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White Sluts' Club: Innocent Lawyer


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I screamed bloody murder, "Fuuuuuuck, it huuuuurts."

"No pain, no gain," Matt quipped the generic cliché.

I didn't respond instead trying to ignore the pain.

"There are others you know, my adorable eager slut, but our favourite white bitch doesn't work in our field at all," Judge Harmon smiled, enjoying revealing the names and seeing my shocked reaction.

"Whhhhhhho," I asked, the pain not going away as I got used to ten inches of black meat in my ass.

"Fuck yourself to orgasm, cum bucket," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," I obeyed, my building orgasm having disappeared instantly once my ass was torn apart...frustrated that another name was not revealed.

I began slowly moving back and forth on Jake's big cock the pain still sharp but bearable.

Judge Harmon said, "I want you to come all over my cock from getting your white ass fucked by black cock."

"I'lllllll try," I moaned, the idea of coming seeming rather impossible, but like childbirth where you knew the joys that followed the pain...I prayed the promised pleasure would come and then I would, too.

The pain didn't instantly disappear, but as I began to get into a constant rhythm, a pleasure began to build inside the very core of my existence.

"Tell me what you are, Mrs. Crutcher," Judge Harmon ordered.

"A sluuuut," I answered, before adding, "for blaaaaack cock."

"A cum bucket for black men?" He asked.

My face coated with two loads of sticky cum, I answered, playing on words from an earlier conversation, I said coyly, "Isn't it written all over my face?"

Judge Harmon roared again, making his cock vibrate in my cunt, as he answered, "Why yes it is."

My orgasm again beginning to build, the pain slowly fading to just a numbing inconvenience, I began fucking my ass faster wanting to become the ultimate slut...as ludicrous as such an idea seemed.

Samantha interjected, "Come Mikaela, come like the little slut you want to be."

"Ooooh, fuck," I whimpered.

"An ass slut, a cum slut," Samantha whispered into my ear, her hot breath enhancing the inevitable orgasm on the rise.

A few moments later, my orgasm continuing to slowly build, a fire in my loins that was desperately trying to be released and start a prairie fire through me that may never end, I begged, "Master, please tell me what I am." I couldn't explain it, but each naughty name only enhanced the pleasure inside me.

"Name-calling gets you off?" Judge Harmon asked.

"It seems soooooo, although I didn't know that until tonight," I admitted, my body slamming back onto Jake.

Judge Harmon smiled and began calling me a variety of derogatory names that brought twitches of pleasure through me.

"Black cock ass slut!"

"Cum bucket!"

"Cunt licker!"



"Submissive sex toy!"


I was breathing heavy, close to euphoria, dying for release when Judge Harmon added, bringing me over the top because of the naughty social taboo of the 'n' word, and yet another shocking revelation, "You're a nigger cock lover just like your mother," just as he bucked his ass up making his cock go unnaturally deep into my cunt.

"Shiiiiiiiit," I screamed, a rush of adrenaline coursing through my being as my long delayed, much needed orgasm flooded out of me. I didn't know such pleasure existed as wave after wave of intense gratification hit me.

As I crashed forward and onto him, Jake began slamming into my ass as I tried to come to grips with the stunning revelation that my mother was another submissive of the white sluts' club. My mother, who I barely ever talked to, her and I political opposites, was the most pretentious, racist woman I knew. She was also the mayor.

Yet, I couldn't focus on this revelation, as my orgasm was never-ending as I continued to be a vessel for their pleasure.

A couple of minutes later, my first orgasm complete, my second already building like an ocean wave off the Hawaiian coast, Jake asked, "Where do you want my cum, slut?"

"My holes are yours master," I answered, so pulled into my new world of unconditional submission.

"In that big mouth of yours?" He asked, as he pulled out of my ass.

"Shut me up with that big juicy cock," I responded, self-demeaning myself.

"Get on all fours on the floor, slut," he ordered.

I quickly obeyed, thankful to change positions, although sad to feel my cunt suddenly empty as I got off Judge Harmon's perfect cock.

On all fours like a dog, I opened my mouth as Jake shoved his massive python, which had just been in my ass for an eternity, into my mouth. The act was so taboo and twisted, sucking a cock that had just been in my ass, and I loved it. He held my head and fucked my face as I felt hands on my hips.

A second later, my cunt was filled again and I was being fucked from both ends, although I wasn't sure whose cock it was, I was pretty sure it was Judge Harmon's based on how full I instantly felt.

My second orgasm was quickly on the rise again when I felt a tongue on my clit and assumed it was Samantha's tongue. I moaned on Jake's cock seconds before I felt the first spray of his cum shoot in my mouth. I hadn't swallowed cum in an eternity and forgotten the unique, bitter taste. He came buckets, and I eagerly swallowed it all.

When he pulled out of my mouth, I turned around to confirm it was Judge Harmon fucking my cunt. I begged, desperately wanting to feel my cunt filled with cum, "Harder, Master, fill your nigger loving white bitch slut with your cum."

Matt grabbed my head, turned me back around and shoved his cock in my mouth and I again was getting fucked from both ends.

I had never had multiple orgasms before and as my pleasure grew I wondered if the seemingly unbreakable seal of multiple orgasms could be indeed broken.

Judge Harmon slammed into me and asked, "You want my dominant seed shooting inside that white womb of yours?"

I don't know if it was the hypnotic control the black cocks had over me, my own insatiable hunger to come again, or the reality that I had always wanted another child, but I answered, without hesitation, taking Matt's cock out of my mouth, even though I knew I was ovulating and the risk of getting pregnant was definitely there, "Yes, Master, fill my cunt."

"Maybe knock you up like we did Amanda," he continued.

Matt laughed, "Yeah, who knows who the father is."

"Oh yeeees," I moaned, the idea somehow ridiculously hot and getting me close to coming again, "breed me, Master."

"You're begging is my command," he quipped, playing on the common sentence as he continued pounding my cunt.

Matt shoved his cock back in my mouth and roughly fucked my face as Samantha continued flicking my clit with her tongue...causing constant twitches throughout my entire body.

A few strokes later, Judge Harmon grunted, "Here it comes, my nigger baby carrier."

I screamed, the way he stressed the word 'my' as if I was his property and the derogatory term made the impossible possible as a second orgasm exploded through me as he filled me with his cum, "Yeeeeeeees."

As soon as Judge Harmon was done shooting his load deep in my womb, he pulled out and Matt replaced him.

"Oh yes Matt, fill my cunt too," I moaned, no longer anything more than a cum bucket for black cock, even as my second orgasm still hadn't finished its journey through me.

Jake's still hard cock appeared in front of my face and I opened my mouth and took it in.

A couple of minutes later, Matt deposited a load in my cunt and Jake took his turn in my well-fucked cunt.

Samantha, who had crawled out from under me after my second orgasm, appeared in front of me, spread her legs and ordered, "Eat my cunt, slut."

Although briefly surprised by her name-calling, I was so into my submissive mindset that I answered without hesitation, "Yes, Mistress," before leaning down and burying my face in her cunt.

This allowed Jake to somehow go deeper in my cunt, each forward thrust slamming my face into Samantha's wet cunt.

A few minutes of licking and getting fucked hard and a third orgasm was building inside me.

Samantha grabbed my head, held my face tight in her cunt, as she flooded my face with her cum. I eagerly lapped up her juices, knowing being between my best friend's legs would be a routine thing after tonight. Seconds later, Jake grunted and filled my cunt with a third load of cum.

When he pulled out, I rolled into my back, suddenly desperate to come again and demanded, "Bitch, come and eat my cunt."

Samantha eagerly crawled between my legs and quipped playfully, "I thought you would never ask."

Already close to orgasm, it took less than a minute for her tongue on my clit to get me off as I screamed, "Yeees, you fucking cunt-licking slutttttt."

Samantha kept licking throughout my orgasm until I had to push her tongue and face away as my well-fucked pussy lips were suddenly super sensitive.

I lay there for an eternity, so thoroughly fucked I had no strength left in me to get up.

Eventually, Samantha helped me up as Judge Harmon said, "Welcome to the white sluts' club."

I looked at the three black men having a whiskey and cigar and nodded, "Thank you, Masters."

"We called you a taxi, you should probably get dressed," Matt said, casually, now that he was done with me.

A sudden shame hit me at just how used I had just been and how disposable I suddenly was.

Jake said, as if seeing my fear, "Don't worry Mrs. Crutcher, what happens in the white sluts' club, stays in the white sluts' club."

I joked, finding it stranger to have him refer to me properly, "Not sure that is true," as I pointed to the cum leaking down my leg.

"Fuck, you are funny," Judge Harmon roared.

I began getting dressed...knowing for better or worse my life had forever been changed. I asked, still not understanding how it was possible, "My mom is really a member of the white sluts' club?"

"Yes," Judge Harmon answered, "although I can't take credit for her addition."

"How?" I asked, unable to fathom the most racist woman I know being submissive to black cock.

"I'll let your mother tell you that story," Judge Harmon answered, leaving me wanting an answer.

"Okay," I said, disappointed, wanting to know the answer.

Dressed and getting ready to leave, Judge Harmon said with a smile, "Mrs. Crutcher, you're a very welcome addition to our white sluts' club."

Feeling flattered by his strange compliment, I nodded, "Thank you for allowing me to join, Master."

"You're welcome," he laughed again.

Looking down at his cock, still semi-hard, my cunt tingling again with the intrigue of my mother's sin, a sudden hunger for more cum hitting me like the white black cock slut I had become, I asked, "Can I take a load for the road?"

He laughed heartily, snapping his fingers and pointing to his cock, "Yes, Mrs. Crutcher, my eager white slut, you are a very welcome addition."

I dropped to my knees and eagerly took his big cock back in my mouth, wanting nothing more than one more load of his cum.

Behind me, I heard Samantha quip, "And you said I was the slut."

It's nine months later and I am days away from giving birth to my third child. I may have gotten pregnant the day I became a slut for black cock or it could have been two days later, when I was initiated into the white sluts' club by being gangbanged by over a dozen big juicy black cocks...where I learned the men in the club were not just lawyers and judges but prominent men from throughout the city.

I also left my job with the city and began working for Mr. Cocksmith, my wages doubling. At work, I am still treated as a strong, woman lawyer, although frequently between cases I am on my knees or back serving black cock.

Samantha now works as a secretary at Mr. Cocksmith's firm and Candace has since become another member of the white sluts' club, has left her husband, and lives with me. Although we are not exclusive by any means, she has become a major part of my new lifestyle.

Do Candace and I eat each other's cunt? ... Is black cock black?

Does Samantha make me eat her cunt at work sometimes? ... Is black cock big?

Do I often go into court with black cum leaking out of my cunt? ... Is black cock irresistible?

Am I happy being an unconditional submissive to black cock?

Am I happy carrying a black man's baby in me?

Am I happy being a cum deposit for black men?

Am I happy with my new life?

As I crouch under Judge Harmon's desk during a murder trial sucking his cock, ready to give labour any day, having already taken three loads down my throat from him in the past five hours, the answer is pretty obvious....

I am what I was born to be....a white slut for black cock....just like my slut mother, who I confronted a few days later, Samantha and I are turning her into a lesbian submissive too...and I wouldn't change a thing.

The end

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imadronG0imadronG0about 1 month ago

My opinion only . WAy to ong a story i got bored . 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Obviously BS

ronibarretronibarretover 1 year ago

Another classic interracial piece from the inimitable silkstockingslover!! CLAP!...CLAP!...CLAP!

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

It is thanks to authors like you, that women like me who have never met a black man never mind had sex with one, get my relief dreaming that i am in one of your stories, like this one. Ignore those that are offended, I get really annoyed they would spoil the pleasure of those of us that need your stories. Please keep writing.

4chuckssite4chuckssiteover 1 year ago

626. I noticed that I previously read the story, probably a year ago, but failed to comment. I really enjoy the turning from an innocent woman into aslut overnight, improbable as it is. This story has the potential for a mul episode series with so many people involved. I hope you don’t forget to return to it.

ShelleysGirlShelleysGirlalmost 2 years ago

As with everything you write, this story amazes me in the most pleasurable sense. Thank you.

CarmellaCCarmellaCover 2 years ago

Omg Jasmine, I just love your mind and your writing style

Love you honey xx

Carmella xx

CarmellaCCarmellaCover 2 years ago

Omg Jasmine, I just love your mind and your writing style

Love you honey xx

Carmella xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I’m a queen of spades

This is hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I've been heavily involved with BBC since college when I did a GB with 7 and seriously dated a several others. The story is not at all that difficult to believe in real life as I have probably lived the situation as told except for conceiving babies. Group fucks, passed from one to another, FF play, following their commands and wims become part of everyday BBC worship and i live it! P

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I loved it I wold like to here hosbens taking dick like that

Clarissa72Clarissa72about 4 years ago
2nd time reading...

It’s still a good story! Great job and adding the names of other women was a great distraction not only for the reader but for Ms. Crutcher 😁

GynoidG1R1GynoidG1R1over 4 years ago
Absolutely adore this...

I love this story! I know it's from 2014, but I would love to read a sequel. Or am I missing it in your story list?

bpanther777bpanther777over 4 years ago

I loved this story. Well written.

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