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What's That Ch. 02

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Continued journey with the power of the God's.
10.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/26/2015
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Jeff got online when he and Laura got back home from their casino adventure. He was searching for honeymoon travel packages. He found a couple of decent deals in the states such as Niagara Falls, several in Florida as well, but he and Laura wanted more adventure on this trip! He looked to find travel packages outside of the states, to either the Caribbean islands or somewhere similar to Hawaii like the Tahitian Islands!

He finally settle on two choices that he wanted to show Laura when she got back home from visiting her parents. She had gone over to see her Mom to talk about wedding dresses. He couldn't wait to show her what he had found!

He had just closed his laptop when the phone rang. It was his old captain, he took the call, even though he was trying to distance himself from the fire hall.

"Hey Cap't, how's it going lately?" he asked when he picked up the phone.

"Jeff, I just got off the phone with a lawyer that said he represented the Basa's, the owner's of that house. You know, the one where the ceiling fell on you that day we burned it down. He said he was filing suit against you, and the fire department, to get back that little box you found with the ring in it." the Captain said.

Jeff was stunned for a moment, he thought he had taken care of that situation for good when he thought that the relative should forget about the ring forever.

"Cap't, I thought you said that day, if we found anything, the owners said we could have it? What's the city council saying about this?" Jeff asked.

"I'm still waiting for the Chief to get back from City Hall to tell me what he found out. Just thought I would give you a head's up about the phone call, so you wouldn't get caught with your pants down, when and if they file a suit!" the Captain told him.

Jeff thought for a moment before he asked, "Cap't, do you think the City's lawyer will be representing me if this goes to court? After all, I working for the City that day."

"He should Jeff, but like I said before, let's just wait until the Chief gets back, hopefully, he will have all of that information, and will give you a call to get you to drop by the station to talk with you on the matter." Cap't said.

That sounded good to Jeff, he didn't want to have to hire an attorney, much less have to go to court about this. Maybe he could figure something out in the mean time, to take care of it with his powers.

"Sounds good Cap't, thanks for the heads up, I'll be seeing you." Jeff said as he hung up his phone.


Later that afternoon when Laura came back from her folks, Jeff asked Laura to sit down with him, telling her about his phone call from the captain. He also told her that he was waiting for the Chief to call him in to talk about it, hopefully keeping her from worrying like he was.

"Master, what do you think is going to happen, didn't you tell me that you can't get the ring off of your finger now?" Laura asked. "What are we going to do about this, we can't go on a honeymoon with this over our heads, can we?"

Jeff sat there thinking before he said, "Don't worry about it Angel, I will figure something out! Hopefully I will get it taken care of before we get married. I don't want you to worry about anything, but planning our wedding! I will take care of this one way or the other!"


That night while in bed, Jeff was making love to Laura, but his mind was on the owner's of that house. Why had they left the box there in the first place? The relative had said something that day he had come over to the fire station trying to buy it back from him.

'What was it he said...that's right, he said he knew that the owners couldn't be trusted to take care of that box!' Jeff thought in his mind.

He thought more on that for a minute, he decided he needed to investigate further so the he would know what he was up against. Who could he talk to though to find out more? This was going to take some time to figure out.


Laura looked up at him, asking, "Master, I know you are here making love to me, but it seems like your mind is a million miles away from me, what's going on?"

Jeff put her legs over his shoulder, slammed into her, drawing her closer to an orgasm. He was trying to get her mind back to where it should be,

Jeff groaned to her saying, "I'm right here with you Angel, cum for me!"

Jeff didn't want Laura to know that he really was worried, so he intensified his thrusting, making her throw her head back further into the bed, squirting her ejaculate all over him.

He pulled out, reaching for her hand to turn her around facing the headboard. He slid his thumb inside her pussy and started swishing it across her G spot, doing the windshield wiper effect. This caused her to orgasm very hard, squirting her ejaculate again. He hoped this was doing the trick to get her mind off of his worry.

"Oh Master, you do know how to make me cum so hard, don't you? I want you to fill me up with your cum, Master, please put your dick back in me and fuck me hard, fill my pussy up!" Laura pleaded.

Jeff did just that. He grabbed her by the hips, thrusting so hard that she bumped her head against the headboard of the bed. He reached down, forcing her head down onto the pillow so it wouldn't happen again. He just kept pounding her pussy. A few minutes later, Jeff roared out his orgasm! She squirted right after he came for her, forcing his dick out of her overflowing pussy.

"Damn, Laura, my dick didn't stand a chance of staying in you, you came so hard for me baby," Jeff said as he rammed his thumb back into her molten pussy. "I bet you can't force my thumb out when you cum again for me!"


He decided instead, to do another round of Triple "D" on her, so she would be worn out, not thinking about earlier. He slid his index finger into her pussy to draw their fluids out onto it, then he eased his slimy finger into her ass.

After that he slid both his middle, and ring finger inside her pussy, up against her G spot, while rubbing her clit with his pinky finger. He started working his fingers for her, making her moan while she started wiggling her ass, trying to keep the pressure right where she wanted it.

Laura moaned, "Master, yes, Master, thank you, that feels do damn good! That's right Master, right fucking there, oh my God, I cumming for you!"

Jeff was right, she couldn't force any of his fingers out, she just kept cumming for him! He didn't let up until she begged him, "Please stop Master, I don't think I can handle anymore right now?"

They snuggled up in the bed with her ass tucked up tight to him, his arms around her, and they fell asleep, both of them exhausted.


The next day, the Chief called, leaving a message on Jeff's cell, "Jeff, please call me back! We need to set up a meeting with the City's attorney, tomorrow afternoon, after lunch sometime, if that's okay with you?"

Jeff returned the call as soon as he saw the message, they decided to meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow. He thought to himself, 'I've got to find out more before I take that meeting!'


Jeff decided he was going to investigate into the owner's background a little before he had that meeting. He had to find something that he could possibly use to get them to back off, leaving him alone about the box and ring.

If that failed, he would just have to see if the City's attorney could bulldog them enough to get them to drop the suit. He knew the attorney hadn't lost in court for years now.

He didn't want to depend on that though, so he pulled out his laptop, typing in the owners name on the search bar. The search pulled up a little info about the business they used to run, before they retired, but nothing else. He had to know more, he just didn't know how to find it.


Laura came down the hall into the living room, asking, "What are you doing there Master?"

"I'm trying to find something about the owners that I might be able to use to get them to back off of this law suit." Jeff said without looking up at her.

Laura looked over at him and said, "You could always go see that Gypsy woman that lives out on the old highway! You know, the one, she has that sign that say's, I can see all things, past, present, and future!"

Jeff laughed, grabbing her around the waist, pulling her into his lap. "You don't really believe in all that stuff, do you?" he asked her.

"Master, after what I have seen with your powers, I don't know what else might be out there!" Laura giggled and kissed him.

Jeff thought about it, he had never believed in any of that sort of stuff before he had found the ring, but like Laura just said, the ring sort of made him question a lot of things as well.

"Tell you what, just for kicks, let's go talk to her, we'll see just how spooky she really is! Who knows, she might actually know something about this sort of thing!" Jeff said as he laughed.


They got in Jeff's truck, Jeff planned on going out to eat first. They went to the local cafe, having a fine meal of country fried steak and gravy. This was one of Jeff's favorites. They finished eating, leaving a nice tip, before heading out to the old highway.

Laura pointed out the sign, Jeff said, "I see it, Angel!"

While pulling into Madame Zera's driveway, Jeff was thinking, this may be just a waste of time. Jeff was doing this as a lark, but he secretly hoped she might actually know something about the ring. It certainly wouldn't cost him more than the twenty five dollars that her sign said she charged for the first reading, whatever that was!


They walked into Madame Zera's front room and rang the bell that was sitting there on the table, around a bunch of brochures next to the door as you walked in.

They waited a minute more, when no one showed up, Jeff hollered, "Hello, anyone here?"

Madame Zera walked out of the back saying, "Welcome, welcome to my home, what is it that you wish from me today?"


Jeff introduced Laura and himself to Madame Zera, shaking her hand.

"I would like to ask you some questions about a couple of things, see if maybe, you can help me with them." Jeff said to her.

Madame Zera asked them to follow her to the back room where she did all of her readings, saying, "Please be seated. Now, what is it, that you would like to know about Jeff?" Madame Zera asked as she sat down.

"Well, you see Madame Zera, I found a box a few weeks ago, it had a silver ring inside of it. I have someone that is wanting to sue me, to get it back from me!" Jeff said.

She looked at him quizzically, asking, "Do you have the box and ring with you now, sir?"

Jeff reached into his coat pocket, pulled out the small box, placing it on the table in front of Madame Zera. Before he could even show her the ring, her face lit up, she backed away from the table, pointing at it, asking excitedly, "Where did you find that box?"

Madame Zera had never seen the box before, but her mother had told her about it while she was growing up. She knew the powers that Jeff must have, now the he had the ring on his finger. She was in awe of him!

She said while bowing her head, "Master, how may I serve you?"


Jeff was shocked at this. He wasn't expecting anything, much less this reaction, to happen today. He looked over at Laura, shrugging his shoulders. She grinned at him, laughing out loud.


"What's do damn funny babe?" he asked, irritated because she was laughing at him.

Laura smiled at him, apologizing for her laughter, "I so sorry to laugh, I wasn't really making fun of you! You now have two slaves, both calling you Master! Do you think you can handle both of us, Master?"


"Master, please don't be angry with me, I will tell you why I called you my master, if you will allow me too!" Madame Zera said with her head still bowed. "That silver ring that you have on your finger, gives you the power of the God's! My ancestors, created that ring to be used for a greater good of defeating an evil king and his minions! Now, here you are before me, wearing the very same ring. This makes you the ruler of my family!"

Jeff was astonished at what he was hearing from Madame Zera. He really didn't believe in seers or whatever they called themselves, yet, here was one that claimed he was the ruler of her family! Simply because he had the ring on his finger, no way was this real, he thought.

He hadn't thought that coming here today would really bring him anything information, but here was Madame Zera, calling him her Master. She knew everything about the ring!

"Tell me everything you know this ring, please?" he asked excitedly.


Madame Zera still had her head bowed when she said, "Master, a very long time ago, in my home country of Hungary, there was a group of sorcerers, my ancestors, that wanted to overthrow their very ruthless, maniacal king! The king had his own group of very powerful, and evil sorcerers. They were much stronger than than any of my ancestors."

Madame Zera paused for a moment before she continued. "They found an ancient spell, in an old book of powerful enchantments. They used it to create your ring, giving it's wearer, the power of the God's, making him, truly invincible! The only problem they had was, they had to find someone that was strong enough to wear the ring, long enough to help them."

Jeff interrupted her, "What do you mean, strong enough to wear it? What's this about an ancient book of enchantments, this can't be real?"

Madame Zera assured him that the book was very real. "Master, everything I am telling you is the truth, I have seen this book before!"

Jeff laughed saying, "Okay, I'm sorry, please continue with this story of yours, I'm still not convinced of anything?"

Madame Zera was visibly shaking when she continued, "As I said, they had to find someone that was strong enough to wear the ring. They couldn't wear it themselves because the book had specifically said, whoever wore the ring, couldn't possess any magic of their own.

Everyone they could get to try it on, died two days after it was placed on their finger. The ring, itself, didn't accept any of the wearers, because none of them were pure of heart like, you must be!"

Jeff stopped her by asking, "Did any of them have a lot of pain when the ring was placed on their fingers?"

"No!" Madame Zera said. "The pain only came on the day after it was on their fingers. The ring would heat up on their finger, burning them severely, causing such pain that they died in agony."


Jeff told her about the pain that the ring had caused him that next morning at the station when he went to get the box out his locker.

He said, "I almost passed out it was so severe, but after a moment, it just vanished!"

"That was the ring's attempt to see how strong you were! The only reason it did not kill you was because you were of pure heart, capable of wielding the power of the God's! Otherwise, it would have killed you within seconds."

Jeff laughed at the thought that he was strong enough to wield anything more than a fire axe or fire hose, much less the power of the God's! He liked the sound of it, though, it made his chest puff out at the thought.

Madame Zera continued, "The sorcerers finally found a man that the ring did not kill, that man was finally able to kill the evil king, and his sorcerers. However, he was never meant to become king. Before he placed the ring on his finger, he had to swear a blood oath to the sorcerers that he would never try to take the throne. The plan was always for him to rule our family from then on, but never be in eye of the kingdom."


"So what happened to this man? I can't get this ring off of my finger, how did he get it off of his?" Jeff ask Madame Zera.

"He had planned to break his blood oath, killing all of the sorcerers, then become the new king. What he didn't know though, was, the ring would never allow anyone that wore it to become evil. If they did, the ring would consume them. That man died right after he killed the sorcerers." said Madame Zera.


Jeff thought about what Madame Zera had told him so far, he thought back to what he had done to Sarah. Surely that should have been evil enough to kill him. This thought scared him, this is what had made him ask Laura to come see him afterwards.

Jeff asked her, "Tell me please, just what does evil mean when it comes to the ring, please Madame Zera, I have to know?"

"Breaking a blood oath like the first man did, murdering someone, trying to take over the world, that sort of thing!" she said to Jeff.

Jeff gave a sigh of relief at her words. He asked, "What about making someone do things sexually that they did not want to do?"

"I would call that evil as well, why do you ask?" Madame Zera replied.


"Jeff, you know that bitch wanted you before you ever went over to her house, doing that to her. Just like I wanted you to do what you did to me, let that guilt go, please!" Laura pleaded with him.

Madame Zera laughed at what Laura had just said, "You must be very careful with these powers, Master, the ring won't allow you to be evil at all! Only a man of pure heart can wield the powers of the Gods."

"What about using them to get rich, would you call that evil?" Jeff asked her.

Madame Zera thought about this for a moment, replying, "Only if you are stealing from someone who is not evil! If they are evil, having stolen the money or deceived people to get the money that you take from them, then no, I would say that wouldn't being evil enough for the ring to consume you!"

Jeff knew that a lot of the casinos used to be backed by the mafia, surely they were still there in the background, that had to be why he was safe after taking their money! This was very good to know! He was planning on going back as often as needed in the future.


"Do you know how the ring was passed down through the ages Madame Zera?" Jeff asked her.

Madame Zera smiled and said, "Yes I do Master. The evil man's family was very powerful, they knew that he had worn the ring. When they found it, they placed the ring in your box, to protect themselves from the power of the ring. They hoped that one day, one of their ancestors would be able to put it on, helping them rule the world."

Jeff sat there enthralled by Madame Zera's story. He knew in his heart that what she was telling him had to be true. The ring on his finger was glowing, but no heat was coming from it. It had to be the ring that was calming his mind, letting him know the real story was being told finally!


"Master, my ancestors kept up with the family that was in possession of the ring, down through the ages. Their surname is Basa, they have never been able to find one of their ancestors strong enough to wear the ring. They have had many try on the ring, but so far, they have all been consumed by it!"

It was making sense to Jeff now, Andras Basa was the relative's name that came to the station, to his house as well, trying to kill him, so he could take the ring back.


"Wait a second here, this ring won't come off of my finger. How do I get it off?" he asked Madame Zera.

Madame Zera bowed her head again, replying, "Master, you can never take the ring off. The ring has chosen you, you belong to it now! It is your responsibility to wield its power forever. The only way that you can ever be free of the ring is, if you become evil! The ring would consume you, if you did!"

Jeff sat there astonished by what Madame Zera just said to him.

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