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White Plain Jane into Beauty Queen

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White woman transforms into a black man's dream girl.
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A very large part of my life has been lived by how others have told me to live it and I was getting really sick and tired of everyone's bull shit. I was told where to go for fun, what to eat, what to drink, how to dress, who should be my friends, stay away from them, and the boring list goes on. One day I sat down and made a list of what I liked and I wasn't doing any of them. I was playing follow the leader and the leader was leading me to a boring and very sad life. That day I decided to make my life MY LIFE. I got rid of a lot of clothes that were not flattering to my body and I think that some of the clothing suggested for me was to hide a figure that men would want and that I was a threat to take the "good ones" away from them. I stood in front of my full length mirror and examined what I had to offer and it was always covered by an over-size sweater or sweatshirt, boring blue jeans and a simple pair of earrings and a gold cross I got when I received my confirmation from my Godmother.

Underneath those baggy sweaters were a beautiful pair of firm tits. I wore a bra every day for as long as I could remember so I don't sag and I am sporting 42C's. I usually wore cotton underwear and after removing and seeing the overgrowth of pubic hair it made me sick. I know that others get waxed and shave and I would need a weed trimmer to get through that jungle. I did shave my legs and underarms and I did have a pretty decent figure. I was a size 9 but I did have a little bit of a big ass for my size. My hair was long and straight and usually wore it in a ponytail or braids. I guess is also time for a style that fit my face. I had a nice set of eyes and never needed to wear eye make up but I will now.

I saved a lot of money by not going out and it was time I took the time to get some new clothes, a haircut, manicure, pedicure, the works. I would go to the mall and shop until I dropped. Then I would have to make plans on where I wanted to go. I wanted to meet people, meet a guy who would love me and I would love back. First stop was the clothing store, shoe store and then to the hairdresser.

It was a Thursday night and I had off tomorrow Friday so I would make my transition then. I had to make my plan of attack and go thru with it and not change my mind in the morning and go back to the plain Jane I have been for 26 years. There will be no stopping me now as I was preparing myself for the "new me" and getting excited doing so.

The selection of clothing I picked out ranged from sweats to dressy jeans, slacks, fitted sweaters and blouses, vests, tops that showed my tits off without being slutty and flat shoes, some pumps, and of course sneakers. I loved the black jeans I bought I was looking for just the right blouse or sweater and I found both so I treated myself to both. The jeans allowed me to wear flats or a small heel and I had to get all the matching goodies like a handbag and jewelry. I was starting to like everything but I didn't go completely nuts. There would be time for that coming and I knew it.

At the hairdresser I asked for a complete make over with a new hairstyle that with the help of some books and direction from the owner, I was on my way. They were running cancer fund raiser for people with long hair to donate and I had a lot to donate. I got my hair cut that ran down to the crack of my ass. I got it cut a little below my shoulder, got a loose perm, my eyebrows waxed and then went for the cleaning up of the forest which covered my pussy. I was beginning to look human and I felt good about. The best part was that I didn't tell anyone I was doing this and it was a Friday night we were going out but this time I was going to meet them there instead of getting a ride. I'll show them I thought.

I got home and unloaded all my new goodies and figured I would get well rested as I had a big night ahead of me. As I was putting my clothes away, I got a call to say there was a change of plans as far as where we were going and I was all excited. We were going to a karaoke bar. I love music and I pride myself on knowing who sang what song and what year and a little history about the song and the artist. I was really good in all kinds of trivia I guess because I had so much free time on my hands.

I picked out the black dress jeans and I bought a black and white sweater top that was very soft and very sexy. I would wear my small healed shoes and had all black and white accessories to go with my outfit. I picked up some make up at the hairdresser and the girl there gave me tips on how I could look great by using very little. I couldn't wait for the girls to see me and my new look and attitude. One of the other girls called and asked if I wanted a ride and I told her that I was driving myself tonight because I didn't want to hold anyone up if I was running a little behind them. I felt better already and I was also going to enjoy looking at men the way I want to look at them and not the way they tell me too.

We were meeting at 8:00 and I would plan on getting there around 8:15-8:30 so I can make my grand entrance. I loved my new hairstyle and my new clothes; I loved the new me already and I'm ready to get my new self into action. I did manage a short nap but I was much too excited to sleep. I had a mid afternoon snack because I didn't want to drink on an empty stomach because we would probably be eating at 9. I nervously but confidently dressed and made sure that all was perfect and I have to admit that I looked awesome.

I got in my car and drove slowly and carefully so I would have time to pep talk myself again and I think I will be okay. I arrived in the parking lot about 8:20 and I got myself all together and walked in and looked around to see if I saw the girls and I spotted then right away because Colleen had on a bright red outfit. She always made sure she stood out in the crowd and wanted people to notice her. How could I have been such a wishy washy spineless jellyfish to these women and they called themselves my friends....boy I must have been one big basket case.

As I approached the table they were all sitting at I could hear Noreen say, "Oh my God get a look at Joan". With that I stood in front of all of them and just said "Hello ladies". They were all over me like flies a pile of horse manure. They asked me what happened and told me that I looked great and I got more compliments in 15 minutes than I did in all my years of being their "friend".

I talked about how I thought I had to make a change and being depressed and an plain Jane and a homebody just wasn't cutting it anymore. I saw a few very handsome men walk in and come towards the empty table next to us. It appeared that there were 3 white men, a Spanish man, an Indian (not an American Indian) and 2 black guys. Each of them had something outstanding about them, but I had my eyes set on the one black guy. My "friends" all told me how bad it is to date a black man for years because of the stereo typical reasons of being lazy, only are after sex, money, drug addicts, etc. etc.. I was really taken by his smile, how well he was dressed and how he didn't walk around like he thought he was God's gift to women. One of the white guys asked if anyone was sitting at the table and Sandy told him the table was empty. I noticed that the black guy I was eying up was holding a binder which carried karaoke CD's so I was assuming he was going to participate.

I ordered my first drink and the girls actually toasted me and my new look. I don't know if I was imaging it or not but they all seemed to be staring at me. Maybe I wanted that to be that way I don't know. They ordered their drinks and ordered some food and I spoke up that I was hungry and we should order somethings to eat. We always ordered a lot of different appetizers and always shared them. I did notice the black guy looking at our table and at me. The girls were talking about how cute the guys were and hoped they would talk to us, etc. and I just wanted to meet that one guy.

Never in my life did I flirt but I used the ladies room as my first excuse to leave and maybe break the ice with the black God. He was looking thru the CD's and I lightly brushed his arm and I apologized to him and he told me that it was okay and he smiled. I went to the ladies room to think what my next move would be as I didn't want to just bump into him. I came out and he was still looking at the CD's and I asked him if he was going to be singing tonight and he said he was. He told me that he usually does about 4 numbers and he was trying to decide as he didn't like to always do the same 4 numbers week after week. He asked if he could run a few titles past me and get my opinion and I said I would be happy to. All the songs that he picked were good but I did manage to pick out 4 of them for him and he thanked me and we exchanged our names and smiles. When I got back to the table the girls were talking about me and said that I was flirting and I spoke up to them for the first time in my life saying that they held me back too long and I'm going to show them that I could do well without any of there negative thoughts and ideas about the ideal man is and I refused to listen to any bull shit about black men. Julie was always the nicest to me and told me that she was sorry about the years of making me feel so insecure about myself and other things.

The waitress came by with a refill for me that I know I didn't order and she told me it was from my new friend Gary. I lifted my glass and thanked him for the drink and he said I was more than welcome and then came over to the table to say hello and I introduced him to everyone. I could see him looking at me even when I was introducing the others. He told me he would be singing Barry White's "Your the first your my last, my Everything first and I loved that song. He would also be doing Jackie Wilson's "A Woman, A Lover, A Friend, and 2 by Marvin Gaye "Let's Get It On" and "Sexual Healing".

When it was Gary's turn, he came past our table and thanked me and kissed me on the cheek. I told him to "Knock them dead" as he headed towards the microphone. He had a very deep voice like Barry White and it was sending chills up and down my spine and sending a message to my pussy that was getting heated up since he walked thru the door. He belted it out and he got cheers and whistles from the crowd and I was so happy for him. He came off the stage and I grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek and told him "Job well done" and he thanked me as he walked back to his table for a split second. The girls were trying to make time with his friends and unfortunately only 1 of the other girls actually had struck up conversation up with one of the white guys. The other black man walked over to our table with Gary. He introduced himself as Jim. He was attractive too, but I had my eyes on Gary. He was built like a black God. Broad shoulders and kept his hair very short with a pencil thin beard. Jim had a shaved head and a very nicely trimmed to his face beard.

I could feel the girls getting uneasy and frustrated as they weren't getting the attention like they did at most of the places were go to as some of them are not the classy and they already know that they put out if the felt like it. They were trying so hard and I just did my little flirt and that's all I needed. Gary and I talked about work and a little about ourselves and I told him this was my "coming out" night and told him briefly without boring him of what they did to me and I couldn't believe I took it and did all they said for years. He told me that I was beautiful inside and out and they can't hold a candle to me. He was getting ready for his next number and we kissed on the lips and I was really thrilled. He was getting great reviews from all the customers and he took it nicely and didn't act like a know-it-all or show off. He came and sat by me and the girls just looked as I could feel them looking my way.

He closed with "Sexual Healing" and he did it so perfectly. I know in my heart that Marvin Gaye would have approved of how Gary did his song. The girls were getting restless and wanted to leave as soon as the karaoke was over but I said that I was staying. They were going to one of our other hang outs and they boldly asked Gary's friends to join them and only 2 of them decided to go. Jim had to head home as he had a 2 hour drive ahead of him and had to work the entire weekend. He was very pleasant and as everyone was saying their "good-byes", Jim came by and kissed me and said "I think Gary really likes you and I can see that you like him too. Just go with it and see what happens. He's a nice guy who's been burned and would welcome someone like you". I thought that was nice of him to say and kissed him on the cheek back.

Gary asked if I was staying or going and I told him I was staying and he asked if I would mind company and I said "If you are the company, I certainly don't mind at all." We sat and talked and had a couple more drinks and the place was getting ready to close. He asked if I wanted to maybe stop at the diner for some coffee and I said I would. I followed him because I didn't know where the diner was.

We got there and the waitress gave us a stare down I guess people will always look down on a couple that is black and white or any kind of mix but gave us a nice quiet booth in the back away from the rest. We ordered coffee and talked like we have been friends for years. He took me by the hand and asked me to go out with him tomorrow night and I said I would. He asked me for my cell phone and he programed in all his numbers for me and then he asked me for all of mine. As our coffee cups were getting filled, we kissed and it was like I was floating. His lips are so soft and sensual. I wasn't sure I was kissing him right as I really didn't have much experience in that department. I've watched movies and see when people french kiss and wondered how that would be. I didn't want to do it first because I wasn't sure he liked to kiss like that. We broke the kiss and he told me that he was so glad that we met and he has been depressed of late because months back he had a girl stab him in the heart and he hasn't dated since. I told him that I would never hurt him and he told me that he could tell I wasn't that kind of person. He told me that he would take everything slow with me and be patient with me as well. We finished our coffee and paid the bill and we walked out with our arms around each other. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. We got to my car and I asked him to come in my car and he did and I told him that I liked him and was looking forward to going out and he said he was too. He leaned into me with another great kiss and actually stuck his tongue down my throat slowly and I followed his lead and stuck mine down his. I felt like I was in heaven and my underwear was wet. I got up enough nerve to ask him to follow me home and he said he would.

When we got to my place, I couldn't get out of my car fast enough to meet him at his car. We threw are arms around each other and hugged and then kissed more deep than before. I felt myself go for the first time in my life. He broke the hug and asked me if I have ever made love to a black man before and I told him that I never made love before and that I was still a virgin. He looked me in the eyes and he told me that he wanted to be my first, my last and my everything. We went into my apartment and I took him by the hand and lead him to my bedroom. I had a king sized bed which gently sat me down at and kissed me and hugged me and told me to relax that he would be gentle with me and he would show me how good he will make me feel. He asked me if he asked for a blow job, would I give him one and again I said I never gave any man a blow job and he said I should do what comes naturally and he started by helping me take off my clothes and I helped him get out of his. He was so good with me and was never rough with me. He enjoyed his blow job and he got so hard. He had a huge black cock and balls and I was afraid it wouldn't fit. He asked if I had any type of lubricant to help even though my shaved pussy was wet he wanted it to be enjoyable for me and not uncomfortable.

There I lay with my legs wide open and he started off my lubing up my pussy more and his rock hard cock and slowly entered me and then with each thrust I was able to take in more and then finally I had taken all of his cock inside me. It hurt a little but once I was broken in, it glided in and out of me without any issue. He flipped me over and fucked me doggy style and with first being slow and then we were fucking like to starved animals. As he was moaning he kept telling me he had to cum and cum he did in my mouth and all over my tits. It was warm and it felt like heaven. We laid in each others arms and then took a shower together where he washed my front and ate out my pussy and I washed his cock and balls between sucking and jerking it and I got him all hard again and we fucked in the shower.

I am no longer a plain Jane or a virgin and proud of my new attitude. I am not going to become a slut or a whore and have sex with any guy to make up for lost time as I have found my night in shinning armor with Gary. We have been together ever since that night and occasionally when we have sex he will sing "Sexually Healing" to me among other songs. We were only together a month when we professed our love to each other. He is a great guy and he takes very good care of me. I was glad to rid of all my old clothes and all my old sad memories and welcome a brand new me.

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JimandGarysgirlJimandGarysgirlabout 12 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your kind words. Some people just don't get it. Everyone is entitled to their own taste and why does one have to be attacked for what their preference is. Your words of kindness mean a lot to me.

I am not a racist and I am not one that hates.

As far as my pleasure - I got it ten fold - it was left to the reader's imagination to think about how wonderful it would be for a girl's first time with someone that really made her feel as good as he did.

phxrznphxrznabout 12 years ago
It's all about "Him"

You talk about how he wanted you to feel comfortable, but you only discuss his orgasm and never your pleasure. What about you?

verbicideverbicideabout 12 years ago
Racism is in the commentary

While this story really didn't do anything for me in the realm of "fantasy", I found nothing particularly racist or unappealing about it. A simple tale of initial attraction based on what a girl "shouldn't do", that grows into real attraction based on the people involved. Many "bad boy" stories have the same general plotline.

The real racism here comes from the commentary, where the insecurities and prejudices of a few readers are being paraded around for all to see. It's a sad testament to how far people haven't come from crouching in dark caves and fearing anything different than themselves.

Anonymous0Anonymous0about 12 years ago

Back to square one. The Black man is always better than White man, according to you and a very small minority of white women and white wimp men. Ask the Black women you know why they prefer White men to their own race and ask your Black men friends why they are not fucking their own race.

shuttlepilotshuttlepilotabout 12 years ago

racist bullshit... huge black cock... of course, what else would there be? total zero.

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