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What The Hell Ch. 02

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Opening My Eyes.
9.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 02/25/2024
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What The Hell - Chapter 2

What the hell...Opening My Eyes

Written by Aoife

I am certain this storyline has been written time and time again but let me throw my twist into this storyline. This jaunt could be thrown into several genres including First Time, Romance, Loving Wives, Group Sex, and of course my favorite, Lesbian Sex.

I will post this series in the Lesbian Sex category. This is simply to not confuse anyone or to reveal too much ahead of time. I highly doubt there will be any heterosexual activities involving our protagonists. If there are such activities, I will give you fair warning.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.


My phone rang. It was Roxie. "Hey slut." I said with a giggle in my voice.

"Bring that amazing personality and your incredibly sexy body over to my house so I can get your drunk and ogle you knowing you are straight. I promise not to touch too much once you pass out." Roxie said.

I laughed, "Okay but only if you dress sexy for me slut. And I mean like really sexy, I want cleavage and lots of flesh showing. I want to see that beautiful and shapely ass in silky shorts." I laughed out loud, Roxie did the same.

"Hey, seriously I love you. I can't thank you enough. I am on my way." I hung up, locked my phone, put on my coat and headed out to the parking lot.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "What hell was I thinking?"

~~~~End of Chapter 1~~~~

I knew what I was doing, I was going to my best friend's house to chill, think about life, get drunk, and disappear. It was decided that I needed this. I needed her to help me figure this out.

I pulled in her driveway, turned off my car and called Al. It was a brief conversation, I told him I was safe, over at Roxie's and that I would be home tomorrow at some point. He told me he loved me and to make smart decisions. He reminded me to do what I needed to do, for myself and no one else but not to hurt anyone how I had been.

What did he mean by that?

I walked to her front door, through the full glass window of the screen door, there was a sticky note, "It's open". I laughed to myself. That silly woman, that silly fucking woman, how can she be so carefree, charismatic, outgoing, and so damn smart?

I opened the screen door, then still knocked, then twisted the knob and opened the door. I heard her yell down from upstairs. "I need a minute."

I closed and locked her front door and walked into her kitchen. I saw that she had been hard at work, she had some crackers and those thin wheat snacks laid out. I opened the fridge and saw the beer she mentioned. I opted for a glass of wine.

She has a nice Chablis open. I took it and poured a nice glass. I grabbed a wheat cracker with some cheese on it and I walked over to her living room and sat on her couch making myself comfortable.

Now, let me explain, we are this close as friends. She could walk into my house; well Al's and does the same as I just did. It's what we did as true lifelong friends. I sat and took a sip of wine and could feel myself starting to relax.

I heard her walking down the steps. Well, I heard her humming, singing away. Roxie does have a beautiful voice. I remember her humming to mom during the afternoon two days after the carboplatin that shit ached in her bones and made her stiff as a rail. But my "bitch boss" was there with heat packs and ice packs to soothe her pain, wrapping her in her chemo blanket, and then washing it when mom got sick, caring for her like it was her own mother.

She was my rock through it all.

I stood and walked back towards the kitchen then stopped, dead in my tracks.

Thank god I wasn't carrying the wine glass or a plate or for that matter anything. I would have dropped it. My mouth opened, my eyes widened, and then I closed them, quickly. As I closed them, I slapped my hands over my eyes.

I heard her laugh and then I felt her wrap me in her arms. Roxie gave me the softest hug I had felt in a long time.

With a very breathy voice she whispered in my ear, "Too much?" She kissed my earlobe. "Not enough, or just right?"

God she is my best friend and oh so beautiful but I am not a lesbian. I repeated to myself, I am not a lesbian. I like men and a good girthy cock filling me. I need a girth cock to cum and satisfy me.

She released the hug and backed up a few steps. "Open your eyes slut. I dressed as you asked. You wanted sexy, I believe you said, very sexy."

I opened my eyes and yes, my dearest friend was dressed sexily. She wore a black bra and panty set, a long, past her knees, see-through lace kimono showing a half bra, matching panties, also with a bit of lace, and very sexy sheer pants that gathered at her ankles.

Her hair was slightly curled but flowed over her shoulders; she pulled it back behind her ears. Her neck exposed. She was dressed for sex, not drinks with a friend.

I was scared, nervous but something inside my soul jumped for joy.

"Roxie! Fuck baby, if I was gay! Dear, you are dressed for a night of romance. Damn you are sexy."

"It's what you asked for."

I wasn't able to reply, she spun on her slippers and walked to the fridge and poured her a glass of wine. That bitch. I did tell her to dress sexy for me. I watched her walk away; her legs were so beautiful, firm, and very shapely. Her ass was covered just a bit and really was a beautiful picture.

I shook my head and murmured to myself that I wasn't gay. But damn she was so beautiful.

She came back with some snacks and then sat on the sofa leaving space between us. For the next hour we chatted about life, how bad the holidays were. I told her how strong Al had been, through it all; I had Al as the greatest stepfather ever.

She never mentioned her father or her sister. Then all hell broke loose when she went on a straight five and a half minute rampage about that sleazy piece of crap Carl and his parents. She thought his sister was cute but she was a fucking snob as well."

She spat as she poured another glass of wine, "Fuck that piece of shit. He isn't worth a woman of your esteem and beauty."

"I am not that beautiful Roxie, I am just average."

She turned her head and pointed her finger at me and started mumbling. I couldn't understand what she was saying until the last few words, through gritted teeth. "Stop that shit young lady; you are as beautiful as the morning sunrise and the evening sunset reflecting off the ocean. You are as beautiful as the rows and rows of flowers extending beyond the horizon."

She took a sip of wine. "I won't broach the subject of the other most beautiful woman in your world but know how much I loved her as well."

"Speaking of love?" I raised my eyebrow and teased her.

I asked about her love life to which she ignored and just rolled her eyes. We finished a second bottle of wine. As she stood offering to open another bottle, I joked about the really good Irish whiskey she spoke of. She just turned and looked at me.

"Okay slut but you aren't sleeping with me if you are too drunk. I will not have you vomit on my good sheets."

I was going to ignore her comment but for some reason I didn't.

"I didn't bring flannel or winter pajamas. You better keep me warm tonight so yes, slut, I will be sleeping with you."

I slapped my hand across my mouth as soon as those words left it. What the hell was I thinking? I wasn't thinking. I blamed the wine for talking. Then again Roxie is a very attractive and sexy woman.

I thought I heard her laugh and whisper something to herself. Roxie walked over with two tumblers and handed me one. I stood with her. She kissed my cheek then she raised her glass.

She looked at me and said "Do you dare be mad at me."

I looked at her curiously and as I went to say something she held her finger up.

"Cheers to the best, badass woman ever. She kicked ass. You should be proud to be her daughter." She touched my glass and took a sip.

Do not ask me why but I knocked back the entire tumbler while tears filled my eyes. When I finished she looked at me eyes wide open.

"You crazy bitch." Then she laughed then saw my tears. "Oh baby, Lex baby, I am sorry."

I shook it off and walked to the kitchen and poured another tumbler, filling it rather full. I was now determined to get drunk and this glass would do it.

When I sat on the couch, I sat next to her and picked the cheese and pepperoni crackers from the plate she was holding.

In Roxie fashion she looked at me, I just blew her an air kiss and winked. "Oh hush be happy you aren't feeding me like the queen of your life you know I am."

We both laughed. I slowed my drinking way down. I wanted to make it through the evening. She had opened her streaming app playing some 70's and 80's rock music.

"Gawd damn I love this music." I bellowed.

We were listening to the Beatles and she started singing loudly. I halfheartedly slapped my hand across her mouth in an attempt to cover the squealing coming from her vocal cords.

In all seriousness her voice is absolutely beautiful, angelic and amazing.

She tried slapping my hand away but I was not one to lose. I paused and knocked back the remainder of my drink, and set my tumbler down on the table. I sat straight up and twisted my body, swinging my left leg over top of Roxie and plopped down, kneeling on her.

I dropped my jeans covered ass straight down on her lap. I held both of my hands on her shoulders and while giggling like a twelve year old. I explained in the nicest words how her singing held no resemblance to any artist ever.

"Back alley cats sing better than you my love." I giggled the entire time.

Her eyes went wide with that comment. I saw something in her eyes but I was laughing so hard I couldn't really react.

I felt her hands on my hips, and then the flanks of my sides. While the whiskey was completing its task, my eyes focused on hers. I saw it again. I was focused on the dark chocolate brown of her eyes. I was hypnotized by her beauty.

There is softness in her eyes, as if calling me to come rest, and to confide in her. Her eyes were inviting me to her soul to find my life and love again. I felt it, my stomach churned, my heart beat faster, her hands moving to my back, my fingers sliding down her lace robe to her upper arms and biceps. It was more that I could take.

She moved forward at the same time I did. We both stopped just before our lips touched.

I leaned forward, closing my eyes, as my lips grazed hers. I moaned in delight. I backed away looking into her eyes again.

"Don't! Unless you mean it." She whispered. "If you don't mean it Alexandra, then do not kiss me." She whispered.

I think I meant it, it felt... well... I meant it. I wanted this. I moved forward on my own accord.

My lips carefully grazed hers a second time. Her fingers, as soft as a feather, caressed my spine and moved higher. I remember her closing her eyes as our lips met for the third time.

She backed away slightly but murmured. "I won't stop." She said it as clear as day. "I have been in love with you my entire life, Alexandra."

My brain went numb, my lungs filled with air, my heart beat faster, and my nerves were on edge. I leaned forward and whispered, "I am not a lesbian."

"If I keep kissing you that doesn't make me a lesbian, does it?" I asked as I felt warm inside. My heart was beating faster.

"You aren't a lesbian, you like cock and are just drunk and teasing me."

I knew I wanted this. I leaned forward again, my lips meeting hers; I wrapped my arms around her as best I could and kissed my best friend as my soul exhaled with satisfaction and jubilation.

My heart leapt for joy and exhilaration and excitement.

I felt Roxie gently wrap her arms around me, gently holding me in place. We paused the kiss ending our first lovers kiss with one final very soft kiss that lasted just long enough.

"Oh god Rox!" I exhaled. "Oh god Roxie you are so beautiful."

I sat back then felt super nervous and frankly was scared. Had this not been Roxie, and the first time kissing a woman, I would have panicked. Knowing how amazing she is, she kissed my cheek then whispered in my ear that it was time to dance with her.

I tried to stand gracefully but the alcohol had taken over my central nervous system. I stumbled slightly. Roxie caught me wrapping her arms around me. I had my senses about me and knew fully well what I was doing. I was well aware of what was happening to my body. My nipples were hard, I was aroused and my panties were moist.

Was I in love or lust with Roxie?

We danced slowly, our arms holding the other I spoke. "Am I that bad of a kisser that you needed me to get off of you? Or am I so fat that I was crushing you?"

We both cracked up laughing at my attempted serious question which turned into an unintended laugh producing, dance stopping, full on belly laugh. Roxie saved me as I stumbled again; she took me by the hands and pulled me closer.

She looked deeply into my eyes; I felt something in my soul that I never felt before with her. She pulled me closer; the sensation of her breasts pressing against mine was thrilling this time.

Yes we had previously hugged and yes I have felt her breasts touching my body but this, well, this was so different. The sensation, the firmness of them, her hands grazing across my skin was too much to take in. My panties were wet, I was warm.

"Your kiss was what I dreamed of and more. As far as you being fat? Pfft wait until I cook your breakfast you slut."

"You will cook for me every day slut? I asked, and then winked at her.

I had my senses about me. Yes, they were slightly influenced by the good alcohol that we shared, but I wrapped my arms around her and looked her in the face and I said to her.

"Don't hurt me, for the love of god, do not hurt me Roxie. For the love of god, please don't I couldn't take you breaking my heart like he did."

I leaned forward and kissed her lips, this time I was the aggressor. The kiss was amazing. I needed more. I swirled my tongue around hers. I pulled her tighter into a lovers hug.

Roxie broke the kiss hugging me. She kissed me softly on the cheek then left me standing there as she walked through the sitting room turning off the lights on the end tables.

She took my hands in hers. In the darkness of her house she whispered, "I would never hurt you."

Gently holding my hand, she escorted me down the hall and up the stairs to her bedroom. Roxie sat me down on the bed and stepped into her bathroom. I felt a soft touch on my cheek and heard her soft whispers, Roxie was whispering in my ear.

The alcohol performed its last required task and it took over and numbed my body. I felt the warmth of Roxie and the alcohol rocking me to sleep.


I opened my eyes, seeing the brightness of the sun breaking through the unintended crack in the bedroom curtains. I felt her breath on my chest and her hair on my shoulder and on my arm.

I had to pause for a moment, and then took a really deep breath. I slowly exhaled and then moved my hand up to feel the pulsing in my brain and the ache which would be with me all day.

I felt her hand move across my lower stomach as she slowly caressed my skin. Wait! I was naked! Oh holy wicked fuck, I was naked.

She must have felt my reaction and read my mind when she softly spoke.

"No you aren't full lesbian yet. I didn't rape you, we just kissed. Kissing doesn't make you a lesbian." She murmured.

I took a deep breath, it was then she started laughing.

"I brought you to bed, and you passed out on me. You damn tease."

She giggled then continued. "So I stripped you naked, took full advantage of you, I had my way with you and then curled up next to you and fell asleep." She laughed again.

Unconsciously, I moved my left hand and brought it up to her back. I caressed her back realizing she was naked as well. Her skin felt so good against mine. I couldn't stop touching her.

"Lex." She murmured. "I told you not to do this unless you mean this." Roxie moved her head straining her head and neck, looking up at me.

"Give me some time to understand this... and these new feelings Roxie."

She moved her head back down and took her hand away from my stomach. She started to move to get out of bed. I could hear her breathing change.

"No! Stop... Roxie!" I whispered then paused. "Don't go, don't be mad, and please don't leave me alone."

"I am just going to pee. I will come back." Roxie rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I waited and waited, it seemed like forever.

I felt a fool, what the fuck did I do, why am I such a failure in love. I started berating myself and screaming at myself. Sure enough it all hit, I started crying. Everything came out all at once, my mom, Carl, the cheating, the wedding stress, the walking out, being semi-homeless and living with Al, and now this.

Oh god I was a fool. I heard the toilet flush, I heard the water running. I needed to escape, I needed to run. I didn't want to hurt Roxie, I couldn't move. I curled up into the fetal position and just cried.

I felt the bed shift and the mattress buckle just ever so lightly under her light weight. I felt her clothes chest touch my still naked body. Her hands wrapped around me.

"See!" I blubbered between spreading. "Even you! I must suck as a lover. Even you got dressed and don't want to be naked with me. Am I that repulsively ugly?"

I just cried even harder. She hugged me even softer, kinder, and honestly with greater love. Roxie rocked me gently in her arms and brought her lips to my ears.

She whispered soft words of kindness. She whispered how she didn't want to hurt me, how she didn't want to push me. How she wanted me to make certain this is what I wanted. She then kissed my neck and shared the most profound and loving statement which stole my heart

"If and when you decide, if you decide this is what you want, just know I will be here. I will wait an eternity for you." She kissed my cheek once more

What seemed an hour later, but in reality it wasn't long, Roxie slipped her arms from around me telling me she was going to get me some fresh towels. She would leave them on the vanity and go make us some coffee.

She kissed my cheek and told me she would have breakfast ready in an hour. She kissed my neck once more. I felt her head touch mine, I felt like there was something else she wanted to say but she held back.

It was after that hesitated moment; she moved away and got out of bed, doing what she said. I heard the bedroom door close a few moments later leaving me alone.

I do not like being alone, I despise being alone. I do not like sleeping alone. Tears filled my eyes again.


I came down for breakfast, having showered and dressed. Roxie had coffee for us and some light toast with berries and yogurt.

She called it her whiskey breakfast. We chatted for about another hour. But there was a void, I was lonely, I missed her touch, I felt I missed her kiss.

In the back of my subconscious mind, I repeated 'I am not a lesbian.' However the question remains given the emotional and physical actions of the last hours, am I fooling myself? She felt so perfect, so right.

We finished our coffee and moved to the comfort of her sitting room. She had some music streaming in the background.

"I can see the internal battle in your mind Lex." She calmly stated.

I nodded. I went to speak but paused. "All these years together. Why am I just feeling this way now?"

I held up my finger, it seemed rude but I needed this. "Am I that bad of a friend that I get drunk and act a fool? I won't hurt you, I do not care about me, and I care more for you and your feelings over mine."

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