clients call her) aka BONNIE/VASTIE aka NEEDYOU200 aka 5+ANNONY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
5!! Hey annony let's see what you can write asshole!!!!!

OHIO is one of the best writers on here. For you to say what you did should get your sorry ass banned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

wimpy cuck shit.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 7 years ago
Open marriage isn't

Cannot buy into the premise.

boatbummboatbummover 7 years ago
Great Set-Up!

However, I would have never married the skank, nor would I FLY from Milwaukee to Chicago! The train takes 90 minutes, and you'd spend at least that much time in the damn airports. They probably don't even retract the landing gear or flaps on a 60-mile flight! ;-)

Now on to Chapter 2!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Second time I've read this and I'm having trouble because it's tearing me up inside. Your writing style and storytelling abilities are superb. This is commercial grade stuff. You must have some connection with writing.

Think I'm going to put this one aside for a while!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

I haven't read this in a while, so I don't remember how it ends, so here are my thoughts right now.

I honestly don't see how SEEING it should be such a big deal since he KNOWS she's doing it, though the loving gestures are surely problematic.

Going back to the proposal, he should have insisted that HE have the same privilege! Whether he intended, or wanted to fuck other women, she should have to live with that same uncertainty that he did.

If they don't separate, they need some new rules:

1) Not at their house.

2) No loving gestures; it's FUCKING not making love!

3) Not the same guy twice in a row, try to limit how much she sees one guy in general; as a matter of fact, if she DOES find herself growing fond of a partner, she drops him for good.

4) He can also fuck other women; as before, he doesn't have to necessarily do it, but why should she be able to have her fuck buddies secure in the knowledge that he doesn't have his!

5) If for SOME reason they have to do it at the house, keep a phone handy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What an Asshole!

Why the hell would the wimp even continue to date a slut,let alone marry her,who insisted that she "needed variety" so she would continue to fuck anyone she wants to. How could she have ANY respect for a spineless turd like that?

Unless Chapter 2 has him walking in on her riding a 20 guy big-dicks train,this story is a big,steaming pile of cuck crap!

I give it a 1 rating and wish they had negative numbers as possible rating choices!

CUCK-A-MANIA,It's Runnin' Wild!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
This marriage is toast

Why drag it out? She can't control her sexual urges. What's there to discuss? No therapist is going to solve THAT problem. This is a train wreck looking for a place to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Mark Should Try Other Wimen

Mark and Leanne do not have a marriage. It is like they never graduated college. Leanne is still trying to make herself feel wanted. So she goes from man to man, while still safely anchored to Mark. But she is subconsciously trying to destroy the marriage because she is feeling guilty about what she is doing to Mark. She knows she doesn't deserve Mark, so she is breaking all the rules concerning indiscretion and not hurting Mark. Mark should hook up with Liz and show Leanne what she is making him feel.

cabbage01132cabbage01132about 8 years ago
What Did I Do that was Wrong?

you didn't dump her when you found out shes a cheating slut with no respect for you or marriage vows.

being upfront is no justification, she is an evil cuckoldress preying on a weak minded man.

interesting read so far 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Train Wreck!

This story is like watching a train wreck that is headed towards a bus load of school kids. Horrifying and yet I have to know what's going to happen next!

Have to say that the husband is an idiot for ever agreeing to date her again, yet alone marrying her! Hard to feel sorry for him... actually I CAN'T!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Had to stop!!!

In the first three paragraphs, you had them in therapy, a cum dump wife and a wimp whining cuck husband....... Ohio at least come up with some new material, these are the same one trick pony RAAC garbage used in too many of your works..... You are so good, just try a new approach..... No worries, I don't score what I won't finish reading because 1 bombing is for idiots like Bonnie/Vastie and new idiot Luedon..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I almost stopped reading after page 1, but I persevered. I couldn't believe how naive he was. Glad I finished it. Good story. 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What Did I Do that was Wrong?

Duh! You married the slut and agreed to be a cuck, you moron!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The Ohio Beta Man

Ohio has written some extremely hard hitting stuff. I think that at this point I have read every single story. There have been some truly masterful moments that document the relationship turmoil that fuels the adult genre, and I definitely give Ohio his due for that.

The problem that has developed for me is that after reading so many authors here on Lit I return to reread an Ohio classic (not so much the current story) and I am struck with the growing distaste that I feel for these tearful, hand-wringing men that are frequently at the heart of the stories.

Ohio has definitely demonstrated a high standard but I think I need some stronger and "less sensitive" men. It's time for me to put the Ohio phenomenon to rest.

"Good night and good luck."

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Second time through...

Still love it. Still a favorite. Still five stars.

dwbdazdwbdazabout 9 years ago
He should never have married the whore

Big mistake marrying her to begin with. When she told him she was a slut he should have walked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Dick sucker by proxy

Ohio is not the protagonist

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Until He Cuts Loose of Leanne, Mark Will Always Be A Cuckold

Mark went into the marriage with Leanne already a cuckold. Even if you drag this out to 40 installments, Mark is a cuckold. Whenever a wife takes on another lover, it is not 'just sex'. That's what dildos and vibrators are for. Sex is a form or element of love. Once a wife takes on another lover (or lovers), it is inevitable that she will find things about her lover (not sexist) that are better in her mind than her husband. The lover may be longer or thicker, have more stamina, is a better kisser, is more experienced, treats her like a slutty whore, etc. Again, inevitably, the wife will become scornful and condescending toward her husband. She and her lover will take great pleasure in humiliating the cuckolded husband. Damn. Drown the cheating bitch in the swimming pool and move on.

kdcee79kdcee79over 9 years ago
Not bad

Ok, I know the btb & many of the anon crowd won't like this but I quite like this tale. Sure, Mark is a major denial wimp & Leanne is a bitch of the first degree BUT the story is well told & unfortunately sometimes true.

A very old female friend of my younger sister went through the same situation with her husband, which absolutely devastated him, unforunately he couldn't handle it once he " found " out & several months later committed suicide. Thankfully there were no children as the bitch fell apart & moved overseas.

These things do happen & slagging off at the author shows how shallow many commentators are on this site. Well done Ohio . 4 ****

fifteen16fifteen16over 9 years ago
Well Written

Well written story about a ridiculous situation, her claim of meaningless lustful sex is nonsense and a lie. In a situation of dancing and alcohol and a lustful attraction arises resulting in a quickie in the car park, can at a stretch be called meaningless. Meeting on a one to one basis more than once by arrangement becomes a loving relationship, that is why it continues. She was doing the same thing with her lover in the same location as with her husband, we have a saying in the U.K. "don't crap on your own doorstep", Leanne is away with the fairies, she needs a check up from the neck up .I saw an interview on television where a woman explained why she had never married, she knew she could never be faithful to one man, I can respect that. Good story line and interested to read where the writer takes me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

two fucking idiots. the slut and the cuck. they deserve each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Zero sympathy for Mark - what a sorry excuse for a man.

How can any reader feel any sympathy for this total wimp. He has been a willing cuckold to this bitch whore before his marriage and agreed to marry on the basis that his wife could have any man she wanted, anytime she wanted. All this goes on for years then suddenly he starts feeling jealous and inadequate.

Sorry just not believable Ohio, I like your writing but this is just plain stupid. I will keep on reading because you write so well but the story has really lost all credibility for me. 2*

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago

Pussy. The instant she told me about fucking other men I'd have told her, you say you love me, that is total bullshit. The only person you love is yourself. I can, and will, do better. She didn't deserve any further thought or consideration. Oh, by the way, forget I asked. Obviously the person I thought I knew was a complete fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
willing cuckold

deserves whatever is coming to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Very Selfish

The following statement by husband from the story is blatantly untrue: "And Leanne readily agreed--she was so eager to please me, willing to do anything to keep us together. And so we just dropped the subject."

She was not willing to give up every thing. In fact, she was so selfish she would not give up the one thing he wanted: a monogamous wife. Wife was deceiving herself. She just wanted what any one else would want: a little extra on the side. Extremely selfish.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
They're toast! No need to read further.

They don't even identify as husband and wife.

"Hello - I'm Mark Gleason. Hello - I'm Leanne Seidler."

Different last names. A wife that's such a cheater that she can't stay faithful to her husband and he KNOWS it. Why go any further? Why would he even want to stay married to her? Untrustworthy, unfaithful and a liar to boot. Why would SHE want to stay married? To have her cake and eat it too? I can't believe he's even bothering to go to therapy. What a bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Excellent so far

Congrats. Excellent so far. Five out of five. I like seeing this from the therapist's point of view. The two main characters are intelligent and well drawn. I look forward to the rest of the story.

crock45crock45about 10 years ago
I know already!

I have not read the whole story yet but I can see where it's going. Hubby will wimp out completely because I can readily see how weak he is emotionally and how whorish the wife is. There is no way possible that this can work out and I dislike both partners immensely and have no sympathy for them. I can only hope that they stay together and continue to hurt each other because she is a sadist and he is a masochist.

WAIT! I was wrong! They're PERFECT for each other!

Tim413413Tim413413about 10 years ago
Very well done.

I have no idea where this is going. Leanne will never be a one-man woman. He agreed, before she would marry him, to live with her lifestyle. Is that what he wants to get back? If not, the only choice (IMHO) is divorce.

Though I gave this a 5, I had a bit of trouble with the counselor being the narrator, but constantly quoting someone else. The slightly lower 4th chapter score tells me some readers did not like the ending. Will I? Since I can't imagine ever getting into such a relationship, I'll likely just say "OK" to any conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I second the last comment . End it

Or bring home a few girls to show her how it feels. But the way your slut wife gave herself to others . I split all assets, cancel all credit cards and see a divorce lawyer immediately .

KarenEKarenEover 10 years ago
End It

OK, he came home early, but she had to know doing it at their house left that possibility open.

And there is still the loving gestures, which she can try to deny, but I don't know how successfully.

sdc92078sdc92078over 10 years ago
Leanne did NOT keep her promise

She promised to be discreet, and to never expose him to what she was doing in any way. Bringing her lovers to their home, where he might stumble across them or the neighbors might spot them coming and going and tell him what they saw, was not discreet at all.

rightbankrightbankalmost 11 years ago
once again we are reading an Ohio story from

the perspective of a marriage counselor.

we have gone all the way through Ch. 01 and no one has asked why the husband accepted her decision to be with others while pretending to be married. and the husband chose to be faithful knowing she was not.

One of the points brought out over and over in other stories is regarding prenuptial agreements. They must protect both parties to be effective. Why in the world did he not say fine, if that is the way you want our marriage to be, I get the same privileges. And if either of us fails to be discrete and rubs the other's nose in it, it is over.

fifteen16fifteen16almost 11 years ago
The Rules

This is just a story but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. The rules of any relationship are what is consensually agreed between two people, you may not like Leanne but you haft to respect her honesty in turning down his first proposal and revealing the lifestyle she wants, maybe U.S. culture is different but the U.K. culture I grew up in. it was taken for granted that an on going intimate relationship with declarations of love over a period of several months was exclusive. Leanne said, "I will be totally discreet", - "Something private and separate from our life together". How does bringing a lover to the marital home. having sex in the back yard on the air mattress used by her and hubby square with keeping it "private and separate", her words means nothing. Love is about what you receive and what you give in return. The issue is not simply her sexual liaisons he albeit reluctantly agreed to that, it's her complete disrespect for hubby, it's love on her terms which really is not love. Hubby, well does he really love her or is simply obsessed by her, a fine line between the two, I know, been there, done it and had the heartache she was married you see., not an episode I am proud of. For me Leanne is "away with the fairies". P.S. Afore mentioned married lady and her hubby lived happily ever after, hmm I wonder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
he was insane to marry her, medical and other risk are to great

and is an idiot to stay with her and her slutty whore ways, bringing men into her marital home. How many of his friends, business associates,, her business associates, and relatives has she screwed. And when they are in public as a couple all these people know he is a wimp cuck and she is a slut.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago
Just one more thing.

He walked into this situation with all the cards on the table. Me, I would have run. But if you don't think you can win with the cards that you have been dealt, you fold, and wait for a new game.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
One more thought . . .

I don't understand the critical comments. Was he stupid for agreeing to this whole arrangement? Absolutely. I know I would have bolted and never looked back. But, she was honest and laid all her cards on the table. I have no problem with consenting adults agreeing to live in what ever manner they see fit. The problem is he truly did not agree wholeheartedly. He really just buried it and ignored it. It was only a matter of time before things exploded. She was also wrong for bringing a guy back to their house. That was low. Can't see how to repair this marriage. No way he goes back to the previous agreement.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loving it

I am really enjoying this. Very well written, thoughtful and engaging. Well crafted. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Excuse me but....

she's a cheating slut that wants to have her cake and eat it too. Where is the confusion or issue? DIVORCE HER! I appreciated the story but I hated the milk toast husband. He needs to grow a pair and get on with his life without the slut wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Can you spell

C-U-C-K-O-L-D? Before marriage, why didn't they discuss partner swapping and/or swingers' clubs/parties? Seriously. Why didn't she bring up these subjects rather than expecting him to allow her to have all the fun? Very interesting start to this story. I'm not sure which of them is asking the question in the story's title.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I never

Could have married her or stayed as one of her boyfriends. I hurt reading this

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago

well ohio did a great job of creating a cheating fucking whore who fucks men in her home after promising a cuck not to do it with anyone he knows. and of course he knows she will fuck other men but marries her anyway on that promise not to get caught by him. they have only been married 4 fucvking years - divorce the god damn fucking cunt or be prepared to be her cuck cause that is all your character is. excellent writing, stupid shrink, horrible characters. not as good as his other work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

God damn have a little fucking pride man! Damn this guy is pathetic!

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 12 years ago
5* but hard to read

Because this story gives the reality of when someone finds out something like this. Very well told. Thank you.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 12 years ago

No pussy is far better than being married to everybodys pussy. Call the tow truck quick!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

a sense that he had the inkling of more, elsewhere and does not jump at that for what it may mean for his happiness? She had and exercised her options, and his 'arrangement' unilaterally cancelled by him. Her regrets can be assuaged, with others too

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

why would anyone over the age of 10 have the username 'danger?' you must be at least 18 to troll this site little guy, ask your mommy to install the netmonitor now!

Danger09Danger09almost 13 years ago

Why would ANY man marry a woman who refuses to keep her legs close? He knew what he was getting into by marrying her so I'm not really understanding why he's freaking out... What these two idiots have is NOT a marriage! She's out screwing different guys & he's ok with it.... He might as well hide in the closet and watch & maybe suck up her lovers cum out of her pussy... Divorce the bitch & find a woman who will be faithful to him & doesn't need varieties...I'm hoping he mans up & dump the skank

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
sold out

the meaty cock is smoked, the cornhole buggered, betrayed!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 13 years ago

So she screws around with his permission but was caught for the first time and it freaked him out.

Actually he never should have married her under those conditions but he did. Made himself a willing cuck. I can't say any more until I read part 2. Consider my comments incomplete.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
saratu is

Mongolian for "cuckold"

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