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Click hereSue sat at the breakfast table sipping her coffee feeling ready to explode. She couldn't get past the conflicting feelings inside her. She not only exposed herself to her son but let him feel her up, in fact basically told him how to go about it. Poor Mark will probably need therapy, since even though mothers have always been the focus of teenage boys' raging hormones, most let it run its course. She'd washed the sticky pairs of panties returned to the hamper and made sure her bedroom door was always latched when showering. She never said anything when drying off, she sometimes found the door closed, but not latched. She should have been angry; she should have confronted the boy. Instead, she started leaving the bathroom door wide open and leaving the towel on the towel bar across the room. She never caught him peeking, never knew when he was watching, but her pussy was always wet, always throbbing, always fantasizing he was watching.
Why did she let him see her, let him touch her, why did she feel so guilty and also desperately need his hands on her again? With a yawn, she realized she hadn't gotten more than two hours of sleep as every time she felt guilty, her fingers had found their way between her legs, into her wet slit, against her aroused clit...oh crap, I can't touch myself here, Mark could be down any second she thought, ripping her fingers from between her legs.
She stood up and adjusted her robe and felt her knees get wobbly as her thumbs accidentally brushed across her hard nipples. Putting her hands on the kitchen counter she tried to think about anything but cocks, lips, tongues..."Fuck it! Drew better get back into town or I'm going to borrow a cup of sugar from old Henry across the street. That man might be 60, but the bulge in his shorts...and the way he looks at me, my ass. Drew hates him because he never looks at my face. What a fool, since he has no idea where this mouth could take him...Stop it!" Sue turned on the cold tap and splashed the icy liquid on her face, over and over.
"Mom? What are you doing?" Mark came up behind her. "You're not crying, are you? Are you alright? I'm really sorry about yesterday." Mark said hugging her from behind.
"No. No, I'm fine, I was just trying to wake up and thought cold water would be better than more coffee." She replied holding his strong arms wrapped across her stomach. "Why did you think I was crying?" She asked unwrapping herself and turning to look at her son.
"I got up last night to go to the bathroom and I thought I heard you crying in bed. I thought it know, what I did yesterday." Mark said looking down at his mother. "I feel really bad and I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"I wasn't crying, honey. I'm fine. I love you and I don't want you to worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong." Sue brushed her hand tenderly on Mark's cheek.
"Then what was that sound? I was worried and couldn't sleep afterward. Are you sure you're alright?" Mark looked worriedly at his mom.
Sue grinned. "Why were you going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? You didn't drink any pop last night, so why did you need to go there? Also, why were you downstairs? You have a bathroom upstairs."
"Mom, I was, you know, then I thought, maybe..." Mark sputtered.
"What? Tell me. I know you jerked off after I left your bedroom yesterday, so is that why you were up? Were you thinking about spying on me?"
Mark turned bright red, "Ok, yeah. I can't seem to get you out of my head. Every time I think about...You changed the subject, so you weren't crying, what was the noise?"
Sue looked at her son, "Honey, I wasn't crying, I was thinking of you, of you touching me. I was thinking about how your strong hands felt and your impressive bulge pressing against me. I was doing what you were doing."
"Really, girls jerk off? I thought guys just did that." Mark said pressing closer to his mother.
"Yes, and often too. I'll bet every one of your friend's mothers, all the girls in your school, they jerk off and you might be surprised to know how many have your face, your body, your cock in their heads while they rub their pussies. You're a strong young man and you must have the girls flocking around you. So, on that note, let's get you breakfast and get you off to school so you can graduate next month." Sue gently pushed Mark away and pulled out cereal and milk.
"Bye Mom, I'll see you later. I was kidding about telling my friends, I'll keep our secret." Mark said
"Really? I actually don't mind. If they think I'm a MILF, and you have access to me they don't, let's face it. You'll be their hero."
"Ok, I suppose so. Larry is always bragging about how his family has a place in Hawaii and Bill's dad drives a Maserati. I have the hottest mom and get to see her naked." Mark kissed his mother on the cheek and turned and left.
Sue spent the day cleaning and scrubbing the house trying to avoid thinking about how much she opened up to her son, how dangerously close they are to... 'Crap, I have to see that boy's penis. I wonder how big it's gotten. If he takes after his father, that would not be a bad thing. If he is in Frank's class...Fuck it!' Finally, after hours of absent-mindedly cleaning, Sue peeled off her clothes and lay back on the couch.
She closed her eyes and thought about Frank...kneeling in front of him the first time, seeing the scary shaft pointing at her, and how scared she was of it. When wordlessly he pulled her face towards that pulsing weapon. How naively she thought maybe he'll be happy with a hand job...her fingers slid down to her anxious cunt...the first time she held it throbbed in her hand...the cum oozing off the head... Her fingers worked into her sopping hole almost feeling Frank's hot rigid shaft in her hand. His hand was on the back of her head pressing her lips against the warm, spongy head until she reluctantly opened her mouth, her first taste of his tangy fluids. She was pulling, squishing, stimulating her excited clit getting close, so close but fighting it, delaying the inevitable. She could see and taste the plump head streaming more fluids. His was the first in her mouth and she wondered why it took so long. Frank's approving grunts encouraged her to take more...not that she needed encouragement as this felt right.
She was pinching her nipples, grinding her cunt hard with her fingers moving in a blur, her legs splayed as wide as possible, wanting, needing a cock pounding her, bruising her aroused cunt. Frank had pushed his fat penis into her mouth until she stopped him when she gagged...she thought back when silently Frank pulled out and pushed her onto her back. Frank actually said something, "You'll get better," was all he said, and she did...She remembered watching as he grabbed that monster and aimed it between her legs, the feel of the head spreading her lips...the pain when the head popped big, and her hole felt so small. She screamed and he smirked hearing her, yet he pushed in regardless, ignoring her moans of pain. She remembered gritting her teeth trying to bear the pain but soon realized that wasn't burning she was feeling, but pleasure...intense pleasure bordering pain. The living room echoed with her moans, the sloshing of her pussy with her fingers diving into her flowing cunt. Four fingers were buried to their knuckles, her hips thrusting up off the couch desperately needing Frank's cock...needing it now...his large sausage filling her completely, stretching her past what she thought was possible. She saw Frank's face leering down at her and as she felt the room spin the face became Mark's but with the same expression, "OH FUCK!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH, AAAAHHHHHH, aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh," she screamed. Her hips were raised way off the couch as she exploded as hard as she ever had before collapsing, legs splayed wide on the couch...images of her son's cock shooting ropes, splashing creamy white sperm all over her, in her, the wonderful taste...
She woke with a jolt and realized she passed out. Yanking her sopping fingers out of her pussy she looked around, 'Oh fuck, three hours? I slept for three hours? Mark is due home any minute unless he is here and saw me. Oh fuck!' She thought as she jumped up and ran down the hall to her room.
After taking a quick shower, she got dressed and came out to see Mark sitting in the kitchen eating cookies. "Hey Mark, when did you get home? Sorry, I was in the shower and didn't hear you."
"I just got home, sorry, I know you don't like me snacking, but I felt like having some cookies." Mark stood up looking bothered.
"What's wrong, did something go wrong at school?" Sue asked.
"You won't believe it, but Chris brought up our fight calling you a MILF and I told him he was right after all know. I told them about you...seeing you...touching you." Mark looked angry, "They called me a liar...They laughed at me telling me it was too convenient that I got to see you and touch you right after our fight. Crap. I'm pissed."
"I was afraid of that, let's face it, they don't want to envy you...have what you have and they can't. I guess there's nothing much we can do. I'm sorry honey, you deserve cookies. Can I get you some milk?"
Sue poured a glass and handed it to Mark and put a half dozen more Oreos on the plate. "I have to run out know, girl's night out, but I'll be home later. You going to be ok alone?" Sue asked.
"Sure Mom, I have a ton of homework. Apparently, I didn't get much done yesterday." Mark said grinning.
Sue laughed, "Another strike against me. The Mother-of-the-Year award is slipping away. Damn, I really wanted it too."
Mark laughed, "Perhaps you could drop your robe, I'm sure the voters would approve, it sure worked for me."
"God! You've surely become a horny young man. There's leftover lasagna in the fridge and don't forget to cut up carrots or something." Sue said walking out.
Sue stopped and turned, "Sorry about your friends. That really sucks. By the way, perhaps it would be better if you didn't bring those guys over tomorrow since I was planning on sunning myself by the pool tomorrow afternoon since it should be really warm. You know how I like as much coverage as possible. Study hard tonight, sweetie, I'll be back later," Sue said as she left to meet her friends.
Mark lay there with cum pooled on his chest wondering how far he could get his mom to let him go...could he really lick her pussy like he just fantasized...or fuck those massive tits? Groaning he went to the bathroom to clean up and get back to his calculus and physics homework.
Sue came home around 9 and knocked on Mark's door. "You decent? Not that I care..." she called through the door.
Mark opened the door, "Mom! You've been drinking. Whew!" He said waving his hand in front of his face. "I guess you had fun." Mark grinned and walked back to his desk.
Sue sat on the bed and thought about her handsome son, feeling hormones pulsing through her and knowing the alcohol was making being alone with her son dangerous. She stood up and shaking off the lustful feelings said, "Well, I just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm home. I didn't want to interrupt your studying." Thinking about Mark walking by her bedroom last night, she mentioned, "Mark, it's going to be a warm night, so you should probably leave your bedroom door open for ventilation, I know I'm going to. Goodnight sweetie," Sue said walking over and hugging her son from behind. Kissing him on the cheek she headed downstairs to her bedroom.
Sue brushed her teeth and cleaned up getting ready for bed. She looked at the open door wondering whether she should sleep in the nude or put on a nightgown. Feeling how warm the room was and how her pussy was aching for attention, she realized the gown wouldn't be on long anyhow. She crawled naked on top of the covers and turned the light off. With a feeling of excitement, she realized the full moon was shining on her fully nude body as she stroked her breasts and pinched her nipples. She fantasized Mark was watching her, looking at her spread legs, her fingers diving in and out of the pussy. She saw the bright square of moonlight on the bed and shifted so that her pussy was fully lit and facing the door. 'I could just walk upstairs and climb into bed with him, I could let him do whatever he wants...Oh fuck I need a cock,' she thought. "Drew better get back soon or I will be letting every man in the neighborhood have me," She muttered.
Her eyes closed, legs spread wide she wondered why she never left the door open before. 'You like that Mark? You stroking your cock thinking how it would feel inside me...oh fuck it feels good...' she thought as she rubbed her hard, aroused nub furiously. She took her fingers away feeling an impending climax and reached her slimy fingers up and began squeezing her copious mounds of flesh, making her nipples even harder and the areolas puff up even more. "God, Mark, come down here and take me, you know I won't stop can even fuck my ass...just come down here." She moaned softly, returning her left hand to her peaking clit.
Mark watched from the shadows seeing the woman writhe passionately, her beautiful vagina eagerly humping against her fingers, her left breast bouncing as her arm stroked her wet slit. His hand was sliding up and down his erection, his cock feeling harder than it ever has before, He groaned when he heard her moaning something unintelligible and realizing how loud it was stopped, scared she heard him.
"Mark, Mark, are you watching your mother?" Sue said peering into the hallway, "I see you, you might as well come in." She said still stroking her pussy. She watched her son bashfully come in covering his genitals with both hands. "Seriously? You modestly cover yourself up while I'm laid out, fully on display? Get over here, I have half a mind to spank you." She laughed hearing her son let out a low moan, "Yeah, I'm sure that would be a punishment. Come here and get on the bed and take your hands away, let me see how big my boy has become."
Mark dropped his hands revealing his long, fat penis pointing at the ceiling. His eyes were glued to the glistening flesh between his mother's legs as he crawled up onto the foot of the bed. He leaned down and started kissing the insides of his mother's thighs feeling an almost painful ache pulse in his balls smelling her arousal. He thought how much stronger, how much better, how much more arousing the scent was compared to when he smelled his fingers last night. He'd never felt skin so soft, so smooth. He tasted her inner thighs loving the salty tang and soon his nose brushed against her warm, wet folds. Pushing her hand out of the way, he tentatively ran his tongue up the wet slit.
"Honey, you don't have to do that, I'm very wet...oohhhh, yessss," Sue moaned, "Ok, but stop if you don't like it...oooohhhhhh yessss," she panted. Then he flicked his tongue on her clit, "...don't you fucking stop..."
Liking the taste as his tongue explored the tangy lips, and her sensitive clit Mark wanted to feel inside her, and remembering how he regretted not putting a finger inside last night, he gently pushed his middle finger into his mother's hole. 'Amazing!' he thought. First, her inner thighs were so smooth, and now her unbelievably silky hole. And all those slippery fluids, I really need to get my cock in here,' he thought. When his finger began probing deeper his mother responded by raising her hips, so he began fucking her with his finger while licking up the leaking juices, and he knew he hit gold when his tongue flicked across her clit and she began urgently humping against his face. She opened her legs wider when he pushed a second finger into her and started panting rapidly. He reached up and grabbed a flopping tit and hung on to it as she thrust harder against his mouth.
'Oh, God! I'm going to cum all over my son's face, damn, he's good, Oh crap!' she thought as his rigid tongue pressed hard into her painfully sensitive clit. Not being able to take any more she grabbed his head with both hands pulling him into her cunt and let out a scream, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, fffffuuccccckkkkk! Yessss, yess, yess...Oh baby, you are so good at this," she moaned as she released his head and collapsed with her arms at her sides. "Thank you...I really needed that, ohhh yesss," she sighed.
Mark looked up at his mother with a grin. She was limply lying there with her eyes closed. Wiping his face off on his arm, he crawled up over her and lined up his aching cock and pressed the head between the swollen lips and felt her open up...almost sucking his bulbous head into her slippery cunt. Moaning with anticipation, he began to push harder feeling her lift her hips, welcoming him inside her. He'd never felt anything like it, tight, slick, smooth...he pulled back and thrust hard into her and she loudly moaned. He picked up a rhythm loving the feeling, loving feeling his balls smack against her ass.
Sue's eyes opened up and she suddenly panicked. She pushed her son off of her, "Oh sweetie, honey. I'm sorry. I would love to feel you inside me, but we can't. We really can't fuck since I'm your mother." Seeing Mark kneel back looking dejected she rolled over and threw her arms around him, "Don't look so sad. I can still take care of you, and I'm sure you'll be happy."
"I know, I'm sorry Mom, I just wanted to know what it feels like...what it feels like to be inside a woman." Mark groaned.
"You've never made love before? Never fucked?" Sue looked at her son with disbelief. "I assumed...I thought, I mean, you've had girlfriends and...can I ask how much you've done? How far you've gone?"
Mark blushed, "Mom, I..." Then he laughed, "I guess I just had my tongue and fingers inside you so that's fair. Ok, I've kissed and done some dry humping. Julie once rubbed my cock through my pants, but until I saw you, touched you last night, I'd never really done much."
Sue looked at her tall, beautiful son. "How can that be? You are almost ready to graduate and I remember when I was in high school, there were guys...actually, this one guy, but every girl wanted him. You would be that guy." Sue reached down and felt the large, stiff rod sticking up thinking how familiar it felt.
"I know, but even though there are girls who I guess were flirting with me, I was always going with girls who wanted to wait. It's fine." Mark said then added, "You know, you are now the first girl to touch my dick. It feels so much better know."
Sue leaned forward and kissed her son, not like a mother, but like a lover. She let her son's tongue into her mouth and thought how much of her cum the poor boy must have swallowed tasting her pussy. She continued to stroke up and down the shaft of his cock amazing how long it was. She groaned in his mouth when his hands found her aching breasts, then played with her super-sensitive nipples. Pulling away, she looked at the poor boy desperately needing release. "Ok, here's the deal. You can put your cock back in me, you can feel what it is like, but only for a minute." She looked at the grinning boy, "You got that? When I say pull out, you will pull out and not push in 'just once more.' Agreed?" Seeing him eagerly nod, she continued, "But trust me, you won't be disappointed with what comes next."
Mark watched eagerly as his mother lay back and spread her legs wide again. He got over her and again lined up the head of his cock and pressed against her...the wonderful feeling of hot, moist flesh engulfing the head. He held it there a minute wanting to savor, to remember forever this feeling. He then pulled out and pressed a bit more and feeling his mother's hands on his hips stopping his movement and then pulled out again. Over and over he stopped feeling his mother guiding him.