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Who Watches the Watchmen Ch. 02


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It was another week before I actually got to speak to Menaka. This time it was on the phone.

"What's happening with the Dara situation?" I eagerly asked.

"Is that all you care about? No questions about your son?" Menaka giggled.

"Come on! Don't play with me!"

"Okay okay. What do you want to know?"

"What has happened since you sent that email? Have you slept with him yet?"

"NO!!" Menaka emphatically said. "You have such a dirty mind!"


"Actually, things have cooled down a bit."

"What do you mean?"

"He was getting too demanding. After what I wrote to you in the email, he sneaked up whenever he could and we would make out. But his hands started wandering a lot more frequently. Once when I moved his hands away from my breasts, he angrily put them back. And then we had a bit of an argument."

"An argument?"

"Yes, he sounded very cross and said he wasn't a teenager to be happy with just kissing and hugging. He was a virile red blooded man who needed more. I argued back saying I was a married woman already giving him a lot of liberties and he should stay in his place and not get too cocky. He got upset and stormed out."

"Wow! Did he come crawling back?"

"Actually...I did something stupid. I should have let him cave and come crawling back. But I have gotten so addicted to his touch that I caved. I called him on his cellphone two days later and asked him to come see me."




"I feel embarrassed even saying this. He knew from my caving in that I had tacitly agreed to his demands. So when he started fondling my breasts, well...sorry...but I let him."

"I guess you really like his kissing, huh?"

"It's okay. I mean he's not a great kisser like you. He has thin lips, he slobbers a lot, his tongue is always poking around in a jerky motion. It's just the physical intimacy I crave, not the actual kissing. Feeling his warm skin against mine."

"So he went to town on your tits?"

"Prakash, that sounds so vulgar! But yes, he fondled my breasts over my blouse vigorously, commenting on how big and soft they were. He even took my pallu off for better access."

"And you let him?"

"It seemed practical. He then started kissing my neck as he fondled my breasts. And I found myself getting even more aroused. My breathing was heavy, my pulse had quickened and I...I actually felt myself getting moist down there."

"So he fucked you?"

"NOOOOOOOO!!" she cried out again. "You are obsessed with using vulgarity!"


"He started unhooking my blouse. And I wanted to stop him but his lips and mustache felt so nice on my neck, I didn't have the will power to do it. Plus his aggressive fondling of my breasts was also having an effect."

"Did he get to see your nipples?"

"Yes." I could hear the shame in her voice. "After he opened my blouse, he pulled my breasts out of my bra. And then started flicking the nipples with his fingers while continuing to slobber on my neck. After five minutes of that, my internal alarm went off, and I stopped him. And happy with the progress he had made, he stopped."

"You call this cooling down?" I laughed and asked.

"I'm coming to that part." she clicked her tongue and said. "Basically I made a mistake by giving in to his demands. After a couple more sessions of playing with my breasts, his hands started wandering under my waist. And I stopped him. And then we had our second argument. This was two days ago. And the impasse continues."

"'ve gotten topless with another man. That's a big step."

"Excuse me! I haven't gotten topless. I always keep my blouse and bra on. They are just...opened and moved to the side."

"Haha, big difference."

"Anyway, so that's how things stand."

We were both quiet for a few seconds.

"How often do you masturbate?" I asked Menaka.

"Prakash!!" she said loudly.

"Come on, don't tell me all this is just for making out. I am sure you are pleasuring yourself a lot after every encounter."

"Okay fine...about four five times a day. Every time after he leaves."

"Do you just play with your clit or do you also finger fuck yourself?"

"Shut up! That is too much detail! Even to give my husband."

I let it go. I asked another question which had been on my mind.

"During your sessions together...does he get hard?"

"Hehe, yes."

"And you can feel it?"

"Yes, grinding against my thighs or my hips."

"Is it big?"

"I don't know. He's never taken it out."

"Are you curious?"

"No!" she replied a little too quickly.

"Come on!"

"Okay, a little. But I don't even want to go there. I think kissing and above the waist is fine for now."

"Do you fondle his torso?"

"The last couple of times, yes. I opened his shirt and ran my hands over his lean muscular chest. He has really nice pecs."

"So what is the next step you have in mind?"

"For now, this is as far as I am willing to go. I have let this guy maul my breasts to his heart's satisfaction. I think he should be grateful rather than demanding."

"Fair enough, but you know what any man wants."

"Yeah, that I am saving for you when you return." she said and kissed the phone.

"Okay, good luck with the impasse. I hope he caves."

And then we got down to talking about the other mundane stuff.


"Oh yes, just like that. Yes...faster...ohhhh yeahhhh!"

Bella, a young Hawaiian I usually hooked up with whenever we stopped in Honolulu, was a very vocal lover. Her calves were on my shoulder as I plowed her cunt hard. We had been fucking almost half an hour, and this was the third time that day.

"YESSSSSSSSSSS!!" she hollered her way through another intense orgasm.

Once she stopped writhing, I took my erect dick out and slipped off the condom.

"Aren't you going to finish?" she asked, running her fingers through her hair. I looked at the petite beauty, covered in sweat, sprawled on the hotel bed.

"I have an appointment. Over Skype." I said. I slipped on my underwear and waited for my erection to subside.

Bella looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's with you today, Prakash? You seem like you are somewhere else mentally. You've had your eyes closed whenever we fucked, and you just...I don't seem different."

"Just work stuff." I shrugged.

How could I tell her that I had been obsessing over what was happening with Menaka and Dara. That every waking moment, even when I was having sex with someone as beautiful as Bella, my mind couldn't stop mulling over the incidents that had already taken place and the possibilities of what could happen next. I was conflicted.

Bella took the hint, got dressed and left. And I finally logged on to Skype and waited for Menaka to appear. It had been three days since we last spoke. I stared at the Skype screen for ten minutes before Menaka finally logged, later than our pre-decided time. I dialed her immediately.

"Hey honey!" I said as her face swam into view.

"Hi." She looked a little despondent.

"So did he cave?"

"Not exactly. It''s gotten a little complicated."

"How so?"

"Well, he didn't quite cave. Whenever we passed each other we would just give each other intense looks of indifference. He didn't approach me, I didn't approach him. But I guess he did decide to do something about it. Two days ago when I was returning after picking up Ayan from the school bus, I saw that Dara was standing by his shacking talking to Vimla."

"Vimla? The same one who..."

"Yes, the same maid he had been doing it with that first night. They were smiling a lot, she was giggling, and I could see that there was some sort of flirtation happening. As I walked inside the gate, Dara looked at me and gave me a sneering meaningful smile, as if to say, if you won't cooperate, I have other options. He then looked away and started talking to Vimla again. I took Ayan into the elevator and took him upstairs.I started heating milk to give him and turned the TV on for him to watch. Once I had done that, I casually strolled out to the balcony that looks over the entrance, and saw that Dara and Vimla were still talking. Dara cast a glance at me before looking away, so he knew that I was in the balcony checking on them."

"He was trying to make you jealous." I interjected.

"I guess."

"And was it working?"

Menaka was silent for a while before answering.

"Kind of. I know I had no right to feel possessive or jealous about him talking to her. In fact what they had together has been going on from before I started...experimenting with him. But still, it bothered me. I had expected him to come crawling back. And here he was with this other woman."

"Aren't you the other woman if she has been hooking up with him from before?"

"Shut up!" Menaka pouted. "Anyway, I gave Ayan his milk and a sandwich. And then went out to the balcony again. There I saw Vimla walking away from Dara. She then turned around and held up one palm showing five fingers. Dara nodded. She entered the building. Once she left, Dara looked up at me and waved. He had the bunch of buildings keys in his hand. I just turned around and walked away. I went back inside, watched TV with Ayan. It was getting to be time for his nap, so I put him down for it after about fifteen minutes. And then went to the balcony again."

"Okay." I was very curious to hear where this was going.

"In the balcony, I saw Dara wasn't around. Banke was sitting at the watchman's chair. I looked around the building compound but didn't see Dara anywhere. Nor Vimla. So i got a little suspicious."

"They were doing it on the roof!!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh! Let me tell it my way." Menaka snapped. "Yes, I thought the same thing. So I started walking up the stairs to the roof. Sure enough, the door was ajar. I walked in but couldn't hear anything. So I walked across the roof towards the water tank behind which I had seen them last time. As I approached it, I started hearing some muffled slurping noises. When I finally turned the corner, there I saw it."

"What did you see?"

"In broad daylight, Dara was leaning against the wall. And Vimla was in front of him, squatting, with his organ in her mouth. Her salwar was bunched up around her ankles."

"Wow! What did you do?"

"I...honestly...I felt a surge of anger. I angrily yelled...WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Vimla let out a high pitched cry as she noticed my presence. She looked at me and Dara in panic. Then she pulled up her salwar, and ran past me, looking terrified. I watched her sprint across the roof to the door and run out."

"Did Dara follow her?"

"No he just stood there, his penis sticking out straight. His pants were around his ankle but his shirt was still on. I couldn't help cast a glance at his penis before looking up at his face and..."

"How was it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Big? Small? Thick? Thin?"

"It was okay." Menaka evasively answered.

"Bigger than mine?" I asked. I was about 6 inches, and had never gotten any complaints.

"Not as long but thicker. But forget about that. Dara had a very annoyed expression on his face. He made no effort to pull up his pants. Just stood there glaring at me. I glared back. Finally he said, "what's your problem memsaab? You said no so I left you alone. Now you are spoiling it for me even if some other woman is willing?" I replied, "Dara, it is not appropriate to do such things in broad daylight on the roof." He said, "You're one to give lectures about appropriate, considering what we have done." He finally pulled up his pants and started taking steps towards me."

"Did he put his dick away?"

"No. It was still peeking out of his zip."

"Temptation!" I snickered. Menaka ignored my wisecrack and continued.

"He then said to me, "You are just jealous, memsaab." I laughed and said, "What nonsense? Don't be so full of yourself." although internally, I felt he had a point. He stood barely a foot away from me, his erect penis hanging between us. I couldn't help but cast another look at it. It was the first penis I had seen since yours after we got married. My natural instincts made me curious. Dara noticed that I was looking at it, He said, "Why don't you help me out, memsaab? You are very cagey about anything below your waist, but I am not shy." I looked into his eyes and snapped, "Shut up!" That's when he aggressively pushed me against the water tank."

"What????? He attacked you?"

"No, not really attack. No different from the slightly aggressive behavior he used to show before. He pushed me back and started kissing my neck."

"With his dick out?"


"Did you push him off?"

"Honestly, I only made half an attempt. I had been craving some male contact, so his warm body and his lips felt nice after the break of all those days. But I was still mindful of his wet erect penis rubbing against my thighs. He then started kissing me on the lips. And whispered, "you can touch it if you want""

"Whoa! And you did?"

"Yes." she blushed deep red as she said.

"You gave him a blowjob?" I asked, a little resentful. Menaka didn't give me blowjobs these days. At all. She had obediently done so when I asked in the early days of our marriage. but it was obvious she didn't enjoy it so I never pressed her much. I was getting enough blowjobs from the other girls anyway. And she didn't offer.

"Don't be crazy!" Menaka said. "I just...touched it and felt it a little."

"Just for a second or so?"

"Yes." she quickly said, then thoughtfully added. "No...for a few minutes. As we kissed, he told me to wrap my fingers around it. And I did. And I moved my hand back and forth. It felt so wet and slimy from Vimla's spit. It was pretty thick. I had a tough time getting my fingers even halfway around it."

"So you gave him a handjob?"

"Not fully."

"As in?"

"Well...this is where it gets embarrassingly complicated. We were hugging and kissing, with my hand wrapped around his organ for a few minutes when we both heard the door open and shut. We both instantly separated from each other. I wiped my hand on the sari and he started putting his organ back in his pants."

"Shit, who was it? One of our neighbors?"

"Worse. It was Banke, the other watchman."

"Uh oh!"

"By the time he got to us, Dara had zipped up his pants but his erection was still obvious. Banke walked around the water tank saying, "Dara, Vimla just told me that you..." and then he stopped mid-sentence with a stunned look on his face as he saw me."

"You think he guessed that you and Dara were making out?"

"For sure. because he looked very embarrassed himself. I saw him cast a look at my slightly disheveled pallu, and then I saw him furrow his brow and look at my thigh. I followed his gaze and realize that there was a dark stain of liquid on my light blue sari where Dara's organ had rubbed against it. I don't think it took him a long time to put two and two together."

"So what happened next?"

"Ironically, I found myself running out of the roof much like Vimla had."


"Don't laugh! This is serious!"

"Okay okay, sorry."

So my wife had taken another big step. Handled our watchman's dick on the roof in broad daylight while being kissed and felt up by him. And then gotten caught in the act by the other watchman.


"So what happened next?" I asked.

"I rushed down to our flat. Ayan was still sleeping. I washed my hands and changed out of that stained sari. That's when the bell rang. I went to open it and it was Dara with Banke behind him. I only opened the door half a foot and asked Dara what he wanted. He was smirking and saying shouldn't we finish what we started. I just slammed the door shut. I was really shaken up by what had happened."


"Next day when I was taking Ayan to the school bus, both Dara and Banke were standing by the gate. Dara had a smug expression on his face and Banke was suppressing a smile. I assumed that Dara had told him everything that had happened between us. And maybe that maid Vimla too. With these many people knowing, you know how the rumor mills work. I was worried that my reputation would be destroyed forever."

"Was? So you aren't anymore?" I was feeling conflicted. On one hand, the scene she described seemed intensely kinky to me. On the other hand, it was okay to do such things in secret behind closed doors, but if news of this spread, really, it could create a lot of problems.

"I still am a little bit. But later Dara came to our place and assured me that Banke had promised to keep his mouth shut. And that he hadn't told the maid anything. I was still very tense and worried. So when he hugged me and took me in his embrace, it felt reassuring. I sat with him on the couch as he kissed me, caressed me, and tried to calm me down."

"Let me guess. he tried to push the boundaries even more."

"How did you know?"

"Hehe, not to brag, but I have seduced enough women to know that the moment they are feeling vulnerable and tense is when they crave physical comfort the most."

"Well, I am not as promiscuous as you." Menaka shot back.

"Okay okay. So what happened next?"

"I was wearing a salwar kurta. As we kissed and made out, he slipped my kurta off and I let him. A few minutes later, he took my bra off. And I was completely topless in his arms for the first time. he bit and pinched my boobs so much that they had marks all over them."

"Really? Show me!"

Menaka lowered her pallu and opened her blouse. Sure enough, there were a dozen or so hickeys all over her big boobs. The watchman had really extracted full pleasure out of them. I pictured the scene of her topless in the wiry old man's arms, getting her boobs attacked. She started closing the blouse but I begged her to keep it open.

"Some random dude is getting to leave marks on them. Can't your husband just look at them over a webcam?"

"Fine. But it feels weird." Menaka complained.

"So is there more?"

"Yes." she sighed. "After a while, he moved his hand quickly and opened the knot on my salwar. That was too much. I pushed his hand away. He complained, saying why was I being so coy. I told him that he needed to respect my pace. We argued back and forth, his hand on the waist of my salwar and my hand on top of his hand. Finally he offered a compromise. That I should use my hands to "finish what I had started yesterday"."

"You mean give him a handjob?"

"Yeah." she blushed.

"And did you?"

Her silent blushing face gave the answer. I stared at my wife, sitting there blushing with her boobs covered with hickeys. How much she had changed in just a few weeks from the demure uptight housewife she used to be. She started speaking again.

"He took out his dick..." I noticed that she used that word for the first time, " was hard and leaking a little. I wrapped my fingers around it and started pumping my fist up and down while he stuck to our agreement and focused on kissing me and playing with my boobs. After a while my right hand got tired so I switched to my left hand. Ten or so minutes later, he said he was very close. he moved my hand away and started jacking it off himself."

"Wait...where did he cum? On our couch? On the floor?"

"No." she coyly answered. "On my boobs."

"Wow! And you let him?"

"It's not like I wanted it. I expected he'd spurt on the floor. But at the last minute he aimed it at my chest and..." she was too bashful to complete the sentence.

So my wife's boobs had been covered not just in hickeys but also our watchman's semen! My dick was rock hard on learning of this.

"I wasn't happy. I yelled at him as I instinctively rubbed at the sticky gooey stuff with my hands. He was just smiling. I warned him never to do it again and got up to clean myself up in the bathroom when...oh god...this is so embarrassing."


"I forgot that Dara had untied the knot on my salwar and that I had never tied it back up. So as soon as I got up, the loose salwar gave in to gravity and fell in a bunch around my ankles. And I found myself standing there in just my panties, with my butt right in front of his face."


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