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Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 12

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Male CIA agent creates legend for himself before mission.
9.1k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 06/06/2018
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Before sending an operative on a clandestine operation an intelligence agency needs to create for them a synthetic identity which is called a legend. It is not common to send the operative to participate in a TV show, but modern problems require modern solutions.

Tim was the spy and Who Wanna Be a Bimbo was the chosen show. In addition to the legend, Tim could also win a significant amount of money which would at least partially finance the operation. The young agent had natural people skills which he had further developed in various courses and classes. He was intelligent and had no problems with learning in general, but memorising random facts was not his greatest strength. That was why preparations for the quiz did not go as smoothly as one would expect from a CIA agent. Tim also did not fully understand why learning French needed to be a part of the preparation, but he assumed it would later become a part of his mission. Although he was somewhat suspicious that he was not given any details of said operation before participating in the quiz. Despite these shortcomings Tim's other characteristics made him perfect for the operation; this included a decent pitch which greatly increased his language learning pace. Not that any such minor inconveniences would make him skip what seemed to be the greatest opportunity in his career.

Tim's appearance was not exactly similar to James Bond either. He was 184 centimetres tall and of slender build, but he remained in decent shape. He had youthful looks and boyish charm, but at the same time both his body and face looked somewhat androgynous. His hair which reached beyond his ears did not increase his masculinity either. He was eloquent and communicative, so he was rather popular with the ladies. That would not be a factor during the quiz though. For the show Tim put on a smart, but not too formal suit; it was tailored for him, so it lay well on his slender frame, the jacket added breadth to his shoulders.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Frank Trustworthy. Today with me is Tim. Hello, Tim."

"Hello, Frank," the contestant said with a charming smile.

"Do you wanna be a bimbo, Tim?"

"Not necessarily. I'm here mostly for fame and riches, but there are some transformations that I could find attractive and a few more that I wouldn't mind."

"That's a decent start. Which ones would you like to get?"

"Definitely Eyesight Correction," Tim replied pointing at his glasses, "I got used to these, but better eyesight would obviously be an improvement. Hair Removal would be nice too. I have a lame beard anyway and shaving my face is a chore. Keeping armpits hairless might be easy, but some body parts aren't so comfortable to shave," he added with a wink.

"I'm sure that the audience likes your way of thinking," Frank replied with a smile, "which transformations do you find tolerable?"

"The minor ones. Hair Extension, Hair Colour, Eyes Colour. Oh! There's one more that I'd like - Muscles Gain. I grew bored of being skinny regardless of exercises and diet."

"I bet that we could find a few more, if I just kept asking," the host replied with a grin, "Tim, you might simply be a bimbo in denial."

"Ha!" the contestant laughed, "I guess we'll learn soon enough, won't we?"

"We sure will. Draw the Categories."

"Recognise Tanks, National Coats of Arms, Money, God Save the King, Horses, Milestones of the XIX Century, Lord of the Rings, Mountains, Going Nuclear, Battlefields, Rise of Machines, Coffee."

"What do you think of them?"

"They sound bearable, but it always depends on the particular questions. You can't prepare for everything."

"If you want to have a chance of getting your eyes fixed, you shouldn't be prepared for everything," Frank made an exaggerated wink.

Tim just laughed in response.

"Which category for the first round?"

"Let's start with Money and hope that we'll end with it as well."

Which American president is depicted on the twenty dollar bill? Andrew Jackson. Correct. When was the most severe hyperinflation experienced, with prices doubling every fifteen hours? In Germany in 1919. WRONG. What's the currency used in Brazil? Brazilian Real. Correct. What is the currency used in Turkey? Turkish Lira. Correct. What is the number of the digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin? It's unlimited. WRONG.

"Two mistakes, Tim," the host announced, "not bad for a bimbo in denial," he added with a wink.

The contestant laughed again in response, then replied with a smile:

"I need to keep my hidden bimbo self in check, so that I can win at least some money."

"Fair enough. Draw two transformation cards."

"Leg Feminization and Double Hair Extension."

"We already know you don't mind the hair. What's your opinion on the other one?"

"It might actually be pretty good," Tim answered, "not that I crave to have feminine legs, but I've been bow-legged my entire life. I'm sure this transformation will make them more shapely, while not really hurting my masculine pride."

"A good approach for the start. Into The Chamber you go."

During his preparation Tim had spent nearly as much time watching archive episodes of the quiz, as he did learning trivia. He knew the whole routine well, but he was quickly realising how exciting the actual participation in the show was. Merely entering The Chamber made his heart beat faster, even though the transformations were perfectly acceptable. Tim closed his eyes and waited. He had been instructed behind the scenes how to behave inside of the device and what to expect, but still the intensity of the tingling came as a surprise. He resisted scratching partially because he could not scratch both of his legs and his head at the same time. Finally the sensation stopped and the door opened, so he could walk out.

The camera first focused on his head, because the hair extension was more noticeable, despite it being the less invasive of transformations. Tim's hair now reached beyond his shoulders and had also gained volume. Its colour remained a boring shade of brown, but thanks to its healthy look it seemed quite pleasant to the eye. The contestant's legs might have been still covered by trousers, but the changes made to his legs were also noticeable. Not only were they now perfectly straight and shapely, also Tim's whole body proportions were slightly altered, so that his legs became longer, even though his height remained unchanged. His entire outfit was transformed as well, so it fit just as good as previously. The audience clapped politely.

"Welcome back, Tim," the host greeted him, "you look good."

"Thank you. I agree, the changes were for the better. I used to have longer hair a few years ago, but it looked... mediocre, let's say. It looks much better after the transformation."

"We'll make a proper bimbo out of you soon."

"I'm not sure whether that's a promise or a threat," the contestant replied with a straight face.

"That's all up to you. Which category for the second round?"

"Mountains. And let's hope they're not a high obstacle to overcome."

"Are you sure you prepared for the right show? You're supposed to give answers, not crack jokes," Frank said with a smile.

"Oh, dear! I felt there was something wrong."

What is the highest mountain of North America (6190 metres)? Mount McKinley (Denali). Correct. The Matterhorn is located in two countries, one of the countries is Switzerland. What is the other one? Italy. Correct. What is the second highest mountain in the world (8614 metres)? K2. Corrent. What is the highest African mountain? Mount Kilimanjaro. Correct. How many Eight-thousanders there are? Thirteen. WRONG. Oh, yes! It's fourteen! Too late.

"Only one mistake, Tim," Frank announced, "you're slowing down on your path to bimbofication."

"I'm maintaining a healthy balance," the contestant replied with a wink.

"Draw one healthy card then."

"Height Reduction."

"We happy?"

"Not really," Tim replied, "I was perfectly content with my height. But five centimetres isn't the end of the world, so I'll keep the transformation."

"In that case go into The Chamber."

This time Tim expected the tingling, so even though the sensation occurred all over his body, he withstood it patiently. It was still a bit awkward to experience your entire body shrinking slightly. When the door to The Chamber opened and he saw himself on the large screen he could not see any difference right away, because his clothing had also been perfectly adjusted to the new body. Only when he returned to his panel and stood next to the host he realised that he had to lift his eyes slightly to look at Frank's face. The change was not necessarily welcome, but it should not shake his confidence or masculinity.

"Welcome back, Tim," the host said, "are you feeling a little different?"

"Ha! So which one of us is supposed to make the jokes," the contestant replied with a smile.

"I take it that you're not upset by the recent change. Ready for the third round?"

"Yes. National Coats of Arms."

Tim was shown five images of coats of arms and had to tell which country they represented. Recognising South Korean and Bosnian was easy, because the coats were elements which are present on the countries' flags. Mexico was an educated guess which turned out to be correct. Then there was a coat of arms that had an African feeling to it. Tim guessed Kenya and it was WRONG. Another one looked like something from the former Austrian Empire, but not Austria itself. Tim guessed again, answering Hungary, and was WRONG.

"Two mistakes, Tim," Frank announced, "you're back on the right track."

"So you're saying that merely two is enough."

"Ha! You got me. It's the bare minimum. You'll need to do better next time. But now draw two transformation cards."

"Clothes Feminization and Fetish: Rough Sex. Oh my."

"What do you think about them?" Frank asked, "this is a new fetish in our pool. It's quite self-explanatory, but I'm sure the audience would like to see its results presented on the stage."

"I'm not sure really," Tim pondered for a moment, "I guess I could live my life as a crossdresser. And I know that The Chamber can tailor my new clothes perfectly. But I feel like the rough sex is a bit too kinky for me. I'd always considered myself rather gentle and caring, not only in sex, and I don't think I want to change that. I'll disappoint the audience, take the risk and discard this transformation."

"That's your choice. Draw two new transformation cards."

"Lust Induction, Eyesight Correction. Ha!"

"A perfect trade. For the audience, because you'll get one of their favourite transformations and you, because you draw what you had wanted the most."

"I guess it's only fair," Tim shrugged, but had a smile on his face.

"Into The Chamber you go."

Tim's feelings were ambivalent. Sure, he would get his eyes fixed, which was marvellous. He did not mind the feminization of clothing much. Some people might give him awkward looks, but crossdressing was no longer THAT shocking. It was the Lust Induction that worried him the most. In the long term, it might make working in the CIA more difficult. And right now it would be harder to focus on the quiz. He could not avoid it at that point, so he just closed his eyes and waited. This time the transformations were not as invasive as previously, at least physically. The clothes felt different on his skin and there was no longer the pressure of glasses on his nose. Only a few moments later, right before the door opened, Tim could feel the internal heat and a familiar stirring in his groin. When the contestant stepped out the camera first showed a full-body shot of his person. When he looked at the screen he realised he was seeing clearly without his glasses on. His joy was so great that it even improved his reception of the sight.

The new feminine outfit was just as elegant as his suit had been. It also managed to look relatively sexy, even on his, still masculine, body. The jacket and the blouse were altered not only to appear more feminine themselves, but also to change the appearance of Tim's upper body. His slender frame turned out to be perfect for such visual manipulations. A push-up bra underneath the blouse even created an illusion of small breasts. The socks turned into sheer black stockings, the fancy loafers - into pumps on low heels, not flat though. Most importantly trousers were replaced by a skirt; it reached just below the knees, but was also tight. The overall look was a perfect combination of professional with a little bit of sexy. As the camera roamed over the contestant's body, it could not miss the bulge at his crotch.

"Welcome back, Tim," the host greeted, "I see that you like your new outfit as much as we do."

"I always try to find the positives in every situation," the contestant replied diplomatically.

"Are there any negatives though?" Frank asked with a wink.

"The newly acquired... excitement might make focusing somewhat difficult."

"But real bimbos don't need to focus too hard."

"How do you do it that you're always right?" Tim asked with a grin.

The host laughed and answered:

"Experience. Ready for the fourth round?"

"I hope so. Let's have a Coffee, maybe it'll sober me up a little."

Coffee was not a particularly difficult category, but just as Tim had feared the arousal did not help to play the quiz. Unfortunately knowing beforehand does not mean that the problem is solved.

What's the name of the chocolate-flavoured coffee? Caffè latte. WRONG. Ah, yes, it's mocha. Too late again. Caffè Americano, the style of coffee prepared by adding hot water to espresso, originated in which country? Italy. Correct. Irish coffee includes which other ingredient? Irish Whiskey of course. Correct. The fruit of the coffee tree, referred to as coffee cherry, contains how many beans? I don't know, three maybe? WRONG. Mocha, a port city famous for the coffee trade, is located in which country. Saudi Arabia. WRONG. I'm almost sure it's somewhere there though. Might be, but it's not Saudi Arabia.

"Three mistakes, Tim," Frank announced, "you're finally hitting your stride."

"You got a unique talent of convincing people that they're winning, when they should feel like they're losing."

"It's not talent, it's experience again. That and knowing the audience's expectations, which also comes from experience."

"Talking with a wise man is a pleasure in itself," Tim replied with a grin.

"Ha! You'll get even more pleasure, if you draw the right transformation cards. Three of them."

"High Heels, Hips Expansion, Butt Expansion."

"A pretty fitting set, don't you think?"

"Hard to argue with that. I guess the heels will in a way give me back the lost height. I won't say that curves are what I had craved the most, but I'm not going to complain either."

"Not complaining now means embracing later," Frank replied in a mocked mentor tone.

"I'll trust your judgement, sensei, you're the experienced one here."

"Ha!" the host laughed, then said, "enter The Chamber."

The transformations were piling up, but apart from the Lust Induction neither seemed life changing, so Tim did not despair. He might not have been exactly stoical, but he believed that he could at least adapt to the changes. Physically the changes were relatively invasive this time, but the contestant managed to withstand the process patiently. For a moment he feared that he might lose balance, when the centre of gravity of his body was altered drastically by three transformations at once, but quickly the newly acquired skills matched the changes. Finally the door opened and Tim could admire himself on the screen. Separately the transformations might have been subtle, but together they altered the appearance of his body significantly. Tim had been slender to begin with, so single hips and buttocks expansions did not turn him into JLo. But together with the heels, which had gained ten centimetres, and the tight skirt it created an attractive feminine appearance. The contestant caught himself thinking that he looked hot. The camera not only exhibited all the transformations, but also again the bulge that remained at the front of the skirt. The audience could see that Tim liked his new self and rewarded him with a loud round of applause.

"Welcome back, Tim," the host said when the audience quieted down, "you're looking better with each round."

"Thank you," the contestant replied, "I trust your experienced eye."

"Whenever someone gets the high heels transformation I ask them to do a little performance for us. Would you flaunt your newly acquired skills as well?"

"Sure. I'm curious myself."

The camera did one more close-up of Tim's shoes. Not only the heels were thirteen centimetres tall stilettos, the pumps themselves were shiny and incredibly sexy, further enhancing the contestant's emerging sex-appeal. Tim did not feel fully confident with his new body and outfit yet, but he tried to imitate a model on a catwalk and was himself surprised by how successful he was. The heels on his feet felt so right, as if he had been wearing them his entire life. The added weight around his hips made the swaying look more natural and yes, sexy; Tim was almost enchanted with himself. When the audience began to cheer he smiled out of pure content. He walked two lengths across the stage and then returned to his panel. Before he stopped, the camera made a final close-up of the bulge on his skirt, which caused him to blush.

"We're glad that you're enjoying this as much as we are, Tim," the host said with a grin.

"You're uncommonly perceptive, Frank" the contestant matched his smile.

"Experience again. Ready for round five?"

"Yes. Battlefields."

The problems with focus did not go away, but Tim was able to partially adjust to arousal. This time he had to find locations of battles on a map.

The contestant knew that the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD) took place in Germania, but was not sure where exactly. His guess was not precise enough. WRONG. He had only a vague idea about the Battle of Alesia (52 BC) and his guess was again WRONG. The Battle of Salamis (480 BC) was easy, so was The Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC); Tim pointed the locations correctly in both cases. He obviously knew about the First Battle of the Marne (fought from 5 to 12 September 1914), but pointed out its location not precisely enough. WRONG.

"Three mistakes again, Tim," Frank announced, "it seems that you've reached your proper form."

"The transformations surely helped with that," the contestant replied.

"You'll get even more of them now. Draw three transformation cards."

"Face Feminization, Hair Colour: Blonde, Lust Induction."

"Perfect, aren't they?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint the audience, but I feel like I'm already horny enough. Being aroused isn't necessarily bad, but I'd like to be able to occasionally think about something else than sex. I want to discard it."

"Because it's your second Lust Induction we're not nearly as disappointed. Draw two new transformation cards."

"Bisexuality and Sexy Voice."

"A worthy replacement, don't you think?"

"That's a good way to phrase it.

"Enter The Chamber."

When entering the device Tim felt... curiosity. The hair transformation was fine, the face and voice should be tolerable, but the bisexuality intrigued him. He had always been a ladies man, despite not being too handsome he had always been able to charm them with his personality. But he never felt any kind of sexual attraction towards men. Would the transformation make him feel the same towards men as he did to women? How would that play out in his erotic life? He knew that he would learn the answers to some of these questions during the show. His stay in The Chamber lasted about as long as previously, but the transformations did not feel as impactful, at least not physically. The contestant felt only some minor tingling all over his face and inside of his throat. When he walked out the camera focused on the only part of his body that got noticeably altered - his face. Tim had not been the most masculine of men to begin with, being borderline androgynous. He had been described in the past as a "pretty boy" or that he had a "boyish charm", but the word "handsome" had seldom been used. Now his features had been softened even further, although the prominent cheekbones remained mostly unaltered. Tim became even prettier, but also more feminine. Together with the long blonde hair most signs of masculinity had disappeared from his face. The audience welcomed him with applause. When they quieted down Frank said:

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