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Whole New Slave Game Ch. 11

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Security Police, Kidnapping, and a Hot New Slave.
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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2017
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Chapter 11. Assault by Security Police and worse


I have been writing all this as I go along. I have time between meetings, flights, and sex. Although some of these events have involved different kinds of pain I don't enjoy, it is less horrible to write about the past than to worry about the future.

Now I write on August 1 about the last week of July. They've not assigned me any sex partners for tonight. This is sort of ominous. I'd rather be taking abuse than not getting any attention. I am getting less than no attention from people on whom I used to rely in Bolry. They are treating me as a dead woman walking. This is particularly unsettling given the horrible threats I received yesterday.

I thought I would be allowed to go back to New York, July 25, the Monday after the Whole New Game. A message on my phone Sunday, eight days ago, said that I would be in Bolry at least another week. I was devastated.

I learned minutes later from an email from Kurbetski that Tuesday I was to be in attendance at a cabinet meeting to discuss new long-term mineral exploration franchises, a request from the United States to join a boycott against North Korea, and a trade agreement with China.

Next a message from the Lottery dispatcher assigned me to sleep with one of the men who had come for the Whole New Game Sunday night and another one on Monday night. This sex work looked safe and normal. Sunday and Monday would have been peaceful enough if I was not so tired of the tension and being away from home.

Tuesday morning, I received a message to just rest after the Cabinet meeting Tuesday because Wednesday would be the trip to service the Bolrian Security Police. A trip to the BSP had been mentioned weeks ago but I had sort of hoped that it would be dropped. The message mentioned that Ludmila, and Irina would be with me. That I would not be the sole focus of the sadistic sexual attention of 20 or 30 totalitarian thugs was better, but I wondered about the choices. All the women involved in the trip to the BSP are also involved in the ongoing political intrigue.

That the email said that I would have Thursday off to recover was not comforting. It meant that the BSP had been given license to really work us over on Wednesday. Just how I got these appointments was not clear. They could have been routine appointments for sex work but, Svetlana and Vadimovich had access to the appointment process and could be sending me to places they thought I should be for their own reasons.

I am not going to describe my daily exercises, calls with Fred, or all of the jobs in the office or in bed that occurred. That's not to say that the sex work, particularly the BDSM sex work, is ever less than interesting for me. Even if one has had a root canal a dozen times, it can't be called boring to go to the dentist for another one. The same can be said about being tied up and flagellated or having to present one's breasts for too much attention by too many men or being brought to a half-dozen orgasms in a night. Strong sensations can be bad or good at the time they are experienced, but never boring. I've never had an orgasm I thought was boring at the time.

The Cabinet meeting Tuesday resolved to grant the exploration franchises, ignore the U.S. request, and send a mission to China. Tuesday night, I had to myself with my worries. I worked out more than usual in the gym to work off tension. Also, I hoped that if I worked hard in the gym the BLC would let me eat more and better someday.


I dressed light and plainly for the trip to the BSP. It was a warm day and the BSP agents frequently rip a woman's clothing off. There is no point in having something nice ripped off. I wore a cheap summer dress, panties and flip flops. Having had much experience with the Security Police, Irina and Ludmila were dressed pretty much like me.

Irina, Ludmila and I made certain not to talk about anything too interesting in the car. We did not trust the driver. How could one trust anyone? Thinking the car was bugged and hoping that whatever I said might somehow get back to the BLC doctors and dieticians, I spent most of the ride speaking of how hard I had been working out, how I was losing weight in places the BLC would not want me to lose weight, that the food quality seemed to be worse and that I was hungry all the time.

I did not expect that we'd have trouble getting into the building but the metal detector went off on each of us. The security guards chuckled that one could never be too careful with women like us. We each had to strip to nothing. We still set off the machines. Pirko Dupov who had arrived at the door commented that the machines were oversensitive as he frisked our breasts "to make sure they did not contain any weapons."

In fairness to the guards, Irina did kill someone in the building twenty years before, but she obtained the Lugar after she entered the building.

That Dupov was there was in itself very interesting. He had not been lying about being a BSP agent.

In the foyer, Dvorzhinski was talking to Fortmanov! It definitely looked like the BSP was in on whatever Dupov and Fortmanov had planned. Dvorzhinski, however, did not stay with us long. After shaking hands with Fortmanov and nodding to the rest of us, he said he had business across town and left.

We were next led into a conference room in which sat Gorsuchin, Ignat and a very large man. Ignat and the large man nodded to Fortmanov as he entered as though they worked for him. Fortmanov said to Irina, Ludmila and me, "You are to present your beautiful breasts to Pirko and my two friends so that they can maul them." Reluctantly but like good sex slaves, we did as we were told. Soon my breasts were being teased, weighed, squeezed and whacked by the big guy.

"As you can see," Dupov said while addressing Fortmanov and Gorsuch and pinching Irina's nipples, "Irina, Ludmila and Laurel are all going to be very cooperative."

I wondered if Dupov meant cooperative as sex slaves or cooperative as traitors and wondered whether Dupov meant to leave that point unclear.

Dupov next said, "Ladies, as you know, you are here to be subjected to the BSP's new electronic devices and gang banged. Unfortunately, Mr. Gorsuchin, Mr. Fortmanov, Ignat, Vitaly and I do not have time to take part in all the fun. Maybe in a week or so we can gather again. For now, I think we will just take you in this conference center before sending you off to have your shocking experiences."

Gorsuchin took Irina, Dupov and Ignat grabbed Ludmila, and Fortmanov and Vitaly took me off to a side room. That is not how we would have been distributed were it my choice.

Fortmanov entered me standing with my back to the wall. His penis was remarkably close to the right height for my pussy. With the all the tension and fear, I responded to his thrusts the best I could. I had the usual physical reaction which I enjoyed while hating the fact I enjoyed it while thinking that it really was better I enjoyed it given that the activity that had provoked it was unavoidable. I made no effort to hide my orgasm.

Fortmanov put his pants back on and said, "Vitaly, as you saw and heard, this cunt is remarkable in her ability to provoke and enjoy lust. I doubt, though, she can enjoy what you have to offer if it is presented swiftly up her ass. But she has earned that and more for what a nuisance she's been."

Vitaly's penis was revealed to be proportional to the rest of him. I was pushed up against a counter on which there was a coffee machine. My breasts hung down onto where one pours in the water.

I have had a lot of traffic up my butt and I'd prudently used some lubrication before I entered the building. It did not hurt much. I am sure that there are ways that I could have enjoyed sex with Vitaly, but I gathered that was not part of their plans. I wondered if Vitaly preferred to use women like calf's liver, or if he was just following orders from Fortmanov to be an asshole.

When Vitaly was done, Fortmanov said to me, "You will get one more chance to save the big beautiful Bolrian Lottery Cooperation in its current form as well as your friends and the rest of the elements of your life. Otherwise, we will all just have to salvage as much as we can, which won't include much of you."

With that he left. In a minute or so, I was back in the main conference room with Ludmila, Irina and about ten BSP agents including Toma Kleppov and two other females.

One might have thought that Kleppov, having so nearly have become a BDSM slave herself and still facing a one in twelve chance of becoming one, might have been a bit circumspect in her approach to Ludmila, Irina and me. That was not the case. The other nine agents with her as well as the additional four who met us in the demonstration room were not gentle either.

First, though, we were run through a shower. I was pleased to get Fortmanov's odor off me.

There were three beds in the middle of the large room, each with a camera with a projection screen behind it. We were attached to the beds spread eagle.

Irina, Ludmila and I are used to the flagellation and electric prods. This is not to say that they do not hurt and leave me in a state of confused tension thirsting for release. That generally follows soon enough.

We are much less accustomed to being aroused slowly and fully and left without satisfaction. There are a number of reasons for this. First, Svetlana likes orgasms. Also, she knows her sex slaves like orgasms. Allowing the slaves no sexual release would quickly lead the women bringing in the money to despair and to becoming much less productive. Also, almost all of the customers wants us to experience an orgasm. If they wanted to have sex with women who were frigid or fakers, they could get that much more cheaply.

Toma Kleppov and the two other BSP female agents each went at one of us with soft caresses, feathers and the most gentle of electric charges on our breasts, ribs, backs, soles of our feet and inside of our thighs. There was no direct stimulation of our genitals whatsoever. It went on like this for a long time. It was evident that they had studied this a great deal and gotten very good at it.

The sixty or more year old BSP agent who worked on me looked like someone's incredibly sadistic great aunt. Hungry, tense and very worried about the day and my future in general, I did not need this.

It seemed this was building up to one of those scenes in which the master asked the sub to beg to be fucked in some humiliating way. I would have begged most convincingly without the least bit of shame. Instead, I was blindfolded, headphones with white noise were put on my head and all sensation stopped other than that of my body on the bed. I proved to myself that I could not orgasm from Kegel exercises or thoughts alone and wondered how one decided to go into the profession of being a Gestapo, KGB or Stasi agent.

I don't know how long we were left that way. Finally, my blindfold was taken off and I could see that Irina and Ludmila had gotten the same treatment that I had received. Headphones were removed; Irina, Ludmila and I sat up. We moved directly to something like the beg for release scene I had expected.

Gorski, Daria and Kat were there laughing in front of a crowd of BSP agents including Pirko Dupov. Daria said, "The Bolrian Lottery Corporation has various rules for customers that it has imposed in order to keep its promises to women who have agreed to participate in the Lottery and avoid damaging its BDSM sex slaves. Normal sex slaves are not assigned more than three men a night after their initiation. I have been told that gangbangs on ladies who became BDSM slaves are now limited to eight men a night.

"This rule is a problem for the Security Police today as we have 34 men and 4 women who wish to participate. The rule seems rather restrictive as the world record gangbang is somewhere around 1000 now. I am certain that ambitious porn stars will see the record as a goal not a limit."

I sort of like the 8-man rule. Assuming each man is in me 3 or 4 times in a night, that can be 30 sex acts. Somewhere over 20 I get so tired that I am not really a participant, only a living sex toy.

Daria continued, "We certainly do not wish to break any rules but believe that you three could simply waive the limits. After all, you are allowed to consent to sex that is not required of you. It would be coercion, though, to force you to accept anything. Accordingly, if you don't wish to accommodate our whole group, you will be released immediately, you can put on your clothing and a driver will take you back to the BLC Headquarters. If you stay, though, you will accommodate us all and also amuse us by testing out certain fun mechanical devices we have acquired."

Irina, Ludmila and I smiled at each other knowing that Daria knew us well enough to know we would not disappoint his friends. It would be stupid politically and, yes, they had succeeded in making me horny as all hell. Irina, Ludmila and I quickly said "Da" and we were off to the races.

It is amazing how quickly the three of us got through the 34 men. We did 2 or 3 at a time, using our mouths to pleasure men and the four women (counting Kat). Over the two hours or so the first round went on, I relieved myself of much of the desire that had been built up. I think I accommodated 12 men and two women, but I was not always sure when one man left and another entered.

I almost fell in love with brutal lecherous Daria when he offered me a ham sandwich during the first break. He'd not taken part in the gangbang. Probably some sort of internal code said that chiefs and Indians should not screw at the same time and place. As I wolfed down the sandwich, I did not care how many murders that man had committed.

I was tired during the second round but I was able to take more time because this round Kat and the three female BSP agents were accepting cocks also. A ratio of seven women to thirty-four men seemed almost romantic.

I thought we would probably finish for the night after the third round. There are not many men who want sex more than three times in a day unless they are going for some record like Phil Clark. Daria, though, reminded us that mechanical devices would be involved.

After a third break and trips to the shower and toilet, Irina, Ludmila and I were spread wide and bound in such a way that we could not close our legs. Soon some sort of machine with a large dildo head coming from it was rolled up between our legs. A condom was put on the dildo and both the dildo and my pussy were well lubricated.

I had never been on a fucking machine before. I don't really see the point. I have never had trouble reaching an orgasm. Isn't the point for me to give pleasure to customers?

Daria explained, "We bought these devices but none of our women wanted to be the guinea pig. We are pretty sure they are safe, but we want to know if they are effective.

"We'd not know if they were effective on you three normally because you are all so remarkably multi-orgasmic anyway. But we think if they make you come even after you have had a great deal of sex, that they would probably be effective on the normal woman under normal circumstances. Also, we will have these wonderful movies of you."

Daria's reasoning was badly flawed, but, alright bring it on, I thought. They got a fine movie of me, Irina and Ludmila having orgasms. I closed my eyes, tried to push the machine sounds out of my head and fantasized I was being taken by a gladiator before a coliseum full of spectators. He was a bit too steady but he was strong and I could vary the feelings with my movements and thoughts.

The BSP only required two orgasms of each of us to complete their product research.

I reflected on what had happened in my body while the machine was shut down and the dildo removed. Is it all just a physical process? Do I go on like a light bulb if I get the right rub or charge?

Interestingly, Dupov and Daria were having similar thoughts. Dupov began a discussion by saying that the whole process of sexual pleasure was just mechanical as proven by the fact that the three of us got off from a machine. Daria said that was ridiculous. "The women bring much that is mental to the machine or the machine would be pointless. Also, sexual pleasure is much more than having orgasms or no one would ever pay a prostitute for what you can provide with your own hand. The machine provides a stimulus that, used properly by conscious actors, can replicate a portion of the sexual experience."

I agreed with Daria. "First, call me old fashioned but sex with a partner I like who I am trying to please and who is trying to please me is my first choice. Also, while the machine is providing stimulus, I am not thinking about the machine as I build to an orgasm. I am thinking about lovers, maybe not anyone in particular, but human lovers. The machine beats someone who is just trying to use me in a non-reciprocal manner, like the worst of you men, but the machine only really works to give pleasure to me because I can use my mind to imagine I am not on a machine. Also, it should be noted that we did this before a human audience and the knowledge of being viewed was part of the experience. At least that's how I feel. I guess I can't speak for everyone. Maybe some women like feeling like they are having a totally impersonal experience, but I really don't think that's the majority."

Daria, the romantic totalitarian, said, "I think that settles it. If Laurel does not understand sex, no one does." Dupov laughed. I wondered if Dupov was ever honest about anything.


Thursday, I slept in, swam and read papers and Russian novels.

I did not mind that few were paying attention to me at the Shades of Pain reception that night. Again, I focused on the food. I did have a brief chat with Freya who was naturally tense about her upcoming chance at a lifetime of sex slavery. She said that she admired me even if she would never want to be me, particularly if she became a slave.

I wasn't sure what she meant and don't know what people say about me around Bolry or New York. I guess it is not all negative.

Crystal, who'd suddenly gotten back to town, spent most of her time with Dupov at the reception. What could that mean?

Svetlana, dressed in an attractive but not overly provocative manner, was still avoiding me, or maybe I was avoiding her? She seemed to have a lot to say to Kurbetski but maybe that was just a pose?

Off in a corner, Walker told me that almost all of the sex slaves were going back to the Resort that night to keep them out of harm's way. "I'm worried about you Laurel. Whoever is running things has definitely left you on the firing line along with Irina. As one of your sponsors, I really think you should let me fly you out of here as soon as possible. I don't know what's going on, but Bolry is gonna blow. You could be my own personal slave in Texas."

Now that was a thought. Naturally, I was scared and would have liked to get out of Bolry ASAP, but not with Walker. I thought of my family, my acquaintances in Bolry that I somehow thought of as friends, and the fact that ownership by the Bolrian Lottery Corporation was undoubtedly better than ownership by Walker. I was feeling isolated but was that so bad?

I felt differently about my isolation Friday morning. I received a message to go downtown, put all my legal projects in as complete a form as possible and to leave notes about any essential matters that needed to be addressed. Looked like they were preparing for what needed to be done post-Laurel.

I put in a full day of work doing as I had been told to do. At the end of the day, I left to get into the car that had been ordered. As I walked for my car, I saw Dvorzhinski and Irina walk out of Executive Building together like old friends. I then got into the big SUV I thought was going to take me back to the BLC headquarters.

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