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Click here"Yes, ma'am, I do," Jacob replied. He motioned his head towards the couch and added, "Over there... in my bookbag."
Karen stepped back as a sign for Jacob to fetch one of the protective sleeves. With slight desperation in her voice, she said, "You should hurry... we don't have much time."
Jacob hopped out of his dad's La-Z-Boy and went straight to the sofa. While he rummaged around in his bookbag for a condom, Karen stood behind him and reached under her dress. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her cotton panties and pulled them down over her wide hips. The sodden garment slid down her long legs and pooled around her feet. "Found it!" Jacob exclaimed. He turned around just in time to see his mother stepping out of her white bikini-cut underwear.
After Karen dropped her panties onto the couch cushion, she took the condom from Jacob. As she ripped open the package, the horny mom looked into her son's eyes and said, "Go ahead and take a seat. I'll get you suited up."
Minutes later, Karen and Jacob were on the couch. The dutiful mother sat on her son's lap, facing away from him while bouncing on his incredible dick. Jacob's cock entered her vagina at a different angle in this position, hitting untouched areas deep inside and igniting sparks of new feelings and sensations.
Karen still wore her yellow sundress, however. She had the skirt bunched up around her waist, and several buttons were undone down the front, exposing her lacy white bra. Gasps of delight escaped her beautiful mouth in perfect rhythm with the creaking springs of the family room sofa. A lewd slapping sound rang out each time her big bubbly ass cheeks made contact with Jacob's skinny thighs.
Jacob groaned from the pure pleasure of having his mother on his lap, impaling herself on his rigid teenage cock. With his pants down around his ankles, he rested his head against Karen's back. His arms wrapped around his mom's waist while his youthful hands groped at the fleshy melons stuffed inside her overworked bra.
Karen just happened to catch sight of the family portrait that hung on the wall. The photo was taken years ago when Rachel was just starting high school, and her little man was still pure and innocent.
Sensing the judgmental gaze of the four people in the portrait, Karen couldn't help but feel guilt grip her heart. However, the wave of self-reproach she experienced was not near enough to stop her from riding her son like a rented mule and finally reaching her long-awaited release.
"Oh, Jake!! Ohhhh yeeessss!!!!!" Karen called out as the much-needed orgasm lit up her nerve endings like a Christmas tree. She threw her head back and yelled out in victory, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The middle-aged mother's voluptuous body violently twitched from the electric-like pulses of ecstasy.
It took no time at all for Karen to recover. As much pleasure as she felt from the first climax, she could sense another mind-blowing wave quickly building. The unsatisfied mother instantly regained her rhythmic bouncing as she chased after a second release.
Jacob could feel the exquisite torment of his bloated testicles about to boil over. He sank back into the couch, grabbed his mother's matronly hips, and mumbled, "Mom... It's happening!! Oh, Mom!! I'm gonna... cum!!!"
Suddenly they heard the familiar humming sound of the garage door opening announcing Robert's early arrival. Sensing her son's body tense up with fear, Karen shook her head in defiance and said with a shakey voice, "We are... not... stopping!"
Karen's body was aflame with desire, and she was downright determined not only to take care of her son... but also herself. Because of the hormones, she had needed this all day, and the desperate mother was not about to be denied again.
Karen then sped up the piston-like movements of her gyrating hips and continued, "We have time, Sweetie... yes... oh yes!! Just relax and let it... happen... relax and... FFFFINNNIISSSHHHH!!"
Karen couldn't help but arch her back and shout as a second and more powerful orgasm ripped through her buxom body. "OH MMYYYYY... GGAAAAAAA!!!!" The euphoric tide rolled from her vagina, flowed up her spine, and into her wobbling boobs, causing her tingling nipples to excrete jets of breast milk into the lacy cups of her tight-fitting bra.
Jacob's eyes bugged out when he felt his mother's steaming hot pussy clutch even tighter around his pulsing shaft. As his prick began firing huge ropes of semen into the condom, he cried out, "OH MOM!! THAT FEELS SO... AWESOME!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
Luckily for them, the garage was on the other side of the house. If not for that, Robert, who was finishing a call and collecting his briefcase and other items from the backseat, would surely have heard his wife and son caught up in the passion of their unholy union of sin and blasphemy.
With her eyes closed and catching her breath, Karen remained sitting on Jacob's lap. The now satisfied mother, lost in post-orgasmic bliss, gave a contented sigh while relishing the tiny aftershocks rippling through her vagina.
Karen could sense the dampness inside her lacy bra cups from lactating during the second glorious orgasm. She now wished she had faced the other way on Jacob's lap so that she could have felt the exhilaration of her son suckling at her breast while feeding him her sweet mommy milk.
"Mom?" Jacob whispered from behind her. "Maybe we should get up. Dad's home... remember?" On top of that, he also needed Karen to get up off his lap. He didn't want to make the same mistake as last time and offend his mother by saying she was beginning to get heavy.
Karen's eyes flew open and she gasped, "Oh my goodness... I almost forgot." She quickly stood up and carefully dislodged herself from her son's deflating cock. The skirt fell back into place, covering the beautiful cheeks of her big and perfectly round backside.
While frantically refastening the buttons on her dress, Karen heard the faint sound of Robert's car door slam shut. After a quick glance in the direction of the garage, the mother looked down at her son and said, "Quick... go to your room and get cleaned up, then make sure you properly dispose of that condom."
Jacob nodded, stood up from the sofa, and pulled his pants halfway up. After grabbing his bookbag and starting to walk awkwardly out of the room, Karen added, "Be careful, Jake... don't drip anything on my floors. And don't forget what I said about cleaning your room!!"
As he rushed up the stairs as best he could, Jacob called back, "Yes, ma'am... I'll take care of it!!"
Hearing the entry door from the garage to the kitchen open, Karen collected her panties from the sofa cushion. She then quickly darted into the downstairs powder room to straighten herself up before going to greet her husband, who was home from a long day at the office.
Later that night, Jacob was in his bedroom when he heard a gentle tap on the door. "Come in," he called out.
"Hey, Sweetie," Karen greeted him as she entered the room and was happily surprised to find he had followed her directions and cleaned up. "Good job Jake... it looks much better in here."
Karen noticed Jacob standing in his closet with an opened suitcase on his bed. As she took a seat beside the piece of luggage, the curious mom peeked inside to find underwear, socks, and undershirts. Karen then asked, "What 'ya doing?"
While sorting through his clothes, Jacob replied, "Just thought I would get a head start on packing for our trip to Atlanta this weekend." He turned around to face Karen and noticed her wearing a spaghetti strap tank top and matching pajama shorts. The neckline dipped down just enough to give him a peek at the creamy swells of her large breasts. Trying to refocus, he asked, "Which uh... suit did you want me to take?"
Karen waved him off. "Don't worry about the suit. You just pack your normal stuff, and I'll take care of the dress clothes." She then smiled and added, "Oh, that reminds me... last week at the mall, I found you a really nice tie to wear. A proper one actually... not one of those hideous clip-on types you insist on using."
Jacob plopped down beside Karen on the bed. "I appreciate it, Mom, but I don't even know how to tie a real one."
"It's easy, Silly," Karen replied while nudging Jacob with her shoulder. "I'm sure your dad can teach you... he wears one every day." She patted his knee and added, "And of course, your old mom could show you also."
Jacob chuckled, "You're not old, Mom... far from it." He then looked up into Karen's warm hazel eyes and suddenly was overcome by a desire to kiss his beautiful mother. It was strangely similar to the feelings he experienced not long ago when his sister Rachel was sitting on his bed in the exact same spot.
Jacob couldn't help but wonder what his mom's lips would be like. Would they have the same sweet cherry flavor as Rachel's? Would they resemble Sara's and be soft like rose petals? He never gave it any thought before, but now the teenager felt an intense yearning to find out.
"Mom," Jacob began. "I may not say it enough, but I want to thank you for taking care of me."
Karen smiled, "Oh, Sweetie... you're welcome." She leaned in towards Jacob and added, "Remember... I'm your mother... it's my job to take care of you."
"Seriously," Jacob added softly. "I'm not just talking about you helping me with my situation. I mean all the stuff you do... the sacrifices you make... each and every day." He paused for a second, then added, "Mom... I would simply be lost without you." While holding his mother's gaze, the teenager leaned up to press his mouth against Karen's full juicy lips.
Shocked by her son's actions, Karen reared back, put her hand on his chest, and asked, "Jacob Mitchell? What in the world are you doing?"
Feeling slightly embarrassed from being rejected, Jacob replied, "I--I was just trying to kiss you."
Cutting her eyes at Jacob, Karen asked, "And what pray tell gave you the idea that was acceptable?"
Shrugging his shoulders, Jacob replied, "Well... I mean... c'mon, Mom. We've been... you know..." He then lowered his voice and added, "Having sex. Wouldn't kissing be something normal by now?"
Karen dropped her head and sighed. She then looked back up at Jacob and softened her tone, "Jake Honey... kissing on the mouth like that is for love... not necessarily sex."
"But Mom, we love each other... right?" Jacob asked with confusion.
Nodding, Karen confirmed, "Yes, of course, we do."
"So, what's the problem?" Jacob inquired with a hint of sadness.
Karen sighed then said, "Look, Sweetie... you are my child... my son... and I love you more than anything on God's green earth, but... not in that way. Kissing is for romantic love, which I have with your father. For a mother and son to kiss in that fashion would be... well... highly inappropriate."
Jacob quickly retorted, "Mom... I'm confused. You're telling me it's inappropriate for us to kiss on the mouth, but it's okay for us to have sex?"
Karen shook her head and replied emphatically, "No, of course not. Jake... when we have se-...." She glanced over at the closed door and restarted, "When I "help" you, I do it to relieve your pain and suffering due to a medical condition... sort of like a nurse or a caregiver." With her hand, she then brushed the hair on Jacob's forehead and added, "Since romantic kissing is unnecessary for the situation, it would not be proper. I should only kiss your father that way, and I hope you understand that's how it has to be... okay?"
Jacob was not happy but reluctantly nodded in agreement. He would let it go for now but was also determined to breach this barrier eventually.
"Besides..." Karen started with a smile. "I think I know of a young woman you would rather be kissing more than me anyhow."
A smile crept on Jacob's face, "You mean.... Sara?"
Karen rolled her eyes. "Yes! Sara, you goofball... duh!!" To try and steer him away from the subject, she then leaned in and asked, "So how are things going with you two?"
Nodding emphatically, Jacob replied, "Pretty good, I think. We hung out at school a lot this week. I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could since I will not be able to see her this weekend."
"Well, I do know one thing," Karen said with a smile. "You must have made a very good impression with Mrs. Miller the other day at the cookout."
Leaning back, Jacob replied nervously, "I did? How do you mean?"
Karen said, "Well... she just happened to call me earlier and asked if you could come over to their house tomorrow after school."
Jacob scrunched his brow and asked, "Tomorrow? I thought Sara and Pastor Miller were going to Augusta for the day. They're supposed to attend some Father-Daughter Christian Conference thing."
Karen nodded. "They are... but Mrs. Miller wants you to come over while they're gone and set up a new computer. They purchased it as a surprise gift for Sara."
"She wants me to set it up... why?" Jacob asked with a hint of suspicion.
Karen replied, "Well, a while back, I may have let it slip that you are kind of a whiz when it comes to computers and things of that nature. I told her if they ever needed help with anything to do with electronics, that you would be happy to help." She scrunched her face and added, "I hope you don't mind?"
Jacob shook his head, "No... I don't mind at all. In fact, I'd be happy to help Mrs. Miller any way I can. I'll go over there right after school."
With a smile of relief, Karen said, "That's what I was hoping you would say. Besides, it never hurts to score a few extra brownie points with a girl's mom... especially a mother like Donna Miller."
Putting up his hand, Jacob replied, "Oh believe me... when it comes to Mrs. Miller, I want to take every opportunity to score as many points with her as possible."
Karen's beautiful mouth spread into a big smile. She ruffled Jacob's hair and said proudly, "That's my smart little man. I'll go let her know that you'll come over tomorrow right after school." The proud mom then stood up, leaned over, and kissed the top of his head. As she walked to the door to leave, she said, "Now don't stay up too late... you have school in the morning."
"Don't worry... I won't." Jacob replied as he walked back over to his closet. "I'm gonna hit the sack as soon as I finish some more packing."
Before closing the door behind her, Karen said, "Okay... see you in the morning. Love you, Sweetie."
As Jacob collected the box of condoms hidden in the back of the closet, he replied, "Good night, Mom... love you too." After Karen softly closed the door, Jacob walked back to his suitcase. He then pulled two foil packs out of the box and buried them between his undershirts. With his dad along on the trip, he was not sure if there would be an opportunity to use the condoms or not, but like his mom always tells him, he should prepare for anything.
A little while later, Jacob lay in bed staring up at the ceiling with his mind racing. Since there had been no contact with Sara's mother since Saturday night, he felt nervous excitement about going over to the Miller's tomorrow after school.
Jacob wondered what might happen with being alone with Mrs. Miller again. Would there be any uncomfortable tension between them? Should he just comply with what Mrs. Miller demanded and act as if nothing happened on Saturday night?
Then there is the question concerning Sara. With what Mrs. Miller now knew about his condition, would she allow him to continue dating her daughter?
Jacob sensed that he could be walking into the lion's den tomorrow afternoon, and he may need to score points with the gorgeous mother in more ways than one. With that in mind, he followed his mom's sound advice. When finishing up his packing earlier, the cautious teenager also hid a condom in his bookbag.... just to be safe.
Fantastic story. So well put together. Such a good mange of time..and the thing never stop to build up. Thanks a lot
So, there's no proof that whoever the OP named is truly O_S. Most likely it isn't. In fact, after through research, I believe that O_S is a 47-year-old inmate at FCI Otisville who is serving seven years for bank fraud.
Why the actual fuck would you think it’s ok to say the private info of a member on this site!?