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All Comments on 'What Did I Do that was Wrong? 01'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
First of all Leanne broke her own promise about

not letting her fucking (call it what it is) interfere with their married life. A home is a part of a persons married life and by bringing one of her fuckers there she violated that home and their marriage. It doesn't matter that he was supposed to be out of town. She just wanted to fuck someone where she and Mark had sex. You see she and Mark have sex whereas she fucks the others. Leanne is just a symptom of what is happening to our country. Marriage, long to have been the bedrock of our country is being assaulted on all fronts by those who hate us and want to see us destroyed. Women can't control their urges and it's become fashionable to fuck others...God help us because we can't help ourselves.

BriteaseBriteasealmost 17 years ago
Great tale

I've just discovered your stories, and have been reading them all,one by one over the last week. What a pleasant surprise to find a new one posted.

By the way, I hope he went off and fucked the waitress, but I'd love to know what happened next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Great start, I knew their had to be another good series on here soon. Really looking foward to the rest. An open marriage seems the only answer to this. Would the wife enjoy watching him with other women, hopefully we will find out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
what this about,he let his whore fuck other men

what expected,you play and you pay.what they did wasn't a marriage.this was a whore and a wimp living together.the rest is crap.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 17 years ago
As one wades through stories on Lit,

one cannot help but be deighted to see a new story by Ohio. It's even become one of my favorite states, and rivers, just from reading this guy's stories! Never mind commenting that our hero should not have married her. That would be a different story, wouldn't it? The guy fell in love with her and now he's in a mess! What does he do? This shapes up to be a great story!

skipperrskipperralmost 17 years ago
how to make her likeable?

With just seeing his side of it, it will be interesting how the author is able to make her likeable at all (if that is what the author has in mind). Up to now she has set up a perfect cuckold relationship and he for whatever wimpy reason went along with it. With the lies that she has told him, it will be hard for him to move on with her. Bringing her lover to their house definitely violates her promise to not let it affect their marriage. That she claimed it was just sex, but giving her lover all of the 'making love' that she gives her husband is another lie. Looking forward to the next installment, but not sure of a satisfying outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
perfect so far

This story of Ohio's is perfect up to this point. It is more than complete and I cannot wait to continue reading it - something that only rarely occurs with me. The story is strong and the characters are well defined. Will Mark need to have affairs on the side, just as Leanne has been doing? I think that he will. Will he respond positively to other women"s love and sex? I think so. Will Leanne be changed by this? Yes, she definitively will be affected and suffer from his affairs with other women like probably Liz. Will Mark and Leanne divorce so that He can then move one? I think that it's about a 50% possibility. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
give me a fucking break

ohio you suck on this one; absolutely no sympathy for stupid cock sucker that knowingly marries selfish slut/cunt/whore /bitch. jesus, he is an insipid whiner a real fucking loser to agree to a life with this cunt. OHIO, DO NOT BOTHER FINISHING THIS DOG SHIT STORY

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Don't bother, ohio

I despise this story and you. She cheats on him constantly, he's faithful. Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I read the first page

And quit, so now you're into the gutless husband, whore wife genre? You were a pretty good writer but this is just crap. The characters are both so pitiful that there is no reason to read about them, who gives a shit about a whore and a gutless wimp? Well, except you. Better you would have just quit writing than stooped this low.

The Snipe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Another fascinating story by Ohio

Wow! Strange promiscuous woman, strange psychotic guy and they marry. Only Ohio can tell why. They both need psychiatric help. The only promising thread in the story is that they still apparently love each other.I can hardly wait to see how Ohio unravels this one.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
another great chapter

fick the ass w/o a name!

Joyce770Joyce770almost 17 years ago

What HDK said!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Can't wait for the next chapter!

Ohio is a master writer. He has created 2 new characters with a different story. Self denial is a powerful force when someone loves another. Ohio has developed the husband's character in a believable way: he learned denial from his father. Out of sight and mind.

Explaining the wife's behavior will be more difficult. I don't know how he will do it but I expect Ohio will. Not to say that it will be justified but I don't understand why she wouldn't have tried to get help about this compulsion to have sex with others. She seems to need to love everybody she meets.

Ohio, thanks for writing! Its pretty slim pickings now.

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
Let's see the next cards!

I can understand rejecting the idea of marrying someone knowing that she is going to fuck around on you, but why

reject completely a story about someone who does. I admit

my response would be, Good-bye. But I am fascinated by the story and will follow it eagerly. I am curious as can be to know if Leanne understands that it looked like she was making love. Furthermore there is the question is she was having an affair rather than a quick fuck. Certainly she should have done it outside of their home as a guarantee against what happened. On the other hand, he should have made his presence known in order to remain virtually in ignorance about how she proceeds. One question is how the therapist can help without violating ethics.

lancewmlancewmalmost 17 years ago
Another outstanding story

Ignore the idiots who make their judgements based only on the type of story rather than its quality. Very well written as usual, Ohio. I am intersted to see how you develop this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
well written

easy to read, and great character development. very nice, even w/ the drama. lol.

jrj777jrj777almost 17 years ago

Great start to a very flawed marriage. Open relationships in which only one plays around is going to fail more times than not. I look forward to the next installment


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very interesting.

She was straight forward before accepting to marry him. After some struggle, and by default through his denying, he accepted her views on marriage. We can't really say that she "cheated" on him. He said himself that maybe they should have agreed on some rules as to where, etc... but since they never did, their home was never said to be off limits and since she did not expect him back so soon... It would have been nice though if she, at least, had respected not to do it there as to keep something strictly for themselves, for the man she claims to love so much. Now he feels inadequate and betrayed because, clearly, she puts more "loving" in her affairs than she has let on. The issue here could be that he suspects this was not a one time lover but rather a regular one and that, in combination with the tender loving that he saw, makes him doubt if he really was her number one or just one of her many others. Also, now there was a lover with a face he will be able to recognize when he should happen to meet him and no longer some "anonymous" sex partner for his wife. That takes it to another and more personal level. He must have loved her deeply to be able to "deny" for so long, but maybe he should have told her also from the beginning that, given her conditions for marrying him, the same should apply to him if he felt fancy about another woman. Would she have accepted ? Probably yes. Would their marriage have been as "good" as he felt it was up to that fatal day? I doubt it. Perhaps more some sort of convenient relationship. If he looks up this nice waitress and afterwards tells his wife that he needed it to keep his sanity, or even better tells her in advance, I wonder if she would be able to accept it like he did, especially if he were to tell her that he intended to continue this for a while, with his new lover or with others. She would hardly be in a position to object but, just maybe, it would make her reflect a bit on what she has imposed on him. Of course, this assumes that she would become jalous and maybe afraid to loose her husband to another woman. There certainly are a number of possibilities here and I'm sure Ohio will be able to find

a glorious ending, as usual. G.Belgium

PArebelPArebelalmost 17 years ago
Great Start

Your stories are seldom one dimensional, and I don't expect this one to be either. So far we have really only heard Mark's side of the story. It will be interesting to hear Leanne's side. <p>

Some thoughts do come to mind:<br>

1) No matter what she thinks, the arrangement as currently constructed, has to lead to some disrespect on her part. This is evidenced by her bring a paramour to her own home. <p>

2) What he saw does not seem to be the "no-ties" fling she described. So on a second level she seems to have broken her word. <p>

3) Why didn't he suggest some counseling prior to marriage? This cuckolding arrangement would never work for me, but I think I might have said, "If you love me, why don't you try some counseling and see if you can get over this need for variety? If you can, we have a future together." Her answer at that point would have told him whether she loved him enough to at least try to change. <p>

4) I am an avoider as well, but there are times that you simply can't avoid things. Then you have to deal with them head on and get it over with. This is certainly one of those times. <p>

5) It would be interesting to see her reaction if he says, "You can continue, but I will no longer be monogamous. You need variety, I need to know that I am able to satisfy some woman."<p>

I look forward to hearing Leanne's side and then seeing how you resolve this dilemma.


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 17 years ago
Forced Reconciliation at all costs coming??

I cant make ANY sense of this. Marks poor connection to reality is obvious but WHY? His clear success with many woman makes his denial about Leanne sexual cheating impossible to understand.


First the pre-marriage Dating. Sure its possible EARLY in dating to see other people and sometimes NOT be upfront about it. But Leanne was FUCKING lots of other men.. NOT just dating them!! Yet even Leann and Mark were clearly in love when he 1st proposed.


Leanne NOT being upfront about her sexual needs is Vile. While it is true Leanne DID tell Mark the super wimp about her sexual needs at the time of the 1st proposal that doesnt ignore the fact she was STILL cheating on him.


<b>If your person you are dating...at the time of marriage proposal... is still FUCKING other people and wont stop ...DONT MARRY THEM !!!</b>


The whore wife made a promise NOT to let it interfere in THEIR married life.<b> Having sex at home with other men EVEN if Mark does not know about it.. IS cheating and breaking her promise.</b> Leann got an agreement worked out where she could have a wonderful loving successful husband AND still fuck around... but even that wasnt good enough for her...


Will THAT point be asked in the therapy ? NO fucking way. WHY? because such a question would KILL the marriage!


Mark lives in 6 states of denial. <b>He is the ULTIMATE wimp because he Knows what she is doing but wont talk about it. </b>After the Initial shock of find out what a useless whore Leanne is... they stop seeing each for a while then meet. Mark wants to know but doesnt ask.


That is the definition of WIMP. Mark says


<i> "I can't say I found that a satisfactory response--but there was nothing to do but let it drop."</i>


HUH? <b> WHY</B> does Mark <b> HAVE</b> to accept that??. Folks that lives in denial do NOT say/think that "this is unacceptable but I can live with it". Living in denial..lying to ones self... is a process of rationalizing ones actions or someone else's actions.


That why this make NO sense. Mark KNOWS what she said is bullshit... he says he cant accept but then for some reason decides to accept what Leanne is doing.


<b>The fact that mark is IN denial does explain HOW that came about and Mark's clear sucess with other women makes his willingness to accept Leanne lying and cheating impossible to figure in this story.</b>


The therapist needs to find out <b>WHY he is was willing to marry a confessed liar and cheater</b>. Of course we wont see that in the next chapters. WHY? B/c once Marks sees how he mishandled this and how he made excuses for Leanne he will leave her for good... since of course Leanne wont stop cheating.


Its obvious why Mark cant fuck her now. Mark built up this wall in his head of dont ask dont tell... which course came crashing down when he saw her fuck some other guy in HIS home where NONE of this was suppose to be happening.


as I stated above WHY mark built this wall this compartmentalization in his head makes no sense. WHY Mark is living in denial we dont know.


and 5 will get you 10 this author never tells us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Potential for a...

great story here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
What Went On?????

Did the doc, Tom, just tell him to go out and have an affair in order to regain his sexual manhood or what was this all about?

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 17 years ago
Unbelievable mess, fairly original story.

The writing and character development are good, the plot fairly original. It's a bit like taking a "Nici" story and making it happen from a different point of view (Hubby accepting the cuckolding arrangement as long as it's done secretly). He can pretend it's not happening, stay in denial, or whatever. It is difficult to believe a man, confident and attractive to lots of women, would accept a marriage with a woman who plans to continue to screw around on him, and yet plan for himself to be monogamous. What does he gain by this? He loves this woman so much he can take her the way she is? What if a condom breaks and a birth control pill fails? Not common but it can happen. Or what if she decides to get pregnant on her own, since she seems the dominant one in the relationship? He would then be forced to pay for raising the child since he permitted the outside sex and can't claim adultery to the divorce court. It is a nice fantasy to believe that a woman can nearly always be in the mood for sex despite screwing I don't know how many men (and not getting sore!) before hubby gets home. And how does she have the time (even forgetting about the amazingly high-energy person she must be)? I thought she works also. I must agree with other comments that she should have known he would have seen her having sex if she screwed other men in her home -- accidents happen, spouses get home early, and she did leave her cell and home phones set to voice mail -- was that subconsciously a way to insure Mark would see her? I can't believe she would accept Mark having affairs. Obviously Leanne has been living a lie based on the love relationship Mark witnessed. It is not "just sex" to her . . . I think this is a very good story about what happens when people don't really communicate. Mark obviously was not comfortable with Leanne's outside relationships prior to their marriage, but he did not really communicate this to her; he just went into denial. Now he can't deny any longer. He does not feel an equal in the marriage. Even if he has sex with Liz, and regains his confidence, he won't be equal, and he knows it.

Orion623Orion623almost 17 years ago

The story is being told from the 1st person point of view of the psychotherapist rather than either the husband or wife which is quite different and makes the story much more interesting. I'm really looking forward to reading Ch.2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
As usual...

...your stories are so well done. The content though is a bit over-the-top. Even a person with the best avoidance practices does not and can not dismiss the main issue even when dismissing the details. There is no way that a intelligent, confident, and committed man who is absolutely in love with his spouse would allow an open arrangement when he is not interested in participation for himself. Nor would he fall for excuses and promises she made. Frankly, she deserves to be left at the curb (or the street corner).

At this time, since he did allow the previous circumstances, a reconciliation might be possible if she stops spreading her legs. It's doubtful because there is a big question of how much respect she could possibly have for him. She showed that plainly by having sex with another on the day he was going to be home, how she was having sex, and having sex right there in their home. Even not discussing any rules or limits, only a cold-hearted person would do that!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Hate the premise, enjoy the writing

It wouldn't be fair to grade you on the fact that I hate the premise and characters. It was still a well-written story, up to your usual standards! Glad to see you writing again; hope to see more from you soon!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Looking Forward

Interesting premise, and fine writing, as usual for Ohio.

I hope that the good doctor forces this goofy couple to consider what this "marriage" would be in a few years, and to force them to discuss how having children would be possible--unless they agree no children ever. If the latter, will the husband accept this? I would not.

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
Up to your usual standards

You are one of my favorite authors, although cuckolding is not a theme I care for. Still because it is you, I will anxiously await your next submission. I was not quite sure there was more to come but everyone feels it is just the beginning, so I must be wrong.

kelchakelchaalmost 17 years ago
Weak Husband

Weak husband should have prepared himself better for the inevitable discovery. ***** One thing I don't understand is the way the wife sucks the guy's bare cock and then puts a condom on for fucking. Isn't there a chance for disease from the pre-cum? Premise for discovery of cheating in another wife story? ***** Alien concept for me - to allow wife unlimited sex partners. Still, she was honest and above board about her needs and husband can't blame anyone but himself. ***** Hard to like the characters in the story. Wife is a slut and husband weak. He is weak because he denied his beliefs and integrity for his wife. He would have been better off if his original reaction had let the relationship end when they were dating. After all, she was cheating on him. In a relationship lasting many months, without dating others, it is a given that fidelity is expected.

******** Great writing as usual. Don't like the story but like the way it gets me thinking. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

I love your stories buy just hate the wimpy husband stuff.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 17 years ago
I .... Uhh..... (ahem) JPB is that you?

<p>Harry this isn't force reconciliation at all cost. That boat sailed about 2 paragraphs into this story.</p>


<p>I really wished I could give this story no vote, not because I don't want too, but I usually only vote on the last part of the story. But I had to vote something, and this part I really didn't like much. So far for me, right now, the story is about two things, his ego (and I mean in a bad way) and his pride. The story has both of these things being damaged, along with every justification a JPB story uses to justify why its ok for one (or sometimes both) marriage partners to sleep around, snuck in the back door. </p>

<p>The way the story reads right this minute to me, is that the only reason the husband can't take the arrangement that he's been living with up until now, is that his ego is telling him that he may not be the best, and his wife is lovey dovey with other men and he feels that only he should get that. His pride is hurt in the story because he now has no confidence in his sexual skills because his wife acted the same way with him she acts with her other "dates".</p>

<p>The only thing this is missing so far is her declaring that he doesn't own her and she's free to live her life as she wants without a man telling her how to live it (^_^)</p>

<p>While I have to admit this is a new approach, having a truly and heavily promiscuous wife in this day and age is, while novel, really far out there. And having a man marry the women, all while denying himself the same luxury of being with different women while his wife is entertaining a basketball team when he's out of town, keeps me from investing in either character beyond asking "why would someone (male or female) put themselves in this position" and "why would a councilor attempt to help them get back to a place where it would be alright for him to remain chaste, but her step out and scratch that ole itch when it comes up?" He remains faithful (so far) to the marriage, and she has someone lined up to come over as soon as his car door is closed and he's pulling out of the drive.</p>

<p>And I have to go with Harry on one point, the story (at least to me right now) has the husband trying to get back to a point where he doesn't view himself as a wimp. He didn't see himself as a wimp when he agreed to let his wife have sex with any and every man she wanted, long as it wasn't with friends and co-workers (I mean do they live in a big enough town that she has a big enough pool of men to draw from, where her and her husband don't stumble across them while they are out in public together? Ever?). And so far it seems like a long list of justification for explaining why he's not a wimp for sticking around in this truly one side, not to mention "completely" lopsided, sexual arrangement (ex: my dad loves her, our friends love her, I mean she's the perfect wife, and as long as she doesn't rub my nose in it, I can handle her sleeping around).</p>

<p>I guess what I'm getting at is I just don't like either of their characters so far. Sorry, but thanks for taking time to post something to entertain though</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Arguably, this is a very uneven story. Despite that, it's well written (thus, the rating). But so far, your Mark character is just a damn WIMP!!! I'm looking forward to Ch.02, but I can't see how you're going to pull this story out of the ditch. (If you'll forgive the metaphor, it's as if you have driven the car into a mudhole, and all four wheels are sunk deeply into the mire.)

Hopefully, you have a plan to salvage the story in otherwise very good writing.

-- KK in Texas

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 17 years ago
They had an agreement

that if she could fuck around DISCRETELY that he'd be okay, even if he knew he's not going to be okay,,, so long as she's discrete, and not fuck where he could see,,,, <p>

but, oh, boy, one day he came home and saw that she's not only fucking some guy, ROMANTICALLY, sensuously, and in a love making mode,,,, THAT messed up his gears and he, from that point on, coulnd't get his gears working! <p>

he then started questioning his manhood: "What did I do wrong, for her to want to do that and do it THAT ROMANTICALLY like that, making love! Can I ever compete with that man, her lover? With my own wife? My god, am I a failure, like my first wife said? I can't even get it up now, so I must be a total failure!" <p>

the only possible marriage saver is to see a psychotherapist, who specialized in sexual dysfunction as well!, not just a couselor, since my problem seems to be sexual in nature .... can't get it up... to love and satisfy my beautiful and loving wife, LIKER THAT MAN, HER LOVER, in our place! <p>

Jesus Fucking H. Christ! <p>

The world is crumbling down on the big man! Civilization is gonna end! Mr. Psychotherapist, please dod something, so he could get his gears going again, satisfy his loving and dutiful wife, who just LIKES SEXUAL VARIETY, including men and women who are loving and great lovers.... But, boy, our hero is now so torn up, so disturbed, so unsure of his sexual porwess, his techniques, his ability to abide by their agreement of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"... <p>

Especially with such a disturbing image of her GREAT LOVER making her spasm so tremendously like that,,,, He is feeling like such a lacking lover! LOL!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
How Disrespectful - His Home And Raft And ----

What is the intention of this story writer? Forget the talent which we have come to expect from you. So far you massage and titillate the few self cucks and anger the real men by design.<P>

You do this by outlining in detail a self cuck who wants a blindfold and ear muffs but knows what he has gotten into by choice.<P>

Now he sees and doesn't - then he is forced to see that she lied - it isn't just sex - its the same act stage 2 as he gets but he is her security blanket. And damn it s exciting for her to cuck him and love her lovers the same as him.<P>

What wrong with your picture writer and who is it for. And why would you waste your time on this self disrespect self cuck?<P>


The story has ended for your normal fans and you fell down into the just plane lower scum only he watches and pimps his but at least he is straight forward without a supposed message in a bottle.<P>

You disgust your portfolio and us as there isn't anything to do to redeem this self indulged self disrespect male humiliation by your hand.<P>

What a designed waste.

roadbirdroadbirdalmost 17 years ago
why not

since she is screwing around ...hell he should also ....if she does it so lovinigly with other me nhe should do the same with other women when he travels and when the opportunity arises...after all she does and if its a dont ask dont tell with her all he has t odo is the same ....then if he does see herhe will know hey baby im getting some on the side also ...and as she has obviously done he should have a few regulars to fuck often and just as lovingly as she does ...and i guess at some point he probably should tell her that since she is screwing around he is also ...after all it is an open marriage and since neither wants kids whats the problem....either they both screw around or get divorced as this will be the only way he can stay a man ....i agree that there should be no problem but then again all things should be equal right ...now even the playing field

Risq_001Risq_001almost 17 years ago
Hey Ohio, I've been thinking...........(^_^)

<p>I was sitting here wondering, if the whole point of part one (of what I'm going to guess is 3 parts to the story, and I have no idea why I think its 3 parts) is for us to dislike the characters and then you pull a rabbit out of your hat and at least have us liking one of them</p>

<p>I could be wrong, but thats why I normally prefer to wait till everyone has played the home version of the game before I cast a vote. But I'll wait to see what you write. >=)</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Eunuch Mark

Who's the bigger pussy in this relationship: Mark or Leanne? He values the romance more than the physical love. She's out to nail as many guys as she can. Role reversals. Maybe Leanne can give Mark a testosterone transplant while he waits for some nuts to grow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
This story isnt about the husband's ego or pride,

it is about a couple that never should have married. The woman is an out and out slut. I would say nympho but those women have a mental problem and continually are seeking the "perfect sex partner" that only exist in their minds. This woman wants the comfort of a full time partner who shares a public life with her while she has her own sexual flings and affairs all around. I would imagine she supports his professional life well, those people in his life are probably ones she fucks. I agree with one contention of the husband, to her sex is not just sex, she was romantically involved and provided the same care, tenderness, and affection for her stud of the hour she does for her husband. Remind me again what hubby gets out of this others dont, oh yes I remember, he pays bills and provides for her the nest and tangibles while others provide her the orgasms. The mistake made was when he agreed to let her fuck around so he could marry her. She was upfront and told him her needs and demands, they were demands. He should have been upfront and told her he would share the love of his life and his wife with anyone else. That would have given her a chance to reconcile her own agenda. One can now say the marriage contract and agreement these two had is broken, that no one intentionally mean to break them doesnt matter. The marriage should now be terminated. I wonder how they agreed to treat the STDS and AIDS she would eventually acquire in the no tell no harm mode?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Love is blind. From the onset the author emphasize that Mark was head overhill in love. Though she told him of her needs, he was blind to the pain that would come in later stage of their marriage life. Though he did take time to consider all factors that was presented to him, but alas he was blind in love. Of course when the blindfold was taken off, he realized that it was not what he could live with. Many have seen the character flaws of their spouse to be, yet they married them, only to go thru messy divorce later. The character flaw we see here is sexual in nature, there are other forms that is as damaging too.

I see no way forward for this couple, other than going their separate ways. I hope the author will continue with the next part of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
So far...

This story does not work. It is very difficult to see a man be able to be successful and also live in that kind of denial. In addition, since the agreement was discretion, what kind of discretion involves fucking other men in the house you share with your husband. The whole basis was about her needs, but about treating her husband with respect. Sorry all I see so far is a very weak man and one of the most incredibly selfish women I have read in a story. Not working ohio.

Simple49erSimple49eralmost 17 years ago

Is it possible to make the plot premise believable? That will be the test of this story. The author has talent, but has set himself a difficult task: to make his audience believe that a normal man in love would willingly allow his wife to cheat in order to keep her with him. So far, the story is not plausible and I think the author needs to work on the following chapter(s?) to somehow convince the audience that this is not a fairy tale, but could be reality.

zed0zed0almost 17 years ago
Stupid Wimp

Finds the perfect fuck buddy then has to try an marry her, which is how the wimp became a stupid wimp.

MinigalesMinigalesalmost 17 years ago
You Agreed in the Beginning

<p>That is the answer to the question posed by the story.

<p>Sometimes when you make a bad decision, there is not going back, such as when you jump into a river full of alligators. In this case, I cannot see the husband be able to have his cake and eat it: having a spine and being a wimp.

<p>The job of the therapist is to tell each partner what that partner should do to live happily, not necessarily preserving the marriage. So far, I see that walking out of that marriage unless the husband thinks he has to marry a cheating slut. For the wife, maybe go to Vegas and make money while she does it.

<p>I think it is not ethical to try to make this marriage work.

thebulletthebulletalmost 17 years ago
Most Commentors: way off base

<p>the readers of the "LW" section of Literotica are dominated by angry little boys who don't care to read a good story. They just don't seem to be able to look at something like this story by Ohio: which is just good literature.</p>

<p>Must we be subjected to the same story over and over again, slightly repackaged? Is this all that will please this group of testosterone-challanged LW Nazis?</p>

<p>What Ohio is offering us is a totally new story. I've read most of the stories in this genre, but I haven't read this one before. Not only is it new, it is impeccibaly written.</p>

<p>Here is a man who loves too much. He swallowed his pride and his ethics and married a woman who he knew would not be faithful. But the idea of that infidelity has been eating at him since the beginning. Now the reality has hit him in the face --- he actually witnessed her infidelity and he can no longer deal with his prenuptial agreement.</P>

<p>That's where the story stands as it begins. Most men wouldn't get themselves into such a messy marriage. But this one did and now what is going to do about it? I'm eager to see how Ohio extricates himself from this predicament.</P>

<p>What I can't understand is: why aren't the rest of the LW readers equally interested?</p>

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 17 years ago
Not sure!

I know we have stories on this site that try to have a moral edge to them. Then we have stories that have the slut with a heart type of story. Then you have the wimp husband who likes watching his wife have sex with other people. Then we have stories similar not the same but similar to this one where the male knows what is going to happen. He knows that the female is going have sex with him and others. But he also knows that he loves this female, probably too much. Kind of like a moth attracted to a light, He just has to go there. As for the female her problem is she just isn't satisfied with just one partner. These type of stories are commen enough not just on this site but TV,FILMS,BOOKS, and in real life.

In my view OHIO has tried to ask a rational question. Can you still live and love with somebody you know cheats on you and you know about it. Wheather you are male or female that is a question that not many people can honestly answer. For me I wouldn't even have got to the dateing stage with this woman. But that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
not easy

reading this story (again) just makes you realize what huge task Ohio has taken upon him with this very complex story. **** Denial can indeed go very far. I don't think it is right and Mark would have been better of to have looked at the pure reality instead of putting his head in the sand. When reading this kind of stories, I usually go more by emotion than by ratio. You may call that a form of denial too, but analyzing everything is likely to make you suspect of everything and makes you miss out on some (spontaneous) good times as well.***** That being said, denial shouldn't make you blind, even it is said that love makes you blind to reality. Mark "knew" what to expect because she told him what she wanted "from time to time, nothing ongoing, no love affairs, nothing serious". She just told him, repeatedly, that she loved him totally, completely and how she'd never felt so deeply for anyone before. How she looked at him lovingly - but sad - when she confessed not being able to remain faithful, yet claiming she had never cheated on anybody (??). By his own admission to Tom he felt revolted but still accepted it as long as it was discreet and he wasn't confronted with it. During their initial break up he did wonder a lot and question her relation to other lovers and where they were meeting, etc... Yet, denial made him push reality away from him. Not expressing his true feelings was probably the first thing he did do wrong. Remember one of his ground rules to Leanne : they wouldn't talk any further about her involvement with other men. Accepting her attitude as such without further discussion was the second. He should have realized that "protecting themselves emotionally" had to have limits. When they met again after the break-up and he asked her if they didn't have sex often enough, she again looked at him lovingly, kind of sadly, and told him "no, it had nothing to do with that". He wasn't satisfied with her response but let it drop again. That was probably another mistake. *****

We can comment on all and every aspect of this relationship, all out of our own convictions and feelings and yet never be able to understand completely or agree to for ourselves. Now why did Mark feel so devastated? Ego ? lack of communication ? other aspects ? I believe it's all related but mainly because he was suddenly faced with the fact that his denial, his defense barrier, wasn't worth a bit when he saw how tender and lovingly she made love to this guy, in his private space where and in the same way they had made love so many times, and this only a few hours before he was expected home. **** Now, even if denial caused you to walk away, wouldn't you just out of curiousity have written down the license number of that car ? If you wondered, wouldn't you like to know more now what was really going on here. Wouldn't you just wonder how many times you have had sloppy seconds (she rarely told hims she was too tired or another excuse). He had a stronger attitude the first time when she confessed. Wouldn't you like to check for more lies about her real relationship with other lover(s). Apparently, after the fist shock wanes, he falls back into his denial mode until he cannot perform anymore. The first time it took several months before they felt good together again, but then her lover(s) were still anonymous. No longer now and seeing the way she made love to this younger guy, the same way she made love to him, rubbed his nose into the fact that, maybe, he was indeed just one of a stable of fuck-buddies. He hasn't said he felt he had been used as a provider, after all she was working too, but nevertheless, seeing that his marital sex wasn't any different from the sex with her lover(s) should make him question and doubt her true feelings towards him. ****

It's probably not relevant at all, but what struck me in their first session with Tom was that she introduced herself as Leanne Seidler and not as Leanne Gleason. In Europe, a woman keeping her name after marriage is the normal rule (maybe except for the UK and related countries), but I thought that in the US it's not common (if I can believe some of the stories on this site, a woman having to give up the name of her ex-husband is considered some sort of humiliation ??). Was this an indication how she distanced herself from her husband ? Also, their body language when leaving Tom's office clearly indicated that something serious was amiss, no tenderness or attention. Of course, the pain was still fresh but unlike after their break-up, it definitely is different now. Back then, she confessed wanting more with discreet anonymous lovers, and it took him serveral months to overcome his feelings and push them aside. Love doesn't conquer all. When something fundamental is broken, it isn't likely to be restored easily. I think that is the point he arrived at in this story. Another point that hasn't been mentioned yet (suppose it will when Leanne relates her views) is where she picks up or how she selects her lovers. Being a realtor brings her in contact with a great number of men and women. Does she have affairs with potential clients ? Working in the same area where they live would undoubtedly create problems sooner or later if some of her lovers would become neighbours. Him being in construction may bring him in contact with some of her lovers if/when being contracted for some work. They seem to live in a fairly secluded area, yet both of them must be known to a lot of people around the wide area, she selling property, him designing and constructing houses. How can she then be so discreet with her lovers? That's something I don't understand, especially if she makes them come to her house. So where does she find her lovers? Or has it been just one all along ? That would explain the tenderness and the loving she seemed to share with this guy. *****

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter to see how Ohio develops this so far excellent story. Hope very soon. G.Belgium

cageyteecageyteealmost 17 years ago
I always enjoy your stories and I'm up for this

one. You write exceedingly well and I'm rarely, if ever, disappointed in the story line. New ideas and/or significant re-working of old ideas is what we need here on Literotica and you seem to be among the few trying to provide them. As always, I'm anxiously waiting for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Oh ye off little faith

Ohio is an excellent author and don't mistake his stories for some from a lesser ilk, of the writers whom can pull off stories in this genre Ohio is among the elite.

I have no doubts that this story will be yet another masterpiece.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 17 years ago
Great writing of personalities confronted

I have not had the time to read all the comments yet, but I know they will be interesting. It is my experience that shows me that anything the mind can conceive, someone will try and do. What is called normal by some is a misnomer as there is not a norm but an average of behavior. We have been given the fantastic ability to have feelings and those emotions we must deal with every moment of our lives.<P>

The character development in this fantasy demonstrates a man who will not let his true feelings show. He has gone through life not risking letting anyone get really close and see whom he really is. He finally found a women he thought he needed to be happy. When he finds out she is only looking for a man who will become her support as she does whatever it is she wants. He lets down his guard and lets his true personality show. The day he agreed to her terms of adultery, without mutual swinging, she found what she wanted and had her slave. She didn’t respect him but found she had all she had ever hoped for in a man-child who would be her toy as long as she made him feel special.<P>

This is a story that portrays a man who is clearly a submissive in nature. It is a person who gets gratification from serving and demonstrating their loyalty by giving to the one they have allowed to be the master. They give all they can to please the master.<P>

This described person wants nothing to do with anything that is controversial or requires any form of conversation that goes against what they want to know or hear. It is common among this personality type to be a know-it-all and have little patients with others differing points of view. They may emulate others they find strong or compelling and want to be just like those they feel are successful. They commonly are not good leaders, though they think they are, but will take the safe path when pushed for a decision or action.<P>

When a submissive finds the one person they let their true self-show through, they let themselves become the real slave without acknowledging they have done this. Facing up to what is their true personality, is not an option, as they cannot face being something they think they despise. It is when they give into their fears and think they must be an open servant to the master, which is when they cross the line and lose all self-respect and make excuses like they are happy this way. This is the time when they no longer have to have any conflict as they do as they are instructed and thinking about things is no longer required.<P>His chosen life with this woman was thrown in his face and now he must confront (he is horrible with confrontation and will do anything to avoid it) what his life is about. He can move on and revert to one night stands or short relationships till it might require he invest his real self, or accept he likes being a submissive and tell himself to go full out and accept whatever she says and act happy.<P>

The husbands meandering memories of past conquests and flirting seems to be a defense mechanism of the husbands mind trying to make him seem whole and just an average Joe.<P>

Mark doesn’t have many choices and the counselor needs to lead him to understand who he is and what he has become. Only when you see the truth for yourself can you make honest decisions. The oldest truth in the world is, If you don’t like or understand yourself, you have absolutely nothing to give to others. You cannot give things you don’t even own, like love, respect and honesty.<P>

Ohio is one of the very best Authors on this site. I applaud you for your fantastic efforts to give us stories that engage our minds and entertain us with thoughts of what now do we do.<P>With great respect<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I'll Be Waiting

Ohio seems to have set up an impossible situation. While I have met people who are capable of astonishing levels levels of self-delusion, this husband cannot unsee what he has seen and cannot re-delude himself. But will he now be satisfied with anything less than fidelity? <p>

We haven't heard from the wife and I suspect that will be the bulk of part two (with a part three of resolution, either together or apart?). Why did her first marriage end? When did she realize her husband was just ignoring rather than accepting her lifestyle? What will she say to her husband's belief that she was making love rather than fucking these men?<p>

While it can get frustrating when characters act in ways we never would, I have found it is worth it to wait and see how things play out. As long as the characters are true to their natures (as Ohio has shown them), I think I'll be satisfied, and I'm always entertained by his stories (even when they infuriate me). <p>

I'll be waiting to see what Ohio does with this. And kudos for challenging yourself with a plot that is not easy to write your way out of!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
JPB - ohio style

Good writing being totally wasted on hugely incredible premise (regarding both partners). It results in particularly lame; naive dialogue. But I don't blame you for that, who could write a dialogue which sounds right when you can't base the writing on characters who sound or behave like real characters. <P>

Why not try simple - it's the base for the best stories. Base your writing on simple premises and write smartly from that point on, it will never be boring. <P>

I am not suggesting this to upset or hurt you, but I have read many stories and such overly stretched premises don't make for original stories, they make for overall bad ones due to fatal flaws in the plot which tries to lift from the ground an incredible premise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Good writing but..

I hate unbalanced relationships. I wonder why he does not start sleeping with other women, as his wife is willing to sleep around on him. Maybe if he had an equal relationship with her he would not have been delt such a painful blow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
the question

why did he even begin his 'arrangement' - knowing what she was.love only can go so far. and your ending?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sorry I cant accept the basis of this marriage

And not accepting the basis what follows is just wasted words. They dont have a marriage. They have a slut that a man provides housing and lifestyle for, basically she is a whore to her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Move On

What this relationship describes is not marriage. "To have and to hold" means just that; I have had her many times since our wedding day, and I hold her as my own to the exclusion of all others.

Recently there was a political sex scandal where it was revealed that the governor of a Southern U.S. state, in consultation with his wife-to-be, deliberately had the words "forsaking all others" taken out of his marriage vows.

Now it has been revealed beyond all doubt, that he has been carrying on a longtime affair with a woman from South America, and he has made no mention of ending it to his wife. The wife, of course, after appearing on "The View" with Barbara Walters, has announced her intentions to seek a divorce and move on.

She says that she "thought she could change him", or that he would change, but obviously, after more than twenty years of marriage, such was not going to be the case. She was publicly humiliated for the naive dolt that she is, and her shame forced her to move on...BUT TWENTY YEARS TOO LATE!!

If you want to have a friend with benefits, fine--although I think it's ultimately self-destructive. However, if you want to be MARRIED, then follow all of the conventions set out within that relational scope as set out in today's orthodox vows. If you can't do that, then don't call it marriage, 'cause it's not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Strange man

<p>He must be one of these yuppie metrosexuals. If he was a successful as he claimed, he should have said get lost as soon as she told him she either couldn't or wouldn't keep her legs together.

<p>This woman is a walking recipe for an early death.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Sorry but this story is hard to read due to its cringe worthy subject. The guy is a wimp and yes in total denial. BUT worse he did not set ground rules and state that he could enjoy the same privileges that would make him her equal and a true man.

I find it interesting that she has never offered for him to do the same and I bet if he ever stepped outside the marriage for some strange she would go berserk.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 13 years ago
why would any man tell his wife it's okay to fuck other men from time to time

Let rephrase that any real man, cuckolds are a different story. If you want to fuck other men/women why fucking get married. If you want to be swingers, so be it at least your doing it together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I know some guys are weird and have no concern about their wives sleeping around, but this guy has serious problems. Trying to act all manly by holding everything in and yet agreeing to let his wife fuck around? Needs some serious help.

saratusaratualmost 13 years ago
People can claim you,,,

tobe a good writer, but I know better you are just another JPB wanna be and are starting to write the same kind of shit ,,,,,, YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH ! ! !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
saratu is

Mongolian for "cuckold"

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 13 years ago

So she screws around with his permission but was caught for the first time and it freaked him out.

Actually he never should have married her under those conditions but he did. Made himself a willing cuck. I can't say any more until I read part 2. Consider my comments incomplete.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
sold out

the meaty cock is smoked, the cornhole buggered, betrayed!

Danger09Danger09almost 13 years ago

Why would ANY man marry a woman who refuses to keep her legs close? He knew what he was getting into by marrying her so I'm not really understanding why he's freaking out... What these two idiots have is NOT a marriage! She's out screwing different guys & he's ok with it.... He might as well hide in the closet and watch & maybe suck up her lovers cum out of her pussy... Divorce the bitch & find a woman who will be faithful to him & doesn't need varieties...I'm hoping he mans up & dump the skank

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

why would anyone over the age of 10 have the username 'danger?' you must be at least 18 to troll this site little guy, ask your mommy to install the netmonitor now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

a sense that he had the inkling of more, elsewhere and does not jump at that for what it may mean for his happiness? She had and exercised her options, and his 'arrangement' unilaterally cancelled by him. Her regrets can be assuaged, with others too

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 12 years ago

No pussy is far better than being married to everybodys pussy. Call the tow truck quick!!!!!!!!!!!

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 12 years ago
5* but hard to read

Because this story gives the reality of when someone finds out something like this. Very well told. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

God damn have a little fucking pride man! Damn this guy is pathetic!

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago

well ohio did a great job of creating a cheating fucking whore who fucks men in her home after promising a cuck not to do it with anyone he knows. and of course he knows she will fuck other men but marries her anyway on that promise not to get caught by him. they have only been married 4 fucvking years - divorce the god damn fucking cunt or be prepared to be her cuck cause that is all your character is. excellent writing, stupid shrink, horrible characters. not as good as his other work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I never

Could have married her or stayed as one of her boyfriends. I hurt reading this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Can you spell

C-U-C-K-O-L-D? Before marriage, why didn't they discuss partner swapping and/or swingers' clubs/parties? Seriously. Why didn't she bring up these subjects rather than expecting him to allow her to have all the fun? Very interesting start to this story. I'm not sure which of them is asking the question in the story's title.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Excuse me but....

she's a cheating slut that wants to have her cake and eat it too. Where is the confusion or issue? DIVORCE HER! I appreciated the story but I hated the milk toast husband. He needs to grow a pair and get on with his life without the slut wife.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loving it

I am really enjoying this. Very well written, thoughtful and engaging. Well crafted. Five stars!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
One more thought . . .

I don't understand the critical comments. Was he stupid for agreeing to this whole arrangement? Absolutely. I know I would have bolted and never looked back. But, she was honest and laid all her cards on the table. I have no problem with consenting adults agreeing to live in what ever manner they see fit. The problem is he truly did not agree wholeheartedly. He really just buried it and ignored it. It was only a matter of time before things exploded. She was also wrong for bringing a guy back to their house. That was low. Can't see how to repair this marriage. No way he goes back to the previous agreement.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago
Just one more thing.

He walked into this situation with all the cards on the table. Me, I would have run. But if you don't think you can win with the cards that you have been dealt, you fold, and wait for a new game.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
he was insane to marry her, medical and other risk are to great

and is an idiot to stay with her and her slutty whore ways, bringing men into her marital home. How many of his friends, business associates,, her business associates, and relatives has she screwed. And when they are in public as a couple all these people know he is a wimp cuck and she is a slut.

fifteen16fifteen16almost 11 years ago
The Rules

This is just a story but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. The rules of any relationship are what is consensually agreed between two people, you may not like Leanne but you haft to respect her honesty in turning down his first proposal and revealing the lifestyle she wants, maybe U.S. culture is different but the U.K. culture I grew up in. it was taken for granted that an on going intimate relationship with declarations of love over a period of several months was exclusive. Leanne said, "I will be totally discreet", - "Something private and separate from our life together". How does bringing a lover to the marital home. having sex in the back yard on the air mattress used by her and hubby square with keeping it "private and separate", her words means nothing. Love is about what you receive and what you give in return. The issue is not simply her sexual liaisons he albeit reluctantly agreed to that, it's her complete disrespect for hubby, it's love on her terms which really is not love. Hubby, well does he really love her or is simply obsessed by her, a fine line between the two, I know, been there, done it and had the heartache she was married you see., not an episode I am proud of. For me Leanne is "away with the fairies". P.S. Afore mentioned married lady and her hubby lived happily ever after, hmm I wonder.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
once again we are reading an Ohio story from

the perspective of a marriage counselor.

we have gone all the way through Ch. 01 and no one has asked why the husband accepted her decision to be with others while pretending to be married. and the husband chose to be faithful knowing she was not.

One of the points brought out over and over in other stories is regarding prenuptial agreements. They must protect both parties to be effective. Why in the world did he not say fine, if that is the way you want our marriage to be, I get the same privileges. And if either of us fails to be discrete and rubs the other's nose in it, it is over.

sdc92078sdc92078over 10 years ago
Leanne did NOT keep her promise

She promised to be discreet, and to never expose him to what she was doing in any way. Bringing her lovers to their home, where he might stumble across them or the neighbors might spot them coming and going and tell him what they saw, was not discreet at all.

KarenEKarenEover 10 years ago
End It

OK, he came home early, but she had to know doing it at their house left that possibility open.

And there is still the loving gestures, which she can try to deny, but I don't know how successfully.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I second the last comment . End it

Or bring home a few girls to show her how it feels. But the way your slut wife gave herself to others . I split all assets, cancel all credit cards and see a divorce lawyer immediately .

Tim413413Tim413413about 10 years ago
Very well done.

I have no idea where this is going. Leanne will never be a one-man woman. He agreed, before she would marry him, to live with her lifestyle. Is that what he wants to get back? If not, the only choice (IMHO) is divorce.

Though I gave this a 5, I had a bit of trouble with the counselor being the narrator, but constantly quoting someone else. The slightly lower 4th chapter score tells me some readers did not like the ending. Will I? Since I can't imagine ever getting into such a relationship, I'll likely just say "OK" to any conclusion.

crock45crock45about 10 years ago
I know already!

I have not read the whole story yet but I can see where it's going. Hubby will wimp out completely because I can readily see how weak he is emotionally and how whorish the wife is. There is no way possible that this can work out and I dislike both partners immensely and have no sympathy for them. I can only hope that they stay together and continue to hurt each other because she is a sadist and he is a masochist.

WAIT! I was wrong! They're PERFECT for each other!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Excellent so far

Congrats. Excellent so far. Five out of five. I like seeing this from the therapist's point of view. The two main characters are intelligent and well drawn. I look forward to the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
They're toast! No need to read further.

They don't even identify as husband and wife.

"Hello - I'm Mark Gleason. Hello - I'm Leanne Seidler."

Different last names. A wife that's such a cheater that she can't stay faithful to her husband and he KNOWS it. Why go any further? Why would he even want to stay married to her? Untrustworthy, unfaithful and a liar to boot. Why would SHE want to stay married? To have her cake and eat it too? I can't believe he's even bothering to go to therapy. What a bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Very Selfish

The following statement by husband from the story is blatantly untrue: "And Leanne readily agreed--she was so eager to please me, willing to do anything to keep us together. And so we just dropped the subject."

She was not willing to give up every thing. In fact, she was so selfish she would not give up the one thing he wanted: a monogamous wife. Wife was deceiving herself. She just wanted what any one else would want: a little extra on the side. Extremely selfish.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
willing cuckold

deserves whatever is coming to him.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago

Pussy. The instant she told me about fucking other men I'd have told her, you say you love me, that is total bullshit. The only person you love is yourself. I can, and will, do better. She didn't deserve any further thought or consideration. Oh, by the way, forget I asked. Obviously the person I thought I knew was a complete fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Zero sympathy for Mark - what a sorry excuse for a man.

How can any reader feel any sympathy for this total wimp. He has been a willing cuckold to this bitch whore before his marriage and agreed to marry on the basis that his wife could have any man she wanted, anytime she wanted. All this goes on for years then suddenly he starts feeling jealous and inadequate.

Sorry just not believable Ohio, I like your writing but this is just plain stupid. I will keep on reading because you write so well but the story has really lost all credibility for me. 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

two fucking idiots. the slut and the cuck. they deserve each other.

fifteen16fifteen16over 9 years ago
Well Written

Well written story about a ridiculous situation, her claim of meaningless lustful sex is nonsense and a lie. In a situation of dancing and alcohol and a lustful attraction arises resulting in a quickie in the car park, can at a stretch be called meaningless. Meeting on a one to one basis more than once by arrangement becomes a loving relationship, that is why it continues. She was doing the same thing with her lover in the same location as with her husband, we have a saying in the U.K. "don't crap on your own doorstep", Leanne is away with the fairies, she needs a check up from the neck up .I saw an interview on television where a woman explained why she had never married, she knew she could never be faithful to one man, I can respect that. Good story line and interested to read where the writer takes me.

kdcee79kdcee79over 9 years ago
Not bad

Ok, I know the btb & many of the anon crowd won't like this but I quite like this tale. Sure, Mark is a major denial wimp & Leanne is a bitch of the first degree BUT the story is well told & unfortunately sometimes true.

A very old female friend of my younger sister went through the same situation with her husband, which absolutely devastated him, unforunately he couldn't handle it once he " found " out & several months later committed suicide. Thankfully there were no children as the bitch fell apart & moved overseas.

These things do happen & slagging off at the author shows how shallow many commentators are on this site. Well done Ohio . 4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Until He Cuts Loose of Leanne, Mark Will Always Be A Cuckold

Mark went into the marriage with Leanne already a cuckold. Even if you drag this out to 40 installments, Mark is a cuckold. Whenever a wife takes on another lover, it is not 'just sex'. That's what dildos and vibrators are for. Sex is a form or element of love. Once a wife takes on another lover (or lovers), it is inevitable that she will find things about her lover (not sexist) that are better in her mind than her husband. The lover may be longer or thicker, have more stamina, is a better kisser, is more experienced, treats her like a slutty whore, etc. Again, inevitably, the wife will become scornful and condescending toward her husband. She and her lover will take great pleasure in humiliating the cuckolded husband. Damn. Drown the cheating bitch in the swimming pool and move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Dick sucker by proxy

Ohio is not the protagonist

dwbdazdwbdazabout 9 years ago
He should never have married the whore

Big mistake marrying her to begin with. When she told him she was a slut he should have walked.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Second time through...

Still love it. Still a favorite. Still five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The Ohio Beta Man

Ohio has written some extremely hard hitting stuff. I think that at this point I have read every single story. There have been some truly masterful moments that document the relationship turmoil that fuels the adult genre, and I definitely give Ohio his due for that.

The problem that has developed for me is that after reading so many authors here on Lit I return to reread an Ohio classic (not so much the current story) and I am struck with the growing distaste that I feel for these tearful, hand-wringing men that are frequently at the heart of the stories.

Ohio has definitely demonstrated a high standard but I think I need some stronger and "less sensitive" men. It's time for me to put the Ohio phenomenon to rest.

"Good night and good luck."

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What Did I Do that was Wrong?

Duh! You married the slut and agreed to be a cuck, you moron!

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