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Whole New Slave Game Ch. 03

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Mining, embezzlement, sex and other business.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2017
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Chapter 3 - Mining, embezzlement, sex and other business

The Orsinov Lounge was named for the "Great Leader" before Pyotr Tolski. That there was a lounge named after Premier Orsinov at the Bolrian Lottery Corporation Headquarters was due to the fact that the Cultural Minister who founded the Lottery, Dimitry Tolski, was loyal to Orsinov even years after Orsinov's death. That Orsinov's name stayed on the lounge after Dimitry met with a fatal accident was due to the fact that Orsinov officially died of a heart attack while questioning a terrorist for the motherland. That much of Bolry seemed to think that Orsinov died from bullets fired by his own daughter, Irina, after he killed an innocent friend of Irina's, did not matter. One simply said nothing about such subjects or repeated the official lies and changed the subject. It is as if Khrushchev had never denounced Stalin and the Soviets had left all the Stalin statutes up rather than admit that Stalin was a mass murderer. Yes, even the U.S.S.R. was an honest place compared to Bolry.

Svetlana was in the lounge when I arrived. She somehow knew what I had done with Lermanov. In an amused tone, she began, "I can't believe that you actually had sex with Lermanov. There are three women in history who have gotten him to loosen his tie."

I did not inquire who the three women were. I was pretty sure they were Lermanov's wife who died reportedly during an assassination attempt on Lermanov, Svetlana and Crystal. Instead, I said, "I'm not in that exclusive club. I loosened his tie myself. Getting him to let go was a challenge; probably a nicer challenge than the one that you are now going to assign me."

"You have a client for the whole evening beginning at 22:00 in Room 708. The gentleman graciously decided that you could probably use a nap after your long flight. Blackie is not a bad fellow unless you work in one of his mines. I am sure you will show him a good time. Margaret reports that he has a few odd tastes involving placing things in body cavities. He just came onto the BLC Board in the last week.

"First, though, go to the clinic for installation of your new IUD."

"But Svetlana," I said, "I am on the pill now, why do I need an IUD?"

"Laurel," Svetlana replied, "we own your body, particularly your reproductive organs, don't ask questions. Do as I told you to do."

"What is going on with Sofia?" I asked.

"Tomorrow you will work downtown during the day going over the mess that was made in starting a casino at the Pacific Resort. Crystal, on a whim while looking at the BLC books, estimated what the payments would be and was surprised to find we were paying a lot more than she estimated. The Department of Justice investigated if there was wrongdoing but did not find anything. They think the contract is ambiguous and the contractor may be right about the amount due him. Crystal thinks the contractor is not getting all the money that we are paying. There are many problems also regarding the sale of oil through pipelines we own of oil that originates in Kazakhstan but is ultimately shipped to Germany. Our ministry of trade thought it could do this deal by itself but totally messed it up.

"Tomorrow night you have another customer. You know Daria, of course, the board member from the Security Police and an old friend of Irina. Gorski may or may not be with him. They have both been cautioned against leaving any marks on you that might be seen at the Post-Lottery party on Saturday night. Anyway, they have gotten far more mannerly since the days they assaulted me. Old age I guess, or maybe they have learned to appreciate women more.

"The usual rules will apply to the Post-Lottery party Saturday night and any activities in bedrooms or dungeons afterwards except that it will be made clear that no marks should be left that will detract from the movie starring you to be made on Tuesday."

"So, they can cause me as much pain as humanly possible but I have to be left able to look perfect three days later?"

"Precisely," Svetlana answered, "except, as you know, we have a few additional limits for the protection of our property and reputation."

On the most important topic of all, the safety and happiness of Laurel, Svetlana was no more reassuring than Lermanov had been. "Svetlana, do you think I am in any serious risk of suffering an accident over the next few months?" I asked.

Svetlana sighed and put on a face that was supposed to convey honesty, "Our property and reputation is very important to us."

It was stupid of me to ask Svetlana the question. Even if she had answered, I would not have known whether she was telling the truth or not.

Getting the IUD installed hurt sharply for a second. The doctor said I would not have periods until the IUD was removed. Great, I thought, now they can work me even harder in bed.

I got a little nap and called Mann. Fred and I talked briefly but, knowing the phones are all tapped, we just chatted about the new nanny's faults and other domestic issues at our home in Plandome Village on Long Island. It seems the nanny has a hard time using home appliances. The dishwasher was broken as well as one of the expresso makers and the toaster oven.

Up in Room 708, Blackie Kohl gave me quite a fright. He walked in with a tool bag and started by having a Scotch while asking me to slowly strip. It was hard to strip slowly given that I'd not worn much into the room.

He spontaneously started telling me in a Welsh accent of how he'd grown up in the south of Wales as a lad, gotten a job in a mine, and gotten laid off with his brother when the owners decided that there wasn't enough profit left in the mine. He and his brother broke into the closed mine and worked wildcat taking out coal and selling it for next to nothing. He would work a pick for hours on end while his brother shoveled the coal into wheel barrels. They'd take the coal out to an old truck and sell the coal to the nearest establishment that needed cheap heat and did not care if it was legal. "I was full of piss and vinegar. For hours, I had nothing to do but fantasize about how that pick would somehow break through a wall and magically there would be a hot birdie like you to fuck. I'd follow the pick to getting my rocks off so to speak. That's the only way I could keep working so long for so little. Now, I always use a pick to lead the way into the darkness."

I did not like the sound of that at all. I must have grimaced in some way.

"Oh, don't worry birdie, I don't use the sharp end of a pick with some cavities. The handle works fine going in the hole before I do. I'm going to get the pick now," he said walking back to the tool bag.

Oh my God, I thought, this isn't even funny. The BLC does not want sex slaves, particularly BDSM slaves, to resist customers but I really did not want a pick handle up my vagina, assuming that's where he planned to put it. We did have a button to push if we really felt we were in physical danger. Sofia or a member of her slave security crew should be listening in to keep me from getting hurt, but would they step in to save me from a new filthy rich member of the BLC Board? The pick handle might be huge and how clean would that thing be? The thought was so gross I was on the verge of panic. I am turned on by fear but disgust is always disgusting.

Before I had to decide whether to save myself, I saw that the "pick" was actually a strange large dildo that had a base that looked like a pick.

"Got some clever mates to make me this thing birdie. Mining tool head on one end, pleasure stick on the other. Long and black as coal and vibrates like a jackhammer, a tame, calm jackhammer that is. Now open up the mine shaft birdie for operation of the equipment."

Looking at the device and deciding it might be uncomfortable but not dangerous if handled properly, I said, "What you say this canary does a little preparation of the mine site. You don't want to raise a lot of coal dust or poison gas do you?"

"No, now that you put it that way, I've lost friends to firedamp, what do you have in mind?"

With that I reached for the lubricant that is always kept handy in BLC facilities and worked myself as loose as possible. Blackie watched attentively. When I was pretty sure I could take the tool without being injured and had put a lubricated condom on the thing, I motioned for him to move in. "But be careful not to cause the roof to collapse. This isn't long wall mining."

Blackie worked the "pick" like someone who had done a lot of mining. I focused on the vibrations, ignored the other end and soon there was a small explosion in the mine. Blackie switched to a softer piece of equipment and after much probing and vibration of equipment in the mine shaft, there were strong convulsions in the walls of the mine, another couple explosions and the mine was flooded.

There were a few more mining shifts during the course of the night and many strong vibrations that started in the mine but spread throughout my body, but I was allowed to sleep in between.

Kohl said one thing that was interesting as he left at dawn. "I had lots of fun. You're in great shape. I hope you can stay that way after the changes coming at the BLC. You broads won't run the show or expect to be babied for long. Could be big changes in Bolry." I did not pursue the comment except to say, "You get that from Walker?" "No," Blackie said, "not from Walker."

They let me sleep until 10:00 to try to sleep off the jet lag. It did not work. So, I was not completely alert when I read the Pacific Resort papers the following day. Still, it was obvious that Crystal was right about the formula. Also, the supposed ambiguity in the payment formula claimed to be present in one line on page 2 the contract was resolved in the BLC's favor later on page 12 of the contract. The payment problem should have been caught by the Pacific resort before the contractor had been paid for months under the wrong formula, but I needed to talk to accounting to see what the contractor was actually paid.

I rode back Friday night from downtown to my room at the BLC with Svetlana and several Cultural Ministry security guards. We discussed the problems on which I'd worked. She mentioned I'd be meeting Daria in Room 504. Finally, she said I was to meet her for breakfast on Saturday wearing one of my most severe power suits. "You are to look like the fierce, proud and deceitful Wall Street bitch that many believe you are." The people in Bolry don't know that Wall Street is not in Upper Manhattan where the 4S law firm offices are.

I knew I was being set up. I just did not know for what. I pushed on Svetlana again, "Svetlana, what all am I being staged for? Can't you ever be honest with me?"

"Obviously, you are being set up for the Post-Lottery party on Saturday and the movie. You are being publicized and set up as the villain so that more people will pay to see your comeuppance. The villain needs to be villainized to the max to maximize the audience's pleasure in the fall of the villain. The formula is older than Shakespeare and a staple of every melodrama and wrestling show. We've never hidden from you that we intend to make money from your pain and humiliation. This is nothing new.

"And, Laurel, you have a lot of nerve asking for honesty while you still seek constantly to improve your position through new tricks designed to keep the BLC from harming you. The BLC bonds can now be transferred without you signing transfer papers in New York but you keep signing up for insurance policies and doing other things to assure that you cannot be the victim of a suspicious looking accident without a bunch of people having cause to investigate. Because you know that the BLC can only eliminate you or cause you to disappear at great expense, you can maintain your relatively free lifestyle despite the fact we own your ass."

"I am using a bit of shark repellant," I admitted, "I realize it is not perfect. Someone who really wanted to get rid of me could take the risk and face the possible consequences but they would have to make up a pretty good story and cover a lot of tracks. But I think it helps to raise the costs of being too mean to me. Would you do otherwise?"

"No, but I would not be as clever about it as you are," she said. "But really, what are you doing getting on the Mayor's Committee on Sexual Harassment on Wall Street? Isn't that a bit rich for a deeply masochistic sex slave who got into her current predicament by using her sexuality to try to get rich and a law firm partnership?"

"Ending workplace harassment is a good cause," I answered, "and if it should ever come out that I am, or that the accident victim was, a sex slave, my being on the mayor's harassment committee would cause the Daily News, the Enquirer and other papers to cover the scandal more than they would otherwise. I know there is a distinction between my sex slavery and the situation of a victim of harassment, but the tabloids might not care about the difference."

"Yes, yes, I agree," Svetlana replied, "and you have planted all sorts of little bombs that might embarrass a lot of rich men and the Bolrian Lottery Corporation if you were to die or disappear in an inexplicable manner. Also, you have been transparent enough so that many who might want to get rid of you or cause you to disappear know about the fact that bombs will go off."

"As Dr. Strangelove said." I replied, "'the whole point of the doomsday machine is lost... if you keep it a secret!' I don't want the bombs to go off, I want to be a woman who is as happy as she can be given that she has sick inclinations and became a sex slave. That means putting some limits on what can be done to me by the likes of Walker, Fergusson and others."

"Well, Laurel, your shark repellant is good up to a point against anyone who wants to keep the Lottery Corporation secret. It is useless against persons who would want to take over Bolry and explain that the Bolrian leadership had to change because it was so corrupt that it ran a brothel of sex slaves. Your shark repellant may be attracting steppe wolves or brown bears. You might want to think about that as you go about your relentless scheming."

I had thought of that but I had no better idea than to make sure that a new little bomb was set for everyone who might be a threat. But I could not see anything to deter people who wanted to use the truth to embarrass the Bolrian government or the Lottery Corporation. All I could do was identify people with secrets, make arrangements for those secrets to be revealed if something happened to me, and let those people know of my arrangements to deter them from hurting me.

Visibly annoyed, Svetlana changed the subject slightly. "Laurel, I really ought to give you a good whipping. Nothing naturally that would violate BLC rules but something that would show you what it's like when someone who really knows how to discipline a woman handles the punishment. I am sure we would both find that most stimulating." That gave me something new to think about, which was naturally Svetlana's purpose.

Daria should not be bad, I thought as I went back to the Lottery facility after the legal work Friday. That old lecher would work me hard but not do anything too violent. I was not surprised when Daria's fellow old spook Gorski came in with him. Both Daria and Gorski were dressed as always in nondescript gray suits, perhaps suits they got when they began with the KGB in the 1970s. I was surprised when my old acquaintance Kat, once a Manhattan auditor, now Mrs. Gorski, came through the door behind Gorski. She was dressed in a tight fitting black jump suit designed with long zippers to be removed quickly.

We all embraced like intimates although I don't know if I could ever really bring myself to be really close with Daria or Gorski. They have worked for perhaps a combined 80 years to maintain totalitarian governments from the U.S.S.R. to Orsinov's dictatorship to Pyotr Tolski's so-called Republic of Bolry. Kat and I participated in many lotteries together. After I lost and the Lottery machine kept refusing to call her number, Kat proved herself to be even more of a pain slut than me by marrying Gorski and becoming in effect the official submissive groupie of the Bolrian Security Police. Gorski keeps her away from the really medieval stuff though.

"Laurel," Daria said in English, "we have interesting new electric toys to use on you. Kat got a real charge out of it." The joke did not seem quite so trite and stupid in an accent worthy of Bela Lugosi. "Gorski and I think it would be particularly interesting to use them on you and Kat at the same time," Daria added. "Please disrobe, lie on the bed and spread your legs to expose yourself completely."

Stripping and presenting myself for this treatment was very frightening. It was not too hard to see what the devices were designed to do. There were nasty looking little electric prods that came out like antennae from an ant's head with a little head on the thing that looked like an electric toothbrush only with a little soft pad instead of a brush. The three took immense pleasure in my fear and reluctance as I removed each article of clothing. Slowly, slowly and with genuine shame, I curled my red panties down my thighs knowing how very wet I was and reeking of sexual readiness.

As I had been directed, I spread my legs wide to receive the pain. Without being asked, Kat also stripped to nothing and lied down beside me on the bed but kept her left leg down so as not to block access to my frighteningly exposed pussy, trembling with conflated fear and desire.

"What is nicest is that both the amount of the electric charge and the speed of the head can be adjusted depending on how much pain and vibration you want." Daria said, before sitting just above my head on the bed, grabbing my left nipple with his right hand and using his left hand to direct the device between my thighs. Gorski did the same as to Kat except using his left hand on her right tit and controlling the device with his right hand.

Perhaps you would think after all these years that I would be used to this sort of thing as though one could get used to having root canal work or get bored by orgasms. I tried to relax and tell myself that they were just having fun, but I was as tense as can be. My body was scared, even if my mind told me that they were not going to do any damage or even try to take me beyond what I enjoy in some sense.

When the electricity started to flow from prod to prod right through my most private parts, I reflexively started to close my legs. This motion was stopped by Daria squeezing my nipple as painfully as one could without leaving a bruise. Kat, of course, held her legs open like she could not get enough voltage firing between her labia. "Laurel," Daria noted, "you have hardly had any shock at all. I can turn this thing way up from here." He proceeded to prove that and I got a charge that was somewhere between erotic and intolerable. I was later told that he had the thing up to 4 out of 10. I pitied anyone who felt it at even 6.

After the vibrating pad was set in motion around and on my clitoris with the electricity flowing across my pussy, I began to orgasm convulsively. This amused Daria and Gorski no end. Kat had a similar reaction. The men did not stop working us. I think Kat and I both went into hyper-drive.

Daria and Gorski eventually let us both rest. Gorski explained that these pieces of equipment would be very useful in interrogations as they could be set to deliver heaven or hell at the flick of a wrist. Kat agreed that mixing pleasure with pain might get a prisoner to cooperate more quickly as she would feel like she had something to live for but that would only work if she thought she might survive if she cooperated. Daria insisted, "We never kill anyone unnecessarily, at least not under Tolski, especially beautiful women. I think almost all women are beautiful."


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