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What Just Happened?

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Two bible thumping ladies come to the door...
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2020
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It seemed like the whole world was falling apart, what with the pandemic, large-scale protests and even riots, and just a general level of fucked-uppedness that made slipping into depression all too easy to do. And that's exactly what I thought was happening at first. I had been furloughed from my job and was sitting on my ass at home with little to do but read junk novels and waste time on the internet when I first started feeling run down. It was hard to get out of bed, completing even the simplest tasks seemed to take all my energy, and nothing really seemed important anymore. By the time the massive headaches and nausea started hitting me, I was already so weak and listless it was hard to even formulate the thought that I should call 911, much less follow through with it.

That was a huge problem, since I lived alone. I'd been proud of the fact that I'd been able to rent my own place soon after graduating from college, no longer having to deal with annoying roommates or watch how noisy I was getting with my girlfriend. I'd never been particularly outgoing, and because of my girlfriend I drifted away from my few college friends. When my girlfriend moved away to take a job across the country, I found myself more isolated than I liked to think about. When I became ill this turned from being simply sad to downright dangerous, since I had no one to force me to go to the hospital or even to cook for me. If I weren't such a bad son that I only called my parents every couple of weeks and visited even less often, they might have stepped in to help out, but I didn't even have that to fall back on.

That's how I found myself almost dying alone in my apartment at 26. Honestly, I have no idea how I survived. My fever was out of control to the point where I don't even remember a lot of what happened during that period. Occasionally I remember dragging myself to the sink and chugging water straight from the tap or sitting in the floor and eating canned ravioli straight from the can. I probably should have died, and I know that I wished I would just go ahead and do so more than once. But eventually I found myself waking up to sunshine coming through the window and realizing that though I felt like shit, I no longer felt like I might die.

As I forced myself up, I did realize that I smelled bad enough that I could easily be mistaken for having died somewhere along the way, and my teeth felt scaly and nasty. So I dragged myself into the shower, got clean, dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, and brushed my teeth. Still not feeling great, but at least beginning to feel a little bit like a human, I stumbled into the kitchen and drank several glasses of water as I tried to ignore the mess I'd made in the apartment while I was delirious with a fever. I was shocked when I looked at my phone and realized I'd been out of it for two full weeks, and then saddened to see that the only person who'd called during that time to check on me was my sister, Sandy. Deciding to call her back later, I set about trying to restore a little order to the apartment before giving up and sitting down to munch some dry cereal.

As I ate what little food I had and contemplated my mostly empty wallet, I thought I'd have to find out if my credit cards still had any wiggle room on them to pay for a pizza delivery when I heard a knock on the door. With a groan I pushed myself up and went to the door, peering the peephole to see two attractive, though primly dressed, women. Wondering who the hell they could be, I decided to go ahead and open the door.

One of the women appeared to be in her late 20s or early 30s and wore a simple dress that did little to show off what seemed to be a reasonably impressive rack. She had dark hair and was about 5'7" or so, while the younger one seemed to be in her late teens or early 20s. She was probably only a couple of inches over five feet tall. She was more slender than her companion was, and had sandy blonde hair. I was just noticing the cross hanging down into the hint of cleavage her modest dress and her small breasts allowed, when the older of the two smiled and said, "Excuse me sir, but have you heard the good news of or lord and savior, Jesus Christ?"

With a groan I realized that not even a global pandemic could keep religious nut jobs off my doorstep, and feeling far more tired and cranky than I usually let myself get with cute women under any circumstance—which is probably why these two were chosen to harass the neighborhood—I sighed and said, "Look, I don't have the time or energy for this crap right now, so unless you two want to go get me some takeout Chinese or something, I've got no time for you."

I'd meant it to be snarky, a way to brush them off, but the older one just cocked her head and said, "Sure—do you want anything in particular?"

I was a bit startled and said, "Feng's is down on the corner and has good sesame chicken."

They both smiled and the older one perkily said, "No problem!" They then both turned and left, heading toward a car parked a little way down the street.

I shook my head at the weirdness of all that, but wandered back to the couch without really expecting to see them again, which is why I was so surprised when they knocked again after only about half an hour. I opened the door with a scowl, but sure enough, the older one held up a bag from Feng's. It felt like a trap, and I thought maybe she had bought me some food as a way of weaseling their way into my apartment to talk about Jesus, but when the smell of the food hit me, I realized I was hungry enough to take the chance.

I stepped back and said, "Umm... come on in. Don't mind the mess... or the smell... I've been sick for a while." They smiled as they came in and I motioned for the couch and my single chair in the living room. "Sit anywhere, we'll have to eat in here 'cause I only have two chairs in the kitchen."

As they sat down, the older one on the chair and the younger on the couch, I noticed that they hadn't gotten any food for themselves. I also noticed they both had nice legs, but I was more focused right then on the food. I hungrily took it and sat it in my lap, quickly digging in as I realized that it was indeed sesame chicken. As I ate, the older one asked, "So, you never answered my question—have you heard of our lord and savior Jesus?"

I paused from stuffing my face for a moment to groan. "Look... what's your name?" The brunette smiled brightly and said, "Carol." Her sandy-blonde companion, who hadn't spoken up until this point, smiled equally brightly and said, "Tammy."

I swallowed my food and said: "Okay Carol, Tammy, I don't have any interest in hearing about Jesus, and in fact if I had known that's what you're peddling, I wouldn't have opened the door. All I saw was a couple of cute women on my doorstep so I opened the door. So thanks for the food, but you can keep Jesus to yourself."

They both said, still brightly, "okay." And smiled, clearly unoffended. I saw that the older one had a wedding ring on, and I said, still feeling snarky, "doesn't your husband worry about you going out and buying food for strange men, Carol? I thought you bible thumping people worried about that kind of thing."

Without missing a beat, she said, "Oh, he doesn't know. I've never bought a strange man food before."

I paused, and asked, "Well, why did you buy me food then?"

With a quizzical look, like I had asked an odd question, she said: "Because you asked me to."

I snorted. "Look, when you're out knocking on doors like you are, men might ask you to do all sorts of strange things." The food was making me feel stronger, bu I realized my headache was coming back and it was making me cranky. "For example, what would you do if I told you to show me your tits?"

I expected her to get flustered and angry, then storm out, which was fine by me, but instead she said: "I'd show you my breasts."

I coughed and almost choked on my food, as they both looked on, smiling politely, though Tammy's smile faltered a little as she asked, "are you okay...you know, I don't even know your name..."

I cleared my throat and said, "Ed. My name is Ed." I looked at them both, wondering what their game was, then decided to call their bluff. "Okay ladies. Show me your tits."

Without any sign of shock or anger on either of their parts, Carol turned and leaned over a bit and said to Tammy, "Hon, can you undo my dress?"

Tammy replied, "Of course." And unhooked Carol's dress like it was the most normal thing in the world, then pulled the zipper down. Without missing a beat, she then reached behind her to undo her own less complicated fastener as Carol stood up. I sat there staring as Carol shimmied out of her dress, standing in front of me in a simple, though not unattractive, matching bra and panty set. Tammy then pulled her dress over her head, revealing her own pale pink bra and panty set. I realized Carol's tits were even bigger than I had expected them to be, and though Tammy's were no better than A cups, from what I could see of them they were cute.

Before I had time to say anything, though, Carol turned to Tammy and said, "Hon, do you mind getting the latch on the back of my bra?"

Tammy said, "not at all." And unlatched Carol's bra, which fell and revealed her ample D cups in all their glory. They sagged just a little, but were beautiful. When Tammy unclipped the front latch on her own bra her pert little breasts popped into view, and her tiny pink nipples immediately puffed up as they came into contact with the air.

Neither appeared the least bit self conscious as I sat there staring, so I stood and hesitantly reached out to cup one of Carol's tits. She just smiled as I felt the weight of it in my hand. Tammy was still sitting, so I reached down with my other hand and pinched one of her tiny nipples. Her only reaction was to say, "Oh!" but she didn't try to move away or anything. I felt like I was in an X-rated episode of the Twilight Zone.

Needless to say, my cock was hard as a rock as I rolled my thumb over Carol's large aureole and nipple in my right hand, and rolled Tammy's smaller nubbin between the fingers of my left. Not really sure how far I could take this, I cleared my throat and said, "alright ladies, suck my cock."

Carol smiled and said brightly, "Okay," and went down on her knees, pulling my sweatpants down. Tammy looked mildly confused, so Carol said, "Come here hon. Kneel right here..." and took Tammy's hand and pulled it up toward my cock, placing it on my shaft. I'm not small—my ex measured me at 7 inches once—but in her tiny hand I looked enormous. She started to stroke, and Carol said encouragingly, "Good! Now, watch this..." and began to swirl her tongue around the head of my cock, then up and down the shaft. She pulled back and said to Tammy, "now you try." Tammy leaned over and mimicked her, and the sight of her tiny little tongue on the head of my cock as Carol stroked my shaft was fucking hot. I could see sunlight glinting off Carol's wedding ring as she held the base of my shaft so Tammy could tongue my cock.

I was starting to wonder if I was having some sort of a fever dream, but thought, what the hell, why question a good thing? I had no idea how far I could go with this, but so far neither of them had so much blinked at anything I'd asked so I sure as hell intended to push this to the limit.

Looking down and enjoying the sight of what they were doing, I asked Tammy. "Have you never sucked cock before?" She paused for a second to say, "No. This is the first penis I've ever seen." I shook my head and said to Carol: "You look like you know what you're doing." She smiled up at me and said, "Of course. I've been married for six years so I've had lots of practice giving my husband oral sex." She then proved she knew exactly what she was doing by taking my cock in her mouth and starting to bob up and down on it. Tammy looked like she was at a loss, so Carol paused and asked me: "Would you mind spreading your stance a little?" I did so, and then Carol said to Tammy, "Okay hon, lick his balls with the flat of your tongue while I use my mouth on his penis."

Tammy said, "Okay," and both women went back to work. I felt like I was in heaven. My ex rarely blew me, and I'd never had a double blow job like this before. Suddenly Carol popped my cock out of her mouth and said to Tammy, "Okay hon, your turn. Just put it in your mouth, be careful with your teeth, and use your tongue on the head and shaft as you go up and down, just like I was doing." Without a word, she stopped licking my balls and put her tiny mouth to work on my cock. She could only get about half into her mouth, but Carol stroked the rest of my shaft with one hand—the one with her wedding ring on it—while she toyed with my balls with her other hand. "Use a little more lip pressure... make sure your using your tongue on that little hole on the head of his penis... good...." Once she was sure her young protégé was sucking cock the way she should be, Carol began to use her mouth on the part of my shaft Tammy couldn't get into her mouth.

I hadn't cum in a couple of weeks, because I'd been ill, and even before that the only lover I'd had in many months was good old Rosie Palm, so I knew I wasn't going to last long but I was determined to hang on as long as I could. I'd never even dreamed something this sexy. Looking down I could see the two women, one no more than 20, the other probably 30, who I'd just met, taking turns sucking my cock. Carol's big tits swayed sexily, while Tammy's perky little tits stood up proudly with nipples that looked hard enough to cut glass. I could feel the cum starting to boil in my balls and without even asking I reached down and grabbed the sides of Carol's head and began to fuck her face in earnest. Other than some gurgling noises, she didn't make a sound. Tammy was having trouble getting to my cock or balls, so I said, "Tammy—suck Carol's big fat tits." She smiled and said, "okay!" and began to use her mouth on her older friend's tits. The sight was incredibly erotic and I knew I was at the breaking point. I said, "Carol, I'm about to cum in your mouth—don't you dare fucking swallow. . . catch it in your mouth and hold it there!" then pulled back enough to unleash what felt like a flood of cum into her mouth. Carol spluttered a little, but I could tell she was trying to keep it all in. There was just so much that some of it dribbled out onto her tits. Looking down and seeing this happen, I told Tammy, "lick my cum off Carol's tits and swallow it." Without a word she went to work, and as I pumped my last few ropes into Carol's mouth, she cleaned off every drop.

"Hold my cum in your mouth..." I said to Carol as I stumbled back, suddenly feeling weak. She sat back on her heels, her big tits glistening with Tammy's saliva and a few beads of cum on her chin as she kept her mouth closed. I collapsed onto the couch and told Tammy, "Kiss Carol with tongue... Carol, give her half of my cum, then both of you show me what you've got." The two attractive women kissed, then pulled back, opening their mouths to show me the cum they had in their mouths. I couldn't believe this was happening, and incredulously said "Now both of you, swallow." As they did, they both shuddered and if I hadn't known better, I'd have sworn that they had both orgasmed just from swallowing my cum. I watched in horny fascination, and saw that Carol still had some of my cum on her face, so I said, "Tammy lick my cum off Carol's face and swallow it."

She did so, then both the women, naked except for their panties, smiled. Carol said: "Well, that was great, but we have a lot more doors to knock on to spread the word of Jesus, so if you're done...?"

I shakily said. "Sure. Go ahead. I don't want to keep you from your work." They both smiled, stood up and started getting dressed again. I watched, still bewildered, then thinking about the wedding ring on her hand I said, "y'all should probably keep this to yourself, don't you think? Not tell anyone about it?"

They both looked a little quizzical as they finished getting themselves together. "Tell who about what?" I just nodded and said. "Exactly."

Without another word, they walked out, closing the door behind them. I wondered what the fuck had just happened as I laid back on the couch and let my eyes drift closed.

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JBEdwardsJBEdwards12 months ago

What a nice surprise to stumble upon a surreal sex story. It's sweet the way the older woman gently teaches the younger one (who's never seen an erect cock before!) how to give a blowjob. I was a bit surprised they didn't try to get the narrator to commit to letting Jesus into his life, or give him some literature about their church. Maybe they did that, off-screen. If they did, I'll bet he starts going to church. It seems like a decent method of conversion. 5*~~JB Edwards

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great work. Hope there'll be a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Format dialogue so that when multiple people are speaking the reader doesn't have to take notes to figure out which character is saying which line to the other. Formatting, paragraph breaks, etc. Could have been a lot better with some decent editing.

Edward1970Edward1970about 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks clantongang! I always appreciate the feed back. Keep up the great work!

clantongangclantongangabout 3 years ago

Hi - you were kind enough to comment on my story recently and I looked you up and realised I had read the "What just happened?" series a while ago and enjoyed them, so just returning the compliment!

TwistedDaveAuthorTwistedDaveAuthorover 3 years ago

oh my. Very good story, can not wait to read the rest.

itscalledhazingitscalledhazingalmost 4 years ago

Obviously it's not real but even so having two religious people call each other "hon" took me out of it (silly I know)

The writing is also a bit long, in that you need to break up your paragraphs. Especially when some new starts speaking, get an editor if need some help. Reading a whole paragraph which is twenty lines is way too much

Omart57Omart57almost 4 years ago

story! Love it! On my way to look for part two!

Edward1970Edward1970about 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks y'all

Thanks everyone for your comments, and thanks for supplying the information about Mormons. I grew up in Alabama and though I haven't specified a setting for this story, it's "somewhere in the South." Evangelical Protestants regularly knock on doors throughout the South, and for whatever reason, a lot of times women are the ones to do it. That's what I had in mind when I wrote this part.

Part 2 is out now.... :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great story. Hope the girls come back. For more flavor, female Mormon missionaries, which these are not as they were wearing crosses, go out at 19 years old for girls and 18 year old for boys and stay out for two years, if you want to use any of them, and they wear special holy underwear, that they believe magically protects them, though they are offended by the word magic as they view that as for being for other people's beliefs. Note, it used to be 19 for boys and 21 for girls, but they lowered it because a lot of Mormon kids were leaving the church after being exposed to a year of college.

Jehovah's witnesses operate more like how these women do, but they also do not wear crosses, believing Jesus was killed on a tree. Mormons believe Jesus is a god, but not the god, and JWs believe that Jehovah is God, but that Jesus is not Jehovah, though he is special. JWs also do not wear the ugly underwear that Mormons do.

I just mention this, should you ever want Ed to play with real world religious door knockers. Or maybe another writer may want to do so. Maybe Ed's power finds people who might have an excuse to come to his door, come to his door so he can exploit them. I would also ad that this is a Census year, hint hint.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Good, fun story. Surprised though that Ed didn't tell them to come back the next day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More please

I love it. Hope to see more of this

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